Is it possible to feed a cat raw chicken: all the features of “cat cooking”

Principles of natural food feeding

When organizing natural feeding of a cat, the main task of the owner is to create a diet as close as possible to the “menu” of the pet in nature. Unlike relatively omnivorous dogs, cats are obligate (obligate) carnivores. They feed on the carcasses of small rodents and birds, obtaining from them all the necessary nutritional elements. They eat several times a day, in small portions. The digestive system of representatives of the cat family is adjusted to this method and type of nutrition.

Meat main component

They are characterized by a protein-fat type of metabolism. The enzymes necessary for the breakdown of carbohydrates in the gastrointestinal tract of predators are not synthesized, therefore, carbohydrates are not absorbed. They are needed in small quantities for normal bowel function.

At home, it is almost impossible to accurately recreate the natural feeding of pets. It is difficult to imagine an owner who would agree to release laboratory mice or birds into the apartment so that the cat could hunt them as needed. Conscientious owners try to artificially bring the cat’s nutrition closer to the ideal.

The first thing you need to decide is how to eat. There are three options:

  • Free access;
  • serving size limitation;
  • time mode.

They all have pros and cons. Feeding with a certain frequency, at a constant time, helps control the amount of food consumed, stabilizes the functioning of the digestive system, and helps prevent obesity.

Free access to food is closer to the cat's natural diet. She can control her “reserves” and feels and behaves more calmly. At the same time, the owner may not immediately notice problems with the cat’s appetite or overeating when feeding this way. This type of meal arrangement is especially dangerous when there are several cats living in the house. The free access method is not suitable for individuals who lack a sense of proportion. There are quite a lot of such cats; they eat the entire portion at once, no matter how large it is, and then quickly gain excess weight.

Toyger cats, description, history of the breed, photos and price in rubles for kittens

Pets with such eating habits should be given a limited amount of low-calorie, fiber-enriched food. If there is no possibility of constant control, it is better to feed the cat according to the schedule.

Clean water should always be available. Cats are desert animals and have less need for fluid, but it is necessary for normal kidney function.

What types are prohibited

It is strictly forbidden to feed cats meat in the following form:

  1. Fresh steamy. In its unprocessed form it may contain eggs of endoparasites, insects, larvae and pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Smoked. The smoke used for cooking contains volatile chemical compounds. They provoke cancerous degeneration of cells. The product can be doused with special liquids to give it a smoked appearance, which destroy the gastric mucosa.
  3. Canned. Contains food additives and chemical compounds that can cause poisoning.
  4. Dried. Various spices, salt, vinegar can provoke an allergic reaction.
  5. Fried. Vegetable oil and melted fat of animal origin cause metabolic disorders and impair the functioning of the digestive system.
  6. Pureeed. Your pet's teeth should be subject to stress. Otherwise, they become brittle and break.
  7. Salty. Sodium chloride causes water-electrolyte imbalance and dehydration.
  8. Waste. Small fragments of bones and paws injure the mucous membranes of the esophagus and gastrointestinal tract.

It is forbidden to give cats large pieces of meat - larger than 2 cm in size. They are difficult to chew, so pets often swallow them whole. As a result, constipation and intestinal obstruction are observed. Large pieces are difficult to digest and assimilate.

The table shows the types of meat and products made from it that should not be given to cats.

VarietyHarm to the animal
Pork and offalThe protein to fat ratio is 14:33, which can disrupt metabolism. Meat contains histamines and parasite eggs
Goose, duckThese types of poultry become tough by 6 months, and their fibers are difficult to digest. Duck and goose have a high percentage of fat content - about 40%, calorie content reaches 400 kcal. This type of meat causes obesity in cats.
MuttonToo much fat leads to gastrointestinal upset
Fresh liverDisrupts the digestion process, leading to the development of diarrhea
Raw chickenThere is a risk of salmonella infection
Store-bought minced meatIt contains large amounts of fat, skin and other waste
Chicken neckThe cat cannot chew the cervical vertebrae

Pros and cons of cooking your own food

The main disadvantages of a natural diet:

  • risk of helminthiasis;
  • difficulty in achieving the right balance;
  • time spent on preparing food;
  • the need to comply with storage rules and expiration dates of the finished product.

To feed a pet on its own, the owner will need to make an effort to fill the gaps in knowledge of cat physiology. Currently, this is not difficult to do, the necessary literature is quite accessible, and attempts to “reinvent the wheel” in this case can be dangerous for the health of the animal.

You will have to prepare food for your pet yourself

The basic rules for feeding cats are not as complicated as they might seem at first glance. In addition, such nutrition has a number of significant advantages:

  • the pet eats only natural products, without preservatives, flavor enhancers and synthetic dyes;
  • fresh meat is the most natural component for the digestive tract of a predator;
  • When preparing, it is possible to take into account the taste preferences of each baby.

It is extremely important to feed your cat regularly. These animals can fast for no longer than two days without harm to their health. A longer absence of food can provoke irreversible changes in the pet's liver.

Raw meat: benefits and harms

Cats are carnivores, so natural meat products must be present in the cat's diet, even if the animal eats commercial food. Meat is a protein food that strengthens the immune system, promotes energy production, and can also be stored as adipose tissue. The benefits of meat food for cats are as follows:

  • Amino acids. Meat is a source of essential substances that the cat’s body cannot synthesize - lysine, methionine, phenylalanine.
  • Vitamins and microelements. Fresh meat products contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, choline, sulfur, vitamins B, A, PP, which are necessary for the normal functioning of all organs.
  • Easy to digest. It is permissible to give only dietary varieties to cats, so meat is useful for cats with allergies.
  • Cleaning teeth. If a cat eats meat on the bone, this helps get rid of tartar and the development of gingivitis in the future.

An excess of this product in a fluffy’s diet will contribute to his gaining excess weight.
However, if you feed your cat fresh meat constantly and in large quantities, the product causes harm to the body, such as:

  • Lack of vitamins and microelements that are not contained in the meat product.
  • The inability to track the quality of meat food, which can provoke bacterial or helminthic invasion.
  • There is a large load on the liver, which causes organ dysfunction.
  • Excess fat reserves lead to obesity, which negatively affects joints and the cardiovascular system.

How many times a day

The frequency of food intake depends on the age of the pet:

  • a kitten from 1 month to 3 months is fed 6 times a day, at regular intervals;
  • from 3 months to six months he is gradually transferred to three meals a day;
  • It is acceptable to start feeding a cat older than 8 months twice a day, like an adult.

The age limits given are general. You need to watch the baby. If a nine-month-old kitten, with two meals a day, runs after its owner and begs, then the third meal needs to be returned. It should be taken into account that large breeds (for example, Maine Coons, Ragdolls) continue to grow up to two years, they need to be transferred to an adult feeding regimen taking into account their individual characteristics.

Why cats should not be given pork

This product was “rejected” completely undeservedly. There is no reason - someone somewhere heard that cats should not eat pork. Don't be surprised: those premium products that you buy for your pets with such trepidation contain a sufficient amount of pork and pork by-products. Those interested can check the portal - everything is eloquently described there.

Does this mean that pork meat can become the basis of your pet’s diet? Certainly not. Likewise, there are no contraindications to adding the product to the main diet.

We also caution you to add ham and other corned meat to your pet's food. No, not at all because of the fatty pork. Sodium is actively used in the preparation of ham and other meat delicacies. A slice of ham eaten by a cat automatically means that the cat’s daily needs for this chemical element are covered six times.

General rules for home nutrition

Food prepared for a cat must meet the following requirements:

  • be safe;
  • contain all the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The diet must include:

  • proteins - they account for up to 80% of daily nutrition;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates should be present in food every day, but little by little;
  • fiber is necessary for normal intestinal function and complete absorption of foods;
  • vitamins;
  • microelements.

The main mistake owners make is to feed their cat one favorite product. The predator must get all the substances!

You should not give your cat hot or cold food (it will be difficult to digest). Food must be brought to room temperature.

Meat goes well with vegetables

It is permissible to combine the meat part of the diet with vegetables or cereals, while the fermented milk part should be separated into a separate feeding.

A lot of variety is not required (the main thing is not to feed the cat a single product). Eating the same food every day is a problem exclusively for the owner, who is worried about the pet eating the same thing.

Cats are conservative in food, having become accustomed to one food, they have difficulty (and not without digestive problems) switching to another. It is better to balance a certain diet and stick to it for a long time.

Which meat is preferable?

Meat should form the basis of a cat's diet. It must be given correctly and only of certain varieties:

  • Lean beef is best for the furry predator. It is advisable to buy not tenderloin, but pieces with veins and soft cartilage;
  • You shouldn’t overuse veal - young meat has less nutritional value and contains more hormones;
  • Poultry meat is good for cats. But the pet’s condition must be carefully monitored. Chicken often provokes an allergic reaction in cats. It develops gradually and usually begins with itchy skin. If, after eating chicken, your pet begins to itch (and does not have parasites), this type of meat will have to be excluded. Constant contact with an allergen can lead to serious complications, including breathing problems. It is better to start complementary feeding with the breast, then add legs. Chicken has a specific consistency, so cats who are biased towards new food may refuse to eat it. For the first feeding, it is good to scald the fibers with boiling water so that there is a smell of boiled meat;
  • day-old chicks, which are sometimes sold by poultry farms, can only be used as a delicacy. They contain few useful substances; they can be given to the cat whole (with feathers and bones) to simulate a full-fledged hunt;
  • Quail and turkey are suitable for cats. The latter type of meat is considered hypoallergenic and contains little fat. It is permissible to give quail with bones, cut into four parts, but not more than a couple of times a week;
  • You can safely include horse meat and rabbit meat in the diet of your furry predator. The meat of these animals is lean, does not provoke allergic reactions, and is easily digestible. Suitable for obese animals;
  • It is acceptable to occasionally use lamb in the menu, but it is not suitable as the basis of the diet due to its high fat content. Many cats refuse it because they do not like the specific smell of such food;
  • Veterinarians do not recommend giving pork to cats. A significant disadvantage of meat is its high fat content, low amino acids and protein (compared to other types of meat). Previously, it was categorically prohibited; now some breeders allow the inclusion of sections of the carcass without a sebaceous layer in the diet. However, another problem with pork is the high likelihood of helminth infection.

Most varieties of worms are killed by freezing, but some varieties (for example, Trichylella) are resistant to both high and low temperatures. You can get rid of them only by prolonged boiling, and such a product is useless for your pet. Most veterinarians recommend eliminating pork from your pet's diet.

Different types of meat can be given separately or combined with each other, as well as offal.

By-products, chicken necks and heads

Internal organs are very useful for cats. They are rich in substances necessary for the body. In addition, they are cheap, which significantly reduces the financial burden on the owner’s budget. Cats often love this food even more than meat.

By-products have different nutritional values ​​- this must be taken into account when preparing your diet:

  • the heart is an excellent source of taurine, a highly digestible protein that cats need;
  • stomachs mainly consist of muscle fibers and contain many vitamins;
  • Liver should be given to cats with caution. It contains a lot of fat and bioactive substances, which in large quantities provoke digestive disorders. In its raw form, it can cause diarrhea; when cooked, it strengthens. In large quantities it leads to an excess of vitamin A. You should not feed your cat liver more than twice a week;
  • The udder is very high in calories, fatty, but poor in proteins. It can be added little by little to the meat mixture, but not as the basis of feeding;
  • the lung is rich in protein and phosphorus, but has low nutritional value and contains little calcium. The portion of the lung should be larger than the meat portion, otherwise the baby will not be full. At the same time, there is a risk of stretching the stomach. It is better to give lung not separately, but in combination with meat or heart;
  • kidneys can be given occasionally, they are rich in both vitamins and harmful substances, and are poorly absorbed. They should be soaked first, otherwise the pet will refuse to eat due to the pungent odor of urine.

Chicken skin should not be given to cats; it has no benefit for the animal. You need to be careful with heads, paws, and necks. On the one hand, it is an excellent source of calcium, on the other hand, there is a potential danger of damage to the digestive tract from sharp fragments.

It is forbidden to give boiled bones to a cat! They are not digested and can cause intestinal blockage - a life-threatening condition that requires urgent surgical intervention!

It is optimal to treat your cat with raw chicken necks with soft tissues a couple of times a week. This food cleans teeth well, but a similar procedure can be carried out in other ways, without unnecessary risk.

Is it possible to feed raw meat and chicken?

By far the healthiest food for cats is raw meat. Giving it in this form is dangerous because it may be contaminated with helminth eggs. Heat treatment helps get rid of them, but such a product loses the bulk of its beneficial substances.

The best option for killing parasites is exposure to low temperatures. Fresh meat products should be cut into portions and placed in the freezer for 2-3 days. If technology allows, it is better to use the freezing mode. Some of the vitamins, of course, will disintegrate, but the worms will also die.

Up to three months, kittens should be fed only with pureed foods (it is advisable for babies to buy meat baby food “for people”). For an adult cat, it is better to cut food into small pieces so that it has the opportunity to “work” with its jaws and teeth. Predators do not chew the pieces, but swallow them whole, gnawing off a small part if necessary. This corresponds to the physiology of cats. In addition to normalizing digestion, the chewing process “triggers” a number of neuroreactions that stabilize the pet’s psyche and improve the pet’s mood.

You should not feed your cat minced meat. Food of this consistency is very quickly dissolved by the aggressive gastric juice of the predator; beneficial substances do not have time to be fully absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood. Meat passed through a meat grinder or ground in a blender is given only to sick or old animals with problem teeth. Ready-made minced meat bought in a supermarket is harmful to all cats. It uses parts of the carcass that are not of the best quality, often stale. It is impossible to control the contents of the mixture.

You cannot replace meat feeding with stewed food. Even the highest quality canned food is not recommended for cats due to the large amount of fat, salt, and spices it contains.


Eggs must be present in a cat's diet. They contain a huge amount of essential amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. The complex of these components improves the cat’s mood, as well as:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • prevents heart disease;
  • prolongs the active period of life;
  • strengthens bones and joints;
  • improves wool quality;
  • maintains the natural balance of hormones, acids, alkalis.

If your pet is not allergic to a specific protein, he can be given chicken or quail eggs. Many breeders refuse raw product for fear of infecting the animal with salmonellosis. You can keep your eggs safe by thoroughly washing the shells before breaking them.

The product is suitable for cats of any age. Raw egg whites work well to stop diarrhea in small kittens that occurs as a result of an improper transition from mother's milk to self-feeding. It needs to be separated from the yolk, divided into two parts, given to the baby separately or mixed into food.

Eggs do not help against intestinal disorders caused by diseases of internal organs or infections! In these cases, serious treatment under the supervision of a veterinarian is required.

For adult cats, raw or boiled eggs can be added to both milk and meat feeding, but not too often. This is a heavy food rich in cholesterol, so it is enough to offer the product to your pet no more than 1-2 times a week. For individuals prone to constipation, it is better to give only yolks. Pregnant and lactating cats, as well as pets with chronic diseases, should add eggs to their diet only after consultation with a veterinarian.

Raw pollock


Contrary to the prevailing stereotypes, according to which a cat should eat fish, this is an alien product for this type of animal. By origin, cats are desert predators and do not have access to aquatic biological resources.

At home, you can sometimes pamper your pet with fish, but you cannot feed it to your cat all the time. The baby will suffer from rickets, lack of vitamin B, and excess phosphorus. Some veterinarians believe that an excess of this product in the diet provokes the development of urolithiasis, but there is no reliable evidence of this fact.

Owners who decide to diversify their cat's diet with fish should choose only low-fat sea species (pollock, cod, pink salmon, cod, trout). First, the product must be slightly boiled and removed from the bones. River or lake fish should not be given to a cat: it contains many small bones that are dangerous for the pet. In addition, almost all freshly caught fish are infected with parasites.

Fish feeding should not be practiced more than once a week. In addition to fish, you can give your pet scalded, peeled shrimp or squid meat.


Fermented milk products should be present in your cat's daily diet. They perfectly fill your pet's calcium needs.

Why can't milk

Milk should not be given to cats older than 3 months! As they age, the enzyme that breaks down lactose disappears. It is not processed and causes intestinal upset and severe diarrhea.

The best options for a furry predator are:

  • cottage cheese;
  • acidophilus;
  • kefir;
  • curdled milk;
  • bifidocus;
  • natural yogurt.

Cream is not advisable due to its high fat content. You can give cheeses, sour cream, fermented baked milk, but not much. Sweet drinks or yoghurts with various additives are prohibited for cats.

Cereals and porridges

In nature, a cat obtains grains by eating the stomach contents of a captured mouse. This amount of complex carbohydrates is enough to replenish energy reserves and normalize the predator’s digestion.

Cereals should be present in a cat’s diet, but in small quantities and not of all varieties. Buckwheat and rice are ideal for capricious pets. The first cereal is rich in vitamins and microelements. Rice is suitable for cats prone to allergies. Such cereals help maintain your pet’s immunity and make the fur shiny and fluffy.

Oats and barley are also very useful, but they are contraindicated for some cats and should not often be included in the diet. Hercules is absorbed well and soothes the intestines. Barley and pearl barley are good for bones, vision, and the nervous system. But these cereals contain a lot of gluten, which is harmful to pets. They should not be given to cats with chronic constipation.

Little hunters should not add cereals such as:

  • corn;
  • semolina;
  • millet;
  • pea;
  • wheat;
  • lentil

The listed grains upset the digestion of cats, provoke stool disorders, and increased gas formation. They are difficult to digest and are harmful to the kidneys and pancreas of pets.

You can replace porridge in a cat's diet with bran. They contain a huge amount of dietary fiber. The product enhances intestinal motility and regulates the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Bran is well mixed with meat or dairy products.

Some cats are very fond of baked goods and pasta, but they fall into the category of undesirable components of a predator's diet. Occasionally, you can give your pet a little of his favorite treat. It is permissible to flavor pasta with cheese or give it a small piece of bread crust, but not more than once every two weeks. Regular consumption of such products, and especially fresh bread, can provoke the development of colitis and heart problems in a cat.

Raw vegetables


Vegetables account for no more than 10% of an adult cat's total daily diet. Owners need to approach the choice of this food component very responsibly, since a limited number of such products are safe for predators.

You can add to your cat's food:

  • carrot;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • broccoli;
  • asparagus;
  • cucumbers;
  • beets;
  • celery;
  • green string beans.

Other vegetables and fruits should not be included in the diet, as they are either difficult to digest or toxic to cats.

Some pets, for example the Hawaiian Kohana, are very fond of melon, watermelon, peaches, and blueberries. It is permissible to give these fruits rarely, little by little, after peeling and removing seeds. Very useful for predators: parsley, dill, lettuce, sprouted grass. They improve digestion and effectively clear the digestive tract of hair accumulations.

Vegetables can be combined in different combinations, given raw or boiled, but in chopped form. Large, hard pieces are difficult for a cat to swallow and can cause choking. In addition, few individuals are happy to eat such food. To prevent your pet from being able to “sort” the food in the bowl, it is better to grate the vegetables and mix thoroughly with the meat. Add a quarter teaspoon of vegetable oil to each serving, and squeeze a fish oil capsule into the mixture once a day.

Standard cat diet

Everyone knows that cats are carnivorous animals, that is, it is normal for them to eat meat. In nature, animals do not prepare their own food, they eat what they managed to catch along with wool, bones and entrails. If we are guided by this argument, then all the rules for keeping pets will lose their relevance.

The truth is that our domestic cats have long moved away from wild ways of life, although they have retained excellent hunting skills. As before, tailed animals need meat, but in addition to it, cats can receive a number of varied, tasty foods, vitamin supplements, treats and industrial food.

Industrial diet

Let's briefly look at industrial feeds. The option preferred by many is “drying”. There is no doubt about it, dry food is convenient, easy to store, dose, and most importantly, there is no need to prepare it. In addition to drying, manufacturers offer semi-moist food and canned food that can diversify your pet’s diet.

When choosing food, it is important to understand that products are divided into classes:

Economy is the cheapest food, not recommended for daily use.

Premium and super-premium – the middle price segment for everyday feeding.

Holistic – special or medicinal foods used for urolithiasis (urolithiasis), food allergies and other ailments.

The choice of brand, line and type of product is an individual matter. Naturally, it is better to focus on manufacturers with a good reputation and products of original quality. What you should not do is mix industrial food with natural food. If you decide to feed your cat chicken and dry food, you will not see particularly serious consequences, at least not immediately. However, be aware that you are putting your cat's body at a crossroads. Her digestive system can digest either food or chicken, but cannot digest two foods at the same time. It turns out that the pet will not be able to absorb all the beneficial substances from the food, but will simply fill its stomach.

Natural diet

Chicken meat is combined only with a natural diet. Obviously, chicken meat alone will not be enough for a cat. Chicken can and should be alternated with beef, veal, rabbit, quail and turkey. Equally important are by-products that complement and do not replace meat. What other products should be included in the menu?

The protein a cat gets from chicken is not enough, so other sources of protein should be included in the diet:

  • Milk is suitable for kittens and adult animals that do not have lactose intolerance.
  • Dairy products (ryazhenka, yogurt, natural yogurt, low-fat sour cream, kefir) can be given every day, controlling the fat content of the products. Homemade products are healthier, but fattier, that is, they need to be introduced into the cat’s diet gradually.
  • Eggs – boiled and raw, chicken and quail. Possible 1-2 times a week. Some cats have allergies, in which case the product is excluded from the diet. Raw eggs can be given to your pet if you are confident in their quality and freshness.
  • Fish and seafood are rich sources of proteins and microelements and at the same time very controversial products. Sea delicacies can serve as a source of helminth eggs. Inhabitants of the seas often carry not eggs, but worm larvae ready to molt. River varieties of fish are especially dangerous. Nutritious and healthy fish are dangerous because of their bones, which scratch and even pierce the mucous membranes. Be careful to feed your cat only ocean, boiled, and deboned foods.
  • Vegetables and greens are an integral part of a cat's natural diet. In addition to vitamins, these products contain fiber. Without plant food, a cat's digestive and metabolic processes are disrupted, that is, even meat will not be fully digested.

Tip: To prevent your cat from developing a fiber deficiency, plant special grass for it.

Correctly calculating weight standards

Some owners claim that the pet itself knows how much to eat - this is a mistaken opinion. Felines have a dulled sense of satiety. Deprived of the need to fight for survival, a domestic cat will consume much more food than it expends energy. Over time, this eating behavior will lead to obesity and related problems.

The owner must accurately calculate the daily food intake and follow it:

  • Kittens under 9 months of age should eat 10% of their body weight per day. So, a baby weighing 2.5 kg will need 250 g of food. They need to be divided into approximately equal portions according to the number of meals;
  • An adult pet needs to consume 5% of its weight in food. For example, a 4.5 kg cat eats 225 g per day.

One half of the total food volume comes from dairy feeding, the second from meat feeding. To find out your pet's weight, you can step on the scale with him, then subtract your weight from the result. Another way: wait until the baby climbs into some box, use table scales, excluding the mass of “containers” from the result.

Can a spayed or neutered cat be given raw meat?

The behavior of spayed or neutered cats is significantly different from the behavior of animals that have not undergone surgical interventions. The metabolism of pets who have undergone surgery slows down significantly, they become lazy, imposing, and therefore prone to obesity. In addition, due to stagnation of physiological fluids in the body, there is a risk of developing urolithiasis. In this case, the mustachioed pet's diet should consist of equal parts of proteins and carbohydrates/fiber/fats.

Note! If the fluffy eats natural food, then regular feeding with a raw meat product will fully satisfy its special nutritional needs. However, you should consult a specialist about combining dry industrial food and raw meat.

Your cat's diet should be balanced and healthy.

Sample menu for the week

Basic preparations for natural feeding can be made in advance. To do this you need to take:

  • 1 kg of pulp, 1 kg of heart, 1 kg of beef lung;
  • 150 g buckwheat;
  • 150 g rice;
  • 300 g of mixed vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, cauliflower);
  • 5 tbsp. unrefined vegetable oil.

Meat and offal should be cut into small pieces. Boil the cereals and grind in a blender with vegetables. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, divide into portioned “balls” by weight, and place in the freezer. As needed, take out one portion, defrost, and heat in a water bath.

In the morning, give your adult cat fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk) with bran. Twice a week, offer your pet a breakfast of cottage cheese with egg yolk.

In the evening, you should feed your cat a defrosted meat mixture. Occasionally, it is permissible to replace it with a dish of sea fish and boiled vegetables (in a ratio of ¾ to ¼) or chicken breast.

Can I feed it chicken?

This is what we are guided by when we feed our pet such products. However, we forget that the meat we buy on store shelves is not as healthy as what an animal eats living on the street. So what to do? Go hunting? Not at all! It’s enough to just figure out which meat will be useful for a cat and which not so much.

  • Chicken is harmful to cats, as it is most often stuffed with antibiotics and various growth hormones, and is also an allergen. It will have to be abandoned. Chicken skin won't do him any good either.
  • Turkey is an excellent substitute for chicken meat, and it contains many times more vitamins and healthy ingredients.
  • Pork is a very “heavy” food product not only for humans, but also for cats, which can cause stomach upset and indigestion. It also leads to the pet becoming infected with worms, and in some cases, other dangerous infectious diseases.


Pork contains a large amount of fats that are harmful to the pet’s body.

  • Beef will be an excellent alternative to pork. Even veterinarians recommend giving cats this treat.
  • In some cases, you can diversify a cat's diet with rabbit meat, but this should be done rarely and with caution. Let rabbit meat be a kind of delicacy for the cat.

The most important thing when choosing a food product:

  1. Freshness. Under no circumstances should you give your pet spoiled food. The meat must be fresh and of high quality.
  2. Temperature. It is not recommended to eat meat only from the refrigerator, much less from the freezer, but you also don’t have to reheat it, because hot food is also not allowed. It is enough to let it sit for a while at room temperature.
  3. Fat content. As already mentioned, cats don’t need excess fat. When serving meat to a cat, you need to get rid of the veins and fat.
  4. You need to choose only clean meat, without tendons and bones. Give preference to sirloin parts. Don’t forget to include by-products in your pet’s diet: liver, kidneys, heart. This should be done rarely and in small quantities.

Why is it better without chicken?


Veterinarians have long argued that chicken meat is harmful to cats.

Chicken, raw and cooked, has a harmful effect on the liver of animals.
Frequent use of it can cause irreversible changes in the organ and develop some diseases, in particular pancreatitis and urolithiasis.

In addition, chicken bones, when they fall apart, have very sharp pieces and pose a risk of mechanical damage to your pet.

If your cat “can’t live” without chicken, then give her a small amount of natural poultry, or rather, its loin.

What not to do

The list of foods that are strictly prohibited for cats of any age is extensive. Pets should not be given in any quantity:

  • chocolate, as well as any products containing cocoa beans. They contain theobromine, which is fatal to pets. It settles in the liver, does not decompose, and gradually destroys the organ;
  • coffee and tea cause severe diseases of the heart and nervous system;
  • mushrooms can cause severe poisoning, in some cases instant death;
  • alcohol is not excreted from the cat’s body;
  • potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes contain an alkaloid that causes damage to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Avocado is extremely toxic for small hunters; persin in its composition causes severe diarrhea, vomiting, and difficulty breathing;
  • Garlic and onions contain disulfite, which destroys red blood cells in cat blood. This leads to the development of anemia;
  • rhubarb and sorrel cause oxalic acid poisoning and kidney failure;
  • fruit grains provoke suffocation, which occurs due to intoxication with hydrocyanic acid;
  • grapes, citrus fruits, raisins, persimmons cause vomiting, diarrhea, sudden renal failure; Nuts are dangerous due to their high phosphorus content.

Natural dog food is not suitable for cats, and indeed the entire organization of proper dog feeding is not suitable. It contains too little protein and taurine. If several types of animals live in the house, they will have to cook separately. You should not feed your cat any fatty, fried foods, sausages, or processed foods. It is unacceptable to give your pet vitamin and mineral complexes intended for humans.

Eating from your own table is strictly prohibited.

What types of meat are recommended?

The table shows the types of meat allowed for consumption by cats and the benefits they bring to pets.

ViewBenefits for your pet
Chicken, especially breastIncludes unsaturated fatty acids, superior to other varieties in terms of calcium content
Dark meat part of the chickenContains taurine, antioxidants
TurkeyHypoallergenic and low-calorie product. Dark meat has the highest taurine content - 3000 mcg per 100 g
Rabbit meatProteins are easily digestible, food is quickly digested
horsemeat20% consists of protein compounds, 4% fat. Contains iron, manganese, copper, potassium
Chicken liverContains many antioxidants, vitamins B, A, E. Also contains iron
Heart of cattle, chickenFeatures a high content of retinol, thiamine, nicotinic acid
Soft cartilageContain collagen fibers that cause cellular renewal of articular and connective tissues. Cartilage is ground in a meat grinder and given infrequently - once a month
Beef tenderloinProteins and fats in such meat are present in almost equal proportions. Beef pulp saturates the animal's body with minerals, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin.
VealContains less than 2% fat

Can I eat from my own table?

The digestion of humans and cats is very different, so dishes from the master’s table are completely unsuitable for pets.

They contain a lot of fat, carbohydrates, seasonings, oils, which are contraindicated for the cat's body, and are often even toxic.

A cat's digestive system is not designed to digest salt and sugars, which are found in large quantities in human food. Eating leftovers from the owners' table can lead to serious health problems for the cat.

Is it possible to combine raw and cooked meat?

It’s not uncommon for owners to give their cats not only raw, but also boiled food, since many pets eat cooked meat more readily. Boiled meat contains enough nutrients for a cat, and if desired, you can feed it such a product in combination with raw meat, but only without combining them in one feeding.

The fact is that if a cat eats raw and cooked meat at the same time, then in order to digest two dishes at once, the production of different enzymes will be required. This can overload the cat's digestive system, causing diarrhea or vomiting. The interval between giving food should be at least 3 hours.

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Is it possible to have mixed

It is permissible to mix different types of food, but this must be done following certain rules:

  • Do not combine natural and industrial food in one feeding. It is unacceptable to mix raw meat into pate or dry food;
  • The cat should receive this or that food regularly, at the same time. For example, if he eats pouches in the morning and natural food in the evening, this regime must be followed daily. Then the pet’s digestive tract will adapt to the schedule and work without failures;
  • all components must be balanced and meet the needs of the animal. It is impossible to give ready-made food at one meal, and at another one of the baby’s favorite products. This can cause a serious imbalance of active nutrients.

If it is convenient for the owner to adhere to mixed feeding, it is advisable to first consult with a veterinarian in order to correctly create a healthy, safe diet.

What pathologies does raw meat contain?

The biggest risk to a cat from raw meat is the possibility of helminth infection. These parasites not only significantly worsen the general condition of the animal, but can also cause death.

To protect your cat from such risks, properly prepare fresh meat for feeding your pet! Buy this product only from trusted places, carefully checking it for freshness.

Be sure to freeze the meat before serving and heat treat it. For preventative purposes, periodically give your pet anti-helminth medications. An experienced veterinarian will tell you which drug is best to choose.

The need for vitamins

If the diet is balanced and contains all the necessary elements, the cat usually does not need additional vitamins. It is enough to regularly buy sprouted oats at the pet store so that your pet has the opportunity to chew on fresh grass. It’s good to add a little brewer’s yeast or fish oil to your food.

Vitamin and mineral complexes should be given to your pet only as prescribed by a doctor! An excess of active substances is no less dangerous than its deficiency.

Additional intake of vitamins is often indicated for small kittens, pregnant females, and aging pets.

Why is the raw product dangerous?

Pets often become infected with salmonella through this product.
If you give your cat raw meat alone, the following problems may occur:

  • Infection with helminths. These are roundworms, toxocara, flukes, trichinella, which cause serious organ dysfunction, even death.
  • Hyperparathyroidism. Characterized by deformation and fracture of bones, neurological disorders.
  • Bacterial infections. Often diagnosed are salmonellosis or colibacillosis, accompanied by diarrhea and general intoxication.

What are the consequences of breaking the rules?

An unbalanced diet can provoke disturbances in the functioning of all systems of the cat's body.

Unsuitable food causes such negative changes as:

  • heart diseases;
  • steatitis (a disease of the pancreas that develops due to constant eating of fatty fish);
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • dermatological abnormalities;
  • dental diseases;
  • problems with bones, joints;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • blindness;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pathologies of the hematopoietic system;
  • liver or kidney failure.

A number of products can cause serious poisoning, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. If the pet’s condition is not stabilized in a timely manner, such symptoms will lead to dehydration and death of the baby.

To avoid many nutrition-related problems, we recommend purchasing an automatic cat feeder. Not everyone knows that there are special feeders for natural feeding. They have a cooling function, so you can be sure of the freshness of the food, which will be given to your pet exactly on time.

And besides, it doesn’t hurt to purchase an automatic waterer so that the cat always receives clean, oxygen-enriched water.

It's always best to consult a veterinarian

How to keep meat safe

It is recommended to properly prepare the product before dacha. This way it will be possible with a high degree of probability to protect yourself from dangerous worms entering the body. You can destroy eggs by soaking meat. The same applies to freezing, especially for a long time. Even the most resistant types of parasites cannot withstand the destructive effects of frost.

After the cooling procedure, you can give the meat to your pet without worrying that it will harm him. When freezing and further storage, the temperature in the freezer should be maintained at a level of at least -12º. Such conditions contribute to good freezing and elimination of pathogens.

If meat was bought on the open market, flies could land on it, carrying harmful bacteria and worm eggs. It will also need to be processed - doused with boiling water. There is no need to keep it in boiling water to prevent the beneficial substances from being destroyed. It’s even better to freeze the product after the procedure and then give it to the animal. In this case, you can be sure that the food will be 100% safe.

Convenient plastic containers are used for freezing. They are best for freezing and preserving the product. Defrosting can be accelerated by exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Cooking will also protect a portion of meat from parasites and bacteria. But it will contain much less useful substances, in particular taurine. Denatured protein is much less easily absorbed by the cat's body.

Expert advice

Cats are big conservatives when it comes to food, so not all of them are willing to switch to eating raw meat. There are several ways to accustom your pet to a new diet:

  • a gradual transition involves adding a new product to the usual food. First, you need to mix several pieces of beef into a bowl, then slightly increase the amount of the new product, reducing the content of the old one (the total serving volume does not change). The entire replacement process takes 10-14 days;
  • forced transfer is based on the principle of “who will outwit whom.” It is necessary to abruptly cancel the previous menu, replacing it with a new one. If the cat refuses to eat, remove the plate and put it out at the next feeding. Eventually your pet will get hungry and start eating raw meat. This method can only be used by owners of young, absolutely healthy animals, without excess weight. For cats, prolonged fasting can be dangerous;
  • changing food during the game. A piece of meat can be tied, for example, to a fishing rod. The furry hunter will catch and eat “prey”, gradually getting used to its taste.

If a cat switches to natural feeding from dry food, you first need to switch it to a wet industrial diet; it will be easier to switch from it to homemade food. To make the process painless, it is good to give your pet probiotics (for example, VetOm) during the transition period to maintain the microflora. It is possible to change feeding at any age, the main thing is to be patient and persistent.

Cat breed British Chinchilla, a long-haired miracle with green eyes and a calm character

It is important to prevent your pet from begging at the table. Ideally, a kitten should know from childhood that extortion is useless. This is only possible if no one at home gives him a single piece. But cats are excellent psychologists, they can easily figure out the “weak link” in the family and achieve what they want. Owners who know that they cannot resist the pleading, “hungry” look should cut fresh meat into small pieces in advance or prepare grainy cottage cheese and use these products as “handouts”. This does not contribute to the good education of the furry manipulator, but he receives food from the table that is healthy.

It is better to buy porcelain or ceramic bowls for feeding your cat. Plastic dishes are often of poor quality; cats don’t like metal ones too much. Breeders do not recommend buying tandem (double) bowls. In them, water often spills into food or vice versa. Neat pets will not consume such a product.

Raw chicken in a cat's diet

Let's take a closer look at the nuances of feeding chicken. Of the variety of meat products, a cat cannot:

  • Fat meat.
  • Raw and fatty pork (can serve as a source of false rabies).
  • Lamb is too fatty.

Important! Cats should not eat meat cooked in a marinade using spices and salt.

The ban also applies to any kind of semi-finished products, including canned meat and fish.

Poultry meat that can be fed to a cat is chicken, turkey and quail. Chicken is rightfully considered the most affordable, both in terms of prevalence and price. Now the main question is, will the cat be healthy if you feed it chicken every day?

Let us immediately outline a number of nuances:

  • The meat must be fresh.
  • The point of sale must have documents for the products and veterinary control certificates.
  • Cats can eat chicken meat and offal.
  • Cats are not allowed chicken bones, heads, or paws.

Having consulted breeders, we can conclude that chicken is a universal product. Many experts start feeding kittens with ground chicken, more precisely, fillet (breast). The experience of the owners only confirms the opinion of breeders; many feed their pets boiled chicken every day. There is controversy about raw foods.

Let's start with the basics - chicken meat needs to be separated from bones, skin and fat. Leftovers cannot be used to prepare broth, especially when it comes to factory-made carcasses.

Many meatpacking plants "pluck" chickens with acid (which is absorbed into the skin of the bird) and keep the carcasses in a saline solution to prevent them from spoiling as quickly. How else can you ask? Believe me, there are permitted methods of processing meat and the above do not apply to them. In addition, when buying salted carcasses for a neutered cat, you risk his health. It is known that a sterilized cat and a neutered cat should be kept on a low-salt or salt-free diet.

Raw meat takes longer to digest, but the degree of saturation with it is greater. Feeding too much raw chicken can lead to diarrhea. Another nuance that is not taken into account by many owners is the risk of parasite infection. If you give raw meat, it should be deeply frozen. That is, the chicken is cut into portions and frozen. After 2–3 days, the portioned piece is removed from the freezer, defrosted and crushed for feeding. There are different opinions about the dangers and benefits of microwave ovens, but if you rely on the facts, heating in the microwave is a weak, but heat treatment. What to do with the liquid that drains from meat during defrosting. It’s better to pour it out, and if there is a lot of water, then you shouldn’t buy any more products from this manufacturer.

Note! There are two ways to increase the weight of a chicken carcass: feed the bird with salt before slaughter or soak the carcass in salt water. In both cases, the meat drips a lot when defrosting.

What to do with the risk of infection with worms? Chicken meat is not a source of very dangerous parasites, so regular prevention will solve all problems.

The next point is chicken, it is not only meat, but also offal : liver, heart and stomach. In terms of preparation for consumption, everything here is similar to meat, but there are nuances associated with the volume and frequency of feeding. Raw liver weakens, but boiled liver strengthens the cat’s intestines, that is, both constipation and diarrhea are possible. If your cat has not eaten chicken liver before, you need to introduce it into the diet carefully and gradually. The heart and stomach are muscle tissues that are difficult to digest. Both products can be given raw (after peeling, freezing or boiling water), but must be thoroughly chopped.

If your cat doesn't eat raw meat

Many owners are perplexed when they see that their cat ignores the offered meat. This situation occurs especially often when trying to switch a cat from dry food to natural food. It is worth understanding that if a cat has never tried raw meat, then it will be difficult to provoke it to take such a decisive step. Instincts are on your side, every predator knows the smell of meat a priori, the question is whether store-bought chicken smells like it.

For the first test, it is better to purchase poultry . The bird smells the freshest. It is strictly not recommended to start getting acquainted with meat products with the liver. Quite often, a cat can be provoked to take the first step by eating boiled meat in front of it. If the pet approves of the processed product, you can take the next step. A raw piece of meat should be cut into small pieces and doused with boiling water (so that they whiten a little). The cat will smell the familiar smell of cooked meat, but will taste raw meat. Next, instincts will take over.

Important! If your cat wants but cannot eat meat, contact your veterinarian immediately. The animal may suffer from dysbiosis or pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Should I give raw or boiled meat?

Cats are carnivores, and in the wild no one cooks food for them, so the digestive system of pets can handle raw meat quite well. Therefore, such food is physiologically closer to cats. Another thing is the individual preferences of animals, which depend on what food the animal has been accustomed to since childhood.

Chicken meat is extremely rarely infected with helminths, so in this regard, a cat eating raw chicken is not in danger. Fish and other types of meat pose a great danger - for example, pork, which veterinarians generally do not recommend giving to cats.

Much more dangerous is the possible infection of a pet with salmonellosis. The causative agents of the disease are Salmonella - bacteria that remain active for a long time and are practically insensitive to low temperatures. But at +75 degrees, pathogenic microorganisms die. A 10-minute heat treatment will be enough to kill germs. A side effect of this treatment is that some of the nutrients are lost. The conclusion suggests itself: cats can have raw chicken meat, but only if it is purchased from a trusted seller and has been tested for salmonella.

Why is salmonellosis dangerous?

Salmonellosis is dangerous not only for cats, but also for humans. And more than a third of domestic animals with strong immunity that have eaten meat contaminated with salmonella will forever remain carriers of the pathology. The weakened body of a cat (small kittens, elderly animals) may not be able to cope with the infection.

The disease is always severe and accompanied by severe symptoms. You can observe in your pet:

  • refusal of food;
  • attacks of high fever;
  • increased body temperature;
  • apathy;
  • diarrhea, feces have a dark, almost black color and a foul odor, and may contain streaks of blood;
  • frequent vomiting with foam;
  • cough;
  • labored breathing.

The cat may experience severe pain in the abdomen, does not allow it to be touched, and shows aggression. With salmonellosis, the permeability of the vascular walls increases, which accelerates the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the body. Without prompt veterinary care, kittens, animals with low immunity and elderly animals die within 1-2 days from dehydration or sepsis.

Is chicken suitable for all pets?

All cats eat chicken with pleasure, some even prefer it to other types of meat. However, despite the widespread belief that chicken is a hypoallergenic product, it is increasingly causing allergic reactions in animals.

This is due to the fact that this type of meat has been a component of most industrial feeds for several decades, and allergies most often occur precisely to those products that are constantly in the diet of animals. Owners should consider whether they can give their cat chicken parts if their pet is prone to allergies.

To cook or not to cook?

Of course, raw meat retains more nutrients, but birds are often carriers of salmonella, pathogenic bacteria. Heat treatment solves this problem, so if you are not sure about the quality of the meat, it is better to boil it.

Another thing is that many cats refuse boiled chicken, preferring raw. In this case, you should buy meat only in stores where it arrives after mandatory veterinary control.

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