Inversion (prolapse) of the uterus in small domestic animals
One of the most severe birth complications is uterine prolapse in cats. Pathology has 2 types
How cats give birth
Childbirth in British cats - how to help your pet at home?
Childbirth is the process of the appearance of offspring, established by nature in most animals. If your favorite
A cat has a dry nose - what does this sign warn of?
The happy day has come when you have your own little leopard - Bengal
Problems with intestinal prolapse in a 3 month old kitten
A common pathology found in small breed pets is rectal prolapse. This condition
Endocrine system of cats and cats
Hormonal (endocrine) diseases. Pituitary gland diseases in cats.
Some people believe that a cat’s body is quite primitive compared to a human’s. Actually
Five ways to combat pet allergies
Allergies to pets are observed in 4% of adults and 11% of children. More often
Prevention of urinary incontinence in cats
Foam in urine: normal condition or reason to get tested
During the process of urination, some factors may often appear that indicate the presence of
Loose stools after castration or sterilization in cats
Loose stool in a cat after sterilization - what is the reason?
Main causes The causes of diarrhea are varied. Stool disorders are accompanied by both mild food indigestion and
Kidney disease in cats: symptoms and treatment
Important rules on what to do if a cat has enlarged kidneys
The kidneys play an important role in the process of eliminating waste products from the cat's body. Disruption
Malassezia dermatitis in cats: features of the disease and necessary therapy
Causes of dermatitis Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Doctor's recommendations Malassezia pachydermatis is a fungus in
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