If a cat does not want to enter the house, then what danger can await its owners?
Kittens grow up very quickly. 2-3 months have passed since he appeared in the house
Can a cat after mating ask for a male cat after 2 weeks?
How long does sexual heat last and how often does it happen? The cat's characteristic behavior continues until
Scientifically proven: cats understand human speech
05/04/2020 34,695 Interesting things about cats Author: Olga Communication is an important component of our mutual understanding. This
When to start walking with your newborn: walks with your child, time spent in the fresh air, necessary clothing, advice from pediatricians
11667Administration 1 Cute and affectionate kittens are welcome guests in almost any home. Behind
Mating cats and cats. Main features read the article
Mating cats: basic rules and nuances of the process. When is a cat ready to mate?
Features of sexual hunting From 8 months the cat is considered sexually mature. If the male does not live in
Dogs in wedding clothes
Mating dogs (mating): when, with whom and how to “bring together” a pet
A dog is mated if it is planned to produce offspring from it. If the animal is not
Signs of pain in cats. The cat tilts its head
If a cat sleeps on the owner's bed, what is the sign if she sleeps at the feet
Can a cat ask for a cat after sterilization?
A cat screams after sterilization: reasons and what to do
10603Administration Sterilization is considered an absolutely safe veterinary operation, which is successfully performed all over the world
How long does it take for a cat to recover from anesthesia after castration: the condition immediately after surgery, which should alert you
Quite a lot of owners are faced with the need for surgery in cats. Mainly surgical
Timing of estrus in dogs
Everything about estrus in dogs: from physiological characteristics to nuances of behavior
Estrus (also: estrus, estrus, heat) in dogs, regardless of breed, occurs 2 times
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