Who was bothered by the red-haired librarian? The story of Stepan the cat, a rural celebrity killed by a “bad man”

Almost every person has a pet. The choice of many falls on cats. These are very cute, gentle creatures, fluffy bundles of happiness. They can be very funny and can even show their tongue. But have you ever wondered what this gesture could actually mean? In the article we will tell you what it means if a cat sticks out its tongue, what are the physiological causes and possible diseases. You will also learn how to determine when a protruding tongue is normal and when it is pathological.

You can often notice a protruding tongue on cats

Who am I

Very noble, judging by his blood relatives. The cat dad is British, the cat mom is Russian. Or vice versa? But I also consider myself “Russian”. My name is Marquis

. Mom claims that this nickname immediately came to her mind when she saw me for the first time, sitting in a glass box in the cold at the Bird Market. Wow! Marquis is in an aquarium. No, yes, but the name obliges. Trying. It doesn't always work out. But I'm struggling with it.

I am a redhead. Not in the sense that you think. This is my exterior. Is it some kind of stupid word, or am I using it incorrectly in relation to myself? Briefly speaking. My muzzle is painted with dark red symmetrical stripes, like an Indian, I don’t remember which tribe. There is a wide red stripe on the back, a vest on the sides, and a polka dot belly. The nose is pink, after cold spring nights spent outside, it turns red, like Santa Claus. My smooth coat allows me to groom easily and with pleasure.

What professions are suitable for cats?

Cat massage therapist.

Does your cat like to crush soft fabric with its paws? So why isn’t he already scamming clients for money and bringing gold to the crown? Yes, because we haven’t yet told you how to explain to the cat that it’s time for him to work. It will be soon. For now, the next option.

Cat model in advertising.

Everyone knows Boris the cat, who advertises cat food. But there are no fewer types of food than there are types of cats! Why is your Barsik worse? Let him also go and sell his face on TV. A very noble occupation!

Cat blogger.

You may exclaim that cats cannot write. Yes, a significant disadvantage of this cat profession is that you will have to work: you will have to post posts on Twitter, Instagram and YouTube yourself. But cats are quite capable of writing texts - just give the newly-made breadwinner a walk across the keyboard.

And while you are taking the cat out from under the sofa, the richest cat on the planet, Grumpy Cat, has already earned 100 million dollars for his owner!

Cat writer.

How is a blogger different from a writer? Of course, the volume of works. Everything is the same as in the previous version, but the keyboard should be discreetly placed under the bedding on which the cat sleeps. Once he falls asleep on it, in a few hours you will have a huge work, not inferior in volume to the legendary “War and Peace”. Of course, somewhat inferior in meaning, but what did you want from the cat?

Meat taster cat.

The cat can also work for you (at least somewhere you will be the boss). A great way to keep him busy is to offer to try various sausages and sausages. Cats do not eat paper (unlike humans) and prefer meat, so by the cat’s reaction you can easily understand which sausage is made of what.

Cat office worker (working on a computer)

Cats are good with a mouse, so putting him to work at the computer is a great idea!

Mousecatcher cat.

If you are the Prime Minister of Great Britain, then do not worry - your cat Larry is already employed and works as the main royal mouser at the Prime Minister's residence at 10 Downing Street. And if not, then take the example of the Prime Minister and employ the cat!

Merchandiser cat.

Let's remember what the responsibilities of a merchandiser are. Don't remember? No one can tell who worked - the cat or the merchandiser. And if you can’t see the difference, then we register the cat according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Tsar (empress)

Of course, the most natural profession for a cat, to which he is ready to devote himself entirely. But there can only be one king in the house, and if you want to be him, then be careful - cats are also excellent hunters. No matter how he starts hunting you. Read what to do if your cat wants to kill you.

house cat

If they didn’t make a cat a king, and he’s not at all suitable for other professions, then at least let him be a householder. Then if they ask where your cat works, you will proudly say “he is my housekeeper,” and will not hesitate to answer.

Cat artist

Yuri Dmitrievich Kuklachev will not let you lie about the best profession for a cat. He will definitely be able to explain to the cat that it is time for him to work. But, unfortunately, only by methods known to him. Try to get your pet into the Cat Theater, but keep in mind that the cat will no longer work for you.

Do you know any other humane professions in which cats can benefit humanity? Please share them in the comments! The best option will be a profession for our cat depicted in the logo.
In the meantime, let's move on to the most important question.


The devils are going crazy in my stomach. I don’t understand, what’s wrong with me? I sob periodically. Uncomfortable. They took the bowl away. They pour some nasty stuff into the mouth. I resist. In vain.

The bowl is empty. My stomach is empty. I walk and it staggers. The next day they finally took pity. They put something in a bowl. With the last of his strength he dragged himself to her. What is this? Porridge? It's not even oatmeal, sir! Rice! Brrr... I had to eat. Nasty. But he ate. Without enthusiasm, but with enthusiasm. I hope my derogatory views will make them think!

Ear cleaning, injections - all this is unpleasant, but you can endure it, because - all the attention is on me!

Your cat brings you "gifts"

While these might not be things you'd put on your wish list, your cat may bring you "gifts"—like dead mice, frogs, bugs, or trash—because she feels at home being around you.

Many people think that these are "gifts" for the pet owner, but in reality cats just bring them home where they feel safe.


This is the only place in the world where everyone is equal. You’re a dog, a cat, a guinea pig—they won’t study your pedigree here. They will unceremoniously put a stick in your ear and feel everything, even where they are not supposed to. Shame and fear. You sit in the arms of your parents and you yourself already sympathize with this seemingly healthy Rottweiler, who pressed himself into the lap of his owner. If we were free, we would sympathize with each other! But this is a place of truce. It’s better not to stand out here, otherwise you’ll jump out of line. Although it’s so torn to scream at the top of your lungs. I’m sitting, hissing like an iron...

Well, if someone from the pack is sick, I act more humanely. I don't drag them to the hospital. I just lie down next to her and pretend to sleep. And I’m on my guard, in case I need help with something. Sorry. They understand me. I'm grateful. Where are they without me?

Possible diseases

Unfortunately, a protruding tongue can indicate the presence of diseases.

Respiratory pathologies

Diseases associated with the respiratory system lead to the fact that the pet has to open its mouth. A common runny nose leads to the fact that the cat has to do this to make it easier to breathe. And, of course, the organ falls out. Such diseases can be the same ones that occur among people: acute respiratory viral diseases, rhinitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Allergy is also a disease that is accompanied by swelling of the airways and larynx, causing difficulty breathing and, as a result, protruding tongue.

The cat got poisoned

When poisoned, pets experience vomiting, which forces them to remove the tip of the tongue. In case of poisoning, bloating, drooling, and diarrhea are also observed.

Infectious diseases

Rhinotracheitis and calcivirosis are viral infectious diseases of cats that are characterized by damage to the eyes and respiratory organs. Signs of these diseases are conjunctivitis, fever, sneezing, nasal congestion, which causes the pet to stick out its tongue.

Conjunctivitis may mean the development of a serious illness

Oncological diseases

A protruding tongue in cats can cause malignant tumors, such as cancer of the throat, palate, and jaws. A more severe form of oncology is accompanied by bleeding, bad breath, and refusal to eat.

Heart and kidney failure

With cardiovascular failure, breathing problems always arise, since all tissues of the body do not receive enough oxygen. There is severe shortness of breath with a protruding tongue. The animal breathes with its stomach. Associated symptoms are loss of appetite, bluish mucous membranes of the mouth, tachycardia, loss of coordination.

Cats may experience tachycardia

Ischemia, angina pectoris and hypertension are also accompanied by the tongue sticking out during rapid breathing.

If the organ is externalized due to kidney failure, the pet will likely have ammonia-like breath, increased thirst, and a frequent urge to urinate.

Oral diseases

Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity are accompanied by swelling, ulcers and abrasions on the tongue, gums, and cheeks. This could be gingivitis or stomatitis. Added to the symptoms are putrid breath, loss of appetite, and refusal of solid food. An open mouth and air flowing through it reduce pain, and the tongue does not touch the palate without causing pain.

Stomatitis in cats


In order for a child to get any good out of him, he must be spanked. I was often and well flogged; I was raised to be a real cat. I am a real cat. This has already become obvious, so now they are not punished for pranks, but simply scolded, or maybe lightly spanked on the ass with a pillow. I pretend to be offended and fall asleep, pointedly turning away. I don't hold any grudges. They are good, but I’m not a gift either.

And sometimes I educate them. Now they are less likely to do what I don’t want. Sometimes they forget about it, but out of nobility I endure it, and when it gets enough of me, I resort to radical measures.

Purring means the cat is happy

As you may have suspected, purring is a good sign that your cat likes having you around.

According to Cats Protection cat behaviorist Nicky Trevorrow, cats purr only for the people they adore. They do not purr for other cats except their own kittens.

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Be consistent

Sometimes a cat's behavior is dictated by banal bad manners. A cat is a beast driven by instincts. By the way, he does not consider the apartment to be people’s territory at all, it belongs to him. You cannot explain to a cat that the owner is the one who brings the money and prepares the food. But sometimes a person himself acts inconsistently in raising a kitten, and then is surprised by its lack of culture.

It’s stupid, for example, to lure a cat today by playing with your hair, and tomorrow to scold him for jumping on your head for no apparent reason. At first they encouraged him! Yes, your mood was different on different days and the circumstances were slightly different, and the cat’s actions were not so aggressive. You can find a lot of differences - they are obvious to you, but not to the cat. For him, everything needs to be clearly sorted out and, if an action is undesirable, it should not be encouraged under any circumstances.

First understand your behavior and reactions, sometimes unconscious, and only then take on your pet.

The pet kneads you with its paws

Kittens knead their mother to stimulate milk flow, but adult cats also use kneading as a way to “suck up” to their owners.

This behavior may be a sign of affection for you. The cat may exhibit this behavior because it sees you as its mother, authority, or is trying to show its trust in this way.

Spinning with its paws also activates the scent glands in the paws, so your cat may be trying to mark you.

Understand the situation

Sometimes it seems that a cat is acting strange and mischievous for no reason. In fact, an explanation can be found for your pet's behavior. So, for example, one man’s cat peed on the parquet in the same place. It was not possible to wean off. One fine day he lifted the parquet and found the described men's trousers under it. The cat smelled them and tried to cover up the smell with her own. After the pants were thrown away, she stopped marking the parquet.

Sometimes cats mark the bed of a child who suffers from enuresis. So they also try to cover up the smell. They can also pee on the bed or slippers of the person who offended them. By the way, the problem of relieving yourself in the wrong place may be associated with physiological reasons: read about them in a separate article.

In general, before punishing your cat or making any decisions, it is worth conducting an investigation to look for possible reasons for the behavior.

The cat licks your hair or ears

You probably know that some animals groom each other to show care and affection, and cats are no exception.

Licking the owner's hair or ears signals that the cat trusts this person and considers him a close companion. This is a sign of friendship and shows that your furry friend cares about you.

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Guide smoothly

The first simplest and most non-offensive measure to prohibit something is to physically direct the pet’s movements. For example, I taught my cat not to walk on the laptop when it is open. In the early days, the then two-month-old kitten did not leave the computer alone: ​​it needed wires, then the mouse cursor, then the mouse itself... And at the same time there were constant attempts to walk across the keyboard. I wordlessly directed the cat's movement with my hands, turning it past the keyboard. Literally within a month we managed to teach the animal to bypass an open laptop. She walks around closed doors calmly, but I don’t mind.

Use your imagination: this technique can be used in many situations. For example, when training to use a tray and a scratching post. Just pick up the cat and move it to the place where he needs to do his business. You can combine this with a prohibitory word when an animal tries to play in the wrong place, and then praise it when it understands and does the right thing.

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