Why it appears and what to do when vomiting with mucus in an adult and child

Vomiting is a protective reaction of the body to toxins, bacteria or spoiled food entering the stomach. But it can appear with some functional disorders of the digestive tract, acute inflammatory processes, and pathologies of the central nervous system. Sometimes the vomit turns green.

This does not always indicate a serious problem; perhaps the person has eaten too much greens, cucumbers, or other foods of that color. If it comes out before it has time to digest, the vomit will be green. But more often this condition still occurs due to infectious diseases or other pathologies. Therefore, it is very important to understand why the vomit is green in order to choose the right treatment.


If the vomit has a green tint, this indicates the presence of bile in the stomach. In healthy people, bile enters the duodenum and is where it participates in the digestion of food. The sphincter prevents the reflux of intestinal contents back into the stomach. With its pathologies, green flakes appear in the vomit due to bile entering the stomach. These may be congenital anatomical features or other structural anomalies of the digestive tract, or impaired intestinal motility.

Vomiting can occur with various functional or infectious-inflammatory diseases of the digestive system. But most often this happens when poisoning is caused by low-quality or stale products. In this case, vomiting and loose stools appear within a few hours after eating such food.

Green vomiting in an adult can occur with a sharp increase in blood pressure, concussion, or motion sickness.

In addition, this condition may indicate disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system:

  • Chronic disease of the liver, gallbladder, or bile ducts in a person can cause bile to leak into the stomach, causing vomiting. This happens especially often after removal of the gallbladder, but can also occur with cholecystitis or viral hepatitis.
  • Functional insufficiency of the stomach and pancreas, lack of enzymes, mucus, and hormones can lead to the coloring of digested food green. Indeed, with such pathologies in digestion, the leading role is played by bile, which gives the vomit a green tint.
  • A similar condition can occur in the presence of a tumor. If it compresses the digestive tract, it can provoke the reflux of intestinal contents into the stomach.
  • Green vomit appears with intestinal infections. This can be rotavirus, salmonellosis, staphylococcus. Recently rare diseases such as cholera or typhoid fever also cause a similar symptom.
  • Yellow-green vomit appears when poisoned by mushrooms or toxic substances.

Sometimes severe stress, anxiety or uncontrollable anger also lead to vomiting. And often the vomit is green. Inflammatory kidney diseases can also lead to this condition.

One of the most serious causes of green vomit is intestinal obstruction. It can occur due to functional impairment or in the presence of mechanical obstacles. Tumors, polyps, cysts, adhesions or hernias can make it difficult to evacuate food naturally. In addition, a dangerous situation for health occurs when the appendix becomes inflamed. In this case, green vomit also often occurs. This condition can be recognized by sharp spasms in the right side.

If such a condition develops in a woman during pregnancy, it can threaten the life of the child and the mother. Vomiting usually occurs due to toxicosis, but if it turns green, this may indicate serious diseases of the digestive system, poisoning or infection. But even ordinary toxicosis can quickly lead to dehydration.

In children

Greenish vomit in a small child requires immediate medical attention. Most often, this condition indicates an acute intestinal infection or food poisoning.

But many other conditions can cause vomiting in babies. This may be a congenital pathology of intestinal motility, metabolic disorders, diseases of the central nervous system. In older children, vomiting and loose stools may occur as a reaction to unfamiliar foods introduced with complementary foods. Moreover, their color may correspond to these products, so sometimes vomiting and diarrhea with greens occur.

Sometimes children experience a condition called acetone crisis. This is the formation of ketone bodies and acetone in the blood. This condition is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, first of undigested food, then of greens, and finally with mucus. The vomit has the smell of acetone. The child is overexcited, pale and weak, and has a decreased appetite. This happens due to insufficient liver function. A crisis can be triggered by poisoning, overeating, infection, or eating fatty foods.


Herbal medicine is considered to be an effective method of treating pathologies accompanied by vomiting with mucus. Traditional medicine recipes must be used comprehensively, in combination with other measures of patient rehabilitation. Their list includes:

  1. lemon balm decoction (10 g of dry leaves are brewed in 0.3 boiling water, the drink is infused for an hour and filtered; take 50 g before each meal);
  2. a decoction of dill seeds (15 g of raw material is brewed in 0.5 liters of boiling water, the mixture is left overnight and filtered; take 100 g three times a day);
  3. infusion of three-leaf cotton wool (5 g of crushed (dry) leaves are brewed in 0.25 liters of boiling water, the preparation is left for 20 minutes and filtered; take 100 g before meals);

The gag reflex is weakened if you regularly add ginger to your food. Potato juice, which is recommended to drink before meals, is effective in combating unpleasant symptoms. You can clean the upper parts of the digestive tract with a soda solution (contraindications: pregnant women and patients suffering from cholelithiasis, gastritis and intestinal infections).


This condition is usually accompanied by nausea. It can be of varying degrees of severity. In case of food poisoning, the patient feels better after it. If the pathology is caused by infection or functional disorders, vomiting does not bring relief. Often there is a decrease in appetite, even an aversion to food.

And if there is a large amount of mucus, one may suspect poisoning with potent poisons or a bite from poisonous insects. Vomit may be homogeneous or streaked with mucus or blood, or pieces of undigested food.

In addition, this condition may be accompanied by green diarrhea. Loose stools appear with food poisoning and many pathologies of the digestive system. In this case, signs of dehydration occur: dizziness, weakness, weight loss, a sharp drop in blood pressure, convulsions.

In the most severe cases, vomiting may cause a fever, severe abdominal pain, and general malaise. If the green color of the vomit is due to a large amount of bile, after the stomach is emptied, a burning sensation occurs in the larynx and mouth.

Symptoms and types of vomiting

The first symptom is a feeling of nausea. After vomiting, diarrhea may appear green in color and consistency with impurities of blood, bile or undigested food. Then, depending on the reason why the green vomit appeared, the person’s condition and further symptoms vary. For example, if it is simple food poisoning, then after emptying the stomach it becomes easier for a while. In case of infections and serious illnesses, repeated vomiting only makes you feel worse.

Advice on when to call an ambulance. Indications for calling the emergency room - green vomit is accompanied by severe diarrhea and abdominal pain, fever up to 38 degrees and above.

Urgent hospitalization and treatment will be required

What do the different shades and colors of green vomit mean?

Based on the nature of the vomit, one can assume the development of some pathological processes in the body:

  1. If it has a yellowish tint , it is a sign of a combination of hydrochloric acid and a large amount of bile in the stomach. All due to a violation of the outflow of bile (dyskinesia) and an increased acidic environment in the stomach.
  2. If it is heavily mixed with blood , this is a sign of bleeding in the ulcer, cirrhosis of the liver, oncology, varicose veins in the esophagus, hemorrhagic pancreatitis or erosive gastritis.
  3. If it is grayish in color and with a lot of mucus , this is a sign of chemical intoxication or mushroom poisoning.
  4. If it is dark green , then this indicates a mixture of copious amounts of bile and blood.

Black vomit indicates a drug overdose, red vomit indicates bleeding in the esophagus, yellow vomit indicates food poisoning. If the vomit is brown, then this is a clear sign of internal bleeding in the stomach. This happens with polyps, tumors and ulcers.

The green color of vomit can directly reflect food poisoning if the food was green (stale cucumbers, spinach, broccoli)


If vomiting occurs once, treatment can be carried out at home. If it is not accompanied by diarrhea and fever, it is most likely indigestion or a reaction to high blood pressure, injury or stress. The measures taken must take into account the possible causes of this condition. In case of indigestion, it is necessary to take adsorbents or enzymes, follow a diet and drinking regime. In other cases, specific treatment is required.

In more serious cases, when the patient vomits a lot of green liquid, has diarrhea, a fever and symptoms of intoxication, it is necessary to contact a medical facility. This is especially important for children, since they very quickly develop dehydration, leading to death. At the same time, drinking ordinary water does not improve the patient’s condition, since a large amount of electrolytes and minerals are lost.

Treatment for green vomiting should take into account the causes of this condition. In case of poisoning, gastric lavage and enterosorbents are taken, for example, Smecta or activated carbon. Sometimes additional antibacterial drugs are required if this condition is caused by an infection. It is necessary to eliminate the causes of vomiting - reduce blood pressure, remove intestinal obstruction, remove toxins, improve the functioning of the digestive organs.

But in many cases, such measures are not enough, so special therapy is also required to overcome the urge to vomit. These may be drugs Cerucal, Metoclopramide, Domperidone. Sometimes you also need centrally acting drugs: Diazepam or Haloperidol. Antacids also eliminate nausea - Rennie, Maalox, Phosphalugel. They not only reduce stomach acidity, but also prevent belching.

If the color and consistency of the stool has also changed, anti-diarrhea medications are needed. These could be Motilium, Smecta, Loperamide.

Sometimes traditional methods are also used:

  • you can chew green tea leaves or drink this drink;
  • An infusion of dill seeds helps a lot;
  • take 30 drops of lemon peel tincture;
  • drink in small quantities decoctions of yarrow, burdock root, milk thistle, immortelle;
  • A decoction of chicory or ginger relieves nausea well.

Nausea and vomiting are usually accompanied by poisoning from low-quality food products, motion sickness when traveling, and other ailments. When vomiting occurs, the body triggers a protective reaction to get rid of undigested food. Are the symptoms described dangerous to health?

First aid for the victim

If vomiting with mucus recurs, you should immediately call an ambulance and take measures to prevent possible complications that may arise after emptying the stomach. They boil down to:

  1. provide the patient with complete rest;
  2. after symptom relief, provide the patient with fractional/small portion meals, excluding heavy meals;
  3. provide the patient with a drinking regime.

It is important to give the patient 30-40 g (every 20 minutes) of low-fat broth/mineral water without gases during the period when the exacerbation phase has been overcome. It is not recommended to rehabilitate health with drinks that contain gases. If the patient is unable to drink liquids, then frozen broths and juices are allowed. If there is a blockage in the intestines, a tube is inserted into the patient to safely remove vomit.

During gastric emptying, the physiological reflex should not be restrained, after which the patient is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and go to bed.

Causes of green vomit

  1. Intestinal infections (gastroenteritis, typhoid fever, cholera). The appearance is associated with the consumption of water and food contaminated with E. coli, salmonella, and pathogenic microorganisms. Sphincters prevent the flow of bile into the stomach area. With the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, the function weakens. Bile enters the stomach, the contents turn green.
  2. Intestinal obstruction. The intestines are affected by compressive tumors. The release of bile is provoked. Bile comes out in yellow-green masses. The color is characteristic of impaired motor functions of the intestinal tract.
  3. The malaise could have been provoked by taking strong medications.
  4. Intoxication with exotic fruits and vegetables of bright colors: kiwi, spinach, avocado. Vomits liquid with greens.
  5. Changes in the acidity of gastric juice. The suffering will intensify with sharp, recurring pain in the abdominal area.
  6. Poisoning with chemicals, poisonous mushrooms. The stomach cannot cope, and diarrhea and vomiting often occur.
  7. Psychiatric illnesses occur with the described symptoms. Excitement, uncontrollable anger, lack of restraint of emotions lead to a nervous breakdown, provoking vomiting without fever.

Vomiting with bile: possible causes and treatments

Vomiting of bile is a condition in which stomach cramps cause the yellow substrate to be rejected. May be accompanied by dizziness, weakness, and abdominal pain. The pathogenesis of the disease varies. The condition is caused by both alcohol poisoning and systemic disorders of the body.

What does vomiting with bile look like: signs

During illness, the body rejects the contents of the stomach. In the vomit you can find streaks of greenish, red or brown tint, but the main color is yellow. It is caused by an admixture of bile acid.

If a person vomits bile, he feels a characteristic bitter taste in his mouth. It is difficult to remove even after rinsing. The esophagus burns severely, and heartburn and sore throat may develop.

After an attack, temporary relief is often observed, accompanied by weakness and dizziness. There is increased sweating and loss of coordination. Some people may experience dark vision after vomiting bile.

Belching is often observed.

Possible causes of bile vomiting and associated symptoms

Bile rejection can be caused by cholecystitis, pregnancy, or poisoning. Depending on the color of the secreted substrate, the following possible prerequisites are distinguished:

  • green – inflammatory process in the bile ducts;
  • red – fresh bleeding in the esophagus or stomach;
  • brown, shade of purple – venous bleeding, a sign of severe peptic ulcer disease;
  • light, almost without tint – intoxication or atrophy of the gallbladder mucosa;
  • almost black - stagnant processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • ocher – hemolytic type jaundice.

One shade of vomit is not enough to make a diagnosis. In addition, there are other factors that predispose to the development of vomiting with bile.


If salts are not properly deposited, the bile ducts become blocked. Liver secretions accumulate and are sharply released into the duodenum as stones advance.

The substrate passes in excess from the intestines to the stomach. The disorder is accompanied by vomiting, pain in the right side, and colic in the liver area.

At the same time, yellowness of the skin develops, and heavy and fatty foods are poorly digested.

The disease can be cured by taking prescribed medications. In later stages of development, surgical intervention is resorted to.


This is an inflammation of the gallbladder that often accompanies gallstone disease. This disorder is characterized by the separation of a greenish substrate along with vomit.

The mechanism of bile release is similar to that described above. With abundant release, the substance first enters the intestines, and then, due to irritation of the mucous membranes and the development of spasms, rises to the stomach. Characteristic symptoms of cholecystitis include constipation, persistent fever, and yellowing of the skin.

Yellow vomit after gallbladder removal

After excision of an organ, the patient often begins to vomit for no apparent reason. This is due to the fact that bile passes from the ducts directly into the intestines, bypassing the bladder. It is important for a patient who has undergone surgery to follow a diet and adhere to a diet to avoid attacks.

Nausea often occurs after eating. When eating fatty foods or overeating, a person suffers from flatulence and intestinal colic. With a sharp release of bile, pain appears in the right side, weakness, and a bitter taste in the mouth.

Pyloric stenosis

An alternative name is pyloric stenosis. Occurs against the background of untreated peptic ulcer disease. It is characterized by a malfunction of the pyloric valve, which protects the stomach from the ingress of bile from the duodenum. As a result of loss of tone, the substrate easily moves up the gastrointestinal tract.

If a patient complains of vomiting with bile in the morning, the cause is precisely pyloric stenosis. Other symptoms: malaise after eating food, abdominal pain, internal bleeding as a result of ulcers.


Inflammation of the pancreas, especially the chronic type, is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. If the patient does not follow a special diet, attacks may occur daily. They are a consequence of alcohol consumption or severe abdominal pain. Serious illness causes a defensive reaction - greenish vomit.

With this disease, you need to be constantly monitored by a doctor. The gastroenterologist will tell you how to cure it or achieve stable remission.


Poisoning from chemicals, harmful fumes, or expired foods leads to nausea and vomiting. Everyone knows what to do in this situation: take activated carbon or another enterosorbent and wait for improvement. Severe intoxication, especially alcohol intoxication, will require hospitalization.

Vomiting during intoxication is temporary. It disappears after toxins are removed from the body.

Bile vomiting after alcohol

Alcohol poisoning is one of the types of intoxication. The symptoms are similar to those that occur when eating stale food, but are more pronounced.

Alcohol causes not just stomach cramps, but also disruption of the entire gastrointestinal tract system. There are disruptions in the motor skills of the gatekeeper. This causes bile to enter the stomach, causing nausea.

At the same time, a severe headache appears, coordination is impaired, and the vision becomes dark.

With a serious degree of poisoning, loss of consciousness and even falling into a coma is possible, so at the first signs of intoxication and vomiting bile after alcohol, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Vomiting of bile during pregnancy

The condition of the internal organs of expectant mothers changes. The intestines are compressed, causing its contents, including bile, to flow higher into the stomach. The result is vomiting with a yellow tint. It can be permanent, especially often occurring before 20 weeks in the morning.

Frequent nausea can be caused by exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The release of hormones provokes an exacerbation, and refusal of certain medications in order to preserve the health of the fetus does not allow it to be completely stopped. In this case, it is important for the woman to be examined by a doctor. Taking medications without consultation is strictly prohibited.

How to stop vomiting bile at home

Antiemetics are useless if bile rejection occurs due to gastrointestinal disorders. Even if they nullify the gag reflex, it will cause damage to the stomach due to the effects of bile acids. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you need to rinse your stomach.

To carry out the procedure, you need to drink about 5 liters of water, 1.5 liters 3 times. After every one and a half liters, vomiting is artificially induced by pressing on the root of the tongue. The last discharge should be light or transparent. This indicates that the lavage was successful and the bile was removed from the stomach.

This measure is only a temporary solution. It allows you to briefly relieve discomfort and eliminate the taste of bitterness. To prevent attacks from happening again, you need to consult a doctor. The therapist or gastroenterologist will prescribe therapeutic measures.

Washing should be done with caution. It is contraindicated in patients with swallowing problems, unconscious people, and those with a severe cough. The procedure will only have a negative effect if vomiting is associated with alcohol poisoning.

Treatment for vomiting bile

If the disorder is permanent, you should consult a doctor. The gastroenterologist will select a course of therapy based on the examination results. To determine the root cause of the disease, tests of biological materials and hormone testing may be prescribed. If gastritis is suspected, gastroscopy is performed.

Violating doctor's orders is prohibited. This will only lead to worsening of the condition and relapse. During therapy, there are general rules: follow a diet, stop drinking alcohol, eat regularly and in standard portions. Also, many doctors recommend high-quality enzymes of organic origin, for example Papaya Enzyme

Drug therapy

Medicines are prescribed after identifying the cause of vomiting. Simple enterosorbents are often recommended. They allow you to cope with intoxication during poisoning and after drinking alcohol - for example, Atoxil and Stimol.

If an attack of vomiting is caused by a stressful condition, you need to take tranquilizers based on benzodiazepines. Betahistine and Lorazepam relieve stomach cramps and quickly soothe.

If an intestinal infection is detected, antibiotics cannot be avoided. Sumamed and Azithromycin in the form of powder, gel or tablets for oral administration are prescribed for 3-10 days until the symptoms of the disease are completely relieved.


Tinctures and decoctions are allowed only during the recovery period, when it is necessary to replenish the volume of fluid in the body, as well as calm the nervous system and mucous membrane.

After stopping vomiting, if there are no contraindications, it is recommended to drink a glass of ginger tea, water with 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda, liquid with a few drops of lemon.

The solutions act as absorbents, eliminate the unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth and stimulate the restoration of water-salt balance. You cannot resort to these methods in the acute stage of gastritis, ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.

What not to do if you are vomiting bile

A number of actions are contraindicated in case of severe vomiting. If you ignore the prohibitions, the patient will only get worse as a result of unqualified home care.

What is prohibited to do:

  1. Give antiemetic drugs. They will not allow the body to eliminate the toxin, which in most cases is the cause of illness. This will worsen the poisoning. The action is useless and contraindicated also because the drugs simply do not have time to be absorbed. A new stomach spasm will lead to their rejection.
  2. Rinse the stomach using the method described above for those who may choke. These are mentally ill patients, small children, unconscious people.
  3. Refuse to visit a doctor. The therapist must conduct a comprehensive examination, only then the patient will get rid of the ailment forever.


Vomiting with bile can be caused by gastrointestinal disorders, stress, and poor diet. To prevent its development, it is important to improve your daily diet. It is necessary to take medications prescribed by a specialist aimed at restoring the gastrointestinal tract.

During recovery, a diet is prescribed. You need to give up alcohol, thermally unprocessed vegetables, fatty foods, smoked meats and canned food. Mushrooms and soups based on them, sweets and baked goods made with yeast are undesirable.

If nausea occurs against the background of constant psycho-emotional stress, from which there is no way to get rid of it, the use of sedatives is allowed. Only light herbal dietary supplements can be used without a prescription.

Following simple recommendations will allow you to forget about vomiting with bile forever. If you refuse therapy, the initial disease may become chronic or develop complications.

Source: https://puzyr.info/rvota-zhelchyu/

Green vomit in children

Yellow or green liquid means an acute infectious disease, food poisoning. Infant botulism occurs with diarrhea and high fever. It is imperative to inform the medical institution about the problem. Immediate treatment is required; if necessary, the doctor will give a referral for hospitalization.

When teething, infants suffer from fever, loose stools, and persistent vomiting. If vomiting does not stop for a day, call an ambulance immediately.

The cause of green vomiting in children is called insufficient liver secretion. It is provoked by feeding the child fatty, fried foods. The smell of acetone accompanies the vomiting process is felt - it will push out undigested food. Sometimes mucus appears in the vomit, and pain symptoms in the umbilical area.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis can only be made in a medical facility. Only a qualified doctor can analyze the current condition of the patient. First of all, external examination and palpation are necessary.

An external examination determines the condition of the skin and hair. Pulse, body temperature and blood pressure are measured. Palpation is aimed at establishing the localization of pain. All this allows us to establish a preliminary diagnosis.

Based on the preliminary diagnosis, laboratory and instrumental studies are selected.

Patients are usually recommended:

  • examination of vomit;
  • analysis of blood, urine and feces;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • endoscopy;
  • bacterial sowing;
  • coprogram, etc.

Only after this a final diagnosis is made.

Why green vomit appears and what to do to eliminate the symptom, you will learn from the video:

What can vomit be confused with?

Newborn babies often spit up - do not confuse this with vomiting. The norm is regurgitation of 5-10 ml of stomach contents up to several times a day, which is a sign that the baby is overeating. Babies burp if they swallow air along with food. When regurgitation occurs after each feeding, the baby may not gain weight well, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The doctor will recognize the symptoms of complex diseases in time and help avoid serious consequences.

Acute appendicitis and gastroenteritis in older age are accompanied by a serious condition. Vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, and sharp pain in the child’s abdomen can occur for hours. Intestinal obstruction is an emergency condition. If the intestines hurt, the contents of the stomach become dark burgundy in color with masses of feces.

If a child has been complaining of nausea for a long time, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician to prescribe stool tests for worm eggs. When the doctor makes a diagnosis, he will prescribe the correct treatment. In an adult, migraine is the cause of periodically recurring attacks where nausea is present. Children's migraine sometimes manifests itself without a headache; at times, dizziness appears.

Bitterness in the mouth after vomiting: causes, treatment and how to remove the symptom

Vomiting is a reflex reaction of the body that occurs during various types of intoxication and not only (for example, during pregnancy).

After the active release of toxic substances, a person usually feels much better.

But sometimes one unpleasant symptom gives way to another, and after nausea and vomiting, bitterness appears in the mouth. Why is this happening and what should be done?


It is worth noting! The first reason for a bitter taste in the mouth after vomiting is the abundance of fatty and heavy food the day before, including bitter food. This could be onions, garlic, spicy seasonings, alcohol.

After such a “belly celebration,” poisoning often occurs, and the contents of the stomach come out.

Poisoning with subsequent vomiting and bitterness in the mouth can also be due to rotten fruits and vegetables (for example, plums).

Diseases that cause bitterness

But in most cases, a bitter taste in the mouth is associated with the release of bile into the upper gastrointestinal tract. The reasons may be:

  • impaired motility of the bile ducts and, as a result, stagnation of bile;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • liver failure.

Note! With these problems, accompanying symptoms are aching or dull, weak pain in the right side.

Possible fever (acute cholecystitis, cholelithiasis), muscle pain, yellowing of the skin and sclera.

You may experience a metallic taste in the mouth (squeezing of the ducts), light-colored loose stools, dark urine, and dry mouth.

In advanced conditions, surgery to remove the gallbladder - cholecystectomy - may be required.

Inflammation of the liver tissue

The condition, known as Botkin's disease, begins with heat and bitterness in the mouth.

If nausea and vomiting appear, this may indicate progression of the disease and the development of steatosis, liver cirrhosis, and cholelithiasis.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Stay up to date! The pathology is not always associated with the liver and biliary tract, and sometimes bitterness is associated with the intestines or stomach.

Often, the symptom appears during exacerbation of gastritis, duodenal ulcer, colitis, gastric dyspepsia, reflux or the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori .

Typically, problems with the digestive tract are accompanied by a white coating on the tongue, heaviness and pain in the abdomen after eating, flatulence, bloating and upset stool.

Pathologies of the pancreas associated with a lack of food enzymes manifest themselves in the form of heartburn, nausea, heaviness after eating, and a bitter or bitter-sour taste in the mouth.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

Vomiting and subsequent bitterness in the mouth may indicate vegetative-vascular dystonia. When the disease worsens, irritability, sleep problems, and arrhythmia are present.

Keep in mind! There may be a slight increase in temperature, headache, heaviness in the stomach, dizziness, digestive problems, darkening of the eyes.

Other diseases

Continuous bitterness in the mouth may indicate bladder disease .

Sometimes vomiting and bitterness in the mouth appear against the background of a stable decrease in blood pressure , or hypotension.

Hypotension is especially often accompanied by symptoms reminiscent of poisoning (heaviness in the stomach, sour belching, decreased appetite, bitterness in the mouth), usually in women 30-40 years old.

If vomiting occurs during or immediately after an acute respiratory infection, one may suspect the development of ENT diseases and damage to the throat with purulent foci.

With mechanical irritation of the throat, the formations can be damaged and their contents can come out. Then the bitterness in the mouth is present until the first brushing of the teeth.


For your information! Sometimes bitterness in the mouth appears without other symptoms, and after hygiene procedures it disappears and does not appear again.

Most likely, in this case, the reason was precisely overeating or excessive alcohol consumption.

The presence of bitterness throughout the day, which does not disappear after brushing your teeth and appears the next day, should be a reason to consult a doctor.

To begin with, you can go to your local physician and tell about all your symptoms.

In this case, it is important to remember what was eaten on the eve of vomiting, which caused nausea and, possibly, to indicate the nature of the vomit (solid, liquid, with bile).

If a person knows for sure that bitterness and vomiting are associated with exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you can immediately contact a gastroenterologist.

You should know! During the examination, the doctor prescribes a number of standard tests:

  • general blood test, urine test;
  • coprogram;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • Ultrasound;
  • FGDS;
  • radiography.

If the internal organs are healthy and no diseases have been identified, the person is sent to a cardiologist.

He conducts a survey, prescribes an ECG and EEG to confirm or refute vegetative-vascular dystonia.

After this, you can visit an otorhinolaryngologist and dentist . It is quite possible that the bitterness in the mouth was always present, but the person noticed it only during vomiting and connected the two symptoms together.

It is worth noting! Diseases of the teeth and gums may also cause a bitter taste in the mouth.


Diseases of the stomach, liver, intestines, gall bladder and other internal organs are treated primarily with diet.

All fatty, fried foods, smoked foods, hot and spicy seasonings, canned food, sausages, heavy foods, alcohol, coffee and sparkling water are excluded from the diet.

Depending on the diagnosis, a therapeutic diet can be selected.

For gastritis or reflux disease, medications that reduce the acidity of gastric juice or antacids are prescribed .

It could be Rennie, Almagel.

antispasmodics (No-shpa, Spazmalgon), antiemetic medications (Motilium, Domrid), and antipyretics (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen) can be prescribed

How to remove? Smecta, Vikalin, Motoricum, and choleretic drugs help normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

If an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases occurs due to stress, sedatives are prescribed (Motherwort, Valerian).

For diseases of the liver and gall bladder, drugs from the group of hepatoprotectors (Carsil, Essentiale Forte, Gepabene) and enzymes are prescribed .

In advanced cases, surgical methods are resorted to.

Auxiliary methods of treatment for identified diagnoses are physiotherapy and therapy using traditional recipes .

It is imperative to give up bad habits, smoking and drinking alcohol to prevent the condition from worsening and the disease progressing.

In case of dental diseases, teeth are removed or treated is performed . The diet is also adjusted.

From this video you will learn about the causes and treatment of bitterness in the mouth:

Bitterness in the mouth after vomiting most often indicates liver and gallbladder diseases .

It happens that an unpleasant aftertaste appears regardless of food intake and does not go away for a long time. In this case, the problem can be very serious, including liver cirrhosis and hepatitis.

You can’t ignore the bitterness in your mouth , delay treatment, and you can’t ignore your doctor’s recommendations either.

If you follow all the specialist’s instructions, relief from identified diseases of the internal organs can be achieved in 7-10 days.

Source: https://dentamed.club/gigiena/privkus-vo-rtu/gorech-vo-rtu-posle-rvoty.html

Elimination of nausea and vomiting

The disease is accompanied by a large loss of fluid and dehydration occurs. Provide the patient with clean bottled water. Make sure you drink in small sips. Yellow mucus in humans indicates existing liver disease.

If an adult vomits once, the nausea disappears, the urge does not recur, the cause could be indigestion. Follow a simple diet and short fasting. Avoid heavy foods.

Diet menu after vomiting:

  • unsalted food, avoidance of fried and fatty foods;
  • eat steamed, boiled vegetables, chicken;
  • exclude fruits;
  • You cannot drink sparkling water, strong tea, or coffee. Boil dried fruit compote or brew green tea;
  • Do not eat tomatoes or cabbage.

Principles for eliminating a pathological condition

If green vomit is accompanied by a rise in temperature to high values, profuse diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, you must call an ambulance for hospitalization in an infectious diseases hospital.

If the patient's health is satisfactory. It is enough to call a family doctor at home to prescribe symptomatic treatment.

If the patient is nauseous, antacids are prescribed. This is especially true if a person is vomiting yellow, bitter liquid. Excess hydrochloric acid can be eliminated with the help of medications. Antacids reduce the level of acidity in the stomach, bringing it to normal . They coat the mucous membrane, relieve irritation, relieve nausea, heartburn, and eliminate belching.

Tablets - Rennie, Gastal, Maalox, Talcid. Suspensions – almagel, phosphalugel, gestid, gaviscon, altacid.

Vomiting is associated with water loss and dehydration. Therefore, the patient must be given warm water or other drink. You need to drink in small sips. If you drink a lot of liquid in one gulp, it will provoke repeated vomiting.

If there is no nausea, you can drink herbal infusions and teas. Green or yellow vomit in a person is a symptom of inflammation of the liver or gallbladder. To alleviate the condition, medicinal herbs are prescribed. They will calm the enlarged liver, normalize its functioning, and ensure the passage of the excretory tract and the normal outflow of bile.

Herbs from which you can prepare a healing infusion or decoction:

  1. Burdock (burdock) – relieves inflammation, restores cell structure, relieves pain, has a diuretic, laxative and choleretic effect, and helps eliminate toxins.
  2. Yarrow – improves intracellular metabolism, expands the duct, relieving their spasm, eliminates pain in the right hypochondrium (a symptom of an enlarged liver), and has a cleansing property.
  3. Milk thistle – protects hepatocytes (liver cells) from the effects of poisons and toxins.
  4. Chicory – enhances metabolic processes, microcirculation, promotes blood flow. This saturates the organ with oxygen and restores its structure.
  5. Dandelion – cleanses ducts and blood vessels.
  6. Immortelle – relieves pain of any localization.
  7. Ginger – prevents the development of nausea and heartburn. Stops gagging.

If a person vomits once and the vomit is yellow, this does not require specific treatment. This condition is caused by indigestion as a response to eating heavy food. In this case, you need to organize a short fast. And then follow the diet for 2-3 days:

  • refuse to eat fatty, smoked, fried, salty, spicy foods;
  • steam, grill or boil dishes;
  • temporarily exclude vegetables and fruits containing coarse dietary fiber (fiber), as they can injure the inflamed mucous membrane - white cabbage, apples, persimmons;
  • you can eat soups with vegetable broth; first courses prepared with tomato or acid (sauerkraut cabbage soup, borscht) are not recommended;
  • During the restoration of the gastrointestinal tract, give up carbonated and alcoholic drinks, strong black tea, and coffee.

If green or yellow vomiting is accompanied by severe cutting pain in the abdomen, in which a person must be in a forced position, lying on his side, no medications or folk remedies should be taken. This may be a symptom of appendicitis. Any use of painkillers or other medications will blur the symptoms and prevent a correct diagnosis from being made in a timely manner. The consequence is rupture of the appendix, peritonitis.

In adults, vomiting can be triggered by a sharp increase in blood pressure. In this case, it is necessary to take antihypertensive drugs and call an ambulance.

The appearance of pain in the abdomen

If you vomit yellow or greenish liquid, sharp colic appears in the abdomen so that the victim is forced to lie on his side, these are symptoms of appendicitis. Painkillers should not be taken until the ambulance arrives so that doctors can make the correct diagnosis.

If bile is secreted, this is a symptom of liver disease. Gallstone disease is accompanied by attacks of severe pain with fever and noticeable bloating. The use of choleretic drugs is agreed with the doctor.

Vomiting black liquid, why do you feel sick and vomit black liquid?

Vomiting of black liquid is most often observed in people under anesthesia, since deep anesthesia can to some extent affect the psyche and physiology of a person. In order to stop the effect of anesthesia, doctors use Reglan and Torekan, which cause blackening of the stomach contents.

Black vomit is a constant companion to chemotherapy of any kind. Nausea can have very different degrees of severity and, as a result, cause vomiting or not. To prevent this condition, doctors recommend not eating anything for several hours before chemotherapy. If nausea does occur, then you need to limit unnecessary movements and try to breathe deeply and slowly.

What to do if you are vomiting

You cannot self-medicate; be sure to call an ambulance. There are several ways to make the patient feel better.

  1. Gastric lavage will remove the remaining toxins in case of alcohol poisoning in an adult. Let the victim drink 1-2 liters of water in one gulp. Induce gagging by pressing on the root of the tongue with your fingers.
  2. Sorbents remove toxins from the body. Therefore, let the patient drink activated carbon, Polysorb, Smecta. If the sorbents are not accepted by the body, then a gray mass is released, rarely black-gray in color.

Drug therapy

After carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures and establishing the root cause of the pathology, the gastroenterologist prescribes the optimal course of therapy based on the prescription of drugs with a pharmacological spectrum of action. Their list includes:

  • enterosorbents (remove poisons and toxins from the body naturally - “Polysorb”, “Enterosgel”, “Activated carbon”);

  • antiemetics (suppress the urge to empty the stomach - Domperidone, Metoclopramide);
  • antispasmodics (relax the smooth muscles of the digestive organs, relieve pain - Novigan, Papaverine, Drotaverine, Duspatalin);
  • antibiotics (eliminate viruses and pathogenic microorganisms - Azithromycin, Metronidazole, Nifuroxazide);
  • defoamers (I eliminate excess accumulation of air in the abdominal cavity - “Espumizan”, “Pepsan-R”);
  • probiotics/prebiotics (normalize the microflora of the intestines and stomach - “Bifidumbacterin”, “Linex”, “Eubicor”);
  • prokinetics (improves the motor function of the digestive organs - “Eglonil”, “Duspatalin”);
  • enzyme agents (restore digestive function - “Festal”, “Somilaza”).

A certain number of medications are effective in stopping vomiting with mucus that is episodic in nature. But treating an unpleasant symptom on your own is not allowed: every pharmacological agent has contraindications and side effects that can cause harm to health.

Treatment for vomiting

Vomiting symptoms do not last long - there is no need to use medications. Provide rest to the patient and monitor his condition.

Pregnant women experiencing toxicosis are subject to vomiting reactions. To avoid this, it is recommended to drink water with lemon, green tea, and eat crackers in the morning.

Well-proven remedies stop gagging: Reglan, Motilium, Aminazine.

An adult can tolerate intoxication more easily if action is taken immediately. Keep under control for signs of nausea and bitter saliva. This means that measures need to be taken in a timely manner.

Medical practice characterizes the extent of the disease by analyzing a person's stool. The excrement turns into different colors due to the consumption of foods rich in pigments. Bright orange-colored feces appear when eating pumpkin. If the vegetable was stale, then with diarrhea there will be feces with an orange pigment. White or blue feces appear due to eating large amounts of rice, fatty foods, and fish. Sometimes accompanied by snot, sputum discharge, where blue mucus is present.

Stale tomatoes and beets provoke the appearance of purple and pink mucus. Gastric lavage and taking absorbents will help you recover.

What are the complications:

  • Convulsions occur. A lot of fluid is lost, useful elements are removed, and the balance of the human body is disrupted.
  • Vomit enters the respiratory tract along with sputum, which leads to pneumonia.
  • Exhaustion of the body occurs when the victim does not eat due to poor health and constant nausea.
  • The walls of the stomach and esophagus are damaged.
  • Stomach acid entering the mouth can cause thinning of tooth enamel.

Vomiting bile

In the presence of concomitant diseases of the digestive organs or after food poisoning, vomiting of bile may occur. Sometimes vomiting with bile occurs with alcohol abuse.

In uncomplicated situations, this phenomenon indicates the cleansing of the body from toxins or accumulated bile secretions.

If the substance turns green or brown, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out what causes bile vomiting and what methods exist to treat the unfavorable condition.

What does bile look like in vomit?

If vomiting with bile occurs, the contents will contain streaks of green, brown or red hue with a predominant yellow color in the mass. The color is due to release from the contents of the duodenum. During vomiting, a characteristic bitter taste is felt, which is difficult to get rid of even by rinsing the mouth.

Due to frequent attacks, the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system as a whole are affected, and since the contents of the stomach burn the esophageal mucosa, heartburn may occur. After vomiting, the patient experiences dizziness, weakness, increased sweating, poor coordination of movements, and sometimes belching.

Why does he vomit bile?

Systematically recurring attacks indicate diseases of the digestive system. If you vomit bile, this is a symptom of a pathology of the gallbladder, liver, stomach or intestinal dysfunction. Often observed with gastroduodenal reflux, inflammation, obstruction of the biliary system, as well as with disorders of the pancreas.

Bile has a specific odor and a yellow-green tint, and is synthesized by liver cells - hepatocytes. The secretion enters the gallbladder through the hepatic tract. Next, the contents must pass through the bile ducts into the duodenum to digest the food coming from the stomach.

When bile is released during vomiting, it penetrates into the stomach from the small intestine through the pyloric valve. If there are no problems with the digestive tract, it closes when partially digested food enters the duodenum.

Causes of vomiting bile

Possible causes of vomiting with bile can be determined by the color of the contents of the vomit:

  1. A green tint means inflammation in the gallbladder and its ducts.
  2. The red color when vomiting bile indicates bleeding in the esophagus or stomach.
  3. Brown or purple color mixed with blood - bleeding from a vein, signs of a stomach ulcer.
  4. Light, yellow - atrophy of the mucous membrane of the gallbladder or poisoning.
  5. Almost black color – congestion of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Ocher indicates hemolytic jaundice.

The causes of bilious vomiting are often associated with certain diseases.

Vomiting yellow bile after gallbladder removal

Often, immediately after surgery, the patient begins to vomit and feel sick with bile. This is due to the fact that the gallbladder is absent, so the secretion from the liver goes directly into the intestinal lumen.

To prevent attacks from recurring, the patient must go on a strict diet after the operation, which he will have to adhere to for the rest of his life. In this situation, nausea most often occurs after eating.

If the patient eats fatty foods or overeats, hepatic colic and flatulence begin, bile is sharply released, which is fraught with pain in the right hypochondrium, weakness, and bitterness in the mouth.

Pyloric stenosis, or pyloric stenosis

Most often develops against the background of an untreated stomach or duodenal ulcer. The pathology is characterized by dysfunction of the pyloric valve, which prevents bile reflux into the gastric cavity.

Since the valve tone is reduced, the contents of the duodenum easily move towards the esophagus. If vomiting of bile occurs in the morning, this most often indicates pyloric stenosis.

There may be abdominal pain after eating and bleeding due to the ulcer. The temperature usually does not rise.

Vomiting bile after poisoning - what could it be?

If a person vomits bile after food, drug or chemical poisoning, then this indicates a cleansing reaction of the body, which is how harmful substances are released.

The following intoxication factors cause vomiting:

  • volatile chemicals;
  • some medications;
  • fumes from household chemicals;
  • spoiled food products.

If symptoms worsen, it is recommended to take sorbents and contact an ambulance.

Vomiting bile after alcohol - what could it be?

With alcohol poisoning, a hangover syndrome is observed - nausea, chills, headache, thirst. If you feel sick with bile after drinking alcohol, this indicates severe intoxication or an exacerbation of existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is also how toxins are released. When drinking alcohol, illnesses worsen and a noticeable deterioration in well-being occurs.

An excess of alcoholic beverages leads to impaired motility of the bile ducts, pylorus, sphincters, liver, pancreas, and intestines. As a result, the contents of the liver are thrown into the stomach, causing irritation of its walls. In this case, you need to empty your stomach and not prevent the release of vomit. Then you need to take sorbents.

What to do when you vomit bile during pregnancy

Women most often feel nauseous in the first and last trimesters in the morning. Why does this happen: in the first case, morning sickness is the result of hormonal changes and is called toxicosis, and in the second, vomiting bile in the morning is associated with compression of the internal organs by the uterus and is called gestosis.

In the last months of pregnancy, the fetus is large enough to crush the intestines, which can cause the contents of the duodenum to be thrown back into the stomach. Only in this situation, vomiting with bile during pregnancy in women is not pathological.

Characteristic signs of toxicosis in women:

  • morning sickness immediately after waking up;
  • after vomiting, loss of appetite;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, usually on an empty stomach;
  • after vomiting there is a bitter taste in the mouth.

In other cases, the painful condition indicates an exacerbation of existing problems with the gastrointestinal tract - calculous cholecystitis, gastroduodenitis or pancreatitis. If many attacks occur, consult a doctor immediately.

What to do if you are vomiting bile

Regardless of the cause of bilious vomiting, measures must be taken to normalize the patient's condition if his health deteriorates.

If you vomit bile repeatedly, you need to take blood tests and diagnose the digestive system to find out the cause of the illness and why the attacks are repeated.

Primary diagnosis consists of taking a biochemical blood test and conducting an examination with an ultrasound machine. Based on the information received, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis.

How to stop vomiting bile

To stop gagging at home, you must follow the recommendations:

  1. Drink more fluids, especially during the first days after the attack begins. You can use more than just water. It is recommended to make a herbal decoction of green tea, rose hips and mint. This combination in the drink will alleviate the condition and prevent the development of dehydration. You need to drink decoction or still water every hour, in small sips, preferably on an empty stomach.
  2. Normalize nutrition, choose a diet. If junk food often provokes vomiting, it should be excluded from the diet. The patient should not be given fatty, floury, or sweet foods. Spicy foods irritate the stomach lining. You should also exclude tomatoes, cherries, cabbage, onions, and oranges from your diet.
  3. It is important to adhere to a fractional diet plan for relief to occur. Eat small portions every 2-3 hours. The menu consists mainly of cereals, low-fat fermented milk and baked vegetable dishes. You can eat lean meat and fish in small quantities.

Sometimes there are indomitable urges. In such cases, you can take antiemetic drugs. They can stop attacks, but they cannot cure the disease that caused the illness.

Why continue to stick to a diet if your health seems to have returned to normal? An attack or exacerbation can occur at any time when the diet is relaxed. To prevent the treatment from being in vain, the diet is maintained for a long time. This is especially true for the elderly and children, because their bodies are more weakened than those of adults.

Medicines you can take for treatment

The medical prescription directly depends on the cause of the vomiting. Both the symptoms and the root cause can be treated with medications.

To stop an attack, tablets are used:

  1. M-anticholinergic agents (Atropine, Aeron) - can stop nausea by reducing the muscle tone of the bile ducts and gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Benzodiazepines - reduce the excitability of vomiting receptors. They best help with urges that arise in a person due to nervousness, as they have a tranquilizing effect.
  3. Enterosorbents (activated carbon, Atoxil) – remove toxic substances from the body and help with poisoning.
  4. Antibiotics are prescribed if the patient has an internal infection.

Prevention of vomiting

When going on a trip with your child, seat him so that you can see the situation through the window. If you feel sick, stop. This will help prevent motion sickness.

Do not eat vegetables, fruits, or meat of questionable quality with an unpleasant odor. The expiration date is coming to an end - in stores they try to sell such products at a special price, do not fall for these tricks.

In the summer abroad, do not stay in the open sun for a long time - it will provoke heatstroke, which occurs without fever, but with vomiting.

If you feel weak or slightly unwell, drink a glass of clean water with a few drops of lemon. It neutralizes, removes toxins, improves the condition.

Yellow vomiting appears after eating poor quality food or poisoning with alcoholic beverages. It is also observed in diseases not related to the digestive organs.

How can I help at home? Which doctor should I contact? Is vomiting bile during pregnancy dangerous?

What is the danger of green vomit?

In rare cases, the appearance of green vomit is the only sign of a pathological process. Most often, additional symptoms are observed, which require contacting a medical facility.

Risk of vomiting bile:

  • dehydration;
  • necrosis of the bile ducts due to stenosis;
  • general intoxication of the body;
  • the effect of caustic bile on the gastric mucosa provokes the appearance of erosions and inflammatory processes;
  • changes in the epithelium of the esophagus with the development of Barrett's syndrome, which is considered a precancerous condition.

Other possible complications depend on the reasons that caused the release of bile with the food bolus.

How does vomiting occur?

The process of eruption of food from the stomach is a reflex act. The action is controlled by the vomiting center from the medulla oblongata. A defensive reaction occurs immediately as soon as toxic substances enter the body. More often they enter through the stomach. Poisonous gas vapors penetrate the respiratory tract.

In both cases, the body's defense reaction is triggered. The brain receives an alarm signal through the blood that a dangerous substance has entered the body. The vomiting center transmits the command to the stomach, which contracts and throws out the contents.

Vomiting mucus in a child

The reflex leading to gastric emptying in small patients is preceded by: nausea, increased salivation, rapid heartbeat and breathing. Vomiting is a combination of sequential physiological processes: downward displacement of the diaphragm, closing of the glottis and contraction of the stomach muscles.

In a child, the body’s protective reaction aimed at detoxifying the gastrointestinal tract may occur against the background of:

  • food poisoning;
  • entry of a foreign object into the esophagus;
  • inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa, provoked by taking medications or intoxication with chemical compounds;
  • brain damage (malignant tumors, meningitis, epilepsy, etc.);
  • viral respiratory tract infections (ARVI, exanthema, diphtheria, etc.):
  • disruptions of a psycho-emotional nature (depression, stress);
  • pathologies of the abdominal cavity (appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction)

Important! In infants, vomiting with mucus should not be considered as an abnormal phenomenon: emptying of the stomach can provoke banal overeating.

Reasons for mandatory consultation with a doctor are cases when:

  1. there are symptoms accompanying vomiting with mucus in the form of malaise, fever, diarrhea, drowsiness;
  2. there are blood particles in the structure of the vomit;
  3. the gastric emptying reflex occurred after a fall or a blow to the head;
  4. the child ate a low-quality food product;
  5. the child's body becomes dehydrated.

It is forbidden to leave a sick child alone until the medical team arrives. In case of repeated gastric emptying, the baby should be in an upright position or lying on his side (not on his back) to eliminate the possibility of vomit entering the respiratory tract. It is not recommended to give food and medications to a small patient until the doctor can identify the cause of the disorder. It is allowed to take measures to prevent dehydration of the child’s body: decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John’s wort, lemon balm), weak tea, mineral water without gases will restore the water-electrolyte balance and alleviate the baby’s condition.

The choice and prescription of pharmacological drugs is the exclusive prerogative of the doctor, who, in order to make a diagnosis, must determine the root cause of vomiting with mucus. In the treatment of unpleasant symptoms in children, the following are used: enterosorbents, antibiotics, probiotics/prebiotics, antispasmodics, antifoam agents, antacids, prokinetics.

The process of vomiting and diarrhea

Diarrhea and vomiting are formed as a defensive reaction of the body to infections, toxins, poisons and other intoxicating substances that can enter the body and manifest their undesirable effect on the human body.

In order for intoxication of the body to have less negative effects and proceed faster, vomiting and diarrhea occur, which can rid the gastrointestinal tract of harmful substances.

If only diarrhea, nausea and vomiting occur together, this can lead to dehydration of the body and disruption of water-salt metabolism. Subsequently, this will lead to disruption of the kidneys, heart, and brain.

When observing the first unpleasant signs, it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Signs of vomiting

Bile is a biological fluid of the human body, which is produced by special liver cells. It has a yellow color with a green or brown tint, a specific odor and a very bitter taste.

One of the main functions of bile in the body is the digestion of food.

Basically, before a person vomits bile, he feels nauseous, salivation increases, and the respiratory rate increases. Vomit containing bile is characterized by a yellow-green color and a bitter taste, which remains in the mouth for a long time.

At first the person feels very nauseous, only then does he start vomiting.

First aid for yellow vomit

If the patient vomits yellow liquid, the main measure of help is to cleanse the body of toxins, bacteria or toxic substances:

  1. Gastric lavage with soda or manganese solution. Take 1 tbsp. l. sodium bicarbonate (soda) per liter of water. Potassium permanganate is diluted to a faint pink color. The patient drinks 0.5-1 liters of liquid and presses with two fingers on the root of the tongue, inducing vomiting. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times to completely clear the stomach of food.
  2. In order to neutralize poisons or toxins, 4-5 tablets of crushed activated carbon mixed in water are prescribed. The same dose is recommended to be taken every 5-6 hours. Smecta sorbent is a good means of detoxification.
  3. If you vomit yellow, bitter liquid, drink Essentuki 17 alkaline mineral water without gas or just water every 30 minutes, 100 ml.

If after the measures taken the person’s condition has not improved, call an emergency team.

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