Exclusive Ashera cat: the history of the appearance and scandalous exposure of the mythical breed

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Classification Origin: USA

Class: breed not recognized

Color: spotted – dark brown or brown spots on a sandy background

Dimensions: body length reaches 1 m, height at withers about 60 cm

Lifespan: 15 to 20 years

Despite its impressive dimensions and frightening appearance, the beautiful Ashera is an ideal pet. Cats of this breed love children and are very attached to their owner.

Asherah claims to be one of the biggest cats in the world. Representatives of this breed were considered a real exclusive, a precious treasure, a rarity, as eloquently evidenced by the high price and long lines in nurseries.

Such a cat is characterized by canine loyalty, has developed intelligence and is capable of becoming a true friend. But at the beginning of the 21st century, no one could have imagined that this was just the brainchild of a unique scam.

This animal was named after the Semitic goddess Asherah, who was worshiped by the ancient Israelites and was considered the mother of all things divine.

  • 2 Psychology
  • 3 Application
  • 4 How to choose a kitten
  • 5 Features of care
  • 6 Combing
  • 7 Walking
  • 8 Food
  • 9 Health
  • 10 Characteristic diseases
  • 11 Vaccinations
  • 12 Mating

History of the Savannah breed

Savannah cat
The first experiment on crossing an African serval with a Siamese cat took place in 1986, on the farm of Pennsylvania breeder Judy Frank. The woman had been breeding bush cats for quite some time, so in order to “refresh the blood” of her pets a little, she borrowed a male serval from her friend Susie Woods. The animal successfully completed the task, but the unexpected happened: along with the females of its species, the serval managed to cover the breeder’s domestic cat.

The owner of the only female kitten born as a result of this unusual “love affair” was Susie Woods. It was she who gave the animal the nickname Savannah, which later became the name of the breed of new hybrid cats. By the way, Susie herself was not a professional breeder, which did not stop her from further experimenting with mating her pet with a domestic cat and publishing a couple of articles on this topic.

The main contribution to the development of the Savannah breed was made by Patrick Kelly, who bought a kitten from Susie Woods and attracted an experienced breeder and Bengal breeder, Joyce Sroufe, to breed new cats. Already in 1996, Kelly and Sroufe introduced TICA (International Cat Association) new unusual cheetah-colored animals. They also developed the first standard for the appearance of savannahs.

In 2001, the breed was officially registered and finally received recognition from the largest felinological associations, and breeder Joyce Sroufe gained worldwide fame as the founder of an elite cat “clan”.

Breed standards

The large domestic cat Asher has certain qualities of the breed that regulate the appearance and proportions of the animal. Almost identical requirements apply to her relative Savannah.

The Asher breed is distinguished by its height - an adult cat can reach a meter in height. Moreover, the animal has a narrow, elongated, somewhat disproportionate body with long legs and a tail. Cats are very elegant and graceful. The maximum weight of a cat is 12 kg, a cat is 14 kg.

The animals have a small, elongated head. The ears are wide at the base, narrowing and rounding towards the tips. Eyes are most often of two colors - olive and yellow.

The coat is short, smooth, and lies close to the body.

The color depends on the type of cat:

  1. The Royal Asherah is the most rare. The variety is distinguished by a small number of bright golden spots on the skin.
  2. The hypoallergenic variety implies a fairly variegated color on a sandy or light brown background. Ashera's wool contains a minimal amount of protein that causes allergic reactions.
  3. Snow Ashera is very similar to a snow leopard. The silver coat and numerous dark spots make the cat unique.
  4. The usual type of breed provides the classic leopard color (sparse stripes instead of spots are acceptable).

Savannah cat character

The Ashera cat breed is distinguished by its amazing friendliness and sociability. They are able to get along with any other animals, including rodents and birds. Cats into old age retain the playful disposition of a kitten and the devotion of a dog.

Cats can be trained: they quickly remember commands and happily carry them out.

You can walk the streets with the cat; he loves water and can play with a ball in the company of his owner.

However, this type of character also has its drawbacks - pets of the Asher breed need to be given a lot of time. Without attention, the animal quickly becomes restless and reacts worse to its owner.

Asherah kittens may react inappropriately to various stimuli, such as loud music, touching, and intrusive attention from strangers.

Health and life expectancy

The cat of the Ashera breed has excellent health. However, its digestive tract is quite delicate. Therefore, you will have to choose your diet very carefully and prepare food for your cat correctly. In addition, the pet needs a lot of space to play; limited space can harm the cat’s cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

If all maintenance rules are followed (proper cat nutrition, care, regular medical procedures), cats can live up to 20 years. However, any violation significantly shortens the pet’s life.

Care and hygiene

Ashera is an unpretentious breed in care and maintenance. The cats are short-haired, shed very lightly and do not develop tangles. They should be brushed once a week with a gentle brush. You can bathe cats no more than once a month (less often is better), only after obvious contamination that causes discomfort.

Many owners suffer from their pets’ love of sharpening their claws on walls and furniture, but this animal’s claws should be trimmed only in extreme cases using a special nail clipper. It is better to accustom the animal to the scratching post and walk it more often.

Asher's diet

Dry food, even the highest quality, is strictly prohibited for cats of this breed. Ashers have special digestive abilities and can eat ready-made food only as an addition to the main diet.

It is important to feed a luxurious animal with natural meat and fish, for example, veal, turkey, and marine fish. You can also add stewed vegetables and bird eggs to your diet.

To prevent damage to the animal’s delicate digestive tract, it is necessary to give meat after removing the bones. Before serving to the animal, purchased products must be frozen for three days, and then thawed and treated with boiling water. It is better to feed your cat food cut into small pieces.

Who are ushers

Ashera cats are purely an advertising product and have not yet been recognized by any felinological association. In 2007, the American cat presented to the world giant leopard cats, which were allegedly born as a result of complex genetic experiments. According to the owner of the company, Simon Brody, the domestic cat, the African serval and the Asian leopard cat donated their genes to the new breed. Well, the main selling legend of Asher was their complete hypoallergenicity.

African serval in the wild

To give buyers confidence in the exclusivity of his product, Brody even paid for a scientific study that was supposed to confirm the hypothesis that Asscher wool contains a minimal amount of allergens. By the way, the results of the experiment were never published by any self-respecting publication, and in general they turned out to be fictitious, but at the very beginning of the popularization of the breed, these pseudoscientific research made good advertising for cats. A line of wealthy breeders and exotic lovers immediately lined up behind the ushers, who took their money to “Lifestyle Pets” in the hope of becoming the owner of an amazing animal.

The general euphoria did not last long. The myth about unique image cats bred in the secret laboratories of Lifestyle Pets was dispelled by Pennsylvania breeder Chris Shirk. The breeder made a statement that company employees purchased several Savannah cats from him, after which they presented them as a completely new species. The hype around the Asher flared up with renewed vigor, and as a result, independent geneticists in the Netherlands took up the work of the furry creatures.

The result of the research was stunning: all the animals purchased from Lifestyle Pets agents were indeed Savannah breeds. Moreover, VIP cats turned out to be carriers of the same number of allergens as their outbred relatives. Irrefutable evidence of deception on the part of Lifestyle Pets and Simon Brody was the beginning of the end for the non-existent breed, but did not in any way affect the popularity of the Savannahs themselves.

The name “asherah” is borrowed from Western Semitic mythology and is consonant with the name of the goddess, personifying the natural principle.

History of the breed

In 2006, a certain “biotechnology company” from the USA with the sonorous name Lifestyle Pets announced to the whole world about its unique achievement: a fundamentally new hybrid breed of cats had been created, harmoniously combining the genetics of wild animals, the serval and leopard cat, with the usual domestic purr. It was a real sensation.

Asher cats were initially positioned as miracles of biotechnology

The creator of this biomiracle, Simon Brody, guaranteed the owners, for only 25-30 thousand dollars, the possession of the purest exclusive - the most prestigious of cats. Ashera, who received her name in honor of the ancient Phoenician goddess of love and fertility, was a complete resemblance to a leopard-colored beast of prey, but at the same time she was distinguished by an affectionate and obedient disposition, walked on a leash like a dog, had hypoallergenic fur and a huge set of other undeniable advantages.

But most importantly, the presence of such a pet testified to the superpowers of its owner. Not everyone could afford an usher, and it wasn’t just because of the absolutely exorbitant price. An exclusive kitten could be purchased only by appointment: advance the amount of six thousand dollars, and then wait several more months until the pet reaches one year of age. Ashera was sold only as an adult and sterilized - so as not to produce mixed breeds in the future and not to deteriorate the breed.

Individual copies reached a record price of 125 thousand dollars and even more.

Ashera is a complete resemblance to a beast of prey with the character of a pet

But the fashionable cat came with a large package of pleasant bonuses: veterinary insurance, consultations with the best specialists for ten years, a climate-controlled carrier, and so on. Advertising is the engine of trade: the queue of people wanting to buy a cat of a new breed instantly stretched for several years.

Asherah or Savannah

While the media was filled with generous promises and enthusiasm, another American turned his surprised attention to the “new breed”. The famous felinologist Chris Shirk identified one of the “ashers” as his kitten - he managed, as they say, to grow up, but this in no way changed his breed.

Chris Shirk was one of the authors of the hybrid Savannah breed, created back in the eighties of the last century based on the blood of the African Serval and the domesticated Bengal cat.

The experienced breeder was outraged and immediately started a serious investigation; To clarify the circumstances of what was happening, an independent genetic examination was brought in, which the newly minted “biotechnologists” were unable to avoid. Three Asher kittens intended for sale were detained at a Dutch airport. Their origins were investigated using the most modern methods.

Genetic studies have confirmed that "Ushers" are actually Savannahs.

The very first results of a DNA test confirmed that “Ushers” are the same as Savannahs, only they cost several times more. It turned out that such a large-scale scam is not the first in the record of Simon Brody, who has already received prison sentences for fraud more than once. The commercial project failed miserably, although it managed to bring good dividends to its initiator. Logically, the story of “ashera” should have ended along with this scandal, but it continues to this day.

Surprisingly, advertisements for the sale of Asheras can still be found on the Internet.

However, no matter what you call the breed - Asher or Savannah - this will not reduce its real advantages and disadvantages. Savannahs are wonderful, unique cats in many ways; they deserve love and understanding, and learning more about this amazing breed will be of interest to all cat lovers.

Video: descendants of the wild serval

Savannah appearance

Savannah kitten
Savannahs are large-sized creatures: the animal’s body length can reach up to 1 m, and its weight can reach 14 kg. There is no standard of appearance for Asheras, since modern felinological associations refuse to recognize them as an independent breed. Accordingly, in order to establish that an animal belongs to the Asher clan, today's breeders have to use the standard that was approved at one time for the savannah.


Small, wedge-shaped, noticeably extended forward. Cheeks and cheekbones do not stand out. The transition from the muzzle to the forehead is almost straight.


The bridge of the nose is wide, the nose and earlobe are large and convex. In black animals, the color of the nose coincides with the shade of the coat. In tabby-colored individuals, the lobe can be red, brown and black with a pinkish-red line in the central part.


Savannah's eyes are large, set obliquely and moderately deep, with almond-shaped lower eyelids. There are tear-shaped marks in the corners of the eyes. The shades of the iris do not depend on the color of the animal and can vary from golden to rich green.


Large, with a deep funnel, set high. The distance between the ears is minimal, the tip of the auricle is rounded. The inside of the funnel is pubescent, but the hair in this area is short and does not protrude beyond the boundaries of the ear. It is desirable to have light markings on the outside of the ear funnel.


Graceful, moderately wide and long.

Savannah muzzle


The Savannah's body is athletic, graceful, with an excellently developed muscle corset. The chest is wide. The pelvic area is significantly narrower than the shoulder area.


Savannah cat

Muscular and very long. The hips and shoulders are elongated with well-developed muscles. The paws are oval, the front ones are noticeably shorter than the hind ones. The fingers are massive, the claws are large and hard.


The Savannah's tail is of medium thickness and length, tapering slightly from base to tip and reaching the hock. Ideally, it should have a bright color.


Short or medium length. The undercoat is soft but dense. The guard hair is hard, coarse, and in the areas where the spotted “print” is located it has a softer structure.


There are four main colors of the Savannah: brown tabby spotted, black smoky, black and silver spotted. The standard shade of spots is from dark brown to black. The shape of the spots is oval, slightly elongated, the outline is clear and graphic. The spots on the chest, legs and head are smaller than on the back. It is necessary to have parallel contrasting stripes in the direction from the back of the head to the shoulder blades.

Since Savannahs are a hybrid breed, the external characteristics of individuals directly depend on which generation the animal belongs to. For example, F1 hybrids are larger and very similar to servals. Representatives of the second generation are noticeably smaller, since they received only 29% of the blood of the wild ancestor.

Savannah/Asher hybrid progeny levels

  • F1 - individuals born as a result of crossing an African serval and a domestic cat, combining an equal ratio of “wild” and “domestic” genes.
  • F2 – offspring obtained from an F1 cat and a domestic cat.
  • F3 – kittens born from an F2 female and a male domestic cat. The percentage of serval genes in representatives of this generation is about 13%.
  • F4, F5 – individuals born as a result of mating of a hybrid F3 and a regular cat. Kittens of this generation are not much different from ordinary domestic cats. The wild essence in them is revealed only by their leopard coloring and some “oddities” of character typical of savannahs.

Main disqualifying faults of the breed

Savannahs are more often disqualified for misconduct than for birth defects. Individuals with color defects, in particular with rosette spots, “medallions” in the chest area and small ears, are subject to mandatory fines. Polydacts (cats with extra toes on their paws), animals trying to bite a person approaching them, or, conversely, savannas who are too cowardly and do not make contact are completely disqualified.

Savannah F1

Savannah F4

Description of Ashera

Despite the lack of recognized standards in reputable organizations, a description of the Asher breed still exists. The characteristic features of the cat are a small head, shaped like a wedge, a long and narrow body with elongated limbs. The body seems somewhat disproportionate, but very graceful.

The ears, narrowed and rounded at the ends, become wide at the base and look like bows. Cats' eyes can be golden or bright green.

The animal is not small - a meter at the withers. The weight of pets is 11-14 kg, males are larger than females.

The short pile of wool fits very tightly to the body. Wool does not cause allergies.

The breed has only four colors and varieties of Asher cats:

  • the rare royal color appears 4 times a year and is represented by a small number of golden-orange spots;
  • the snowy color makes the pussy look like a small Belgian tiger;
  • hypoallergenic cats, according to Lifestyle Pets, contain extremely little protein, which is a gift for allergy sufferers;
  • normal color with spots.

Savannah/Ushera cat personality

According to the PR people from Lifestyle Pets, the genes of the aggressive African serval never awaken in Ashers. However, such statements are more like beautiful advertising than reality. Of course, representatives of this breed are quite friendly pets, but they will never become “sofa cushions”. In addition, they are extremely intelligent and active, so they are unlikely to be suitable for people who consider the animal as a living interior decoration.

Savannah kitten with baby

The passion for dominance, inherited by Savannah Ashers from a wild ancestor, is successfully extinguished by castration or sterilization of the pet, after which the animal’s character undergoes significant changes. The cat becomes calmer and more tolerant of external stimuli, although it does not completely abandon its leadership habits. Individuals of the first and second generations are especially guilty of this, so it is better to take F3-F4 hybrids for families with children.

Representatives of the Savannah clan absolutely cannot stand loneliness, so do not leave the animal alone for a long time in an empty house. Unless, of course, you are not afraid of the prospect of returning to a trashed home with scratched furniture. Most individuals have rancor, so you should treat savannahs with respect.

F1 individuals perceive strangers who enter their territory quite negatively, which they warn about with loud aggressive hissing and grumbling. With each subsequent generation of cats, the wariness becomes less pronounced, although in general the Savannah cats do not favor strangers. In relationships with the owner, the genes of the African serval are not so pronounced, but otherwise the same principle applies here as in the case of strangers: in order to be able to pet the pet, you should choose at least an F4 hybrid. Savannahs/Ushers are cats of one owner. You should not expect that your “pet cheetah” will love and obey every family member equally. However, he will not fight with them either; rather, he will demonstrate complete indifference.

Savannah F5

Description of the breed

So, we say “savannah”, but we mean “asherah”, or vice versa, it doesn’t matter. But in order to avoid confusion and hoaxes in the future, we will still honestly call the unique cat by its real name - Savannah, and this will be correct.

The breed qualities of the Savannah cat are clearly regulated by the standard

The creation of this breed was by no means a “miraculous” adventure, but the result of many years of systematic and persistent work by enthusiastic breeders, which in itself deserves great respect.

The path from idea to recognition of the Savannah took more than thirty years - the breed received its first official standard only in 2001.


Savannah is a true giant of the cat world. The dimensions of this pussy are impressive: the weight of the animal can reach 16 kilograms, the height at the withers is 60 centimeters, and the body length is one meter.

The cat is incredibly elegant, harmonious and graceful; you can admire its movements endlessly. Body proportions are elongated and elongated. The small, triangular head is decorated with high ears and large expressive eyes of emerald or golden shades. The elegant, slender body and long neck are well muscled, the paws are high, slender, and the hind legs are significantly longer than the front ones.

The face of a Savannah cat is very expressive.

The “leopard” coloring of the savannah gives the cat a special wild color and expressiveness. The coat is thick, close to the body and at the same time soft and silky, hypoallergenic. The standard officially recognizes several breed colors:

  • chocolate;
  • golden;
  • silver;
  • brown;
  • cinnamon tabby.

One Savannah litter can have kittens of different colors

Video: Savannah is the world's largest cat

Character and behavior

Despite the fact that the Savannah is initially friendly and flexible, the owner will have to spend a lot of time on properly raising his pet. It is very important that this strong and proud animal is able to fully accept the rules and routine of living in a human home and find a common language with all its inhabitants.

The Savannah cat has a serious, albeit easy-going character.

Cats of this breed do not want to become adults for a very long time - they are active and playful, like kittens. Periods of increased activity alternate with rest - after playing enough, the Savannah likes to sleep longer. She is a researcher by nature, loves to learn new things, is very smart and inquisitive, and does not like to be bored or left alone. The way to her heart is through games and communication.

An animal chooses its main owner not to be the one who feeds, but the one who educates and trains - much the same thing happens with dogs.

Savannah adores her owner

This cat's personal space should be spacious and full of entertainment - provide it with a large variety of toys, constantly updating them. Be sure to walk the animal on a comfortable harness - regular exercise is necessary in order to maintain the good physical condition of the animal. The undoubted advantage of the breed is its love of water - the Savannah loves to swim and is an excellent swimmer, which is also very useful for it.

Regular exercise is vital for the savanna

From its wild ancestors, this cat inherited an extensive exclusive inheritance, for example, a unique range of sounds that it is capable of making: from snake hisses and bird chirps to animal howls and roars. However, the savannah also knows how to meow and purr loudly. Do not forget that any real savannah has a lot of blood of a predatory animal - a serval, and this genetics can make itself felt at any moment. Therefore, raising a cat needs to be done seriously and constantly.

Video: Savannah plays

Education and training

Since Savannahs need to be walked to maintain health and muscle tone, it is worthwhile to accustom the animal to walking on a leash in advance. F1 hybrids are the most difficult to train, as they are still half serval. It is better to keep such animals in a country house, in a special enclosure. When it comes to training, cats of this breed are smart enough to master techniques designed for dogs. In particular, Savannahs love the command “Fetch!” most of all.

Savannahs are natural hunters, so they can sometimes hone their tactical skills on their owner. It is better to wean a kitten from this harmful, and also dangerous for humans, habit by regular games in the fresh air and by buying toys for your pet in the form of mice and other small animals.

Ashera character traits

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//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> The breeder company in the description of the Asher breed indicates such features as an angelic character and complete obedience. People who own purebred cats agree that their pets do not cause problems. The genes of Ashera's wild ancestors did not manifest themselves in the form of aggression. The cat calmly walks next to the owner on a leash, and feels good on the street.

Asher kittens have a cheerful, playful disposition and love to frolic with their owner and his child. Adult cats are flexible and friendly towards household members. Pets get along well with other animals. It turns out that the cat’s character consists of only advantages.

Despite the serious impressive weight and large dimensions, keeping such cats in the house is not troublesome.

Care and maintenance

Walking a lot and often, paying maximum attention, putting up with the inevitable destruction in the home and the independence of the pet’s character - this is a short list of rules that the owner of the savannah will have to obey. Since representatives of this breed have extraordinary jumping ability, it is worth thinking thoroughly about the interior design of the house, otherwise all the vases and figurines will be swept off the shelves every day. In addition, like Maine Coons, Savannahs love to create viewing platforms for themselves on cabinets and other furniture modules. This addiction can be treated by purchasing and laying out an electric mat on surfaces on which the pet is planned to be weaned from lying on.

Looks out for prey

You can’t do without scratching posts when raising a savannah, but when purchasing them, you should take into account the size of the animal. Small and flimsy products designed for regular cats will not last long. Before you get a cheetah kitten, make sure you have the right trash cans. They should have tight-fitting lids because Savannahs are very curious and love to check trash containers for cat treasures.

Savannah fur care is minimal. Usually the animal is combed once a week, although during the molting period it is recommended to do this procedure daily. However, some breeders advise replacing classic combing by wiping your pet’s fur with an ordinary damp cloth. Savannahs, as a rule, do not require the services of a groomer. Cat's claws need to be trimmed regularly. Overly wayward individuals undergo laser onychectomy (removal of claws on the front paws). Bathe the animal as needed. By the way, Savannah Ashers respect water procedures and enjoy swimming in baths and pools as soon as the right opportunity presents itself.

Representatives of this breed do not have any difficulties with the toilet. For hybrids F4 and F5, which are characterized by relatively small sizes, a classic tray is suitable, although most individuals easily get used to an outdoor toilet. In addition, Savannahs are able to master the intricacies of using the toilet. Accordingly, if you want to save yourself the hassle of cleaning the litter box, try teaching your pet this wisdom.

Savannah (Asherah)

Table: pros and cons of the breed

Advantages of the breedDisadvantages of the breed
High intelligence and good learning abilityRequires increased attention and systematic education
Friendly disposition, tolerance towards all inhabitants of the house, ability to compromiseAn animal can become overly active if it is not allowed to regularly release energy through games and walks.
Easy coat care - it is hypoallergenic and hardly shedsImproper diet leads to digestive diseases
Strongly attached to owner, gets along well with childrenDoesn't tolerate loneliness very well
Overall good health and immunityErrors in breeding can reveal hereditary diseases and pathologies.
Well trained, loves to walk and swimThe breed is extremely difficult to breed


And a shrimp for me!

The savannah menu should to some extent copy the daily “table” of the serval. The most win-win option is to feed your pet high-quality meat (can be raw). Savannahs are especially recommended to eat lean meat, in particular rabbit, veal and chicken. Fish, unless it is tuna or salmon, is best avoided altogether, as is milk. Experienced breeders claim that it will be difficult for the animal to live alone, so it is worth choosing a vitamin complex from the veterinarian in advance, which includes taurine, which helps normalize the cat’s cardiac activity. Dry feeding also has its place, but it should be taken into account that these should be premium varieties of feed containing a minimum percentage of cereals.


The Ashera cat breed was intended for wealthy owners with appropriate living conditions. She is not just a pet - such a pet always once again reminds guests of the financial situation of its owner.

A mini-copy of a cheetah becomes an exclusive decoration for a luxury home and a large metropolitan apartment. In terms of exoticism, only the caracal, domestic ocelot or fennec .

The Asher cat will walk imposingly on a leash and willingly show off its magnificence to everyone around it.

But representatives of this breed of cats are purchased not only to emphasize their status. Ashera becomes a loyal friend who is always there.

She is affectionate and gentle, loves to sit in her arms for a long time, looking tenderly into her owner's eyes.

Many fans of this predator were frightened not by its wild appearance, but by its high price - the Life Style Pets company indicated the cost of this hybrid, which ranged from 22 thousand to 25 thousand $.

For this reason, the hopes of many potential owners to acquire a unique animal were dashed in an instant.

After all, the cat, depicted in all its glory in numerous photos posted on the company’s website, became almost golden, because for such a price you could buy a completely decent car.


All male savannahs, from the F1 generation to the F4 generation, are sterile. However, such individuals are subject to castration.

F5 males are capable of reproducing offspring, so they can be bred with other domestic cats. In particular, breeders allow the possibility of mating the fifth generation Savannah with such breeds as the Bengal cat, Ocicat, Egyptian Mau, as well as ordinary mongrel cats.

Individuals who have reached the age of 1.5-2 years are considered sexually mature and capable of producing healthy offspring.

Breed defects

The main breed problems of the Savannah are associated, first of all, with errors in its breeding. The standard creates strict requirements for the exterior of an animal - the more clearly expressed its wild image, the higher the quality of a particular specimen. Any deviations in the direction of a domestic cat (violations of body proportions, white spots and other inconsistencies with the “leopard” color) are considered disqualifying defects, which clearly transfer the individual to the breed marriage format.

A bright “wild” image is the main sign of the quality of the breed

However, such minor defects in appearance are important only for show and breed class animals - they will in no way reduce the pleasure of communicating with your pet. A tendency to disease is a much more serious consequence of improper breeding work and thoughtless matings. Producers for breeding must be selected most carefully, and the slightest doubt about their health should place a taboo on participation in breeding.

Savannah/Ushera Health and Diseases

Despite their “artificiality,” representatives of the Savannah/Asher family have excellent health and are able to live up to 20 years. A few birth defects observed in kittens of this breed include: polydactyly, hydrocephalus, dwarfism and cleft palate. In some cases, animals may be susceptible to bacterial, viral or fungal infections. You can tell if your cat is sick by changes in behavior. Lethargy, excessive shedding, decreased appetite, vomiting and too frequent urination signal that the pet’s body has malfunctioned.

Conclusions about ushers

The Ashera cat breed made a lot of noise, making the animal literally scandalous. It is difficult to say whether this is due to the investigation raised by Chris Shirk, or whether the cat is truly a real rare beauty. However, the sky-high price, which has not fallen for so many years, shows how highly the cat is valued by fanciers.

The pet's health is good, with the exception of a weak digestive system, and its character is beyond praise. No wonder pussy is so popular!

It is difficult to say whether this is really a scandal associated with the Savannah cat, or a new unique breed, but we hope that the truth will be revealed to the world soon.

How to choose a kitten

As with other purebred kittens, before purchasing a Savannah/Usher, it is worth thoroughly researching nurseries that sell “pet cheetahs.” Information about the vaccinations the kitten received, living conditions, pedigree - all these points are included in the mandatory inspection program of the establishment.

The behavior of the animal should be friendly and adequate, so it is better to immediately abandon hissing and scratching kittens, unless your plans include purchasing F1 individuals, for which such displays of emotions are the norm. Most nurseries begin selling kittens that are 3-4 months old, who already know how to use a litter box and have received the necessary “package” of vaccinations. It is mandatory to test the animal for hidden infections.

What to look for when choosing a kitten

Ashera is the most expensive cat. Even a fifth-generation mixed breed costs much more than a purebred (for example, British) kitten with a pedigree. The high cost is associated not only with the exclusivity of the breed, but also with the peculiarities of breeding. Today, you will have to pay at least one and a half million for a pet, fortunately, in rubles. However, every year the price of kittens only increases.

Before buying a pet, you should make sure of its physical and mental health. Active, playful and social, Asher kittens should not show displeasure when interacting with their future owner. Also, babies should not be too thin or overfed. A rounded tummy, in which you can easily feel the ribs, is an indicator of the cat’s normal nutrition.

You should inspect the living conditions in the nursery. Cats of this breed need a lot of space to live and play, large toys and scratching posts. Often a tree is placed for pets, along which they happily climb to the ceiling.

You should buy an animal only after installing a chip and receiving a veterinary passport with all the necessary vaccinations.

Breeders often require early booking as a condition of purchase. Long before the cat gives birth, you can make an advance payment for your future pet, and then wait several months until it is born and gets stronger. Only after this you can choose a kitten for yourself. Another sign of a quality breeder is the sale of a cat at the age of 12 months after castration. Sterilization is necessary to prevent wild genes from waking up.

Ashera is rightfully considered one of the best cat breeds. A graceful, intelligent and delicate cat will be an ideal companion for walks, active games, and relaxation. The beauty and perfection of a pet will not leave anyone around you indifferent and will make a lasting impression.

Photos of Savannah kittens

Features of care

This breed of cat is no different from other representatives of the cat world in terms of care. She, like an ordinary domestic short-haired cat, requires standard hygiene procedures:

  • periodic bathing using mild shampoo - Ashera is not afraid of water, so there should be no problems in this case; You should definitely bathe such a large cat in a spacious bathroom;

Important! After water treatments, it is advisable to wipe the animal’s body dry and keep the pet away from drafts for an hour - this will help protect it from colds!

  • cleaning the ears and eyes - it is convenient to use cotton swabs for this;
  • timely trimming of nails using special nail clippers - this procedure will help keep the upholstery of upholstered furniture intact.

This article will tell you more about how to properly wash a cat.

How much does savannah cost?

In the first months after the announcement of the breed, businessmen from “Lifestyle Pets” managed to sell Ashers for 22,000 - 26,000 dollars per individual, which at that time was an exorbitant amount. Moreover, in order to get a VIP pet, you literally had to wait in line. After Simon Brody's scam was revealed and the Ashers "transformed" into Savannahs, their price dropped slightly, but not so much that cats began to be bought up. Today you can buy a Savannah/Ushera kitten for 500,000 - 1,000,000 rubles. The most expensive are the F1 hybrids, which are distinguished by their impressive dimensions and have a bright “wild” appearance. In the fifth generation of animals, the highest price tag is placed on male individuals, which is due to their ability to reproduce offspring.

The most expensive cat in the world is Asher

One day, handsome one-year-old cats appeared on the market for expensive cat breeds, and the females turned out to be sterilized, and the males were neutered.

The prices for the most expensive Asher cats can be called exorbitant and even fantastic, which does not bother the Lifestyle company, which is engaged in breeding the rare breed. Every year no more than one hundred individuals are offered for sale, for which people line up in advance. The price starts at $20,000 and depends on gender and even the purpose of purchase. Translated into Russian rubles, it turns out that you can buy a beauty for 1,500,000 for maintenance, and if you order an Asher cat for breeding, the price will be much higher.

The cats have been on sale for over ten years, but the reputation of the founder of the breed has remained tarnished, which has not in any way reduced the value of the rare animal.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The Savannah cat is highly prized for its unusual appearance. It has become fashionable to keep exotic animals in the house, which explains their popularity. The advantages of the breed include high intelligence, endurance, good health, ease of care and unpretentiousness. Owners of hybrids speak about them with love, but note that cats of the first generation still retain some behavioral features of African servals. For those who want to raise a gentle, affectionate and flexible pet, it is better to opt for F3–F4 hybrids.

Savannah is a cat with a luxurious appearance and wayward character. She demands respect, does not tolerate competition, and wants to be the center of attention. This type of pet is not suitable for everyone. Before you decide to get this animal, you should think carefully about whether you can give it as much attention as necessary.

Origin of the breed

Ashera appeared in 2006. The creator of this exotic breed is a swindler who made money on the desire of allergy sufferers to have a hypoallergenic cat, Simon Brody. Considering that the history of some species goes back more than 3 thousand years, the American breeding experiment is quite young.

Experts founded by Brody said that they had invented a new variety through genetic modification. Ashera is closer in size to a dog, and in gracefulness - to a wild animal. In addition, the cat has an easy-going character.

Animals aged from 1 year were sold

Exotic cats were sold at the age of 1 year. According to the developers, it is during this period that the animal demonstrates its best qualities. Each individual sold was sterilized. In this way, the possibility of organizing home-grown nurseries was eliminated.

The history of the breed ended with a major scandal, during which the piquant details of the origin of the Asher were revealed. It turned out that under their guise the company was selling one of the varieties of Savannah cats. According to the results of DNA research, these guesses were confirmed. As a result, the Asher breed was not included in any classifier.


Savannah (Asher) domestic cats are, without exaggeration, the most amazing, rare, large, and expensive in the world. The goal of breeding Savannahs was to create a large cat with the stunningly graceful body shape, exotic coloring and intelligence of the African Serval, but with the more docile nature of a domestic cat. This makes the Savannah breed truly unique, which is officially recognized by the international organization TICA.

Ashera is the name of a pagan goddess, and also the name that Lifestyle Pets christened a fictitious new breed of cat. According to Lifestyle Pets, Ashera is the largest of the domestic cats, can reach a weight of 14 kg and a length of 1 meter, and is hypoallergenic. And... is one of the most expensive cat breeds (the price of a kitten is $22,000-$27,000).

It was stated that she was bred in 2006 by the biotechnology company Lifestyle Pets based on the genes of the African serval, Asian Bengal cat and ordinary domestic cat. Which turned out to be not far from the truth. A DNA test has proven that Ashera is a classic representative of the Savannah breed, bred in the USA in the early 80s as a result of crossing an African Serval and a domestic Bengal cat, which in turn is a hybrid of an ordinary domestic and wild Bengal cat.


Bengal cats

In the photographs, Asher recognized his pets as Chris Shirk, a breeder of Savannah cats in Pennsylvania (USA). The buyer of the cats from K. Shirk was an employee of the Lifestyle Pets company, who fraudulently passed off these cats and their photographs as a new breed without permission. The American conducted an investigation, during which blood samples were taken from the alleged parents of the “ashera” for DNA testing and delivered to the official state forensic laboratory of the Netherlands. The results of the official DNA test fully confirmed the information stated by Chris. So the fictional Ashers turned out to be Savannah cats.

Exactly a quarter of a century ago, in April 1986, the first kitten was born, marking the beginning of the largest breed of domestic cats - the Savannah. The goal of the founder of the breed, Bengal cat breeder Judy Frank from Pennsylvania, was to breed a pet that combined the exotic appearance of a wild cat and the docile and unpretentious character of a domestic cat.

The parents of the first kitten were a domestic Siamese cat and a male serval, a predatory feline living in the African savannah. It was no coincidence that Frank chose the serval Judy - these wild cats were relatively easy to tame, had high intelligence and became attached to their owner. It was fashionable to keep wild cats as pets, and those who could not afford to buy a cheetah bought servals, which were called “cheetahs for the poor.”

About the Savannah breed has an excellent pedigree, being the result of crossing the majestic African Serval with one of the domestic cat breeds: the shorthaired Oriental, Egyptian Mau or Bengal.

The first generation obtained when crossed with a serval is designated as F1. This generation contains 50% Serval blood. The second generation - obtained by crossing F1 and a domestic cat, is designated, respectively, as F2. This generation already has 25% Serval blood. And so on until the 5th generation (F5). The higher the number around F, the more kittens become like a regular cat. The first two generations - F1 and F2 are the most valuable. Especially females, if we talk about breeding - after all, male offspring up to the 4th generation are infertile. It is not uncommon for the resulting Savannah to be crossed again with the Serval. This combination allows you to get the highest quality Savannahs.

Savannah cats are incredibly difficult to breed, which is also why the price of kittens is so high. The serval is significantly taller and larger than the domestic cat. Behavioral habits also make themselves felt - among cats, at the moment of mating, it is customary to bite the partner on the scruff of the neck. For a female Serval this would not be a problem, but for a domestic cat, which is about 3 times smaller... Trying to avoid problems, the potential pair is raised together from infancy, allowing them to get used to each other.

However, keeping these exotic cats was fraught with certain difficulties. For example, servals marked not only their territory, but also “their” people in the family; it was difficult to train them to use a tray, and they needed a special diet. In addition, servals became too attached to one owner, and it was almost impossible to sell them.


Externally, Savannah resembles a mini cheetah. Noble posture, unusually large ears, long legs and striking cheetah coloring. The coat is short and very soft - it does not require special care and does not cause trouble even during shedding. The size of the Savannah depends primarily on the generation - the percentage of Serval blood content. The largest are the males of the F1 and F2 generations; they are approximately 2.5 times larger than an ordinary domestic cat, reaching a weight of up to 14 kilograms. Savannah's height is impressive - up to 45 cm at the withers. Savannahs take about three years to reach their maximum size. However, their tall, lanky, and graceful build makes even the lightest Savannah appear much larger and heavier than they actually are.


Perhaps the only thing greater and superior to Savannah is their extraordinary personality. Resourceful, intelligent, playful, even inventive, and especially energetic - the personable Savannah is very much like a dog. She is easy to train and loves nothing more than to play fetch, ride in cars and enjoy street walks on a leash.

Cats of this breed do not like the cold, just like their African relative, the Serval. Savannah loves water very much, and with your permission, it will splash with you when taking a morning shower, or swim in your bath. And their ability to jump high vertically is simply amazing. Savannahs are very sociable, train well, and return all the love and affection to their owners.

Next to other Savannah pets, they are wonderful companions, smart, inquisitive and loyal. In their character traits, owners see more similarities with dogs than with cats. They are active and constantly in search of adventure, entertaining not only themselves, but also other pets.

Because Savannahs have so much energy, they often tire out other pets by constantly looking for a new companion or other form of entertainment. Savannahs get along well with other pets and, without competition, take on the role of Head Cat among others living in your home. Many people ask us: will Savannah get along well with the family dog? The answer is YES! Dogs make wonderful friends for Savannah. Because of their intelligence and energy, Savannahs seem to favor dogs over other pets.

Savannah at home

Once home, Savannahs love to spend time with their owners, following them from room to room while they do other things. Some of our clients tell us that when they are not at home, Savannah is waiting for them at their door. Has a guest arrived? Savannah will certainly come out to find out who this stranger is and why he came.

Savannahs do not require special care, in this regard they are the same as ordinary domestic cats. Since they do not need a special diet, we can recommend any high quality food. Savannahs are easily accustomed to a tray and a regular toilet. They make ideal pets, getting along well with other pets and children.


According to experts, the big cat Ashera, despite its impressive dimensions, is very unpretentious in food. It is allowed to feed her with both ready-made professional food and natural food.

If you want to know how to choose the right bowls for your cat, we recommend reading the article

At the same time, dry and canned products must meet the premium and super-premium class or the holistic class, which is the most acceptable.

You can use vitamin supplements that will help maintain not only the attractive appearance of your pet, but also maintain its health.

But dry food should not form the basis of the diet. There is no complete ban on them, but it is better that such food is only a tasty addition - a delicacy.

Natural foods should serve as the main source of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

  • fresh beef and poultry, but if you are not sure of the quality, then it is better to pour boiling water over the meat;
  • sea ​​fish - it is advisable that this is the basis of the ashera menu;
  • plant food - it is used as an additive to the diet.

Recommendation! Before getting into your pet’s bowl, any meat must spend two or three days in the freezer! It should only be defrosted in the main compartment of the refrigerator!

Diseases and health problems

Ashers are susceptible to the same health problems as any other cat. To prevent general health problems, you need to carry out all the preliminary measures that the veterinarian indicates. The main health problem faced by Ashera owners is obstruction due to eating a small toy such as a feather, a piece of rubber or a piece of plastic. Cat owners sometimes buy misplaced toys that are easily destroyed and swallowed because they are cute and inexpensive.

Many cats with birth defects can still maintain a high quality of life. Treatment options for abnormalities vary, as with any health problem. Defects can occur at any time during the developmental stages of the embryo or fetus.

Congenital health problems:

  • Cleft palate;
  • Polydactylism (extra fingers);
  • Dwarfism;
  • Additional vertebrae;
  • Hydrocephalus;
  • Liver shunt.

Non-congenital health problems include fungal, bacterial and viral infections.


  • Bacterial infections;
  • Urinary tract infection;
  • Campylobacteriosis;
  • G-streptococcus;
  • Viral infections;
  • Respiratory tract infection (URI);
  • Fungal infection;
  • Ringworm.

If you think your Asherah is sick, notify the breeder and veterinarian immediately. If your veterinarian doesn't take your concerns seriously, it might be a good idea to seek advice from another professional.

Popular Asher colors

The Asherah is a well-known hybrid breed created by crossing a domestic cat and a large wild cat, the serval. Asher's cat colors should be reminiscent of her serval cat ancestor, acceptable colors being brown, silver, black and smoke. The Serval cat has a bright oily golden base coat with hard black spots. This golden color is a shade of the brown spotted tabby and should be registered as a brown spotted tabby.

The Inhibitor gene eliminates the yellow pigment in the marked parts of the coat, but does not affect the unmarked areas. An inhibitor gene can suppress all or little of the yellow pigment, causing some cats to have a washed-out brown color. This yellow pigment that shows through is called “tarnish.”

There is also a non-standard (undesirable) color. Such colors tend to be recessive or dilute colors that stem from internal heritage.

These include:

  • Cinnamon – recessive;
  • Chocolate is recessive;
  • Fawn - diluted with cinnamon;
  • Blue - diluted black;
  • Lilac - diluted chocolate.

All colors must pass through a breed committee to be accepted by TICA. The colors currently adopted should resemble the ancestor of the African Serval cat. Each time a color is accepted, breeders evaluate how it will genetically affect the breed. For example, when the color silver was adopted, it meant that it suppresses the brown color.

Asher diet

We suggest eating a properly balanced pre-cooked or homemade raw diet. Providing a balanced raw diet is key. A properly balanced diet is the healthiest option for an Asherah. If you are unable to feed your Asherah raw food, we recommend canned cat food rather than dry food. Cats are carnivores. This means that they rely on nutrients found only in animal products.

Hunting cats consume prey that contains high amounts of protein, moderate amounts of fat and minimal amounts of carbohydrates. Cats also require more than a dozen other nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids. Their systems are set up to digest a natural diet that is high in moisture, high in protein and very low in carbohydrates.

A diet high in carbohydrates will stress your cat's digestive system and reduce the efficiency of protein absorption. If the diet does not contain enough animal protein for their daily needs, or they cannot process enough of this protein, cats will sabotage their body's muscles to get their daily needs. In addition, eating a sufficient amount of animal protein in food signals that cats are full. Without it, they will constantly overeat, causing more and more carbohydrates to turn into fat.

Feeding a properly balanced raw diet is the best diet possible. Raw foods in the diet require the most planning. Kittens are fed as much as they want, twice a day until they are 1.5-2 years old (ashers grow for a very long time). Adults consume 3–6% of their body weight raw, but may eat more (some cats simply burn more energy).

Does the Asher cat exist as a separate breed?

However, with the emergence of the breed, not everything is “clean”.

Asherah and Savannah

In 2010, a scandal occurred - the company announced that it would stop breeding hypoallergenic cats. In July 2013, it was discovered that cats sold by Lifestyle Pets were not hypoallergenic, and DNA tests showed that some of the cats sold were Savannah kittens. The Asherah is not a confirmed breed and does not exist officially. The fraud was not discovered immediately solely due to the fact that different generations of sold kittens, which are born as a result of crossing wild animals and domestic ones, can differ greatly in appearance. Everything depends on the percentage of serval blood - the more of it, the more the animal resembles a predator, and the price increases accordingly.

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