Description and character of the Californian shining cat

Breed characteristics

Miniature domestic leopards are remembered for their predatory appearance and civilized habits. The inherited outward wildness plays into contrast with the friendly character. Makes the cat an object of adoration for its owners. Who wouldn't want to play with a wild predator and feel safe? Pull his soft fur, tease him and stroke him gently. The California Radiant cat makes you feel tamed and loved by its owner at the same time. From the leopard, the shining cat received not only spectacular colors, but also other characteristics. Graceful, smooth gait, developed muscles, skeletal structure.

The standards prescribe a number of characteristic features of the breed. The medium-sized wedge-shaped head has soft outlines. Prominent cheekbones are set high, a slightly convex forehead, and a well-defined chin. The horns are clearly visible. Straight small nose. The ears, slightly rounded at the ends, are set wide apart. Large oval eyes are set slightly slanted. The color of the iris is in harmony with the main coat color. Mainly yellow with copper or golden undertones. There are blue-eyed Californians. Green eye color is considered unacceptable for the breed.

The long, strong neck is cylindrical in shape. The body resembles a rectangle. The body is flexible, muscular, slender. The cat's legs are long and strong. They resemble the paws of a cheetah. The front ones are slightly shorter than the rear ones. The domestic leopard walks with a low, creeping gait. It's like he's sneaking around and hunting. This gait complements the predatory image. This is due to the structure of the front paws, which form a 90-degree angle with the elbows. A long tail. Uniform in thickness. The fluffy tip is rounded. Definitely black. Other colors are not acceptable. The weight of an adult is from 4 to 8 kilograms. The short fur is thick and soft, feeling like plush. Longer on the belly and tail.

The main asset of the Californian breed is its color. There are two main types: snow leopard (leopard) and royal radiant. The first is characterized by a snow-white color with black spots. A tawny or bronze coat color with round or oval dark spots indicates a royal, shining cat. The spots must be clear and contrasting.

Another interesting feature of the breed is that at birth, snow leopard kittens are completely white. Royal shining kittens are born black. Spots begin to appear with age.

Diseases of Californian cats

A pleasant feature of cats of this breed is that the Californian Radiant has no congenital diseases, and also rarely gets sick with any other diseases that have acute or chronic forms.

Of course, in the absence of quality care or on the verge of extreme old age, they can be overtaken by “cat” diseases, but in general, Californian cats have strong and enviable health. Among them there are long-livers who can live a happy 20-year life, but generally the life expectancy of such cats is 13-15 years.

California Shining cats love walks, so it is necessary to regularly medicate for deworming.

Despite good health, you should not neglect routine vaccination, deworming, treatment for fleas and other parasites. It is recommended to visit your veterinarian regularly and have a routine examination. This is especially true for cats that walk outside, given that the breed has pronounced hunting habits.

History of the breed

Legend has it that during the gold rush, cats helped prospectors find gold mines. Californian golden sand got on the fur of animals. It shone and shimmered.

However, the real origin of the breed is associated with dramatic events. In 1971, famous Hollywood director Paul Casey goes to Africa. The purpose of the trip was to shoot a film about wildlife. By the will of fate, he ends up in the famous Olduvai George Canyon. There they tell him about a terrible tragedy. Poachers killed the last leopard living in the canyon for its skin.

The story shocks Paul. He comes up with a plan. He sets a truly noble goal - to save wild cats from extermination. To do this, he contacts breeders. He sets them the task of breeding a pet that looks like a leopard. The idea was simple. People will associate predatory cats with their spotted pets. They will feel sorry for killing wild animals for fur.

Ten years later, the goal was achieved. Siamese, Angora, Abyssinian genes were mixed to obtain the result. Egyptian Mau completed the look. It is to them that the Californian shining cat owes its spots. Miniature leopards were registered in 1985 by the TICA association.


The Californian shining cat has a very kind and flexible character. He is very sociable, gets along with children, but does not tolerate loneliness well. It is easy to train, can follow some commands over time, and is easily litter trained.

These are animals that vitally need to be close to their owner, sit on his lap, and participate in all household chores. Cats are very sensitive to changes in their owner’s mood.

These cats generally get along with other animals. A very interesting fact is that they are wary of dogs and prefer not to notice them at all. But if you have birds, fish and other small animals at home, you should not have such a cat; hunting instincts take their toll.

Character and psychology

The character of the Californian shining cat is completely opposite to its predatory appearance. Friendly, flexible pets conquer all household members. Their playful nature makes mustachioed pets excellent playmates. Spotted friends are sociable. Ready to follow their owner. Take part in his affairs. Mini leopard does not like loneliness. He tries in every way to attract attention. Treat all family members equally.

A shining cat is not a cat that walks on its own. Very social. In addition, natural sensitivity allows you to detect changes in the owner’s mood. Come to your arms in moments of sadness or not touch at all. Despite their wild appearance, they are not aggressive or vindictive. They will prefer to bypass the offender and will not seek revenge.

A Californian remains a hunter at heart. Living in a private home awakens instincts. The hosts must be ready for trophies. A caught mouse or bird may end up on the porch of the house. For the same reason, you should avoid contact with small domestic rodents, fish or parrots. They will live peacefully and harmoniously with their brothers. Dogs will not be pleasant company for them. Conflicts cannot be avoided.

A distinctive feature is the hyperactivity of cats. The lack of toys will be a reason for cat tricks. Things left unattended will find use in your pet's playful paws. High jumpers will conquer all sorts of peaks in the house.

A sharp mind helps the spotted pet quickly absorb information and remember commands. Cats are easy to train.

Character of cats of the California spangled cat breed

Despite the delightful appearance of a predatory animal, the Californian shining cat knows how to be sweet, gentle and affectionate.
These pets adapt very quickly, both to new living conditions and to the people who surround them. These purrs never bestow their love and attention on one person; their good nature is sufficient evenly for all family members, but at the same time they do not seem and are not intrusive. By nature, these cats are very active and mobile, they are easily interested in some kind of toy. They are very fond of high corners of your home, for example, the top of a cabinet or refrigerator; these leopard furry creatures usually use such areas as an observation platform. If you don’t like the fact that an animal is climbing somewhere under the ceiling, then you can be sure that it is useless to fight it, that’s just their nature. The best option would be to provide your pet with a variety of toys and climbing paraphernalia, this could be special shelves or even a small tree. California Shiny cats have a passion for noisy and active toys. This simplifies the choice of entertainment for your four-legged friend, but at the same time makes it impossible for a cat to live together with rodents and parrots. Hunting instincts will still take over sooner or later and it is unknown what awaits the small animal.

It is best to choose either a dog or a cat as a companion for such a pet, no matter what breed, “Californians” will definitely make friends with them. Representatives of this breed are not the kind of pets that can be carried and squeezed for a long time; in this case, the animal may show, although not particularly strong, aggression, and sharp claws may be used. Therefore, when communicating with children, it is better to take precautions.


The California Spangled Cat was created to save feral cats from extermination. Paul Casey's goal was to draw people's attention to the senseless killing of animals with beautiful skins. The task was completed.

The new breed was loved by breeders. It's hard to resist the charm of an outwardly predatory cat with the character of a loyal friend.

Health and characteristic diseases

The Californian Shining cat breed is considered the strongest and hardiest in the cat lover community. These animals do not get sick due to the characteristics of genetics and innate strong immunity. Kittens from a young age become strong hunters and do not lose these instincts until old age. Such a cat, maintaining good shape, agility and playfulness, can live until its fifteenth birthday. It is only important for owners to take the issue of deworming seriously.

You can tell that your child has worms based on the following signs:

  • apathy;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • diarrhea alternating with constipation;
  • anemia;
  • oddities in culinary preferences.

Did you know? In a world where about half a million domestic cats live, Australians are the biggest adopters of these animals. In this country, out of a dozen residents, only one does not have a furry ward.

How to choose a kitten

When choosing a kitten, a potential owner will face a number of difficulties. Firstly, it is almost impossible to acquire a spotted friend in Russia. Nurseries exist in the USA and Europe. Secondly, the Californian Shining is considered one of the rarest and most expensive breeds. How much can rare kittens cost? The average price varies from 120,000 to 200,000 rubles. It is best to turn to American breeders. It is recommended to reserve a kitten in advance. There is a fee for booking.

The nursery must first be checked for reliability. A conscientious breeder is obliged to provide complete information about the kitten’s pedigree. When acquiring a new friend, the owner receives a package of documents for the animal. Metrics and veterinary passport.

Your choice should be on an energetic and curious baby. Healthy kittens have shiny fur. Pay attention to characteristic spots. Clear outlines. Rectangular or round shape. Triangular or square shapes of spots are possible. There should be stripes on the face, chest, hind legs and tail. In these places, spots are unacceptable for a purebred kitten.

Features of care

Despite its exotic appearance, caring for a shiny cat does not cause any trouble for the owner. An active pet will love a big home. If this is not possible, then it is advisable to equip a play area. Make your pet happy with toys. Walking along the street on a harness will bring pleasure to the spotted Californian.

Water procedures no more than once a month. Otherwise, the fur will lose its natural shine. A hairdryer is contraindicated for the same reason.

A couple of times a week you should pay attention to your eyes and ears. If necessary, clean carefully with a cotton swab.

Eating solid foods or periodically brushing your teeth will help prevent the formation of tartar.

Characteristics of the Californian Shining

Wild on the outside, but kind on the inside - that's the truth about the shining Californian cat. This is an affectionate pet, friendly not only to everyone in the household, but also to strangers. To anyone who earns the trust of a California cat , she will become a faithful and loving friend. However, the cat will not follow its owner with its tail and beg for care or food. In addition, the animal is not talkative, like many Murkas, so the house will always be quiet and calm.

However, this cat cannot be called passive. He is playful and curious. If during the fuss the pet suddenly disappeared from view, most likely he occupied a convenient observation post, for example, the top shelf of a closet. It is useless to fight the shining cat’s addiction to jumping and “climbing”. In order not to conflict with your exotic furry on this issue, it is better to take care of a place for playing in advance.

Since the Californian cat is a good hunter, she also likes fun that requires the use of natural instincts. The cat will enjoy “hunting” for soft toys with rattling or ringing elements. For this reason, experts do not recommend having a shiny pet and small animals and birds at the same time. No one is immune from the fact that a cat suddenly awakens a desire to play, for example, with an unfortunate rodent. And it is unknown what this acquaintance will lead to.

When communicating with children, Californian cats are patient and forgiving. But they won’t allow themselves to be squeezed for long. A cat with a sense of self-esteem will never allow itself to be insulted - it may show aggression, but it does not remember evil.


The California shining cat is unpretentious in its choice of food. The diet can include both dry or liquid food, as well as natural food. The focus should be on balance. An indicator of the correctness of the chosen diet is cat hair. With the right menu, it will shine and shimmer.

Natural food can consist of raw frozen meat or sea fish. Fermented milk products are suitable, but not milk itself. Vegetables, herbs and grains will have a beneficial effect on digestion. Vitamin balance must be maintained with a mineral complex. Fresh water is also essential for health.

Salt and spices are considered forbidden foods.

Kittens should be fed five times a day. An adult pet is transferred to two meals a day.

Thanks to its natural activity, the miniature leopard is not prone to excess weight.


When a shining descendant of a leopard appears in the house, the owner is guaranteed a good mood and a minimum of hassle in maintaining it. The main task will be to equip a special gaming complex and free space. Otherwise, all fragile interior items will suffer. Representatives of this breed appreciate the attention of their owner and prefer to be in company. But it is better to isolate domestic rodents and birds away from such neighbors. After all, a cat’s hunting instinct may suddenly awaken.

Did you know? In ancient times, people were able to accurately determine the time of day by the size of the pupils of a cat's eyes. And when humanity learned to take photographs, cats played the role of exposure meters. That is why the eternal attributes of the first photographers were a camera and a cat.

Short-haired cat breeds do not require frequent bathing and brushing. They can take care of their own presentability. If you wish, you can bathe your pet once a week, disinfecting it from pests, and then comb it with a special rubber glove. In all other respects, the content of the California Shining Breed is no different.


Artificial origin did not have any adverse effects on the health of the Californian cat. Genetic and hereditary diseases were avoided. The average life expectancy is 12-15 years. There are also twenty-year-old centenarians. Maintaining an active lifestyle, a balanced diet and regular visits to the veterinarian will help you live a long and happy life.


Features of breeding the Californian shining cat are as follows. The first attempts at mating can begin at 1-1.5 years. Be sure to skip the first two heats. The date should take place in the cat's territory. Otherwise, the Californian will disrupt the event. Pregnancy is easy. Childbirth is natural. Usually 5-7 kittens are born. It is worth handing them over to new owners no earlier than after two months.

Captivating beauty, predatory grace and good-natured disposition captivate at first sight. The California Spangled Cat is more than just a pretty accessory. Thanks to her playful and affectionate nature, she becomes a full-fledged part of the family. The noble purpose of creation exceeded expectations. It was possible not only to draw attention to the existing problem of extermination of wild animals. We managed to create a pet leopard with the soul of a faithful friend.


To many, a shining cat seems wild at first glance. This conclusion suggests itself based on the flexible, graceful physique, muscularity, slanted eyes and leopard-print fur coat. But experts characterize the breed with a set of the following qualities:

  • strong nervous system;
  • lively curiosity;
  • aristocratic intelligence;
  • accommodating good-natured disposition;
  • wild appearance.

The breed is characterized by short hair, specific spotting and facial makeup. All lines are smooth and clear. The fur is very smooth and soft. But small kittens are always black. Only after a couple of months does the stripes and specks characteristic of Californian mini-leopards appear on it.

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