4 basic rules for caring for sphinxes and features of keeping hairless cats

Sphynx kittens have both ardent opponents and devoted fans. Many people are horrified first when they see wrinkled, bald freaks. But once you hold a warm, velvety miracle in your hands for the first time, it’s impossible to resist. A kitten with the appearance of an alien from outer space turns out to be unexpectedly pleasant to the touch. And there are legends about the intelligence and character of sphinxes.

But caring for Sphynx kittens is so different from caring for other cats that even an experienced “cat lover”, encountering an unusual pet for the first time, needs additional information.

Kitten at birth

Newborn sphinxes weigh 80-100 g with a body length of 10-12 cm. Like their furry counterparts, they are helpless - they are still blind and deaf. But already at the age of three days they are able to “get” food for themselves - to squeeze milk out of their mother’s nipples. For about a month it will be their main food, a source of antibodies for the formation of immunity.

Newborn hairless kitten:

Proper care

Behind the cat's skin

Wet wipes are useful for removing skin secretions from the animal.
The completely hairless Canadian and velor Don Sphynx require careful care, especially when it comes to the skin. The fact is that the skin of such cats, due to the abundance of sebaceous glands, is prone to increased sweating, so if care is not taken care of in a timely manner, it seems that the animal is dirty. To get rid of such plaque, just clean the fur with a damp cloth without alcohol or fragrance.

Behind the claws

This type of cat's claws grow very quickly. Therefore, once every 1.5-2 weeks it is recommended to trim the claws, carefully cutting off only the top. At the veterinary pharmacy you can purchase the following supplies:

  • special nippers for cutting claws;
  • nail clipper;
  • trimmer.

How to clean your ears and eyes?

The animal's eyes also require daily care in the form of washing.
The ears of a Sphynx cat, like the whole body, are not protected by fur. Therefore, the skin in the ears becomes dirty quickly. To prevent the development of dangerous diseases associated with the hearing organs, it is necessary to clean the ears as they become dirty with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water at room temperature. Proper care of the eye mucosa is also important. The animal is prone to accumulation of mucous discharge in the corners of the eyelids, so it is recommended to wipe the eyes once a day with a cotton swab dipped in chamomile infusion.

Dental and oral care

Newborn kittens in the first month of life already have sharp small milk teeth, which will be replaced by permanent teeth at 5-6 months of age. It is during this period that it is necessary to begin to carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity. To prevent the development of various dental diseases, it is recommended to brush your teeth 1-2 times a week with a special paste and brush designed for cats. At the same time, it is useful to massage the gums.

7-12 months

In the next six months, if necessary, sphinxes undergo castration and sterilization. It's time for another vaccination against rabies and feline infections. The animals are transferred to adult food. The frequency of feedings is reduced to 2-3 times.

Sphynx cat at 9 months:

Canadian Sphynxes at 1 year:

How to properly wash an animal?

Animals accustomed from childhood are very fond of water procedures.
In terms of water procedures, there are often no problems with cats. If you accustom your pet to water from childhood, he will willingly bathe, swim and frolic. At the same time, you can bathe your cat 1-3 times a week, depending on the degree of contamination of the skin. For washing, it is better to use a special shampoo, but regular baby shampoo will do. After washing, the animal should be wrapped in a terry towel and within a couple of minutes the cat will be completely dry.

If after bathing your animal's skin begins to peel, it is necessary to solve this problem as soon as possible. Baby cream, which is gently rubbed in a small amount into problem areas every time after hygiene procedures, will help to avoid overdrying. If the peeling still does not go away, it is better to take your Sphynx to the veterinarian. Perhaps the cat has an allergy, which is important to deal with correctly.

Health of the Don Sphynx

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, the Don Sphynx breed can boast of good health and endurance. However, they are susceptible to colds and skin problems.

Breed diseases

A Don compatriot has genetic diseases that are inherited:

  • Inversion of the eyelids - eyelashes touch the eyeball, causing irritation and conjunctivitis;
  • A shortened lower jaw is a discrepancy between the lower and upper jaws; doctors call this a malocclusion;
  • Underdevelopment of the thymus - newborns live no more than 10 days, sudden sleep occurs;
  • Nipple hyperplasia – the nipples increase in size and swell, which can be resolved surgically;
  • The result of inadequate development of the skeletal system can be a curvature of the spine in the caudal region.


Before buying an animal, everyone thinks about how long the Don Sphynx lives? On average, life expectancy ranges from 12 to 15 years, but there have also been long-livers aged 18 years. It all depends on proper care and nutrition, as well as compliance with veterinary standards.

Kitten and clothes

Sphinxes, of course, are not big fans of walking, especially in winter. A warm carrier with a wool lining is, of course, the way out, but the kitten can still be cold in it. In this case, you need to dress your pet. Various sweaters and blankets are vital for the baby sphinx. It is best if clothes for your pet are made of warm, soft natural materials (soft baby wool, for example, with the addition of alpaca or mink for warmth).

Walking around in clothes is not usual for any cat, but Sphynx cats adapt to wearing clothes in 15-20 minutes. At first it’s very funny to watch the “drunk” movements of the kitten, but after a while he will run briskly around the entire apartment, not paying any attention to clothes that are uncomfortable for him. And for you this is a new opportunity to show your imagination and new scope for creativity. You can create yourself, you can creatively choose new clothes for your pet in online stores. It's up to you to decide what to wear. You can also dress a kitten if it gets cool in the apartment during the off-season, and you are at work all day. But when you return home and the apartment becomes warmer, undress the cat so that she can lick herself normally - this is very important for the normal psyche of your pet.

Description of the breed

It is difficult to name another breed that would cause such an ambivalent attitude. Some people consider the Don Sphynx to be an unusually beautiful animal, while others would never dare to have one in their home.

A strong, muscular body with no fur is one of the main characteristics of the Don Sphynx. The skin throughout the body is collected in numerous folds. This feature is clearly expressed even in a newborn kitten. The small head is wedge-shaped and has distinct cheekbones. The ears are quite large in size with rounded ends. Almond-shaped eyes are located at a slight angle. The paws of this cat are also unusual - thanks to the special structure of the long fingers, the animals easily hold toys and open doors.

Males are somewhat different from females in appearance - they have a wider chest, a powerful neck and weigh about 5 kg. The weight of a cat usually does not exceed 3 kg. The life expectancy of the Don Sphynx can be 12 years or more if the pet is provided with the necessary conditions and proper feeding.

Kitten and punishment

Sometimes, once a kitten starts playing, it cannot stop on its own. He is like a small child, having started to rage and be capricious, but cannot slow down. This bald “imp” will run around like crazy, ending up in the opposite part of the house in a second, as if all the ghosts in the world were chasing her. You should calm him down just like a baby: take him in your arms for a few minutes, caress him. The imp will break free and try to bite you, but there is no point in punishing him for this. After a while, instead of “besi”, you will see your kitten again. Punishing a cat is a separate topic for discussion. You won't dare beat your pet. Even if, while playing and exploring new places in the house, the kitten breaks grandma’s favorite Chinese vase and you want to kill it, remember that the force of your blow may be much greater than necessary and can cause irreparable harm to it. In addition, you hardly want him to be afraid of you, and because of the fear he feels, he constantly shits in your shoes, having lost the most important thing in you - trust

. You can simply raise your voice at him. Sphinxes perfectly understand, if not a person’s speech, then his intonation. And they will immediately realize that you are unhappy with them.

You can show your cat that she has climbed into an unauthorized place if you “shoot” her with a water pistol (flower spray). This is a universal weapon. It doesn’t hurt the kitten at all, but the water is so disgusting and the pinching sound is scary. After a couple of weeks, you can no longer spray water, but simply show your pet a spray bottle. He will remember it perfectly, the disgusting stream of water flying out of this terrible thing and will quickly run away from the forbidden place. But the cat will constantly test your strength. Yesterday you couldn’t climb onto the TV, but what if you can today? Therefore, it is better to have a spray bottle on hand in any part of the apartment. Don't want your cat to climb onto the shelf with the cutlery? Place a plastic bottle with something jingling (coins, for example) on the edge of the shelf, in the place where your pet often jumps, so that he will definitely knock it over. A strong unfamiliar sound will frighten the cat, and she will probably stop climbing in there. But all kittens have different personalities, just like people. And nothing can stop some crazy people from jumping on a chandelier. In this case, you will have to hang a chandelier that is impossible to hang on, for example. You yourself will have to use your imagination - after all, no one knows your pet better than you. Most cats, for example, do not like the smell of citrus fruits (lemons, for example). This can also be used to wean your cat from visiting prohibited places.

Kitten and safety

Cats are very curious animals. They will crawl into any hole they find and can easily get stuck in it. They will jump after any fly flying outside the window, and if this window is open and there is no mosquito net on it, then... Some cat owners say that their cat is smart, unlike yours, and does not jump after flies, so she sits calmly on an open window or vent. But they forget that animals live by instinct, and perhaps the right fly or bird has not arrived yet, so the cat sits quietly for now. Veterinarians often talk about falling cases and sobbing owners in the waiting room. Do you want that? Try not to open windows more than 7-10 cm wide if they do not have a mosquito net. Do not open a window with a vertical opening mechanism. A cat can jump, get stuck in a narrow vertical gap, falling deeper and deeper under its own weight, and die trying to get out of it. Since the kitten is trying to explore the entire house, driven by its curiosity, it can jump onto a loose shelf, dropping it on its paw, throw something heavy onto itself from the kitchen table, etc.

Close the toilet lid, washing machine door, closet door, be careful when opening and closing doors, drawers, etc., so as not to pinch the kitten's paw or tail - do not trust your reaction, because... His speed of movement is an order of magnitude higher than that of a human. Keep your cat out of the bathroom to avoid dangerous contact with accidentally spilled laundry detergent, bleach, and other cleaning nastiness. It is also necessary to completely stop the kitten’s attempts to chew wires and rummage through garbage bags in search of “goodies”, which can become deadly. Keep small items (paper clips, needles, pins, buttons, snaps, antique coin collections and more, rings, diamond earrings, etc.) away from your tracker. If your imp has swallowed threads, hair, New Year's rain from foil and similar long pieces, and you see that the kitten has a “garland” hanging from behind, carefully cut off the visible part with scissors, but under no circumstances pull it out, because. there is a danger of seriously damaging the intestines. And immediately to the veterinarian! ! Another danger: a hot iron or heater - they are very interesting for a kitten, but getting burned is a matter of seconds. Make it a rule to remove your shoes, especially in rainy and slushy weather, away from your pet to prevent the kitten from licking them, which obviously will not improve his health if, for example, you step in the dog’s “gifts.” If you like to rush into bed or onto a sofa covered with a blanket, think about it - after all, your kitten could be sleeping in one of the folds of the blanket, and you will land right on it. Climbing unnoticed under a blanket or inside its folds when they are cold is a favorite habit of many tailed heat lovers. Take a closer look at your home and try to protect (as much as possible) your pet’s living area, because his love and funny antics should please you for as long as possible.

Kitten and toys

Sphynxes love attention from people. They just crave it. They will often greet you at the door, expecting that after feeding them, you will spend time with them and play with them. The kitten, of course, will be able to occupy himself independently if his favorite toys are already lying on the floor in an even layer. For toys, he will choose completely different things that his raking paws can reach: store-bought cotton mice or fish, your pendant with a diamond pendant, a ring from a water bottle, teaspoons from grandma’s set, paper candy wrappers, jingling balls, etc. . and so on. In other words, toys are everything that the sphinx can get her hands on. And with their playfulness, jumping ability and curiosity, there are practically no places in the house that are inaccessible to a cat.

Your pet will always have favorite toys that he will periodically return to and do incredible things while playing with them. What exactly it will be, you can only find out experimentally: by buying him new toys. Most cats love “fishing rods” with fish, mice or feathers - they will chase them with great pleasure. Of course, the owner

. The “fishing rod and fly” are beyond competition. No cat can resist such a temptation. Flies are a sacred thing in a cat’s life. If a live fly flies into your house, then you will see in front of you not your beloved cat, but a wild hunter who sees a target in front of him and does not see where he is rushing. To keep your home safe and sound, hunt for a fly with your cat (no matter how stupid it sounds): lift it up so that it grabs the fly with its paws on the window glass or if the fly rushes around the apartment like mad, and the cat follows it , stun the fly, for example, with a towel. By the way, “flies” include all flies, beetles, butterflies, and moths. But besides wasps and bees, because... their bite can cause allergies that are fatal to the animal. In winter, when flies don't fly, a laser pointer is a good alternative. The “winter red fly” arouses keen interest in the kitten, and he will chase it with great eagerness.

To ensure that your sofas and armchairs covered with Italian silk do not suffer from claws and teeth, buy your tailed friend a scratching post, the choice of which is very large (floor-mounted, wall-mounted, made of jute or cardboard) - the choice is yours.

Kitten and bed

A cat is a very active animal when it is not sleeping. And she sleeps 12-16 hours a day. The Sphinx will choose its own places to hibernate during the day. But still, his favorite places will be those that smell like you - his beloved owners. There he is calmer, more comfortable, and apparently his dreams are more pleasant. He can choose your T-shirt, forgotten on the bed, and your robe on the chair as his favorite bedding. He, of course, will appreciate the special bedding and minks you bought, but this is unpredictable. You think that he will be warm and comfortable in a new velvet hole, but he will choose the roof of the hibernation house and turn the house into a flat pancake. Many Sphynx cats love hammocks. Pet stores sell hammocks that can be hung on a radiator. Cats are crazy about them. At night, Sphynx babies love to sleep with their owners in bed, often crawling under the covers to warm you up

Process Features

The process itself consists of three stages:

  1. Contraction of the uterus: the vagina opens, minor discharge (mucus plug) and contractions may occur.
  2. Contractions become more frequent and stronger. The cervix is ​​completely open and the fetus begins to move through the birth canal. Due to the pressure on the cervix, the cat strains to push the baby out as quickly as possible. The kitten may be born in a bladder if it does not rupture during birth. As a rule, the cat bursts the bubble itself and licks the kitten completely to open its airways and stimulate breathing. Variably, this can take from 10 minutes to an hour. If the stage has begun, more than an hour has passed, and the baby has not appeared, call the veterinarian.
  3. After the baby is born, the placenta comes out. After the cat licks the kitten and makes sure that everything is fine with it, it gnaws the umbilical cord and eats the placenta. At this stage, it is important to ensure that the placenta appears after each baby; if it gets stuck in the birth canal, this can lead to a dangerous infection. To be completely sure, if you are alone at the birth, it is better to write it down.

Something else interesting: At what age are cats spayed?

After the mother has taken care of the baby, she will push him towards the nipple. If this does not happen, you can apply it to the baby’s nipple yourself. Childbirth resumes. In between, the cat licks itself and rests. There are times when the process seems to be completed, and then after a few hours it resumes again.

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