Canadian Sphynxes - conditions of detention and description of the breed

Many owners really like it when their pet gets fat.

He seems funny at first glance.

In fact, obesity is our worst enemy.

The animal becomes inactive, and there is a severe strain on the cardiovascular system.

Overfeeding a cat will not make him happy.

Therefore, it is important to know the normal weight of your Sphynx and balance the daily food intake, cautioning against overfeeding and obesity.

The normal weight of the Sphynx does not differ from the weight of other cats - 2-5 kg. But they have an important difference.

Since Sphynx cats are hairless, compared to shaggy cats, they have a much greater body heat loss. The expended energy must be replenished. This results in increased metabolism and a greater need for food. In general, it costs a lot to maintain normal body temperature.

What should be a normal weight for a Sphynx?

If an ordinary cat, on average, needs up to 400 g of food per day, then the Sphynx can eat up to 600 g. Of course, the ambient temperature plays an important role.

If you take your Sphynx for walks in the fresh air, do not forget to wear clothes for him. It is very important to take proper care of your Sphynx during the cold season.

Is my Sphynx thin or fat?

To help you determine whether your pet has a normal weight, we have compiled a table:

Thanks to the table, you can easily determine whether your pet has weight abnormalities.

If your cat's weight shifts in one direction or another, please contact your veterinarian to examine your pet and adjust not only its diet, but also, possibly, its lifestyle and routine.

The weight of an animal is an indicator of the health of the body as a whole. Monitor your pet's weight and your cat will be healthy and happy!

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Don, Canadian, St. Petersburg Sphynxes are the most amazing cat breeds. The owner must monitor the development of his unusual pet from the very first days - hairless cats are prone to obesity. At every stage of childhood and adolescence, the baby needs to be provided with appropriate care so that he grows into a healthy and obedient adult cat.

Kitten at birth

Newborn sphinxes weigh 80-100 g with a body length of 10-12 cm. Like their furry counterparts, they are helpless - they are still blind and deaf. But already at the age of three days they are able to “get” food for themselves - to squeeze milk out of their mother’s nipples. For about a month it will be their main food, a source of antibodies for the formation of immunity.

Newborn hairless kitten:

7-12 months

In the next six months, if necessary, sphinxes undergo castration and sterilization. It's time for another vaccination against rabies and feline infections. The animals are transferred to adult food. The frequency of feedings is reduced to 2-3 times.

Sphynx cat at 9 months:

Canadian Sphynxes at 1 year:

Features of feeding and diet

The intense heat exchange caused by the lack of wool consumes a large amount of energy. It takes a lot of calories to maintain it, so cats are constantly hungry. If you do not follow feeding standards, your pet will suffer from obesity.

After 2 months, kittens are separated from their mother. They can be given boiled or well-frozen meat, cut into small pieces. For the development of teeth and skeleton you will need cottage cheese and eggs. When feeding dry food, choose lines designed for kittens. They contain a lot of calories and vitamins, which is important for a young body. If your pet has not yet grown permanent teeth, then it is better to pre-soak the food in water.

Up to 4 months, animals are fed 5-6 times a day, from 4 to 7 months - 3-4 times a day, from 7 to 12 months - 3 times a day. After 1 year, the number of meals is reduced to 2 times. The pet should eat 5% of its body weight per day, but it is better to agree on the exact amount with your veterinarian.

With a natural diet, it is recommended to consume:

  • lean meat and offal;
  • vegetables and herbs;
  • croup

You can add a cracker to your diet once a week. It helps clear plaque and prevents the formation of tartar. If your pet eats dry food, then you don’t need to give him crackers. Mixing natural and dry feeding is dangerous for the gastrointestinal tract.

Not all owners can prepare fresh meals for their pets every day. The simplest and safest way to feed is dry. Super-premium industrial feeds contain all the necessary nutritional elements. With them you won’t have to rack your brains to calculate the KBJU. All feeding recommendations are listed in the table on the package.

Development table

Next are the standard indicators of kitten development, a table of weights by month.

Age (months)Weight, kg)
At birth0,08-0,1

The average weight of an adult Sphynx is 2.5-5 kg. Representatives of the breed are not large cats, so a large mass for them is not an indicator of health, but of obesity.

The owner must remember that a hairless cat needs to eat more than its furry counterparts. She spends more energy heating her naked body. The consequence of this is accelerated metabolism and increased appetite.

It is easy to determine the deficiency or excess mass of the Sphinx using these characteristics:

  • Severe weight loss. The bones and joints of the animal are visible through the skin. The ribs protrude strongly, fat and muscle tissue cannot be palpated.
  • Weight deficiency. The animal's ribs and pelvic bones are visible through the skin. Fat tissue - only on the chest.
  • Normal weight. The bones are not visible, but they can be felt. The animal has a small layer of fatty tissue on its tummy.
  • Excess weight. There is a thick layer of fatty tissue on the abdomen and chest. The cat's "waist" is not visible. The ribs, vertebral and pelvic bones are difficult to palpate.
  • Severe overweight. The Sphinx becomes rounded, its belly resembles a bun. The fat layer is clearly visible. It is almost impossible to feel the bones.

In case of strong deviations upward or downward, a visit to the veterinarian is required. The specialist will create an individual diet for the cat and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

The Canadian Sphynx is a pet that leaves no one indifferent thanks to its unusual appearance. Some people find them unpleasant and even repulsive, while others simply dote on these “unearthly” creatures.

Why is the baby overweight and is it dangerous?

At this age, this problem is most often associated with overeating and insufficient physical activity. In most cases, this disorder is diagnosed in domestic cats that do not walk outside.

Most often, the problem of excess weight is solved by reducing portions. As a rule, at 7–9 months, at the height of puberty, the cat’s weight returns to normal. Much less often, obesity becomes a consequence of systemic diseases. To determine whether excess weight indicates pathology, you need to examine the kitten's waist. Normally, the ribs should not be noticeable, but easily palpable. If your fingers “sink” when you feel them, it is difficult for the animal to move, it is lethargic and apathetic, you need to contact a veterinarian.

Basic moments

  • In the world, the breed is known simply as Sphynx - Sphinx; in Russia, the adjective “Canadian” is added to avoid confusion with the Don and St. Petersburg (Peterbald).
  • Contrary to popular belief, Sphynx cats are not hypoallergenic, since unpleasant symptoms in people prone to allergies are caused not by fur, but by components of saliva and sebaceous gland secretions.
  • Cats are famous not only for their unusual appearance, but also for their incredible affection for their owners; they love attention and affection, and have difficulty enduring loneliness.
  • They need regular and careful care and protection from adverse environmental factors.
  • They get along well with other cats and even dogs, but an ideal companion would be a second representative of the same breed.
  • It is preferable to keep Sphynxes at home.
  • Excellent appetite is compensated by fast metabolism.
  • The average life expectancy is 10-14 years, although long-livers are also known, whose age was 16-19 years.

The Canadian Sphynx is a loving and sociable pet that easily wins the hearts of people who care about cats. The owners of these animals unanimously say that they would never exchange them for representatives of other breeds. For their large ears, expressive eyes and folds of skin on their faces, sphinxes received the affectionate nickname “aliens.”


The character of the Don Sphynx is distinguished by good nature, affection, and tender affection for its owner. This breed has nobility, self-esteem and will not tolerate familiarity in relation to its person. Cats position themselves as full members of the family, and not pets dependent on the owner.

In childhood, kittens show amazing curiosity, hyper activity and good learning ability. As they grow older, their ardor becomes more moderate every month, and in adulthood they are calm, balanced animals with a stable psyche and a complete lack of aggression.

The Don Sphynx can behave inappropriately and become truly angry only if it is greatly frightened by something. Cases of such behavior are rare and do not characterize the breed as a whole.

Cats love a measured, unhurried lifestyle. They are perfect for living in a family of elderly people, but they can also get along with small children and will quickly get used to the constant noise. The same applies to other pets: they feel great in the company of other cats, as well as dogs, rodents, and birds.

Surprisingly, the character of the Don Sphynx is more reminiscent of a dog, and in some matters even human. They are not vindictive, smart and endowed with high intelligence.

Don Sphynx cats are excellent psychologists and quickly understand family relationships and its hierarchy. They choose their owner themselves, usually the head of the family, but they treat the rest of the household kindly, but with some condescension.

The favorite pastime of an adult cat of the Don Sphynx breed is to bask somewhere in a warm, secluded place or in the arms of the owner, or to watch all the household chores, sitting on a hill.

Hairless cats often like to lie on laptops, system units and, of course, batteries. At night they sleep mostly in the master's bed under a blanket.

Don Sphynxes, like other hairless cats, absolutely cannot stand loneliness. You should not get this breed if all family members are at work from morning to night - the cat will be very sad.

History of the Canadian Sphynx breed

Although the breed is quite young, the existence of hairless cats is mentioned in the annals of various civilizations. The thing is that “bald” offspring can appear from completely ordinary parents as a result of a natural mutation. Most often, such animals were considered an anomaly and were discarded by humans.

There is evidence of the emergence in South America of an entire population of graceful creatures with amber-colored eyes. True, unlike Canadians, they could be partially covered with wool during the cold season, and wore mustaches all year round. It is impossible to judge the genetic characteristics of these animals today, since the breed has disappeared. The last individuals whose existence is documented lived in the 20s of the last century, but then “Inca cats,” as the Mexicans called them, did not interest professional breeders.

40 years have passed, and much further north, in the Canadian province of Ontario, the owner of a black and white short-haired cat named Elizabeth was surprised to find an unusual specimen in her pet’s litter. The kitten was given the name Prune (English: Prune) and, upon reaching maturity, was crossed with its own mother. The first experiments seemed successful, but already in the early 1970s the line was interrupted.

Around the same time, a new stage in the history of the breed began. In one of the catteries in Baden, Minnesota, two cats were devoid of fur at once. All modern elite lines trace their pedigree back to them, although the selection process, of course, included cats of different breeds. The best results were achieved by working with Devon Rexes; “naked” kittens, which were again discovered among our northern neighbors, actively participated in the creation of the breed. They were originally called “Canadian hairless cats,” but enthusiasts wanted something more sonorous and drew parallels with the oldest surviving monumental sculpture - the Egyptian Great Sphinx, which guards the peace of ancient rulers in Giza.

Recognition from international felinological organizations did not come immediately. There were concerns that the mutation was causing serious health problems. When time showed the inconsistency of these theories, The International Cat Organization (TICA) was the first to allow Sphynx dogs to participate in its exhibitions in 1986. After 6 years, champion status was received from the Canadian Cat Association (CCA), but the breed standard according to the authoritative The Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) was approved relatively recently, in 2002.

Appearance of the Sphinx

Sphynxes are not among the large breeds. Females usually weigh 3.5-4 kg, males weigh between 5-7 kg. At the same time, the body is muscular and dense, which is why cats actually turn out to be heavier than one might expect given their size. The skin is thick and gathers into characteristic folds, especially pronounced on the muzzle.


Medium in size, shaped like a slightly rounded modified wedge, where the length is slightly greater than the width. The forehead is flat, the transition from it to the muzzle can be either quite soft or clearly pronounced. The muzzle is short. The cheekbones are high and clearly defined. The chin is strong and forms a perpendicular to the upper lip. The nose is short, with a slight to medium stop. The whisker pads are well developed, although the whiskers themselves are completely or almost completely absent.

Ears are one of the distinctive features of the Canadian Sphynx breed. Very large compared to the head. Upright and open. The base is wide. The inner surface is without wool.


The eyes of sphinxes are large, shaped like a lemon, because with a wide middle part they narrow equally on both sides. Set wide and slightly slanted. The color is not regulated, but must be in harmony with the color.

Medium length, slightly arched, with well-developed muscles.

how much does a cat weigh at 1 year old?

Book about sphinxes: Basic physiological parameters and organ system of sphinxes

Good afternoon, dear cat lovers. Thinking about the content of the next article from the “Book of Sphinxes” series, I decided to devote it mostly to cats in general. The fact is that in this article I will talk about the physiological parameters of healthy cats and their organ systems. I don’t think it is possible or necessary to fully flesh out this topic exclusively on sphinxes, since in the aggregate cat breeds differ from each other in some way, but have almost the same parameters. Of course, in each breed it is possible to identify characteristics, both in physiological parameters and in the structure of the body and the whole body. As the article progresses, I will note the features of the sphinxes. I hope I can do this. This article will give an idea of ​​the sphinx as a cat, taking into account the physiology and structure of the body. So let's get started.

By the way, I completely forgot, we have an article on our website devoted to the proper nutrition of sphinxes and the prevention of obesity. I recommend to read.

In ordinary, healthy cats, the body temperature averages 38-39.5 degrees. In small kittens it may be a little higher, about 40 degrees.

Did you know that in cats, nasal temperature is an indicator of health? If your nose is cold, then everything is fine. However, you should not rely only on him. If you suspect the presence of an illness, it is best to use a thermometer to determine the temperature. Temperatures in cats are measured rectally.

How Much Should an Adult Cat Weigh?

Hello. Please tell me. Approximately how much should a Peterbald cat weigh at 10 months? I can't find this information anywhere.

The fact is that around the New Year, my castat cat Fantik hit the cat Mouse in the eye with his claw. The circumstances were such that it was not possible to go to the doctor right away


Hello. Please tell me. Approximately how much should a Peterbald cat weigh at 10 months? I can't find this information anywhere.

The fact is that around the New Year, my castat cat Fantik hit the cat Mouse in the eye with his claw. The circumstances were such that it was not possible to go to the doctor right away (I had a high temperature for a long time, but when I recovered a little, I ran to the doctor). In general, I got to the doctor with Mice only on January 9th. Then they recommended a wonderful ophthalmologist to me. We have been treating her since January 20th. The eye was just terrible, we were going to have surgery, but thanks to the fact that Mouse is very young, the eye began to heal. There was a danger that the eye would leak out and the cat would be left with one eye.

Now the eye has almost healed, only a small scar remains, and vision has been restored. I'll be heading to my appointment soon. The only thing is that she grew very little during her illness. And this worries me.

Could it be that her body spent all its reserves on healing the eye, and had nothing left for growth? She is small compared to the cat. She now weighs around 3 kg (about a month ago it was 2700). She will be one year old on June 7th.

Or am I worrying for nothing and she is not small? She's just so thin all over, although she has a small tummy. But compared to a cat, she’s actually a baby.

Thank you very much for your answer! The fact that she has lost a little weight is okay, her bones don’t stick out. It’s just that there are no folds on her belly - she’s become slender)) I’m all tormented that she stopped growing and remained completely small. She has thin legs, a small head) But there is enough harmfulness for two)))

Good afternoon My beauty Annabelka is 3 months old - yesterday I weighed her 1kg 200g. And I was surprised - isn’t this a lot? True, it is growing for me by leaps and bounds

I started to worry about my bald one about his weight and age, he’s almost a year old, after 3 weeks, but he weighs 3.5 kg, and


A kitten up to 2-2.5 months should not leave its mother’s house!

Buy a kitten from a clean home, with deworming done (that is, when the kitten was given an anthelmintic drug), with vaccinations and documents (veterinary passport and birth certificate or pedigree from the club).
Only in this case can you be relatively calm about the health of your pet. The normal age for buying a kitten is 2.5 months or more.
We brought a cat for the cat. The cat is 11 months old, and the cat is 1.5 years old and she (like my Canadian Sphynx) is not untied. She let the cat in on the 4th day. But when contact occurs, she begins to rush and scream like crazy and the contact is interrupted all the time. Tell me what to do?

We recommend reading: Why the Cat Yells in the Evenings

I want to get a Sphynx kitten, but I have a severe allergy to cats. Since I have a smooth-haired dog at home, I think that I am not allergic to fur, but I am allergic to cat urine. Tell me, please, does such an allergic reaction happen, or is it only to cat fur?

Allergies occur to proteins contained in the urine and saliva of cats. There are also allergies to smells. If you are allergic to odors, this can be avoided by using special sand for trays. Sometimes allergies occur to specific animals or a certain quality of wool. For example, my mother is allergic to the fur of Persian cats. Take allergy tests to identify sensitivity to possible allergens.

I have two questions: 1. If the Sphynx is substandard, that is, unsuitable for some reason (eyes are not the right color, the color is not the same, etc.) for exhibitions, breeding, is it possible to take him at a lower price? price? I would really like to have a Sphynx, even without a pedigree. 2. Who is better to take - a girl or a boy? Is it easier to bear the screams of a girl or the smell of a boy?

I answer point by point. 1. Yes, the baby is in the pet class (i.e. not for breeding)


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