Scottish fold chinchilla: description of the breed, colors, reviews

The Scottish cat of the chinchilla color has become so popular and recognizable today that felinologists even considered it possible to designate this particular color as a separate breed line. Its peculiarity is not only in its name, which is consonant with South American rodents, valued for their luxurious fur, but also in its color - the coat of these cats is light gray with a delicate bluish tint. Although breeders have achieved some other shade options.

So, meet the Scottish fold chinchilla cat. In the article we will talk about the characteristics and standard of the breed, as well as some of the subtleties of its maintenance.

History of the breed

Initially, kittens with this unusual color appeared from an animal of one of the oldest and most popular breeds - the Persian. These pets are characterized by very long hair (up to 12 cm), which is also distinguished by the thickness of the hairs, their thinness and silkiness. All traditional “Persians” also have a kind of “collar” on their neck and shoulders. The chic appearance of the fur, however, will please the eyes of the owners only if it is combed daily.

Next, the “chinchilla” color was fixed on British cats. That is why among the ancestors of any animal of a given color there will certainly be not only Scottish Fold and Scottish Straight, but also “British” and “Persian”.

The Scottish Fold, by the way, was bred in Russia on cats of the British breed. Therefore, domestic felinologists have their own standards for the Scottish breed, unlike, for example, the USA, where breeding work was carried out by fixing the gene for fold ears on the American shorthair.

What to feed?

The diet for a Scottish Fold chinchilla should include a sufficient amount of foods that contain the required vitamins and minerals. The menu will need to include lean meats, vegetables, and eggs. Once a week it is permissible to give fermented milk products and boiled sea fish. Veterinarians from the Zoovet clinic do not recommend switching the animal exclusively to industrial complementary foods, which can be purchased in the store. If the owner does not have enough time to feed the pet only natural food, it is allowed to add food to the diet, but it is better to choose the premium class. Every year the cat is given vitamin and mineral complexes for animals, which are prescribed by the veterinarian.


Scottish fold or straight with a characteristic color are quite rare. Therefore, the description of the Scottish Fold chinchilla should be reduced to general standards: the cat's coat should have a completely white undercoat, and the paw pads should be dark. In addition, it is possible, as felinologists say, dark “makeup” in the form of lining the eyes, lips and nose.

As for the length of the coat, it is average - it inherited silkiness from its Persian ancestors, thickness and plushness from British shorthairs. The Scottish Fold chinchilla has a chiseled, but not small muzzle. The ears, like all “Scots”, can be flattened or raised. It depends on who is in front of you - Scottish Fold or Scottish Straight.

Rare colors of Scottish cats

Many readers ask what the rarest and most expensive colors of Scottish cats are. Today there are no problems finding any color, however, among breeders trying to get the maximum variety of colors of kittens from one cat, tortoiseshell cats are very much appreciated, because... they carry the genes of both the red and black series at once. Among ordinary people who are not involved in breeding, the so-called precious colors - gold and silver - are now in fashion. However, these colors can no longer be called rare, since such cats are becoming more and more popular due to their popularity.

And for those who are in search of what is the best color of Scottish cats, let’s say: this is the color that you like, because you live with this cat. You may become interested in cats whose color is as close to natural as possible, that is, spotted or tabby. Or maybe you will like red (ginger) cats, because... they please the eye and improve your mood with their appearance. Whatever color you choose, the main thing is that you like it.

Ticked chinchillas

Fold cats are ticked and shaded in color. Let us briefly explain the meaning of these terms, since they often cause misunderstanding among ordinary amateurs.

With ticked (otherwise known as Abyssinian) color, each hair of a cat's fur is divided into several colors (usually two or three). When moving, such an animal seems to iridescent - at different angles it appears a slightly different color. The general appearance of this color is a light “veil”. By the way, there is no ticking on the stomach and chest, as well as on the inner sides of the legs.

Silver fold chinchilla kittens are born more often than other shades. Therefore, the color options for chinchillas are as follows: either white (silver), or gold or blue gold. By the way, the latter is the rarest color not only among this species, but also among Scottish fold cats in general. By the way, a ticked chinchilla kitten is not cheap.

The history of the British chinchilla

The history of the origin of British golden chinchillas still causes a lot of controversy. There are several versions of the origin of these animals. According to the first of them, the ancestors of the chinchilla were brought to Britain from Ancient Rome. Followers of this theory are confident that the British are representatives of ancient cat breeds.

However, another part of the researchers is confident that golden chinchilla cats were bred by crossing with other breeds. Such selection work was carried out directly by English researchers. It is believed that the chinchilla owes its thick coat of beautiful color to the crossing of smoky British cats and Persian-colored cats.

This is interesting. Due to the fact that the British chinchilla was created by crossing short-haired and Persian cats, long-haired kittens can be found in the litter. However, the British Longhair cat must meet the same standards as the British Chinchilla.

Gradually, breeders continued crossing, diluting the new breed with the blood of Tabby cats. Experts managed to obtain a golden color using the method described above. But the basis for genetic experiments was no longer Tabby, but a new breed - the magnificent silver chinchilla.

The expectations of specialists were justified, and at the end of the 19th century an animal was obtained that met the golden chinchilla breed standard. These animals were officially recognized only at the end of the 20th century.

Shaded color

Traditionally, felinologists divide cats of this color into three types: the shade can be silver, golden or red. With it, the hair is colored in a different shade by only one third (unlike ticked hair - there the proportion of color is different, one eighth).

Shaded is also possible in several variants: animals can be shaded golden with a cream undercoat or silver with a snow-white undercoat. Finally, a reddish tint is possible - in this case, the main part of the hair will be bright red, and the undercoat will be white.

Price and reviews about representatives of the breed

The price of a golden chinchilla cat starts from 10,000 rubles if the kitten has a document. If the animal’s pedigree means it will become a show-class pet and confirms this with its exterior, I can ask for 25,000-40,000 rubles. Persians tend to be cheaper, while British and Scots are more expensive.

Reviews about golden chinchillas are as contradictory as the breeds that wear the royal color. The disagreements are mainly related to the nature of the animals. It must be in harmony with the owner's character.

The misconception about the existence of a separate breed of “golden chinchilla” is causing confusion in the minds of pet lovers. Sometimes they expect a British kitten to be agreeable when purchasing a Scotsman.

As for the color of pets, it gives only positive emotions. The owners share that “the sun has appeared” in their house, giving warmth both in the literal and figurative sense.

Breed standards

They are common to the Scottish Fold cat breed.

  • The head is round, with a characteristic convex forehead, short neck, and protruding cheeks, especially in cats. The nose is rather short and has no sharp bends.
  • The eyes are large, round, open and expressive. Due to physiological characteristics, they, like Persians, can become watery, especially in kittens.
  • The eye color of Scottish Fold chinchillas is most often green, blue is less common. And in cats with a silver color, the shade of the visual organs may match the color.
  • It should be noted that in newborn pets the eye color can only be finally determined at two weeks of age.
  • Scottish Folds (low-eared) should have short, forward-leaning ears, tightly pressed to the head, with rounded tips. Ideally, they give the cat's head a soft roundness without sticking out from the overall contour.

However, from a newborn kitten you can never understand in advance how successful he can be in his exhibition career - his structure may change with age. Additionally, there are some feeding and growth factors that can affect the shape of your Scottish dog's ears.

The skeleton of these cats, in contrast to the British breed, is more slender and graceful than that of the squat and strong “British”. In many other respects the standards are similar.

Purchasing a British Golden Chinchilla kitten

Purchasing purebred British chinchilla kittens is not easy. It is better to choose purebred representatives in trusted nurseries or by contacting reliable breeders who breed this particular breed.

Attention! When purchasing an animal on the market or through a private advertisement, there is a high risk of being deceived and becoming the owner of an ordinary kitten with an unusual color.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a British chinchilla kitten, you should consider a number of recommendations:

  1. Carefully study the breed standard.
  2. Make a list of breeders and nurseries. Study reviews about them, become familiar with the peculiarities of keeping animals.
  3. Be sure to look at the kittens' parents, taking into account their compliance with the breed standard. The breeder will certainly provide a pedigree confirming the purebred of the sires up to the 4th generation.

The immediate choice of a kitten should be approached by paying attention to some features:

  1. Behavior. When a kitten sees a stranger, it should not try to hide in a corner in horror. A healthy baby is cheerful and inquisitive.
  2. Appearance. The kittens' coat should be shiny, their eyes and ears should be clean, and their nose should be moist.
  3. Relevant documents: metrics, pedigree, veterinary book, etc.

At what age is it better to adopt a kitten?

Conscientious breeders hand over kittens to new owners no earlier than 3 months . Babies of this age can already feed themselves and are also trained to use a tray.


The habits of the Scottish Fold chinchilla are calm and peaceful. In general, the animal gets along well with everyone in the house, even with dogs, and never shows aggression towards birds. But when meeting an evil stranger, this cat can stand up for itself.

She quickly gets used to the new home and becomes attached to the owner (most often to one), but she shows this affection calmly, without imposing her company on the person. In general, this animal is quite reserved and does not like to be squeezed.

Sometimes it may seem that Scottish dogs are slow and phlegmatic, but in fact they are not at all averse to playing, especially when the owner himself is the initiator. They also enjoy playing with children.

Another feature of the Scottish Fold is its rare meowing. She will never scream, even when left alone in the apartment. The Scottish has adopted a lot from the British Shorthair breed, and representatives of the latter are known to be called “the businessman’s cat.” This means that she calmly tolerates the absence of her owner, she will always be able to occupy herself, she can be left alone in the house even for several days, of course, provided that food and water are freely available.

Buy a Scottish or British kitten

In our nursery you can buy a Scottish breed kitten. This playful fluffy little ball will not leave anyone indifferent, which is why the Scottish cat has won the hearts of many people. The unique character of this breed is completely devoid of aggression at the genetic level, and its unique trait - sociability without intrusiveness - can satisfy even the most demanding person. In addition to these undeniable positive qualities, the Scottish cat is also affectionate, elegant and loyal. This breed is not noisy and neat. The Scottish cat is friendly towards other pets, has a soft character and a gentle nature. She is always patient and loving, even towards naughty children. Therefore, if you decide to buy a kitten of the Scottish breed, you should not worry that your family’s life will change radically. No, you will get only positive emotions from buying a Scottish kitten.

In the Foldlandia nursery you can not only buy a kitten, but also buy a Scottish cat, as a breeder or who has already completed her breeding career. This option is perfect for busy people who want to buy a Scottish cat that has already been trained in all the tricks of the cat, with consistently good manners, ready for breeding or already sterilized. After all, an adult Scottish cat is already smart enough and no longer needs your constant monitoring of it. She will perfectly understand both your intonation and read your thoughts. She will listen to every word addressed to her. Sometimes the rhythm of life of a modern busy person does not allow him to devote a sufficient amount of time to Scottish kittens and raise them - the optimal solution in such a situation is to buy an adult Scottish cat.

In addition, the Foldlandia nursery breeds a second, but no less popular breed - the British Shorthair. Therefore, in our nursery you can also buy a British kitten. The British kitten will no less impress you with its beauty. He has unique beautiful plush fur and a truly aristocratic appearance. British kittens have a calm disposition and are not an active breed of cat. They stroll around the house imposingly, and do not bother you with their screams or demands. British kittens quickly get used to order and try to adhere to it throughout their lives. The British kitten is owner-oriented; it becomes attached to its owner, despite the fact that it values ​​its personal space and independence. Be sure that if you decide to buy a British kitten, he will give your family a lot of positivity and positive emotions in the process of communicating with him.

If your plans include breeding British cats, you can buy an adult British cat in our nursery. This will be the best guarantee that the already adult British cat has no defects, since some defects may go unnoticed when purchasing a kitten with breeding rights. Of course, an adult British cat will cost more, but at the same time you will save money on raising it and time. In addition, some people who want to buy a British kitten are afraid that they will not be able to cope with caring for and raising the baby. In this case, it makes sense to trust a professional breeder and buy an adult British cat raised and trained professionally.

If you want to buy a Scottish or British kitten, or an adult British or Scottish cat of a rare color, please contact us, we will select your best friend depending on your preferences.

Care and maintenance

The Scottish Fold chinchilla has quite long hair, so it needs to be brushed from time to time. This is especially worth doing during molting. Otherwise, by licking itself, the cat may clog the digestive tract. In addition, an animal with unkempt fur will lose all its charm.

It is also necessary to trim the nails and regularly wash the ears and eyes. The latter often begin to water in lop ears - in this case, they can be washed with a very weak solution of potassium permanganate, after carefully examining it in the light so that there are no undissolved crystals left in it.

Felinologists have different opinions about bathing the animal. Some experts argue that it is possible and necessary to bathe Scottish fold chinchillas, especially since the animal itself usually tolerates this procedure calmly. Others are of the opinion that if the cat is not walked and is constantly in the house, with regular brushing it is not at all necessary to give the pet bath days.

Breeding the British Chinchilla breed

Breeding British chinchillas is quite a complex matter. For this reason, it is recommended that only experienced breeders engage in it.

Criteria for choosing a partner

Finding a suitable pair for a chinchilla is quite problematic due to the small number of the breed. The offspring are characterized by deviations in color, and therefore crossing is carried out by a limited number of individuals and only among the chinchilla variety.

A potential mating partner must meet certain criteria:

  • absence of gene pathologies;
  • availability of the necessary documents: veterinary passport, pedigree, breeding permit, etc.;
  • deworming, vaccination (must be carried out 2-3 weeks before mating).

The chosen "groom" or "bride" must correspond to the characteristics of the breed, especially with regard to coloration.

At what age should you give your pet for the first mating?

British chinchillas reach sexual maturity late. In view of this, mating should begin when the pet is 20-24 months old. Excessively early birth will not have the best effect on the cat’s immature body. In addition, the offspring in this case often turns out to be weak or non-viable.


The price of any Scottish kitten depends on many factors: gender, type of ears (loose-eared kitten or straight-eared), color, purpose of its acquisition (as a pet or for breeding), its state of health (whether its parents have tests), title and fame ancestors, etc.

If we are talking about Scottish golden chinchillas with the right to breed and for exhibitions, then their price can reach up to several thousand dollars. High-quality Scottish golden chinchillas are very rare. They are expensive.

If we are talking about Scottish golden chinchillas as a pet, then their price is several times lower.

If you like one of our kittens, feel free to contact me. I will tell you more about the kitten itself and its terms of sale.

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