How to draw a kitten with cute eyes step by step with a pencil for children and beginners? How to draw an anime kitten, fold-eared, Siamese, sleeping?

History of the Siamese cat breed

Siamese cat
Documentary evidence of the existence of a particular breed cannot always accurately indicate its age, because after the advent of writing, the first chronicles were written on fragile natural materials: tree bark, papyrus, palm leaves. Of course, over time, such scrolls were destroyed.

Sometimes they managed to make “lists” from them, that is, manually created copies, to which changes and additions were often made. Therefore, it is difficult to say exactly when the original scientific treatise “Tamra Maew” was written - a poetic description of various cats that lived in the territory of modern Thailand. According to hypotheses, this happened during the existence of the Kingdom of Ayutthaya (Ayutthaya), that is, between 1351 and 1767. However, the surviving copies of the poem, which are in the royal Buddhist temple Wat Bowon in Bangkok and the British Library in London, date back to the mid-19th century.

Be that as it may, on sheets of ancient paper made from the bark of a Thai variety of mulberry tree, 23 cats of different breeds are depicted. Six of them, according to the author, bring misfortune to a person, and the rest help to attract good luck. Among the latter, Wichienmaat stands out - a proportionally built white cat with dark hair on its face, ears, paws and tail.

For a long time, these animals were considered sacred; they lived in the temples of Siam (as Thailand was called until the middle of the last century) and at the court of local monarchs. Possession of them by mere mortals, much less taking them out of the country, was strictly prohibited. The Western world learned about the existence of Siamese cats only towards the end of the 19th century.

Siamese kitten

In 1872, at the famous London exhibition hall Crystal Palace, an unusual cat from Central Asia was presented to the public. The reaction of specialists and ordinary people was ambiguous; there was even a journalist who awarded the overseas guest the epithet “nightmare.” However, many breeders were not so much afraid as they were intrigued by Dorothy Neville’s favorite. However, due to problems with exports, there was no talk of developing the breed. Only in 1884, the British Ambassador Owen Gold brought a promising couple to Foggy Albion for his sister: a neat cat with rounded outlines, Mia, and a slender, elongated body kitten, Fo. Just a year later, one of their heirs became champion. Soon the first European standard was approved, a club for breed lovers was created, and selection work began.

A little earlier, in 1878, US consulate employee David Sickels made a gift to the presidential couple, Rutherford and Lucy Hayes. The fact that the Siamese kitten was sent to America by ship is evidenced by a cover letter from a diplomat, which is kept in the archives of the Hayes Presidential Center in Fremont, Ohio. Just two decades later, oriental cats became very popular in the New World.

Among the famous owners of “moon diamonds” (as Siamese are called in their homeland), one can recall another American president, Jimmy Carter, the founder of Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett, writer Anthony Burgess, winner of two Oscars Vivien Leigh, British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, legendary musician John Lennon, actor Gary Oldman and others.

Siamese cat in motion

Taking sunbathing


If you decide to start breeding a Siamese cat, the first step is to find a healthy male. Of course, the best way to do this is to contact the owner of a nursery near where you live. A Siamese cat owner with a good pedigree will be happy to help you in this matter, as he knows how important it is to keep the blood lines pure and reduce the risk of any hereditary problems.

When choosing a breeding cat for your Siamese breed, consider the following factors:

  • Is this the first time your female will be mating? If the answer to this question is yes, then you should think about having an experienced male.
  • Have you had all the necessary tests? Before you take your cat for mating, you should arrange a visit to the veterinarian to confirm the absence of hereditary and viral diseases.
  • What are you going to do with the kittens? When choosing a breeding cat, you need to make sure that you can sell the kittens in the future.

Pregnancy in Siamese cats is slightly shorter than other breeds - 58-65 days. On average, a Siamese cat gives birth to 4 to 6 kittens. The colors of kittens can be predicted in advance by knowing the recessive and dominant genes for coat colors in both partners.

Siamese catteries in Russia

The Siamese breed is one of the most numerous, so finding a nursery is not difficult at all:

  1. "Orientville" - Moscow.
  2. "Siaorimania" - Moscow.
  3. "Jubatus" - Novocheboksarsk.
  4. "JUNGLE" - Moscow.
  5. "Eastward" - Moscow region.
  6. "EkstaSia" - Yekaterinburg.

Appearance of a Siamese cat

As mentioned above, there are significant differences in breed standards. Most associations believe that the Siamese cat should have a slender but muscular body with elongated lines, and cats with smoother and more rounded features are classified as the Thai breed (or they are called traditional Siamese cats). Siamese cats are small in size, weighing from 2.5 to 6 kilograms.


Wedge-shaped, long and tapering from the narrow point of the nose to the tips of the ears, forming a triangle.


The ears of Siamese cats are unusually large, wide at the base, pointed at the end, repeating the same triangular shape as the head.


Medium size, almond-shaped, somewhat obliquely set. Always have a deep bright blue color.

Siamese cat face


Elongated, flexible, muscular.


Long and thin, the rear ones are higher than the front ones. The paws are small, graceful, oval in shape.


The tail of Siamese cats is long and thin, tapering towards the tip.


Short, fine texture.

Siamese cat teeth

The eyes of Siamese cats are always a rich, bright blue color.


The Cat Fanciers Association allows four colors of Siamese:

Siamese cat at an exhibition

  • seal point, pale yellow to cream with contrasting brown spots on the feet, tail, ears, face, brown nose and paw pads;
  • chocolate point, an ivory base with milk chocolate spots, brown-pink nose and paw pads;
  • blue point, bluish-white body with gray-blue spots, slate gray nose and paw pads;
  • lilac point, white body with pink-brown spots, lavender-pink nose and paw pads.

The International Cat Association considers a normative range beyond the four color-point colors recognized by the CFA. It includes the Pointed Tabby, the Red Pointer, the Cream Pointer, and the Pointer with Tortoiseshell markings.


With proper care and nutrition, the average lifespan of Siamese cats is 15-25 years.

They may also have problems with progressive retinal atrophy, which can lead to poor vision and even blindness. Glaucoma and strabismus are also common among eye diseases.

This breed is more prone to lung infections than others. The most common condition is asthma, which causes inflammation and narrowing of the lungs' airways.

These cats are known to have very sensitive stomachs. In addition, Siamese cats may have problems with the heart, kidneys and liver.

Photos of Siamese cats

Kitten drawings for children to copy

Drawing for sketching: cat poses.

Drawing for sketching: cat in pencil.

Drawing for sketching: a cat step by step.

Drawing for sketching: cat step by step.

Drawing for sketching: a tabby cat in pencil.

Character of Siamese cats

Siamese cats skillfully use their vocal cords, easily change the tonality and pitch of sound to express feelings.
There is an opinion that all Siamese cats have an unbalanced character, are touchy, vengeful and simply aggressive. Breeders who have been working with the breed for many years are confident that such words are unfair. Yes, these are quite capricious and demanding pets, so they should not be owned by people who dream of an easygoing companion who will behave as quietly as possible.

For Siamese, communication is as vital a necessity as food and water. And it’s not just about playing together and affection! They literally talk to the owner, using a loud voice and expressive intonations, reporting everything they like or don’t like, are interested in, worry about, or irritate. After being separated for several hours, a detailed “report” about what happened during the day will be waiting for you, and your pet, of course, expects a response to his tirades; he will be happy to support the conversation.

By the way, Siamese cats are very sensitive to emotions expressed in human speech, they are offended by an angry, rude tone, so do not raise your voice unless necessary - it has long been proven that animals can also experience depression, which leads to negative consequences for physical health.

Siamese cats are attached to their family members, do not like loneliness, and will readily accompany you while moving around the apartment and “help” with household chores. And when you finally settle down in a chair with a laptop or a book, they will gently snuggle against your warm side and purr with pleasure.

Impressionable royals are not so patient as to constantly communicate with children under the age of 6-7 years, who do not understand the boundaries of personal space and, in their delight at the sight of a beautiful “kitty,” forget that a living creature cannot be treated as unceremoniously as a plush one. a toy. Siamese cats treat older children quite well.

As for other pets, no one can guarantee you peace and harmony in the house, although some Siamese make friends with dogs. If one pet is not enough for owners or they want to protect their furry family members from loneliness while everyone is at work, the best option would be to simultaneously purchase two Siamese kittens.

The Siamese cat is quite jealous, therefore, if the owner has a desire to have another pet, he needs to think through everything clearly and consult with a specialist. By the way, such cats are wary of strangers.

Because cats love freedom, they feel quite normal if they have to stay home alone for a long time. But when the owner returns, he should communicate with his pet - representatives of the breed love to play.

Choosing between a girl and a boy pet

... many give preference to the latter, considering it more beautiful and less troublesome. Perhaps this is more correct, cats are very independent, creating an image for themselves as the owner of the house. The owners are considered servants; their character is curious, active, and at times irritable and aggressive. Cats are much calmer and more affectionate, more loyal and clean. However, there are always exceptions to the rules.

While their owners are away from home, smart cats will happily play with puzzle toys or spend time in a playhouse or a vertical sports complex. A nail sharpener is on the shopping list for pets so they don't scratch their claws on anything. Another pet companion, not necessarily a cat, can also help relieve boredom.

Care and maintenance

It's time for someone to go on a diet

Preferably kept at home with short walks under human supervision. These sophisticated creatures have lived in warm tropical climates for centuries, so they do not have the cold tolerance that their Norwegian or Siberian counterparts boast.

At the same time as the kitten, the house should have a permanent place for feeding, a calm and comfortable corner for the toilet with a suitable tray, toys designed to train not only muscles, but also the intellect. It is advisable to buy a cat tree house so that your Siamese can feel like a brave conqueror of peaks and look down on everyone a little.

The structural features of the short, smooth coat make caring for Siamese cats as simple and tireless as possible. Frequent bathing is contraindicated, since the lack of a natural fat barrier impairs the immune system. Cats are very clean and keep themselves in good shape. It is enough to go over the entire “fur coat” once or twice a week with a special comb-comb – and your pet will look 100% perfect. Of course, provided that he is provided with proper nutrition.

The easiest way to organize a complete diet for animals of any age is with ready-made premium and super-premium food. In this case, constant access to fresh water is especially important.

To avoid problems with the oral cavity, regular brushing with pet toothpaste and a special brush that fits on the owner’s finger is recommended. Preventive examinations in a good veterinary clinic are designed to prevent the development of other ailments.

Breed card

Characteristics of a catNotes
General informationAn ancient cat breed known for its pointing color, playfulness and ringing voice. Extroverts by nature Modern Siamese are the result of restoring the standard of an ancient breed. And those yard cats, which in Russia are usually mistaken for Siamese, are representatives of the Thai breed
CharacterSiamese require their owner's attention constantly. They have an affectionate nature and are quick-witted, but can be stubborn Purchase various toys in advance so that your pet always has something to occupy himself with.
The best solution would be to purchase a play set for cats
AppearanceA medium-sized cat with a slender, athletic body, an elongated wedge-shaped head, large ears, and blue or blue eyes.
Kittens are born completely white. Points (areas of dark fur) develop as the dog matures, with the sides usually being the last to darken. The final color is formed by 2 years of age.
Strabismus and creases in the tail are a defect in the breed.
If you are offered a kitten with green or yellow eyes, then this is not a Siamese, but perhaps an Oriental.
Behavior at homeActive breed. They love to climb and play. Very talkative, especially cats during mating season Siamese are sexually horny cats, so their puberty begins earlier than other breeds.
You can castrate your pet at the age of 4-5 months.
CareMinimal maintenance as there is no undercoat. Combing once a week. A scratching post is required
Health problemsAmong the congenital defects there is strabismus. Modern Siamese have problems with tail kinks and respiratory problems Food allergies to cow's milk are common

Health and diseases of the Siamese cat

Like other purebred animals, Siamese cats are prone to developing certain diseases.

  • Amyloidosis is a pathological accumulation of protein in the kidneys, liver or pancreas, which leads to dysfunction of these organs, including their failure. It occurs much less frequently than in Abyssinian cats, but it is worth remembering this risk, because a currently incurable disease, if detected at an early stage, can be significantly slowed down.
  • Asthma and other bronchial diseases.
  • Congenital defects of the cardiovascular system, such as aortic stenosis or distension of the heart chambers (dilated cardiomyopathy).

But in general, Siamese are healthy animals, their average life expectancy is 11-15 years, and there are also long-livers.

By temperament

The cats' nicknames convey their emotionality and violent temperament:

  • Amazon;
  • Bagheera;
  • Jalia, Destiny;
  • Lin-Ling;
  • Mioka, Mai;
  • Sonya.

Suitable for cats:

  • Ares;
  • A vampire;
  • Enthusiasm;
  • Lucky;
  • Musket;
  • Typhoon;
  • Tsap, Tsunami;
  • Shaitan;
  • Milan.

How to choose a kitten

Sleepy kingdom

In the case of Siamese cats, the advice common to all purebred animals is relevant: you can only trust well-established nurseries and breeders whose reputation is impeccable. In such conditions, we can talk not only about guaranteeing the purity of the breed, but also about concern for obtaining genetically healthy offspring.

It should be remembered that kittens are born with a uniform light coat, and acquire “signature” dark spots as they grow up. Meeting the parents can give you a rough idea of ​​what the baby will look like in a few years.

The main guidelines should be personal sympathy and the health of the future pet. Suspicions are caused by apathy, poor appetite, bloated stomach, mucous discharge from the eyes or nose, and reluctance to make contact with a person.

Important indicators are not only the presence of a pedigree and age-appropriate vaccinations, but also decent living conditions for mothers and kittens: a spacious, clean room with soft bedding that protects from the cold, and a sufficient number of toys that promote harmonious development.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Cats typically reach puberty at 8 months of age. But Siamese cats, which belong to the oriental type, enter this period earlier - at 4 - 5 months. The onset of sexual activity may be influenced by the time of birth of the animal. A woman born in the spring may demand a cat in the fall, and a woman born a little later will most likely begin to come into heat in the spring of next year. The ability to reproduce begins only at 10 months of age and continues until 8 years.

The average gestation period for Siamese cats is 65 days. Lambing that occurs before 60 days is considered premature. Kittens born at this time are considered non-viable. If labor does not begin on day 68, we can talk about post-term kittens, in which case you need to seek help from a veterinarian.

If the date of the tailed couple was successful, then in the first month the first changes in the appearance and behavior of the cat will become visible. At this time, there is a slight increase in weight. There may be loss of appetite and slight vomiting. After day 35, the cat’s tummy becomes rounded, the nipples turn pink and enlarge. There is an appetite and a desire to sleep longer. During this period, the cat’s life is almost no different from before, but too active games should be prohibited, although dosed activity is necessary. In the later stages, a pear-shaped tummy appears, and by placing your hand on it you can feel the kittens moving. 2 weeks before birth, the movements of the kittens in the womb are clearly visible when the tailed mother lies on her side. During this period, the animal's activity is significantly reduced. It is best to provide your cat with a cozy place to rest and not disturb her unnecessarily.

During pregnancy, the cat should feel comfortable

A week before the start of labor, take your pet to the veterinarian and agree with him so that qualified assistance is immediately provided in case of complications.

The behavior of the animal speaks eloquently about the approach of childbirth. The cat begins to actively look for a place to lamb. The loop enlarges greatly, and clear or light pink discharge appears. The tailed mother may completely refuse to eat. The animal becomes especially affectionate and demands attention to itself.

For lambing you need to prepare a special place, or better yet several. Any cardboard box with low sides will do so that the cat does not touch her stomach. The box is lined with a warm mattress or a blanket folded several times, over which a clean sheet (disposable or cotton) is laid. The nest is placed in a secluded place where households or pets do not look.

A naturally physically developed and healthy cat will cope with childbirth on its own. But your presence nearby is simply necessary, especially if the cat gives birth for the first time. Just be nearby so that the furry woman in labor feels your presence and support.

Just in case, prepare the necessary tools to assist the tailed woman in labor and her offspring. You will need:

  • sterile gloves;
  • sterile scissors with rounded tips;
  • thread for tying the umbilical cord (catgut);
  • clean diapers and towels for drying kittens;
  • eye pipette for suctioning mucus from the respiratory tract of kittens;
  • iodine;
  • peroxide;
  • cotton buds.

Keep your phone number and veterinarian number nearby in case you urgently need advice or help.

Once the kittens are born, you will need to monitor the temperature inside the nest. To do this, place a thermometer at the bottom of the box. During the first 3 days of life, kittens need to be warm, so keep the temperature around 29°C. This can be easily done by placing a heating pad under the mattress. Then, every week, reduce the temperature by 3°C, gradually bringing it to 21°C.

Newborn Siamese kittens - video

Photos of Siamese kittens

How much does a Siamese cat cost?

The price of a Siamese kitten largely depends on the success of its parents at exhibitions, color, and individual characteristics (compliance with the breed standard).
The city and the eminence of the nursery are also of some importance. On average, for a kitten that can become a pet, but does not claim championship titles, they ask from 6 to 25 thousand rubles. A future exhibition participant will cost the owners at least 27-35 thousand rubles. The cost of a kitten that is bought “for breeding” starts from 50 thousand rubles.


Each cat breed has its own health-related weaknesses. Representatives of the Siamese breed are no exception. They have common problems:

  • dental, so do not refuse hygienic procedures related to oral care;
  • the weak side of the breed is the bronchi, so Siamese must be kept in warm and dry rooms;
  • against the background of stress or hormonal system failure, neurodermatitis is possible;
  • poor diet can cause liver problems;
  • do not tolerate anesthesia well.

In addition, there are diseases that develop according to gender. So, males have problems with the heart muscle - cardiomyopathy. Females suffer from tumors of the mammary glands.

There are also congenital defects that are specific to the Siamese breed:

  • curved tail tip;
  • strabismus;
  • protrusion of the sternum.

Knowing the predisposition of Siamese to certain diseases, have your pet undergo regular preventive examinations.


Even if your Siamese does not go outside, you should not refuse vaccination. After all, any infection can be brought on clothes or shoes.

The first vaccination against viral rhinotracheitis is carried out at 12 weeks. But if there is a need for earlier protection (in the case when the tailed mother is not vaccinated), then the Nobivak Triket vaccine can be used at 8 weeks of age. From 12 weeks, a kitten can be vaccinated against rabies. The subsequent vaccination plan should be drawn up by a veterinarian.

Basic rules of vaccination:

  1. It is not recommended to vaccinate kittens between 4 and 7 months of age. During this period, their teeth are changing and their body is weakened.
  2. It is not recommended to vaccinate pregnant cats with live vaccines; this may have a negative impact on the offspring.
  3. 10 days before vaccination, deworming and treatment against fleas and ticks are carried out.
  4. Only healthy animals are vaccinated.
  5. Vaccinations are performed exclusively by specialists in veterinary hospitals.
  6. After vaccination, the animal should be monitored for several days so that in case of complications, contact a veterinarian in time.

After vaccination you need to observe the cat for several days

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