The expert named 9 commands that can be taught to any cat

How to teach a cat to walk on its front legs

The head of the studio for working with animals “Mosfilm-KINOLOGIA”, trainer Viktor Zuikov, talks about this.
For training, choose a time when your pet is in a good mood. If she is chasing her favorite rubber mouse around the apartment, most likely she will join the game with the same pleasure. The most important thing in work is to choose a stimulus.

One would sell his soul for a piece of cheese, another would not enjoy life without a liver. Remove these treats from the regular diet and reward your cat with them only for working. She will have to get used to the fact that “pampering” must be earned.

What do you call the beast...

The nickname plays a very important role in training. The animal's reaction to its own name should be exclusively positive. Therefore, never lure the pussy if you want to perform a procedure that is unpleasant for it, for example, routine nail trimming or trimming mats.

Is it possible to teach a cat circus tricks?

But for lunch, the animal must be called by name. If you command with him “Come to me!” or “Come here!”, then very soon the pussy will learn to come running to you at the first call.

Rehearse the command “Sit!” simple enough. Show your cat a piece of food. Most likely, she will begin to meow heart-rendingly and rub against her legs. Seize the moment: as soon as she stands on her hind legs and reaches for the treat, gently push her down so that she lands on her butt. Give a treat and command: “Sit!”

Crawl while you're young!

When the cat has already learned to sit down at your request, you can begin to practice the command “Give me your paw!” Follow the same algorithm, then “Give me a paw!”, then lift her paw and immediately give her a “stimulus.” Then try to command and immediately extend your hand.

The next stage of cat training is the “Die!” command. ("Lie!"). Sit the cat down, then command: “Die!”, gently push the animal so that it falls on its side and immediately give it a treat. To make your pet spin, you need to bring a treat to its nose, hold it behind its back so that it doesn’t jump up, and move the reward to the opposite side so that the cat rolls over to the other side. At the same time command: “Rotate!”

The ultimate aerobatics is to teach a cat to walk on its front paws!

To do this, you need to start training from infancy. When playing with a kitten, lift its hind legs off the ground and carry it in your palms, like in a cart. Gradually increase your distance from the ground. Perhaps the time will come when the cat will be able to keep his paws up without your help. It just takes a lot of treats, strength and talent.

Olesya Nosova “Komsomolskaya Pravda”

In this article I will talk in detail about how to train and raise a domestic cat.

What commands can the cat representatives perform? How to properly teach your beloved pet to listen to you.

How to act

The command “Give me your paw!” is one of the simple ones along with “Sit!” or “Come to me!” It is recommended to start training no earlier than the kitten is 7 months old. When the above recommendations are taken into account, you can start training yourself:

  • Place the cat in front of you. If she is standing at this time, it is quite easy to press on her back without making sudden movements. You also need to fix attention on yourself, which a treat squeezed between your fingers will help with.
  • Gently place the animal's paw on your palm while simultaneously saying the command out loud. You should not sharply squeeze or pull your paw so that your pet does not associate with unpleasant sensations after executing the command. To begin with, you need to use only one limb of the animal in order to develop the habit of a new action.
  • Give a treat, pet and praise.
  • Repeat the above steps several times. If a cat suddenly gives a paw during training on its own, you need to immediately say “Give me a paw” and give a reward. The first couple of days, 3-5 minutes of training is enough. The main thing is to practice every day.

Recommendation! Treats should be given with the hand other than the one on which the paw is placed. If the palm smells of food, the cat will be more interested in sniffing it rather than following the command.

How to properly train a cat at home

To teach your cat to follow various commands, you will have to be patient, especially for beginners. Before you start training at home, study your pet's habits, favorite games and toys. This will help you plan your training lessons correctly and achieve the desired success.

Common types of pet commands:

  • to me
  • bring it
  • sit
  • stand
  • lie
  • give me your paw
  • bounce

To me

This command is considered one of the simplest “requests” that a cat performs. When calling your kitten, add this phrase after the name. As soon as your pet approaches you, you should reward him with a treat. The cat will remember that feeding occurs after execution, so it will soon happily follow your instructions.

Bring it

This request is more difficult to fulfill, so you will need a favorite toy. Play with the animal, when he starts dragging it, say “Fetch” loudly. Then give them a treat. When the cat starts fetching the toy on its own, give it a treat; the pet will remember and follow your order.


You need to take a treat, hold it above your pet’s head, lightly pressing on the back and say “Sit.” When the animal sits, praise it and give it a treat again. To get results, repeat the word often.


The request is that the cat must learn to freeze when it hears “Stop.” A necessary team that can help an animal in a difficult situation. When the cat approaches you, you need to bend your arm at the elbow, say “Stop” in a loud voice and say the animal’s name.

If he stops, give him a treat; if not, repeat the request from the beginning until you achieve the desired result.


Please help us at your doctor's appointment.

Popular commands and tricks

If you managed to teach the cat the first command, it’s time to start more difficult training. The animal remembers various tricks; the owners are especially interested in how to teach a cat to stand on its hind legs. You need to choose teams in accordance with the character of your pet, as they have individual preferences. Some cats respond better to active commands; phlegmatic individuals prefer calm ones. So, let's see what you can accustom your cat to during the training process:

Stand on your hind legs

This trick looks graceful and seems difficult. In fact, to understand how to teach a cat to stand on its hind legs, it is enough to take a closer look at its natural behavior.

A hungry cat reaches for food and rises above the floor. You need to say “Ask”, and when the cat gets up, she is given a well-deserved treat.

It doesn't always work out right away. At first, unsuccessful attempts are rewarded, gradually raising the tasty piece higher.

Almost every pet can learn this, and with great effort, you can teach it not only to stand up, but also to walk on its hind legs. Such circus tricks always surprise guests and are remembered for a long time.

Bring a toy

Not every cat can learn this trick. Here you need a tendency to carry toys in your teeth. Individual representatives, without training, bring back the thrown ball to continue the fun game.

You need to throw the toy to the side and say “Fetch” or “Fetch.” If the cat runs after the toy and grabs it, you need to lure him back by giving him a treat.

If the command remains unattended, it is necessary to entice the cat with delicious food and make it clear what they want from it. With a well-fed “fluffy” such a trick is practically impossible. Only hard training will help, because Kuklachev was able to do it.


You can teach a cat to vocalize; to do this, you will have to wait until the pet gets hungry and lets you know about it by meowing loudly.

You need to say “Voice” and after meowing, give him a treat. Soon the cat will understand the relationship between the word and the reward.

The food is given directly to the animal; do not put it in a bowl. It is advisable to conduct training in different rooms so that the cat does not develop associations with a bowl and feeding.

Lying down or sitting

These two commands are similar to each other - the pet is given a treat at the moment when it is lying down or about to sit down. It is important to take into account his mood: he should be calm and not be in an overly playful mood.

It’s better to catch an animal about to sit or lie down and call the command, then give it a treat. Soon your pet will begin to understand what is required of him and will begin to do it on his own.

The main thing is to teach these commands at different times so that your pet does not get confused.

To teach a cat to sit on command, it is not necessary to watch when he wants to sit. You can put pressure on his back, thereby forcing the student to land on his fifth point.

At the same time, the owner commands the kitten the command “Sit” and gives a tasty treat. For many cats, this method is more understandable, but especially stubborn individuals will resist this method of training; for them it is better to use the first option.

Jumping through a hoop

Circus cats jumping through a ring looks spectacular, but they can be taught this at home. To do this, you will need additional props - a hoop or hoop that is used for knitting.

It is better to start training in a game, waiting for the cat to pass through the ring on its own. At this moment, the owner says “Hoop” and gives a treat.

When your pet understands the principle, he will go through the hoop with pleasure. Then the hoop rises higher and higher above the floor each time so that the cat jumps over it.

To me

This command is to train the laziest pet. To train, you need to capture the pet's attention and force it to go to the owner. You can hold a treat and call the animal by name.

How to teach a cat to walk on two hind legs?

To teach your animal this exercise, you need to hold the sitting pet. Lower the treat from the cat's face closer to the floor.

Make the cat lie down. As soon as the cat assumes a lying position, say the command loudly. When everything works out, reward her with a treat.

Give me your paw

The animal can perform this command in cases where the request “Sit” has already been mastered. As soon as the pet sits down, say “Give me a paw” and, helping the animal, lift its paw, then give a treat.

Perform these steps until the cat itself begins to give you its paw. Patient owners can successfully train a cat to give a “5”.


The owner can train the pet to jump on request, for example, from a chair to another chair. You need to put the cat on a chair and put a treat on another.

When the animal jumps, say the command. Then praise your pet. Then you should make a deceptive movement, as if you had placed a treat. The animal jumps over and receives a treat from the owner’s hands.

At what age can you raise a kitten, how to identify its abilities

A cat should be trained at home at an early age, starting from six months. At this age, the animal will be able to follow commands and perceive them adequately.

From time to time, observe the behavior of your pet during training, and you will see what he is interested in. This can include jumping, rolling on the floor, running on its claws, and many other unusual behaviors.

Come up with requests in advance, they should be short, the word itself does not matter. Don't forget about treats, your cat needs encouragement.

For a cat, fulfilling requests is all about tricks. Each cat perceives them differently; animals of the same breed can differ greatly in their character and behavior.

The sooner you start training your pet, the more results you can achieve.

Kittens can be trained in a playful way, but it is much more difficult to train an adult cat, this is due to the nature of the cats. In order for your animal to better understand commands, do not forget to always say its name.

If your cat refuses to follow commands, do not scold her; she may not be in the mood today. Try again later, pronouncing the words confidently, but with affection in your voice. A trained cat is distinguished by good calm behavior; with proper care, he will be affectionate and tame, and will not cause trouble to the owner.

Many pet owners strive to teach their pets something unusual, extravagant, that the wards of other owners cannot do. One of these amazing skills is the ability of a domestic cat to talk.

True, the speech apparatus of felines, unlike humans, has a completely different structure. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to teach a cat to have intimate conversations with its owner, but long training and a lot of patience of a persistent owner will help teach his pet to pronounce sounds a little similar to human words. Before you start teaching your cat to speak human speech, you need to have an idea of ​​the language that the pets themselves speak.

How to Determine Trainability

Horses, elephants, chimpanzees, dolphins and even squirrels are distinguished by their developed intelligence. Among domestic animals, cats and dogs can be considered intelligent representatives. The long-standing dispute regarding which of them is smarter has recently been resolved in favor of the latter. Scientists came to this opinion based on the latest calculations of the number of nerve cells located in the brain tissue.

Cats vs dogs

In the cerebral cortex of dogs there are about 530 million neurons, in cats - about 250 million. Despite such a serious discrepancy in indicators, furry pets are still amenable to learning.

Cat brain structure

There is a version that the main selection criterion for the domestication of representatives of the canine family was their docility and ability to carry out functional commands.

The intelligence of representatives of the cat family has not been fully studied. Much more attention is paid to the analysis of behavioral reflexes of canines. Dogs have well-developed social intelligence. Much better than cats. Therefore, they hunt in a pack, while cats, on the contrary, walk on their own. Since human thinking abilities are also of the social type, people quickly establish contact with their four-legged friends and take longer to master cat psychology.

Cats prefer to hunt on their own

There are about 12 laboratories specializing in studying the brain of dogs. There are no scientific institutions working exclusively in the field of developing the mental abilities of cats. This is explained by the fact that four-legged friends are easier to train and can be more useful to humanity.

Cats are successfully trained

Features of intelligence

These statistics make you think about the feasibility of training furry pets. Despite their wayward and disobedient nature, cats have a number of unique qualities:

  1. Well-developed sensorimotor intelligence. They are extremely precise in their movements and are able to catch larger game. A lynx, for example, will catch a large hare faster than a fox.
  2. Good teaching performance. With proper motivation, the percentage of successful tests is almost the same as for dogs.
  3. Memory ability. They are able to record the events that happen to them and, if necessary, refer to these memories. In addition, compared to dogs, cats have better developed short-term memory - 16 cat hours versus 5 dog minutes.

These encouraging facts indicate that furry pets have the ability to perform various tricks.

The tendency of cats to obey commands is determined during the game

Stunt Abilities

Each animal is individual. Some are easy to train, while others may lack the instinct to comply with human requests. In any case, even the most obedient cat will train only those tricks that he himself wants to learn.

Yu. Kuklachev believes that there are no mediocre cats, there are only unobservant owners. According to his theory, to reveal the natural inclinations of furry pets, you need to do a little spying and learn how to use their abilities.

Before you start training, you need to decide on your cat's talents. If your pet likes to carry toys in its teeth, you should train it to fetch objects. If he spends a lot of time in boxes, teach him to hide on command. If you often jump, develop this skill before performing acrobatic exercises.

Hyperactive animals can be taught to jump through hoops

Breed predisposition

In addition to individual abilities, there are breeds that are more attuned to training than others. Those who are well trained include the following:

  • Siamese;
  • Abyssinian;
  • Bengali;
  • savannah;
  • American Shorthair.

The Bengal cat quickly learns to perform various tricks

Conversely, there are varieties that demonstrate a complete lack of circus talent. These include the exotic and Persian cats.

Exotic is one of the laziest breeds in the world

Despite these statistics, learning ability can vary among members of the same species. For example, one of the most trained cats in the world does not belong to any of the listed easy-to-train breeds. However, the pet, named Dija, learned to ride and control a skateboard, practice parkour and perform complex commands.

A cat named Deeja

About cat tongue

The cat vocabulary is extremely rich: cats meow, hiss, grumble, snort and sometimes even chatter their teeth. Moreover, each cat expresses its emotions differently, using its own set of sounds and placing accents in its own way. Scientists have identified sixteen main types of vocal signals in meowing pets, which they emit both on exhalation and on entry, without ceasing to breathe.

The most famous sounds that cats make are well known to the owners of meowing pets. Warning and threat in the cat language are expressed by hissing and snorting; animals also snort when they unexpectedly meet an opponent. Low guttural grumbling is no longer a joke threat, which will certainly be followed by an attack.

Training without a clicker

Such tricks should be taught to a cat only if touching the paw does not cause her discomfort. If your pet has recently been declawed, this trick may be painful.

You can teach the “High Five” command without using a clicker.


  1. Hold the culinary bait in your fist.
  2. Allow your pet to sniff your hand.
  3. Wait until the cat tries to get the food with its paw.
  4. When the paw is on top of the fist, say the command “High five!”
  5. Give the delicacy and pet the animal.

After a few weeks, the cat will learn to lift the limb. Since there will be no support, it will appear that she is waving her paw.

How to teach a cat to speak like a human

Training bears fruit only if you start training from the very infancy of the kitten. Adult individuals already have their own established character and their own view of the world, in which there is no place for empty chatter with a person.

Teaching conversational speech gives good results with cats, and not with cats, whose speech apparatus is not flexible and can hardly be changed.

If there are several cats living in the house, then to teach the cat to speak, it is necessary to isolate it from other pets so that they do not interfere with the student’s learning of complex sounds.

Learning must begin with one word, which must be related to food. The most popular word for teaching cats to talk is the word “meat”, which is very similar to the sound of “meow”. You need to say the word “meat” either while the kitten is eating or before it. Some owners recommend repeating the word “meat” to the kitten for an hour before feeding the meat to the baby.

It is important to praise the kitten not only at the moments when it begins to make sounds similar to human words, but also when the owner utters the right word and the cat responds to it.

Under no circumstances should you impose your will on a kitten, especially if you don’t torture him with long-term training - the effect of such hard work will be minimal.

You should not start teaching your kitten new words until he has firmly mastered one word. And do not forget that the kitten will speak “with an accent”, because the pet will not be able to pronounce the word the same way as a person.

Reasons why a cat doesn't like to be held

Animal psychologists say that there are some good reasons why cats do not like to sit in their owner's arms. Let's look at some of them:

  • Firstly, it is difficult to sit a kitten in your arms that has lived on the street for a long time. If no one has ever held him in their arms before, he will sincerely not understand why he needs to sit on his master’s lap. Well, they fed me, gave me something to drink, but why these incomprehensible hugs?
  • The cat does not like to be without balance, in weightlessness, this is exactly how the pet perceives this situation when it is at the height of human height.
  • There are cats that are afraid of heights.
  • Bad memories do not allow the kitten to relax and calmly sit on its owner’s lap. If the animal is a street animal or from a family where it was not treated particularly well, or, on the contrary, was abused, then it will be difficult for it to adapt to a new relationship. The cat's memory has a completely different picture of what can be expected from human hands.
  • The pungent odor emanating from the owner may not allow the cat to sit in his arms. As you know, cats have a highly developed sense of smell; their delicate nose perceives even the most insignificant odors. Those odors that come from the owner's hands can be pungent and extremely unpleasant for him. It could be the smell of washing powder, detergent, hand cream, or your favorite French perfume.
  • There are also some especially freedom-loving breeds that do not tolerate “calf” tenderness, an abundance of communication and the master’s hands. They prefer solitude. These cats are good for busy business people who are rarely at home. These are breeds such as the British, Scottish Fold.

How to teach a cat to speak humanly?

It is believed that cats cannot pronounce individual words like people, because their speech apparatus is not designed for articulate speech. This is not entirely true. However, those who are interested in the answer to the question of how to teach a cat to speak humanly should keep in mind that training a pet will take a lot of time and patience. Of course, this does not mean at all that he will actually start chatting like a parrot. However, the sounds it makes will no longer be limited to a simple “meow” and can be identified with human language.

How to teach a cat to speak - instructions

Owners who would like to learn how to teach a cat to talk should start training with their pets from a very early age of 2 weeks. Kittens have a more flexible and pliable mouthparts. It is impossible to teach an adult animal articulate speech.

It is better to work with a cat in a separate room, without strangers.

First of all, study your pet’s behavior, watch him to understand how he expresses his emotions and what sounds he makes. Try to correlate the shades of pronunciation with the words you are familiar with. All observations must be recorded in a special diary-dictionary.

Next, you need to start working on consolidating the acquired knowledge. For example, teach your cat to react to certain words: meat, milk, good, etc. Praise him every time he says something similar to them, reward him with something tasty.

Don't try to significantly increase your word count in a short time - it's impossible. Do not scold or hit the cat if you cannot achieve some results.

Do not try to force your pet to exercise.

Encourage your cat's initiative

When you realize that the cat has mastered the task of the previous level, complicate the process. Sit opposite the cat, hold the treat between your fingers, bring your hand (with the treat) to the cat and say “Give me your paw!”

You may only notice a slight movement of the cat's paw towards your hand. Praise the purr, give it a treat and continue training, encouraging the cat's paw to move more and more towards your palm.

Soon you will see that the cat, having heard the phrase “Give me your paw!” addressed to it! will stretch its paw towards your palm. Praise your mustachioed genius!

After this, wait until the cat touches your palm with its paw, and give out the treat only after that.


Practice the skill at different times in different places, but don't overdo it.

Tip 1: How to teach a cat to talk

This is guaranteed to negate all learning gains. It is better to work with a cat in a separate room, without strangers, this will help the animal and you to concentrate properly on the task at hand.

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