What is ash in cat food and why is it needed?

Dehydrated animal protein

Dehydrated animal protein (poultry) is typically the first ingredient in regular pet food.
But what is it? Why not just write "bird"?

Let's find out more about this ingredient and understand whether you can trust it?‍

“Dehydrated animal protein (poultry)” is a dried processed product, a protein concentrate from unknown types of poultry, ground to a flour. The quality of this ingredient is not high, since it is unclear what organs, tissues and species of birds it is made from.

In many ways, “dehydrated animal protein (poultry)” is similar to flour or dry poultry meat, but it is much more processed - as a result of hydrolysis, it contains up to 60% protein. Of course, natural products that have not undergone deep processing are much healthier for everyone - cats, dogs, and people.

Experts from the CPT (Feed Your Pet Correctly) service rate the nutritional value of this ingredient at 3 points out of 10 and remind you that animal proteins are the basis of food for our domestic predators, without which it is impossible to maintain important body functions.

Bozita wet food for sterilized cats with chicken 190 g (pieces in jelly)

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  • moist, super-premium, grain-free;
  • with chicken flavor;
  • suitable for old animals (7+);
  • costs 130-170 rubles. per package 190 g.

The rating of food for sterilized cats continues with a product developed for adult and aging overweight cats. It's low in fat and has a lot of meat. Each piece contains 93% chicken meat. This ingredient is rich in animal protein and is considered dietary. It also contains a small percentage of pork. There is yeast that stimulates the synthesis of insulin and thereby reduces the level of glucose in the blood - this is a very important point for the longevity of the animal.

Calcium carbonate neutralizes hydrochloric acid and reduces the acidity of gastric juice. It inhibits the resorption (destruction) of bone tissue. The composition is maximally adapted for elderly pets. Additionally contains levocarnitine. The amino acid has a complex effect - it helps to reduce the fat layer in the total body weight, increase the endurance and energy of the animal.


Cats eat food with pleasure. The food contains only natural ingredients and does not cause allergic reactions.


  • does not contain gluten, which means it is digestible even in the presence of food allergies;
  • good option for daily feeding;
  • increases metabolic rate, so the animal does not gain excess weight;
  • balanced micronutrient composition.


  • wasteful expense.


Why is ash added to animal feed? No reason. Strictly speaking, it is not added to the feed at all, but some manufacturers indicate “ash” or “ash content” in the ingredients. Let's figure out why.

What is called ash on a food label is actually a measure of the inorganic components (minerals) in the diet. This indicator gets its name from the measurement method: a feed sample is burned to the ground at a temperature of +500°C. In this case, organic matter is completely destroyed, and inorganic substances remain in the form of ash or ash. They are measured and thus the ash content of the feed is determined.

Therefore, ash is not a harmful residue or an additive, but only a natural content of minerals in the raw materials, not only dry, but also wet food. Minerals are necessary for every living organism for normal functioning, and therefore must be consumed with food. The question is their quantity and source.

The optimal amount of minerals in a pet's diet can be determined by analyzing the diet to which it has evolved. And here we mean, first of all, foods high in animal protein. Today, this niche of “evolutionarily correct” nutrition for dogs and cats is occupied by holistic food.

Normal level

According to veterinarians, the normal level of ash in food is 6–7%. If the level exceeds this value, then the food will be less digestible. Since its taste will be worse, the fluffy can refuse such food on its own. The cause of high ash content may be a large amount of bone meal or additives from animal products that are of low quality.

High ash content means excess minerals, which can increase the toxicity of the feed. The main threat may be the development of urolithiasis.

Veterinarians note that wet food generally has a lower ash content than dry food.

Plant protein isolate

Plant protein isolate is a product that contains more than 90% pure plant protein. It is obtained through lengthy extraction, heat treatment and centrifugation, which separates the protein from fats and other components. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

The name of this ingredient is alarming due to its streamlined nature - we do not know what plant proteins became the raw material for the isolate. But we remember that they are much less digestible by dogs and cats than proteins of animal origin. According to the CPT (Feed Your Pet Correctly) service, the nutritional value of plant protein isolate is 1 point out of 10.

If plant protein isolate is listed as one of the first five ingredients in a food, does that mean it forms the basis of the diet? And this is simply harmful! The manufacturer saved money, but be careful: the basis of a healthy diet for dogs and cats (originally predators) should be animal proteins - meat, poultry, fish, and not their substitutes!

Brit Care Missy with natural ingredients

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Dry low-grain food belongs to the super-premium class. To produce this food, the manufacturer used only high-quality ingredients, the main ones of which are: chicken, fish oil, turkey, rice bran, dried apples. There is a balanced composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, thanks to the correct and carefully thought out proportion of all components.

The manufacturer managed to preserve the maximum benefits of dry food, since a gentle heat treatment method was used for its production. The product does not contain synthetic additives that could cause allergies. Recommended for adult sterilized animals (1-6 years). There are 3 types of packages on sale by weight: 0.4 kg (from 150 rubles), 2 kg (from 850 rubles), 7 kg (from 2800 rubles).


Good natural food for little money. It is beneficial to purchase a large package at once. But it’s better to first take a small one for testing, since some pets find it difficult to get used to a new diet, especially if they previously had food with synthetic additives in their diet.


  • natural, quickly digestible and hypoallergenic components;
  • prevention of urolithiasis due to the correct ratio of minerals;
  • maintains optimal urine pH level;
  • inexpensive.


  • If your pet has previously eaten food with the addition of flavor enhancers, then this product may not seem appetizing to him.

Animal fats

When you come across such an ingredient, it means only one thing: the food contains greasy waste from the recycling of animal tissues, which are considered unsuitable for human nutrition. It is not clear what animals or birds these fats come from. There is a possibility that even from the fallen. Therefore, there is no guarantee that they will not contain harmful substances. Plus, animal fats can be preserved using dangerous chemicals. So keep your eyes peeled and read the labels! ⠀ ⚗️ In general, the production of animal fats is not cheap, so they are usually not even found in the lowest price segment feeds. All the more strictly should you treat such vague wording on a pack of expensive food. ⠀ To be fair, let's say that animal fats perform the following functions: they help form the structure of finished feed and promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K in the body. Partly thanks to fats, ready-made diets taste and smell attractive to dogs and cats. ⠀ But you must agree, there is much more trust in the formulations “beef fat” or “turkey fat” or “cod liver oil”. Manufacturers who work with such ingredients usually disclose the sources of their raw materials and are proud of them.

Royal Canin Neutered Weight Balance wet food for the prevention of urolithiasis (cold meat 100 g)

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Pet food from this brand is considered one of the best on the market. The product in question is a medicinal product, super-premium class, which means it can be recommended by veterinarians if the cat is overweight, has urolithiasis, or has undergone a spaying/castration procedure.

It has a reduced calorie content, so there is no extra stress on the digestive tract. But at the same time, nutrition provides the body with everything necessary for normal activity and a healthy appearance. Contains pig meat and liver, chicken, auxiliary ingredients: taurine, yeast, wheat flour.

There is a small percentage of cellulose to relieve the animal from overeating and normalize stool. The food is liquid and soft, so it is quickly absorbed. Available in 100 g packaging, price starts from 60 rubles.


Even capricious cats enjoy eating pieces of meat in a delicious sauce. The food is dietary, so the animal does not gain excess weight. The food creates an unfavorable environment in the urinary system for the formation of crystals of struvite and calcium oxalate, and prevents urolithiasis.


  • limits excess weight gain;
  • natural composition;
  • convenient packaging;
  • animals like it.


  • contains wheat gluten, so it is better not to buy food for animals with food allergies;
  • wasteful expense.

Cereal flour

The farther, the sadder.

And we ask the questions again: Which grain crops? Why flour? Why grain crops? And there are no answers. Because this ingredient is one of the most undesirable in dog and cat food. Roughly speaking, “grain flour” is a waste from flour milling, and grains, in principle, are not needed by predators, especially cats? In addition, the composition of this waste is not precisely known. ⠀ Any cereal flour contains a lot of carbohydrates and some share of vegetable proteins. Some of them, such as gluten, are difficult for carnivores to digest and cause food intolerance and, consequently, various diseases. Therefore, the nutritional value of the ingredient is 1 point out of 10. It’s scary what awaits us ahead. ⠀

Hydrolyzed animal proteins

Not everyone has been scared yet?

Then let's look at another ingredient in premium cat food. Do you already understand what lies behind the streamlined formulations?

Animal protein hydrolyzate is a liquid or powder with the taste and smell of animal products. In order to obtain it, animal waste is treated with special enzymes. As a result, proteins are broken down into peptides and free amino acids. Then they are evaporated under vacuum at low temperature - this way the solution becomes more concentrated or turns into powder. ⠀ The nutritional value of this ingredient, according to the checkpoint service, is 1 point out of 10. Why is it used? The fact is that any hydrolyzed animal protein is a powerful natural flavoring agent that makes the taste of industrial feed more attractive. Typically, hydrolyzate is added to feed in small quantities for precisely this purpose. But sometimes it is used as a complete nutritional ingredient and source of animal protein in animal and fish feeds - in this case, the hydrolyzate is listed among the first five ingredients. ⠀ It is believed that animal protein hydrolyzate is well absorbed, but it is chemically processed, and it is unknown what raw materials it was obtained from. We remind you that natural meat components (with an indication of their origin) are much healthier for healthy animals. The 4 Lapas & Co pet store chain has a large selection of just such food. our experts and choose the one that best suits your pet ❤️


Why is wheat added to feed? Good question. ⠀ Imagine a wolf who is hungry and roams through the forest in search of wheat? Or an African black-footed cat chewing on ears of corn. If you succeed, congratulations: you have a wonderful imagination! But nature decreed otherwise. The ancestors and closest relatives of our pets are carnivores, and we must remember this when preparing our diet. ⠀ Unfortunately, not all manufacturers of ready-made food are on our side. Wheat, a cheap source of carbohydrates and plant protein, is often used as a filler that gives animals a false sense of fullness. The share of this ingredient in the finished feed can reach 50%. ⠀ Of course, wheat provides energy and increases the overall percentage of protein in the feed, but the body of carnivores is designed in such a way that it must receive most of its energy not from carbohydrates, but from amino acids (components of protein) and fatty acids (components of fats). ⠀ And here we come across the recently popular word “gluten”. This is the name of wheat protein, and in itself it is not dangerous. The problem is that our pets most often lack the enzyme that can break down gluten. This is the norm for carnivores. Remember? The wolf does not chew spikelets. Does a domestic dog chew? Hence, digestive problems and allergies. And an excess of carbohydrates, which wheat is rich in, threatens domestic carnivores with obesity, diabetes and chronic inflammation. ⠀ The nutritional value of this ingredient is rated 1 point out of 10. Not least because of the generalized name, which means that it is not whole grain wheat that has been added to the food, but its low-quality derivative. ⠀ Experts from the 4 Paws & Co pet store chain remind us that the basis of food for domestic predators should not be wheat, but one or more high-quality sources of animal protein. And such food exists. We are working to help you choose the right one!

Advance with salmon and barley

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Advance food is a super-premium food. It is made from natural ingredients without synthetic additives. The main source of protein (37% here) is salmon, thanks to which the product has good taste and is very popular with animals. Additional ingredients: wheat protein, rice, barley, vegetable fiber, animal fats and others. Food without chicken.

It has a reduced caloric content and increased fiber content, which is better for overweight castrated cats, because the animal does not consume more than it needs. The food provides a feeling of satiety, fully meets the needs for nutrients and vitamins, and is therefore suitable for every day.


Do you eat barley yourself? Domestic dogs and cats - yes! And they advise you too.

⠀The fact is that barley is one of the best grains in ready-made food. It is superior to corn, wheat, rye and even oats because: ▪️does not cause allergies ▪️has a low glycemic index ▪️contains many calories.

High-quality barley grain contains about 55% starch, 14% protein and 5% fiber. Whole grains contain many important macro- and microelements, but during deep processing most of them are lost, so in ready-made food for dogs and cats, barley acts only as a source of carbohydrates and partly vegetable protein.

Unfortunately, from the general name of this ingredient one cannot understand the quality and degree of purification of barley grains, so it is impossible to rate it highly.

So, barley gave us a reason to say: small quantities of grains can be useful for the metabolic processes and physical activity of dogs and cats ❤️ But in no case can they serve as the basis of their diet. ⠀ People have a different story. We have too many different concepts of proper nutrition. Some people idolize “good” grains, while others reject them. Therefore, let us just remind you that in stores and restaurants we find barley in the form of pearl barley and barley groats and something else? Then you'll figure it out for yourself!

Norms of ash content in feed

Typically, dry pet foods have higher ash contents than wet pet foods. According to veterinary standards, the optimal amount of ash in cat food is 6-7%.

Attention! A percentage of ash that exceeds the norm indirectly indicates the presence of low-quality waste (for example, meat and bone meal) in the feed. The use of such food can negatively affect the cat’s health. An ash content below the norm indicates that the food does not contain the required amount of microelements.

Today, in the production of elite cat food, high-quality fresh meat, rich in macro- and microelements, is used. The ash content in such feeds is normal, but quite high. Plant and grain components have a lower mineral content, so feed based on grains and plants will have a relatively low ash content.

For neutered cats, it is advisable to purchase food with an ash content slightly lower than normal. Veterinarians give the same recommendations for feeding animals that have been diagnosed with struvite-type urolithiasis or kidney disease. In cats with such pathologies, the urine has a reaction higher than 7.5, and in an alkaline environment, mineral salts crystallize and precipitate more easily than in an acidic environment.

You should also not forget about maintaining your cat's drinking regime. If a sufficient amount of fresh water is consumed, the excess potassium, sodium and phosphorus supplied with food, the salts of which can form insoluble conglomerates (stones) in the kidneys or bladder, will be promptly excreted in the urine.


As often happens, we throw up our hands. Because streamlined formulations often hide the unsightly essence.

Now, if the food contained “brewer’s yeast”, we would say: “Oh yes!” 50 percent easily digestible protein, B vitamins and many healthy vitamins and minerals are definitely beneficial, 6️⃣ points out of ?! Or "nutritional yeast". Up to 70 percent of protein, which is similar in composition to animal protein, group B vitamins, as well as prebiotics-mannanooligosaccharides, beneficial for intestinal microflora - 5️⃣ points from ?. Definitely useful! ⠀ But the wording “yeast and fermentation by-products” does not even allow us to determine the type of yeast??‍? What if there are bakeries there, which is not very good? Although something can be said: these are yeast fungi, dried while maintaining the fermentation activity of the yeast. A feed-grade quality ingredient, one of the cheapest yeast components that is not trustworthy. 3️⃣ points from ?. Although compared to other food ingredients (see previous entries in this section) this is already a lot. ⠀ ☝ Finally, we note that food, beer and baker's yeast in animal diets can be called useful only if they are small-volume additives, and not one of the predominant components.

Farmina N&D super premium grain-free food with chicken and pomegranate

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  • premium food, dry, grain-free;
  • with chicken flavor;
  • there is a line for young animals;
  • costs from 1400 for 1.5 kg (there are also packages of 0.3, 5, 10 kg).

The diet includes a line designed for sterilized kittens. The composition does not contain grains, dairy products, or soy, which minimizes the risk of developing allergies. In this regard, the food is suitable for pets with sensitive digestion.

Approximately 60% of the composition is fresh and dehydrated chicken meat. Additional ingredients include: potatoes, eggs, herring, carrots, pomegranate powder, spinach, yeast and more. The food is not too fatty, moderately dry. Croquettes are small in size and have a pleasant meaty smell, so animals really like them. To preserve the freshness of the product for as long as possible, the packaging is equipped with a zip lock.


Are minerals needed in food? Yes! But which ones?

⠀❗️This is the main question. Minerals are inorganic compounds, but they are essential to every form of organic life. ? Like a strong mortar, minerals, through chemical reactions, “glue” together the elements that make up any protein: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur. ⠀ For this purpose, 18 minerals are needed, and not all of them are synthesized in the body. Some can only be obtained through food. And this is our area of ​​responsibility if we are talking about pets.

Minerals are involved in many processes that occur every second in the body, for example, ☑️ in maintaining the structure of the skeleton, ☑️ in maintaining acid-base and water balance, ☑️ in conducting nerve impulses and muscle contraction, ☑️ in maintaining healthy skin, coat and joints ☑️ in the implementation of cell activity. ⠀ And this is only a small part of the work! Perhaps there is not a single process in the body in which minerals do not participate. Therefore, it is critical that they are in balance. If there is too much or too little of one mineral or another, serious bodily dysfunction can occur? ⠀ By law, any food must contain a certain minimum of minerals. And if the package says “minerals,” most likely the food contains some kind of complex mineral premix ❗️ However, this ingredient is considered controversial, since it is impossible to determine its exact composition. It is preferable when the manufacturer indicates specific chemical compounds - the sources of each mineral. ⠀ We at 4 Paws & Co carefully read everything that is written on food packages and are happy to share this information with you - here and in each of the four chain stores. Come, write - ask your questions! We are responsible for those we have tamed ❤️

Fish fat

Typically, fish oil is obtained from marine fatty cold-water fish such as menhaden, anchovies, herring and mackerel. And some manufacturers directly indicate the source of the ingredient - for example, “cod liver oil” (nutritional value according to the checkpoint service - 6️⃣ points out of ?) or “fresh salmon oil” (7️⃣ points out of ?). ⠀ The wording “fish oil” only indicates that a mixture of fats from different types of fish was probably added to the food. And this is a controversial point: it is unclear what products and preservatives were used in its production. The quality of fish oil and the degree of its purification directly affect its cost and, consequently, the cost of feed. ⠀ ❤️ However, regardless of the type of fish and production technology, fish oil is a source of energy and Omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). That’s why we give it to our animals and, if desired, take it ourselves!

Soybean oil

Soya oil / Soybean oil is obtained from the seeds of soybeans, a herbaceous plant of the legume family. It contains 3% lecithin and is considered a good source of fatty acids: it contains more than 50% linoleic acid (Omega-6) and 23 - 29% oleic acid (Omega-9). ⠀ Soybean oil does not contain soybean protein, so talk about the increased allergenicity of soybean oil is groundless. However, it contains more saturated vegetable fats than most other vegetable oils (for example, sunflower oil or coconut oil) and, as a rule, is regarded as a cheaper alternative. ⠀ ❗️This is the rub. Soy is an extremely popular product, and the production of soybean oil occupies a leading place in the world production of vegetable oils? The market dictates its own rules, so growing soybeans is often associated with the use of chemicals and genetic modification. But we can be absolutely calm if the ingredient is called “organic soybean oil.” ⠀ In any case, this is the 13th of 14 ingredients in the food in question, which means its share is very small.


Interesting, ironic and a little sad? ⠀ Here we are at the last of the 14 premium cat food ingredients. And the last place in the list of ingredients means the smallest share in the product. Ironically, this ingredient has the maximum nutritional value - 6️⃣ points out of ?. We have never seen such high indicators in this premium food ❗️Well... ⠀ Fructooligosaccharides are a type of healthy prebiotics, fermentable fibers that are not digested in the intestines, but are quickly fermented by the microflora of the colon. They: improve the growth and reproduction of beneficial microflora, improve digestion and strengthen the immunity of animals. ⠀ Due to what? Fructooligosaccharides release volatile fatty acids, an ideal environment for the maintenance and renewal of epithelial cells of the colon wall. Thus, they help the pet’s body maintain balance in the intestines. ⠀ And yet let’s grumble a little. If the manufacturer does not indicate the exact amount of this ingredient, we have no reason to expect that the supplement will actually affect the health of the animal. Therefore... let's look together for those packages that contain all the necessary information.

What does the indicator affect?

As we have already found out, ash is a mineral part of the diet, which is necessary for all processes in the body to proceed correctly.

High sodium and potassium content in food can lead to problems with the genitourinary system. Therefore, it is recommended that the animal have fresh water. When your pet drinks enough fluid, excess potassium and sodium are excreted in the urine.

Sterilized animals diagnosed with renal failure should consume food with a reduced ash content.

Magnesium is also directly involved in the formation of stones. It leads to the formation of ammonium phosphate crystals and alkalinization of urine. But scientists argue that it is undesirable to reduce the amount of this element in feed, as it promotes the formation of muscle and nervous tissue, and also triggers enzymes. A decrease in the amount of magnesium in feed leads to muscle weakness in animals. The calcium to phosphorus ratio is also very important. It was experimentally determined that it should be in a ratio of 1.2:1. Manufacturers do not always indicate this indicator.

To calculate the proportion yourself, you need to divide the amount of calcium by the amount of phosphorus.

The body also needs other microelements. For example, sulfur takes part in the synthesis of aminocarboxylic acids. Manganese takes an active part in the formation of bone tissue. Zinc and selenium are responsible for immune strength and the functioning of the reproductive system. Sodium, chlorine and potassium are necessary to maintain normal osmotic pressure in the lymph and blood.

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