Keeping a cat in a house where there are indoor flowers is quite difficult. After all, animals love to chew plants. As a result, our green spaces are bitten and torn out of the ground. This poses a danger not only to plants, but also to the pets themselves. After all, there are many indoor flowers that are toxic to animals. Many owners know that it is very difficult to combat eating greens. Therefore, cat owners have to resort to some tricks. In this article we will tell you about some tricks that will ensure the peaceful coexistence of cats and flowers.
Place the plants under a glass cloche
You can cover the plants with a glass dome called a cloche. This device is sold in online stores. It protects plants not only from cat teeth, but also from dust.
A glass cloche is the safest method of protecting indoor plants from cats. Your pet will simply lose access to green spaces. You just need to keep the pot, covered with a dome, on a wide and stable surface so that the cat cannot knock it over and break it.
Cats think differently
Cats have a better memory than, for example, dogs, and this helps them not only return home from long journeys, but also remember the first time the consequences of this or that action, so that later they can either try to repeat it, or, conversely, , avoid.
And this is how they literally train us, achieving the actions they desire. If you give your cat a treat every time you approach the closet where they are, then is it any wonder that the pet will instantly be nearby with a heart-rending meow.
If you, swearing and cursing everything in the world, still get up at five in the morning to give the cat something to eat, then she will wake you up at this time every day, exactly repeating the actions that have already led to success, or even strengthening them.
Who is manipulating whom?
It seems to people that cats think like you and me, choosing the most correct and effective method of action to achieve their goal. But in fact, as numerous experiments by Thorndike and other scientists prove not only with cats, but also with dogs, these animals learn by blind trials, successful action is fixed in their behavior, but is not comprehended in any way!
Animals do not understand the situation, and they do not see the logic between their action and the result. This is easy to prove, you just need to change the conditions of the described experiment. For example, moving the door to another place in the cage, and everything will be repeated all over again - rushing around in search of a solution, as if its optimal option under similar conditions had not already been found.
Thus, it is not cats who manipulate us, but we ourselves manipulate ourselves with the help of cats! As soon as you change the “conditions of the experiment” - do not get up at five in the morning to feed your pet, move the “painful” tray to another place or buy another one, the cat will again begin to look for a way out by trial and error, and your task is to organize the situation so that the result is favorable for both of you.
Use hanging planters
You can use hanging pots. This will help you keep plants away from animals. Try to hang the pot high enough so that the cat cannot reach or jump to the flower.
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You can also place the pots in macrame planters and hang them from the wall or ceiling. But make sure that the wicker product does not contain hanging decorative elements. Otherwise, the cat will start playing with them and throw off the potty.
Hanging planters keep plants out of reach of animals. But it cannot be ruled out that leaves and flowers will end up on the floor and the cat might pick them up. Therefore, you need to give preference to safe and non-toxic plants.
What is toxoplasmosis
This is an infectious disease, its appearance is provoked by the protozoan organism Toxoplasma gondii.
This infection is very often diagnosed in cats; it is considered one of the most common diseases. The pathogen can be detected on almost any surface or in water.
This widespread distribution is explained by the fact that Toxoplasma is resistant to adverse environmental influences and the complexity of development. Microorganisms are able to remain viable for one and a half years, even when exposed to harsh environmental conditions. Almost a third of the world's population is a carrier of this parasite. It can also be found in the bodies of every second mammal.
Development cycle of toxoplasmosis
The development of the protozoan consists of several cycles, for which it requires a change of hosts. Outside the host, the parasite exists in the form of a cyst. When it enters the body of a temporary host, which is animals, birds or humans, Toxoplasma begins the phase of active division. Parasites quickly spread throughout all tissues of the body and form cysts. Next, the cat, having eaten an infected rodent or bird, becomes infected and becomes the permanent host of the harmful microorganism. In a cat's body, the parasite reproduces through sexual intercourse.
The spread of the protozoan throughout the tissues and systems of the host body causes disruption of their normal functioning. Severe intoxication is observed, aggravating the destructive processes.
Cysts formed in the host’s body enter the external environment and then into a new intermediate host. The cycle begins again.
Use wall planters
You can keep plants in wall planters. These devices look like round plates. Mount them high on the wall and your flowers will be inaccessible to animals.
Remember that not all plants can be grown in wall planters. This method of maintenance is suitable for unpretentious species (succulents) with hanging or creeping shoots.
Symptoms of the disease and its diagnosis
The disease in cats begins to manifest itself only three weeks after Toxoplasma enters the body. A slight runny nose and watery eyes appear. One-time vomiting or loose stools may occur. It is not surprising that the first manifestations of toxoplasmosis are often confused with the common cold. After a couple of days, these symptoms disappear. This does not mean that the disease has receded. It simply went from the acute stage to the chronic stage.
If the animal’s immunity is weakened, then the acute form of the disease is delayed. In this case, the pet exhibits the following signs:
- increased body temperature;
- enlarged lymph nodes;
- seizures or paralysis;
- deterioration of vision and hearing;
- general weakness, reluctance to play;
- problems with stool: diarrhea or constipation;
- mucous membranes acquire a yellowish tint;
- miscarriages;
- death of born kittens.
Only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, if the above symptoms appear, you must immediately show the cat to a specialist.
To determine toxoplasmosis, a number of diagnostic procedures will be required. This includes:
- conducting a bioassay on experimental mice;
- serological blood test to detect the presence of toxoplasmosis in cats;
- the most common method is cytological examination and polymer chain reaction;
- ultrasonography;
- X-ray.
None of these research methods gives an accurate result. Therefore, it is advisable to do several tests and manipulations at once. Checking stool for the presence of cysts is not at all informative. They appear in feces only in the first three weeks after infection, and at this time symptoms do not yet appear. When the disease begins to manifest itself, the release of cysts has already stopped. Therefore, it is pointless to waste time and money on stool analysis.
Placiterium staghorn
If you have a cat at home, then try to choose suitable types of plants for landscaping. For cat owners, the staghorn fern is ideal. In nature, it grows on tree trunks and branches. At home, platicerium is grown on vertical blocks that can be mounted high on the wall.
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Platycerium staghorn is an unpretentious plant. It requires watering only once a week. The leaves of this fern contain no toxins and are safe for cats.
Treatment of toxoplasmosis
It is necessary to begin treatment for your beloved pet only as prescribed by a doctor. If it is not possible to immediately show the cat to a veterinarian, then before going to a specialist, it is recommended to limit the animal’s contact with household members. It is not permissible for children or pregnant women to approach the cat.
The primary goal in the treatment of toxoplasmosis is to inhibit the process of parasite reproduction in the host's body. To achieve this task, Rovamycin, Biseptol or another medical drug is prescribed. The duration of the medication depends on how long the cat has been suffering from this disease.
If the cat is pregnant, then prescribing drugs of the sulfonamide group is unacceptable. She is prescribed Spiramycin.
In addition, the infected cat will be prescribed medications to eliminate symptoms and negative consequences. Dehydration is treated with glucose drips, and bone marrow function is supported by taking folic acid. Sometimes it is advisable to use immunomodulating drugs. These include "Fosprinil" or "Gamavit". Injections of vitamins will not be superfluous; most often, veterinarians prescribe vitamin B or ascorbic acid.
Kittens, like adults, are susceptible to this disease. The course of the disease is approximately the same as in cats. However, the acute form of the disease is more common in kittens. In this case, characteristic symptoms are present in the form of convulsions, loss of coordination, malaise and yellowness of the mucous membranes.
Kittens are prescribed the same medications as adult animals. In this case, the doctor adjusts the dosage according to age.
Self-treatment of kittens according to a regimen that was developed by a veterinarian for an adult cat is unacceptable. An unformed body can react unpredictably to improper treatment.
There is still no consensus on the advisability of using traditional methods of treating this disease. To combat the disease, traditional medicine suggests using decoctions of hoofed grass, buckthorn, kupena and other medicinal herbs. A teaspoon of dry raw materials must be brewed with a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew. It is recommended to give the decoction to a cat suffering from toxoplasmosis, a teaspoon twice a day.
If you decide to resort to this method of treatment, you must first consult a veterinarian.
Spiny plants
You can plant cacti in your home. It is believed that these plants are able to protect themselves. After all, thorns repel most adult cats. However, if you have a small kitten living in your house, then it is better not to grow plants with thorns. Children do not always realize the danger and can get hurt on sharp thorns.
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Judging by the reviews of cat lovers, this method does not always work. Many owners report that their pets eat and chew cacti. This plant does not contain toxic substances, so there is no danger of poisoning. Most often, cats that lack water show interest in cacti. After all, the fleshy, prickly stems accumulate a lot of moisture.
How to protect yourself?
Now let's talk about how to protect yourself from an attack by an aggressive cat. So, five tips on how to protect yourself from a furry predator:
- First of all, there is no need to show any signs of fear! Cats sense human fear much better than dogs.
- You can't run away. It’s the same here as in the case of dogs. But cats are more agile than dogs and run faster, so you won’t be able to escape by running.
- It is quite possible that an aggressive cat is a neophyte. If she gets too far away from the bowl and her mat, she will lose her confidence and run away. Some cats, when they find themselves in an unfamiliar place, turn from a dangerous beast into a cowardly furball. Therefore, you can try to take the animal as far as possible from a familiar place.
- In some cases, meowing can help. This method is suitable for those who understand cat conversations. You can try meowing at the cat. Perhaps the animal will mistake the person for a stronger opponent and retreat.
- If we are talking about the aggression of a domestic cat, then you can use the most ordinary slipper for protection. There is a more serious way, which involves studying cat psychology. According to her, not a single cat attacks just like that - there are almost always serious reasons for this.
If a person is seriously afraid of a cat attack, then it is better for him to always have dry or liquid food, sausage, a rustling bag and a ball of thread with him. All this is quite capable of distracting an unfriendly predator from the object of irritation for a long time.
You can purchase a plant terrarium that opens from the side. This accessory will completely protect indoor flowers from animals. But it is important to remember that not all species can be grown in a closed terrarium.
Succulents are not suitable for growing in a terrarium. They do best in open containers. It is better to choose plants that tolerate high humidity well. After all, the terrarium develops its own ecosystem with a certain level of moisture. Species such as nephrolepis, dwarf ficus, begonia, pilea, and mini ivy are ideal.
9. Cats are not mentioned in the Bible.
This issue is actively discussed by cat lovers. Indeed, why are even very rare animals mentioned in the Bible, but cats are not? There is a version that they were ignored because of veneration in other religions, for example, in Ancient Egypt there was a real cult of cats. Another version is an accident, and there is simply no such biblical story where cats would play any important role. Lions, for example, are in Scripture, that is, the feline species itself was not prohibited.