How to remove fleas from a kitten and an adult cat using wormwood?

Cats are one of the most popular pets. Soft paws, silky fur, a wet nose and cunning eyes will leave few people indifferent. But this is only if the animal is healthy. The main components for maintaining the health of a cat are proper nutrition, timely vaccinations, prevention and prevention of infection with various parasites such as worms and fleas. The latter are removed using special insecticidal preparations in the form of sprays, shampoos or drops. Such products have a number of restrictions and are not used for kittens and pregnant cats. A worthy alternative to purchased drugs are folk remedies. This article describes how to rid an adult or kitten of fleas using folk remedies at home.


This simple remedy will help you get rid of fleas in carpets at home. Salt is famous for its dehydration properties. In contact with salt, the outer coverings of fleas are destroyed, the insects lose vital moisture and, as a result, die. To use this folk remedy you will need:

  • Table salt or sea salt (the amount of salt depends on the area to be treated)
  • Salt shaker or spice jar with holes

The procedure is as follows:

  • If the salt is coarse, grind it before use.
  • Pour the salt from the bag into a jar, leaving enough space up to the lid with holes so that the salt spills freely
  • Sprinkle salt on the carpets in each room, rubbing lightly so that the crystals penetrate into the base of the pile where the larvae and pupae hide.
  • Leave for 1-3 days
  • Then vacuum the carpets thoroughly


How to remove fleas from a cat?

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Owners of four-legged pets periodically carry out parasite prevention and are faced with the need to remove blood-sucking insects and lice-eaters. Industrial drugs are effective, accessible, but have side effects. But I want to rid the animal of its painful presence as soon as possible, without causing harm to its health.

There is an exit. It has long been known how to remove fleas from cats at home without a veterinarian, using folk remedies. This method is rarely used, but in vain. Today we are getting acquainted with methods of getting rid of fleas without chemicals.


It is used in a similar way, but the difference with soda is that it acts on larvae and eggs. In combination with salt, these folk remedies destroy the visible and invisible stages of flea development. The method is inexpensive and safe even for children and pets. Moreover, every housewife has salt and soda, and their use does not require complex preparations.

A mixture of salt and soda is used to treat carpets, rugs, animal bedding and upholstered furniture on which a dog or cat periodically lies.

  • Check the expiration date of baking soda: if there is no packaging left with the date, just add 2-3 drops of vinegar to a spoon with soda - if bubbles appear, then the soda is still good
  • Mix baking soda and salt in equal proportions
  • Apply the mixture evenly to the carpets using a brush or broom
  • Leave the mixture overnight and vacuum up the next morning.
  • Repeat the procedure every 4 days for two to three weeks.

Treatment of cat wounds after flea bites

No less important when carrying out anti-flea treatment is caring for the resulting wounds. Insects often carry infections; when they enter the bloodstream, ulcers appear at the site of the bite. The inevitable scratching of wounds by the animal itself contributes to the deterioration of the condition. Depending on the severity of the situation, an ointment with hydrocortisone (relieves itching) and chloramphenicol is used for the cat. Veterinarians recommend an aluminum-based cream; this drug promotes accelerated regeneration of the epithelium and healing of injured areas.

In conclusion, here are some basic recommendations for those who want to rid their pet of fleas with minimal consequences. You will always have time to use chemistry - it will be a backup option if the traditional method turns out to be ineffective (you don’t like it).

The huge advantage of a green pharmacy is that these products are of natural origin, which means their effect on the animal’s body is insignificant in comparison with the reaction of bloodsuckers. You don’t have to read the instructions when choosing whether the drug is suitable for a nursing cat or kittens under 3 months. Natural components are non-toxic and do not cause irritation or chemical burns. With their help, you can quickly restore your pet’s health and remove uninvited aliens from their fur and skin.

And you won’t have to look for remedies for long: many of the folk remedies grow literally under your feet or in the house, are affordable, and can be easily found in any pharmacy. In return, you will receive a guarantee of cure, no side effects, and the gratitude of your pet, who has been freed from parasites.


This is an ancient, proven folk remedy for fighting insects. To get rid of fleas, they hung freshly picked grass in the house, then learned how to obtain essential oil, the pungent smell of which repels insects. To this day, the tradition of using wormwood remains in demand.

Wormwood is found in tincture form, as freshly harvested plants, essential oil, or ground herb. Each of them is used as a folk remedy for fleas. It should be noted that the strong odors of plants do not kill, but only repel fleas.

Wormwood tincture for fleas

The product helps get rid of parasites and protect your family and pets from diseases carried by fleas. The tincture dissolves in water and is used to clean floors against fleas. It is also used to treat the hair of dogs and cats. The tincture is sold at the market or in a pharmacy. To prepare the tincture yourself, pour crushed dry wormwood with vodka and let it brew for two weeks.

Wormwood oil for fleas

Wormwood oil works by releasing aromas that repel fleas and other insects without killing them. The skin and fur of the animal are treated with wormwood oil, and bowls with oil are placed on the floor around the apartment.

Wormwood oil is available in pharmacies. To prepare this folk remedy yourself, pour dried crushed wormwood with olive oil in a small jar. Shake the mixture well and put it in a dark place for 10 days. After straining, the oil is ready for use.

Wormwood decoction for fleas

To prepare a decoction of wormwood at home

  • Grind freshly harvested or dried herbs
  • Place in a saucepan of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes
  • Leave to cool

The resulting decoction is suitable for treating animals, as well as bedding, furniture, carpets and cleaning floors against fleas.

The insecticidal properties of wormwood are beyond doubt; it is used in agriculture, grown near potato and carrot fields to repel pests. So to combat seasonal flea infestations, you can grow mugwort in your yard or even inside your home.

But wormwood is a strong allergen, so be careful. For those who are prone to plant allergies, this folk remedy is not suitable. Do not use wormwood for medicinal purposes without consulting a doctor; for some, it causes unwanted reactions in the body.

Instructions for use

Flea products based on wormwood are environmentally friendly and have a low cost, which makes them popular among breeders.

You can find the plant even in the city, but it is better to collect it in forests and fields.

  • The tincture and decoction are used for bathing animals and washing floors.
  • Powder from ground grass can be sprayed in places that are inaccessible for cleaning.
  • Brooms made from fresh sprouts are laid out under the beds and bedding of animals, and hung in the house.
  • Esters are poured into containers and placed throughout the house out of reach of animals and children. Oils can also be added to water for cleaning floors.

After a walk, pets need to be bathed to prevent flea infestation from street cats. Having finished the water procedures, the mustaches are dried with a towel and the wool is rubbed with a decoction of wormwood.

In the absence of pests, as a preventive measure, you can apply a few drops of essential oil or plant tincture to your pet’s withers. In this place, he will not be able to lick the medicine and will not harm himself.

Essential oils for fleas in the apartment

The use of essential oils against fleas and other pests in the apartment reduces the level of chemical use. Some oils are suitable for direct contact with skin, while others are intended for use on clothing and indoor surfaces. Use essential oils with caution in the presence of children or pregnant women. As a rule, 25 drops of oil are diluted in 5 liters of warm water.

Lavender for fleas

It is an all-purpose insect repellent with a sweet scent. Scientific testing of lavender against the four stages of flea development at Ohio University confirmed its effectiveness. The oil is prepared by distilling the Lavendula officinalis herb.

This folk remedy is used to treat pets, bedding, rugs and rugs.

In 2007, one study in South Africa noted that solutions containing 20-30% lavender were comparable in effect to the use of diethyltoluamide. Although fleas are not killed by lavender, they cannot tolerate it.

Eucalyptus for fleas

Eucalyptus oil emits a characteristic methanol odor that repels fleas. Typically used in conjunction with other oils, such as citronella oil. The habitats of pets in the apartment are treated with an aqueous solution of eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus does not kill, but only repels fleas.


Dry pennyroyal leaves contain 3% essential oil. This oil, known since ancient times, belongs to the mint genus. Sprinkling freshly picked or dried crushed plants around the house to repel insects is a proven folk remedy for fleas. Application to the skin or fur of animals is contraindicated, as toxic consequences may develop.


This aromatic herb belongs to the grass family. Lemongrass is common in southeastern Asia and Australia. Lemongrass essential oil is also used as a repellent.

Cedar oil

Cedar oil is obtained by cold pressing the peeled kernels of the nut. Unlike other oils, cedarwood oil has both repellent and toxic effects on fleas. The safety of using this folk remedy for pets is controversial - to avoid undesirable consequences, it is recommended to use low concentrations of oil.

Basil oil

The repellent effect of basil oil on fleas is based on its persistent, specific aroma. This folk remedy for fleas in the apartment is safe for the health of people and animals.

Thyme oil

Thyme in its pure form is used as an insecticidal, fungicidal and bactericidal agent - it has a toxic effect on insects, fungi and bacteria. Put some thyme oil on your pet's collar and fleas will leave him alone.

Rosemary oil

This product is intended to protect only dogs as it is toxic to cats. Rosemary oil has repellent and antiseptic properties, making it ideal for washing dogs whose skin has developed a reaction to flea bites. The oil will help restore the skin and drive out fleas.

Clove oil

Just like rosemary oil, clove oil is contraindicated for cats. Apply a couple of drops of oil to your dog's collar and add to the water when washing your pet's bedding.

Tea tree oil

This folk remedy will help get rid of fleas and fill the room with a pleasant aroma. For animals it is used in the form of drops on the withers, including cats. Apply one drop the first time and observe how the animal feels, then, if everything is fine, apply another 4-5 drops

When not to use

Wormwood against fleas in cats is not recommended when the animal is intolerant to the plant. An allergy to grass is manifested by tearing, sneezing, rash, and hyperemia. Also, you should not use the method if your pet is sick or has a runny nose.

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These effective folk remedies are well tolerated by household members, but treatment should be stopped if one of the residents develops allergies, shortness of breath, headache, otitis media, sinusitis, bronchitis after inhaling the aromas of the plant.

In this case, you should throw out all the bunches and wet clean the room. Asthmatics and allergy sufferers are at risk.

Decoction, tincture and oil of wormwood for fleas are used in cats as a gentle means of poisoning parasites. Insects do not die even in direct contact with the substance, but due to intolerance to the smell of the repellent, they are forced to leave the home.

This method is appropriate for medium and low infestation of the area; if the pet has a lot of fleas, then the use of strong insecticides is required.

Tar soap for fleas

The composition of tar soap includes sodium salts, citric acid, table salt, thickeners and the main component - birch tar.

Tar is a thick black liquid with a pungent odor and bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and insecticidal effects. Tar soap relieves itching and irritation. This is a natural folk remedy and it is inexpensive.

Tar is available in the form of solid and liquid soap, as well as shampoo. It is more convenient to treat pets with liquid products. But if you use hard soap, then first soak the bar of soap in water until foam forms. Tar soap is also used for washing floors, treating walls and washing pet accessories against fleas.

However, the use of tar soap requires moderation. According to a study by the New Zealand Skin Diseases Association, there was an increased risk of skin cancer associated with the use of tar soap in animals, but there was no effect on humans.

Video “Bathing a cat with tar soap”

Signs of fleas

To determine how to get rid of parasites at home, it is necessary to identify signs of the presence of insects. Folk remedies will play a role in the fight against fleas after the degree of development of the disease has been determined. Getting rid of fleas from a cat correctly, but first a little theory.

Ctenocephalides felis, a bloodsucker from a subspecies of cat fleas, has microscopic dimensions and extraordinary vitality. Parasites also spread infectious diseases, their presence leads to dermatitis, mental disorders in pets and a bunch of related problems. Initial symptoms when flea intervention has just begun are difficult to identify.

As the population grows, parasites add trouble to the furry: the animal becomes nervous, easily excitable, has difficulty sleeping, and cannot find a place for itself. Over time, the movement of blackheads across the fur and skin will become noticeable, and then it’s time to sound the alarm. Otherwise it will be too late.

In advanced stages, significant loss of fur occurs, bites bleed, and ulcers appear. The general condition of the cat also worsens and the appetite disappears.

Vinegar for fleas in the apartment

Vinegar is used in everyday life for cleaning and odor removal, to remove ants in the kitchen, and in the garden as an insecticide and herbicide. Vinegar is known as a deodorizing agent for dogs and cats and, of course, as a folk remedy for fleas. In this case we are talking exclusively about apple cider vinegar! Apple cider vinegar does not kill fleas, but it does create an inhospitable environment that drives them out.

“Both fleas cannot tolerate the smell or taste of vinegar, which means they will not stay on an animal that smells like apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is more suitable as a preventative rather than a therapeutic agent for animals."

Darcy Matheson, Greening Pet Care

Dousing a bottle of apple cider vinegar on your dog will not magically make the fleas disappear. There are many known uses for this natural repellent, for example, as an additive to drinking water, in the form of a spray or a bath.

  • Bath: Mix 1 cup of apple cider vinegar and 1 liter of warm water and treat your pet with the resulting solution.
  • Drinking water: Add a teaspoon of apple bite to 1 liter of water and stir. Your pet will not like the drink at first, but over time he will start drinking it.
  • Spray: Mix two cups of water and two cups of apple cider vinegar. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and thoroughly treat the animal with the solution from head to tail and do not rinse, the smell of vinegar will disappear as soon as the fur dries.

How to breed from a kitten

The appearance of fleas in kittens can be dangerous for their small bodies. Scratched wounds act as a direct route for infection and various diseases. If the infection is severe, the pet develops anemia, his temperature rises, and he stops eating.

Therefore, at the first signs of the presence of parasites, it is recommended to use a decoction of wormwood for fleas in a kitten.

If disinfection is not carried out in a timely manner, the baby may die.

When answering the question of how to remove fleas from a kitten with wormwood, it is worth noting that babies still have very weak immunity and it is necessary to carefully monitor their reaction to disinfection.

A decoction is best for pets at this age. It is added to bathing, and after the procedure, the kitten’s clean fur is treated and left until completely dry.

To prevent fleas in kittens, a little wormwood can be placed under their bedding. When the grass dries, it is thrown out, and a fresh plant is put in its original place. The branch is also attached to the pet’s collar. But if an allergy occurs, it must be removed immediately.

Boric acid for fleas

Boric acid is a low-toxic inorganic mineral with insecticidal, fungicidal and herbicidal properties. Serves as the basis for a number of commercial pest control products. Boric acid causes loss of moisture in the body of insects, dehydration occurs, and the insect dies.

It does not emit an odor and therefore does not repel, but kills fleas, maintaining an insecticidal effect for a long time.

Boric acid is used as follows:

  • Remove toys and other things from the floor of the room being treated
  • Vacuuming your carpets to remove dirt and dust will improve the quality of the finish. If necessary, do wet cleaning
  • Sprinkle boric acid powder onto carpets and rugs, paying special attention to areas where your pet spends time.
  • Using a brush, spread the powder evenly over the carpet

Boric acid kills flea larvae, but has a weak effect on adult fleas, so a noticeable result will appear in 2-6 weeks, until the adult population dies. 48 hours after treatment, clean with a vacuum cleaner. Although boric acid is a long-lasting treatment, repeated treatments will be required.

Boric acid has almost no side effects, except for mild skin and eye irritation. Use in the garden is not recommended due to toxicity to beneficial plants and birds.

Kerosene and fleas

All insects are afraid of the smell of kerosene, but it is also unpleasant for people. According to folk recipes, you need to dissolve 100 g of kerosene in a bucket of water and use the solution to wash floors, baseboards, and walls at a height of up to 1.5 m from the floor. The parasites disappear within a few hours, the smell disappears. However, this folk method is not used in modern apartments for several reasons:

  1. the unpleasant odor lasts for a very long time, since soft surfaces absorb it;
  2. spoils fabric, upholstery, furniture;
  3. the substance is flammable, so a fire may occur;
  4. there are many alternative options.

Do not use kerosene for processing wool. You can provoke a burn, a severe allergic reaction, or poisoning of your pet. Kerosene vapors are toxic.

Pyrethrum for fleas

Pyrethrin is a natural insecticide obtained from the raw extract of the chrysanthemum (Pyrethrum). It has been used for pest control since ancient times and is considered safe. Pyrethrum is available in powder or spray form. Pyrethrum is a neurotoxic insecticide. It is also known to have insect repellent properties. Used as a base ingredient in a number of commercial flea and tick products, mainly powders and sprays.

Causes of fleas in cats

Contrary to popular belief, fleas and other insects do not appear spontaneously, without reason. There must have been contact with the external environment; uninvited guests were brought from the street by the owners or they came from neighbors. We will have to fight them using folk remedies. So, the most likely causes of a flea infestation are:

  1. Insects live in the entrance (basement). It is enough to let the cat out into the big world once for uninvited guests to safely settle in the house.
  2. Like cockroaches, fleas often migrate (almost through walls), entering an apartment from neighboring dwellings through the slightest cracks.
  3. Close contact with infected, street animals.
  4. Small parasites easily jump onto clothes and shoes, instantly gaining access to the living space.
  5. While treating the cat with chemicals or folk methods, or cleaning the floor coverings, something went wrong, and the fleas got a second chance.

When disinfecting premises and preventing fleas in cats, owners often neglect folk remedies and give preference to the usual insecticides. And in vain. Folk, non-traditional methods of protection are no less effective than the usual ones practiced by veterinary clinics.

Bleach for fleas

The fight against fleas often drags on for a long time. This is because most flea treatments do not kill eggs. The final extermination of the population requires exposure to all life stages of flea development. Bleach is suitable for killing eggs. Treat carpets and pet habitats with a solution of bleach and water. Add chlorine bleach when washing pet accessories.

But this method requires extreme caution. Chlorine is toxic if ingested, so do not allow your animal to come into contact with the treated surface. When treating carpets and textiles, keep in mind that bleach acts like bleach.

Operating principle

When fighting fleas in cats, wormwood acts as a repellent, that is, it does not kill, but repels insects.

This property is explained by its rich composition, which includes:

Wormwood is used as a medicine, food additive and insect repellent. If you add other aromatic plants to the decoction, the effect will be much higher. What is noteworthy is that the fresh plant drives away fleas better than decoctions and tinctures.

This is explained by the intensity of the spicy aroma, which is unpleasant to parasites. With the help of wormwood, you can disorient insects by intoxicating them with the smell. In this state, bloodsuckers try to quickly leave the home and find a new shelter.

Tansy for fleas

There are 30 types of tansy growing in Russia. An essential oil containing camphor and thujone is obtained from it. Thujone is subject to strict maximum concentration limits in oils and other products because it is toxic. To prepare flea repellent, place tansy leaves and flowers in a bucket, add hot water and let sit. The resulting solution is used to treat dog and cat accessories, as well as to wash the floor.

Despite the wide selection of folk remedies for fleas, in some cases, ready-made medications are required for animals. Purchase flea medications from veterinary pharmacies after consultation with a veterinarian.

Effective folk anti-flea remedies

Among advanced “cat lovers,” there has been talk about folk remedies for flea bites on domestic cats and dogs for a long time. Unlike insecticides, this group of drugs has no restrictions on the pet’s age or condition, but this does not make the result less effective.

Infusions are gentler on the animal’s body, maintaining the effect of a crushing blow to uninvited aggressors. Parasites have existed for hundreds of years, and we managed to fight them without drops in the withers or injections, using improvised means from the garden or from the forest edge, and herbal decoctions.

Chemical preparations, which are persistently advertised on TV and on the Internet, are much “younger” than traditional ones. And they have more side effects.

Another serious advantage of a green pharmacy is the high content of essential oils, specific aromas that insects cannot tolerate. Smells repel fleas for a long time.

So, if you need to remove fleas from a kitten or an adult animal at home using folk remedies, one question remains - how should you use:

  • collecting wormwood;
  • vinegar;
  • garlic cloves;
  • table salt;
  • homemade shampoo;
  • geranium decoction;
  • essential oils.

And then we’ll look in detail at how to wash a cat and treat a cat’s bed with folk remedies to get rid of fleas.

Wormwood against parasites

Old people know: wormwood tincture will help drive bloodsuckers away from a cat or dog. The tart smell of this folk remedy acts like Dichlorvos. But for the animal itself, the plant is harmless. The finished collection, freshly picked stems, are brewed with hot water (not boiling water) and allowed to cool. Gently treat the pet's fur and skin with the infusion. Eyewitnesses claim that after treatment, fleas run away from the cat, so it is advisable to bathe the fluffy in wormwood not in the house (apartment), but on the street.

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Then you can wash the cat with regular shampoo and, for prevention, place a bag of dry wormwood near his sleeping place. You will need a little herb - 20 grams at a time. The method is suitable for all pets, even small and lactating (pregnant) cats.

Vinegar for fleas

You will need vinegar, ammonia and cologne (perfume). The components are mixed one part at a time, and the composition made according to a folk recipe is sprayed onto the wool, without missing a centimeter. Next is the most important stage: you will need to cover the cat with film, wrapping it tightly. Leave the head and nose exposed to prevent the animal from suffocating.

Leave it like this for 7-10 minutes, then bathe it and comb out the dead fleas from the fur. It is very important not to allow the animal to break out, shed the film and lick the composition of the folk medicine. Otherwise nothing will work. The method is tough, but effective: the parasites will go away forever.

Garlic for fleas

The pungent aroma of this vegetable is destructive for bloodsuckers. Used exclusively for external use, not internally. The folk remedy is prepared as follows: a few cloves are finely chopped or crushed and left to steep for a day in half a liter of boiling water. The resulting decoction is rubbed onto the fur and skin, trying to prevent the cat from licking it: garlic juice is harmful to the digestive tract of fluffies. It is recommended to lubricate an inaccessible place (the withers) of the pet.

Salt remedies for cat fleas

Simply take and dissolve the salt in warm water to prepare a therapeutic bath for your pet. The procedure time is 5 minutes, then rinse off the remaining solution. It is not recommended to practice this method if you have open wounds - salt corrodes them and causes pain.

Anti-flea shampoo recipe

Everyone enjoys factory-made detergents - soft, easy to apply, with pleasant perfume scents. This recipe is no worse, but better: it is a medicinal folk shampoo.

You will need: a bar of baby soap (about a third), onion, chicken egg, nettle tincture. Boil the crushed soap shavings, stirring lightly, in 750 milliliters of water (3 cups) until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. The cooled solution is supplemented with finely chopped onion, egg yolk, and a tablespoon of nettle tincture. The finished shampoo is mixed, applied to the wool and after leaving for 15-20 minutes, washed off.

Geranium decoction

A houseplant with a slightly pungent odor can also help get rid of fleas. A folk medicine is prepared from it: 30 grams of lavender and geranium are poured with clean water in the amount of 3 full glasses. The mixture is boiled, stirring, for 15-20 minutes. The solution is cooled, filtered, and the cat is bathed in it, as in regular shampoo, avoiding contact with mucous membranes.

Citrus fruits against parasites

Environmentally friendly, proven folk natural product. Any citrus fruits are suitable - lemons, oranges, tangerines, hybrids. You will need to cut the fruit into small slices and then leave it in 500 milliliters of water for a day.

The only caveat: in addition to insects, animals themselves do not like the pungent smell of essential oils. You will have to try to carry out the treatment in full. Or use an alternative option - there are a lot of traditional methods.

Essential oils to protect cats from fleas

They claim that there is simply no safer method for your furry pet than this method. As a rule, the housewife has several bottles of aromatic oils at home. If not, they are always easy to find at your local pharmacy. It is inexpensive and works effectively. Traditional veterinarians recommend the following oils:

The minimum dosage is a couple of drops per 750 milliliters of water. Get ready for the fact that the cat will not like the pungent smell; the pet will begin to sneeze and resist treatment. Can be used as an additive to detergent, applied to the collar (for prevention).

Washing the cat with tar soap (sold in veterinary pharmacies), sprinkling the floor and beds with fresh pine sawdust are also suitable as additional methods. This list of folk remedies for ridding a cat of fleas is not final; it can be expanded with others that are no less effective.


Sometimes the smell of lavender causes allergies. This happens in humans and animals. To eliminate it, it is often enough to reduce the oil concentration in the treatment solution. If this does not help, you will have to stop using it. It should be used with caution if there are children under one year of age in the house.

Good to know! Essential oils: how to save yourself from insects and arachnids!

Lavender oil only scares insects, but does not kill them. Therefore, complete removal will require time and repeated treatment. And the protection only works as long as the aroma of lavender is present in the air. If it happens that your household tends to receive such guests, use lavender oil regularly for preventive purposes. It is not difficult. Add a drop of lavender oil when washing the floor and fleas will not go away.

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