Leptospirosis in cats (distribution, epizootology, etiology, pathogenesis, signs of symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention). Vaccination against leptospirosis in cats

Veterinarians call leptospirosis in cats one of the most terrible diseases for a pet. The virus can be transmitted from the carrier to healthy relatives or humans. A severe form of the pathology causes a high mortality rate in humans and animals. Every owner of a furry pet should know the characteristic signs of the disease.

How it manifests itself

Leptospirosis in cats often occurs without symptoms. This especially applies to the onset of the disease and the 10-day incubation period. After a large amount of the pathogen (leptospira) accumulates in the body, the disease begins to manifest itself clinically. There are no specific symptoms unique to feline leptospirosis. All of them occur in many other diseases. It is important to track the sequence of manifestations of a particular symptom, contact a veterinarian, then do laboratory tests and confirm the diagnosis.

What to look for:

  • the cat becomes lethargic, indifferent to what is happening around, drowsy;
  • body temperature rises, the animal may become cowardly in its sleep due to fever;
  • refusal to drink and feed, even the most beloved;
  • dullness and dryness of mucous membranes, cloudiness of the cornea; the kidneys may increase in size (the doctor determines this upon examination), signs of renal failure increase (urinary odor from the mouth, decreased skin turgor due to dehydration, frequent and copious urination, ulcers may appear in the mouth). Kidney pathologies are the most common problem with feline leptospirosis;
  • change in the color of urine towards darkening, its smell becomes unpleasantly concentrated;
  • disruption of the bowel movement process - diarrhea gives way to constipation as signs of dehydration increase, the smell of stool becomes foul;
  • yellowness of the mucous membranes, skin, and whites of the eyes begins to appear, ulcers may appear in the mouth;
  • vomiting appears, which can become uncontrollable as intoxication increases;
  • At the very end of the disease progression, seizures may appear.

Avian spirochetosis

Spirochetosis (borreliosis) of birds (Spirochaetosis avium) is an infectious vector-borne disease of domestic and wild birds caused by a spirochete and occurring mainly acutely with symptoms of depression, fever, intestinal upset, paresis and paralysis of the organs of movement.

Historical reference . The disease was first described in 1891 by Russian researcher M.N. Sakharov, who observed it among geese in the Caucasus. Subsequently, avian spirochetosis was recorded in many countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, where it became widespread.

Etiology . The causative agent of the disease (Borrelia anserinum) has a spiral shape measuring 3-20 x 0.2-0.5 microns with 3-15 turns, is mobile, paints well with aniline dyes, especially when using phenol as a mordant, is weakly resistant to physical factors and chemicals . The life cycle of the spirochete takes place in the body of tick vectors and in the bloodstream of birds. The spirochete is cultivated only under anaerobic conditions on special media of various compositions in the presence of animal proteins, mainly blood serum. Grows well on developing chick embryos. When passaging on artificial nutrient media, the spirochete loses its pathogenicity and immunogenicity. In laboratory and industrial practice, these properties are maintained by systematic passages on chickens or geese.

In citrated infected blood at a temperature of 2-4°C, the viability of spirochetes persists for up to 15-20 days. Freezing and drying, as well as lyophilization, causes their death. When infested blood is deep frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen, spirochetes retain their biological properties for a long time.

Epizootological data . Bird spirochetosis is common in the southern and middle latitudes in those regions where there is a natural habitat for the Persian tick, which is the main carrier of bird spirochetosis. Guardian tick and carrier of spirochetes in natural foci. Distributors of spirochetes in nature are wild birds that carry tick larvae. Thus, a certain biocinosis is formed in nature, the main links of which are: mites (biological reservoir), wild birds (spreaders), sick birds from dysfunctional poultry farms and birds kept in private household plots of citizens (source of infection). In addition to the Persian tick, carriers of the pathogen include the chicken tick and the house bug. The persistence of spirochetes in the body of ticks for several years causes the infection to remain stationary.

In birds, spirochetosis manifests itself seasonally, in the warm season, from April to October, when the external air temperature exceeds 10-15°C, and is most optimal for the life of the tick. Chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese and other birds are susceptible to spirochetosis. Mortality from spirochetosis reaches 30-80%; Geese are especially sensitive (up to 90% die). In wild birds the disease is mild; it has not been recorded in guinea fowl. At the same time, the intensity of the disease and mortality depend on the infestation of poultry houses and the surrounding area. The source of the pathogen is birds suffering from spirochetosis. Under natural conditions, they become infected with the participation of ticks that carry spirochetes. Parasitizing susceptible birds, they transmit spirochetes from sick to healthy birds through bites (no contact infection has been recorded). Artificially, experimental birds are easily infected by parenteral administration of blood containing the pathogen. After 36-48 hours, spirochetes are found in the blood of infected birds, which die after 3-5 days.

Pathogenesis . Once in the blood, birds quickly begin to reproduce, causing intoxication of the body with the products of their vital activity.

Clinical signs . 5-6 days after a tick attack in a bird, we notice a decrease in appetite, which then completely disappears, thirst increases, body temperature rises to 43°C and a depressed state sets in. The bird sits with lowered wings, indifferent to its surroundings, the crest turns pale, falls to the side, the plumage becomes ruffled, the sick bird develops diarrhea with greenish liquid and often foamy feces, the bird’s movements become difficult, shaky, paresis of the limbs and wings occurs. Towards the end of the disease, the body temperature decreases, the sick bird falls into a coma and dies after 3-5 days.

In geese, the clinical signs are dominated by nervous disorders: paresis and paralysis of the limbs, wings, and less often the neck. In the chronic course of the disease, which is extremely rare, we note pallor of the crest, exhaustion, paresis of the limbs, wings, and less often the neck. The chronic course of the disease lasts 2-3 weeks, after which the sick bird dies or slowly recovers.

When conducting a hematological study during the period of illness, we find a decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin by 2-2.5 times, and slight leukocytosis. Reserve alkalinity, the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the blood is reduced by 50-60%. The amount of protein in the blood increases due to the increased content of gamma globulins.

Pathoanatomical changes . The color of the comb and earrings of a dead bird is brown or light yellow. There is dried excrement around the cloaca. We find pronounced pathological changes in the spleen, liver, and small intestines. The spleen is enlarged 2-4 times, dark purple, less often brown-red in color, often with multiple necrotic lesions, the size of a millet grain, the pulp is softened and easily tears.

The liver is enlarged in size, clay-brick color (fatty degeneration), sometimes necrotic lesions are scattered in the parenchyma. The mucous membrane of the small intestines is hyperemic, often with pinpoint hemorrhages and areas of necrosis, the contents are liquid, dark green with a lot of mucus. In other organs there may be degenerative and congestive phenomena.

The diagnosis is made based on the characteristic clinical signs of the disease, pathological changes and epidemiological data. To confirm the diagnosis, blood smears from sick birds are examined. It should be borne in mind that spirochetes are detected in the blood only in the first days of the disease. Smears are stained using the Romanovsky-Giemsa method, Ziehl fuchsin or ink. Living spirochetes are examined under a dark field microscope.

Differential diagnosis . Avian spirochetosis is differentiated from other similar diseases (typhoid, pasteurellosis, Newcastle disease, tick-borne toxicosis) by conducting bacteriological studies or performing a bioassay.

Immunity and means of specific prevention . Birds that have recovered from spirochetosis acquire long-term immunity (more than 3 years). After vaccination, the bird develops immunity lasting at least a year. It has been noted that sick birds that have undergone treatment are also long-term immune to spirochetosis.

Birds are immunized with a dry phenolic vaccine. It is used for preventive and forced purposes. In vaccinated birds, immunity occurs 3-4 days after vaccination and lasts for a year. For preventive purposes, birds must be vaccinated in advance - before the activity of tick vectors intensifies. When spirochetosis appears, birds unfavorable for the disease are treated, and after 5-7 days they are vaccinated; All other birds are urgently vaccinated.

Novarsenol, osarsol, chlortetracycline and other chemotherapy drugs are used for treatment. Novarsenol is administered intramuscularly in a 1-2% dilution, at a dose of 0.05 g/kg live weight. Most birds recover after a single injection of the drug. If the condition of individual patients does not improve within 24 hours, then novarsenol is reintroduced the next day. Osarsol is used with feed at the rate of 0.2 g/kg live weight of poultry. Penicillin, morphocycline, disulfan and other antibiotics are also effective for treating poultry.

Prevention and control measures . A set of measures to combat avian spirochetosis includes: immunization of susceptible birds, chemotherapy of patients, destruction of vector ticks and veterinary and sanitary measures.

Before decontamination, clear the room of birds, and, if possible, expose cracks in the walls, ceiling, and equipment; mesh floors or manure shields are removed from the cages, feeders and drinking bowls are lifted from their places and everything is treated with aqueous solutions of insecticides: 6% sevin emulsion with 80-85% ADV (active substance), 3% karbofos emulsion (30% ADV), 0.5-1% solution of chlorophos at the rate of 200 ml of liquid per 1 m², 0.5-1% emulsion of trichlorometaphos-3, 0.25-0.5% solution of DDVF at the rate of 20 ml/ m². It is most advisable to use a 6% aqueous suspension of Sevin (wetting powder), which has a longer acaricidal effect and low toxicity to birds.

Sevin can be used for decontamination of poultry houses in the presence of poultry in concentrations of 0.25% suspension at a rate of 200 ml/m².

Acaricide solutions are applied with a fine spray, especially carefully filling cracks, grooves, and cracks. Disinsection is repeated to destroy newly hatched parasites: chicken mites - after 3-4 weeks, house bugs - after 10-16 days. It is more effective and convenient to treat premises with aerosols of chlorophos, trichlorometaphos, sevin and other insecticides, as well as with hexachlorane smoke bombs NBK-G17. The birds are placed in treated premises after thoroughly ventilating them for 4-6 hours.

In order to prevent the introduction of infection into the farm, newly arriving birds are quarantined, wild birds are not allowed to nest near poultry farms, the birds are periodically, especially in summer, examined for the presence of ticks (at night at the time of parasitism), and the locations of ticks in poultry houses and in the surrounding area are examined. In areas unfavorable for spirochetosis, decontamination of premises and surrounding areas is carried out repeatedly during the warm season. Sick birds are killed in a sanitary slaughterhouse. In case of exhaustion and pathological changes in the internal organs, the entire carcass is subject to technical disposal; in the absence of exhaustion, the internal organs are disposed of, and the carcass is released without restrictions. Eggs during bird illness are not used for incubation; they are sold for food purposes.

How to treat

Leptospirosis in cats is highly treatable if the animal is brought to the veterinary clinic on time. Self-medication is prohibited! Leptospirosis is dangerous for humans, so you should not conduct any experiments or attempts to cure a cat without the participation of a specialist!

The most important link in therapy is the use of antibiotics!

  • Antibiotics of first choice to stop the proliferation of Leptospira in the case of a cat’s severe condition (the first three days) are penicillin and its derivatives: amoxicillin (preferably if administered intravenously) 20 mg/kg twice a day at regular intervals or ampicillin 20 mg/kg every 8 hours
  • If an animal is allergic to penicillin antibiotics, it is allowed to use chloramphenicol (20 mg/kg subcutaneously) or streptomycin (20 mg/kg intramuscularly) once a day for 3 days.
  • The second stage of antibiotic therapy (destruction of leptospira in the body) is tetracycline antibiotics, in particular doxycycline - 5 mg/kg orally. This stage begins only after the animal begins to eat on its own, vomiting goes away and the absence of liver pathologies is confirmed, because Doxycycline has some hepatotoxicity in cats. It is best used as a hyclate salt rather than a monohydrate (drugs: Ronaxan, Paudox or Doxatib).
  • If there was no vomiting or signs of severe intoxication when visiting the veterinary clinic, then therapy can be started immediately with doxycycline. Also, this drug is indicated for cats that are healthy in appearance and that excrete the pathogen in the urine into the external environment, and this has been confirmed in the laboratory.

Symptomatic therapy

Mainly aimed at relieving signs of liver and kidney (especially) failure. Therapeutic regimens are drawn up after a blood test and assessment of the animal’s general condition.

Vitamin preparations and immunomodulators

They are administered at the discretion of the treating veterinarian. Considering the specific course of the disease in cats, leptospirosis is either quickly cured with a satisfactory recovery rate, or progresses rapidly with a fatal outcome. The expediency of use is not always justified.

The best treatments for protozoan parasites for cats

Often the presence of many diseases in cats is explained by the presence of protozoan parasitic microorganisms in the animal’s blood, lymph or digestive system.

The following medications are available to combat protozoan parasites in cats:

  • Biseptol;
  • Trimethoprim;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Tinidazole;
  • Furazolidone.


The combined sulfonamide antibacterial drug Biseptol contains trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole - this combination provides a wide spectrum of bactericidal action.

The medicine is active against aerobic gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria: streptococci, enterococci, meningococci, anthrax bacillus (the causative agent of anthrax), listeria, nocardia, gonococci, E. coli, salmonella, cholera pathogens, etc.


The drug is available in three dosage forms: round, flat, white tablets with a yellowish tint; suspension for oral use, light cream or white in color with the smell of strawberries; a concentrate, which is a clear, colorless liquid with the odor of alcohol, for preparing a solution for jet or drip intravenous administration.

In doses prescribed by a specialist, Biseptol is usually well tolerated by animals. Contraindications for use are renal impairment and liver failure. Do not use the medicine to treat pregnant and lactating females.


A complex antibacterial drug for the treatment of animals, occupying a leading position in the Russian Federation and the CIS among drugs based on trimethoprim and sulfadimezine.

The drug in appearance is a sterile solution of light yellow color.

Ditrim is produced packaged in 20, 50 and 100 ml in hermetically sealed glass bottles.


Ditrim is prescribed to cattle and cats for the treatment of bacterial infections of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, the pathogens of which are sensitive to sulfadimezine and trimethoprim.


Metronidazole for cats is used as a therapeutic therapy for various diseases, the causative agents of which are organisms with high sensitivity to the constituent components of the drug.

Metronidazole is recommended for use for the following indications:

  • Trichomoniasis;
  • Giardiasis;
  • Histomoniasis;
  • For dysentery;
  • For ulcerative gingivitis;
  • During mastitis in necrotic form;
  • With necrobacteriosis;
  • Enterotoxemia;
  • Diarrhea that is caused by Campylobacter spp;
  • For the treatment of postpartum anaerobic infectious lesions;
  • For aphthous stomatitis.

Metronidazole in the form of gels for topical use can be used during the treatment of animals for gingivitis and skin diseases caused by protozoan anaerobic microorganisms.


In addition, the tablets can be diluted with saline and used externally.


It is a white to light yellow powder. 1.0 g of the drug contains 0.2 g of tinidazole, excipients and filler.

Tinidazole, which is part of the drug, is a derivative of 5-nitroimidazole and has a wide spectrum of action. The drug is effective against pathogens of protozoal infestations (Trichomonas foetus, Balantidium suis, Entamoeba spp., Lamblia spp.), pathogens of anaerobic infections (Clostridium spp., Fusobacterium spp., Bacteroides spp., including Bacteroides nodosus).

The mechanism of action of the drug is the biochemical reduction of the 5-nitro group of tinidazole by intracellular transport proteins of anaerobic microorganisms and protozoa.

The reduced 5-nitro group of tinidazole interacts with the DNA of microbial cells, inhibits the synthesis of nucleic acids, which leads to the death of microorganisms.

Also, the nitro group of the drug, which is an electron acceptor, is integrated into the respiratory chain of microorganisms (competes with electron transporting proteins - flavoproteins, etc.), which disrupts the respiratory processes and causes cell death.

The drug is well absorbed from the digestive tract, penetrates organs and tissues, passes through the placenta and the blood-brain barrier.

Plasma protein binding is less than 20%. In the liver, tinidazole is metabolized by hydroxylation, oxidation and binding to glucuronic acid. The half-life is 12-14 hours. It is excreted from the body mainly with bile and urine.


The medicine is intended for the treatment of animals and poultry with diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to tinidazole (balantidiasis in pigs, trichomoniasis in cows and bulls, giardiasis in small domestic animals - dogs and cats, as well as histomoniasis in turkeys, ducks and geese).

In recommended doses, the drug does not cause side effects. In animals with increased individual sensitivity to tinidazole or other nitroimidazole derivatives, allergic reactions (dermatitis, itching, swelling) are possible.

If an allergic reaction occurs (dermatitis, itching, swelling), the use of the drug is stopped and antihistamines and desensitizing drugs (diphenhydramine, calcium chloride solution, glucose) are prescribed. There is no specific antidote. With long-term treatment, candidiasis may develop.

The drug should not be used for severe diseases of the liver, blood, central nervous system, as well as for pregnant animals.

The use of tinidazole in combination with any alcohol-containing drugs is contraindicated, since acetaldehyde accumulation may occur due to impaired ethanol oxidation.


Furazolidone is a drug with a broad spectrum of action aimed at destroying germs and bacteria. Compared to similar drugs, the advantage of Furazolidone is that microorganisms slowly develop resistance to it.

Furazolidone is more powerful than many well-known drugs and is often used if antibiotic treatment does not produce visible results.

The drug is used to treat enteritis, hepatitis, coccidiosis and other diseases caused by microorganisms. Good results were obtained when the drug was used in the treatment of massive intestinal infections of the viral type.

The drug is sold only in tablet form. The small tablets are coated with yellow glaze and do not smell of anything, but have a bitter odor, so problems may arise when treating a cat.


The tablet must either be crushed, dissolved in water and given to the cat to drink, or divided into pieces and forced to swallow. In both cases, your cat will feel bitter and you will most likely notice a lot of drooling.

The dosage of Furazolidone is prescribed individually and only by a doctor. One tablet contains only 0.05 g of active ingredient, so you need to be careful when dividing it into parts.

Practice shows that an overdose leads to a serious deterioration in the animal’s condition. Even the drug instructions do not contain detailed data on doses, only ranges and possible treatment algorithms.

By the way, the medicine is rarely prescribed from the first day of therapy; it is usually included in treatment if there is no positive dynamics.

Self-medication is very risky, but if you do not have any alternatives and the opportunity to consult a doctor, you need to use a regimen that can be called standard for cats:

  • The drug is crushed in the required quantity and mixed with food or water;
  • The resulting mixture is divided into 3 parts and force-fed/drinked to the cat every 4–6 hours;
  • The dosage for a large (over 5 kg) cat is no more than 1 tablet per day. For small cats, half a tablet; for kittens, it is better not to use it.

Is it possible to warn?

There are no vaccines for cats against leptospirosis!

The most important and only rule for preventing the disease is to limit contact of pets with all possible sources of infection: standing water, rodents, food from the street, yard cats, bats, etc. If the pet is free-ranging, you cannot be 100% sure that it is not itself a carrier of leptospirosis, having become infected from other animals and without having an obvious clinic. Cats that do not have access to the outdoors have an extremely low risk of infection.

What else you need to know about leptospirosis

  • The source of infection is sick animals and their feces (mainly urine). Most often, infection occurs in cats (in particular, rats) that eat infected rodents. The natural reservoir of infection is bats.
  • Externally, leptospirosis in cats manifests itself very, very rarely; most often they are asymptomatic carriers and carriers of the infection.
  • The diagnosis is confirmed only by laboratory tests of blood and urine. Leptospira spirochetes are detected.
  • Intrauterine infection from cats to kittens, through milk and through water, has been recorded. But the water method of infection in cats is quite rare due to their natural fear of hydrophobia.
  • Cats suffer from leptospirosis extremely rarely, and until a certain point it was believed that they had species-specific immunity to the pathogen. This infection is most often reported in dogs (information about canine leptospirosis here)
  • As the disease progresses, the liver and kidneys, nervous system, reproductive and visual organs are affected.
  • Taking into account the natural immunity of a cat to this infection, it is conventionally accepted that when clinical manifestations of leptospirosis occur, the cat’s body is already overly saturated with the pathogen. If there is no dynamics in treatment in the first few days and there is a stable deterioration in the condition, it is recommended to euthanize the animal to reduce the risk of infection to humans.
  • In practice, cases of sudden external recovery have been recorded, when the symptoms disappeared abruptly, as if they had never existed. But the cat remained a carrier of the infection.

Source: zoosecrets.ru


With this disease, the small intestine is damaged by protozoan parasites. Infection occurs through consumption of water and food contaminated with Giardia protozoa. A person can also become infected from a cat, so you need to be extremely careful when cleaning the cat's litter box. Symptoms include changes in stool, diarrhea or diarrhea, and sometimes worms are visible in the stool. As we see, protozoan parasites and pathologies in cats are mutually related. And in order to begin proper treatment, you need to conduct an accurate diagnosis of which protozoan caused a specific disease.

Pathogen and routes of infection

The disease is caused by Leptospira, microorganisms of the class of spirochetes. Leptospira interrogans is a bacterium with a long, spirally twisted body no more than 500 microns in length. There are many serological groups of this parasite, all of them are unstable to low humidity, temperature fluctuations, direct sunlight and disinfectants. In water, leptospira remain viable for about a month, in moist soil - up to 3 months.

Infection with leptospirosis occurs through direct contact of a healthy animal with the secretions of a carrier of infection or a sick individual: urine, feces, milk, saliva. A cat can become infected by sniffing or licking “marks” left on grass or bushes by other cats, by catching a sick rodent, or by drinking water that an infected animal previously drank.

After the parasite enters its body, the cat can remain a carrier of the infection for up to 3-4 months, until the pathogenic microorganisms that are in “sleep mode” receive an environment comfortable for life. Then Leptospira begins to actively multiply, penetrating the blood, intestinal mucosa, epithelium of the kidney and liver tubules, and leading to damage to these organs. Leptospira can affect the eyes, nervous system and cause general intoxication of the body.

Leptospira interrogans

How does leptospirosis develop?

Once the parasite is ingested, the pet becomes a carrier for 3-4 months. During this time, pathogenic cells are able to multiply while in a comfortable living environment. They actively divide, penetrate into the blood, intestines, and onto the surface of the liver and kidneys. Such vital activity leads to irreversible damage to the pet’s internal organs.

Then damage to the eyes and nerve cells begins. Yellowing appears on the sclera, and ulcers appear on the eyelids, nose, and mouth. The patient's coat looks very bad.

The cat's general condition is deteriorating: he moves less and less and does not eat anything. Most often, an animal close to a coma refuses water. In this case, you need to give him liquid little by little through a syringe. If the animal is unable to swallow, it must be hospitalized immediately.

It all ends in severe intoxication of the body. The cat vomits bile and stomach acid for a long time and painfully. Vomit has an unpleasant odor. During this period, the animal can no longer get up. The only thing that can save him is placement in a hospital and intensive therapy.


From the moment of infection until the first signs of leptospirosis appear, it can take from 2 to 10 days, this depends on the degree of damage and the level of resistance of the cat’s body. Since the spirochete affects almost all organs, as well as the cardiovascular, central and peripheral nervous systems, the symptoms of the disease can be very different, which makes it difficult to diagnose the disease based on history during the initial examination.

Symptoms of leptospirosis in cats may include:

  • loss of activity;
  • poor appetite;
  • fever;
  • elevated temperature;
  • severe vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • unpleasant smell of urine;
  • muscle soreness upon palpation;
  • redness and bleeding of the oral mucosa;
  • yellowness of the skin and cornea of ​​the eyes

In severe cases, the cat may experience clonic convulsions, which end in coma and death of the animal.

Attention! There are cases of spontaneous remission of leptospirosis, when all signs of the disease suddenly disappear in a cat. However, the animal remains a carrier of the infection for a long time. Therefore, until the results of the examination are received confirming the absence of a pathogen in the cat’s body, it should be kept in isolation.

Brain diseases

Let us examine in detail the disease, stroke in a cat, symptoms, treatment of consequences. Stroke is a brain disease caused by too much blood flow. The pet loses its balance, its head is tilted at an unusual angle, periodically loses consciousness and is not oriented in space.

Injections are prescribed to reduce inflammation of brain cells. Constant monitoring of the cat is also required, because it may be in a paralyzed state and will not be able to care for itself. Next, physical therapy is prescribed until physical abilities are restored. The consequences can range from blindness to loss of coordination.


The diagnosis of leptospirosis is established on the basis of clinical signs and a series of laboratory tests using microscopic, serological, microbiological and molecular genetic methods. In order to detect the pathogen in the body, clinical and biochemical blood tests are performed, and the titer of antibodies to leptospirosis in the urine and blood. For serological diagnosis of leptospirosis in cats, the microagglutination method is used.

One of the accurate methods for diagnosing infectious diseases is PCR analysis, based on the polymerase chain reaction. It makes it possible to detect even single components of spirochete DNA in the body of a sick animal. To carry out PCR analysis, any biological material can be used - blood, urine, saliva, tissue particles obtained from a biopsy. If there is a need to assess the extent of damage to internal organs by Leptospira, the cat may be prescribed an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.

Diagnostic techniques

A detailed medical history collected by the veterinarian plays an important role. Tell him when and after what you noticed the first clinical manifestations in your pet. Be sure to tell the specialist if your cat has had any fights with his fellow cats, if you have found a tick embedded in him, etc.

First, the specialist will perform a full physical examination of your pet. It includes: measuring body temperature and counting heartbeats, listening to the heart and lungs with a stethoscope, checking gums, eyes, and reflexes. Palpation of the abdominal cavity and lymph nodes is important. Subsequently, a complete blood test (including serology and microscopic examination), urine and stool is performed.

Giardiasis is usually detected by microscopic analysis of stool (which may reveal parasite cysts). For this purpose, the so-called “floating film” method is used. However, experienced experts believe that a simple stool smear is quite enough for this. Again, practice proves that detecting cysts can be almost impossible (especially if there are few of them).

Babesiosis is also detected after a microscopic examination, but this time of the blood. In doubtful and severe cases, they resort to other diagnostic methods:

  • Serological ELISA reaction.
  • PCR reaction.
  • Other serological studies.


A set of measures for the treatment of leptospirosis in cats necessarily includes antibiotic therapy. Spirochetes Leptospira interrogans are sensitive to drugs of the penicillin, tetracycline, polymyxin series, chloramphenicol, streptomycin. In addition, hyperimmune sera are used, which contain large quantities of antibodies to Leptospira.

Over a long period, the cat is given immunomodulators and vitamins, as well as glucose, which is not only needed to support the animal, but also has a detrimental effect on the spirochete. The prescription of other drugs depends on which organs are affected. To replenish pathological losses of the body, blood transfusions or infusion therapy may be necessary. In case of severe intoxication, antibiotics and steroid hormones (corticosteroids) are combined.

The treatment process is carried out under the constant supervision of a veterinarian. If the disease is severe, the cat may require treatment in an inpatient unit. During the entire period of illness, the cat should be kept on a diet.

Important! A prerequisite for a cat contracting leptospirosis is the immediate sanitization of the room where it could be located. During the treatment of the animal, this treatment should be repeated regularly, every few days, in the isolation area of ​​the sick cat.

Source: usatiki.ru

Therapeutic techniques

Giardiasis is well treated when a specialist uses a combination of metronidazole and fenbendazole . In mild cases, one dose of medication is sufficient. If the disease is accompanied by severe vomiting and diarrhea, symptomatic treatment is prescribed, including intravenous infusion of detoxification drugs.

Patients with babesiosis are strongly advised to receive a blood transfusion, but in reality this is rarely done. The following drugs have proven to be very effective in the fight against this infection: atovaquone, diminazene aceturate or imidocarb dipropionate. In addition, anti-inflammatory corticosteroids may be prescribed.

How to remove protozoa from cats with toxoplasmosis? This is done using loading doses broad-spectrum antibiotics Clindamycin or perimethamine are especially effective.


Infection can be caused by eating infected rodents. At the same time, mice and rats do not suffer from leptospirosis, but are only carriers. Infection can occur after contact with the urine or feces of sick pets if they share the same litter box. Cats can be carriers of the infection for up to 4 months.

Leptospira is transmitted through milk, placenta, secretions from the lungs, genitals, tick bites, and insects. Pathogens live for a long time in reservoirs with stagnant water, large puddles, so the cause of infection is sometimes contact with contaminated water. There is a high risk of infection among cats walking in the forest and on livestock farms.


Many cats carrying Leptospira do not have any clinical symptoms of the disease. After infection, the immune system of such animals independently removes pathogens from all organs, with the exception of the kidneys.

If immunity is reduced, the infection affects all organs, causing great harm to the health of the animal. The severity of symptoms depends on the state of the pet’s immune defense before the moment of infection. More often, severe complications develop in kittens and adult cats with low immunity.

The disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Fever, increased temperature.
  • Muscle stiffness. The muscles of the legs are especially severely affected, as a result of which the cat’s gait changes.
  • Severe muscle pain when moving.
  • Body trembling.
  • Apathy, lethargy, refusal to eat.
  • Development of diarrhea, vomiting, sometimes with blood.
  • Dehydration.
  • Nasal discharge.
  • Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes due to liver dysfunction.
  • Swelling of the mucous membranes and lymph nodes.
  • Uneven pulse, increased breathing.
  • The appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina.
  • Red spots on the gums.

If you notice any of the above symptoms, take your pet to the vet immediately. Incorrect treatment or lack thereof leads to the death of the cat.

Laboratory diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of leptospirosis is carried out on the basis of examining the patient, studying the existing symptoms, checking blood and urine tests for leptospirosis. Serological tests are carried out to detect antibodies to the pathogen.

If necessary, the veterinarian prescribes a histological examination of samples of the patient’s kidneys and liver. To identify abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs, an ultrasound is performed on the animal.

There are cases when cats recover dramatically on their own, without drug treatment. Such animals still need to be examined at a veterinary clinic, since they remain carriers and pose a danger to others.

The earlier the diagnosis is made and treatment started, the greater the chance of saving the pet’s life. The most effective therapy is carried out no later than 4 days after infection. Therefore, the task of the cat owner is to show it to the veterinarian as soon as possible and begin treatment.

Diseases of British cats

It is also worth considering diseases of British cats and their symptoms, expressed in hair loss. If, for example, a British cat has lost its appetite and has been shedding heavily for a long time, pancreatic diseases may be the cause. Cats of this breed are susceptible to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and are very sensitive to food. To treat mild cases, gentle diets and vitamin complexes are mainly used.

This article was written for informational purposes and if your pet becomes ill, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.


If the diagnosis of leptospirosis is confirmed, the cat is prescribed medication. She must be on a strict diet while taking medications. Include easily digestible foods in her diet that do not create additional stress on the kidneys and liver. Eliminate fatty meats and do not serve fried food from your table. The food consumed by the animal must meet its needs for essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Avoid contact of a sick cat with children, other animals, and adult family members. The room in which the pet is located must be treated daily with disinfectant solutions. Immediately after diagnosis, the premises are deratized.

First aid

Leptospirosis in cats is treated with the following medications:

  • Antibiotics (Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Streptomycin).
  • Hyperimmune serum.
  • Immunomodulators.
  • Electrolytes.
  • Glucose, vitamins.

In case of severe disease, medications are administered intravenously. This allows you to quickly stop the process of bacterial growth and improve the patient’s condition.

If the disease progresses rapidly, leading to damage to vital organs, then veterinarians often recommend euthanizing such cats to avoid infection of people. Self-treatment of leptospirosis and lack of assistance from a veterinarian often causes the death of pets.

Antimicrobial therapy is carried out in two stages. The doctor’s task at the first stage is to immediately stop the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, which reduces the likelihood of developing severe complications. At the first stage of treatment, penicillin antibiotics are used. The second is antibacterial drugs to eliminate the status of a carrier of infection.

Basic treatment

When the pet’s condition returns to normal, he is prescribed medications whose action is aimed at removing the infection from the body. For this, Doxycycline is used in the form of a suspension or powder. It is prohibited to administer it intravenously, as this can provoke attacks of vomiting, shock, and deterioration in the animal’s general condition. With subcutaneous administration, an abscess may develop. Doxycycline should not be used to treat patients with liver damage.

In such cases, the veterinarian will prescribe more appropriate medications. But Doxycycline is the most effective remedy for leptospirosis. It is used to treat carrier cats that do not have symptoms of leptospirosis. This drug eliminates carrier status.

To increase immunity, the cat is given complex vitamins in the form of tablets or suspensions. In order to normalize the intestinal microflora after antibacterial treatment, the veterinarian may recommend probiotics. Leptospira negatively affects vital internal organs. Therefore, switch your cat to special medicinal food intended for animals with kidney and liver pathologies. The selection of suitable food should be carried out by a veterinarian.

Treatment of leptospirosis in cats

Unfortunately, cats, unlike dogs, are not specifically vaccinated against leptospirosis. Therefore, you need to protect the mustache from eating caught rodents, make sure that it does not drink water from puddles or dirty ponds, and also minimize contact with homeless relatives. For pets living in an apartment without walking or communicating with other four-legged animals, infection is almost not scary.

If you suspect infection, completely protect the sick person from contact with family members, especially protect the elderly and young children. For some time, you need to carefully monitor hygiene and regularly sanitize your home. It is necessary to remove the feces of an infected pet using disposable gloves, and treat the litter tray with disinfectant solutions.

The mainstay of therapy will be antibiotic injections. Other medications are added to these, depending on the symptoms. Antimicrobial effects are characterized by two stages:

1. Urgent suspension of the division of pathogenic viruses in blood cells, which will reduce the risk of damage to internal organs. Injections of ampicillin, tetracycline, amoxicillin, which are administered intravenously, are suitable for this task.

2. After the condition has normalized, the infection should be removed from the body. Doxycycline works best for this. Intravenous administration of the drug is prohibited due to possible shock. The medicine is prescribed only in powder form for the preparation of a suspension. Contraindication for use is a diseased liver.

Treatment of symptoms of leptospirosis in cats involves the use of:

  • antidiarrheal drugs;
  • enterosorbents;
  • painkilling injections;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

We must not forget that after drug therapy, the cat’s health will be weakened. Therefore, the cat needs a calm environment, as well as the right diet (the veterinarian will recommend it). In severe cases, the veterinarian prescribes a course of vitamin-mineral complexes and a glucose drip.

In general, therapy is carried out in several stages:

1. Destruction of the virus by using hyperimmune serum, which promotes the development of passive immunity 2-3 hours after the injection. Stable immunity lasts about 14 days; if necessary, the drug is re-administered, but the dose is reduced by half.

2. Relieving inflammation and intoxication reduces the likelihood of death. In this case, doses of antibiotics are prescribed.

3. Restoration of damaged tissues of internal organs.

4. Increasing immunity through the selection of immunomodulators.

5. Elimination of dehydration, replenishment of electrolytes.

6. Feed the cat boiled foods little by little, but often.

The course of therapy is carried out under the regular supervision of a veterinarian, sometimes in an inpatient department.


In order to reduce the risk of infection with leptospirosis, it is necessary to treat the animal's bed, toys, bowls and other items for use with disinfectants. Leptospires quickly die upon contact with disinfectants and boiling water. The pathogen exhibits resistance to low temperatures.

As a preventive measure, regularly control rodents, since in most cases they become the source of infection for cats. Make sure that your pet does not come into contact with stray cats, stagnant water, or eat low-quality or street foods. Animals that do not walk outside rarely develop leptospirosis.

The pet's immune status plays an important role. To increase the body's defenses, you need to provide your cat with a complete diet containing all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients necessary for its normal development. The owner of the cat must monitor the state of its health, immediately taking measures to eliminate diseases that lead to weakened immunity. At least once a year, give your pet vitamin complexes designed to improve the immunity of cats.

If in the yard where the cat lives there are farm animals - cows, horses, etc., you need to take care of their vaccination. There is no vaccine to prevent the disease in cats.

If the immune system of a healthy cat is able to resist Leptospira, then when these bacteria enter the human body they cause serious problems. Therefore, when taking measures to prevent your cat from becoming infected, remember about the health of the people living near it. The main rules of prevention for humans are compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and vaccination.

Source: koshek.ru

Parasites in cats: classification and signs. Effectively ridding your cat of parasites

Ectoparasite flea

There are more than 100 species of fleas in nature. Ctenocephalides felis (cat flea) is mainly found in cats. Ectoparasites on the fur and skin of cats are the most common type of disease. The most common of these are ticks and fleas.

Its characteristics:

  • has a flattened shape;
  • completely covered with bristles, which allows it to cling to the fur;
  • she has six legs. The hind legs are more developed, which allows her to jump up to 1.5 meters;
  • size from 2 to 2.5 mm;
  • the body is covered with chitin, which protects it from damage.

Such fleas are transmitted to humans in very rare cases. However, they can bite humans.

Symptoms of fleas in an animal include:

  • The cat not only constantly itches, but bites into the skin with its teeth;
  • hair falls out in certain areas;
  • the skin becomes covered with reddish crusts;
  • Using a magnifying glass, you can see oblong bodies 2-3 mm in size on the skin;
  • when examining the skin, you can detect dark waste products of fleas, similar to millet grain;
  • you can see white, oval-shaped flea eggs.

Fleas on a cat

For prevention purposes, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Your pet's resting place should be cleaned as often as possible.
  2. Vacuum the room as often as possible.
  3. After walking or visiting other places, it is worth checking the cat for fleas.
  4. Before visiting potentially dangerous places, use antiparasitic agents.

If fleas are found on your pet, you should do the following:

  1. Comb out fleas with a special brush.
  2. For itching, use antihistamines for cats.
  3. Disinfect the litter.
  4. Treat the apartment with a special product or add five drops of tansy and mint essential oil to the water for washing floors.

The most effective folk methods of struggle are:

  • Pour 20 grams of dry wormwood into two glasses of water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Cool the resulting broth, strain and wipe the animal’s fur with it;
  • rub the animal's fur with several cloves of garlic;
  • Combine dried wormwood, mint, and tansy in equal quantities. For one liter of boiling water, take a tablespoon of the mixture and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Cool, strain and spray the cat's fur.

Lice on cats

Lice are rare in cats. They feed on fur and dry skin flakes of the animal.

They have the following characteristics:

  • light yellow, light gray;
  • size up to 2 mm;
  • have three pairs of legs with hooks;
  • crawl slowly and do not jump.

Lice on a cat

Signs of a skin lice infestation include:

  • The cat is constantly itching. Most affected areas: ears, base of tail, neck;
  • the coat sheds heavily and becomes disheveled;
  • places appear completely devoid of hair
  • excrement, nits and adults can be found at the bite sites.

Cat lice are not dangerous to humans. However, they are carriers of helminths. Children who pet a cat and do not always wash their hands can become infected.

The following drugs are used for treatment:

  1. Emulsoids are wax-like substances that are diluted with water and applied to the coat.
  2. Drops and sprays - applied to the withers and distributed along the back.
  3. Collars and shampoos.

Ear mites

Symptoms of ear mite infestation include:

  • scratching the ears and shaking the head;
  • pets run, meow and scratch their ears until they bleed;
  • hair in the ear area sticks together;
  • turning away the ear, you can find a purulent mass with an unpleasant odor;
  • in a more advanced stage, the animal is with its head constantly turned at 90 or 120 degrees.

At the first signs, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Ear mites under a microscope

Treatment is carried out based on the following principles:

  1. Treating ears with antiseptics. This is done with ear sticks, soaking them in a disinfectant solution (hydrogen peroxide, camphor alcohol, etc.).
  2. Use of acaricidal drugs: ointments, gels, drops. After application, massage the auricle.
  3. In advanced cases, injections are used.
  4. Boost your immunity with proper nutrition and vitamin intake.

Ear mites in cats are not dangerous to humans. But it can be a carrier of diseases. Therefore, it is worth following preventive measures.

Nematodes in cats

Nematodes (worms) are worms that attack the gastrointestinal tract. Both domestic and domestic pets can become infected. They are small in size and belong to the group of roundworms.

For some time, symptoms do not appear. Then the following symptoms appear:

  • lack of appetite;
  • poor immunity;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • a sharp decrease in the animal’s weight;
  • disruption of the functioning of internal organs;
  • complicated form of disease;
  • development of anemia.

If a cat is infected with nematodes, they can be transmitted to humans through food. Children and people with weak immune systems are especially susceptible to infection.

If your cat is infected with nematodes, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. He will prescribe treatment and select appropriate medications.

The most commonly used drugs include:

  • pyrantel;
  • furniture;
  • piperazine;
  • fenbendazole;
  • phenothiazine;
  • praziquantel and others.

For prevention, it is worth giving raw meat and fish as little as possible, cleaning the toilet more often, food should be fresh. Eyeless nematode worms and eggs


Cestodes belong to the group of tapeworms. They have the following characteristics:

  • length from 10 to 80 cm;
  • the body consists of numerous segments;
  • Cestode segments resemble grains of rice in feces, on the fur in the anal area.

Symptoms of a cat infection include:

  • state of oppression;
  • poor appetite;
  • vomit;
  • weight loss;
  • itching in the anus;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • nervousness.

A person can become infected with cestodes from a cat in the following ways:

  • with direct contact;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • through feces;
  • through saliva.

Tapeworm (cestodes)

Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian. Can be written out:

  • fenasal;
  • phenalidone;
  • praziquantel;
  • Filixan;
  • dronzite;
  • Kamala etc.

Medicines are given once with food. Before taking it, it is advisable to fast for a long time.


Trematodes parasitize the bile ducts of the liver. There are suction cups on their body, with which they suck very tightly into the organ.

Like all worms, trematodes can be transmitted to humans.

There are many varieties of flukes. Symptoms of infection depend on the type of parasite.

  1. The species Paragonimus kellicotti causes lung diseases. Animals exhibit cough, shortness of breath, and hemoptysis.
  2. Species Nanophyetus salmincola. They live in the small intestine. The animal suffers from abdominal pain and diarrhea.
  3. The species Heterobilharziaamericana inhabits the mesenteric and hepatic veins. The cat begins to vomit and loses weight sharply.

Effective drugs against trematodes have not yet been developed.

Trematode parasite

Treatment is carried out with medications that are not officially intended for this purpose: praziquantel, epsiprantel, fenbendazole, etc.

As a preventive measure, you should give your cat fish only in boiled form.

lice eaters

Lice eaters have the following symptoms:

  • size 1-2 mm;
  • abdomen long, oval in shape;
  • the head is wider than the chest and has a quadrangular shape.

Lice eaters feed on particles of wool and skin.

When an animal becomes infected, the following may occur:

  • infection with worms;
  • infection with infectious diseases;
  • allergies, rash, hair loss;
  • loss of appetite;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

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A cat can become infected in the following ways:

  • while walking;
  • in contact with other animals;
  • a person can carry parasites with their shoes.

Signs of the appearance of lice:

  • the cat is constantly itching;
  • the presence of wounds in places of scratching;
  • the presence of waste products of parasites on the skin;
  • baldness;
  • the cat becomes irritable;
  • insomnia.

Lice eaters are not dangerous to humans.

Treatment must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Lice eater close up

The following remedies are used against parasites:

  • spray is the most effective and convenient remedy. Sprays against the cat's fur;
  • drops - applied to the withers;
  • shampoo - it will not be possible to completely get rid of parasites;
  • tablets - allow you to get rid of lice and other types of parasites.


Roundworms are a type of worm that grows up to 20 cm in length. Signs of manifestation:

  • good appetite, but no weight gain;
  • scratching the anus on the floor;
  • dullness of coat;
  • brown crusts in the corners of the eyes;
  • periodic cough.

Roundworms are capable of living in the body of a specific animal. But they pose a certain threat to humans. Therefore, you need to make it a rule: wash your hands after interacting with your cat.

The presence of roundworms can only be determined in laboratory conditions. They are treated with a single dose of medication. After two weeks, repeat the dose.


It is best to purchase tablets with a broad spectrum of action that fight both nematodes and cestodes.

A number of ailments associated with the parasitic influence of hostile organisms. An example of such diseases is entomosis. These are diseases caused by insects that parasitize cats for long periods of time. A variety of such parasites are fleas, lice eaters, and ticks. Infection occurs through infected animals (from one to another).

Symptoms include itching and inflammation of the skin, which is caused by flea bites. Cats begin to itch and tear certain parts of their body into blood. When treating fleas, various collars are used, as well as shampoos and tablets. For example, Stronghold for cats and other effective antiparasitic drugs prescribed by a veterinarian.

According to some data, Giardia is found in 35% of fecal samples in cat shelters, and the infection spreads especially quickly among young animals.

Giardia protozoa live and reproduce by attaching themselves to the cat's small intestine. They form cysts that are excreted from the body in feces. Transfer occurs when it enters the cat's mouth.

A cat infected with Giardia parasites sometimes does not cause any symptoms. In other cases, the infection leads to weight loss, prolonged diarrhea - constant or intermittent, especially in kittens. The stool is usually soft, poorly formed, pale, with mucus and a strong odor. Sometimes giardiasis is accompanied by vomiting. Diagnosis is based on the presence of Giardia cysts or antigens to them in feline stool samples.

Treatment of giardiasis in cats is carried out with medications that effectively act on protozoa. There are vaccines against Giardia that relieve symptoms and reduce the number and duration of release of cysts into the environment. Your veterinarian can recommend a vaccine that is appropriate for your cat.

Pathogen and routes of infection

Leptospires are fairly mobile bacteria, thin and filamentous. They belong to spirochetes and retain their properties for 2-3 months in environmental conditions.

Conditions with high humidity and ambient temperatures above 25 degrees are especially favorable for Leptospira. This justifies the increased incidence in tropical conditions and in the summer.

In microbiology, there are more than 200 variants of pathogenic Leptospira, which differ in the content of lipopolysaccharides. Each specific type of microorganism has its own adaptive properties to wild or domestic animals.

Farm animals have their own serogroups, but domestic dogs and cats have a similar serotype to humans, so there is a high probability of infection of the owner from a pet. Routes of infection can be direct and indirect. Thus, leptospirosis bacteria can infect cats through close contact with the urine of sick animals or feces.

In addition, the disease is transmitted through the bites of blood-sucking insects, through sexual contact of a sick animal with a healthy one, through the feto-placental barrier from an infected mother to the fetus.

The release of infectious agents into the environment occurs mainly through urine. A possible route of infection is when a cat comes into contact with infected soil, food or bedding. Leptospires reproduce well and retain their properties in stagnant water, so another route of infection is drinking contaminated water.

Penetration of bacterial microorganisms occurs through damaged mucous membranes or skin. It is worth noting that this type of transmission of the pathogen in cats is unlikely, since cats rarely drink water from untreated reservoirs. However, infection can occur by eating infected rodents (natural reservoirs of leptospirosis).

Infection occurs through contact of a cat with the urine of dogs living in the same territory as them.

Scientists have been conducting research for several decades on the distribution of leptospirosis species in the urine of domestic cats. It was found that about 85% of once stray animals that later live in shelters release harmful microorganisms of leptospirosis into the environment in their urine.

Wild representatives of the cat family are also susceptible to infection with leptosprosis, releasing the pathogen into the environment through urine.

Diagnosis of the disease

The presence of pathology in a cat can be determined by direct and indirect methods. According to veterinarians, the most accurate method for determining Leptospira is MAT (microagglutination), which makes it possible to accurately show the presence of antibodies in the animal’s body. In addition, there are also diagnostic procedures such as:

  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction) diagnostics;
  • urine analysis of an infected pet;
  • careful examination of the dried smear using light techniques.

Additionally, an examination of the liver and kidneys of your furry pet may be required; this is done using ultrasound. Since Leptospira can be transmitted to humans, it is not worth ignoring the symptoms of a cat having the pathology in question, since in this case the owner risks not only his own health, but also the well-being of loved ones.

Danger to humans

There are about 16 serotypes of Leptospira in the environment that are infectious to both humans and domestic animals. Leptospirosis in cats may not have a clinical picture, that is, it may be asymptomatic. The owner may not know that his pet is infected and continue to contact him. Most often, a person in this case is a leptospiron carrier, and if the body’s defenses are weakened, the disease may manifest itself.

Leptospirosis in humans develops with varying severity, but the main symptoms are pain in the muscle fibers, the symptoms reminiscent of the pain of an acute viral respiratory infection. In addition, the color of the tunica albuginea (sclera) may change to yellow.

Painful sensations in the knees and dyspeptic disorders (profuse diarrhea mixed with blood) are diagnosed. All this indicates a serious pathological process and requires immediate medical intervention. If not treated in a timely manner, leptospirosis leads to the development of inflammatory processes in the endocardium, causing hemorrhages in the heart.

Kidney damage is possible, even to the point of organ failure. In the most severe cases of leptospirosis in humans, it is necessary to connect to an artificial kidney apparatus. That is why it is extremely important to promptly recognize the infection in your pet and, if the result is positive, contact a veterinarian.

It would be a good idea to consult a human doctor and undergo the necessary blood tests. The success of treatment directly depends on the speed of diagnosis.


Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the systemic bloodstream through damaged tissues and are then distributed throughout the body. Leptospira can infect an animal's organs of vision, hepatorenal system, reproductive organs, and even the brain.

The stage and severity of the pathological process directly depends on the state of the body's defenses. With weak immunity, the risk of developing leptospirosis and the complications that the disease entails increases sharply.

It has been proven that young cats and kittens, as well as females during pregnancy, are more susceptible to infection due to a decrease in the body's defenses.

Symptoms of leptospirosis in cats have characteristic features, the main of which are:

  • febrile conditions (sharp increases in body temperature);
  • unsteady gait and uncertainty when making movements (even during normal walking);
  • stiffness (rigidity) of the main muscle fibers in the hind limbs;
  • muscle pain;
  • apathetic states;
  • weight loss due to lack of appetite;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • muscle tremors;
  • chronic kidney failure;
  • dyspeptic disorders (profuse diarrhea with blood);
  • rhinitis and edema of the mucous membranes;
  • an increase in the volume of regional lymph nodes;
  • the appearance of hyperemic spots in the gum area;
  • yellowness of the sclera and skin;
  • blood discharge from the female's vagina;
  • difficulty breathing (shortness of breath), cough and irregular pulse.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of leptospirosis includes a general, thorough clinical examination of the sick animal, as well as anamnesis. In addition, important criteria for making a diagnosis are a general analysis of urine and blood. It is worth remembering that it is quite difficult to detect leptospirosis in an animal the first time and several techniques are used for this.

One such technique is direct isolation, which involves microscopic examination of a patient's urine sample. Pathogenic microorganisms tend to be released into the environment periodically, so it is not always possible to detect them in liquids. One of the methods for diagnosing leptospirosis is immunofluorescence analysis, which allows one to isolate a harmful microorganism.

In some cases, with severe symptoms, a culture of Leptospira is isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid when taking a biosample. The polymerase chain reaction method is also used to detect the DNA of a pathogenic microorganism.

Determining the presence of Leptospira in a cat’s body is possible by identifying specific antibodies. It is worth noting that a negative result does not always mean that there is no leptospirosis in the animal’s body.

The basic treatment of the disease is antibiotic therapy. Depending on the nature of the manifestations, the veterinarian selects a number of other medications that help eliminate the signs and speed up the animal’s recovery.

The course of treatment consists of several stages:

  • Relief of the pathological process in the systemic bloodstream, which reduces the risk of damage to internal systems. Immunization is widely used, and in advanced cases, drugs are administered intravenously.
  • After stabilizing the cat’s condition, it is necessary to carry out therapy aimed at destroying microorganisms in the internal organs. For these purposes, an antimicrobial agent is used - Doxycyline and only in the form of oral administration. Intravenous administration of the drug can cause shock in a cat. In case of violations of the liver structures, it is necessary to select another remedy.

Symptomatic treatment of leptospirosis in cats involves the use of:

  • antidiarrheals;
  • enterosorbents;
  • painkillers;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

During treatment and the first time of the rehabilitation period, the pet requires special care. This is due to the fact that the animal’s body is greatly weakened and may fail. A veterinarian should recommend a balanced food that is easy to digest and provides strength to the body.

The cat requires rest and careful hygiene. For safety reasons, the owner of the animal should not neglect preventive measures when caring for the patient. When removing the cat litter box, wear gloves, and thoroughly wash the plastic itself and treat it with disinfectants.

Coccidiosis is extremely dangerous

Coccidiosis (isosporosis) in cats is a dangerous disease, especially for kittens.

Coccidiosis (Eimeriosis, Zosporosis) is an acute protozoal disease that occurs in cats when infected with protozoan parasites of the genus Eoimeria and Isospora.

The life cycle of coccidia has three periods: schizogony (asexual reproduction, cells divide independently without the participation of partners, and absolutely identical single-celled organisms are formed), gametogony (sexual reproduction between heterosexual cells) and sporogony (formation of oocysts - forms resistant to unfavorable environmental conditions necessary for the survival of the parasite after leaving the host’s body).

After a mature oocyst enters the body of a healthy cat, its capsule dissolves in the stomach and intestinal cells are damaged. Schizogony and gametogony occur inside the epithelial cells of the host's intestine - endogenously, and massive damage to the intestine occurs, leading to disruption of its function.

Sporogony - in the external environment, outside the host - exogenous. The source of isosporosis infection for cats are bowls, bedding, toys, trays and other objects surrounding a sick animal.

Coccidiosis is a widespread infestation of cats, but kittens are most often affected by this disease.

As well as animals with severe immunosuppression, these can be animals that are constantly exposed to stress, have severe helminthic infestation, chronic viral infections in cats, etc.

Infection occurs when an animal eats contaminated feces or an infected animal and through water.

Coccidia in a cat

Coccidia, penetrating the epithelial cells of the intestinal mucosa, destroy them and thus cause mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, which greatly reduces its absorption function.

These affected areas of the cat's intestine are a fertile breeding ground for the uncontrolled development of opportunistic microflora (bacteria and viruses that are usually present in the intestinal lumen, but do not cause harm to a healthy animal), aggravating the course of the disease with an extensive inflammatory process.

In the small intestine, the main type of digestion, membrane digestion, is disrupted.

In the animal's body, dehydration and disruption of the acid-base balance in the blood occurs, which leads to dysfunction of all organs and systems. Without timely correction, this condition can lead to the death of the animal, especially if it is a kitten.

The incubation period of coccidiosis can range from three to fifteen days or more, depending on the general condition of the animal’s body and the resistance of its immune system.

Treatment methods

Treatment of coccidiosis in cats should be comprehensive.

In addition to prescribing etiotropic therapy (treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, when treating protozoa we are talking about antibacterial drugs), the animal should also receive symptomatic treatment aimed at eliminating dysfunction of organs and systems - replenishing fluid deficiency through intravenous drips.

The drugs of choice for the treatment of coccidiosis in cats are antibiotics of the sulfonamide group. For example, sulfadimethaxine is prescribed at a dosage of 50 mg/kg in the first two days, then 25 mg/kg per day for 2-3 weeks. In addition, it is necessary to observe animal hygiene measures.

To prevent coccidiosis (isosporosis) in cats, it is necessary to keep them in clean, dry, well-ventilated areas. Dishes and care items must be thoroughly and regularly washed and disinfected, and contact with stray animals must be prevented.

Coccidiosis is a disease in which parasitic single-celled microorganisms - coccidia - penetrate into the intestinal epithelial cells of cats, destroying them. Although such infections are very common, the disease often occurs without characteristic symptoms.

Coccidia most often infect kittens and cats whose bodies are weakened for some reason. Because of this, coccidiosis is most common in cats that are poorly fed, living in poor sanitation or overcrowding, and after stress such as weaning and in cats that have had other intestinal infections.

The most common symptoms of coccidiosis in severe cases are diarrhea (sometimes bloody), weight loss and dehydration. For diagnosis, veterinarians use stool analysis data, external signs of disease and intestinal disorders.

Cats usually do not require treatment as the body is usually able to clear the infection on its own. However, if necessary, sick cats can be treated with medication.

To prevent coccidiosis, it is very important to provide good sanitation, especially in catteries or homes where several cats live. Litter trays should be cleaned frequently and feces should not be contaminated with food or water. Cages, dishes, toys and other cat accessories should be cleaned daily. Raw meat should be excluded from the cat's diet. It is also necessary to treat the area against insects.

Coccidiosis is a disease in which parasitic single-celled microorganisms - coccidia - penetrate into the epithelial cells of the intestinal tract of cats, destroying them. Although such infections are very common, the disease often occurs without characteristic symptoms.

To prevent coccidiosis, it is very important to provide good sanitation, especially in catteries or homes where several cats live. Litter trays should be cleaned frequently and feces should not be contaminated with food or water. Cages, dishes, toys and other cat accessories should be cleaned daily. Raw meat should be excluded from the cat's diet. It is also necessary to treat the area against insects.

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In order to avoid the development of leptospirosis in their pet, the owner must take preventive measures in advance. In recent years, the best measure to prevent the development of bacterial infection has been the feline leptospirosis vaccine. It is necessary to promptly destroy rodents in the house and basements to prevent the spread of infection.

An attentive owner who loves his pet must pay maximum attention to the diet and general condition of the body. A weak and emaciated animal with weak immune defense is an excellent target and reservoir for various diseases.

It is important to get vaccinated against various viral and bacterial infections in a timely manner, as well as to carry out regular preventive treatment against skin and internal parasites. It is recommended to prevent visiting places where there may be carriers of the disease.

Source: zen.yandex.ru

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