Cat eye makeup: technique with step-by-step instructions

  • October 18, 2018
  • Other states
  • Angelina Simakova

If kittens have festering eyes, what should you do? Their eyes are often susceptible to this disease. If an animal squints its organs of vision or they hurt and water, this may be both a symptom of serious pathologies and the consequences of poor hygiene. Next, we’ll figure out why kittens’ eyes can fester, what should be done in such a case, and how to properly treat them. In addition, we will find out what medications are needed for therapy.

First aid

Kittens' eyes often fester, what should I do? Cats' eyes should not normally hurt.

A variant of the norm is the presence of only a small amount of discharge, which is characterized by a non-purulent nature of a cloudy milky or transparent shade in the inner corners. These occur for no particular reason and are not considered a consequence of the disease. Discharge may accumulate after the animal sleeps or after a walk. The alarm should be sounded when they become greenish or yellowish, then this can be regarded as a symptom of the disease.

Not everyone knows how to treat a kitten’s eyes if they are festering. If the animal has a discharge that is uncharacteristic of its normal condition, and its eyes are sore and inflamed, the kitten itself will require urgent help, regardless of the reasons for such symptoms. It is best to immediately go to the veterinarian, but the owner must also be able to independently provide first aid to his animal. Such measures alleviate the condition of pets and relieve inflammation in non-serious diseases.

It is necessary to first rinse the cat's eyes in order to free them from purulent accumulation. The cat may struggle, so you need to immediately wrap it in a towel or hold its paws with your hands. Ideally, this process can be performed by two people. When a kitten’s eyes fester, you should never clean them with dry cotton wool, this will definitely harm the inflamed organ. You should prepare a soft cloth; cotton pads with a medicinal composition for rinsing are also suitable.

If a kitten has festering eyes, what should you do? The answer to this question interests many.


Despite the existence of a huge number of different variations of this makeup, it still has one main principle that unites all the options. “Cat eye” is a technique, the essence of which is to visually narrow and lengthen the eye to make the look languid, gentle, sensual and daring at the same time. You can achieve lengthening using arrows, which are drawn either with a pencil, or with eyeliner, or with dark shadows.

Note! Often girls shade the arrow, giving it a slight carelessness and volume. In a sense, this technique completely repeats the “smoky eye”, but still the techniques differ from each other.

As mentioned above, arrows suit everyone, the main thing is to be able to draw and play them correctly. All you need to do is calculate the width and length of the arrow so that it looks like an extension of your eye and looks harmonious in the image. The following rules are also important to follow when it comes to makeup using the cat eye technique.

  • Carefully select the shape of the arrow for your eye type and color

For example, for a convex eyelid, the arrow should not be very wide and more elongated, and it should start from the middle of the upper eyelid. Also, in the case of bulging eyes, there is no need to emphasize the lower eyelid - this way you will get the opposite effect and will only emphasize the “bulge”.

  • Based on the shape of your eyes

For girls with close-set eyes, the advice is about the same as above - don’t be afraid to extend the arrow further beyond the corner of the eye, this way you “pull” the eyes away from each other, making them more elongated. If the eyes are set wide apart from each other, they, on the contrary, need to be narrowed.

Important! Do not go far beyond the corner of the eye and draw the arrow all the way to the inner corner, but do not make it too wide so as not to create the effect of an overhanging eyelid.

If you have narrow eyes, your arrows should be wide and elongated - this way you can definitely make them visually larger. At the same time, be sure to emphasize the lower crease of the eyelid, but do not do this with eyeliner! Draw the lower eyelid with a brown pencil and blend it well.

If your eyes are small, draw clear and voluminous arrows, but do not extend the arrow too far beyond the outer corner of the eye. A wide, structured and short arrow will open your eyes and look very impressive. Line the lower eyelid with shadows and shade.

Use a lengthening mascara if you have narrow eyes, and a volumizing mascara if your eyes are small and wide. This will help emphasize the look and make it even more harmonious, in combination with the image.

  • Don't be afraid to experiment with clothes

Combine the cat eye with both formal outfits and more casual ones. But remember that in the office you can’t do a bright make-up with black shadows, and at a party your neutral “cat look” will be lost in the glare of the spotlights.

Note! Complete the look with accessories and bright lipstick if your makeup is simple and casual.

Any hairstyle will suit this makeup, depending on the event and your look. If this is a more office and formal style, tie your hair in a bun, then your makeup will look very feminine and at the same time mysterious.

  • Older women should be careful with this type of makeup.

In general, age-related makeup has its own nuances and rules, but as for the “cat eye”, it is important not to overdo it with lip color. Make them neutral, but so that they don't get lost on your face. It is best to use a pencil that is a shade darker than your own lips or a clear gloss.

Note! If you are going to a party or a walk, let your hair down and curl it - then the look will turn out to be slightly careless, but at the same time very stylish and trendy.

What to choose for processing?

Antibacterial agents are selected for treatment, for example, a solution of furatsilin along with boric acid or special drops from any pet store. Under no circumstances should you use an alcohol solution, even a very diluted one with water. This not only provokes a new wave of pathological discharge, but can also damage the inflamed eye. You can prepare the medicinal composition yourself:

  • Preparation of saline solution. Add a spoonful of salt to a liter of boiled water. Stir everything thoroughly and boil the resulting liquid. Before treating the eyes, the liquid is cooled to body temperature; it should not burn the skin. This solution can be used for any type of discharge, with the exception of allergic reactions. How to cure a kitten's eyes? We continue to consider this issue.
  • Using a weak infusion of a medicinal plant. To prepare it, take two tablespoons of sage, pour boiling water over it (it is best to use distilled water) and keep the product in a water bath for 15 minutes. After this, everything is filtered through gauze, and the same thing is done a second time through cotton wool, then the product is diluted with water to obtain 500 ml of liquid. The medicine should be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than one day. This weak infusion is also used when allergies occur.
  • Weak black tea is also suitable for rinsing. The caffeine it contains can have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve the kitten's condition.

So, kittens’ eyes are festering, what should you do? The eyes need to be washed, as described below.

Warm up the medicine

The medicine with the solution is heated to body temperature and instilled with a pipette; you should try to get the drop into the corners of the eyes or wipe with a moistened cotton pad until they are completely free of pus. After each wipe, such a disk must be replaced with a clean one. To maintain hygiene, it is forbidden to wipe both eyes using liquid from the same mug. It is more correct to prepare two saucers at once and pour the medicinal medicine into them.

If you don’t have a pipette at hand, you can roll a clean piece of cotton wool into the tightest possible bundle (so that its fibers do not get knocked out in any way) or a cotton pad and use it to instill eye drops. The pipette should be kept at a distance of three centimeters from the kitten’s head, so as not to accidentally damage the eyes.

If there is a speck

If the cat is bothered by some speck that causes the eyes to fester, then you first need to rinse it, and if it doesn’t come out, it is removed by rinsing it towards the nearest corner, using a cotton swab liberally soaked in an antibacterial solution. . After any manipulation, a “pea” of tetracycline ointment is placed under the upper eyelid or a special medicine is instilled.

If kittens' eyes fester, what should you do? You must always be careful with your eyes, otherwise there is a possibility of aggravating an already unpleasant situation.

Basic therapy and recommendations from veterinarians

If a kitten’s eyes are festering, the veterinarian will tell you what to do.

Treatment of purulent discharge is aimed primarily at eliminating the causes that caused this pathological process. Further therapeutic measures depend on how correctly they are installed. Treatment for purulent eyes in kittens depends on the reasons that caused the pathology. Veterinarians make the following treatment recommendations:

  • When the cause is a bruise, the injured area is cleaned with a gauze swab, which is moistened in a solution with hydrogen peroxide. The same should be done if the eyelids are injured.
  • In the event that the problem is blepharitis, then this cause is removed. It is worth knowing that blepharitis in kittens can occur due to vitamin deficiency, so if the doctor makes such a diagnosis, then it is necessary to provide the pet with a balanced diet with added vitamins. What else should you do with your eyes?
  • A kitten's eyes often fester due to a cold, then the doctor will prescribe antibiotic drops. It is important to provide your pet with the most comfortable living conditions possible. The baby's crib must be dry and there should be no drafts in its location. Adding various vitamins to your animal's diet will be an excellent additional benefit for its health. What to put in a kitten's eyes if they are festering? Let's look further.
  • If the cat’s eyes cannot open due to pus, the exudate crusts are softened immediately before removal. Vaseline oil is used for this. The softened crusts are removed, and the area near the eyes is treated with hydrogen peroxide. The eyes themselves are washed with “Nitrofural”, also known to many as “Furacilin”. After treatment, eye drops are instilled or ointment is used.

Instructions and tips

Any girl can get perfect “cat eyes” if she knows the technique and knows how to draw arrows correctly. Below you will find a detailed analysis of how to properly do makeup with a cat's eye.

Detailed instructions for everyone

  1. Prepare your skin for applying foundation. Wash your face, apply moisturizer and lip balm.
  2. Once your complexion and tone are ready, move on to shaping your eyebrows.
  3. Then we move on to eye makeup. Apply eyeshadow in a natural shade to the entire eyelid and blend.

  4. Draw a shadow in the outer corner of the eye with the intensity you need. Choose neutral shades - dark beige, taupe, brown and dark brown. For evening makeup, you can choose black, but shade it well.
  5. Blend the dark shade in the crease of the eyelid, giving it the shape of a wide arrow, as in the photo.
  6. Now draw an arrow of the size and shape that you like, and shade it as desired.
  7. Apply a brown pencil or shadow to the lower eyelid and blend well. Remove excess with concealer.

  8. Apply mascara to your eyes - do not forget to paint the lower eyelid if there is also eyeshadow or pencil there. Otherwise, the makeup will look unfinished.
  9. Add powder, highlighter and blush.
  10. Paint your lips and your makeup is ready!

In this video you will find everything you need to know about how to properly apply cat eye makeup and how to look like a real cat.

For blondes

For fair-haired girls, eye makeup is something that you need to put a lot of effort into so as not to overdo it. Sometimes too black eyeliner and a drawn-out lower eyelid can look very ugly and vulgar, so try to follow the following instructions if you want to make a beautiful make-up.

  • If you use a black pencil or eyeliner, your makeup should be as neat as possible. Don't line your lower eyelid with black - it will make your look very dark.
  • The arrows should be neat, starting from the middle of the eyelid and extending slightly beyond the edge.
  • Arrows can be wide and noticeable, but at the same time they should be as clear and structured as possible. Also, if you make such arrows, do not paint your eyes with shadows (only neutral ones). You can choose either red or neutral lipstick, depending on the situation.

For brunettes

  • For brunettes, any arrows of any size are suitable, but if the color of your hair is close to black, try not to overdo it. Line the lower eyelid only with shadows (brown) and blend them well.
  • For daytime makeup, use neutral lipsticks. For evening makeup, you can choose any color, the main thing is that your eyes do not look too bright and that there are not two accents on your face, but only one.

For brown-haired and fair-haired women

  • In the case of brown-haired and fair-haired girls, it is difficult to overdo it with makeup. Since the hair color is not so bright and saturated, you can easily make the “cat look” as impressive as possible , with shadows, eyeliner and different colors.
  • You need to line the lower eyelid to highlight your eyes and put emphasis on them.
  • It is better to choose a lipstick in the shade of your natural lip color or a shade darker.
  • You can’t be afraid to experiment with double emphasis on your face and make your eyes and lips bright at the same time. The main thing is to look in the mirror to see if it looks too vulgar.

For redheads

  • Black arrows look great on redheads! You can safely draw them in any size, but it’s still better to choose a thin arrow for the daytime version, and a wide one for the evening version.
  • Whether or not to line your lower eyelid depends on your eye shape . Try this and that, but in general, if you want to highlight, it is better to do it with brown shadows and shade them well.
  • Lipsticks are neutral, but don't be afraid to use red shades. The main thing is that it matches the color of your hair.

For green and blue eyes

Above, you learned how to draw arrows for girls with different eye shapes, and now it’s time to find out for which eye color what shades of shadows are best to choose. Green and blue eyes are very beautiful and rich.

In general, black eyeliner and pencil suit any girl, but if you choose a texture, then still opt for eyeliner. A pencil can look very sloppy, but eyeliner can always draw a thin, beautiful line.

You can choose any colors except green and blue. In general, when it comes to cat makeup, don't experiment with your palette . The more neutral the shades, the better. Exotic makeup will only ruin the whole concept.

For brown and gray eyes

Brown-eyed girls and girls with gray eyes will look great with both black and brown shades in this makeup. Depending on the shape of your eyes, choose the size of the arrow and its shape.

Important! Don't forget to shade the lower eyelid well if you emphasize it.

By the way, it is these girls who should still emphasize the lower eyelid in the color of their eyes. This maneuver will add depth to your look, pairing very nicely with your eye color.

For purulent or phlegmonous conjunctivitis

In the presence of purulent or phlegmonous conjunctivitis, general and local therapy is used. The course of therapy includes periodic washing of the eyeballs with boric acid, followed by their subsequent treatment with syntomycin ointment or any other emulsion with an antibiotic. In this case, novocaine blockade with an antibiotic is also used. In addition to the pronounced, freezing effect, such a procedure will be useful in general therapeutic terms. In addition, antibiotics can be administered intramuscularly. In addition, your veterinarian may recommend sulfonamides for internal use.

What else needs to be done when a kitten’s eyes are very purulent?

Colors and techniques used

In the classic version, the arrow should be drawn with black eyeliner.

Women over 30-40 years old are advised to stick to classic colors. Or use colors close to black - dark gray, dark brown.

A youthful interpretation of the classic allows you to use eyeliner in all the colors of the rainbow. In this case, you can focus on eye color:

  • brown - yellow, green, lilac, purple, blue, peach or coffee-with-lait eyeliner;
  • green - draw arrows in plum, lilac, gold, peach colors;
  • blue and gray - choose golden brown, bronze and brown shades, you can try orange, blue and purple colors.

How to apply medicinal ointment correctly

Tetracycline ointment is preheated in your hands so as not to frighten the kitten with a cold touch. It is best to turn the animal on its side, fixing it in this state. It is difficult to cope with eye treatment in kittens alone, since one person must hold the cat, and the other must perform the necessary manipulations.

The ointment is placed directly under the lower eyelid, so it must be pulled off very carefully and at the same time with your fingers (your hands should also be warm), and the tetracycline ointment should be placed inside the eyelid with the finger of the other hand. Cover the eyeball with the ointment and lightly massage it for a minute, trying not to cause pain to the kitten. Next, carefully use a disk to remove any remaining ointment that remains on the eyelid and near the eye. Now we’ll talk about medications so that the pet owner does not have the question: “How to treat a kitten’s eyes if they fester?”

What will you need to do makeup?

To create cat eye makeup and create an attractive look, your makeup bag must have the necessary products. To do make-up you should follow the recommendations:

  • You must have eyeliner, a cosmetic pencil or a felt-tip pen;
  • if you are not sure that you can draw beautiful arrows, you can limit yourself to shadows;
  • “cat eyes” will lose all their charm if the skin of the face with such makeup looks unkempt. Take makeup base, foundation, powder, blush;
  • Mascara will help complete the spectacular look.

You might be interested in reading this article: Evening makeup for brown eyes

Important! If you are new to drawing with a cosmetic pencil, then give preference to a soft product. Eyeliner lines made with liquid eyeliner are more expressive, but you need to have skill in using this tool; it’s best to leave felt-tip pens and gel-based products to professionals.

Necessary drugs and drug treatment

If the kitten’s eyes are not just inflamed, but certain symptoms of the disease have appeared, then immediately after first aid the treatment should be adjusted. In severe cases, the animal should be shown to a veterinarian. The doctor diagnoses the cause of the discharge and prescribes the medications necessary in this case:

  • For swelling and yellow purulent discharge, Hydrocortisone is instilled into the eye in combination with Novocaine to quickly relieve pain. Treatment of severe cases is usually supplemented with antibiotics, for example, gentamicin drops, which do not irritate the eyes.
  • Any consequences of injuries are treated with Levomythecin, which kittens will need to drink by adding this medicine to the liquid, for example, mixing it with broth. Albucid is also used, which relieves swelling and has an anti-inflammatory effect; this product is instilled into the damaged eye. This treatment quickly relieves swelling. Bars drops are endowed with similar properties, helping to cure the causes of discharge from the eyes. Solcoseryl gel heals wounds on mucous membranes well; it is placed under the eyelid. How else can I wash a kitten's eyes to remove pus?
  • If a cat squints one eye and there is noticeable discharge, it must be washed and treated with a special solution, after which drops of Levomythecin are instilled into both eyes at once for prevention, because the infection can easily spread to a neighboring organ.
  • In case of manifestation of high photosensitivity in combination with profuse discharge from the eyes, the cat should be placed in a dark room, ensuring peace. In this case, you can use Atropine drops, as well as Iris with an antibiotic. The drug "Cefazolin" is also good in this case.
  • Sometimes discharge from the eyes of kittens appears due to allergic reactions. In this case, it is necessary to change your diet or find out what allergen is causing your eyes to water. If it is possible to establish the reasons, then it will be enough to rinse the discharge; new ones should not appear.

After treatment with the medicinal medicine, the kitten must be held in your hands for some time so that it does not rub off the composition with its paw. Any treatment procedures are repeated three times a day for at least three days in a row. Even when improvement occurs and there is less discharge, it is necessary to continue manipulation to avoid relapse. If you have the slightest doubt about treatment, you should limit yourself to first aid. It is worth noting that the incorrect selection of medications can lead to blindness of the animal.

When a kitten’s eyes fester, what to do is now clear.

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

It would seem that there is nothing difficult to do; no special professional skills are needed. But not everyone can create a “cat-look” eye makeup. The reason for this is banal mistakes made due to ignorance or inattention. Let's fix this!

  1. Wrong arrows. Remember! Those with a narrow shape should not draw thin lines, and with a round shape, the end of the arrow should noticeably extend beyond the outer corner of the eye.
  2. When drawing arrows, you need to close your eyes - so it turns out that instead of the playful look of a cat, your arrows turn out different and at the wrong angle.
  3. Applying eye shadow after eyeliner can cost you a makeover. If the shadows fall off even a little, the shade of the eyeliner will change significantly.
  4. The mucous membrane of the lower eyelid is drawn with a regular pencil - no, you can damage very delicate tissue, use kajal.

Video: how to do cat eye makeup.

Now you know the intricacies of this chic makeup, how to do it correctly and how to avoid mistakes. The main thing is that it is done carefully, give preference only to high-quality cosmetics, and do not be afraid to draw arrows.

Follow simple rules and you will definitely succeed! Having mastered this technique, you will be able to create the image of a real film star, capable of winning the hearts of millions. After all, cat eye makeup always looks beautiful, and with it your eyes become expressive and attractive!

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