EyesWhat to do if your cat has a very swollen eye

Even if a cat has a lot of fur, you can immediately notice if its upper or lower eyelid is swollen. The owner's attention may also be attracted by symptoms such as hair loss in the affected areas, redness of the skin, and the animal's increased attention to the problem area. This can be expressed in different ways: some pets walk and “wipe” the corners with their muzzle, thereby sneezing against them, while others with particular zeal tear themselves until they bleed, since the itching can be very strong.

Description of the pathology

Inflammation can develop for various reasons. In any case, it cannot be ignored.

The disease must be detected in the early stages of development and everything possible must be done to stop the pathological process.

First signs

At the initial stage, the disease is mostly asymptomatic.
There are no significant changes in the cat's condition. Only redness of the mucous membranes and discharge from the eyes are possible. These symptoms can be identified by visually examining the animal and performing hygiene procedures.

How does the pathology proceed?

Most often, the pathological process occurs in an acute form. Inflammation develops rapidly. After a short period, the pet’s condition worsens significantly, the membrane of the eye begins to turn red, and exudate is released.

The disease can also be chronic, with periods of exacerbation periodically followed by remission.

Animal behavior

With inflammation of the organs of vision, the general condition of cats worsens. They become lethargic and their appetite worsens. The animal constantly tries to scratch the affected area with its paw.

It is extremely important to ensure that he does not perform such actions .
Otherwise, the situation may worsen significantly due to injury or secondary infection.

Prevention of eye diseases

To avoid eye diseases in a pet, the owner must prevent them. It is necessary to monitor the cat’s health, its behavior, nutrition and the state of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to keep the entire house clean, including your cat's dishes and litter box. Dust and dirt can easily get into your pet's eyes and cause illness.

Your pet should be given a balanced diet to improve the immune system.

It is necessary to care for your pet, comb its fur and examine it regularly in order to identify the disease at an early stage.

To strengthen the immune system and protect against infectious diseases, cats need to be vaccinated in a timely manner. It is recommended to vaccinate from childhood so that adult cats can tolerate diseases more easily.

It is not recommended to self-medicate to prevent complications. Eyes are one of the most sensitive organs; with timely treatment of diseases, vision loss can be avoided.


Clinical manifestations largely depend on the factor that provoked the inflammation.

However, there are a number of main symptoms that are observed most often:

  • swelling of the organs of vision;

  • redness;

  • strabismus;
  • secretion (watery or purulent);
  • pain that appears when touching the eyelid;
  • the pet constantly scratches its eyes;
  • in the morning it is difficult for the animal to open the organs of vision due to the drying of the exudate;
  • sensitivity to bright light;
  • cloudiness of mucous membranes.

Eye damage by helminths

Contrary to popular belief, helminths are not only intestinal parasites. Many types of worms spread throughout the body through the bloodstream, depositing larvae in all organs, including the eyes.

The cat develops severe inflammation and swelling of the eyes, which does not subside within several days, despite local treatment. If your cheek is swollen, it means that the swelling has spread downwards.

To cope with helminths and determine which type of helminths attacked the cat’s eyes, it is necessary to undergo many tests. The outcome of treatment depends on the growth stage of the larvae. Therapy is medicinal, aimed at expelling parasites from the body, but if the dynamics are negative, surgery is indicated.

Possible causes of inflammation

An infectious disease can provoke the development of the problem. Often such changes are observed as a result of injuries.

The disease also manifests itself when basic hygiene standards are not observed.

Physiological factors

Severe inflammation often develops due to the following reasons:

  1. Foreign body. Tearfulness and redness may occur when a small pebble or speck hits the skin. One eye is affected. The second one remains in good condition. The area around the eyeball swells slightly. The appearance of yellowish or red discharge is possible.

  2. Irritation. The problem is caused by tobacco smoke, cosmetics, and dust. The animal experiences severe itching and begins to blink more often. The owner notes that the cat’s right and left eyes are red.
  3. Injuries. Redness in the corner of the eye or the entire eyelid is observed after injury. For example, during a fight with another cat, as a result of damage to the mucous membranes by plants or small stones. In this case, excessive lacrimation is observed, pus appears, and blood may be released. The animal's eyelids swell, the eye becomes cloudy, and itching is noted. Even the development of blindness is possible.

Infectious diseases

Inflammation is often provoked by various infections:

  1. Conjunctivitis. It can occur in chronic and acute forms. When a cat becomes ill, it loses its appetite and develops a fever. The eyes turn red and pus is released.

  2. Cataract. Clouding of the lens occurs and vision deteriorates significantly. If the pathology is not treated in a timely manner, blindness occurs.
  3. Keratitis. The disease is characterized by symptoms such as photophobia, excessive tearing, purulent exudate, and redness of the eyelids. The cornea changes its shade.
  4. Blepharitis. With inflammation, the eyelids swell, the eyes turn red, there is copious discharge of pus, the eyelashes stick together, and ulcerations of the edges of the eyelids form. The cat is suffering from severe itching, and a rise in temperature is possible.

Failure to comply with hygiene standards

If the owner does not keep his pet's eyes clean and does not adhere to basic standards, the animal increases the risk of negative changes.

A favorable environment is created for the development of pathogenic organisms. As a result, their activation and the onset of the inflammatory process.

Messages [5]

1 Topic from Svetlana1996 2013-08-20 08:14:44 Edited by Svetlana1996 (2013-08-20 08:15:20)

  • Svetlana1996
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Topic: The cat's cheek is swollen and her eye is a little watery!

The cat's cheek is swollen and her eye is a little watery! Now we live in the country. In the evening they let the cat out into the veranda (most likely she snuck into the attic) and in the morning, when they let her in, she refused to eat and drink, she is usually very active, but here she came and immediately lay down on the sofa. Mom decided that since her cheek was swollen, she most likely had a fever. We diluted a quarter of an aspirin tablet in water and poured it into the cat’s mouth with a syringe (without a needle). could this be done? what measures should we take? (there is no opportunity to take you to the veterinarian)

2 Reply from Irina-Vet 2013-08-20 13:17:10

  • Irina-Vet
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Re: The cat's cheek is swollen and her eye is a little watery!

Hello! There is no point in giving aspirin. Cheek swelling can be caused by either an abscess or an insect bite (these are the most common causes and the most likely). Treatment, of course, is completely different. If it's an abscess, it will burst sooner or later. Then you will need to rinse the cavity with chlorhexidine 0.05% and apply levomekol ointment https://vetlek.ru/shop/?g >If this is swelling due to an insect bite, then it will go away even without treatment within 4-5 days.

3 Reply from Svetlana1996 2013-08-20 15:47:26

  • Svetlana1996
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Re: The cat's cheek is swollen and her eye is a little watery!

Thanks, I hope it's just an insect bite

4 Reply from Aliraza125 2014-12-04 13:19:49

  • Aliraza125
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Re: The cat's cheek is swollen and her eye is a little watery!

Hello, Irina Borisovna. Thank you for quick answer. The fact is that this is already the second operation for my sixteen-year-old cat. The first ridge was removed four years ago. Then the gray was pumped out once with a syringe, the volume no more than 15 ml. This time, on the second day, the seroma began to pour out through the suture on its own; on the sixth day, drainage was installed for 13 days. 11 days after removing the drainage, 31 ml of light seroma was pumped out with a syringe. The process continues, which is very worrying. Puncture and evacuation no longer seem so effective. How long can this go on? I really want to help the cat.

5 Reply from Irina-Vet 2014-12-04 19:09:38

  • Irina-Vet
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Re: The cat's cheek is swollen and her eye is a little watery!

Hello! Seroma can last quite a long time, everyone is different. There is nothing else other than drainage and pumping out fluid.

What you can do at home

If the pathology is not advanced, conservative methods of therapy are used.
Drops and ointments that have an antibacterial effect are prescribed. Before using them, the eyes must be washed.

You can cope with this task at home. A solution of furatsilin is used.

If the situation is advanced, they resort to surgery. In certain situations, surgery is the only effective treatment.

To speed up the recovery process, you need to use high-quality medications:

  1. Gentamicin. Destroys pathogenic bacteria. The product is used for blepharitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis, and erosive processes. The medicine is instilled directly under the conjunctiva four times a day. Therapy lasts a week.
  2. Chloramphenicol. Effective in the fight against bacteria, viruses and pathogenic microorganisms. Medicines are prescribed in case of infections or conjunctivitis. Before using the medication, the animal's eyes are cleared of pus. Therapy lasts about one and a half weeks.

  3. Levomycetin. An effective antibiotic that can destroy pathogens of all kinds of infections. It is used for infected injuries, keratitis, blepharitis and all stages of conjunctivitis. The solution is instilled into the eyes three times a day. Treatment lasts about a week. While using the drug, adverse reactions are possible, for example, redness of the mucous membranes, burning sensation.

Features of inflammation in kittens

Babies are also susceptible to the development of inflammatory processes.

Treatment of kittens should be carried out with the utmost caution: their body is very vulnerable to antibacterial agents.

You should only use approved medications, for example, Tetracycline ointment, Bars.

What to do if your cat has a swollen cheek?

If a cat’s cheek is swollen, it’s hard for even the busiest owners not to notice. Especially when the animal’s eyes also become swollen.

Such symptoms are usually accompanied by severe pain, so the pet behaves restlessly and may even meow pitifully. The first alarm bell is refusal to eat and lethargy.

In the future, problems with the skin may appear, which may even crack due to severe swelling. The cause should be sought in the oral cavity (gums, teeth), abscesses and insect bites.

Description of possible causes

If a cat’s cheek is very swollen and its eyes begin to swim, then it is better not to wait for improvement, but to immediately take the pet to a veterinary clinic, as there is a possibility of developing anaphylactic shock. It must be remembered that this symptom is characteristic of the following pathologies:

  1. Allergy. Mainly in decorative breeds due to poor nutrition or after taking antibiotics. Almost always the cheek swells right before your eyes. Swelling may spread to the eyes and nose. Watery eyes and runny nose also appear. Immediate use of antihistamines (Tavegil, Suprastin, Fenistil) and hospitalization of the animal are indicated. Less commonly, such symptoms can be caused after contact with plants in the spring and summer. You also need to know which house plants are not suitable for your cat, as it can be poisoned by the juice that comes from broken leaves. Allergic swelling in the muzzle area should be treated very carefully, since the nasopharynx is nearby and there is a possibility of death through suffocation.
  2. Insect bites. If a cat's cheek is swollen on one side, then it is necessary to carefully examine this area to identify a possible bite. As a rule, this reaction appears after a wasp or bee sting. In some cases, the swelling can spread higher, causing the eyes to become swollen. Don't forget about the sting that may stick out from the lesion. It must be removed (using tweezers). In most cases, swelling subsides on its own within a few hours, rarely lasting more than a day. If swelling is large and there is a risk of suffocation, urgent hospitalization of the pet is necessary. If the moment of the bite comes into the owner’s field of vision, then you can immediately give the animal half a suprastin tablet to reduce possible symptoms.
  3. Tooth root abscess. Often found in older individuals. If a cat's tooth has broken off, but the root has not been extracted, then there is always a risk of developing an inflammatory process. At best, the gums will turn red, at worst, the cheek will swell. Moreover, in some cases, the swelling can be so severe that the eyes even become swollen. Here you will need the help of a dental surgeon, who must open the abscess, clean it of pus and remove the rotten root from the gum. Remember that the gums will become inflamed until the rotten root is removed. To avoid dental problems in the future, you need to regularly remove tartar and avoid soft foods.
  4. Cyst. Unlike abscesses, it can occur even on completely healthy teeth. The appearance of a cyst can be triggered by the entry of a foreign body into the gum (usually bones or wood chips). As the process progresses, a hard lump appears on the gum, from which pus comes out. If this does not happen, the cheek may puff out. To solve the problem, an x-ray is taken to determine the size and location of the cyst. If it is localized on the root of the tooth, then there is a high probability that it will have to be removed, even if outwardly it looks absolutely healthy. If you do not contact a surgeon in time, the cyst becomes inflamed and an abscess forms at the site of the lesion.
  5. Fistula. Occurs at any age. It looks like a hole in the gum, from which blood and pus ooze. It may appear after an abscess or cyst. The entry of a foreign body into the gum can also trigger the appearance of a fistulous tract. A distinctive feature is pain and long healing. In severe cases, the cat's cheek may become very swollen and may bleed from the affected area. You cannot cope with a fistula on your own, since it is necessary to look for and eliminate the root cause that provoked its appearance. To do this, you will need an x-ray of the jaw to rule out a cyst or abscess of the tooth root and the presence of a foreign body in the gum. After eliminating the root cause, anti-inflammatory and healing drugs are selected. Thorough sanitation of the oral cavity (chlorhexidine) is also indicated.
  6. Malignant formations. They can affect the oral mucosa (sarcoma) and the jaw bone (squamous cell carcinoma). They are not common, mainly in individuals over the age of 12 years. The prognosis is unfavorable, since the tumor is located in a hard-to-reach place and it is not possible to remove it using healthy tissue. Depending on the stage and size of the tumor, radiation and chemotherapy may be used. Maintenance therapy is also selected.

You need to understand that if a young cat has a swollen cheek for no apparent reason (there were no injuries and the likelihood of an insect bite is extremely low), then it is better to immediately show the animal to a veterinarian to rule out possible problems with the gums and teeth. 


Source: https://veterinariya.com/u-koshki-opuhla-shheka.html

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