Do cats distinguish colors, or the vision features of furry pets

Features of cat eyes

Many people know that cats see perfectly in darkness that is impenetrable to humans. But in fact, people exaggerate the visual abilities of cats; unfortunately, their vision is blurry and unclear, and in the daytime, cats see worse than us. Their eyes are extremely sensitive to bright rays of light, and their vertical pupils help protect them from the sun. During the day they squint their eyes, so they like to sleep at this time.

Cats, like humans, have binocular vision, i.e. With each eye they see a certain picture, which overlaps and is transformed into one whole image. Moreover, these animals have a viewing radius of 200 degrees, while humans have only 180.

How do they see in the dark?

Not as great as many people say. In fact, a cat needs at least some kind of luminous flux, but at dusk, in pure darkness, a cat sees eight times better than a human. She just has a lot of light-sensitive receptors! But there are fewer long-wave cones, which are responsible for color perception, than in humans... Well, due to the fact that at the bottom of the retina there is a special substance - tapetum, cat's eyes reflect light and see much sharper than a person or the same dog.

Shades of colors that a cat can distinguish

From biology we know that the lens of the eye consists of photoreceptors called rods and cones. Thanks to the former, cats have developed special night vision, and the latter - the ability to perceive color. Due to the fact that they have fewer cones than rods, cats have an advantage in nighttime visual acuity.

A curious fact is that in the eye structure of cats there is a tapetum - a specific formation responsible for the scattering of unabsorbed rays. Light is sent by the tapetum to the retina. A person sees the glowing eyes of an animal, but in reality these are reflected rays of light.

Previously, there was an opinion that only achromatic colors (white, black and shades of gray) were available to cats. However, thanks to scientific research on this topic, scientists have come to the conclusion that since cats have cones in their eyes, it means that they distinguish not only black and white colors, but also a spectrum of colors.

Fluffy pets perceive blue and green tones well, distinguish between purple colors, yellow ones are often confused with white ones, and red, brown and orange colors are not available to them.

Eye structure

Why is this happening? The cat has a different eye structure. Externally, you can see that the animal’s eyes are very large, convex, with a huge pupil. It can contract or expand, depending on the intensity of the light. All eyes have many special cells called photoreceptors.

They are divided into two types. Rods are responsible for twilight vision, and cones are responsible for its sharpness. Thanks to this, the cat distinguishes small objects and different colors. Each animal's eye covers 45 percent of the visible image.

Since the cat is a nocturnal hunter, its vision is more adapted to conditions with a minimum of light. This may explain the imperfection of color vision. In dim light or twilight, the cat sees only gray shades, but of different tones.

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The cat has an interesting retina, covered at the back with tapeum. The substance works like a mirror - it reflects the light that hits it. As a result, the cat's eyes begin to glow. It can be different - green or red. In the first case, such a glow is observed in animals with yellow eyes, in the second – with blue eyes. At the same time, the spectrum of colors they see remains the same.

Mr. Cat Recommends: Cats' Vision in the Dark

Good vision in the dark is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the retina of a cat's eye. It is equipped with light-sensitive receptors that allow you to easily navigate in poor lighting conditions. Due to these features, cats are better at determining their location, unlike other animals and people.

Scientists have found that in pitch darkness without a light source, cats also cannot distinguish objects; their visual acuity decreases, just like the human eye. However, in poor lighting, an animal’s visual functions work more productively than humans. This is why indoor cats like dark rooms so much.

It has been revealed that in low light, a cat's visual acuity is 7 times higher than that of humans. Such features are due to the genetic component of the development of feline animals, which hunted mainly at night. In twilight, dark forests, visual acuity becomes a decisive factor for successful hunting. One of the main merits of free orientation in the dark is also the pet’s good spatial memory.

What colors and shades are available to a cat's eye?

They have a peculiar eye structure. It allows you to see in detail a mouse running several meters away and completely blurs a distant or too close image. Animals see the world primarily in black and white.

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Cats also have color vision, just like dogs. However, she sees the image in pastel colors . The cat does not distinguish some colors at all (for example, red). Most animals see yellow-gray tones with greenish-blue splashes.

Perception of the world

Nature has provided for the use of each organ in accordance with its purpose. For hunting, it is more important for a cat not to miss the movements of the prey, and factors such as coat color and body length do not play a role.

The animal’s hearing organs, which distinguish sounds by their height and strength, help them to more fully perceive the surrounding space. In addition, they have excellent sense of touch and sensitive vibrissae organs located on the muzzle and tail.

For cats, smells play an even more significant role than vision. It is important for an animal to smell new objects, and not just look at them. However, visual perception is a real survival mechanism.

What colors do snow-white cats distinguish?

Ordinary snow-white animals that are not albino see the world like all other relatives. But albinos experience serious vision problems. This deficiency affects all mammals, including humans. It is easy to distinguish an albino cat from a simple “blonde” one - the eyes of an albino cat are pink or pale blue with a pink tint. A white animal that does not have albinism has normal yellow, green, blue or orange eyes.

An albino cat's vision is often very poor. There is no sharpness, no focusing on a specific object, in the semi-darkness such a kitty sees practically nothing. They rarely survive on the street, as they cannot fully hunt and camouflage themselves. Mothers sometimes abandon albino kittens. In addition, such animals are often deaf, especially females.

Thus, the answer to the question of what colors cats distinguish is known. This is almost the same spectrum that a person sees, with the exception of red shades.

Do cats see the paranormal world?

Cats are considered magical animals. Esotericists say that because of their aura, cats become guardians of not only the owner, but also his entire family. The furry pet not only protects the home from the penetration of otherworldly entities, but also drives them out.

There is an old custom according to which, when moving into a new house, the cat must be brought in first. The fact is that if an otherworldly force is detected in the home, the animal will expel it with the help of its biofields. Mediums say that a pet is able to expel ghosts or souls of the deceased from a home, so it is impossible for a cat to be nearby during spiritualistic seances.

Night vision

It is impossible to say that cats are able to see in complete darkness. They also need light to distinguish objects. But still, in the twilight, cats see much better than people: the light sensitivity of their eyes and the ability to distinguish many dark shades are reflected.

By the way, in complete darkness, cats really move easily and gracefully, which is why it seems that they see the surrounding space. The secret is that their whiskers, vibrissae, help them navigate in such situations. This is a special organ of touch, thanks to which cats are able to sense the slightest changes in the space around them. This allows the cat to catch mice even in complete darkness.

By the way, another feature of a cat’s vision is how it sees moving objects. It is believed that the animal can easily notice a moving prey at a distance of 700 meters. True, this applies specifically to moving objects. At the same time, the cat tracks horizontal movement much better than vertical movement. So a mouse that wants to remain unharmed must run away from the cat up, for example, up a tree.

A cat sees objects most clearly at a distance of 60 cm to 5 m. That is why cats sometimes poke so funny at a tidbit lying right under their nose. They simply don't see him!

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How far can a cat see

It was believed that the cat perfectly recognizes objects that are nearby. Indeed, this opinion has been confirmed by scientific research, cats are myopic. They can perfectly distinguish things only at a distance of up to 20 meters, and see the rest blurry, without outlines. Objects located near the muzzle or at a distance of up to 0.5 meters are also difficult to see. In these cases, their whiskers and ears help them observe the world around them. The cat's eye is best suited for detecting rapid movement. People only notice shadows, but an animal will see a rodent running in detail.

Colors that cats cannot perceive

Despite the fact that cats distinguish colors, there is one peculiarity - some shades remain inaccessible to them. The question arises: “which ones”? These include :

  • red;
  • brown;
  • orange;
  • multi-colored combination.

Although the cat can distinguish the color green, it is very weak. They find the necessary grass, which animals often chew, mainly by smell. A cat may perceive red as green, and purple as blue. Animals also do not perceive other variations with these colors.

What cats see in the mirror and on TV

Very often we see a cat throwing itself at a mirror. If he hisses and arches his back, he is ready to attack. The pet sees itself in the reflection, but does not understand it. When meeting another animal, additional information is needed, in particular from the whiskers. But no smells or tactile sensations that complement the overall picture of holistic perception enter the brain. The result is something like cognitive dissonance, i.e. conflict with inconsistency between incoming information and established ideas.

Scientific opinion regarding television says that the animal sees only the flickering on the monitor and nothing else. Sometimes the movements on the screens put him into a state of stupor. However, many people know that cats love to watch television programs. They watch birds, tigers, lions and others with interest. At the end of the transmission, they leave the room. A reasonable explanation for these facts has not yet been found.

The meaning of cat color: which pets attract money, happiness and love into the house

It has always been believed that the energy of a cat can radically transform the life of its owner. In many ways, the nature of this effect depends on the color of the pet. And even now, astrologers claim that a cat greatly influences the energy of the house; the animal helps strengthen energy flows in the home, acting as a talisman, reports AmurMedia news agency with reference to

Ginger cat

Ginger cat. Photo:

Such a cat brings good luck in the financial sphere. This color was considered monetary in many cultures because it is very similar to gold. Get a ginger cat if you want to succeed in business, business, work, get a promotion or find happiness in a new field of activity.

The ginger cat is a lucky talisman that will protect you from unnecessary spending and financial losses. It helps the owner in training, helps to become more responsible and attentive.

White or gray cat

White cat. Photo:

An animal with this color helps in love and relationships. With such a pet, there will be much fewer quarrels and conflicts in the family, because people will be more likely to reach reconciliation. Families with light-colored four-legged animals are much stronger than others. There is more sincerity and kindness in such families.

Such a cat also helps those who are in search of a soul mate. They say that if you invite someone you like home, a white cat will help bind this person to you.

You can give a white or gray cat to a person you care about. Your relationships will improve from this, disharmony, misunderstanding and resentment will disappear.

Black cat

Black cat. Photo:

This is the best amulet for home and family. Black four-legged animals protect the house from evil, bad intentions, damage, the evil eye, and disease. In principle, this is a universal color, because a black cat can have a positive impact on all areas of the owner and his household. This is a very mysterious animal, with which a lot of signs and superstitions are associated.

Such a cat helps people fight envy, resentment, and anger. It neutralizes any attacks from enemies and protects the house from dangers. A very good sign is a visit from such a cat to your home. By sheltering her, you will attract special luck.

If a person with bad intentions comes to the house, the animal will react negatively to such a guest. If a black cat feels restless and cannot find a place for itself, it means that something unpleasant may happen soon.

Calico cat

Tricolor cat. Photo:

This is a real miracle. People who have calico cats at home are very lucky, even if they don’t realize it. A tricolor pet brings great luck to anyone who lives under the same roof with it.

Such people are often very happy because they have clearly defined goals and objectives. In Japan, calico cats are considered very valuable. Previously, sailors bought them for a lot of money.

Continuation: Love horoscope for the week from October 19 to October 25, 2020

How do cats see people?

Cats see their owner, and all people, as they really are - in height, build, body weight, and so on. Unless our mustachioed pets visually perceive us in a slightly different color. If a person is close, cats distinguish his facial features poorly, being guided only by smell. If the owner is at a distance, then the animal sees only the outlines of the figure without detailed detailing. Some zoologists put forward the version that cats perceive people as their larger relatives who feed them, look after them and take care of them.

Be that as it may, the vision of domestic cats is unique. It is a complex mechanism that has evolved over a long evolutionary path. Thanks to the special structure of the eyes, their location on the animal’s face and the ability to see potential prey even in poor lighting conditions, cats were not only able to survive natural selection, but also became, perhaps, the most successful hunters in comparison with other animals. Our knowledge, as humans, of the peculiarities of visual perception of the surrounding world by these amazing animals helps us better understand them and become even closer to them.

Tips for choosing accessories based on color

In big cities, cats sit at home, without the opportunity to frolic in the fresh air. Owners want to diversify the life of their pets, pamper them and make them move. So that they don't become fat and lazy. This is where pet stores come to the rescue with a huge selection of toys.

In order not to buy bright and useless ones in vain, the owner must remember the peculiarities of cats’ vision. This knowledge will help you choose accessories for your pets. Cats are good at distinguishing objects of green, blue, yellow and green and gray colors. Therefore, they will run after such toys with excitement. And, most likely, to react indifferently to beautiful and fashionable reds. The cat will react the same way to beds and feeders. Green and blue will become his favorite ones, he can simply ignore the rest.

Eye to eye: what unites us

Despite some differences in structure, the eyes of humans and cats are often united by the same effect, which occurs for different reasons. For example, glow: women’s gaze is often described as “radiant,” but in cats this effect is given by a special layer - the tapetum, while in humans it is the denser structure of the retina of certain people.

Reflection effect: A cat's eyes glow in the dark thanks to the same tapetum, but the human eye is sometimes capable of this in the dark. With a powerful, narrow stream of light, the fundus of the eye with the blood vessels located there and the rhodopsin pigment reflect light in the red zone of the spectrum. Well, how can we not remember the red eyes of vampires!

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