How to wash a kitten for the first time? Do British cats need to be washed - rules for hygiene procedures? Is it possible to bathe British kittens?

Despite the obvious cleanliness of cats, they still require periodic bathing. Even if the pet spends a considerable part of its time carefully licking its fur and “washing” its face, this is not enough. Especially in situations where it is planned that the pet will participate in exhibitions, and in the case of British cats this is not uncommon. Their famous plush coat of a beautiful shade will not retain its luster without proper grooming, which includes not only washing, but also combing the cats, as well as trimming their claws and examining their eyes and ears.

Reasons why you need to bathe your cat:

The cat got dirty in the mud; a toxic substance has come into contact with the fur; fleas appeared; Wool tends to get greasy quickly.

In all other situations, it is preferable not to torture the animal. Cats don't like to swim. Frequent washing leads to the fact that the protective layer is washed off, as a result the animal can get sick.

Conclusion: you can wash an adult cat no more than once every six months or when it gets dirty. Water temperature is from 38 to 40 degrees.

Bathing rules

  1. Prepare everything you need: a place, shampoo, drying products, nail clippers, a hair brush.
  2. To wash the kitten, use a sink, bowl or bathtub. A rubber mat is placed in the container so that the animal can hold on to it with its claws. Set the shower to medium pressure, add some water (temperature up to 40 degrees).
  3. Before bathing, we trim the cat’s claws to avoid unpleasant situations and scratches. We do this carefully so as not to damage our fingers. It is worth cutting off a small part, not the entire claw.
  4. Gently lower it into the water.
  5. If your pet is scared and refuses to take a bath, try talking to him or picking him up by the scruff of the neck. This calms and subdues him. Cats sense the emotion with which they are addressed, so speak softly and calmly.
  6. Give your pet a chance to explore the tub before bathing. This way the cat will get used to it and won’t be scared. Hold it lightly to avoid escape.
  7. Wet the fur - first the back, then the sides, tail, paws, belly, chest and neck. There is no need to wash your hair, make sure that the liquid does not get into the eyes and ears.
  8. Lather with a little shampoo (use animal shampoo).
  9. Wash it off.
  10. Wrap in a towel and wipe. Since wool is dense, you can use a hair dryer to dry the fur quickly. It needs to be turned on in advance so as not to scare you.
  11. Use a dry cotton pad to wipe the animal's eyes and ears. If water gets in there, try to get rid of it.
  12. Brush your pet according to the growth of its fur.

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How often to wash?

Cats of this breed can be bathed at least once every 2-3 months. Kittens with light fur are washed more often than kittens with dark fur. In this case, use only shampoos for animals, and you can also take a tinted shampoo to match the color of the coat. Human hygiene products can damage your pet's fur and skin; to avoid this, use products based on natural herbs and vitamins.

How often can you bathe a British cat?

Britons are another special breed of cat that requires careful care. If a family member is short-haired, then he does not need frequent bathing. We take care of him according to the above rules.

If a Briton has long hair, then the situation is different. There is no need to bathe him in the bath. Due to its structure, cat fur is not able to repel water; it absorbs liquid, so cats take a long time to dry and experience discomfort due to this.

It is preferable to use a wet mitten with rubber spikes, which is used to clean wool. In nature, cats walk in the grass, in the dew, which cleans their cover. Using a mitt or a special cleaning brush, you can clean your cat every day. At the same time, everyone is happy: both the owners and the cats they pet.

When your Brit is very dirty, you can use dry shampoo. Pet stores offer a wide range of animal care products. Evaluate the contents of the counters before putting your cat in the water.

How to bathe at 2 months or more?

At the age of 2 months, it is better to wash the kitten without using shampoo using regular warm water. From 3-4 months you can start bathing with a special shampoo, which will determine the pet’s entire future attitude towards this procedure.

It is important to remember that kittens also have allergies and intolerances, so it is worth monitoring their condition after washing. If your pet shows signs of illness, you should immediately visit a veterinary clinic or listen to the doctor’s recommendations over the phone.

Most representatives of the cat family have a negative attitude towards water procedures. However, for pets this hygiene measure is mandatory. To instill a love of water, animals should be accustomed to bathing culture from an early age. Read on to learn how to bathe a kitten and which detergents are preferable to use.

Cats are clean animals. From 3 to 5 hours a day they are busy licking their fur. The tongue of four-legged pets is covered with hard bristles, which allow them to remove almost any dirt. Being predators by nature, they put a lot of effort into neutralizing their own scent. This gives them the opportunity to sneak up on the victim unnoticed.

However, for most cats, being in water is stressful. This is due to the fact that wet wool does not protect against hypothermia. The fat reserve of a wet animal is not enough to maintain proper thermoregulation. In addition, shampoos wash away the natural lubricant that protects against aggressive environmental influences. Frequent bathing disrupts the pH level, dries out the skin and contributes to the formation of dandruff.

The state of the immune system of domestic pets and street cats is different. The body of stray animals is hardened by bacteria, dirt and questionable food. The immunity of thoroughbreds is formed in greenhouse conditions and does not always cope with the tasks assigned to it.

The following points will help determine the need for bathing:

  • unpleasant odor coming from the wool;
  • sticky skin;
  • abundant fatty deposits;
  • accumulation of dirt in skin folds.

In addition, it is necessary to arrange water procedures when the animal’s hair is heavily contaminated. This is especially true for situations when the pet gets dirty with chemicals or gasoline. Licking the skin in this situation risks poisoning the animal.

How often can Oriental cats be bathed?

Oriental cats are not much different from ordinary cats in relation to bathing. Prevention: do not wash them more than once every 4 months. If dirt, dust or something more dangerous ends up on the fur, we remove it as the problem arises. Take the time to buy shampoo for cats with short hair. The smallest 100 ml bottle is enough. Shampoo for humans is contraindicated for cats.

The first bath of a kitten, if it happened between the ages of 1 and 4 months, will be easy for you. But the kitten will get very stressed. To soften it, you need the following.

Bathe your cat not in a large bathtub, but in a basin, so as not to increase the panic from the huge space from which you cannot free yourself.

Talk to the animal, do not make sudden movements, perform all actions with love. Let him understand that there is nothing hostile in this process.

It is most convenient to bathe a kitten in a sink or basin, having first filled it with a little water, unlike an adult cat, which is most often bathed in the shower. It is very important not to make noise from the stream of water when bathing a small cat so that he is less afraid.

Throw toys into the container to distract the cat a little.

Another tip on how to wash a Scottish Fold kitten. During the bathing process, you need to lather it with a special shampoo (you can purchase shampoo for sensitive skin or special for kittens) after the fur is wet. The shampoo should not be massaged into the coat, but should be stroked. After the cat is well soaped, the shampoo must be rinsed off very thoroughly, because... otherwise, the animal will begin to lick the washed fur very vigorously, on which there are shampoo residues. And this is fraught with health problems.

How to wash a cat for the first time?

You need to wash a kitten for the first time when it is still small - at about 2 months. Before that, wipe it with a damp towel and comb its fur. This is necessary so that the pet gets used to this procedure and subsequently feels calm in the bathroom. It also teaches cleanliness. It is important to wash British kittens thoroughly in order to get their fur in order, because kittens are not able to do this on their own. There may be fleas in the fur, and you also need to get rid of them. If this was not possible after the first bath, repeat the procedure a week later.

Drying a kitten

After bathing, the kitten must be dried, because it will take several hours to dry. First you need to carefully blot it with a terry towel and then wrap it in it.

Some breeders advise, without hesitation, to blow dry your kitten. On the one hand, this is bad, because cats are afraid of hair dryers or at least don’t like them. On the other hand, the prospect of being scared is still better than the prospect of getting sick. Therefore, you will have to choose a hairdryer. An alternative would be a wind blower, which makes less terrible sounds.

While drying, you can comb the cat and wipe its eyes and ears.

At the end of the process, reward your pet with a treat so that he associates bathing with a positive ending.

What to wash with?

Shampoo for kittens is different from shampoo for humans. This is due to differences in acid-base balance. Regular shampoo can also damage your pet's fur and skin.

If the kitten is a little dirty, you can wipe the stain with a damp cloth.

There are several types of special shampoos:

  1. Liquid shampoo
    can be used on small kittens and adult cats. With it you can achieve silky and soft wool. It should be used in small quantities, as it will be difficult to wash off a lot of foam.
  2. Dry shampoo
    is a salvation for panic fear of water. It is applied to the skin, then combed from the fur along with the dirt. Dry shampoo can be used more often than usual, as it does not upset the oil balance and does not lead to dry skin. Allowed for use from three months of age. Before applying it to your pet, you need to make sure that the skin is completely dry.
  3. Spray shampoo
    should be applied to wet fur. You can use it from the age of six months, because it has a distinct smell.

Kittens do not need to be washed with adult cat shampoo. Small pets have more delicate skin, so they are at risk of getting dermatitis.

Should I bathe a kitten after vaccination and castration?

After vaccination, the kitten cannot be bathed for at least 2 weeks, because during this period the animal’s immunity will be reduced by the vaccine. But the kitten should be bathed after a scheduled worming, when worm eggs may end up on the fur and need to be washed off. And deworming is done just before vaccination, so before you vaccinate the kitten, you can give it a bath.

After castration and sterilization, at least 10 days must pass before swimming, because... During this period, the sutures heal.

It’s also not worth bathing a kitten in the first days after you take it home. The animal is experiencing terrible stress, which you will only intensify, as a result of which its immunity will drop. The exception is yard cats, which, of course, need to be washed immediately.

Also watch a video on how to bathe a kitten.

Cats are very clean animals. Almost all of her free time, the cat cleans itself up, licks its fur, and washes its face. The cat does not need bathing; it remains clean without it, however, provided it is properly maintained: it is necessary to comb it enough times a day, to comb out matted hairs with a special comb.

In several cases, bathing is still necessary:

    severe wool contamination;

    for prevention purposes.

But, if you plan for your British cat to perform at animal shows, then this care will not be enough. In this case, it will take much more time to comb it, and besides, it will also have to be bathed using special shampoos for animals. This will allow her to always look well-groomed, and her coat will have a healthy appearance and shine.

Not everyone knows how and with what to properly bathe a cat. Remember that your cat should never be bathed with human soap or shampoo! Cats and people have different acid-base balance of the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of special shampoos for animals.

Most often, in order to keep the cat clean, it is enough to wipe certain contaminated areas of the body with a damp cloth.

British cats can be bathed in the following ways:

    Fill the bath 10-15 cm with warm water, the water temperature should be no more than 40°C, place a terry towel on the bottom of the bath, this will allow the cat to feel more confident and the paws will not slide along the bottom. Dissolve a special shampoo in water and wash the animal in it. Rinse the animal thoroughly so that any remaining shampoo does not get into the stomach and cause digestive upset.

    An easier way for the owner is to take a large plastic bag, pour warm water into it, add the required amount of shampoo and lower the cat into it so that only the head remains outside. Wash your cat through the bag, and then rinse it several times in clean water to completely remove the shampoo.

And also, under no circumstances wet your cat’s head while bathing and make sure that water does not get into the ears!

After bathing, you need to wrap the cat in a towel, pat dry and then dry with a hairdryer. It is necessary to dry in the direction from the tail to the head, while combing the cat so that the fur becomes well-groomed and beautiful.

If your cat is terribly afraid of water, then dry shampoos will help. They simply sprinkle the cat with them, and then carefully comb out the remaining shampoo. The effect of such a “bath” will be similar, and you and your cat will remain calm.

When a kitten appears in the house, many questions arise. What to feed the baby? How to train to a tray? Where to arrange a sleeping place? At what age can kittens be bathed? It is so important to keep the animal's fur clean. Previously, the cat's mother was watching over this, and he himself had not yet learned how to perform hygiene.

The kitten will remember the first contact with water for a long time, so you need to take the process seriously.

If your pet still has negative emotions, then next time he will fight back hard: scratching, biting and struggling with all his might. That's why you need to turn bathing not only useful, but also a pleasant pastime.

Some breeders claim that a kitten can be washed from the age of one month. This is explained by the fact that such a baby practically does not resist and does not scratch. But it’s not worth risking the baby’s psyche, because any unknown procedure is a great stress for him.

Is it possible to bathe British cats?

Despite the fact that cats are clean animals and love to lick themselves endlessly, the owner also needs to monitor their hygiene. British cats are known for their thick, velvety coat. To keep it in good condition, British cats need to be washed from time to time. But you shouldn’t bathe your cat often, because cats don’t like water and after washing, the fur temporarily loses its natural protection.

Kittens of this breed find it difficult to cope with cleanliness on their own. Because of their thick fur, they cannot lick themselves perfectly. And in this case, it rolls into lumps and dust and dirt accumulate in them. This can lead to illness in the British kitten, because in an attempt to get rid of the hairball, all the garbage ends up in its stomach. British cats, like other cat breeds, have fleas. The animal cannot get rid of them on its own; it needs the help of its owner more than ever. Kittens have poor coordination, which can cause the animal to fall, get dirty, or simply step into something. So you can and should bathe them.

There are no contraindications for bathing a lop-eared person.

At what age can British dogs be bathed?

A cat of noble blood needs washing at an early age more for beauty than for cleansing. After all, before an exhibition you need your fur coat to look well-groomed and shiny. A kitten can be bathed from three months

, if he has a long or thick coat and undercoat. Some veterinarians recommend starting no earlier than five months of age. This includes Persian, British, Scottish and other breeds.

Washing will bring many benefits:

  • firstly, it will teach the baby to discipline;
  • secondly, bathing allows you to remove static electricity from hairs;
  • thirdly, it will remove dead epithelial scales and hairs, as a result, less of them will end up in the pet’s mouth and stomach.

British cat hair care

The famous plush fur of the British cat evokes a lot of positive emotions from simply touching it. But to achieve such a result, the owner has to properly care for his pet.

Important! The coat of a British Blue cat can be combed infrequently - 1-2 times a week.

The main principle of care is to remove guard hairs as thoroughly as possible with minimal trauma to the thick undercoat. To do this, the cat is combed according to the growth of the hairs, periodically changing direction. First of all, scratch the back, sides and chest of the animal, and then move on to the paws, tail and muzzle. The necks and chubby cheeks of the British Shorthair are always combed against the grain.

Types of British >>

What does a British cat look like >>

By the way, representatives of the British breed are one of the few who enjoy this procedure - they begin to purr loudly and prop up their back to continue the massage.

How to brush British cats

To care for your pet's fur, it is recommended to purchase 2 brushes:

  1. An ordinary metal comb with medium-frequency rounded teeth. It is advisable for her to comb the British first, slowly and strictly in the direction of hair growth.
  2. Rubber massage brush or slicker brush. This is an excellent option for brushing British cats without electrifying the hair. It is recommended to brush the animal vigorously with such a brush, massaging all areas of the body.

What to do with a found kitten when the age is unknown?

There are always a lot of fleas living on the skin of outdoor cats. You should also not rule out lichen, helminthic infestations and other infectious diseases. It is important to take your pet to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Bathing with lichen at any age is not prohibited if the coat is very dirty or the use of special shampoos (Nizoral, Sebozol) is required. In other cases, the infection may spread to healthy areas of the skin.

For a newborn kitten under 2 weeks of age, early bathing can be harmful. It is better to wipe it with a soft sponge soaked in warm water without adding detergents.

The ABCs of Bathing

Considering the risks that water treatments can cause to animals, they should be approached responsibly. Any deviation from the rules can lead to dermatological or colds.

First bath

In order not to traumatize the baby’s psyche, the first water procedure should be as comfortable as possible. The quality of its implementation determines the attitude towards subsequent bathing.

You need to get used to water from an early age. At 3 months, the kitten can already have a bath day. Before this, responsibility for the cleanliness of the pet lies on the mother's shoulders. If he is very dirty, he can be given a bath even at 1 month of age.

Frequency of bathing

Considering the love of the feline family for cleanliness, washing should be an auxiliary activity, but not the main one. Frequent bathing has a negative impact on the condition of the coat.

It is advisable to arrange scheduled washing no more than once every 6 months. Some cat owners reduce this time period to 4 times a year.

Before you begin water procedures, you need to familiarize yourself with the advice of experienced cat owners and veterinarians. To make this event comfortable and not cause harm, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Wash on an empty stomach or after a small snack.
  2. Avoid contact with water for 14 days after vaccination or if you have ringworm.
  3. It is advisable to adjust bathing to seasonal molting. During this period, pets lick themselves more often, which is fraught with accumulation of hair in the stomach and disruption of digestive processes.
  4. Pedigree animals are given unscheduled baths before participating in exhibitions.
  5. If the cat is very dirty and is unable to cope on its own, an additional bath day is arranged.

Some owners use the services of groomers for their first bath. Such a service costs about 400-600 rubles and allows you to learn all the intricacies of the procedure.

Strategically important places

Some parts of kittens' bodies get dirty more than others. During the bathing process, special attention should be paid to the following areas:

  • armpits;
  • behind the ears;
  • stomach;
  • paws;
  • anal area.

Animals' ears also get very dirty, but they can be cleaned with cotton swabs.

Cats have highly sensitive paws equipped with sensory organs. Nerve receptors help them hunt and maintain balance. They react very sensitively to any changes in the environment, including temperature. Too cold or hot water can cause severe pain in your pet.


The kitten hair care line is presented in several versions - shampoos and conditioners for normal, dry, oily and damaged skin. Since kittens have more delicate skin and fluffier fur than adults, they need gentle products.

Based on consistency, washing cosmetics are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Liquid.
    This category includes soap-based shampoos and conditioners. Most in demand.
  2. Powdery.
    Indispensable for pets afraid of water. Applying cleansing powder is more labor-intensive, but relieves the kitten from a stressful situation. Not suitable for animals with dark fur.
  3. In the form of sprays.
    A convenient sprayer allows for precise application of the product. Helps with partial bathing and for working with tangles.

Dry shampoo can be made at home. To do this, mix equal parts baby powder and cornstarch.

Table 1. The best shampoos for bathing kittens

Rules of application:

  1. When choosing detergents, you should take into account the type and color of the coat, as well as the condition of the skin.
  2. Shampoos for long-haired kittens are not suitable for pets with short hair and undercoat.
  3. Detergents have different PH levels, which directly affects the silkiness and grooming of the coat. If for humans they are designed for an acid-base balance of 3.5 to 4.5 units, then for cats you need to look for products with a pH of 6.5.
  4. It is preferable to buy concentrated shampoos. They are more expensive than regular ones, but they are more economical in consumption.
  5. Herbal shampoos are not used for silver, white and blue kittens.
  6. Siamese and Abyssinian babies are not recommended to use care products to create volume.
  7. You need to purchase specialized products designed for cats or for cats and dogs. The use of exclusively dog ​​shampoos is possible only before participating in exhibitions.
  8. Most detergents need to be left on the wool for up to 7 minutes. This is especially true for medicinal products.
  9. It is not advisable to use 2-in-1 shampoo-conditioners.
  10. Human cosmetics are not suitable for kittens because they kill the skin's defenses.

The best conditioners for bathing babies are those produced by Tropiclean and Iv San Bernard.

Stages of successful hygiene

It is advisable for one person to hold the animal and the other to wash it. The first rule when bathing your baby is in warm, but not hot, water. Its temperature should not exceed 38⁰ C

. It is better to close the bathroom door tightly. A long-haired kitten must be combed first to untangle the clumps. Items you should prepare in advance:

  • basin;
  • ladle;
  • warm water in a saucepan;
  • hypoallergenic shampoo for kittens;
  • 2–3 towels;
  • cotton swabs for ears;
  • cotton pads;
  • reward treat.

Small cotton balls are used to plug the baby's ears to prevent water and detergent from getting into them. So much water is filled into the basin so that its level reaches the kitten’s neck. Calming the pet with quiet words, gently moisten the fur with a sponge or hand. For the first time, you should not immediately put the animal in the basin, otherwise it may frighten it.

After the coat is well moistened, shake a little shampoo in your palm and distribute evenly over the body, paws and tail, rubbing lightly. They don't soap their hair. Excess foam is removed with your hands, and the baby is slowly placed in the basin. To wash off the detergent, pour the body from a ladle, scooping clean water from a saucepan. You can do this with a shower if the kitten is not scared. Finally, wet cotton pads are used to wipe the eyes, nose and outer part of the ears.

Subsequent baths can begin by lowering a cat aged 5 months or more into a basin or sink filled with water. But this should be done correctly: slowly dip the hind and front legs, and then the body.

How to wash a British kitten for the first time?

First you need to carefully prepare for the procedure. We buy shampoo (what to wash the kitten with if there is no special shampoo). In the case of purebred cats, it is not recommended to use ordinary tar soap. But you also need to choose shampoo with care. The British, especially kittens, can be allergic. This means that you need to ask the store seller for a hypoallergenic composition.

Sometimes they use tinted shampoos: whitening for babies with white fur and dark for black ones.

But it’s better to do without such cosmetics for the first time. Or take a special flea shampoo (how to wash a kitten with flea shampoo), or a simple cat shampoo.

You can see the composition. It is very good if it includes infusions of herbs and algae. You can count on the natural ingredients not causing allergies in your little pet.

Important! Prepare a swimming area in advance. It is generally not recommended to wash British kittens in the bathtub. A large space can frighten a kitten, and it is uncomfortable for the owner to stand at an angle. They suggest bathing the baby in a sink or basin.

This is not quite the right approach. Over time, your pet will grow up and there will no longer be enough space in the sink, and changing washing conditions is nerve-wracking even for an adult animal. It is better to wash the kitten in the bathtub, placing the basin on the bottom.

You will also need two large soft towels and a cat brush.

How to wash a Briton - detailed instructions:

  1. We are preparing the place. The basin is placed in the bath. Pour a little warm water into it. The temperature should be slightly warmer than the temperature of your hand. You can lay a rubber mat or towel on the bottom to prevent the kitten’s paws from slipping. Next to the basin we place a shower with an elastic hose.

    Attention! It is believed that it is better not to use a shower, but to rinse the shampoo from the fur with your hands. But there is no guarantee that you will be able to rinse the soap thoroughly. If anything remains on the fur, the kitten will lick it off, which can result in an upset stomach. The British have a rather weak digestive system, so it’s not worth the risk.

  2. Open the water and adjust the temperature. The stream should not be strong so that the sound does not frighten the baby. The temperature is slightly warmer than the water at the bottom of the basin.
  3. We take the kitten in our arms. You need to caress him well so that the baby does not get scared. We carefully bring him into the bathroom and, continuing to scratch behind the ear, as all cats love, we lower him into the basin. Let him put up his hind legs first, then his front legs. Give the kitten a minute to become familiar with the new environment.
  4. Now you can start washing. Gently start pouring water over the kitten. This is done with one hand. The second one carefully holds the baby. First we take water from the tap. Scoop it under the stream and water the kitten. We start with the withers and front legs.
  5. Talk to your pet gently throughout the procedure. The animal should not be afraid. While wetting the fur, lightly stroke the baby.
  6. Under no circumstances should you pour water on your face or ears. Try to wet the neck, paws, and body in front. But the back part can already be watered from the shower. But again, the pressure should be weak and the water should be warm.
  7. The next stage is soaping. Pour the shampoo into your palm and dilute with water. Gently lather the kitten with massage movements (except for the face and ears!). Do this slowly and carefully.
  8. Now we wash it off. First we wash the back with a shower. Check how well the soap is washed off. The front part, but it is better to wash it with tap water so that drops do not accidentally fall on the face and ears.
  9. When our Briton is washed, we carefully place him in the bath and run our palms over the baby’s body to squeeze the water out of the fur. Do not press hard so as not to cause discomfort to the baby.
  10. Wrap your pet in a large towel. You need to soak up the water as much as possible. Then we change the towels and dry rub the fur with quick and light movements. If you do everything very carefully, the baby will like the procedure and may thank you with a quiet purr.

After washing, you can take another towel, wrap your little pet in it and just sit with him on the sofa. This will keep the kitten warm.

After about forty minutes or even an hour, when the fur has already dried a little, it is better to comb the Briton. Otherwise the fur will fall off.

What to do next?

After bathing, the kitten is wrapped in a towel to absorb excess moisture. After a few minutes, the wet towel should be changed. There is no need to rub the little body, just blot it

. Next, the wool is dried with a hairdryer, otherwise it will roll up and tangles will remain. In addition, a child who has not reached adulthood can catch a cold and get sick, because even in a warm room, the wool will dry completely only after 10–12 hours.

The scary buzzing device is kept at a distance of 30 cm from the cat. If it is possible to adjust the air supply, then it is better to choose a gentle mode.

At the end, the fur coat is combed out with a brush and the kitten is sure to be offered a favorite treat so that washing is associated with pleasant emotions.

Bathing cats needs to be taken seriously. To avoid problems with age, it is better to accustom the kitten to washing before the age of one year.

, since an adult animal will desperately resist. By the way, for such alarmists they came up with dry shampoo that does not require contact with water. If necessary, you can bathe the baby completely, but not earlier than 2 weeks after birth. Still, it is better to postpone the procedure until the cat reaches 2–3 months of age.

In addition to stress and psychological trauma, improper bathing causes skin damage, colds, heart and gastrointestinal problems. To prevent this from happening, it is important to choose the right shampoo for your pet, taking into account its age and coat characteristics. It is necessary to start washing the kitten on time, observe a certain frequency of bathing and follow simple rules of hygiene procedures.

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Caring for British women

Caring for cats of the British breed cannot be called special, and keeping these plush creatures is not at all difficult. However, you still have to take some nuances into account, especially if you want your pet to shine at exhibition events and participate in breeding.

WoolThe coat is the main advantage of the British, so it should be looked after very carefully. Get ready to brush your pet 1-2 times a week with a special massage brush called a slicker brush. With its help, you can remove all the dead hair that is creeping in, and also give a great massage, even when cats sleep on their backs. The structure of the coat and its condition largely depend on the pet’s diet. It must contain all nutrients, calcium, vitamins and microelements. It is enough to wash a short-haired blue cat 1-2 times a year.
ClawsAny domestic cat does not have the ability to sharpen its claws properly, even if it has a scratching post. Therefore, a Briton’s nails need to be trimmed 1-2 times a month. Cut them carefully, about half the entire length, no more.
EyesA Briton's eyes should be looked after at least once a day, since dark secretions should not accumulate in them. Wipe your pet's eyes with a damp cotton swab, starting from the outer corner and ending with the nose.
EarsThe ears should be examined 2 times a month. Contaminants are removed with a regular cotton swab dipped in boiled water. The exposed ear surface can be wiped with a small amount of Vaseline or cosmetic cream.
TeethInspect your British woman's oral cavity daily. Due to the fact that at home the cat cannot chew twigs and grass to clean its teeth, over time it may develop tartar. To prevent this from happening, try to accustom your kitten to brushing its teeth using a special product from an early age. Ready-made dry food also helps dissolve plaque. It is worth noting that feeding in this case should occur regularly, and not just to remove dental plaque.

If British kittens have everything they need for full development, and the owner takes care of them on time, no problems will arise in keeping these animals.

At what age can kittens be bathed?

Experts are divided on the topic of the age at which they should start bathing. Some believe that the ideal age to begin accustoming to water procedures is about one month. The arguments in favor of this point of view boil down mainly to the fact that the sooner you start washing the animal, the faster and easier it will be for him to get used to bathing.

Others argue that you should not start washing a cat younger than four months. And this is in case of urgent need, but it would be better to wait until the fifth. This point of view is due to the fact that the cub’s body is still very weak - it catches a cold easily after bathing, and it will be more difficult to cure it than an older animal. In addition, the first wash will be stressful for the kitten, and at a very young age it will be difficult to bear.

A number of experts call the best age to start swimming two to three months. During this period, the kitten stopped feeding on mother's milk, became stronger and gained some immunity. At the same time, his psyche is still quite flexible in order to adapt to something new relatively easily.

Most veterinarians agree that it is worth accustoming a cat to water procedures no earlier than a month after he appears in the house. The animal needs this period of time in order to get comfortable in new conditions - during this time it will become clear whether the animal is sick with any illness for which bathing is contraindicated.

Basic rules for washing kittens

It is better to keep the doors to the bathroom closed, because if the cat runs away from you, you will not need to look for it throughout the apartment.

It is necessary to wash the cat with confident movements, which include:

  • The most important point is to place the animal in the bath; it is better to grab it by the scruff of the neck, so that it does not have the opportunity to scratch, break free and run away. Before you start washing the kitten, you need to wet its fur and keep its nose and ears dry. To avoid irritation, you should put eye drops in your pet's eyes and plug his ears with a tampon. Water should not get into the cat’s nose and ears, otherwise inflammatory processes may occur.
  • It is most convenient to wash a kitten in the shower; this procedure will result in less splashing, and the animal will more easily endure such an ordeal. You can hold the cat with your left hand, and the shower with your right.
  • The shower must first be put aside, and the shampoo must be applied to the back, paws and tummy of the pet, do not forget about the tail.
  • Last but not least, you can wash the baby’s head, because this is the most unpleasant part of this procedure.
  • A soft sponge should be used for washing.
  • The easiest way to wash off the foam is with a shower from top to bottom, but you need to make sure that water does not get into the cat’s ears.
  • After the pet has taken a bath, all the foam has been washed off, it must be placed in a warm towel. It is best to use two towels, and one of them must be thick, because it is unknown how the cat will behave after washing.
  • You should not bathe your pet after he has eaten. The bath should be used no earlier than 4 hours after eating.

If the kitten has survived vaccination, then it will be possible to wash it no earlier than after 2 weeks.

Why do you wash kittens?

There are several reasons why you should bathe cats, including the smallest ones:

Cats are very clean animals. Normally, they themselves maintain the cleanliness of their body at the required level. Therefore, when a pet is licked often and a lot, its fur looks neat and shiny. If he doesn't go for walks, you don't have to bathe him all the time. However, during the molting period, in case of heavy soiling (if the cat has been rolling around in the mud) or to get rid of fleas, you will still have to wash the cat.

Why wash British cats?

So, in order for the fur of British cats to retain their iridescent shine and remain in perfect condition, they need to be washed periodically - no more than once every two months. This can be attributed to preventive purposes and aesthetic considerations of the owners.

Another reason to bathe your cat may be the presence of parasites in its fur. If she has picked up fleas or other pests, then the medicinal products against them must then be thoroughly washed off (along with traces of the vital activity of the parasites). It also happens that a cat got very dirty somewhere: it ran out into the street in the mud and rain, did not maintain coordination in the litter box, got smeared with food in the kitchen, etc. In such cases, bathing is carried out out of turn, but in accordance with the usual rules.

How often can and should you bathe your pet?

There is no consensus among veterinarians on how often an animal should be bathed. The stated periods of abstinence from water procedures vary from one month to six months. Most experts agree that it is permissible to wash a kitten no more than once every three months. This is due to the fact that when bathing, the skin's fat layer is washed off. And for some time the integumentary tissues are left without natural protection.

You should not bathe your kitten for fourteen days after vaccination.

And at least ten days must pass from the moment the cat is castrated.

How to wash representatives of different breeds

Some types of cats require an individual approach to hair care. For purebred pets, it is advisable to use specialized shampoos. White animals require the use of bleaching detergents. Long-haired babies, Persian and Siberian for example, are bathed more often than others, once every 2 months. Shorthaired Scots or British - once every 6 months.

Features of bathing sphinx kittens

Hairless pets differ from their counterparts not only in their exotic appearance, but also in the rate of contamination of the skin. Due to the fact that they do not have a protective coat, they need to be bathed frequently. Veterinarians recommend washing hairless kittens once every 3-5 weeks. For water treatments, Ms.Kiss “Graceful Sphinx” and Doctor VIC shampoos are suitable. To clean your pet's head, you need sanitary napkins specially designed for cats.

Sphynx cats sweat a lot. This leads to excessive contamination of the skin, especially in the folds.

Bathing a kitten is a responsible and energy-consuming procedure. Knowing the basic rules of a bath day, this process can be turned into an exciting event. A pet’s love for washing largely depends on the owner, so you should patiently instill in your baby a culture of water hygiene.

Video - How to properly bathe a kitten for the first time?

Owners of self-sufficient and independent animals are often interested in how often they can bathe their cat. Pets do not like bath procedures, but if this is necessary, then how often can you brush the cat’s fur and at what temperature can this be done?

How to wash a kitten?

Wash pets with specialized veterinary shampoos for cats. You cannot use human products or those designed for other types of animals (dogs or rodents). To choose the shampoo that is ideal for a particular cat, you need to follow a few simple rules.

If your pet, despite following all the rules, still reacts too strongly to bathing, you can use specialized dry shampoos. They are a powder that is applied to the animal's fur, kept there for a while, and then removed by combing.

How to bathe a cat?

In pet salons, masters use dozens of means and methods to groom your pet, but it’s simplified and one or two will be enough for you.

The first rule is that you cannot bathe your cat with shampoos for people or products for dogs - they can be dangerously toxic for your pet. Pet stores offer many special ones - choose one that matches the type of your animal.

Shampoos for cats:

  • Sprays – clean the animal’s fur and work as antistatic agents;
  • Dry shampoos – powder (dry) products are suitable for cats that have not overcome hydrophobia;
  • Liquid is the most common form for cats that have overcome their fear of water.

Industrial bathing products - popular brands

Manufacturers offer conventional cleansing shampoos and bathing products with targeted action: against dandruff, against allergies, against hair loss, against fleas, and lichen.

Popular brands:

  1. Beaphar Shampoo Hypo-allergenic – hypoallergenic shampoo.
  2. VEDA Phytoelite is an anti-matt shampoo for fluffy cats.
  3. CLINY – shampoo-conditioner.
  4. Beaphar Shampooing Chats & chatons – for cats and kittens.
  5. Bio-Groom “Klean Kitty” – spray shampoo.
  6. Ms Kiss “Freshness and Volume” – dry shampoo.
  7. Mr.Gee – dry shampoo with mint.
  8. Beaphar Shampoo Anti Dandruff - anti-dandruff shampoo.
  9. RolfClub – insecticidal shampoo.
  10. Beaphar Shampoo Anti-Itch – anti-itch shampoo.

Instructions for bathing a kitten

Improper bathing can cause serious stress in your pet, cause skin diseases and even cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is important to do everything correctly so as not to injure either the cat or yourself. It is best to bathe an animal together: one person holds the kitten, and the second carries out all the necessary manipulations.

Step-by-step instructions explaining how to properly bathe a kitten:

  1. 1. Before washing the cat, the owner is recommended to put on a terry bathrobe and gloves. This is necessary so as not to wet your clothes and to protect yourself in case a frightened animal begins to bite and scratch. Gloves should be made of fabric rather than rubber, as the latter can cause unpleasant and even painful sensations for your pet.
  2. 2. It is necessary to protect vulnerable places on the cat’s body - eyes and ears - from water. To do this, small pieces of cotton wool are inserted into the ears. But you don’t need to push them too deep, otherwise you can damage the animal’s ear canals. As for the eyes, you can apply a little Vaseline to their inner corners using a cotton swab. This will protect sensitive mucous membranes.
  3. 3. Place a rubber mat or piece of cloth (towel or rag) in the bathing container (basin or bathtub). This is necessary so that the cat does not slip, feels more confident and does not break off its claws on the hard surface of the bath.
  4. 4. Fill the bathing container with water. Its level should not exceed ten centimeters. Ideally, the water will lightly touch the cat's belly. The temperature of the liquid should be about forty degrees. This can be checked by placing your hand near the stream of water - it should feel slightly warm.
  5. 5. After all the preliminary procedures, you can proceed directly to bathing, slowly and carefully lowering the kitten into the water. At first he should touch the liquid only with his paws. You need to hold it in this state for a minute, letting it get used to it. Then lower it completely.
  6. 6. Wet the entire animal. You can use a shower for this, but it creates additional stress for the cat in the form of noise. Therefore, at first, it is best to simply water your pet from above with water from a ladle or mug. To wet the head, you need to gently press the ears with one hand, and with the other (moistened in water) moisten the fur, making stroking movements.
  7. 7. Thoroughly lather the cat using massaging movements. Most specialized cat shampoos are concentrated, so you only need to use a very small amount.
  8. 8. Rinse off the shampoo - here it is very important to take your time and thoroughly clean the cat’s coat of the used product. It is recommended to rinse the fur for at least seven minutes, otherwise shampoo residues may remain on the surface of the animal’s body, which subsequently leads to skin damage (including chemical burns) and poisoning as a result of licking.
  9. 9. Dry the kitten thoroughly. To do this, you first need to wipe it with a towel with gentle massaging movements. It is best to use a soft terry cloth that is quite large, then wrap the animal in the same towel and hold it there for about twenty minutes so that the moisture is absorbed into the fabric.
  10. 10. Remove cotton plugs from your ears and remove Vaseline from the corners of your eyes. To do this, you need to wet a piece of cotton wool or a sponge for removing makeup (sponge), then wipe your eye with a light and smooth movement of your hand.

At the very end, you can dry the kitten with a hairdryer if it is not too frightened by the sound. The air should be neither cold nor hot. The hairdryer must be kept at a distance of at least twenty centimeters from the animal’s skin. No matter how drying occurs, until the cat is completely dry, it is necessary to keep it in a warm room without drafts.

If the animal reacts very negatively to bathing, you can simply wet the kitten for the first time: introduce it to water, show it what it is. And after two weeks, wash it completely, with shampoo. This should reduce the animal's anxiety.

Some owners are interested in whether it is possible to give the cat sedatives before bathing so that it can more easily endure the procedure. This should not be done, since such products will do more harm to a healthy cat than good - they can cause serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

How to bathe correctly for the first time?

It is better that the weather outside is good and the room is warm and dry. The kitten must be completely healthy and not hungry. It is advisable that the baby is not in a playful mood.

How to bathe a kitten for the first time? To do this you need:

  1. Prepare a large soft towel, shampoo and a small basin. Place a stool in the bathroom with a basin on top or place the basin in the sink. Wear an apron and old clothes, as the kitten can tear them. The right thing to do would be to open the shampoo right away.
  2. Turn on the shower and set it to low pressure. Make sure the water is warm. You need to test it on the elbow bend. If the water is warmer than room temperature, you can burn your pet. The fact is that its receptors are different from human ones. Pour some water into the bowl, about 2 cm from the bottom.
  3. Form two small balls of cotton wool and grease them with vegetable oil. Place them in your pet's ears to prevent water from entering. The kitten will also be protected from splashing and noise.
  4. With your left hand, grab your pet by the withers (the place where a cat grabs kittens to move them to another place). Check if everything is okay with him and put him in a basin. The pet can be in any position - lying or standing. The main thing is that he holds tight.
  5. Without letting go of your hand, take the shower in your other hand and wet your pet’s fur. Start from the neck area and slowly work your way down and back towards the tail. It is important to follow this sequence, as it is better for the fleas to run from the water to the tail, and not into the eyes.
  6. There is no need to wet your head, especially your ears and eyes. You can simply run a wet hand over them without using a shower. Don't forget about another goal - not to scare your pet. You need to talk to him calmly, reassure him.
  7. Pour a few drops of shampoo into your hand, lather and apply to the coat. You need to do this with one hand, since you cannot let go of the kitten. Distribute the foam over the entire skin, making sure that all areas are affected.
  8. Looking at the instructions, leave the shampoo for two minutes, then rinse. This must be done at high speed, but do not forget about caution. Leave the direction the same. See if there is any foam left.
  9. Wrap your pet in a towel, allowing him to move his head and breathe. First, just hold it, then start gently wiping it.
  10. After 5 minutes, you can free him from the towel and let him out on the sofa to lick himself. Avoid drafts and soap residue on the fur, which the kitten can lick off.

You should not use a hairdryer.

If the bathing went perfectly, this can ruin everything. A hairdryer is like a vacuum cleaner for your pet and can be very frightening for your pet.

If your pet is fairly clean, but very timid, you can wash only its paws or butt with napkins or a damp towel. After the procedure, you can give your pet his favorite food so that he has pleasant memories.

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