How to recognize Maine Coon kittens - distinctive features of animals of this breed

Appearance of an adult Maine Coon

The easiest way to recognize a Maine Coon and distinguish it from the ordinary yard “Vaska” is in adulthood - it’s hard to make a mistake here.

  1. One of the main features is that a real Maine Coon has a very impressive size and weight: they can reach 1 meter in length and weigh about 8-9 kilograms, and neutered cats can be about 10-12 kilograms. Females are smaller than males.
  2. An important feature that distinguishes them from ordinary cats is the presence of tassels on their ears. They appear from about 3 months - at first they are not very thick and grow slowly. The ears themselves are wide and set high. On the inside of the ear grow characteristic “brushes” - horizontal tufts of hair.
  3. The eyes are large and slightly oblique. The look is serious and stern, but completely inconsistent with the character.
  4. A true Maine Coon should have a rich mane and a fluffy frill that completely covers his neck and chest.
  5. The Maine Coon's coat is particularly thick, dense and soft; long strands on the panties, chest and belly hang down. The undercoat is very soft and silky. The longest hair is on the tail, chest, belly and hind legs. Tufts of long hair grow between the toes.
  6. The Maine Coon has a special “face” expression: the lower part of the muzzle, together with the mustache and chin, has a square shape, the so-called “box”. The chin is powerful and well developed, in line with the nose.
  7. Representatives of this breed are strongly built, have a large skeleton, a muscular build, and long, powerful, wide paws. The tail is long and wide at the base.

Dimensions. The body weight of a male sometimes reaches 15 kg, of a female – 8 kg. The documented length record for the animal is 1.23 meters.

Head. Thanks to their large ears with tufts at the ends, Maine Coons resemble a lynx. The large lower jaw creates a resemblance to a lion. And the features of the muzzle as a whole evoke associations with the face of a respectable man.

The coat lengthens from head to tail.

The tail is long, very bushy, tapering to a pointed end.

The voice is quite quiet and melodious.

About the origin

Most Maine-Coon mixes are born as a result of random matings. For example, when, having taken his pet with him to the dacha, the owner did not think that his fluffy beauty would probably attract the neighbor’s outbred cat as a bride. However, sometimes interbreed matings are also the result of the activities of unfortunate breeders who decided to see what would happen if they mated a Maine Coon cat, for example, with a British cat.

Interbreeding is a lottery in which it is impossible to predict how genes will fall.

Kittens born from such a mating will most likely turn out to be different from Maine Coons. In addition, there is a high risk that they will be predisposed to many diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, the beauty of many cat mixes is in no way inferior to high-breed representatives of the cat world. But, nevertheless, before the owner brings a cat without a pedigree into the house, it is worth studying the pros and cons of such an animal.

The beauty of many mixtures of breeds is in no way inferior to purebred cats.
Basic criteria for assessing a pet:

  • Desired age and size of the kitten;
  • Color;
  • Condition of eyes, ears and paws, absence of visible signs of disease;
  • Character traits that catch your eye when you first meet them;
  • Knowledge of the animal's tray and scratching post.

On information resources today you can find many advertisements for the sale of kittens, but it is difficult for a beginner to determine by eye whether he is a purebred.

Sellers often mislead potential buyers with stories about mating without documents and that kitten kittens cost thousands of rubles.

In such situations, the risk of buying a mestizo instead of a purebred is very high. And, if the buyer is still ready for this, then he should pay attention to the breed.

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Very popular now, fold-eared cats actually have many health problems. And if the buyer can still notice obvious diseases in the form of watery eyes or plaque in the ears, then genetic diseases, alas, cannot be noticed immediately.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of half-breeds is their moderate cost. And mestizos are also very flexible and friendly. Despite their origin, such pets will be devoted and loyal friends. Another positive quality is the loving and sociable nature of cats.

They can be compared to small children, because they love affection and attention very much, they gladly reciprocate their feelings to their owner.

Developed intelligence allows you to carry out various commands, and easy receptivity to information will help you quickly accustom the kitten to the litter box. Mestizos have strong immunity, they get sick less. In terms of appearance, they are in no way inferior to purebred cats. Their unusual color and fluffy tail can charm anyone. To avoid surprises, before purchasing such a pet, you should carefully study information about its parents.

Disadvantages include the lack of pedigree and the inability to participate in exhibitions.

It is undesirable for mestizos to reproduce, as there is a huge risk of the cat dying during childbirth due to the large size of the kittens.

Throughout the existence of the Maine Coon breed, scientists have made a lot of attempts to obtain mixed breeds. All this was done in order to add some qualities to purebred individuals from other breeds.

So, to obtain a large cat of an unusual color, a full-fledged Maine Coon was crossed with a male Siamese breed, but such an experiment turned out to be a failure due to the too different sizes of these cats.

When crossing with representatives of the Persian breed, large red kittens with rather fluffy fur are often obtained - no hint of resemblance to Maine Coons, the gigantic size of the Persian. An attempt to cross a purebred individual with a Bengal to increase the size of the animals also turned out to be a failure.

A Maine Coon and Siberian cat kitten is most similar in appearance to a purebred, but it will never grow to such a large size as a purebred individual. Usually such babies are passed off as noble, but they are offered at a discount, which lures gullible buyers. The cross between a Maine Coon and a domestic cat was created completely by accident. The kitten has lost some positive character traits, but the coloring has been preserved.


Maine Coons are active, but very neat. Objects are walked around without touching; do not damage furniture if there is a scratching post; They don’t climb into closets or closets because they don’t like being cramped. These giants are very affectionate, quickly get used to the owner and housing, but are careful with strangers. Most Maine Coons are intelligent and easy to learn and train.

We can start comparing the Maine Coon and an ordinary cat with the fact that representatives of this breed are distinguished by behavior that is completely unusual for ordinary cats - at first, this greatly surprises new owners.

Metis of the Scottish Fold

Scottish fold mixed-breed kitten
When purchasing a fold-eared kitten without documents, you need to clarify:

  1. What breed are the kitten's parents?
  2. Has there been a mating between a male and a female with floppy ears (such matings are strictly prohibited);
  3. Are the kitten's parents vaccinated?

Osteochondrodysplasia is a malformation of cartilage in Scottish Fold cats and their mixtures.

It manifests itself as deformation of bone and cartilage tissue on the paws and tail. This disease is incurable and is noticeable only closer to the age of one year.

Positive qualities of cats

You often hear that mixtures of varieties or unspecified cats are smarter and tougher than purebred couch sissies. This is partly true, because... these cats receive a set of genes from which they take the most useful qualities for survival in nature.

Mixed breeds of big cats or exotics look very attractive and unusual, combining the size, grace and unusual features of several breeds.

The character of an animal depends not so much on the breed, but on upbringing

It is still better for cat owners to remember that the character of an animal depends not so much on its breed, but on upbringing and care.

Mixed cats are subject to mandatory neutering before or after they reach the age of sexual maturity. No matter how beautiful such animals look, they cannot be bred in the same way as “pet”-class and “culling” cats.

Choosing a mixed-breed cat

Every cat is unique. But experts believe that by external signs - the shape of the skull, body structure, color and length of fur - it is possible to predict the character traits of a pet from a very young age. And even a predisposition to disease. Mixed breeds of elite cats inherit from their parents the appearance and behavior pattern characteristic of a particular breed. When choosing a mestizo, you should pay attention to the main phenotypes. Try to determine from them what character the cat will have and its future health problems.

"Marquise" phenotype

Short, black fur with white spots. The body constitution of cats is dense, while that of cats is thin. This phenotype is characteristic of short-haired European breeds. These pets have a stable, predictable character. They demonstrate their desires quite clearly. They try to manage the house and achieve their goal with affection or perseverance. They have good health. With poor nutrition, urolithiasis can develop.

Phenotype "Siberian cat"

The color is gray-striped. The coat is long with a thick undercoat. The body is loose or dense. The head is large, round, with a protruding muzzle. Confident, independent character. These animals are “on their own.” They skillfully put the owners in the desired place and show who is boss in the house. They accept affection solely of their own free will. They don't like it when they are bothered with attention. May experience digestive problems. Suffer from obesity, diabetes, urolithiasis,

Angora cat phenotype

Long or semi-long light coat. Dry, tender body. Elegant, light head. Having an independent disposition, they show miracles of devotion and trust in the owner. Sensing the weakness of the owner, they can show “savagery” and aggressiveness, defending themselves and protecting the territory. They need daily human contact. The owner is expected to be predictable and stable. Health is good. Problems with respiratory function and infections are possible.

"British" phenotype

The coat is dense and short. The head is round, large, with erect ears. The body structure is rough and dense. Tabby and blue-gray color. The tail is thick, with transverse stripes. Independent character. Showing displeasure, they can be stubborn and aggressive. These cats are not easy to handle. Touching is allowed, guided solely by one’s own mood. They often become “masters of masters.” Like all cats with a rough constitution, they have a tendency to chronic kidney diseases and obesity. And also, endocrine system disorders and chronic pancreatitis.

Phenotype "Persian cat"

The coat is long, silky, without coarse guard hairs. The head is round, the nose is flattened. The body constitution is rough or loose. They have an independent character and position themselves as a decoration for the home. They can be capricious and demanding. Persians and mestizos are often cut like a lion. Since long hair needs to be combed, and Persians do not like this procedure. Predisposed to diseases of the genitourinary system and upper respiratory tract.

Phenotype "oriental cat"

A cat with short, delicate fur. Thin, dense skeleton with developed muscles. The body is elongated. Quite heavy with an elegant appearance. Light, graceful head. Large or medium movable ears. The color is varied: spotted, solid, striped, color-point, tabby and others. Due to their focus on the owner and the need for constant communication, they are called “cat-dogs”. Orientals have irrepressible energy. Need active games. If energy is not used, obesity may begin. They strive to restore order in the house. Health is quite good. They may have digestive problems and infections.

Phenotype "Thai cat"

Semi-long or short coat of characteristic colors: blue point, seal point, lilac tabby point, lilac point. The head is round. Eye color is blue. Strong, graceful cats with a dense, but not coarse constitution. The character is even, non-conflicting. The behavior model is close to that of a dog. They need constant contact with the owner. They are acutely aware of his mood swings. Empathizing with the problems of the owners, they can get sick. They are very persistent in achieving their goals. They achieve their goals not through arrogance and aggression, but through persistence and affection. Health is quite good, but they are susceptible to urolithiasis and slow infections.

Taking into account the external signs of the pet, it is possible to predict the future character and behavioral model. Take measures for proper education and prevent possible diseases.

Where do they come from?

It is worth noting that modern veterinarians, dog handlers and felinologists are against non-professional matings between breeds and representatives without documents and permission to breed. This happens not because these specialists are sorry that new species will appear, but because there are more than 60 varieties of cats.

Many of the officially recognized ones are also originally crossbreeds of two breeds, which, as a result of selection, became an independent species. This is how the British and Scottish breeds, Munchkins, and Ukrainian Levkoy were developed.

The work of felinology to improve these breeds continues to this day.

But it also happens that mixed-breed kittens appear in a family where they are not familiar with the methods and conditions of breeding. This often happens if animals of different sexes are in the same room during estrus. Or the owners let the animals go out for a walk during the mating season, which ends in the cat becoming pregnant from an unknown cat.

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Of course, such situations are an example of irresponsible animal keeping, since they pose a threat to both the pet’s life and its health.

Mixed breeds are also produced by owners who decide to independently experiment with matings between breeds

Mixed breeds are also obtained from owners who decided to independently experiment with matings between breeds, which, in their opinion, produce unusual and beautiful crosses and offspring.

Why are interbreed matings needed?

From the school biology course we know that consanguineous marriages lead to degeneration. The same is true when breeding cats. If a breed has a small number of individuals in this region, then their offspring will be relatives to one degree or another, which will lead to negative consequences in the future. Possible way out:

  • purchase a purebred representative from a remote territory (preferably from abroad), but this path is associated with large financial investments;
  • breed with another suitable breed to inject new blood; This path is labor-intensive, since only the fourth generation of such a union already belongs to purebred animals.

The need for interbreeding and possible risks

It is recommended to carry out blood renewal with natural breeds of cats. Created in natural conditions, they are characterized by good health and do not have genetic diseases. Such mestizos receive the following benefits:

  • health promotion;
  • increasing intelligence and learning ability;
  • pickiness in food.

But it must be taken into account that the first generation of interbreed matings may worsen or completely lose some characteristics of their breed.

When crossing two different cultivated breeds in order to obtain new attractive properties in their offspring, it is necessary to take into account their genetic code and possible recessive defects. Not all genetic diseases manifest themselves immediately; they can also appear in an adult animal.

Traits obtained as a result of a gene mutation (low-eared, tailless, rex) are poorly inherited, and it is difficult to predict what can be obtained as a result of mating.

The cat is in heat

Female cats exhibit sexual behavior and are capable of mating not at any time, but during a period called estrus, or heat. Domestic cats show the first signs of estrus at the age of 6-8 months. Their estrus period occurs several times a year and is one of the phases of the estrous cycle.

Proestrus. Lasts from 12 hours to 3 days. In this phase, the secretion of estrogen begins to increase. The cat meows pitifully, rubs its muzzle against objects, other cats or other animals in the house, and begins to roll on its back on the floor.

Estrus. Lasts 4–7 days. This phase is characterized by maximum estrogen levels. The cat is ready to mate, begins to mark, meow loudly and call the cat.

Metestrus. Occurs if fertilization does not take place. Sexual activity gives way to calm, estrogen levels decrease and progesterone levels reach a maximum.

Diestrus. Lasts 35-100 days. This phase is characterized by a minimum level of all ovarian hormones.

How to distinguish from a purebred cat

The first and main difference between a purebred animal and a mestizo is the documents: the metrics of the official club.

Often in advertisements there is wording that the parents are purebred, but are not members of the club, or only one parent of the kittens has documents. At the same time, the sellers assure that the kittens are purebred and not a mixture.


When buying a British dog, pay attention to his coat and eye color.

The common and popular color of the British cat is blue-gray or lilac; there are, of course, others, but they are less common. At the same time, the British coat is short, dense, and seems plush in appearance and to the touch.

The eyes of purebred British dogs are bright orange. The tips of the erect ears are rounded, the muzzle is wide and flat.

A common misconception is that there is no such breed as the “British Fold”.

Maine Coon

It is very difficult to distinguish a mixed-breed kitten of this breed. But, if a kitten is offered for sale, older than three months, which has already developed the tufts characteristic of Maine Coons on the tips of its ears.

A long fluffy tail and a large body for a 3-month-old kitten also indicate a possible relationship with the Maine Coon.

Maine Coon mix

Of course, when choosing a kitten, potential owners look not so much at appearance as at character traits, dreaming of getting a kind and affectionate pet. Mixed breeds of different cat breeds inherit both the physical and mental characteristics of their parents’ breeds.

Therefore, with good care and kind attitude, mandatory vaccination and castration, any mestizo will please the eye no worse than an ordinary purebred cat.

History of cats and their breeds

Cats and cats are creatures of nature, and their preferences are natural. To procreate, they choose a couple based on certain criteria, where strength, endurance and health come first, and only then external data. The domestication of cats began about ten thousand years ago, and at that time all cats did not have a specific breed, but living in different areas, they differed in appearance and character.

As cats from different areas spread throughout the world, they crossed with each other and the first mestizos appeared, which, in turn, continued to reproduce. This is how modern cats appeared, which differed in physique, length and color of fur, and character. With the development of progress, the study of genetics began and the identification of the causes of differences in the color and character of pets began, as well as their unification into separate groups - breeds.

All breeds have their stories:

  • Some arose naturally without human intervention, such as the Siamese cat.
  • Others are bred artificially, through long-term crossings of different species. One of the representatives is British. In fact, this is a mixed-breed cat whose parents were English and Persian domestic cats.
  • For still others, the main distinguishing feature of the breed is caused by a gene mutation, for example, in Scottish cats it is folded ears. Subsequent work was aimed at preserving such features.

Today there are more than 400 cat breeds.


Mixed breeds are animals whose parents belong to different breeds. They are the starting material for selection for the purpose of breeding new breeds. Although, it can be assumed that both breeds have common features.

Interbreeding of Maine Coons is undesirable, as the risks of various diseases increase. Mestizos may be attractive in appearance and have pleasant manners.

However, even with significant compliance with the breed standard, they are not considered its representatives. They are usually no larger than the average Maine Coon.

Opportunity to participate in exhibitions

Purebred Maine Coon cats have been recognized by all international federations, therefore they take part in various exhibitions. But their mixed descendants were not so lucky - not a single expert association registers mestizos.

For specialists, they do not exist as a separate group, although if a large population with the same external characteristics arises, they may be registered as another breeding variety.

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