The main reasons for color change Eye color depends on the amount of pigment in the corneal cells, the formation
Home » Vaccinations and vaccinations » How to fill out a veterinary passport Today I want to talk about
Among the many parasites found in domestic animals, the leaders are helminths in the intestines. Roundworms
Many owners try to pamper their beloved pets with all sorts of treats. What about sweets: is it possible
Description of the appearance of the animal In terms of its dimensions, it is closer to a large cat. Weight not
Scottish Fold cats have fans all over the world: their small, downturned ears appeal to no one.
Almost a third of people who have pets keep cats. In order to be able to correctly
What is Oridermil, indications for use, release forms The medicine is an ear ointment -
Indoor and outdoor “runners” Cats are far from marathon races; they are sprinters by nature
The drug Prazicide is intended for the treatment of diseases in dogs and cats caused by parasites. Particular danger for