Can neutered cats mate with cats: why sexual heat remains, what to do


Many owners of sterilized four-legged friends are very interested in whether a neutered cat can mate with a cat. In reality, this happens quite often. But only taking into account the fact that the pet has already had experience in sexual activity. If we take any other situations, then this is excluded.

Some veterinary clinics keep such cats in order to mate with females, knocking down the desire. As a result, it turns out that both animals received satisfaction of instincts, but without consequences in the form of offspring.

If the cat has not mated before the procedure, it is likely that he will not show any interest after it. Often they simply forget about their adventures and natural call, living a full and active life.

It also happens that a neutered cat may demand a cat. Don't worry about it, because everything is easily explained. After surgery, the animal’s body retains a fairly large level of testosterone, which will go away over time. Therefore, owners just need to stock up on a little patience and try to limit meetings with the opposite sex.

Features of the castration procedure

Castration of cats is carried out for various reasons. This could be a very restless behavior of the animal, or excessive efforts to mark the territory, or even medical indications. Castration is the only way to rid a cat of the reproductive instinct.

The operation involves removing the male's testes after puberty. Before 9-12 months, the corresponding instinct does not manifest itself, so there is no point in castration, and besides, the procedure can harm the health of a young cat.

After the operation, males experience sexual desire, but this takes some time. As a rule, the animal does not strive to mate after 7-20 days, but the period depends on the characteristics of the organism.

The behavior of a castrated cat changes slightly:

  • the animal becomes more balanced and calm;
  • Marks territory less or stops doing so altogether;
  • does not try to run outside at every opportunity;
  • does not meow at night, demanding a cat.

The myth of fatness

Yes, a neutered cat becomes much calmer, but this does not mean that he will gain weight.

After castration, metabolic processes in the body slow down, so high-calorie food will harm the animal. There is a chance to earn:

  • Fatty liver degeneration;
  • Cardiovascular failure.

To avoid obesity, you should adhere to proper nutrition and give your pet the prescribed portions of food.

There are companies that produce special dietary foods for sterilized individuals. They are low in calories, plus, prevention for the genitourinary system. The daily dosage is written on each package. Don't neglect valuable advice.

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Of course, you can feed natural products, but it will be difficult to calculate a balanced diet. It is recommended to exclude fish from the diet altogether. Since the contained mineral salts can lead to urolithiasis. The basic requirements are to feed your pet the prescribed amount of food in order to maintain normal physical shape.

But in fact, only the owners are to blame for the obesity of neutered cats. Since they do not find time to play with a friend, replacing attention with something tasty.

In the end, it all depends on the owner, if he treats the furry one with all the appropriate rules, then the animal will not be able to gain weight.

Why does a neutered cat want a cat?

If after the procedure a neutered cat wants a cat, there is a high probability of an untimely or incorrectly performed operation. But there are other reasons:

  • The adrenal glands produce excess amounts of testosterone, the male hormone responsible for sexual desire. When there is an excess of the hormone, the castrated cat becomes excited and demands mating with the cat.
  • If the animal had contact with a female before castration, he may try to repeat this experience. This is especially true for cats castrated in adulthood. They simply reflect habitual behavior, although hormones no longer have any effect on them.
  • Congenital defect - one testicle did not descend, remaining in the abdominal cavity. Due to inexperience or carelessness, the veterinarian may not cut it out. The testicle continues to produce hormones, under the influence of which the cat climbs on the cat. This phenomenon is called cryptorchidism.
  • A stressful situation or a hormonal surge - this condition goes away quite quickly on its own.

Interestingly, the smell of even a sterile female can induce a cat to attempt mating.

Situations when a neutered cat tramples a soft toy or shows mounting on a person’s legs or arms cause a lot of anxiety for owners. This is a clear sign of a lack of attention and accumulation of excess energy in the animal.

The essence of castration

It is recommended to resort to the operation for the owner of a cat who stylishly asks for a female, hisses, and mounts other pets, but at the same time lives in the house and does not have access to the street. In addition to the fact that the animal wants a cat, it begins to yell loudly and mark its territory. To make the cat calmer and eliminate the sexual instinct, a castration procedure is performed. During this process, the veterinarian removes the testes, after applying anesthesia. After the manipulation, cats no longer pester females, get along calmly with other pets, and stop attacking owners and asking to go for walks.

Surgery can be performed at any age, but veterinarians recommend performing the operation before the pet goes on a spree. If he has already started having sex, it is possible that sexual attraction will remain. The manipulation should not be carried out if the cat is old or very young. The optimal age is 12-14 months. If the procedure is performed when the animal is less than six months old, problems with the growth and development of the kitten may occur. In addition, the possibility of urolithiasis cannot be excluded.

Recommendations for owners

If a cat asks for a cat after castration and continues to actively mark its territory, the owner should consult a veterinarian. Most likely, the doctor will recommend sedatives and possibly hormonal medications. This will help calm the pet and correct its behavior. You cannot select medications on your own.

You can try to distract a cat that is interested in the neighbor cats with a favorite treat, an interesting activity or a toy. A neutered cat who continues to trample cats should be given the opportunity to sharpen his claws. This is an important point that helps the animal mark its territory, maintain its high status and simply relieve stress.

In general, an undesirable style of behavior can manifest itself not only in setting on things, but sometimes on other cats. Animals often rub too hard against their owner’s hands or objects. It is better to stop such manifestations at the very beginning, but not by punishment, but by providing an alternative to get rid of accumulated energy. Interactive toys, such as a soft mouse or a ball, will help here.

When petting a cat, you should avoid overstimulating it. It is worth choosing those areas on the body that promote relaxation, stopping caresses when signs of arousal appear.

Why is castration performed, at what age should a cat be castrated?

Castration is a fairly simple surgical operation during which the male gonads (testes) are removed. The operation is performed on cats at the age of 9-12 months, after the completion of puberty. Until this age, furry pets do not have sexual instinct.

Castration of a cat performed at an earlier age is fraught with serious consequences and complications. Until 8-9 months, the animal’s body is not fully formed. For example, a cat may have an underdeveloped urinary tract and inflammation often develops after castration. Any problems in the animal’s genitourinary tract will cause urethral obstruction, which can cause death.

The simple procedure is performed under anesthesia and does not pose any risks to the pet’s health, but requires serious postoperative care.

Castration is carried out:

  • to reduce the aggressiveness of cats;
  • if a domestic cat constantly runs outside during the rut and fights with other males;
  • for medical indications (scrotal injuries, congenital pathologies, orchitis);
  • if the cat constantly yells, attracting cats, marks the territory (apartment, entrance).

The main purpose of castration, like sterilization, is to deprive animals of reproductive function and to correct behavior in cats that are too temperamental.

To reduce sexual desire, of course, you can use special medications and sedatives. But you need to take into account that such methods can harm the health of a mustachioed pet, for example, provoke hormonal imbalance. Therefore, the surgical method is more preferable.

Pregnancy of a cat from a castrated cat

Regarding the question of whether a cat can become pregnant from a neutered male, we must take into account that the castration procedure itself is performed in two ways. The first involves cutting the scrotum and removing the testes, the second involves ligating or cutting the spermatic cords. With the first option, the cat’s sexual desire disappears, but with the second, it remains a full-fledged male.

Obviously, in the absence of semen production and its entry into the testicles, a cat cannot become pregnant from a castrated cat. But it should be remembered that it is the testicles that are removed, and not the pituitary gland, which is located in the brain and is responsible for reproductive function. If a cat has mated before surgery, the memory of this process remains in the brain. A cat can breed cats, but this will not produce offspring.

True, due to illiterate operation, a seed can still form. This happens when the spermatic cords are not completely clamped. As a rule, this seed is not viable, there is practically no chance of fertilization, but a negligible chance still exists.

As a rule, after surgery the animal needs to lie down and recover. However, it also happens that a cat mates with a cat immediately after castration. In this case, pregnancy is possible, although with a low probability. The new seed is no longer coming, but the old one still remains. The risk of fertilization remains for about a week after the procedure.

In cats, after sexual contact with a neutered person, a false pregnancy may develop. In this case, all external signs are present. This condition goes away on its own within 3-4 weeks, but sometimes lasts longer. It happens that even milk appears, and instead of kittens, the cat tries to care for toys. In such situations, it is worth consulting with a veterinarian; such conditions have an impact on the animal’s psyche.

False pregnancy in a cat

It happens that a cat has all the signs of pregnancy after interacting with a cat that was castrated many years ago, which you wouldn’t even think about. And the cat looks after the place, and the estrus stops, and toxicosis is written on its face, and sleeps a lot. Then the nipples swell and turn pink. Suspicion falls on the neutered cat, maybe something has come loose or grown together.

Kisa is deeply confident in her pregnancy: intercourse has taken place, her body has adjusted to bearing offspring. The animal is really preparing to become a mother.

False pregnancy is a disease that can recur again and again after the first time. It affects not only the cat’s physiology, but also its mental state.

The cat begins to sleep a lot and looks for a “warm” place to give birth. Next to soft toys - that's it!

Basically, false pregnancy goes away by 3-4 weeks of so-called pregnancy. Although in severe cases, a cat can carry the entire term, simulate childbirth, and milk appears. Instead of cubs, toys are brought to the “birth nest”, which are looked after by the cat with all the care and attention. In this case, you cannot do without a veterinarian.

Veterinarian advice

The digestive system of cats quickly gets used to a certain type of food. If the cat ate dry food before castration, give preference to a specialized analogue. For lovers of canned food and “spiders” they sell bags and “bombage”.

  • You cannot buy economy class food for a neutered cat. Such products are characterized by the presence of a large amount of harmful “ballast”, dyes and flavors. Having low nutritional value, they are poorly satiating, forcing the cat to eat a lot;
  • Even for a non-neutered cat, low-fat fish is recommended no more than once a week. For a castrated person, the delicacy will have to be excluded, or made as rare as possible;
  • The cat should always have access to water. Feed concentrates make stools leaner. A lack of water can cause constipation in your pet.

Don't experiment with food. Find the best one and stick to it. The cat's esophagus is difficult to adapt and can experience stress, including gastrointestinal upset. Most cats have constant preferences; the stability and quality of the food offered is important to them.

After castration, the cat continues to “stomp”: reasons, what to do

All cat lovers know that it is advisable to castrate young cats, so as not to subsequently catch your pet, who has gone in search of girlfriends, in all the surrounding yards.

This operation is simple, the development of complications is unlikely.

Despite this, castration of a cat does not always lead to the results that owners expect from it: in particular, the animal may retain interest in the opposite sex...

General information

To understand why the castrato does not stop his love affairs, you need to imagine the meaning and essence of castration. Contrary to popular belief, it does not in all cases involve the physical removal of the testes (testicles).

The following types of castration exist:

  • Surgical castration . The simplest, cheapest, and therefore the most common method. It involves surgical excision of the testes, i.e. complete removal of the gonads.
  • Chemical sterilization . This method is not very popular in our country, but has a number of important advantages. In particular, these include the absence of the need for general anesthesia and the low traumatic nature of the operation. In fact, the whole procedure boils down to the introduction of sclerotizing agents into the thickness of the testes. These are substances due to which the testicle is completely replaced by connective tissue.
  • Radiation castration . The name is scary, but there is no need to worry: the testes are irradiated with a directed beam of gamma radiation, after which their tissue completely dies. Fast, reliable, the likelihood of side effects is reduced to the minimum possible. No anesthesia is required, the cat only needs to be restrained. But the fixation must be reliable: if the radiation beam “processes” the insides of the cat, the consequences will be extremely sad. The method, however, cannot be considered cheap.
  • Medical infertility . One of the most controversial methods. In this case, an implant is sewn under the animal’s skin, releasing medications (usually hormonal in origin) that suppress the pet’s libido. The testicles also remain intact. Moreover, after removal of the implant or due to the depletion of the supply of medications in it, after some time the cat’s sexual function is completely restored. The problem is that the constant effect of hormonal drugs on an animal’s body is extremely risky. Today, veterinarians believe that the risk of cancer and diseases of the endocrine glands increases significantly.

There is also a vasectomy . This procedure is a cross between full castration and medical infertility.

The essence of the method is to ligate the vas deferens, as a result of which sperm is not released during ejaculation, but all other features of the cat’s sexual behavior remain. That is, the animal will run after cats, fight with its relatives, etc.

Let us immediately note that in this case you should not be surprised by the characteristic “stomping”: in front of you is an absolutely “normal” cat, with fully preserved instincts and a set of sex hormones in the blood.

Let's start with, perhaps, the most common de-depletion technique. Let's assume that the cat's testes have been completely removed, which automatically means that there are no sources of sex hormones in his body. So why does your pet continue to behave as if nothing unusual had happened to him, and why does he feel excited when he sees cats?

The answer may lie in the peculiarities of his physique. Sex hormones (and not only) perfectly accumulate (that is, accumulate) in subcutaneous fatty tissue and other fatty deposits. Accordingly, when lipids are metabolized, some of the hormones return to the general bloodstream.

And contrary to the belief that neuters become immediately obese, in fact, in the first couple of weeks after surgery, your pet may well lose weight... as a result of which his body will receive a decent portion of sex hormones.

If the animal’s diet after castration was better balanced and the cat gets into shape, gradually getting rid of fat accumulations, hormones will constantly enter its blood.

But there is another option... What if your pet initially did not look like a ball, and began to show signs of sexual arousal again, a considerable time after the operation? Here the problem may lie in the biochemical characteristics of a particular organism.

Why does a pet get excited in the first place? From the action of sex hormones, which should not be in the blood of a castrate... hypothetically. There are animals in which testosterone begins to be partially produced in the adrenal glands . Its quantity is small, but the hormonal background is such that it is enough for arousal.

So what to do in this case? If, apart from an interest in cats, there are no other problems, you can leave everything as it is.

If in the spring the “inferior castrato” begins to annoy the owners with his screams and obscene pestering of their feet, you can use any medication intended for such purposes (“Sex Barrier”, “Cat Bayun”, etc.). The main thing is not to overdo it with them, since long-term use of such “sedatives” is fraught with the development of hormonal pathologies.

The cat gets excited after medical castration

In this case, everything is simpler, but also more complicated at the same time. What does it mean? The problem is that drug sterilization in 99% of cases does not completely suppress the production of sex hormones.

And although the manufacturers of these drugs say one thing, practice shows something completely different: in most cases, “medical castrates” continue to show a certain interest in cats.

It all depends on the characteristics of a particular organism and on the intensity of production of sex hormones.

But! We would strongly advise against doing this yourself. Hormones are a very serious matter.

If you use them at random, nothing good will happen to your pet. It is better to consult an experienced veterinarian. Let the specialist select the optimal remedy, which at the same time will not threaten the cat’s health.

So, why does your cat continue to “stomp” after other types of castration? Most likely, the factors are the same - either there are still sex hormones in his fatty tissue, or a small amount of testosterone is produced somewhere in your pet's body. Measures to eliminate this condition are the same as those we have already discussed above.

But! With chemical castration, other situations occur. If the sclerotizing drug was introduced and distributed unevenly within the tissues of the testis, part of the organ may remain in working condition. Simply put, the testicle (or both) will continue to secrete testosterone, as a result of which the cat will again begin to show interest in cats. Elimination of this cause is surgical castration.


There are several reasons for this behavior

In most cats, this type of behavior stops after neutering. However, the behavior may not stop immediately after surgery. The wait can take weeks, and in some cases, months or even years.

After castration, there is a sharp decrease in testosterone levels, but testosterone, in some quantity, is still present in the cat’s blood, and how much there will be and how long it will remain in the body depends on each individual animal.

Even after castration, a cat may retain the habit of littering, especially if triggered by the smell of an unsterile cat. A neutered cat may even display mating behavior on neutered cats. Animal psychologist Nikolai Dodman suggested that this may have something to do with the fact that the female does not smell like the male.

Unneutered male cats can detect the scent of a cat in heat from a great distance. It is possible that a cat, even if she does not emit a cat odor while in heat, can emit enough of her everyday odor to provoke the cat to mount. That is, a cat can be provoked by the smell of even a neutered cat.

Cats neutered at an older age may be more likely to display this behavior, since they have already mounted cats or objects under the influence of hormones, they remember this behavior pattern and try to repeat it after castration, when hormones no longer affect them .

High levels of social stress can trigger the behavior of mounting cats or objects, just as it can trigger marking. If you let your neutered cat free range, he may encounter an unneutered cat, and the smell of her may be enough to trigger this behavior.

Some cats demonstrate mounting on pillows or toys, and awkward situations can occur when a cat lands on the arms or legs of a person, most often the owner. This behavior may indicate that the cat needs more attention and constructive ways to get rid of excess energy.

How to reduce unwanted behavior


If the cat is not neutered, this is obviously the first step you should take. Don't make the mistake of thinking that you just need to keep your cat away from cats. This is not only about eliminating the risk of unwanted pregnancy in cats, but also about reducing stress and creating a favorable environment for psychologically healthy behavior.

Never punish

. Never punish your cat for this behavior because it will only increase the stress level. A cat who is trying to get out of social stress will feel even more anxious if he is physically or verbally punished. Undesirable behavior from punishment will only increase, to the point that it can develop into aggression.

Expand your vertical territory

. Increase your cat's sense of security by expanding his vertical territory.

This can be done with the help of cat complexes, beds on windows, hammocks and shelves on the wall.

Vertical territory allows cats to establish and maintain their status without resorting to aggression or other destructive methods such as cages. Being at a height is an important factor in a cat's status.

Provide an opportunity to sharpen claws.

The point of the claws for a cat is of great importance and serves different purposes, and one of them is to mark its own territory.
The point of the claws can help in maintaining the cat's high status. It also helps the cat relax to relieve stress. Availability of resources
Provide multiple resources in multiple locations to prevent competition and conflicts for the best resource. This means that you should provide cats (if there are several of them in the house) with more than one place to eat, more litter boxes than cats, and plenty of sleeping and hiding places to give the cats their own space. Carefully introduce new cats into the family
. Adding a new male cat can cause a variety of unwanted behaviors, including cages. To reduce the chances of this happening, ensure a gradual, positive introduction of the new cat into the family.

Increase the load

. Increase physical and mental activity to give your cats healthy outlets for energy. Participate in interactive play sessions at least twice a day for half an hour for mature cats and at least two hours a day for young cats (up to three years old).

Working to improve relationships

. In addition to the above, pay attention to the specific relationship dynamics between your cats so you can help them coexist peacefully.


Cat, cat and kittens

Seventy-six million cats in the United States are spayed or neutered, and for good reason. Spaying or neutering a cat increases its life expectancy, reduces the risk of developing mammary tumors and uterine infections, prevents unwanted litters of kittens (millions of unwanted cats end up in shelters and are euthanized every year), reduces their tendency to wander, and makes the cat more affectionate and friendly. However, the same hormonal and metabolic changes that result in these benefits can also contribute to a cat's overeating and loss of energy. When a cat is spayed, its hormonal levels change. Surgery can reduce energy requirements by up to 30% and increase appetite by 20%.

Decreased energy coupled with increased appetite leads to rapid weight gain (spayed/neutered animals are almost 3.5 times more likely to be overweight), and, in some cases, obesity . Owners may notice that their cat seems lazy, has a voracious appetite, constantly meows and begs for food, and this behavior may actually be a result of spaying and neutering.

After sterilization, a cat's metabolism slows down and this is reflected in its behavior. If after surgery the owner does not make the necessary changes to the daily diet of his pet, this leads to obesity in 70% of cases. It takes nine to ten weeks for a cat to adapt its body to reduced energy needs. During this period, the cat can gain 40-50% weight. The risk of obesity increases if the cat moves little and lives indoors without being outside. To avoid obesity, you need to follow some recommendations.

Weigh your pet regularly

Obesity occurs when excess weight is 20-30% of the animal's optimal weight. This means that a cat who weighed 4 kg before surgery will become obese if she gains another 1 kg. One must be vigilant because obesity can cause serious disorders such as diabetes and kidney stones. You can assess the cat's condition visually or by palpation (palpation), however, the latter method becomes quite difficult for cats with thick, long hair. We can talk about obesity if the cat’s ribs and spine cannot be felt. However, it is best to visit a veterinarian who will determine the optimal weight for your cat depending on its breed. A cat's weight when she reaches one year of age is considered her ideal weight and should be maintained throughout her life.

It is necessary to determine the cat's energy needs

A spayed/neutered animal requires only 75-80% of the food it consumed before surgery. His energy needs are lower, and if we continue to feed the pet in the same volume, this will, of course, lead to weight gain.

A neutered cat with a slow metabolism needs 60 kcal per 1 kg of body weight per day. If the cat is predisposed to obesity, this dose should be reduced by another 15-20%. The approximate dosage may not be correct, so use a measuring cup or scale.

It is very important not to pay attention to the behavior of those cats that constantly meow and ask for food. Divide your pet's daily diet into several parts, so you can satisfy your cat's requirements without increasing the amount of food consumed. No additional foods should be given, except for the daily portion of food - no milk, cream, leftovers from dinner, treats, etc.

Choose foods specifically designed for neutered cats or cats prone to obesity (they contain moderate amounts of fat and increased dietary fiber). By following this rule, you can reduce the caloric content of food, but at the same time the cat will feel full and overeat less. Food for sterilized cats prone to obesity should contain less than 10% fat.

Acidify your food

Neutered cats are predisposed to developing kidney stones, so acidified foods that acidify the urine are the best preventive measure against stone formation.

Ensure high-tasting food

Rapid weight loss can negatively impact your cat's health. If an animal refuses food for a long time, this can lead to liver problems. Thus, low-fat foods should still be highly palatable and stimulate appetite. You should not starve your cat! If she refuses the “light” food, offer her another one.


It is easier to prevent obesity than to treat it. Cat owners should be especially sensitive to the needs of their pets after sterilization. It is important to choose the right food and give it rationally. Today, the range of food is quite wide; everyone can find what suits them best, depending on the lifestyle and activity of their pet.

How does castration affect a cat's behavior?

Castration is the only guaranteed method that allows you to eliminate a cat’s sexual desire and reduce the intensity of behavioral factors associated with this instinct. In order to understand what exactly will change in the cat’s behavior, the easiest way is to consider the habits that the cat exhibits against the background of sexual arousal.

Marks are the most obvious signal from a male to attract a female. The marks are traces of special liquids (secrets) with an individual odor. Secrets may contain:

  • In urine.
  • In feces.
  • In sweat secretions between the fingers.

Urine marks are left in a particularly demonstrative manner - the cat lifts its tail and splashes urine. Feces marks are the same piles, only more fragrant. Even when you remove everything, the smell will remain. Very often, marks with feces are misunderstood, thinking that the cat is shitting in the house. Scratching walls, wallpaper, curtains and doors is also a way to leave marks.

Note! Neutering helps eliminate the desire to mark in a cat, but eliminating bad habits can take time.

Heart-rending screams, especially at night, are also a manifestation of sexual desire. The cat waits until night and begins to scream heart-rendingly so that the cat hears his call and answers. Castration solves this problem almost immediately . If the cat was mated before castration, the process of balancing the hormonal levels can take up to 6-9 months.

The defiant behavior and aggression that the cat began to show during sexual hunting is a natural consequence of dissatisfaction. Just don’t confuse the concepts; the cat does not experience satisfaction from mating, but it becomes very stressful if he has nowhere to throw out his accumulated energy.

After castration, the cat becomes more affectionate, and mood swings disappear over time. Again, activity peaks and mood swings should not be compared. The peak of activity is when a calm cat begins to rush around, jump, and true discouragement is visible on his face. After 10–15 minutes, the pet calms down and behaves as if nothing had happened. Peaks of activity are a kind of release or a way to let off steam.

Is it possible for a neutered cat to become pregnant?

Cat after sterilization

For various reasons, some owners insist on incomplete sterilization of their cat. This is where the danger of an unplanned cat pregnancy lies.

An absolute guarantee that a cat will not give birth to more kittens is provided only by complete removal of the uterus along with the ovaries.

Repeated sterilization of a cat during pregnancy

Partial preservation of the reproductive organs - if at the same time the cat also has the opportunity to contact with relatives - always leaves, although minimal, the risk of offspring.

Tubal occlusion

Tubal occlusion especially often fails: the catgut with which the fallopian tubes were tied very quickly dissolves, and their patency is restored in a short time. Adhesive processes in cats are very rare; by nature, these animals, as already mentioned, are extremely fertile.

Sterilization operation

It is also common to encounter unscrupulous visiting veterinarians with fake diplomas who, after charging a tidy sum for sterilization and making a small suture on the tailed patient’s stomach for visibility, do not perform the operation as such.

How and what to feed after castration?

After the operation, you can feed the cat only after 8-10 hours and after full awakening. If you try to feed him earlier, he will most likely just throw up. The stomach is not yet ready to receive food and cannot digest it. But you can’t limit water; it should always be in sufficient quantity and accessible.

It is better to give liquid food after surgery; it can be meat broths, fermented milk products, if there is no lactose intolerance. Try not to overload the cat's stomach, maintain a light diet. Temporarily exclude:

  • dry food;
  • canned food;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • porridge or cereals;
  • vegetables.

Introduce food into the diet gradually, you can dilute it with water. Nutrition must be kept under control in the future. A pet accustomed to natural food can eat beef, rabbit, some boiled vegetables and cereals. It is advisable to periodically give your pet vitamin supplements. Feeding food from the table is highly undesirable.

After castration surgery, even if the cat has been accustomed to dry food, change it to a special one designed for neutered cats. Introduce it into your diet gradually. An animal's refusal to eat for more than 2 days is a reason to consult a doctor. This may be caused by an inflammatory process in the body.

Sexual heat in a cat after castration - important to know!

How to deal with sexual heat, which continues to torment a cat after castration. The solution to the problem depends on the cause and manifestation of the unacceptable behavior. The rarest case is when a cat continues to get excited after smelling a cat. There are only two options: wait or use hormonal therapy. After castration, it may take six months or more to restore normal hormonal levels. If your pet marks heavily or shows aggression, you can resort to a course of hormonal medications that will bring the system into balance in a few days.

Questions and answers about castration

Many cat owners are tormented by the question, “will castration harm their pet?” In this regard, veterinarians and simply cat lovers often hear various questions, some of which we will answer in this article.

Is it true that a neutered cat will no longer scratch, scream, fight, tear up wallpaper and furniture, etc.? Undesirable behavior of males is often associated precisely with the reproductive instinct, and not with any other.

Most people believe that the reproductive instinct should only be expressed in actions of a purely sexual nature, but in cats, as in people, repressed or unsatisfied sexuality can lead to various forms of destructive behavior.

When does a cat need to be neutered?

Experts note that the ideal age for the operation is 10 months. It was at this moment that the cat had already developed sufficiently, but had not yet fully matured sexually, so his chances of premature mating were low.

By the way, quite a few breeders keep such eunuch cats, who have retained their sexual instincts so that they can keep company with females who, for one reason or another, cannot have offspring. Having a neuter allows them to behave more calmly.

Is a cat able to mate with a female after castration?

Whether a cat can want a cat after castration depends on certain circumstances. Often, a neutered cat remains capable of satisfying a female even after surgery. Catteries keep such individuals specifically to calm cats in heat if they do not want to produce offspring. Sexual intercourse will be complete and will satisfy the natural needs of the cat. Pregnancy will not occur with such a relationship.

Neutered cat and female cat

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