Deafness in cats. Why do they say that white cats are deaf? The cat has become deaf from old age, what to do?

A white cat with blue eyes is a rare occurrence. This is due to the fact that the number of melanocyte cells that provide the color of the iris of the eye should be small for a blue color, and this is observed quite rarely.

Snow-white fur in cats is also not a very common color in nature, which makes matching it with blue eyes even more rare.

At the same time, work on breeding purebred animals made it possible to establish a combination of white wool and sky-blue eyes in a number of breeds.


What can be said about albinos? These are truly unique creatures. Genetic failure can occur in absolutely any species, and humans are no exception.

The phenomenon has not yet been fully studied and scientists regularly inform us about new discoveries. According to the latest data, a certain enzyme called “Tyrosinase” is responsible for the synthesis of melanin in the body.

It is from this substance that the correct (according to genetic memory) coloring of all tissues should occur. During the formation of genes responsible for tyrosinase, completely different failures can occur and lead to different results. As a result, we get a creature either with complete and pronounced albinism, or with partial albinism, affecting one or more areas of the body.

Interestingly, albino cats are somewhat less common than male cats. But if we talk about cats, then you can also find other pathologies, such as deafness. If you want to learn how to distinguish a real albino from an ordinary white cat, then look into his eyes. If you see pink pupils looking at you, then you are dealing with a genetic mutation. Why pink? No, this pink pigment was not developed as a result of a gene mutation. In fact, the pupils are transparent and blood vessels are visible through them.

Albinism may not be complete, but partial. In this case, the animal may have a partially colored body, or it may even have a standard appearance for its genus, but will have red irises. It will not be easy for an ordinary person unfamiliar with scientific research to understand all the intricacies of genetic anomalies.

But it is not our task to understand the nature of this kind of thing and their elimination. But what should you do if you come across a member of the cat family who was unlucky enough to be born with a genetic defect? How is it different from its relatives?

Main causes of feline deafness

As we have already written, the reasons for the disappearance or significant weakening of hearing are very diverse, but we will describe the most important ones.

Deafness after otitis media: why is this phenomenon dangerous?

Perhaps the complete or partial disappearance of hearing after, i.e. inflammatory process in the inner ear is one of the most common phenomena in veterinary otolaryngology. This is due to the fact that not all owners understand the potential danger of this pathology.

Important! If purulent inflammation develops in the cavity of the inner ear, accompanied by the release of pus, nothing good will come of it.

Pus is a powerful natural “solvent” that can damage and liquefy not only soft tissue, but even bones. Accordingly, after prolonged otitis media, the likelihood of hearing deterioration is extremely high.

Accordingly, it is not difficult to guess about the potential danger of this phenomenon: the hearing organs are located in close proximity to the brain. In addition, there are many blood vessels there.

If otitis media is not treated at all, deafness can become the cat’s smallest problem. He may well die from brain damage, sepsis or similar causes.

Senile hearing loss in cats

With age, pets (and pet owners) do not become healthier. In particular, the blood supply to the tissues in the hearing organs deteriorates, the eardrum becomes “flabby,” and other negative changes accumulate. Senile hearing loss occurs. Alas, nothing can be done about it; old age will take its toll in any case.

Considering that cats are animals with a fairly decent lifespan (subject to normal maintenance and feeding), their hearing begins to deteriorate no earlier than ten years of age. It happens that pets who live to be 14 or more years old hear almost nothing. True, this is not their most serious problem: by this time cats often go blind.

Congenital deafness in cats, its breed variations

The most problematic may be congenital deafness. The following negative environmental factors (as well as their combination) often lead to its development:

But still, the real “leaders” in the issue of congenital hearing loss are some breeds, some of which we will talk about below.


In order to understand such an animal, it is enough to imagine how those born with a defect survive in nature. But they survive with great difficulty, and most often do not survive at all. Natural selection in the wild occurs mercilessly, and no one will mess with someone who does not meet the parameters and requirements of the pack.

A white predator will not be able to go hunting and at the same time remain unnoticed by its prey . This means that there is a great certainty that he will have to starve. If an animal that is usually hunted by predators was born snow-white, then it has a greater chance of becoming prey than its relatives. It stands out too much and is noticeable over long distances.

Hence the loss and feeling of inferiority. Animals rejected by their kind are more attached to those who care for them and keep them company, namely people. Now you understand why such unusual kittens born from domestic cats are not recognized as marriages among people and are not destroyed.

They are welcomed by humans as the most affectionate and loyal of cats. And besides, we love the color white. We associate it with purity, evokes tenderness and a desire to show care. But what are we dooming cats to by allowing them to live?

Cats and cats with red eyes

Naturally, any genetic failure causes complications for the functioning of the entire organism. In fact, a mutation occurs, during which the entire body must be rebuilt in a new way in order to function smoothly and correctly, taking into account the new conditions.

Such a transformation requires a period of several generations. But albinism is not a pattern at all, but a rare accident, so that a complete degeneration of the species cannot be expected.

The white skin itself already entails special care. It helps to attract active sunny people, and is also susceptible to their negative effects. To prevent your cat from getting serious illnesses, you will have to limit its exposure to direct sunlight. In addition, it should be taken into account that the characteristics of origin entail reduced immunity. So your pet should also be protected from hypothermia and drafts.

We have already found out what red irises are. In fact, the iris is transparent and what we see are blood vessels visible through it. Pigmentation on the pupils exists not only to decorate our appearance. It protects our pupils from light.

Unprotected organs of vision suffer greatly in brightly lit rooms.
They are born with poor eyesight. Moreover, they see poorly both during the day and at night. Fortunately, felines are able to navigate through other senses besides vision.

Therapy tactics

Treating an animal at home without conducting a comprehensive diagnosis is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to promptly seek help from a veterinarian .

When the inflammatory process develops, antibiotics and eye ointments and drops are prescribed. If symptoms arise due to the development of another pathology, the underlying disease is treated. Only after this the remaining clinical manifestations are eliminated.

Some diseases respond well to treatment, while others require the use of medications throughout the pet’s life. Sometimes cure is impossible without surgery.

The following medications will help alleviate your pet’s condition:

  1. Furacilin. Used for the development of conjunctivitis. The affected mucous membranes are washed.
  2. Levomycetin. Used for bacterial conjunctivitis. The drug is instilled into both eyes.
  3. Tetracycline ointment. The medication is applied to the visual organs several times during the day.
  4. A solution based on novocaine, hydrocortisone (injection) helps eliminate pain.

Traditional medicine

Folk remedies will help cope with the problem only in combination with medications. Chamomile decoction is often used. It is prepared in a water bath and filtered. Wash your eyes three times a day.

Also used:

  1. Manganese solution. Light pink liquid. It is important that all grains are completely dissolved in water, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the mucous membranes.
  2. A decoction of St. John's wort, calendula, sage. It is used for purulent inflammatory processes. Used as a compress. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day.
  3. Black tea. For washing mucous membranes.

With different eyes

There are such amazing snow-white creatures that have two eyes of different colors . Most often, one of them is blue, and the other has a shade of brown. For example, golden or light brown. These animals look very unusual, which means they attract people’s attention.

What does this diversity mean? It suggests that the genetic failure did not occur completely, but partially. As a rule, the golden organ of vision sees well, but the one with a bluish tint sees poorly. It often happens that the ear on the side of the blue pupil cannot hear. Deafness does not necessarily accompany blue eyes, but it is quite common.

With blue eyes

Just don't confuse blue with blue. Felines can also have blue eyes, and they do not mean the presence of any mutation. It is believed that blue-eyed cats are born deaf . In reality, this does not always happen. Studies have shown that about thirty percent of born snow-white cats with blue eyes hear normally. But the remaining seventy really have hearing problems.

To find out what percentage your pet falls into, you need to have it examined at a specialized veterinary clinic that has all the necessary equipment. Do not fall into despair if you find out that your pet is unlucky and has joined the number of deaf cats.

But for you, as the owner, it will be necessary to take into account the peculiarity of the animal. Basically the problem is that if the cat has disappeared somewhere, then you will not be able to call him. He simply won’t hear his name, and he doesn’t know his name either, since he’s never heard it. To somehow protect the cat and create additional opportunities for yourself to find it, you can put a collar with a bell on it.

Allergic reaction

The owner discovered red spots near the cat's eyes. With what it can be connected? One option is allergies. Analyze what could have caused it. Have you changed the food? Did the cat eat something from the table? Have you tried a new cat weed? If the animal owner answered yes to one of these questions, then the following steps will have to be taken:

  • Return to the cat’s usual diet.
  • Closely monitor the animal so that it does not climb on the tables.
  • Remove everything edible from the table.
  • Return to the previous variety of cat grass.

As a rule, allergies go away on their own after the pet returns to its comfort zone.

If none of the above happened, and the red spots formed on their own, then it is advisable to go to a veterinary hospital in order to accurately diagnose and remove the cause of the formation of redness in the eyes.

Features of care

  • The white color is very easily soiled and you will have to regularly care for the fur. You only need to comb it with soft brushes and bathe it with special shampoos. They are very sensitive to chemicals and may be susceptible to rashes, skin irritation or allergic reactions.
  • Allergies can also arise when preparing a diet, so you will have to be careful when choosing food. Naturally, premium food is the most preferable, although it is more expensive.
  • Sun protection should be mandatory. To do this, you do not need to put sunglasses and a cap on your pet, or apply sunscreen. Just don't let your kitty go for a walk in the sun.
  • A gentle disposition, affection, tenderness of character and a need for affection indicate not only that your pet is devoted to you, but also that he is vulnerable. Be caring and affectionate with your white cats.
  • Due to low immunity, you will need to visit the veterinarian quite often for check-ups. You should also take care of reliable insect protection for your pet. Since the delicate skin of a cat reacts painfully to bites.
  • And again we return to deafness. It does not interfere with the normal development of the kitten, but requires caution from owners. Don't let your cat go outside alone, he won't hear the car approaching. Don't grab him from behind, you might scare him.

How to care for snow-white fur

There are several nuances in caring for a snow-white pet, because even a small speck of dirt spoils the aristocratic appearance:

  • A white cat will need to be bathed more often than its differently colored counterparts. Choose the right shampoo for your animal. Under no circumstances should it have a tinting effect. It is better to choose a hypoallergenic product. A medicated shampoo should be chosen if your animal has problems with its coat or skin. For white wool, it is necessary to use balms and conditioners, because without a coloring pigment it is very sensitive.
  • After water treatments, “Snow White” must be dried with a hairdryer right down to the heels. Dirt will not stick to dry wool as much.
  • If your animal's eyes begin to leak, do not wash them with tea or chamomile solution. This will not help the animal, and the fur around the eyes will become colored. The veterinarian will help you choose the right treatment.
  • A deaf white cat should not be free-range. The animal cannot react to external stimuli, so it may become a victim of a car collision or an attack by a pack of dogs.
  • Long-haired white pets need to be brushed daily. This will avoid the appearance of tangles.
  • A tray with a low mesh or lattice is not suitable for a white animal. His paws and tail will get dirty from liquid excrement.
  • A cat's diet is reflected in the color of its fur. To avoid yellowness, which turns a royal animal into an unpresentable slob, avoid liver, heart, seaweed or carrot additives in your cat’s diet.
  • Two white cats don't mix!
  • Diseases of the adrenal glands or thyroid gland can cause a yellow tint to appear on the fur.

A white cat is not a cat for lazy people. Problematic ones, i.e. Frequently soiled areas are the heels, base of the ears and tail, muzzle and chest. Cosmetics for a snow-white cat should be professional. A cheap “whitening” shampoo can give the coat, for example, an emerald tint.

Before getting a “white cat,” weigh all the pros and cons of bringing such a demanding pet into your home. If there are more advantages, then a white blue-eyed cat will become a worthy decoration for any home!

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