Five household habits that irritate your cat

Despite the fact that most people consider cats to be quite calm and even somewhat indifferent creatures, four-legged pets are just as susceptible to stress as people. Any situation can cause concern: a beloved owner going on vacation, a preventative trip to the veterinary clinic, the arrival of a new family member or a furry neighbor.

It is useful for owners to know several techniques and be able to calm a cat in a stressful situation and help it adapt smoothly to new circumstances.

But be careful, the influence of some of the remedies (including popular ones) has not been fully studied. Perhaps they could be harmful. Be sure to consult your veterinarian.

How anxiety manifests itself

Stress in a cat can manifest itself in different ways and includes four main reactions.

Nervous behavior

The pet begins to purr and lick itself more often than usual; bald patches may then appear in these places. If there are no parasites on the fur, then such actions indicate overexertion. Sometimes licking is accompanied by a change in appetite - the animal either begins to eat too much or refuses to eat at all.

Trying to hide

The second sign that an animal is experiencing fear is its desire to crawl into a secluded place and not show itself until the irritating factor disappears. Most often, cats are frightened by loud noises, strangers, other four-legged animals, or new habitats.


Sometimes, instead of fear, cats experience the opposite reaction - aggression. When in a highly agitated state, they can attack other animals or people. Most often, this reaction is characteristic of males protecting their territory, or females protecting their cubs.

A trip to the veterinarian or sounds that the cat cannot identify can trigger a desire for aggressive defense.

It is not difficult to determine that an animal is in an aggressive state:

  • tries to appear larger to others than he really is: fluffs his tail, arches his back;
  • makes hissing, snorting and other threatening sounds;
  • the pupils narrow, the eyes concentrate on the object of attack;
  • the tail twitches with excitement;
  • when trying to get closer, the front paws are used.

Read the article about the most evil cat breeds that exist today.


The highest stage of manifestation of nervous overexcitation is a panic attack. In this state, the animal emits terrible screams, accompanied by profuse salivation. The fear may be so intense that involuntary urination or defecation occurs. In this case, the ears are pressed firmly to the head, the pupils are dilated, not narrowed. The cat shrinks and presses itself to the ground.

Why is the cat angry?

In most cases, our smaller brothers are not born evil. In the process of life, when faced with various critical situations, they develop fear. You need to respond to fear in some way. The easiest option is to run away, but this does not always work out, especially if the four-legged animal lives in an apartment or house where space is limited. There is only one way out here - to fight back, fight, defend yourself.

A person sees this situation the other way around. It seems to a person that the cat is not defending itself, but is angry, attacks, bites, etc. In this case, we are talking about an aggressive state caused by fear, the causes of which can be different: fear can be caused by a stranger in the house, new smells, another animal trying to encroach on the cat's territory, a loud sound or even a child in the house.

What to do at home?

In cases where it is not possible to identify the cause of hostile behavior on your own, a number of steps should be taken.

Comprehensive examination

  • Take your pet to the veterinarian to rule out dental diseases.
  • As recommended by your doctor, use blood tests and ultrasound to rule out or confirm kidney and liver failure.
  • After undergoing an X-ray examination, identify the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Creating optimal conditions

The ideal environment for cats is an opportunity to hide. If she does not have her own house, then an ordinary cardboard box, basket, or carrier can be used as a shelter.

The main thing is that no one disturbs the pet there. A calm environment is also important when eating and going to the toilet.

Medication assistance

If aggression is associated with behavioral factors, then “first aid” to relieve an attack can be provided by the drug Feliway, which is rightly called a behavior corrector. It contains an artificial analogue of the pheromones secreted by cats in a calm environment, and helps an excited animal quickly calm down.

Changing your diet

If the cause of stress is hormonal changes in the animal’s body, then experienced veterinarians suggest changing the diet, reducing the amount of food in one serving, but at the same time increasing the number of feedings.

A lighter meal is recommended before bed. The water in the drinking bowl should be fresh and clean.


To calm your cat, it is sometimes helpful to isolate it from other animals and irritants. Having allocated a separate room, you need to provide her with the usual food and clean water, and put a heating pad under the bedding. In a hyperactive state, it is not recommended to let your pet outside, much less allow it to contact its relatives.

Music therapy

The beneficial effect of classical music on the emotional state is experienced not only by people, but also by animals, especially sensitive ones like cats.

Each pet has its own preferences, but the works of Mozart, Beethoven and other famous composers can restore the emotional background.

More attention

As with any restless creature, when stressed, a cat needs extra attention and affection. More often you need to hold her in your arms, massage or stroke her, and also “talk”.

Shock bath

Everyone knows that representatives of the cat family do not like to swim. Therefore, doing this will be the right decision in order to bring him to his senses.

After bathing, the animal will need time to dry and get its fur in order. All these actions are aimed at switching his attention, as a result of which nervousness decreases.

Some tips on how to calm your cat

Before you begin to bring your pet back to his senses, or rather, to neutralize the inadequate state, you need to take care of your own safety. It is important to understand that these amazing creatures have sharp teeth, which, when bitten, penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, causing inflammation and suppuration. Claws are also dangerous weapons that can leave deep cuts and scars for life. Therefore, before you begin to calm your ward, you need to put on thick clothes, covering all exposed areas of the body.

If you need to pick up an individual, then a blanket and thick gloves, for example, welder’s gloves - leggings, are suitable for this.

So, how to calm a fearful cat:

  • After identifying signs of anger, it is necessary to retreat and leave the ward for a while. The pet must understand that nothing threatens him, and as a result, the anger will decrease somewhat. There may be some reason for the anger that needs to be identified. It could be another mustachioed tabby or its scent. They must be eliminated, at least temporarily.
  • If the four-legged animal has calmed down a little, you can try to establish contact with it - you need to try to get down to the level of the cat. To do this, you can squat down and try to talk to him a little affectionately. If the cat hisses and the conversation doesn’t work out , then you just need to move away.
  • Ignoring your pet will help him assess the situation and understand that there is no threat nearby. To do this, you can appear casual and start minding your own business in the room or start a conversation with someone. The favorite must see that no one cares about him. Only in this case will he be able to cope with his fears.
  • Organization of a secluded place. In order for your furry friend to feel safe, it is necessary to organize a secluded place for him that would protect him from the surrounding adversities. Such a place can be an ordinary chair, which is enough to cover with a blanket, or some other elevated place. It is no coincidence that in moments of danger, street cats climb trees. For example, a hanging shelf that your pet can easily climb onto can serve as an excellent secluded place, or rather an observation post for the current situation in the house.
  • Establishing contact. After some period of time, the animal will stop behaving aggressively. There will be no signs of anger. This will be the signal to start communication. You can approach your pet and try to communicate. As a sign of reconciliation, you can take cat treats with you . Some animals themselves begin to make contact. When they see a treat, they approach the owner carefully and begin to sniff it. In this case, it is better to remain still. Having realized that the person is not a threat, the cat may decide to transfer some of its scent onto the person's clothing by rubbing its head or body. You shouldn't disturb him. Only in this case will the pet begin to feel safer and calmer.
  • You can also calm your cat with medication. There are various herbal sedatives that are harmless to health. Also, tincture of valerian, dripped onto a cloth or scratching post, will help your pet relax a little.
  • Neutering also helps reduce your pet’s fears and stress.

Properly identifying the cause of stress will also answer the question of how to calm a cat . There are cases when any disease causes malaise, which is expressed in the form of aggression. Often this is pain, such as a muscle strain, gingivitis, paw or rib injury, etc. will not allow you to pet the four-legged animal, which means that the animal will try to make the owner understand this by biting or hissing. Internal organs can also hurt; therefore, regular examination by a veterinarian will help to avoid aggression, and therefore inappropriate behavior of your beloved cat.

Folk remedies

Often traditional methods of treatment alleviate the condition, but not for long. In addition, some of the products may be harmful to the health of the animal :

  • Butter - spread it on the face. Instinctively, the cat will begin to lick the substance that it feels on the fur, and will do this until it calms down.
  • Take baking soda on the tip of a knife and add it to the milk, then pour it into a bowl.
  • Pharmaceutical herbs: chamomile, lemon balm, mint, also have a beneficial effect on restoring the pet’s nervous system. Methods for preparing each of them are written on the packaging.
  • Diphenhydramine and valerian are popular remedies in the past. This combination can have a calming effect. However, valerian can be harmful! It is not recommended to give it.


If a cat waves its tail or holds it too low, this indicates that the animal is irritated. If the pet is very angry, the hair on the tail stands on end. In such cases, it is better not to touch the cat or try to play with it. You need to wait until the animal calms down.

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Mr. Cat explains: when is stress expected?

A visit to the veterinary clinic, going on vacation with the owner, or moving to another place are all situations that can make your cat nervous. To help the animal tolerate them more easily, a little preparation is necessary.

Suitable carrier

To move an animal from one room to another, it is better to purchase a carrier. It must correspond to the size of the animal, the floor is covered with warm material, for example, a blanket. You can also cover the top of the portable cage with either a cloth or, if it is cold, a blanket.

The carrier will ensure the safety of both the pet and the owner. After all, if an animal is in your hands, then, frightened, it can scratch a person, or even worse, break free and run away so that it will be difficult to find.

Medication support

The range of sedatives is very wide; you can buy any without a prescription at a veterinary pharmacy. The most common ones include: Kot-Bayun, Phytex, Stop-stress drops.

If a visit to the veterinarian or a move is planned, then it is very important to start taking medications two to three days before the expected date, since it takes time for the pet to feel the effect of taking them.

Specialized food

Dry food manufacturers have provided a special diet for cats that may find themselves in a stressful situation. In such cases, nutritional therapy begins ten days before the planned event and continues for two months. The best supplements are Kalm (manufactured by Royal Canin) and Urinari Stress (manufactured by Hills).

Five household habits that irritate your cat

Don't you dare throw me in the air and kiss me

Photo: Mikhail FROLOV

When getting yourself a Murzik, you never quite know who will be the master of the house - you or him. On International Cat Day, Komsomolskaya Pravda collected advice from veterinarians and zoopsychologists for owners of tabby cats. So, you can't:

1. Toss in the air

Yes, this is absolutely impossible. Even from an excess of feelings, even if you really want to. And there is no need to compare cats with children who love to be thrown over their heads. For the former, such flights are terribly stressful. In nature, no one catches a cat and throws it into the air. Therefore, his instinct of self-preservation literally screams: danger! And don’t be surprised if after a couple of days your pet responds to you with wet slippers or scratched hands - kitties are very vindictive.

2. Kiss

“What kind of calf tenderness!” your cat thinks when you try to kiss him. The reason is the same: in everyday life, purrs of hugs and kisses do not exist. Excessive caresses overstrain your pet’s nervous system, and in addition, they leave human “marks” on the cat’s fur - these are signs of dominance and superiority that the animal does not need. Therefore, if you don’t want your cat to hide from you under the bed, moderate your ardor.

3. Put food in a small bowl

When a pet pulls food onto the floor to eat, the owners immediately begin to suspect it of being unclean. But this is not about the cat family. In fact, the bowl is a bit too small for a mustache. After all, what we call whiskers turns out to be a very sensitive organ - vibrissae. And when they don’t fit into the plate, touching the walls, it irritates the kitty.

Cats also don’t like it when you demand that they finish eating stale canned food. If the food has been sitting for a couple of hours, your pet will consider touching it as a personal insult.

Cats also don’t like it when you demand they finish stale canned food.

Photo: Alexander GLUZ

4. Bring guests

The cat is a homebody pet. Therefore, her world has clear outlines and each person in it is in his place. For many self-sufficient kitties, guests in the house are a reason to hide. Who are these people? The cat definitely didn’t call them, especially the restless human cubs. Our pets distinguish all shades of people: smell, timbre, motor skills. And besides, the cat may be jealous of you. At the same time, individual individuals can fawn over certain categories of people, for example, young girls.

5. Bath

The fact is that cats, unlike people, do not need this at all! And the reason is not only fear. Between the top layer of skin and fur, Murziks have an air layer that prevents them from freezing. And with wet wool you won’t retain heat. Besides, kitties simply don’t know how to shake themselves off like dogs. Accordingly, they have much less opportunity to dry out and warm up. And one more thing: wet fur smells stronger than dry fur, and in cats it is written in the subcortex: this is how a dangerous enemy can smell you.

Cats, unlike people, do not need to wash themselves at all.

Photo: Anatoly ZHDANOV


Miroslav VOLKOV, zoopsychologist:

“Don’t expect gratitude from cats!”

— The most common mistake owners make is trying to command their cat. But this is not a wild animal whose brain has a certain hierarchical structure. With domestic kitties, everything is different. She perceives you, at best, as an equal, despite the difference in size. And even if you feed her, this is not a reason for gratitude and exemplary behavior. The cat believes that it is paying you by being nearby. Therefore, if you want a good relationship with your pet, stop dominating him.

In an emergency

If your pet is in an unexpected situation and is in a state of shock, then it is best to take a few simple but effective steps.

To keep distance

If the animal is in an excited state, then no amount of caresses or persuasion can calm it down.

The best thing in this situation is to allow privacy in your favorite room, box, or carrier. You can pet it later, when it comes to its senses.

Keep calm

Cats are extremely sensitive creatures, and the owner’s nervousness is instantly transmitted to them. Therefore, if the owner is no less afraid of the veterinarian than the pet, then it is better to entrust him to another, calmer family member for a while.

If an animal is stressed for another reason, then seeing and feeling calm on the part of a person, it will calm down faster.

Radiate calm

Another way to restore your cat’s self-control is to use calm and affectionate words addressed to her. Hearing the soothing sounds of a loved one’s voice, she will understand that there is no danger. For those who consider “talking” a stupid idea, it’s time to try your telepathic abilities - you need to instill benevolent intentions.

Exercise caution

No matter how small and weak a cat may seem, nature has endowed it with sharp teeth and claws, which can cause serious injuries not only to its relatives, but also to larger animals and humans. Therefore, if vaccinations and other medical procedures are upcoming, it is better to secure the animal at a time when it is calm in a special bag.

If you have to bathe, which domestic cats fear no less than the doctor, then manufacturers also offer special non-traumatic nets.

In any case, before working with an animal, you need to protect yourself as much as possible from possible injuries.

Switch attention

If a cat is ready to attack, then the best way to avoid a collision with an angry animal is to divert its attention. You can spray water in its direction, for example, from a spray bottle. If it is not at hand, then from any other container.

An object thrown to the side will also divert the attention of the furry aggressor to him, and not to the person, and will give him time to retreat.

Ways to achieve forgiveness

First of all, you need to let the cat calm down a little and come to its senses. After this, you can resort to the following methods:

  1. Talk to your pet in a gentle, quiet voice. Cats do not understand the meaning of phrases, but they are good at capturing the emotional coloring of speech, as well as gestures and facial expressions. You cannot look at an animal without blinking and quickly approach it. It is important that the pet is convinced that there is no threat.
  2. If the cat allows you to touch it, you can pet it and scratch it behind the ear. If the animal avoids petting, you need to unobtrusively try again after a few minutes.
  3. Pets have warm feelings for the people who feed them. You can give the cat a treat from your hand or put it where he can see.
  4. Outdoor games will help the animal get distracted and relax. You can drop a little valerian on the toy.
  5. Cats like to be given attention, praise, and compliments. Sleeping together also promotes intimacy.

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