How to make friends between two cats or male cats in the same apartment

Let's face it, a cat is not the most comfortable of pets, nor the most useful. But cats are definitely among the most beloved pets. It's hard not to love cats, at least for their expressiveness. They convey their feelings, intentions, attitude to what is happening, mood and emotions with the help of rich facial expressions, body movements, and sounds. Even a cat's eyes are incredibly expressive! And in especially severe cases, cats have to be exposed to odors.

How to understand “cat language”? The article will try to give answers to questions that concern all cat lovers.

I'll tell you straight

Cats, as a rule, do not run out into the corridor to meet their owners, but they almost always greet them with a voice. Often cats simply meow, but most of them use cooing sounds for this, or, more simply, purring, combining it with rubbing their muzzle on their legs. As a rule, this method of communication is attributed to cats, but this is not true; cats also purr with their people, greeting them.

In this way, cats also express their peaceful attitude and desire to communicate and caress with their owner. Dogs in such a situation act silently, simply approach the owner and look at him questioningly, or bark a little and quietly.

As for expressing dissatisfaction, dogs most often demonstrate it by growling. As a rule, the animal also shows a bad mood and an attempt to dominate, hinting that it is better not to mess with it. But if your dog bends over and wags his tail when he growls, it could mean he's just asking you to play. If a cat growls, then this is rather a warning sound before aggression. Indecision and dissatisfaction are expressed, rather, by hissing, which is often accompanied by a fluffy tail and a tousled, arched back. Often these sounds are combined, for example, when you touch a sore spot on your pet.

Where these animals are similar is that they express their desires to eat, go somewhere, or play in the same way. At the same time, dogs bark quietly and infrequently, cats also meow calmly. Both follow the owner, touching him with their paws. At the same time, almost any owner knows the special intonations of his pet and can accurately guess whether he wants to eat, play, or go to the toilet.

Quite often, the height of a dog’s bark can also determine its condition. For example, a low voice expresses aggression, a high voice expresses fear. As a rule, low meowing in cats indicates that the pet is in pain.

Is it even worth getting a second cat?

When bringing a second furry creature into your home, you must not forget about the feelings of the first. In some cases it is better to wait.

Veterinarians and experienced owners do not recommend bringing a neighbor to an elderly mustache. An active relative will take a lot of attention from the owner. The old-timer will feel deprived, become depressed, and begin to refuse food. Particularly sensitive old people can die from stress.

An adult uncastrated male poses a threat to a baby up to three months of age. Therefore, a small kitten is an undesirable neighbor in such a family. There is no need to bring a new animal if there is a pregnant or lactating female in the house. She will begin to attack the stranger, protecting her nest.

But there are situations when a second animal is practically necessary. We are talking about sociable pets who stay at home for 10-12 hours every day. Alone, a cat or cat feels uncomfortable: they begin to act out and even take a crap. Then a second pet is the only right way out.

Ears, paws and tail

A lot can be understood from the condition of the ears of dogs and cats, and in this respect the two species of animals are very similar. If the ears are raised up, this means that the pet is focused and very attentive. If they are pressed to the head, then your pet is afraid. Moreover, the tighter they are pressed, the stronger the feeling of fear. By the way, kids, both kittens and puppies, pressing their small ears to their heads, dismantle their subordination to adults. Well, if your pet’s ears are flat, this may mean bewilderment and misunderstanding of the situation.

But what differs significantly between these animals is the condition of the tail. The raised tail of dogs means that the animal is in a calm, balanced state. If the dog raises it up strongly, then this is a signal of concern. A cat with its tail raised is more likely to be interested and in high spirits. But his hanging tail speaks of calmness, while in a dog it is a signal of uncertainty.

If a dog slightly wags its tail, it means it is friendly and trustworthy. If the same thing happens to the cat's tail, she is likely to feel growing dissatisfaction. Moreover, if the purr calmly moves only the end of its tail, then it may be showing interest.

A dog's actively wagging tail indicates its cheerful, playful state, that it is very happy or is in contented anticipation of something, for example, food, a walk, or communication with its owner. If a cat wags its tail, this means that it is extremely unhappy and really wants to be left behind.

If the tail is lowered and pressed to the stomach, then in dogs and cats, this indicates fear and severe anxiety. The slightly twitching tip of a cat's tail indicates her irritation, concern and lack of understanding of what to do. If, for example, you poke a calmly sitting cat in the side a couple of times with your finger, you will notice how he begins to twitch the tip of his tail. The same trembling in a dog can be observed when it is fighting or about to attack. Moreover, as a rule, this happens if the animal feels its advantage over its opponent. But if a dog shakes the tip of its lowered tail in front of its owner, then, most likely, it feels guilty for something and is trying to apologize.

Possible behavior scenarios

Each animal is unique, so there is no clear script for each of them. But there are recommendations and advice that can smooth out possible conflicts, reconcile and even make furry neighbors friends with each other.

Two kittens

The meeting of two kids is the simplest situation. Kittens easily adapt to a change of housing and new living conditions. If little fluffies have just appeared in the house, then they will not have any territorial claims. The little ones are very playful and quickly switch from one object to another.

Kittens are inquisitive, eager to get to know everything around them. Therefore, playing together and exploring a new space becomes the best reason for the emergence of friendship between them.

We must not forget about a personal place for each of them. Kittens should each have their own bowl and place to sleep. In this case, conflicts will be minimized.

If trouble does occur and the kittens begin to show aggression towards each other, then they should be distracted. Toys or pieces of treats are suitable for this. The quarrel will quickly be forgotten and, most likely, will not happen again.

Adult and kitten

What kind of reception awaits the little kitten depends on the gender of the old-timer. So, an adult female will be wary at first and will show her dissatisfaction, but gradually the mother’s instinct will take its toll. Knowing this, it is not difficult to understand how to make friends between a cat and a kitten in the same territory. You just need to give a little time for the female to get used to the presence of the baby. As a last resort, she will simply refuse to be friends with him, but she will not show aggression.

A mature male, regardless of whether he is castrated or not, almost never accepts a small cub good-naturedly. He will not beat him or offend him, but will simply ignore his appearance and stay away. In the future, the situation will change, especially if the kitten is a girl.

Master cat and novice cat

The old-timer male and the adult female get along well with each other. Some couples take time to get to know each other properly, and some stop showing mistrust from the very first days. They may even become friends, but the result of such friendship will be mating and the birth of offspring. Carrying out castration and sterilization operations will be a way out, how to make friends between a cat and a cat without consequences for the owner.

If the male is not attracted to the female, then there will be no problems with excess offspring. And a strong representative will most likely take the girl under his wing and protect her.

The owner cat and the newbie cat

Females are considered more demanding, so they will not be able to accept a male right away. If the “mistress” is sterilized, then she will hiss, show aggression, and will not let her neighbor near her. Over time, she will calm down and be able to get used to the newcomer. The cats are unlikely to start sleeping together, but playing together is a very likely option.

Two adult cats

The main task of the female is to give birth to offspring. She is very self-sufficient and considers a house or apartment her personal nest. If another female appears on the territory, the first one will begin to fiercely defend her rights. It is especially not recommended to bring sterilized and unsterilized cats together. The instincts of females who give birth are associated with the protection of offspring, even future ones.

If there is no way out, the owner should devote a lot of time to ensuring that the “girls” stop arguing and learn to live peacefully. They won’t make friends, but peace in the family will be restored after a certain period of time.

Two adult cats

Males have a more good-natured character, so it is easier for them to get used to new living conditions. The difficulty arises when another male appears. From this moment the competition begins. This model of behavior helps to control territory and fight for a sphere of influence.

If both males are sexually mature, then getting to know the rivals will be very difficult. The solution to how to make friends between cats may be to castrate two individuals. After this, they will become kinder and friendlier to each other.

But uncastrated males will definitely not find a common language. They will tolerate living together, but will never become friends. Their coexistence will be marred by regular fights and territory markings.

Look into the eyes!

Animals send us similar signals through their gazes. For example, a happy, peaceful dog or cat will always close their eyelids a little. You can also use this technique, then the pet will perceive your gaze as goodwill, which will only strengthen your relationship.

If your pet's eyes are wide open and the pupils are dilated, this means that he is scared or tense. In conflict situations, both cats and dogs show their readiness to attack and aggression with a direct, open look into the eyes. Therefore, you should not look someone else’s pet in the eye at all, even if there is no conflict. But if this is your dog, and he does something good or, on the contrary, wrong, then with any praise or severity, you just need to look your pet in the eyes. In the future, this will allow you to control the dog with just a glance.

If your pet is calm, his eyes are round, but do not express fear, this indicates that he is simply interested. The pose or position of the tail will also help to distinguish the condition in such a situation. If a cat or dog looks away when next to you, this indicates submission and recognition of you as a leader.

First meeting

Should an owner make friends with a cat? It's no secret that cats can sense a person's mood and understand it. They diligently avoid people with bad intentions and immediately want to make friends with those who are trying to gain favor. That is why it is important to prove yourself when you first meet your pet and show him a kind attitude. Often this requires good advice from experienced cat owners or cattery owners .

  • At a young age, cats are fearful of strangers. Therefore, when meeting for the first time, you should not immediately pick up the animal and pet it, as it will regard this as an invasion of personal space and danger. To begin with, you just need to sit quietly and not pay attention. As soon as the kitten gets used to the presence, he will come to his arms or become interested in the person.
  • There is no need to talk too loudly, going to high notes. This may scare the cat away. Also, you don't need to look at his face. It is best to direct your gaze to the tail - then the pet, seeing the person’s interest, will be able to approach.
  • Don't make sudden movements. During the first acquaintance, the baby should visually examine the person and smell him.

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The surest way to determine a cat's disposition towards you is to look at his position in the room. If the animal hides and does not want to come out, this means that the person has done something wrong or it will take more time to adapt. If the cat, after examining the person, lay down nearby, then he has already accepted you. He does not feel the threat emanating from the new owner and calmly settles down on his territory.

If the kitten climbs into your arms and begins to purr or rub against your legs, this means complete trust on his part and positive emotions. He will probably want to live with you.

Mouth, teeth and grin

By the state and position of a dog's lips, you can read a lot about its mood and intentions regarding its future actions. If an animal moves its lips forward, this may indicate trust and a complete lack of fear towards the person with whom it is communicating. The same thing, in combination with a raised muzzle, can indicate the dog’s desire and readiness to perform a song, in other words, simply howl.

If the lips are pulled back a little, then the animal is literally smiling, and therefore demonstrates its good mood. If they are pulled back strongly and the corners of the mouth are lowered down, then most likely the animal is afraid, although it is not going to attack. However, if this is also accompanied by a short grin, then this is where you should be wary, since this indicates a readiness for aggression. Well, if you observe an open grin with a wrinkled back of the nose, then there is nothing to guess, the dog expresses anger and can attack.

In cats, the condition of the mouth and lips needs to be interpreted a little differently. For example, a relaxed state and pleasure is accompanied by a closed or slightly open mouth. When a cat feels very good, it can stick out the tip of its relaxed tongue. But sometimes this happens after the pet has licked or washed itself. The cat expresses its relaxed state and pleasure from bliss with stretched lips, it looks as if it is smiling. A long yawn with bare teeth may again indicate complete relaxation. Licking your lips and nose in a quick motion indicates anxiety and confusion.

Learning to recognize your pet's signals is not difficult. And the most important thing is that it will take very little time. By paying attention to the sequence of facial expressions and actions, you will soon notice the connection between them and begin to understand your pet perfectly.

Common causes of conflict between pets

It is possible to accustom fluffies to life within the same apartment or house. However, this will require patience and effort on the part of the owner, especially if the cats have character. It is quite difficult to predict how pets will behave during acquaintance and further communication.

The reasons that usually provoke conflict are:

  • refusal to live in one territory;
  • reluctance to share the attention of a loved one;
  • different gender and age;
  • fear of a new neighbor;
  • aggressive behavior of one of the cats;
  • psycho-emotional characteristics of animals;
  • physiological characteristics (sterilized, pregnant, lactating).

All this must be understood before taking a new pet into the family. Many mustachioed friends feel good alone. It’s not always worth getting another furry just so that the first one doesn’t get bored. In order for two cats to live in the house and not cause problems with their behavior, you will have to make a lot of effort and develop cunning tactics.

Meeting face to face

If you feel that your pets are ready to face each other, you can again use food as a distraction. Don't feed your cats for a while so that they are a little hungry, and then give them food in the same room at the same time. Choose a room where the cat could hide behind furniture or jump higher if it wanted. Let the first cat into the room, and then allow the second one to come out of the basket and eat. You will need to decide how close to get them together - don't try to get them as close as possible from the start. Be calm, encourage your pets and reward them for good behavior with praise, treats or their favorite food. Watch how your pets interact - they may find their own place and curl up to sleep, but you may need to keep the new cat away from the first one for a while, using feeding time as an opportunity for them to interact more closely. Once you're sure your pets won't fight or chase each other, you can give them access to the rest of the house. Most likely, they themselves will find a place for sleep and daily activities that would allow them to live peacefully in the same house and sufficiently enjoy all its benefits - warmth, food and your attention, while at the same time gradually getting used to each other.

Special Beast

A cat, like any other pet, needs food, shelter and a partner to procreate for a comfortable existence.

The easiest way to win over a cat is to solve the issue of nutrition. Nowadays there is a huge selection of food in pet stores. From all the variety, you can always find something that will be tempting for your four-legged friend. By changing our diet, we provide the opportunity to experience the joy of life without leaving home. Moreover, new food is an excellent cure for boredom.

Since a cat is an independent animal, it needs a secluded place where it can relax and unwind. It could be a luxurious complex from a store or a simple cardboard box with soft bedding inside. The main thing is that the cat feels safe in its shelter.

One of the most serious problems that owners face is tags. If you do not plan to become a breeder, then you should sterilize your pet. Do not think that by doing this you will undermine the health of the animal. On the contrary, the cat becomes less susceptible to sexual instincts, aggressiveness and the risk of tumor formation are reduced. In addition, the pet becomes human-oriented.

Can cats understand us?

It has been scientifically proven that cats living with people learn to understand what their owners are saying. And there are many examples of this where furry friends are able to recognize a command and carry it out. In addition, training cats is sometimes easier than training dogs, since cats are able to remember faster and carry out commands with maximum accuracy. Cats subtly sense danger and can force a person to go where his help is needed. In this case, biting on clothing, skin and targeted movements in the direction where the signal comes from may be observed.

Basic mistakes in communicating with pets

To ensure that your pet is always in a good mood, his health is normal, and spontaneous disturbances do not arise in the house, you should understand how important it is to take care of your cat, be able to recognize the cat’s language and truly love it. In addition, knowing what mistakes can occur during communication, you can avoid them or change them for the better.

So what not to do:

  • neglect of education and light training;
  • deviate from your prohibitions and be fickle (today you can, tomorrow you won’t, or vice versa);
  • pamper your pet beyond measure (this also applies to food);
  • leave your pet without communication and attention;
  • ignore physical activity, communication in a playful way;
  • leave the cat alone for a long time;
  • failure to adapt the apartment to the necessary needs of the animal;
  • punish your pet excessively (this can cause fear in the owner).

Translator - is there or not?

Today, there are mobile applications that can translate human speech into cat language. How effective they are is not yet clear, but ongoing studies on pets show that not everyone can understand translated speech from cats, or that a computer “meow” is simply a regular set of sounds, and not a translation from a cat.

Therefore, it is not worth saying that this translator is a godsend for the owners. If people who are attentive to their pets listen to them, they can learn to understand them, talk to the cat, and without the need for any translation through an interpreter.

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