How to introduce and make friends between a cat and a dog in an apartment

The legend of feud between cats and dogs is so ingrained in our culture that we look at cases in which cats and dogs get along well under the same roof as exceptions to the rule. The idea that when these two animals meet, a conflict will inevitably arise has haunted us since childhood - it is reflected in children's stories, in cartoons and even in sayings. However, is the relationship between a cat and a dog really so clear and predetermined? The answer to this question is of interest, first of all, to those people who would like to keep both animals in peace and harmony. We will try to figure out how to make friends between a cat and a dog in an apartment in this article.

How to make friends between a cat and a dog in an apartment

Introducing an adult dog to a kitten

As a rule, dogs have a positive attitude towards each new family member and are the first to get to know each other. Your task is to control the dog’s enthusiasm, since he may simply not calculate his strength and scare the kitten half to death (this especially applies to large dogs).


During the first days, it is advisable to keep the animals in separate rooms and allow them to gradually get closer to each other. Initial meetings may only last a few minutes. The main goal of these meetings is not so much to get to know each other, but to be able to assimilate the smell of a “partner.” Animals can react negatively to the smell of a stranger; this detail of behavior is very clearly manifested in hunting dogs. Getting used to the smell of a kitten will allow the dog to significantly reduce the degree of aggression, if any.

Getting used to the smell of a newcomer is the most important stage in animal acquaintance.

By the way! In order for the dog to quickly get used to the new “tenant”, even before bringing the kitten into the apartment, you should let the pet sniff some of the kitten’s things so that he becomes familiar with the smell of the newcomer in advance and does not perceive it as a potential danger.


Animals must be fed separately. If you have a multi-room apartment, it is advisable to give your pets food in different rooms. If animals have to get along in a studio apartment, place bowls in different corners.

Separate feeding will relieve pets from increased interest in each other's bowls

The food should be given to the older animal first, following a hierarchy that is important for both dogs and cats. The kitten should learn that his desires will not be satisfied primarily due to his age, and that in this “pack” everyone is equal.


Each pet should have their own place where they feel safe. If you try to combine the sleeping and resting areas of both animals, then expect a response in the form of clarification of the relationship between them.

Not only cats, but also dogs need their own house

By the way! Play complexes are perfect for a kitten; climbing on them will put him out of reach. Such complexes, in addition to creating comfort for the pet, will promote claw sharpening and muscle development.

It is important to recognize the symptoms of growing anxiety in a cat in time in order to stop the manifestation of aggression towards a defenseless puppy. The information below will help you understand what type of anxiety your pet is experiencing. You can read more about aggression in cats on our portal.

Signs of anxiety in cats

The principles of living under one roof

  • To accustom a cat to a puppy, you need to arrange living areas for both representatives from the cat and dog world. You can buy a high scratching post for your cat, on which he can watch his “neighbor”; for a puppy - a cage or enclosure (depending on where the owner lives).
  • To teach animals to live together in harmony, during your absence you need to make sure that eye contact is maintained, but they cannot physically communicate. That is, for example, a dog can be locked in a cage (for its own safety). Or place the animals in different rooms.
  • When the owner is at home, it is necessary to let the puppy out of the shelter so that he gets to know the cat better. If a cat’s “brother” begins to become impudent and tries to beat a young dog, the owner must stop this immediately, clearly indicating the need to unconditionally accept the new member of the pack. There is no need to persuade under any circumstances.
  • Feeding both the dog and the cat should happen at the same time. But the bowls should be placed separately. Perhaps even to different levels. You need to make sure that no one steals food from someone else's bowl.

  • One of the basic rules for teaching two animals to live in peace and harmony is to pay attention to both of them. Moreover, this must be done simultaneously. If the owner has petted one pet, then he should immediately call and pet the second one. Otherwise, jealousy will “destroy” the owner’s efforts to improve relationships between animals.
  • In order to accustom a cat to “good manners” and accept a new family member, you always need to restore justice in fights, “thefts” of toys and food. Otherwise, the cat’s impudence will know no bounds.

Perhaps the moment will come when the owner begins to be jealous of the cat and the puppy, because they will find a common language and will frolic and play, thereby bringing pleasure to the whole family.

Introducing an adult cat to a puppy

Puppies cope more easily with adults and do not need special protection. Cats show open aggression only in cases where the puppies become importunate and begin to pursue the self-sufficient pet everywhere. If you see this behavior, try to separate the puppy from the cat and engage in some kind of games, since the manifestation of importunity is nothing more than a lack of attention.

In rare cases, cats are able to adopt puppies and raise them along with their kittens.

A puppy raised in the company of a cat or cats does not show aggression towards them and is not prone to conflicts. However, this rule applies only to cats of his “pack”. If this dog meets any other feline, it will be quite difficult to predict his reaction, so there is no point in experimenting.

Otherwise, the rules for getting a puppy used to a cat are exactly the same as in the case of a kitten and a dog. Let the animals get used to each other's smell, divide the apartment into non-intersecting zones in which the pets will rest from each other, and feed them separately, without giving additional reasons for aggression.

Cats are supportive of puppies, except in cases when they begin to actively impose themselves and bother them.

Important! The greatest difficulties occur when two adult individuals get to know each other. If possible, avoid starting a relationship this way, as mature pets already have certain experiences and behavioral characteristics that are very difficult to correct.

Consolidate the result

To train a cat and a dog to live together, you need to understand the supposed reasons for their enmity. Most often, a “war” begins when the owner’s “companion” invades the territory of another. For example, this can be observed in a private house, where a dog lives outside the house, and a cat lives within the walls of the house. In addition, the dog may experience a feeling of jealousy because the owner is acting unfairly: the cat is treated kindly and tenderly, it lives in the house, warms itself, receives goodies or steals them itself. And the dog is forced to freeze on the street, guard a huge territory and barely get a piece of bread for it.

Therefore, in order to accustom a cat to a dog in the house, the owner must take care of the equality of both animals. And then friendship, or at worst neutrality, will be ensured.

If the animals have become friends, you need to be prepared for the fact that the dog can protect his feline “brother” when walking together in nature from the encroachments of other animals. Therefore, you need to study the question of how to train a dog not to react to the actions of other members of the cat family.

Preparing for dating

Before bringing a new animal into your home, think through all the nuances in detail:

  • Pets should not “cross each other” for 2–3 days.
  • Both animals must have their own bedding.
  • The “resident” must have access to the places where the “newcomer” has been.
  • The cat must have access to the litter box.
  • Feeding should be separate, behind tightly closed doors.
  • The dog must know basic commands and be comfortable with the muzzle.
  • The tips of the kitten's claws are filed.

Important! Do not be under the illusion that a dog poses a greater danger, yes, it is physically stronger, but a kitten saving its life is an “eye-scratching machine”! Be prepared for attack from both sides!

How to make friends between a cat and a dog - ways and methods of teaching animals to live in the same house (110 photos)

It often happens that pets of different species are forced to live in the same house or city apartment. To make coexistence peaceful and pleasant, some effort must be made.

Of course, a lot depends on the upbringing and character of the animals. But the attention, patience and love of the owner helps to improve the relationship.

When the pets appeared at the same time

If the acquisition of animals happened within a short period of time, none of them had time to feel like they were in charge of the situation. And people's efforts to bring pets together will be critical.

Puppy and kitten

Cubs weaned from their mother instinctively seek closeness and attention. Differences between species do not matter to them. The main thing is to have someone to play with. Friendly pranks gradually lead to strong friendship.

But, in such a situation, size matters a lot. A large breed puppy grows quickly and does not know how to dose strength. Hitting a kitten with a large paw can cause injury.

Be carefull. Stop dangerous fun by distracting with food or affection.

Conversely, a Maine Coon cub may seem like a giant to a Chihuahua puppy and cause fear.

In our entrance, on the third floor, there lived a small French lap dog. When she went for a walk and saw our Siberian cat Vasily on the first floor, she refused to come down. The owner had to carry her in her arms.

Adult cat and dog

How to make friends with a dog and a cat suddenly moved into the same apartment? This happens when people come together with their pets. Or they adopted the animals they liked from the shelter at the same time. The development of relationships can be different.

When both have a calm, affectionate character, the prognosis is favorable. Even if they don’t become friends, neutrality is also good.

Both are active but friendly - no serious problems will arise. The main thing is to pay enough attention to everyone. Keep your pets busy with games. Create the ability for the cat to move along the upper surfaces of the apartment. So she could get away from her annoying friend.

It's another matter when one or both new residents show aggression towards the other. You will have to work here for a long time. If this is not possible, then it is better to part with one of the pets. To avoid an accident.

Hereditary cat trainer Dmitry Kuklachev says that their circus troupe often includes animals of different ages. He has to teach them to work together. The trainer advises how to make friends with an adult dog and cats:

Don't rush into getting to know each other. Take them to different rooms and give them the opportunity to get used to the new smells for several hours.

Two people are required for the first meeting in the common room. One is holding a dog on a leash. The other one has a cat in his arms. It is better to wear thick clothing so that a frightened animal does not accidentally scratch the owner. Or trim your toenails in advance.

During the meeting, you need to speak kindly and calm the animal by stroking it.

Meetings should be held once or twice a day, gradually increasing the time from a few minutes to an hour or more.

When a cat doesn't hiss and a dog doesn't bark when they see each other. You can lower the cat to the floor, but with the ability to quickly jump to a height.

Feeding should initially be carried out in different rooms. But at the same time. Animals should not feel left out.

Provide each pet with personal space. Where they feel protected: their own bed, bowls for food and drink. Patience, consistency and firmness in demands will help animals adapt to unusual conditions.

The manifestation of love in affection and attention should be equal and not cause jealousy or resentment.

This way we can reconcile and teach our four-legged friends to live together.

The appearance of a dog in a cat's territory

When a cat for a long time was the absolute mistress of the house, the only favorite of the owners. But suddenly a dog appeared.

I had a bad experience with animals. A friend came with a young terrier. He had previously only seen cats from a distance on the street. The owner's husband allowed them to bark and drive them into the trees.

Entering the room where our three cats were calmly resting, the dog rushed towards the treasured prey with a loud bark. It's good that he was on a leash.

One cat almost jumped out of fear from the fourth floor. He hung on his claws, clinging to the window. They barely tore it off later. The second one broke through the top of the doors and hid in the gap between the wall and the sofa in the other room. For ten hours we could not persuade him to leave there. The third jumped onto the closet and howled wildly until the dog was taken away.

Two minutes later the room looked like it had been blown up. A broken vase, things thrown from shelves, tables and windowsills. The male dog is hysterical and his owner is wailing and apologizing. General shock.

So is it possible to make friends between an adult cat and a dog? It is possible if you prepare for this event wisely.

Puppy in the cat's house

Representatives of the cat tribe are subject to a powerful instinct of owning their own territory. Walking around the house every day, they mark pieces of furniture and door frames when they rub their cheeks against them. The smells of people and things living in the house are organically combined, creating the overall taste of the native place.

If you give the cat the opportunity to gradually get used to the new aroma of the puppy that has appeared in the house, it will react to it more calmly.

There is no need to force the issue by poking the cub under the cat’s nose. She will not like such unceremoniousness and the negative reaction will be fixed on the smell of the puppy.

Often, if a cat is an adult, its instinct of superiority over a small child is triggered. And gradually, after getting used to it, she begins to show care and take care of the unreasonable child.

My British cat, aged eight, actively participated in raising the puppy. When I scolded him, the cat reinforced the suggestion with his hissing.

If the cub yelped in pain after being hit or stuck in a narrow place, the Briton would run closer and meow in alarm, calling for help. Wrestling and catching up became the favorite games of both.

Adult dog and cat

The appearance of a dog in territory that previously belonged only to cats can have a different impact on life in the house.

If the dog has had a positive experience with cats. She will try to establish good relations with her new neighbor. The owner's faithful behavior will help create friendship.

If the dog considers cats prey, but is well trained, it clearly obeys commands. At first, you will have to limit the communication of animals under the control of the owner and strictly suppress attempts at aggression.

Until they understand that living together is not a temporary phenomenon and adapt to it. Friendship may not work out, but neutrality can be achieved.

When an adult dog was brought into the house from the street or from a shelter, and it has no communication skills and does not know commands. Demarcate the space for animals so that they do not meet without their owners. For now, raising a dog will allow it to socialize and begin to communicate under the control of the owner.

During this period, the cat needs to be given increased attention. Through communication and affection, she shows that she remains loved and important to the family.

I remember an incident from my childhood. The sick cat was smeared with ointment. The caring dog licked it and burped it. In her hearts, the mother said to the cat: we have another cat, but we don’t have a dog. Go and treat yourself outside with weed. The cat got offended, left and never returned.

Aggression in a cat

Sometimes cats react aggressively to the arrival of new family members. They hiss, wave their paws, and rush to bite and scratch.

There are different reasons. Perhaps the cat is old and does not like the disruption of the quiet flow of its former life.

Sometimes cats are bothered by internal pain due to illness, and they do not allow themselves to be touched. Or is it simple jealousy and fear of losing the owner’s love.

How to make friends between a cat and a dog if it is aggressive. In any case, there is no need to scold or punish the cat. It is necessary to find the reason for this behavior and eliminate it. Then communication between pets will improve.

The appearance of a cat in a dog's possession

It is important for dogs to be in a pack and to be in good standing with the leader. Which they consider the owner. It is the struggle for the owner's love that causes friction between pets.

Kitten and adult dog

Small kittens adapt to changes more easily. Their childish curiosity pushes them to explore a new world. They fearlessly rush to catch the wagging tail and climb with all their paws into the huge dog bowl.

Not every dog ​​will tolerate such impudence. It depends on the person whether the petty adventurer will be torn into tiny pieces or not.

Each owner carries out explanatory work in his own way. Some harshly reprimand with prohibiting commands, others conduct pacifist conversations with their pet about forgiveness and love for one’s neighbor. Can be combined. The main thing is to save the baby’s life.

Gradually, the inexplicable charm of kittens melts the ice in the most incorruptible hearts of stern dogs.

Our one-year-old Dalmatian dog suffered from a false pregnancy at the time when our daughter was given a month-old British kitten. The bitch raised him like her own puppy.

And she took full responsibility into his upbringing. So much so that he has maintained ideal behavior for eight years now.

Adult cat and dog

When they bring a cat into a house where previously only dogs were kept. Here it is important to provide the newcomer with the opportunity to move around the room without intersecting with the dog. To make the cat feel safe while resting and eating.

Set up a cat house or *tree* with a bed on top. Place food and water dishes higher up, out of the dog's reach.

Curiosity and a sense of superiority will later force the cat to go downstairs to get to know its neighbor better. If both animals are peaceful, they will become friends.

When one of the pets does not want to make close contact, a neutral relationship will remain.

Cat and dog at the dacha or in a private house

Pets living in the country or in rural areas have completely different conditions for communication. The cat usually moves freely around the house and outside. The area of ​​her possessions is much wider than in a city apartment.

And the dog either sits on a chain near the kennel or runs around the enclosure in the yard. However, for some people there is access to the house. More often in smaller breeds.

How can you make friends with a cat and a dog that live in a house on the ground? Use the same simple rules:

  • Feed the animals at the same time. So that they see each other and do not feel offended.
  • Give equal attention. Talk to all pets equally gently so as not to cause jealousy.
  • Do not ignore or offend one in front of the other.
  • Encourage the dog to avoid aggression towards the cat.

Love, patience and perseverance in achieving results from the owners will help the animals become closer and find friendship.

What is better not to do in the education process?

To avoid mistakes in the process of establishing relationships with pets, adhere to the following rules:

  • Don't pick a favorite. By giving more love to one animal, you provoke jealousy in another.
  • Hostility should not be punished. The first time is normal. The main thing is to prevent moments of aggression in time and defuse the situation.
  • Do not leave your pets alone with each other for the first few days. Apparent calm can suddenly develop into aggression and fighting.

Video: how to make friends with a cat and a dog in the same apartment?

How to calm a cat's aggression?

The hardest part is the “snack”. Exactly! Cat aggression is much more difficult to defeat! The dog instinctively serves, obeys, and is tormented by its conscience when its owner is upset. A cat has no such moral burdens. Even a kitten that has recently moved into the house can prove to be a cruel “dictator”.

There is only one way out - patience and affection, cats are not forced, they are negotiated with. Take the animal in your arms more often, sitting in a chair and stroking the cat, call the dog with a gesture and lay it at your feet, the pets should understand that your attention and territory will be enough for both. There is only one trick on your side - the cat feels more confident when it is higher than its opponent. Equip the animal with holes on window sills and furniture; being at the “top of the world”, the pet will ignore the dog.

Cat and dog in the same house: how to make friends with pets

There are people who are incorrigible cat lovers, and there are equally incorrigible dog lovers. And between these two groups of animal lovers, disputes often arise about which of the pets is better to have, which of the two pets is kinder, smarter, more affectionate, etc. Such disputes can already be classified as eternal.

And there are people who do not participate in such discussions for the simple reason that they cannot classify themselves as either a dog person or a cat person: they belong to both.

It is about the third type of people, or more precisely about their pets, that we will talk today.

Fight for the owner's attention

Many have heard the phrase “The cat walks on its own.”

I also diligently believed in this truth: my domestic cat is very affectionate, never rebels when trying to stroke or cuddle her, but she herself rarely seeks human attention, preferring to mind her own business. More precisely, she had this manner of behavior exactly until the moment when the second four-legged pet, the Pekingese, appeared in our house.

This is where a fierce struggle for the attention of all family members began: a competition called “Who can run to the door faster and meet the owners”; if they stroked or picked up one person, aggression on the part of the other immediately began.

Sometimes the situation can take more drastic turns: the cat, seeing that the dog is being taken for a walk, with its desperate meows will urgently demand that it be taken with them too.

Those who are planning to have a cat and a dog in the same house should remember how jealous animals are - almost like little children of the same age. Promise yourself to try to give the same amount of attention to both pets - this will prevent hostility between them.

Fight for place

It’s unlikely that you will be able to avoid the action between pets under the general title “Who’s the Boss.” The fight will be for any place in the house. Even for a place on your lap. Therefore, prepare in advance for the fact that while your pets get along together, there will be no peace in your home.

What to remember if you are going to have a dog and a cat in the same house

If you don’t have a single animal yet, but want to have both, then you should take a kitten and a puppy, not adult pets.

This way it will be easier for them to get used to each other, and neither of them will feel that someone else has taken his place in the house.

And if you already have an adult cat or dog, then you should not immediately expect that he will not like the new one. It is quite possible that your pet will treat the new pet like his own kitten or puppy: he will nurse him in every possible way and play with him.

If you have noticed increased aggression in your dog/cat, think twice before getting a new pet.

If animals show aggression to one degree or another, jealousy towards their owners, hostility towards other animals, then you should think carefully before getting a second pet, because you can endanger the health and life of the new pet.

If you are not sure that you can provide equal attention and love to both pets, then you should hold off on getting a second pet.

Remember that dogs and cats are very sensitive animals that will immediately notice a lack of attention from their owner. They need care, love and affection, and if one of the two feels that the other is being given more attention, this can provoke hatred and aggression towards the second animal.

Think about whether you can handle the responsibility of two lives.

Think very carefully. If you are going on vacation, will there be a person among your loved ones who will agree to look after your mini-menagerie? Cats, as a rule, require less care - they do not need to be walked three or four times a day - but with a dog things are more serious.

Think about your daily routine: if you're at work all day, will other family members be able to take the dog for an afternoon walk? Are you willing to sometimes wake up at 6 a.m. if your dog needs to go to the toilet? Can you accept the fact that you will have to walk your dog in any weather - in 40-degree frost, and in 40-degree heat, and in a snowstorm, and in rain, and in slush - and after the walk, bathe your pet?

Answer these and other questions for yourself BEFORE you get pets. After all, it is only because of our human irresponsibility and cruelty that there are now so many homeless animals on the streets.

Watch the reaction of both pets.

Read a couple of books about dogs and cats, study their reactions.

Reactions can be completely different, for example, a dog wags its tail when it likes something, and a cat waves its tail when, on the contrary, it doesn’t like something.

If you gain information about such reactions in advance, it will help you recognize the emotions that your pets are experiencing, and most importantly, how they are configured at a certain moment in relation to each other.

Don't be left out.

Especially at the very beginning, when your pets are just starting to get to know each other, don’t leave things to chance. Try to bring them closer together: come up with games that both pets can participate in at the same time, take your cat with you for a walk the next time you go for a walk with the dog, or just curl up on the couch with your pets and watch a movie.

Whether two different pets can get along in one house depends not only on them, their characters and habits, but also on their owners - you should never forget this.

And to all those who still doubt that a cat and a dog can become friends while living in the same house, I suggest watching this short video.


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