4 tricks to train your cat to sleep at night


Part 1 Teaching a kitten to sleep at night

  1. 1 Create a bedtime ritual.
    This ritual (or routine procedure) should be intended for both you and the kitten. Since it is natural for a kitten to be active at night, you will have to “reprogram” him to do the opposite behavior. This can be done through a special evening ritual, which will not only signal that it is time to sleep, but will also take the maximum possible amount of energy from the kitten and make it tired.
  2. Start by actively playing with your kitten in the late evening (about an hour before bedtime).
  3. When you and your kitten are done playing, give your kitten a treat or food before bed.
  4. After the kitten has eaten, proceed with your usual bedtime preparations and allow the kitten to follow you. In this case, the kitten will watch your actions and learn what exactly for you (and for him) is a signal for going to bed.
  5. Go to bed and turn off the light. Hug the kitten and fall asleep. By this time he should already be tired to the point of exhaustion.
  6. By following the established procedure every day, your kitten will understand its meaning and will have a better understanding of what exactly is required of him.
  7. 2 Play calm, relaxing music for the kitten.
    You can help your kitten relax and fall asleep by playing music specifically designed for cats. You can find a variety of playlists of relaxing music for kittens on YouTube. Try playing this type of music while you're getting ready for bed to help your kitten calm down. If music is effective, make it an integral part of bedtime routine so that it signals to your kitten that it is time to go to bed.
  8. 3 Put away the toys.
    Sometimes the most unpleasant thing about a kitten not wanting to sleep at night is the noise made by its toys. Many cat toys have bells or squeaks, or are made of hard plastic or other hard material. When it's time to sleep, put all your cat's toys in a separate box. If you need to leave your kitten a toy, then give him a soft toy that will not rattle. A lack of toys may also cause your kitten to decide that it's time to sleep, which will eventually lead to him playing more during the day (once he has his favorite toys at his disposal) and sleeping better at night.
  9. 4 Don't let your kitten sleep while you're awake.
    Ironically, cats love to sleep, although kittens sleep less than adult animals. If your kitten likes to take an afternoon or evening nap and then keeps you up at night due to her excessive activity, try stopping her from napping during the day. If you notice him sleeping, wake him up and make him play. You won't have to do this for very long; the kitten will quickly understand that evening is the time for play, and night is for sleeping.
  10. 5 Use the “ignore” rule.
    Hyperactive kittens may continue to behave this way because they attract extra attention by being active. If a kitten pesters you until you play with it, feed it, or otherwise give it attention, it will continue to do the same behavior over and over again (because it has conditioned you to do so). Despite the difficulty of the task, the best way to train a kitten is to explain to him that you are not always available to fulfill his wishes. When it's time to sleep, or if you're in bed and your kitten is demanding your attention, don't do anything. Ignore the kitten and continue with your business.
  11. Despite the fact that this technique will not give immediate results, it is important for the further education of the kitten. The kitten must understand that he needs to wait for your personal decision about feeding or starting play.
  12. 6 Raise your kitten with love.
    It may seem strange, but when your kitten starts pestering you for any reason, grab him and hold him in a tight hug. Don't let go of the kitten, continue to hug him affectionately. You will notice that the kitten will not be very flattered by this display of love on your part, and this is good. If you hug your kitten tightly when he does something he shouldn't do (like playing with your feet while you're trying to sleep), he'll stop doing this very quickly. The kitten will understand the relationship between a certain activity and your close (and not very pleasant for him) hug; in order not to fall into such embraces, he will stop doing what leads to them.
  13. 7 Provide your cat with a breakfast that won’t force you to get up early in the morning.
    A cat's sleep cycle is shorter than a human's. Even if you manage to get your cat to sleep with you, he may wake you up early in the morning demanding his breakfast or needing your attention. The worst thing you can do in this situation is to stand up and give the cat your attention. If you do this, the cat will ideally train you to do what he needs in no time! It is very likely that immediately after waking up the cat will look for food, so be careful to leave your cat food for breakfast in the evening.
  14. There are special cat feeders with a timer that either open or dispense food at certain intervals. If you have such a feeder, you will not need to get up early to feed the kitten, and regular feeding intervals will accustom him to the regime. If the kitten knows that he will have food in his bowl at seven in the morning, he will not wake you up to feed him. Instead, he will sit at the bowl and wait for her to give him something to eat.

Part 2 Creating a sleeping place for a kitten

  1. 1 Provide the kitten with high beds.
    Cats naturally love to observe what is happening around them, so they like to occupy high places to observe. Your kitten will be less likely to disturb you at night if he has a place that he enjoys sleeping in. A high-lying bed can be such a place for a kitten.
  2. Cat play complexes with platforms in several tiers can be found in almost any pet store. In addition, they are also sold in online stores and some supermarkets. The price tag for these kits is quite high, but it can be a very useful investment if your kitten tends to climb on curtains and bookshelves that he shouldn't be climbing on.
  3. If a cat play set turns out to be too expensive an investment for you, then you can free up some bookshelf or open shelving for your cat. If you put bowls of water and food or toys there, your pet will understand that this place is intended for him.
  4. You can also make your own play set for your cat by stacking several boxes or drawers on top of each other. Be sure to glue or otherwise securely fasten the boxes together. If the cat climbs the tower you made too quickly or due to other external influences (for example, from the slam of a door), then if it is not securely fastened, it may topple over. You must ensure that the cat is not injured in any way.
  5. 2 Provide the kitten with a warm blanket to sleep on.
    Sometimes kittens disturb their owners' sleep because they lack the body warmth of their mother and other kittens. If your kitten has recently been weaned from your cat, he may invade your personal space at night because he is not used to sleeping alone.

    If your kitten's sleeping area is warm, he will be less likely to bother you. For example, you can warm up a kitten's blanket or bedding for 20 minutes before bed on a radiator or in a dryer.

  6. 3 Keep the kitten in a separate room at night.
    While you may like the idea of ​​sleeping cuddled up with your furry friend at night, if your kitten is prone to hyperactivity, it might be a good idea to keep him in a separate room at night until he gets older.
  7. When it's time to go to bed, lock your bedroom door and keep your kitten away. At first he may meow and scratch under the door, but when he sees that this behavior does not lead to anything, he will most likely stop such actions.
  8. If your kitten persists in scratching under the door for a long period of time, try building something to stop him from getting to the door. For example, place a plastic bristle mat under the door (bristles up) or apply double-sided tape to the floor.

Part 3 Providing daily physical activity

  1. 1 Consider getting a second kitten.
    If your kitten is extremely hyperactive, having a playmate will help him get rid of excess energy during the day.
  2. Kittens get used to each other very well if introduced at an early age. However, kittens may need to be introduced gradually, keeping them in separate rooms for the first few days.
  3. Make sure that the kitten you already have does not have any behavioral problems that might make it difficult for him to introduce him to another kitten. If your kitten came to you from a place where it was abused, or if it itself is prone to aggressive behavior, then you may have to abandon the idea of ​​​​getting a second kitten.
  4. 2 Change feeding times.
    If you don't feed your kitten on a regular schedule or feed him in the early evening, making changes to his feeding schedule may help encourage your kitten to sleep at night.
  5. Feed your kitten about half an hour before going to bed. A full stomach can make your kitten sleepy, so he will be more inclined to take a nap with you.
  6. If your kitten usually wakes you up in the morning waiting for breakfast, then you can purchase an automatic feeder for your pet at a pet store or online store so that it does not bother you.
  7. Don't get up at night to feed your kitten if he's acting up, as this will encourage bad behavior.
  8. 3 Play with your kitten during the daytime.
    Kittens really need stimulation. Regular play with your pet during the day and just before bed will help relieve him of excess energy and put him to sleep, preventing him from disturbing you at night.
  9. Play sessions should simulate cat hunting in nature. Fishing rod toys that can be dragged along the floor or waved in the air are great for kittens. You can even simply tie an existing toy in the form of a mouse to a string. You can also purchase a game post with a fishing rod toy attached to it at a pet store or online.
  10. Cats typically require 15-30 minutes of interactive play time per day, but if your pet is extremely hyperactive, you may need to keep them entertained for an hour. Be sure to reduce the intensity of play 5-10 minutes before it ends, as stopping suddenly can irritate your kitten. Instead of going to bed, he may continue to pester you to ensure continued entertainment.
  11. 4 Provide your kitten with interactive games that he can play while you are at work.
    If you work a lot and your kitten is left alone for a long time during the day, he may get bored. This may cause him to become more active at night, which will interfere with your sleep. Find interactive games for your kitten that he can play in your absence.
  12. Puzzle toys usually come in the form of a container into which you can place your kitten's favorite treat or favorite toy. The kitten will get to the treat or favorite toy only when it manages to open the puzzle toy. Try to remember to leave your kitten a prepared puzzle toy when you leave for work.
  13. If you have your own yard, consider installing a birdhouse or bird feeder. Your kitten will love sitting on the window and watching the birds while you are away. Even if you can't install a bird feeder, providing your kitten with access to a window will allow him to watch the outside world with interest.

Part 4 Seeking veterinary help

  1. 1 Perform a complete veterinary examination of the kitten to rule out medical causes for its hyperactivity.
    If your kitten is extremely active and does not calm down despite your best efforts, he may have health problems. Take the kitten to the veterinarian and get a full veterinary examination.
  2. Any unusual changes in behavior may be a sign of a problem. If the kitten used to behave quietly and calmly, but suddenly became hyperactive, then the cause may be problems with the thyroid gland. This problem can be identified through a blood test, and it can be solved by taking medications daily.
  3. The veterinarian will first review your kitten's past medical history and then examine him. If necessary, you will be given a series of blood tests. If your kitten's health is fine, you can ask your veterinarian for advice on how to make him calmer at night.
  4. 2 Spay or neuter your kitten.
    If your kitten has not yet been spayed or neutered, this may be one of the reasons for his hyperactivity.
  5. Cats can be very noisy during the rutting season. They may meow to be allowed outside because they want to find a mate, and the overall activity of the animals increases. Sterilizing a kitten will avoid such problems.
  6. Unneutered cats usually become not only more active, but also noisier, and they are also prone to other undesirable behavior, for example, they may mark furniture. Neutering your cat will significantly reduce the likelihood of this behavior occurring.
  7. 3 Invest in purchasing synthetic pheromones.
    Synthetic cat pheromones are designed to reduce anxiety and hyperactivity in cats. Cats produce such pheromones when in a state of comfort, so a synthetic analogue of these pheromones can calm the kitten. Synthetic pheromones can be purchased at most pet stores and veterinary clinics. They are also sold online. However, not all animals respond the same way to synthetic pheromones, and if your pet seems upset or irritated by their scent, avoid using them.

How to choose a place for a house

Study the surfaces your kitten sleeps on and his favorite position to determine the type of bed he sleeps on. When choosing a dog bed, you should take into account some factors.

Size: Cats need space to spread out and stretch, so you should provide enough space for this. Don't buy a bed that's too big either, they won't like it either (they need to feel protected).

Hygiene: Choose a bedding that is easy to wash or sanitize to eliminate odors, fur, and bacteria that can cause infections.

Material: You should choose one that is comfortable for your cat, taking into account the location where the bed will be placed (to see if it needs to be more secure or cooler). And the climate, because there are even thermal pillows that warm the animal.

Shape: you can buy a basket with soft bedding, a donut, a hammock or a house - it all depends on the kitten’s preferences. If he likes secluded places, set up a hut or house for him. If your pet prefers high-altitude positions, a hammock is suitable. The most universal are “bagels”.

READ The cat rubs its butt on the floor, what could be the reasons?


  • Most cats and kittens are lactose intolerant, so they do not respond well to drinking cow's milk. If you want to feed your kitten milk, it should be a milk product specifically designed for cats.
  • When training your cat, do not use any physical punishment. If you need to “punish” bad behavior, try grabbing him and not letting go, or forcing him to sit in his carrier (with the door open).

Sent by: Alina Mironova. 2017-11-12 13:02:59

Related links:

Why doesn't the cat like the house?

If the house meets all the stated requirements, you carefully follow the instructions for accustoming the animal to a new place, but it still does not want to stay there, analyze whether you are making typical mistakes:

  • show excessive persistence and violence (forcing the cat to stay in the house against its will);
  • scolded the pet near the house or after activities to accustom it to a new place.

These moments leave a mark on the cat’s perception of reality for a long time. He will want to stay away from the new home. No amount of persuasion after the “scandals” will help. Control yourself.

Punished cat

How to put a cat to sleep?

Is it easy to get a cat to sleep? Unfortunately, most owners have to deal with the fact that, once in a new environment, the cat is in no hurry to adapt to it, stubbornly dictating its terms to the owners. This problem becomes especially relevant in relation to sleep patterns.

Being a nocturnal predator, the cat is nocturnal and sleeps mainly during the day. Often this habit seriously complicates the life of its owners. Is it possible to teach a cat to fall asleep at a different time? How to put a cat to sleep? To begin with, you should take care of creating special conditions for this.

The first step to teaching your cat the routine you want is to feed her during the day. One of the main reasons for a cat's nocturnal lifestyle is the need to hunt. When this need disappears, the animal has more reasons to sleep in the morning.

The next step will be to create conditions for the animal to realize its hunting instincts, namely, to allocate space for games. Remember that even surrounded by maximum care and attention, a cat will not miss the chance to play with the first object in its field of vision at night, when the animal’s activity reaches its limit. If the animal has the opportunity to lead the most active lifestyle, the need to do this at night will disappear.

Be as responsible as possible when organizing your animal’s active games. You should not overload your animal with games or do it in the evening, before bed. By doing this, you will only achieve the opposite effect, weakening the animal’s nervous system and completely disrupting the established daily routine.

How to use a cat sedative

If other ways to put the cat to sleep do not provide significant help, many owners resort to using sedatives for the animal. It is necessary to add special drugs in strictly limited doses, mixing them with the animal’s food or water. Be sure to consult with your veterinarian in order to calculate the dosage of the drug as accurately as possible and find out possible contraindications and side effects of each.

It will not be so easy to change your daily routine from one established by nature to one that is more convenient for you. So you have to be patient. But over time, you will see that helping an animal adapt to a new daily routine is quite simple, and the result is worth the effort.

Training methods

It is easy to train a kitten to have its own sleeping place. To simplify training, owners use several tricks. To attract your pet's attention, use natural catnip. This absolutely safe plant with a pleasant smell will help introduce your cat to the bed. Dried grass is placed under the mattress. Some manufacturers of textile loungers add mint to the filling. A favorite blanket that is placed in a new bed will help to accustom your cat to a bed. The animal will find its favorite object by smell and, perhaps, will take a liking to a new object. Pets are also lured to the lounger by placing various treats there.

The use of valerian tincture drops is considered dubious and even dangerous. Cats react to this plant like a drug. The cat's emotions from him are unpredictable. They can be both positive and negative. The drops provoke excessive activity and do not encourage rest at all, since valerian extract smells like pheromones for cats.

How to put a kitten to sleep?


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How to put a kitten to sleep?

  1. feed him and leave him alone and fall asleep
  2. They are predators)))
  3. take it with you and pet it!
  4. When my cat gets drunk, he always sleeps. And feed yours
  5. The main thing is not to let him sleep or lie down during the day, play with him so that he gets tired. and at night they usually advise not to pay attention, since he tries to attract attention with his noise, because he is bored. If you ignore him, he will get bored and may calm down.
  6. just cover him and give him a toy and give him your hand so he can bite and in the meantime he will fall asleep on his own
  7. You see, cats are wired so that they sleep during the day and not at night. In any case, he will get up and run and play in the apartment at night. It will still be difficult for them to fall asleep since every rustle wakes them up. My advice to you is to get used to his different gatherings at night.))).
  8. When he needs to go to sleep himself.
  9. While they are small, no way. runs around - walks up - gets tired - FALLS OFF ITSELF! (I know from my cat)
  10. Organize an active evening for him; if he gets tired, he’ll fall asleep!!!
  11. feed it and place it next to you.
  12. Give him physical activity, he will get tired and fall asleep)
  13. First we start a wife and a house, and then the mouse starts itself.
    Then the wife starts talking about mice and that, they say, we need a cat. We also get a cat. Having learned about this, the Mouse becomes silent and trembles its tail. But the cat jumps like a wound-up All night until the factory runs out. Nothing can calm the cat down. It would be better if I bought a second mouse! Probably because the nocturnal beast is still young and playful. With age he will calm down, settle down and become calm and stately. Patience! Or you can run with him yourself, but at night, transform yourself into a cat at least for one night.
  14. He will fall asleep when he wants! Or is it better to just leave him alone, feed him well...
  15. Feed and cuddle. Put away all his toys at night.
  16. Don't let us sleep during the day!!!!
  17. feed from the belly itself
  18. People, even a person can’t sleep on a full, stuffed stomach! Cats themselves are nocturnal hunters and therefore they walk at night and sleep during the day. If your cat walks outside, that’s what he is.

When does a cat need sleeping pills?

In some cases, there is a need for the cat to fall asleep. The most harmless example is grooming, especially if we are talking about a complex haircut, because, as you know, pets do not like such procedures. Sleeping pills also help if hardware diagnostics are needed, in which the pet must be completely immobilized, for example, magnetic resonance imaging.

A short course of strong sedative medications may be required in the period following surgery, during which the animal is advised to rest completely. Also, the need for sleeping pills arises in particularly sensitive breeds that do not tolerate long journeys and changes in environment. An additional indication for taking this group of medications is severe stress in a cat, during which it becomes hyperexcitable, aggressive and restless.

Your cat may need sleeping pills after surgery.

Attention! All sleeping pills have a serious effect on the cat’s body. It is dangerous to use such drugs without consulting a doctor. This can cause death.

How to put a kitten to sleep?


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How to put a kitten to sleep?

  1. feed him and leave him alone and fall asleep
  2. They are predators)))
  3. take it with you and pet it!
  4. When my cat gets drunk, he always sleeps. And feed yours
  5. The main thing is not to let him sleep or lie down during the day, play with him so that he gets tired. and at night they usually advise not to pay attention, since he tries to attract attention with his noise, because he is bored. If you ignore him, he will get bored and may calm down.
  6. just cover him and give him a toy and give him your hand so he can bite and in the meantime he will fall asleep on his own
  7. You see, cats are wired so that they sleep during the day and not at night. In any case, he will get up and run and play in the apartment at night. It will still be difficult for them to fall asleep since every rustle wakes them up. My advice to you is to get used to his different gatherings at night.))).
  8. When he needs to go to sleep himself.
  9. While they are small, no way. runs around - walks up - gets tired - FALLS OFF ITSELF! (I know from my cat)
  10. Organize an active evening for him; if he gets tired, he’ll fall asleep!!!
  11. feed it and place it next to you.
  12. Give him physical activity, he will get tired and fall asleep)
  13. First we start a wife and a house, and then the mouse starts itself.
    Then the wife starts talking about mice and that, they say, we need a cat. We also get a cat. Having learned about this, the Mouse becomes silent and trembles its tail. But the cat jumps like a wound-up All night until the factory runs out. Nothing can calm the cat down. It would be better if I bought a second mouse! Probably because the nocturnal beast is still young and playful. With age he will calm down, settle down and become calm and stately. Patience! Or you can run with him yourself, but at night, transform yourself into a cat at least for one night.
  14. He will fall asleep when he wants! Or is it better to just leave him alone, feed him well...
  15. Feed and cuddle. Put away all his toys at night.
  16. Don't let us sleep during the day!!!!
  17. feed from the belly itself
  18. People, even a person can’t sleep on a full, stuffed stomach! Cats themselves are nocturnal hunters and therefore they walk at night and sleep during the day. If your cat walks outside, that’s what he is. But my cat is completely indoors - you can’t even kick him out into the street, he easily falls asleep with me, he’s 3 years old. And kittens are like little children—getting children to sleep is a problem, too. But I agree that the kitten needs to be given a little exercise.

Basic requirements for a cat's home

In order to tame a cat to a place without any problems, it must meet certain requirements.


How to train a puppy to sleep in his place alone at night

Any size bed will suit a kitten, but it is worth considering that as it gets older, it may be necessary to buy a new home. The cat should be comfortable in its place, and for this it should not be cramped. The ideal size of the house is slightly larger than the animal itself.


It is recommended to choose soft houses with a stable bottom. This is important because cats don't trust unstable floors. You can use an ordinary cardboard box as a home, but it must be upholstered with fabric and a soft blanket or lounger placed on the bottom.

Important! The shape and type of the house is chosen individually.

The modern market offers a wide choice. This could be a regular booth house, a built-in house, a hammock, or a full-fledged play complex. It all depends on the personal preferences of the owners.

How to train a small kitten to sleep at night

If a small kitten has just appeared in your home, then you are probably faced with the problem of sleepless nights. The exception is the owners of unique, calm kittens who sleep all night with their owners. But more often it happens differently. Your kitten is very cute and sleeps so touchingly... during the day. And at night, maximum energy is activated in him, he runs around the house like a little pony, plays with your arms, legs, hair, chases all the ringing and rustling things that there are, and in general, completely refuses to sleep. And the question of how to teach a kitten to sleep at night becomes more relevant than ever.

There are still ways to deal with the little spoiler. One of them is to pay attention to the baby immediately before bed, for at least two hours. To do this, be sure to purchase toys at the pet store - balls, mice, fishing rods. In addition to those listed, there are several other types of interactive toys that do not require human participation. Kittens have different preferences; choose for your pet those toys that he will like. The main task is to exhaust the kitten with games so that after energetic, tiring entertainment he falls asleep. Games before bed are always very effective in teaching kittens to sleep at night, but sometimes this is not enough, after a couple of hours of sound sleep, the kitten starts playing again and disturbs the owners’ sleep. Along with this method, you can purchase the drug “Cat Bayun” at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. It is based on herbal components, and taking it, according to the instructions, will be absolutely harmless to the kitten’s body. It has a cumulative effect, so it must be used for several days, morning and evening.

If this method does not help, then you should resort to not the most humane, but often very effective method. Kittens are very afraid of sharp and loud sounds. During his violent unwanted play, slam something nearby on the floor, such as a rolled-up newspaper, or even your hands. Along with this, you can raise your voice to the kitten. But under no circumstances should you use force or hit the kitten. Such an action will have an exclusively negative effect, he will become afraid of you, or even worse, he will “forget” where the pot is. In addition, castration may be a solution to the problem. Typically, veterinarians recommend castrating a cat no earlier than 6-7 months. The character will not change radically, but it will definitely become calmer.

How to train a kitten to sleep at night is a very common problem among cat owners, and if you take it seriously, it can be dealt with in a short period of time. Along with this, you can begin to accustom your little kitten to bathing. uh

How to put a kitten to sleep. Video

Author by .Posted in Bologna Process.

How to put a kitten to sleep?

  1. feed him and leave him alone and fall asleep
  2. They are predators)))
  3. take it with you and pet it!
  4. When my cat gets drunk, he always sleeps. And feed yours
  5. The main thing is not to let him sleep or lie down during the day, play with him so that he gets tired. and at night they usually advise not to pay attention, since he tries to attract attention with his noise, because he is bored. If you ignore him, he will get bored and may calm down.
  6. just cover him and give him a toy and give him your hand so he can bite and in the meantime he will fall asleep on his own
  7. You see, cats are wired so that they sleep during the day and not at night. In any case, he will get up and run and play in the apartment at night. It will still be difficult for them to fall asleep since every rustle wakes them up. My advice to you is to get used to his different gatherings at night.))).
  8. When he needs to go to sleep himself.
  9. While they are small, no way. runs around - walks up - gets tired - FALLS OFF ITSELF! (I know from my cat)
  10. Organize an active evening for him; if he gets tired, he’ll fall asleep!!!
  11. feed it and place it next to you.
  12. Give him physical activity, he will get tired and fall asleep)
  13. First we start a wife and a house, and then the mouse starts itself. Then the wife starts talking about mice and that, they say, we need a cat. We also get a cat. Having learned about this, the Mouse becomes silent and trembles its tail. But like a wounded cat, he jumps around all night until the factory runs out.

Techniques for accustoming to a bed

In order for the animal to take a liking to the new thing and make it its sleeping place, felinologists offer several tricks based on the instincts of the mustachios:

  1. Suitable sleeping arrangement . From a human point of view, a “cat house” should not spoil the interior of the apartment, but animals choose a permanent location based on their own considerations. It is enough to observe your pet to determine the places where he spends the maximum time, calmly dozing or observing the situation. This is where the most suitable place will be to install a cat bed of a suitable model. It is noteworthy that some cats settle in such a way as to be aware of all events, and then the house can be installed in a passage room or corridor, while other animals strive for the silence and semi-darkness of the master bedroom.
  2. Gradual training . Natural caution makes cats wary of previously unseen objects. A bed bought at a pet store is an unfamiliar object with a foreign smell, so it is no wonder that the cat will be shy at first and avoid it. However, over time, the cognitive instinct will take over, and the furry pet will climb inside to carefully sniff and explore everything. Some brave and inquisitive cats, on the contrary, immediately dive into the house and settle into it with obvious pleasure.
  3. Peace and personal space . In order for the mustachioed tabby to prefer a dog bed to other places in the apartment, he must associate privacy and safety with it. That is why it is not recommended to disturb the animal and take it out of its shelter, at least during the adaptation period.
  4. Delicacy . Cats tend to eat their prey in a secluded place, so their favorite treat can be successfully used for house training. Dry food granules, chewing sticks or pieces of dry meat are hidden in the litter, whose aroma will attract a domestic predator and force them to start getting food.
  5. A thing with a familiar smell . To neutralize someone else's smell, you can put your favorite bedding, a soft toy, or even the owner's thing on which the cat likes to sleep in the new house. Focusing on the sense of smell, the animal will certainly appear when it wants to relax with a feeling of familiar comfort.
  6. Cat mint. The smell of this plant turns out to be very attractive to cats, acting as a natural antidepressant. That is why some manufacturers of beds add it to the materials used for their manufacture. All the owner needs to do is sprinkle catnip on a toy mouse and put it in the house to evoke a playful mood in the cat and attract attention to the fun.

How to put a kitten to sleep at night

Nothing can calm the cat down. It would be better if I bought a second mouse! Probably because the nocturnal beast is still young and playful. With age he will calm down, settle down and become calm and stately. Patience! Or you can run with him yourself, but at night, transform yourself into a cat at least for one night.

  • He will fall asleep when he wants! Or is it better to just leave him alone, feed him well...
  • Feed and cuddle. Put away all his toys at night.
  • Don't let us sleep during the day!!!!
  • feed from the belly itself
  • People, even a person can’t sleep on a full, stuffed stomach! Cats themselves are nocturnal hunters and therefore they walk at night and sleep during the day. If your cat walks outside, that’s what he is. But my cat is completely indoors - you can’t even kick him out into the street, he easily falls asleep with me, he’s 3 years old. And kittens are like little children—getting children to sleep is a problem, too. But I agree that the kitten needs to be given a little exercise.
  • Attention, TODAY only!

    Why does the kitten stubbornly refuse to sleep in its bed?

    Cats are independent animals and often change their resting spots and explore new areas where they can sleep peacefully. Before you set a goal on how to accustom a kitten to a place to sleep, find out the reason for its refusal.

    If he does not want to sleep in his own bed, this does not mean that he does not like it or that the pet is capricious. However, other available surfaces may have what cats are looking for when they choose a place to sleep: warmth, comfort and security.

    This is why many cats prefer to sleep on sofas, tables, on clothes or on your bed. They instinctively feel more protected when they sleep in high places where they are protected from "predators".

    If your kitten only wants to sleep in your bed, this may indicate deeper reasons:

    • the baby feels safe with you, so he seeks your protection before bed;
    • he considers you part of his pack;
    • the kitten prefers the height of your bed because it gives him an advantage over possible threats;
    • Your furry pet misses you, especially if you spend a lot of time away from home, so he takes advantage of this time to be close.

    Many owners prefer that their pet does not sleep on pillows, much less with them, due to allergies, inconvenience, hygienic reasons, or simply because the small predator is active at night and does not allow sleep.

    How to accustom a kitten to a place to sleep without coercion? To change the behavior of these wayward creatures, you need to change their thinking. Subtle persuasion is a key principle in cat training.

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