How to train a cat to go to the toilet outside

  1. Domestic cat and street: pros and cons
  2. How to take your cat for a walk for the first time?
  3. What places to choose for festivities?
  4. How to take a cat outside if he is afraid?
  5. Some tips for the owner

All representatives of the cat family are very freedom-loving animals. However, over many years, people have significantly reduced the living space of pets to the boundaries of the apartment. During this time, the cats also became unaccustomed to the space that opens outside the door of a cozy home. How to take a cat outside for the first time without harming him? What if he runs away and gets lost? Owners and their pets should prepare in advance for cat walks.

How to catch a street cat

Most adult street animals are wary of humans, and in order to earn their trust, the future owner must make some effort. If a small kitten is not yet afraid of strangers, and taking it with you is not difficult, then an adult cat, who has known all the “delights” of a free life, will keep a safe distance. To catch a street cat, you should take the following steps:

  • Wait for the cat near the place where he appears most often.
  • When an animal appears, you can squat down nearby, but not in direct reach (this position is perceived by the animal as less threatening) and try to talk to it affectionately.
  • When leaving, you should leave some tasty food behind.
  • On subsequent visits, you can gradually reduce the distance and try hand-feeding the cat.
  • When the cat is completely accustomed to the presence of a person and allows itself to be touched, you can try to take it with you.

When picking up a cat from the street, you should act gently and carefully. If frightened, the animal can cause injury to its potential owner. In addition, having escaped, it will most likely never return to this place.

How to train an indoor cat to go outside

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How to train an indoor cat to go outside

You and I know that cats are usually kept in two main ways: only at home, when the cat’s access to the street is strictly prohibited, and at home/outdoors (mixed type of keeping), when the cat spends most of its time outside, returning home to eat and recreation. Each type of content has its own advantages and disadvantages, its own army of fans. It is impossible to give universal recipes here - each owner chooses for himself, taking into account all the prevailing circumstances. And yet it happens when a “domestic” cat needs to be taught to go for walks outside! Let's see how best to do this.

Why is this necessary? What kind of cats are usually kept at home? First of all, these are cats with disabilities or pets that pose a danger to other animals. Then - expensive purebred cats. We don’t know where and how, and in the UK the facts of their theft have not yet been eliminated. There may be options - for example, breeds such as sphinxes. By definition, their way to the street is prohibited, they are so sensitive and defenseless in the face of street misfortunes. And finally, cats living in large cities. It is simply unsafe to let them out into the street - they run the risk of either quickly getting lost or being run over by a car.

And yet not everything is so simple! Firstly, let's respect the nature of cats - whatever one may say, these are quite freedom-loving and independent animals, they will quickly get bored with life within four walls. Secondly, under certain conditions, even purebred cats can be released outside, especially, as strange as it may sound, adult and even elderly cats. This will only benefit them!

Before we begin. However, we strongly advise against rushing. You should carefully weigh the pros and cons. For example, let's take a situation where you have just moved to a new place. Give your cat a chance to get used to it! Letting an animal go straight outside means simply losing it. It should take at least several weeks, or even months.

Next point. The street is fraught with many dangers. Not every animal can feel free there. After a calm and well-fed home, there are so many new qualities to discover in yourself! Also, your cat must be vaccinated according to age, spayed or sterilized. It is advisable to immediately implant a microchip - do not neglect this procedure! Alternatively, put a collar on your cat with your contact information on it.

Make sure that the cat is well oriented in the space around the house and knows how to get back. Find and “rehearse” with her a suitable way of returning: either arrange a “cat door”, or let her meow and scratch at the door - in a word, there are several options. At first, be outside with your cat next to you: she won’t go far from home. At least until he thoroughly explores the immediate surroundings.

Don't rush to get the cat off your hands as soon as possible. At least for reasons of her safety. Start from the main thing: the cat should come home when it wants, and not when you want it!

Let's go for a walk. Some “caring” owners go on their first walks after putting harnesses and leashes on their pets. This method can hardly be considered reasonable, especially if you expect to subsequently switch to mixed content!

One or two days of such total control on your part will not solve anything. We advise you to simply free up a few days when you are at home and just let your cat go free! Intervene only when necessary.

Be prepared in case your pet returns. Is everything already prepared? Is the window carefully left open, is the cat door working? Remember - how you train your cat is how it will act.

It is not advisable to train a cat to follow you around on the street - leave it the right to a “private life”. If she wants, let her come by herself!

Don’t feed your cat a hearty meal before going outside – give it an incentive to come back. Perhaps it makes sense to accustom the animal to certain noises: how its bowl moves, how food is poured and rustled, etc. Then, when you want to call your cat home, go outside, rattle a bowl or rustle a bag of food! The cat will appear from where it was not expected.

One way or another, the best experts agree that outdoor housing is more preferable for cats. In any situation, this process is not a one-time process; it takes more than one week. There is so much to “do” - secure a territory, find a common language with the neighbor’s cats, and who knows what else! All this time, it is advisable, of course, to watch your pet. Well, if he expresses absolute rejection of what is happening and shies away from the street like the devil from incense, don’t worry too much. So, you got a “pet” animal!

Original post: Tips And Advice For Transitioning An Indoor-Only Cat To Going Outside. Source and photo:

Street cat at home - what to do next?

So, the street cat is in the apartment, fed and watered, but the problems do not end there, they are just beginning. Without delay, preferably on the day the cat appears in the house, a number of procedures should be carried out:

  • Wash the animal thoroughly (while being as careful as possible) using anti-parasite shampoo.
  • Examine the cat for wounds, ringworm, and ticks.
  • Take the cat to the nearest veterinary clinic for examination.
  • Purchase and use broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs. Advice on choosing an effective remedy can be obtained when visiting a veterinary clinic.

At first, it is not recommended to lock the cat in a separate room, or try to pick him up. An outdoor cat in an apartment should have complete freedom of movement and the opportunity to retire to a secluded place.

Arrangement of the place

Cats are quite finicky creatures. They won't use the litter box if they don't like the location. Therefore, it is important to create the right, comfortable conditions for your pet.

Cat door. The pet should not depend on the actions of household members who left or locked the door at night, as a result of which he will not be able to go outside.

The first thing to do is to organize a small door for the animal at the bottom of the front door.

If this is not possible, you need to regularly let the cat outside, starting in the early morning. It is recommended to do this according to a specific schedule so that the cat develops a routine.

Choosing a location. This is an important nuance that has a number of requirements:

  1. Soft soil. The cat should be able to bury its own waste. If a children's sandbox is installed on the site, it must be closed with a lid, otherwise the cat can use it for its own needs.
  2. Security. The chosen place should be covered with a wall so that the cat feels comfortable and safe.
  3. Top protection. If the owner decides that the cat will go to the toilet outside, the place should be chosen so that the pet is not disturbed by rain or snow. Accordingly, there must be a canopy.
  4. The place for the cat's toilet should be calm and secluded, and other pets should not have open access to it.

After the place has been chosen and prepared, you can begin to train your pet to go to the toilet outside. In the chosen place, for example, in the front garden, you should install a tray with the usual filler. Bring the kitten to him. The sides of the toilet should be clearly visible to the animal. After a few days, sprinkle the tray with a little earth. When the kitten is already comfortable with the new toilet, it can be completely covered with earth.

Tray training a cat

One of the first questions that a new owner has is how to train an outdoor cat to use a litter box? Following the hunting instinct, which requires them to hide traces of their presence from prey and enemies, in natural conditions cats necessarily bury their feces. In this regard, you should not immediately purchase litter for the tray - the cat simply will not understand the purpose of this substance. It is advisable to collect a small amount of sand or soil in the place where the cat lived previously and use it instead of filler.

You should be patient with the fact that at first an outdoor cat at home will relieve itself in the most inappropriate places. In this case, it is recommended to blot a piece of cloth or paper in the puddle and place it in the tray, and thoroughly wash the marked area and treat it with an odor-eliminating agent. It is quite possible that next time the cat will react to a familiar smell and defecate in a place specially designed for this purpose.

Having noticed that the cat is worried and is looking for a place to discharge its natural needs, you need to immediately transfer it to the tray.


First of all, the owner who decides to accustom a cat to walks should be patient and weigh the pros and cons. It is necessary to take into account both the character of the pet and its age. The younger the animal, the easier it is for it to adapt. If your pet has only seen the street through the window for 10 or 12 years, then perhaps you shouldn’t start training him for walks.

Before taking an animal outside the apartment, it is also necessary to fully vaccinate it, wait for quarantine (it is best for at least 3 weeks after vaccination) and treat it against parasites.

You need to start getting used to walking by choosing the right equipment. Cats are very different from dogs; they will not obediently follow you on a leash and can quite easily wriggle out of a collar. You will have to follow the cat, and it is best to take the animal out for a walk using a special harness.

Psychological aspect

The owner should be prepared for the fact that at first the street cat at home will not behave quite adequately, seek solitude or show aggression. Who knows what the animal went through before it fell into caring and loving hands? It is quite possible that the cat will try to keep his distance, not be picked up and not allow himself to be petted. There is no need to worry too much about this; over time, the cat will understand that there is not the slightest threat from the owner and will allow itself to be stroked, combed, washed, claws trimmed and other procedures performed. The main thing is to be patient, and under no circumstances raise your voice, punish the cat, or force your company on it.

Many owners note that a cat brought into a home environment as an adult eventually becomes more devoted to its owner compared to a home-bred animal.


You also need to slowly and carefully start walking with your pet. It is better to take your first walk when the street is relatively quiet. It’s worth getting up early and going out for a walk when the city has not yet woken up. Hold the cat in your arms, allowing it to adapt, and then, if the cat does not show negative emotions, does not scream or try to wriggle out of your hands, completely stunned by what is happening, you can put it on the ground and give it time to master the new territory. If the cat is frankly afraid and experiences severe discomfort, then the walk must be interrupted immediately.

Gradually increase the time of walks if your pet is interested and does not show negative emotions. If walks end in cat hysterics, then you should come to terms with the fact that the cat does not want to see the big world and is much happier with her usual apartment.

Think about security

Accept: even if you provide ideal conditions at home, at first you will be faced with heart-rending screams and demands to be released. The cat simply does not understand why what was allowed yesterday suddenly became forbidden today. It will take time, and the time frame is different for each animal.

The first thing to do is hang mosquito nets on the windows so that the cat cannot jump out or fall out. This also applies to the balcony if it is glazed. If the balcony is open, just don’t let the cat out on it at first.

The door is a little more difficult, cats are very cunning and intelligent animals, and a stubborn one may try to sneak in when someone leaves or enters the house. Be careful not to open the door too quickly.

Consider spaying or neutering

Does the very thought fill you with horror? Are you afraid that after the operation the cat will become fat, lethargic and lazy, and will never be able to forgive you? That's in vain!

It’s time to finally stop believing common myths and understand that most cats tolerate castration and sterilization very well, completely recovering from anesthesia and shock within a couple of weeks.

According to statistics, sterilized animals live longer than their “normal counterparts” and are less sick and nervous. In addition, not having to look for a sexual partner is a strong argument for staying at home.

Unacceptable errors

All cats naturally love stability, so even a slight movement of the litter box can put them into a state of stress. Moreover, many representatives of the cat world are very reluctant to get used to going to the toilet outside. Therefore, during training, the owner should not make common mistakes:

  1. Punish a cat for being stubborn . A slight increase in voice or a stern look with words of reproach can greatly offend your pet. Wrong, reckless actions of the owner will nullify any attempts to accustom the mustachioed-striped dog to a new toilet. It is also forbidden to scold a pet for going to the toilet past the tray if its location has been changed or taken out of the house. Training a cat to use the toilet outside is a process that requires maximum calm and patience from a person.
  2. Rejoice loudly when the cat goes to the outdoor toilet . The fact is that cats perceive praise differently than dogs; on the contrary, it can scare them.
  3. Show pity. When it’s cold outside, it’s strictly forbidden to cut your pet some slack and return his litter box to the house. Having done this once, the cat will constantly demand its way, and may even deliberately cause mischief so that the owner will return the tray to the house. If a cat categorically refuses to go outside to the litter box in bad weather, all the owner can do is place a garbage bag at the location of the old toilet to make it easier to clean up after the animal.

Before you accustom your pet to the outdoor toilet, you need to weigh all the risks. The yard should be well protected; there should be no passing cars, noisy children or strangers nearby.

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