Screaming cat: behavioral characteristics or a sign of illness?

It is completely natural for a cat to stay awake at night. Like all predators, it has the ability to see perfectly in the dark. Therefore, when in the dark she tries to attack your legs, she does this not out of harm, but following her hunting instincts. But, if these actions can still be explained, then finding the reason why the cat yells at night does not seem to be such a simple matter.

Moreover, if during the day this seemingly sweetest pet strives to rub against your legs, purrs and caresses. And the positive influence of cats on the nervous system of their owners has long been proven - they calm and heal with just their appearance. But to what extent they are able to drive these same owners with their heart-rending screaming at night! Even the thick walls of the apartment cannot save you and even the strongest nerves cannot withstand. Some people claim that castration solves the problem, but this is not true. Even when castrated and properly fattened after that, a cat can howl in a bad voice in the middle of the night.

But, in fact, there is a logical explanation for this cat behavior. Moreover, it can manifest itself not only at night, but also during the day.

The main reasons why cats get restless at night, why do they scream?

If we are talking about uncastrated cats and unsterilized cats, then at such moments their natural desire to reproduce prevails. Therefore, with such cries, representatives of the cat family invite potential soul mates, informing them of their readiness to reproduce.

It may happen that the animal screams because of illness or some kind of ailment that causes him suffering. For older cats, this could be a nervous disorder or Alzheimer's syndrome. Abdominal pain can plague animals of any age. And this can be understood by feeling the pet’s belly - its hardness will clearly indicate that this is the cause of concern. In a cat that has always been calm and suddenly begins to exhibit similar behavior, the cause may be common worms.

Urolithiasis bothers older animals, manifesting itself most strongly after it relieves itself. A clear confirmation of this is the cat's anxiety and screams after he leaves the tray. Neutered cats who have had part of their ovary retained may also experience anxiety and screaming.

Kittens suffering from lack of attention and trying to demand a treat or game from their owner also scream. Moreover, having received what they want, they very quickly remember the method by which they can achieve what they want and use it again and again. In addition, a kitten that has been weaned from its mother and just brought into a new home can behave very restlessly. He may refuse to eat, walk everywhere and scream, calling for his mother. If a kitten screams at night, then over time he will get used to it, adapt and stop such screams.

Also, a cat's screams can mean anxiety. It’s not for nothing that cats’ so-called sixth sense is so acute that since ancient times people have used them to predict various natural disasters, such as earthquakes. The pet's anxiety in this case may have the purpose of warning the owner about something. But such behavior, of course, is not observed every day, but only occasionally.

The possessive nature of cats forces them to mark their territory to prevent other animals from claiming it. But in order to reinforce the marks with more eloquent actions, cats declare their rights with such loud cries.

The reason for screaming is instincts and physiological needs

Living next to humans, domestic cats nevertheless have not lost touch with pristine nature and build their behavior, guided by genetically inherent aspirations. Such an internal “navigator” can completely subjugate and significantly change the usual nature.

Instinct for procreation

The most trivial reason for cat concerts is sexual desire.

Behavior of females. The “basic instinct” is so dominant and strong that zoologists call the time of female sexual activity “estrus,” which means “passion” and “fury.” Representatives of felines not only clearly demonstrate their readiness to mate, but also actively search for a male and literally seduce him. In a house where an unsterilized cat lives, days of estrus are marked by a loss of peace for the whole family, given that in the daily schedule the peak of cat activity occurs in the evening and night.

The inviting cries of the “bride” are accompanied by the following accompanying signs:

  • ignoring food;
  • frequent visits to the toilet;
  • thorough licking of the intimate area;
  • visual pose on half-bent legs with arched back and raised tail;
  • turning over on your back and rolling on the floor.

Behavior of males. Male cats scream even louder and more intensely, and metaphors in the style of “March serenades” or “demonic screams” are attributed to their concerts. In addition, uncastrated males have a habit of leaving strong-smelling marks anywhere and everywhere, and this tendency only intensifies during the period of cat weddings.

What is the danger? The call of nature is so strong that the mustachioed striped creatures, who have never left the confines of a human home, can suddenly go in search of “their soulmate,” which is fraught with misadventures in the style of:

  • falling out of a window;
  • death under the wheels of a car;
  • injuries in fights with relatives;
  • inability to find the way home.

If the gulena does return to the company, then he will most likely bring dubious “gifts” in the form of infections, parasites or unwanted offspring.

What should the owner do? Drops and tablets with hormonal drugs sold in pet stores will help to freeze the sexual activity of cats and stop the unbearable screams. However, abuse of these drugs can lead to undesirable changes in the body, in particular the development of genital tumors. Therefore, the most radical method is the complete sterilization of animals that do not represent breeding value and do not participate in breeding.

Eating behavior

The nuances of food activity are also associated with sound manifestations. There are 3 situations when cat screams are provoked by food:

  • pets quickly get used to the daily routine and demand dinner if it is delayed a little;
  • a cat spoiled by food refuses the usual food in its bowl, but persistently begs for a treat;
  • a well-fed cat does not want to leave the kitchen when food is being prepared for people or the whole family is gathered at the table.

Owner actions. To wean a cat from demanding food, you should adhere to the rules linking the hierarchical rank of the animal with eating behavior:

  • exclude the presence of the animal in the kitchen until its bowl is full and takes its usual place;
  • after 30 minutes, the remaining food must be removed and the pet must be removed from the kitchen;
  • throwing, screaming and scratching outside the door should be coldly ignored;
  • in case of refusal of food, the usual portion should not be immediately replaced with a treat - the cat probably decided to give himself a fasting day;
  • During a family meal, a pet should not be present in the kitchen, much less behave like a beggar.

This is how, in cat language, imitating relationships in a pride of lions, the status quo is restored, and the cat, as the weakest and lowest member of the community, ultimately resigns itself to the orders established by the leader. If the cat is constantly hungry, then the owner is required to review the diet and feeding standards.

Increased activity at night

Cats are nocturnal predators, so they spend almost the entire daylight hours in a sweet slumber. But as soon as dusk falls, the pet wakes up and is ready to go hunting. Seething energy makes a well-rested and well-fed cat run around the rooms, play mischief, sharpen its claws, play with toys and demand increased attention from sleeping people. Young animals are especially energetic.

The owners, naturally, are not delighted with such a cat routine and try to reason with the pet by force. However, such behavior is just a consequence of a lack of movement and muscle activity.

Daytime physical inactivity.

If a cat wakes up during the day only to eat, lick itself and go to the toilet, then physical inactivity can be diagnosed.

To maintain health, obeying instinct, such a pet is forced to warm up at night, while animals that receive proper physical activity during the day are not active for long in the evenings and sleep peacefully at night.

What to do. You can re-educate a nocturnal predator by changing its daily activity schedule. To do this, you should use the appropriate techniques:

  • outdoor games with balls, feather teasers, wind-up mice and laser pointers;
  • installation of cat sports complexes, including scratching posts, hammocks, houses and playgrounds at different heights;
  • harness training and street walking on a leash;
  • practicing commands and circus tricks, in particular the ability to carry small objects in the teeth or walk on the front paws.

What else is connected with the fact that the cat does not let you sleep at night?

Banal boredom can also bring an animal to such a state that it will annoy those around it with its screams. This can happen if the other day the owner, for example, just let his cat out for a walk in the yard, without having the intention of doing this regularly. Having appreciated such a wonderful walk, the animal quite logically begins to demand it again and again. Moreover, it’s boring to sit in an apartment, and there are so many interesting things to do outside. So the cat performs a “concert” under the door.

A person is accustomed to thinking that he is the one in control of everything, but we should not forget that pets have their own nature, needs and characteristics. Therefore, in many ways, they can look at things completely differently, unlike their owners. And if a person thinks that a cat is behaving “badly” for no reason, this does not mean at all that it is so. It is worth studying your pet’s habits more carefully and observing it more closely.

Why do adult animals meow for no reason?

If, against the background of complete well-being, cats follow their owner around the house and meow without stopping, then there is a reason for this.

When a cat's kittens are taken away, maternal instinct haunts her. She finds no place for herself, looking for the missing kids. At this time, the animal needs to pay special attention. If your cat continues to constantly meow and yell for several days, she should be taken to the veterinarian to rule out the development of mastitis.

Often the pet insistently asks to clean the tray. The reasons why a cat yells before going to the toilet or during defecation may be:

  • presence of helminthic infestation;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Often a cat or cat screams for the following reasons:

  • home renovation;
  • change of feed;
  • warns of danger;
  • hears a mouse under the floor.

This is interesting! There are many cases where a screaming cat warned sleeping owners about a gas leak or a fire. In seismic zones, cats loudly meow to announce an impending earthquake.

It happens that a cat is “talkative” by nature. He needs to communicate with his owner, and by meowing he expresses his boundless love. Petting and talking with your pet will help calm your temperament.

Meowing at night - what to do about it?

If the cat starts yelling at night, then it is useless to shout and swear at him. Cats have more sensitive hearing than humans, so they perceive loud sounds quite painfully. And they can begin to behave completely unpredictably - for example, throwing flowers from window sills, tearing up furniture, etc. Stress can affect the animal's nervous and digestive system - it can become skittish and afraid of people.

Possible diseases

Depending on age, possible diseases can vary greatly.

If your pet is already old and constantly yells, then he may have nervous system disorders or even Alzheimer's disease. This may occur due to age-related changes in the body, which have an irreversible effect. In this situation, a number of medications with a calming effect can help, which must be prescribed by a veterinarian. A good doctor will prescribe the correct course of treatment and write down personal recommendations

A young cat may scream heart-rendingly when injured and painful (most often acute pain in the abdominal area). It is quite easy for the owner to determine this at home: by palpating the belly, you can feel its condition - if the abdominal part is hard, swollen and the cat is trying in every possible way to avoid contact by scratching, then you need to take urgent measures and take your pet to the veterinarian. (normally the stomach should be soft and the animal should react calmly).

The main parasites that cause screaming in cats at any age are helminth infections. These worms are very common in fauna and operate mainly in the intestines of animals, which causes pain or can even lead to intestinal obstruction. The fault of the owners in such a situation will be the lack of regular prevention of worms in their pets. Usually it needs to be carried out from the first weeks of a cat’s life.

Urolithiasis is also a serious cause of pain, this is especially noticeable every time a cat visits the toilet, accompanied by plaintive cries. In this case, contact a specialist immediately.

Folk remedies

Some cat owners advise feeding their pet in such cases. Because after a heavy meal the cat will become lethargic and sleepy. But, firstly, feeding at night can have a negative impact on digestion - there is a high risk that the animal will become very fat and will continue to wake the owner at night to get food. And secondly, this method does not work on all cats - there are individuals known that, having had enough, begin to scream with triple force, falling silent only closer to dawn.

As you know, cats do not like water and try to avoid contact with it, and some owners take advantage of this. So, against a screaming pet they use a regular flower sprayer. This “weapon” can reach your pet at a distance of up to 5 meters. But the animal, not lacking in intelligence, quickly understands where it is simply impossible to reach it with a stream of water, and continues its concerts from there. If, every time the cat starts yelling at night, you take it to the shower, then the animal can catch a cold.

Many cat owners are discovering their own ways to deal with cat shows. For example, smear sour cream on your pet's face - the animal will immediately stop yelling and start washing itself until it eats every drop. Then he might just get tired of washing his face and go to bed. The method, of course, is quite unique, and there is no guarantee that it will work with every cat. There will definitely be those on whom it will not work. But this once again confirms that you can find an approach to every animal.

Unreasonable shouting to attract attention

Particularly cunning adult individuals understand that they can attract their owners only by making loud sounds, so they can do this for absolutely no apparent reason. However, even this has its own problem, which is a lack of attention, affection (especially if the pet is often alone at home) or a lack of any nutrients.

Try to treat the pussy with your favorite treat, perhaps review its diet, caress it more often, but do not succumb to such tricks very often, because the animal will quickly understand what is what and will continue to show such unpleasant signals to attract attention to itself.


The main thing is to try to make sure that the cat spends as much energy as possible in a day. Even if she waited all day for her owner to get home from work, bored at home. Usually in such cases the pet sleeps all day, and when the person returns, the animal begins to frolic. This means that while no one is at home, the cat should be provided with activity in the form of various toys, scratching posts, stairs and houses that it can climb.

It’s also a good idea to use videos from the Internet made specifically for animals - a fly or mouse moves across the screen in them, and the cat enthusiastically catches them.

It is advisable to set up a place for your pet on the windowsill so that he can observe everything that is happening on the street. Well, pay attention to it in the morning and evening - talk to the cat, whenever possible, allow it to participate in household chores, do not forget about caring for the pet. In general, demonstrate an emotional connection with him in every possible way so as not to wonder why the cat meows at night.

You shouldn’t lock your cat in the bathroom or kitchen at night if she could freely walk around these rooms during the day. It will logically strive to regain control over the territory that has become inaccessible.

When nothing helps, and medical causes are excluded, it is better to consult a zoopsychologist. He will determine whether the cat's behavior is the result of severe stress, illness, excess or lack of nutrition.

The reason for screaming is boredom and loneliness

A pet, accustomed to sleeping in bed next to its adored owner, will experience great disappointment when it finds itself outside its cozy “den.” If the owner decides to accustom the kitten to a personal bed, then this should be done very gradually, first by installing a house, hammock or basket in the bedroom. The process of luring a cat to the bed also contains several secrets, including the use of:

  • treats that guarantee long-lasting chewing pleasure (for example, chewing sticks, a piece of meat with cartilage, or a whole sea fish);
  • favorite toys;
  • catnip.

And only after time has passed, when the pet has learned to sleep alone, the bed can be taken outside the bedroom.

Loneliness. The most striking manifestation of irrepressible screams of a psychological nature is the period when a lonely pet remains locked in an apartment. This happens when the owner:

  • goes to work;
  • goes on a business trip;
  • ends up in the hospital;
  • is delayed in absence for one reason or another.

Separation is especially difficult for small kittens that need constant attention, and affectionate, affectionate animals with a strong emotional connection with the owner.

What to do. To alleviate stress, felinologists recommend purchasing effective entertainment for the mustachioed-striped cat with which he could entertain himself while his owner is away, namely:

  • bouncing balls, auto-winding mice, interactive toys;
  • chewing sticks;
  • automatic feeders that release several tidbits after a certain period of time;
  • cat play complexes;
  • indoor aquarium with live fish or its imitation.

Why do neutered cats want a cat?

It often happens that a sterilized cat wants a cat. This is possible for several reasons.

There are two sterilization options:

  • With tubal ligation
  • With the complete removal of the animal's reproductive system organs

Why sterilized cats want a cat:

  • In the first case, during tubal ligation, the ovaries remain in place, that is, they produce a certain amount of hormones. In fact, the cat is infertile; even after mating with a male cat, she cannot become pregnant due to the fact that access to the ovaries and fallopian tubes is blocked.
  • However, the symptoms of sexual heat persist. In this case, it is recommended to inject the animal with Cavinton or Depogestone. This is a remedy that will reduce the amount of hormones in the blood and eliminate the animal’s night cries.
  • If signs of sexual desire are observed after complete sterilization, this happens due to incomplete removal of ovarian tissue.
  • Functional ovarian tissue secretes small amounts of hormones, which is why signs of estrus are observed. In fact, if the doctor did everything correctly, completely removed the uterus and ovaries, then the animal should not show any signs of sexual heat.
  • Most likely, the operation was performed by an inexperienced doctor, or this is the individual characteristics of the cat. In most cases, the operation is repeated. During this procedure, all parts of the ovary, uterus, and fallopian tubes that remain in the animal’s abdomen are removed.

A lot of interesting information for breeders can be found in the articles on our website:

  • Is it possible to give cats human tablets, No-shpu, Valerian tablets? How to give a bitter pill to a cat without spitting it out?
  • What can you feed a 1-6 month old kitten without a cat and how many times a day: list of feeds, products and dishes, feeding regimen
  • Is it possible to leave a cat alone for a day, 5 days, a week, two weeks? How long can you keep a cat or kitten: reviews, veterinarians’ opinions
  • Why does a cat itch and lick itself, but there are no fleas? The cat is constantly itching: causes, methods of treatment

Do not rush to purchase hormonal drugs. Try to use safe folk methods and herbs.

How long does a cat want a cat?

Initially, you need to decide on the period for how long the cat’s anxiety will continue.

How much does a cat want a cat:

  • It usually lasts 3-10 days. However, the peak of anxiety is observed for 3-4 days. During this period, the cat may experience characteristic discharge; it may lie on the floor, press its stomach against it and stick out its back, while curling its tail to the side.
  • It is believed that in this way the cat is trying to attract a male for fertilization. The main cause of concern for all household members is the screams and restlessness of the animal.
  • That is, a cat can scream during the day and at night, while not allowing home owners to rest. In this case, there are several ways to calm the animal.

The cat wants a cat

Tablets, drops to prevent a cat from wanting a cat: review

If you plan for the cat to actively mate and produce offspring, it is best to choose homeopathic remedies or hormonal preparations that help reduce sexual desire in the animal. Please note that cats that mate regularly with a male breed less frequently. They usually go into heat once every six months. If an animal does not mate with a cat from time to time, then estrus can be observed even every month.

What should a pet owner do? Let's look at a few of the most common medications that work well to reduce the symptoms of estrus in cats.

Tablets, drops to prevent a cat from wanting a cat, review:

  • Cat Baiyun . This is a medicine that can be purchased in the form of a solution or tablets. The medicine alleviates the condition, reduces pain, and calms the animal.
  • Cat mint . Sold in sprays or sachets. The most interesting thing is that this remedy is not used internally, but only externally. It is necessary to spray the places where the cat prefers to spend most of its time.
  • Fitex drops. This is a drug that is used not only in cats, but also in cats. It reduces libido and calms the animal during estrus. Consists of natural herbs that do not harm the health of the animal.
  • Stop stress . Also a drug for animals, which is given during the period of sexual hunting. Does not contain hormones, but helps calm the animal. These drugs are absolutely safe and do not cause addiction or negative consequences. But they may be ineffective compared to hormonal substances.


The cat wants a cat - what to do?

We present several medications that will help reduce stress and calm the animal.

The cat wants a cat - what to do:

  • Place your cat in heat in a separate room with a litter tray, food, and water. It is recommended to release only in the evening. This way there will be no discharge stains throughout the apartment.
  • Be sure to turn on classical music, it will calm not only the household, but also the animal.
  • You can give pheromones to animals. It is believed that they are able to reduce desire and discourage sexual desire. However, they do not work for all animals.
  • Use homeopathic remedies. They can be found at your veterinary pharmacy.
  • Suprastin. This is an antihistamine that relieves swelling. Thanks to this, the cat feels much better, libido decreases, and pain also decreases.
  • Use of sedatives. Herbal remedies are usually given that can reduce the animal's anxiety.
  • Hormonal drugs that are purchased on the recommendation of a doctor. After all, they are quite dangerous and can cause infertility or gynecological ailments in the animal.


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