How people in Stepanakert, under fire, are trying to remain human


Can cats eat bananas, many owners ask, whose pets love to eat this product. An online video called “Cats Are Afraid of Bananas” shows cats shying away from a piece of fruit that is quietly brought to them from behind.

This reaction of the animal is not associated with fear of a banana specifically, but with a natural instinct that causes a lightning-fast reaction when something thin and long suddenly appears from behind, even if vaguely resembling a snake. Because of such jokes from the owner, the cat experiences severe shock, and therefore you should not repeat the stupidity you see with your pet. The fact that sometimes a domestic cat eats a banana confirms that the animal does not experience a natural fear of them.

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The sweet taste of banana is not for cats

Special food does not contain artificial sweeteners. When a cat licks a banana, its tiny taste buds on its tongue do not detect sugar. This way, they don't need treats like dates, chocolates, candies and similar things that make their owners happy.

Unnecessary sugar

The fact that bananas are a natural source of sweets is actually bad for your pal. When a cat eats bananas and similar foods, its body cannot digest and absorb glucose the way a human body can. Although cats can digest a limited amount of them, carbohydrates should actually only make up 0-2% of their diet. Thus, sugar accumulates in the body and leads to health problems such as diabetes and excess weight.

Excess fiber

Is it possible to give bananas and other sweet fruits to cats? Although this particular fruit is not toxic, it still does not provide any benefits. It simply does not contain nutrients that are vital for a pet, except for fiber. However, unlike humans and dogs, cats don't actually need that much fiber in their diet.

In addition, your precious pet's stomach and intestines are sensitive. A tailed gourmet will most likely not like the gift of the tropics. Only one cat in a hundred likes bananas. Most will be put off by the smell of ripe fruit. The plant's cells contain a strong-smelling ethyl acetate that makes you sniff, snort, and run away.

How to properly supplement your cat's diet

Many foods that are good for us are bad for cats. To the question: “Can I give my cat bananas?” the answer is yes. If the family pet still looks at you with a pleading look:

  • offer him a small piece to check his reaction - some animals experience abdominal pain or vomiting;
  • be sure to remove all peels and fibers that the digestive system of indoor predators is not able to break down;
  • buy fresh ripe specimens in the supermarket;
  • do not combine with other food when serving for the first time;
  • limit the amount to protect the animal’s teeth from caries and prevent obesity;
  • do not give the whole fruit so that the cat does not choke;
  • Consult your veterinarian to avoid an allergic reaction.

Summary: If your four-legged pet enjoys eating purees, fresh pieces or dried bananas, indulge him occasionally. There's no harm in it. However, a small predator will not receive much benefit from such a product.

Why do cats beg for two?

When a pet begins to actively “beg” for fruit, most owners conclude that the animal lacks some vitamins, and the cat tries to fill the gap with ripe fruit. This opinion is erroneous. Even following their centuries-honed instincts, cats are not able to make one diagnosis or another. After all, this is an animal without labor. But a new, unusual smell and natural curiosity can force a pet to try food that is never typical for it.

Another interesting fact about cats with a sweet tooth is that they do not taste sweet. The whole century has been about taste buds, of which cats have only 500 on the tongue (for comparison, humans have more than 9,000).

The cat asks for a banana: what should I do?

Many owners are of the opinion that the desire to try a banana is due to a lack of one or another vitamin or microelement. In fact, this is not at all the case; the cat does not have such knowledge and, even on an instinctive level, is not able to diagnose itself. But a new unfamiliar smell can easily attract attention, and banal curiosity will force you to try a piece, because cats are extremely curious.

If, after trying a piece, your ward begs for more, then do not think that she liked its taste. They don’t taste sweets at all for a very simple reason: their tongue has only 500 taste buds, while humans have over 9,000.

Dmitry Morozov with the cat Banana - the first participants in the "Dog and Co" competition

On May 16, the competition “Kotopes and K” started at TIA. Within a month, we are waiting for you to send pictures and videos of your pets with a story about your pet. Maybe you are the owner of a rare or exotic animal? Or can your most ordinary pet Murzik do something out of the ordinary - sit funny on his butt with his tail up, do somersaults in the air, or bring slippers? Tell TIA readers about your pet!

Today we present the first participant of the competition - Dmitry Morozov and his favorite, a cat with the original name Banana :

This cat appeared in our family two years ago at the request of our daughter. She really wanted a “kitty” and then one day we, the parents, decided to give her such a gift. The cat was purchased at the Central Market of the city of Tver. Now it’s hard to believe that the six-kilogram cat was once a blue-eyed kitten that fit in the palm of your hand.

The owner was entrusted with choosing the name and the daughter called it a strange name for a cat - “Banana”. Well, “Banana,” so “Banana,” my wife and I agreed. Despite the fact that the daughter wanted the “kitty,” he became everyone’s favorite.

The child was delighted and so were we. Banana is already two years old, but my daughter does not lose interest in him. And the cat, in turn, if they forget about him, reminds him of himself, jumping sharply around the corner with the intention of playing. The cat loves us, the owners, very much, wakes us up in the morning after the alarm clock, comes to meow (talk) and sleeps with us on the bed. But as soon as a guest appears on the threshold of the house - invited or not, the cat takes a fighting stance and fearlessly rushes into battle. Banana does not recognize anyone other than his family members and desperately protects us from everyone who came to our house. None of our friends, acquaintances and neighbors believe that our cat can be a kind lump. Some people are already frightened by the bristling fur and the menacing hissing, and the daredevils who decide to pet it need brilliant green and bandages. With such a cat, there is no need for a dog in the house; Banana, without sparing himself, will rebuff anyone.

Our cat has one more feature. Although he sometimes shows his stern disposition, his sucking reflex has not disappeared. It's funny to watch when a huge cat pokes its muzzle into your palm and... starts sucking it like a mother cat. At the same time, he purrs and shifts his paws. This calms him down and he immediately goes to the side.

Banana is a house cat. We don’t let him outside so that he doesn’t get lost and get picked on by dogs. But he finds ways to take a walk - either he will take advantage of the owner who hesitates at the door and jump out into the street, or, breaking out the mosquito net with his weight, he will jump out of the window (it helps that we live on the first floor). Banana goes out to the street to fight with one of the local cats, and, having won, always returns home.

The cat takes many funny poses - sometimes he sits in thought, as in the photo, and sometimes, when he is hungry, he simulates his death by starvation - he lies on his back and tucks his paws.

This is the kind of cat we live with - he looks like a kind sweetheart and a lazy person with the habits of a kitten, but at heart he is a bully and a fearless fighter.

Until Thursday, June 19, we are waiting for you to send pictures and videos of your pets by email. Be sure to attach a story about your pet to your letter! There will be a voting on the website on June 20-22, and after the weekend we will reward the winner.

The winners will receive prizes for themselves and their pet from the general sponsor of our competition - the BARS veterinary complex: 1st place - a certificate for veterinary services or a pet hotel in the amount of 4,000 rubles. 2nd place - certificate for the purchase of goods for animals or veterinary drugs in the amount of 2,500 rubles. III place - certificate for the purchase of goods for animals or veterinary drugs in the amount of 1,500 rubles. The BARS veterinary complex has its own clinics, pet stores and the first hotel for animals in the Tver region. Where to leave your beloved pet during your vacation? How can you be sure of his comfort and safety? An almost insoluble problem for owners is now a thing of the past! A comfortable hotel in the village of Redkino is open for check-in every day and is ready to accept birds, cats, ferrets and dogs of small and medium breeds.

The hotel has a separate entrance for “guests” and is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay for four-legged animals: a separate place isolated from other animals, disposable bowls and diapers. The owner can bring scratching posts, beds, favorite toys and treats for his pet with him or purchase them at BARS pet stores with a 20% discount. The owner chooses the diet for his pet during his stay at the hotel himself.

In the hotel, your pet will be in complete order and safety: the premises where the guests are are systematically disinfected with a bactericidal lamp, in addition, the animal in the hotel is under round-the-clock supervision by livestock specialists and daily veterinary control by staff veterinarians, who are always ready to provide guests with highly qualified veterinary care help.

Separation from its owner is always stressful for a pet, but at the BARS Hotel it can be minimized! More information about the services of the BARS veterinary complex and their costs can be found on the official website.

Animal fats

The beneficial properties of this fruit are very difficult to overestimate. Apples contain vitamin C, which is essential for the full development of an animal, which helps strengthen the immune system and protects the body from colds, viral and infectious diseases. If a cat has a weak immune system, this is fraught with a weakening of the muscular system, the appearance of lichen and other skin infections.

B vitamins not only take care of the health of the nervous system, but also help improve digestion. Vitamin B2 takes care of the animal’s skin, thanks to it all microcracks and wounds heal faster and inflammation is relieved. Apples also contain vitamin A, thanks to which the cat’s fur remains beautiful and shiny, and its visual acuity is maintained in the dark.

Vitamin A also contributes to normal kidney function. Biotin or vitamin H is also very useful for cats; whether there is enough of it in the diet can be easily determined by the pet’s fur. It is involved in the metabolism of tissues, wool and nerve fibers. If there is a sufficient amount of vitamin H, rapid tissue healing occurs after damage and injury.

And cats can get such a dangerous disease as cancer, so it is worth introducing apples into the diet, if only for the reason that they contain phytonutraceuticals that protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, which provoke the appearance of cancerous tumors. Apples contain a lot of micro and macroelements, namely calcium, molybdenum, potassium, nickel and magnesium.

Calcium, which apples contain 16 mg per 100 g of product, is necessary for cats for the development of the skeletal system.

Since these animals are very mobile and active, their muscular system is constantly contracting, and without calcium it is simply impossible to ensure its development and maintenance of health. If your cat has enough calcium in her diet, she will have healthy teeth and nails. Other minerals are no less useful for a pet: nickel takes part in the circulation of proteins, molybdenum is involved in strengthening dental tissue, and also cleanses the body of toxins.

Animal fats contain vitamins such as A, D, E, and if they are deficient, the animal will have a faded coat, dermatitis and heart problems may occur. You cannot mix several types of animal fats; they should be alternated. You also need to introduce them into your cat’s diet very carefully, starting with a drop and increasing to one and a half grams per kilogram of the animal’s weight.

Healthy cat food

A cat's diet is a small matter: illiterate and cunning. The animal must eat meat, so how much) (per day, the pet’s bowl must contain finely chopped pieces of chicken fillet or lean beef. Meat by-products are also allowed.

It is allowed to treat your cat to fish or boiled liver no more than once or twice a week; the crisis has passed. To balance your diet as much as possible, you need to connect. Ant. take away slow carbohydrates (boiled porridge) and a little fiber (vegetables).

Food should be well cooked and cut into convenient pieces. Adding salt and spices for taste is strictly prohibited. The slut will not thank you for this. In addition, she should have constant access to drinking water, especially if you use dry food. By the way, about food, isn’t it possible to cook for a cat personally; you can buy ready-made food in stores. They can be dry or wet. However, this method of eating is not recommended, as manufacturers actively use chemical dyes and flavors in their products.

Cats develop eating habits early in life. Therefore, whatever you teach a kitten to do, it will remain a habit for the rest of its life.

Still a banana. The main point of the topic is: can cats have bananas? Having examined the diet in more detail, you will notice that there is no place for bananas over the years. But, if the animal really asks, then nothing bad will happen from a small piece; however, in addition to the sugar that is harmful to the cat, bananas are rich in fiber, potassium and magnesium. Experts advise putting a small piece of banana (the size of a thumbnail) on the cat, checking its condition, and if it does not show severe apathy and remains as active and energetic, then everything is fine. In this case, it is permissible to pamper the animal with its favorite fruit, but not beyond measure, once or twice a week in small portions - this will be enough. It’s still up to the person to treat the cat with a banana or someone in the absence. By getting a pet, we take full responsibility for its life and health. Knowing all the nuances of this issue, only one can draw the right conclusion.

Cabbage soup and porridge are our food

Many owners use the remains of their meals as food for cats - this should not be done under any circumstances. Our food is over-salted, over-spiced and overcooked. Cats should not eat fried, smoked, sausages or any canned vegetables or fruits - such food is harmful even to humans, and the body of pets is much more sensitive.

Mushrooms are a completely unnatural food for cats; their bodies do not have enzymes to break down mushrooms into their components (the cat cannot digest them). In addition, a cat can be seriously poisoned even by mushrooms that are edible to humans. It is extremely dangerous to offer your cat alcohol and coffee! There are known cases of cats dying after eating a small piece of lard, a pickled tomato, or a fried cutlet. Don't risk your pet's health!

No, no and NO. Food should be at room temperature or slightly higher, salt should not be added (the cat has enough of the salts contained in the food), and seasonings should be a direct cause of disorders and chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

To the delight of gastroenterologists, man has elevated food intake to a cult. Cats are much more intelligent than us in this regard - they eat to live, and do not live to eat. There is no need to impose human vices on these beautiful creatures.

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