A street cat is given shelter and helped to raise 6 incredibly beautiful kittens (9 photos + video)

Cats rule the world. Moreover, the further it goes, the worse it gets. One gets the impression that furry ones have filled every corner of human society. They are everywhere: in homes, on social networks, on clothes as a print, in the form of gloves and hats. They occupied a person’s intimate life by imposing the image of a “kitty” and penetrated the lexicon: “Kitty, buy a fur coat?” In a word, the world is sick with catism.

Cat lady as a way of life

Cats have firmly won women's hearts. But not every owner of a purr and even a breeder of breeding mustaches is a cat lady. Everyone is accustomed to the fact that a cat lady is a crazy granny with a bag of food in her hands and thirty cats in her apartment. This is no longer the case. The cat lady's age has become much younger. Now she is a woman, about 30 years old. Moreover, there may be only one or two cats. But they are the masters of her heart and home.

One is not born a cat lady, one becomes one. As a rule, this happens after the sad end of an enchanting relationship. The ex most likely did something that after he left, the woman became a man-hater. It's good if she has a child. Then there are good chances that she will still prefer a new relationship instead of communicating with Barsik. And if the lady is childless, then the danger of becoming a captive of cats is very high.

As a rule, cat owners lead a secluded lifestyle. It’s much calmer for her to sit at home with her beloved cat on the sofa and while away the long winter evenings listening to another TV series than to have fun hanging out with her friends in a club. She will always return home, in any condition, because “the cat is hungry.” Her conversations boil down to stories about the cat’s cute pranks, and her speech is replete with “we sat, we watched, we ate...” and so on. Her daily routine obeys her mustachioed owner. She associates herself with this animal and believes that she is a cat at heart: strong, independent and on her own.

It is very difficult, almost impossible, to win the heart of a cat lady. It is firmly occupied by your beloved pet. After all, the cat will never cause emotional pain, he will always be there, and in moments of a tearful mood, he will support you with a gentle purr.

The cat does not interfere with life. There is practically no dirt from him, he eats little and does not demand “Peking duck”. He doesn't come in at two in the morning stinking of beer and throw his socks around. He even sleeps delicately and does not pull the blanket over himself. He does not create scenes of jealousy and always greets her kindly and with delight. He doesn't care about a couple of extra pounds and lack of makeup in the morning. He accepts the owner as she is.

In general, it’s much easier and calmer with a cat, but men are nothing but problems.

The effect of chocolate on a cat

Many owners, not bothering to find out whether cats can eat chocolate, treat their pets with a treat that they eat with pleasure, thereby causing great harm to their bodies. There are several reasons why cats should not eat chocolate:

  1. Theobromine is an alkaloid present in chocolate products. The cat's body perceives it as a strong poison. Symptoms of intoxication are increased heart rate, irregular heart rhythm, the animal being in an excited state, and in severe cases, diarrhea and vomiting. A poisoned pet should be taken to a veterinarian immediately.
  2. Sugar is a poison that the animal does not feel. A cat in chocolate is attracted to milk protein, but along with this healthy component, it eats a large amount of harmful sugar.
  3. Simple carbohydrates that are completely unnecessary for a cat at home, since it wastes little energy. Chocolate is a high-carbohydrate product that leads to metabolic disorders and obesity in your pet.
  4. Diabetes is a consequence of regular consumption of chocolate sweets. Insulin deficiency develops in the animal's body, leading to disruption of protein metabolism. She becomes lethargic and constantly thirsty.

When to run away from a cat lady2

A pathological cat owner changes not only her lifestyle. She changes her attitude towards herself. And there are several points that can destroy the warmest relationships. Simply put, moments when you need to run away without looking back.

  • Neatness

The first bell that notifies you that the lady has “gone” is problems with tidiness. Cat fur doesn't bother me at all. It penetrates into every corner of the apartment. Clothes begin to take on a woolen appearance. The dishes are generously seasoned with cat hairs. There is a strong cat smell in the apartment. Shoes turn into cat litter. What about the hostess? She melancholy removes hairs from the plate, lazily runs a sticky note over her clothes, and grumbles kindly and washes her shoes. She does not care. She always has excuses for all these nuances: it’s a cat.

  • Social media

The cat lady's pages are gradually filled with photographs of her beloved cat with strange comments. This is a whole photo diary of a cat's life. Gradually, all other photographic recordings of happy events are replaced by a cat. It’s easy to think that this is a cat’s page, and not its owner.

  • Metamorphoses of character

Gradually the cat lady begins to deteriorate. Or rather, her character. People are annoying, the man in the house is annoying, the children generally blow her mind and play football with them. She becomes more and more silent. If he is going to say something, it will certainly be negative. After all, everything around is not as it should be.

If she is the owner of a cat, then for some reason she begins to attribute to herself the traits of her pet. Independent, proud, walks on her own and other pretentious nonsense. In bed, she takes cat-like poses, considering such curves to be the standard of sexuality. A “meowing affectation” appears in speech. All movements are insinuating and wary. A little life hack: to bring such a lady cat to life, just use a slipper. It acts quickly and is prolonged.

  • Worship of the Furry God

Cat ladies tend to endow their pets with human-like character traits. Actually, she shows exactly the kind of care for animals that needs to be eliminated. For example, in the absence of children, a cat lady turns the animal into her child. She nurses him and performs many rituals associated with infants. She fulfills any whims of the furry god. If her hands are scratched into trash, then this is attributed to the costs of character, and not the lack of upbringing.

The cat is endlessly covered with kisses, even if he has just licked his personal belongings. The tactile sensations from stroking the cat are so pleasant that she is always ready to keep him with her. She teaches him to sleep next to her, and if a man appears in the house, he risks spending the night on the sofa so as not to drive away the sweetly snoring Barsik. Thus, the cat gradually displaces the man, first from the bed, and then from the house.

The health of a cat is under much closer attention than a loved one. And if she calmly gives a man aspirin, then for the sake of the cat she will raise the Ministry of Emergency Situations and aviation, just to provide urgent assistance to the furry one, even if he accidentally farted.

  • Voluntary retreat

True cat ladies become real homebodies. It is very difficult to get them out somewhere. They just don't need it. They feel good at home too. All is not lost if the girl does go out into the world. Going for cat food doesn't count. If the offer to go out with her to a restaurant causes a sad sigh of reluctance and runs into a heap of indignation, then it is easier to run away from her as quickly as possible than to try to teach her to live without cats.

How to give chocolate to cats

Even knowledgeable owners admit that sometimes they allow their pet to eat a little chocolate, because they think that a small amount of treats will not provoke negative consequences. The animal’s well-being will not immediately worsen because of a small piece of chocolate, but harm will be done to the body, and it will manifest itself later.

A serving of a sweet product that leads to liver failure in a cat and death is 30–35 g.

And even the sweet treats sold in pet stores are not as harmless as the manufacturers claim. And they are also completely useless, because she does not feel their sweet taste.

Which chocolate to give is more or less safe - white milk chocolate that does not contain cocoa. But it is also given in minimal quantities, because it also contains sugar.

If, despite the ban, the owner decides to treat his pet to a chocolate bar with cocoa, then he must take into account the following rules:

  1. You should remember the maximum permissible dose of theobromine, calculated based on the weight of the animal. The danger is represented by an amount of alkaloid exceeding 20 mg per 0.5 kg of cat’s body weight.
  2. You cannot treat the animal regularly. The harm lies not only in sugar and theobromine, but also in cocoa. The absorption of this plant product in the cat’s body is long: 2 times longer than the digestion time of meat. Sweets consumed daily simply do not have time to be absorbed, causing disturbances in the digestive tract.
  3. Is it possible to give cats a safe portion at a time - veterinarians say it’s not worth it. For better absorption, it is advisable to break the piece of chocolate into several servings.
  4. Chocolate is harmful to cats because it causes dehydration. Therefore, after treating your pet with a treat, you should immediately offer him water. It will not only relieve thirst, but also improve the absorption of the product.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the permissible dosage.

Cat Kingdom3

As long as there is only one cat in the house, everything can be attributed to ordinary love for animals. Most people are not against such a neighborhood, and even consider their pet a member of the family. Something else should be stressful. This is the appearance of another cat in the house. Often cat lovers are not limited to one pet. Gradually, more and more felines enter their home. All of them are surrounded by care and love. These emotions become hypertrophied exclusively in relation to fluffies. But it’s not enough for a man anymore. The coldness in relationships can't help but be annoying. Therefore, you should think about the fact that it is unlikely that the cat lady can be re-educated. It is much easier to leave her alone with her pets. Let him go crazy on his own.

Life with a cat lady is difficult and unpredictable. Although no, unpredictability is precisely absent. You just need to make a choice: either occupy one of the steps of the cat hierarchy, or quietly reel in the fishing rods. A cat person can only be corrected in her youth. But after 25 years, the chances of re-education gradually disappear.

You probably shouldn't throw pearls in front of cats. And even more so to live at the behest of a cat lady.

Why are cats interested in sweets?

Many owners are surprised that their cat willingly eats chocolate; they think that she likes sweet foods. In reality, the animal does not perceive sweet taste; there are no corresponding taste buds on the surface of the cat's tongue. The cat enjoys eating chocolate not because of its sweetness, but because of the fats and milk it contains.

The main reasons why cats like chocolate products:

  • pleasant milky aroma of the product, enhanced by synthetic flavors;
  • the delicate consistency of the sweet product due to the presence of fats in the composition;
  • poor quality diet, which causes the animal to have a strong desire to consume carbohydrate foods;
  • hypovitaminosis in a pet, causing a desire to receive vitamins and minerals from any food source;
  • the pet’s habit of eating from hand what the owner offers, without considering the taste and quality of the product.

How much melon can you give your cat?

  • Let us remind you that the daily amount of food for an adult cat is 5% of its weight. If your cat weighs 5 kg per day, she should be given 250 grams of food. Therefore, 20 grams of melon is enough for a cat as a treat.
  • One more important thing. Melon contains a lot of water. Maybe by eating it, the cat is simply compensating for the lack of fluid? Does your cat always have access to water? This is usually not enough for those animals that eat dry food. Make sure that the water in her drinking bowl is always fresh and sufficient.
  • Breeders and veterinarians recommend that cat owners never feed melon on an empty stomach or offer it to pets with digestive problems to avoid making their condition worse.
  • It is also important not to combine your melon consumption with dairy products to avoid diarrhea.

What about conversations?

You might think that cats only use their voices to ask for food, but that's not true at all. The vocabulary of cats is not so small. Their language includes hissing, purring, meowing and even yapping. Moreover, all these sounds can be “pronounced” with different expressions and timbres. An experienced owner can easily understand from such a “conversation” what mood his pet is in and what he wants. Take a look at a cat while it is “talking” to you, and you will understand how hard it tries to be understood.

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They bring you gifts

If your cat brings you a dead rat, then you are unlikely to like such a “gift”. But try to understand the deeper message of this gesture. Cats are predators and they only share their prey with those they love. Whatever they are hunting for, beetles, toys, frogs or mice, take it as a compliment. Now you can be sure that your cat will share even the last mouse tail with you.

Your cat is clawing at you

Your cat has probably curled up on your lap many times and extended her claws while you pet her. In addition, these animals have a habit of “trampling” your legs with their front paws before lying down. This may seem funny and even strange to you, but in fact this is the way a cat shows its love for you. Although this may be a little painful, because the more satisfied the cat is, the more it will release its claws, but, according to the belief of many, there is no love without pain, right?


The mysterious connection between a woman and a cat stretches back centuries. The first images of it were discovered in Turkey, near the village of Hacilar. The figurines found, which date back to the sixth millennium BC, depict a woman playing with cats. The woman immediately gave this graceful animal a privileged place in her home. Remember the cartoon called “The Cat Who Walked By Itself”? The cat’s relationship with the man did not work out right away, but the woman, with patience and affection, nevertheless attracted this independent animal into her home. And subsequently I never regretted it.

The feline genus is closely intertwined with the human genus. More than once this small animal saved entire cities from the invasion of rats and mice, thereby protecting people from epidemics. In the 10th century, a special set of laws of Wales, Howel the Good, was in force in the British Isles, which determined the value of a domestic cat and punished for cruelty to it or for killing the animal. There was a clear gradation: for a kitten they paid one pence, for an adult cat - two pence; the professional cat was valued at four pence, almost the same as a lamb. The first “official” mention of a cat in the New World dates back to 1626. There it was highly valued and was an object of barter. In Paraguay, for example, the first cats were worth a pound of gold. This animal contributed to the development of new lands in both Americas. “How much food has saved, how many epidemics it has prevented, cannot be measured,” writes the American Encyclopedia.

Deriy Tatiana. Girl with a cat.

And the code of laws of Ancient Rus', compiled in the 14th century, included punishments for stolen animals and imposed a fine of 3 hryvnia on a cat thief, which corresponded at that time to four silver bars weighing more than 600 grams. The same fine was imposed for the theft of three horses or a herd of sheep! Cats apparently appeared among people not by chance, and it is not for nothing that they are so close to women. Grace and elegance, intelligence and resourcefulness, dexterity and speed of reaction, magnificent plasticity and undeniable beauty, independence and detachment - these and other traits inherent in the cat have made it a woman’s friend and companion for all time. But still, why did women unconditionally give their hearts to cats thousands of years ago and still love them now?

The answer is simple: women see cats as an unattainable ideal for themselves, an embodied dream of beauty, independence and freedom, unlimited by anything and therefore doubly attractive. Probably, in some ways the woman even envies this independent creature. And there are many reasons for this. For example, a cat does not have weight problems. Even if she was fattened into a bun, men still love her. A cat doesn't need to dream about a fur coat. Her delicate, silky fur always causes admiration. She doesn’t need to look for a common language with her mother-in-law. If she likes her, then the cat may sometimes allow herself to be stroked, but if not, then she will ignore her. The cat can leave and come whenever she wants and sleep as much as she wants. Even as an adult, she can play with a ball and this only causes tenderness. She sleeps at your feet rather than pulling the blanket to her side.

Sergey Kustarev

There is no need for your cat to style her hair or use makeup. She is always beautiful, even in the morning. He can always jump onto his loved one’s lap, triggering a pleasant stroking instinct. And a mouse caught once a year causes the whole family to rejoice. The cat does not need to feed the kittens all her life; after a month they can be given to friends. She is not at all tormented by questions - to give birth or not to give birth, and from whom she is actually pregnant. She will always listen to you faithfully and will not give stupid advice. But on the other hand, women also have many advantages over cats. For example, a woman will be able to cook at least some food. The cat needs to be fed. A woman will always open the door for you, even if you crawled to her. She will patiently look after you if you are sick and angry as hell. And she won't put out her claws if she doesn't like your treatment.

A cat cannot speak, but a woman can purr. It can even remove the “skin” and warm your entire body, not just your legs. And most importantly, it does not cause allergies. A woman cannot give birth to 6-8 children at once (with rare exceptions). But she can pet you, as well as wash, wash, and collect your things scattered throughout the apartment. And, in the end, if you have a woman, then you are guaranteed a cat. Cats and women: 30 differences • It is very difficult to feed a cat to size 50. • The cat is fluffy everywhere, not just on the head. • The cat is beautiful without makeup. • The cat is always graceful, even when just sitting on the sofa. • Any cat can purr. • The cat eats less. • Your cat's mom doesn't know you. • It is easier to hold a cat on your lap. • The cat doesn't watch TV in the evenings. • At night, the cat sleeps at the feet and does not pull the entire blanket over itself. • If you are sick, the cat does not bother with medicine, but simply sleeps next to you. • The cat does not go to bed wearing curlers. • The cat doesn't whine about running out of tights. • If you only have dumplings, on the third day the cat eats them with pleasure. • If you don’t even have dumplings, on the fourth day the cat eats white bread with pleasure. • The cat is always clean and smells nice. • In complete darkness, the cat does not hit its hips against the corners of the table and does not swear. • If you are tired, the cat does not take offense and does not turn its back on you. • The cat can retract its claws. • A cat is always happy to hear a kind word. • The cat is not surprised when asked who is pregnant. • If a cat suddenly has kittens, you can give them to friends. • Your cat's kittens are fluffy and cuddly within a week of birth. • If the cat wants a cat, you can simply pet her gently. • The cat does not need to buy clothes; she is always beautiful even without clothes. • The cat does not shave its legs. • The cat knows how to listen. • The cat understands everything, but only says “meow” and “mrrrr”. • If you don't have a cat, getting one for yourself is as easy as shelling pears.

• Your cat doesn't click his heels on the parquet floor when you have a headache.

Jim Taylor. Window seat.

Renoir. Sleeping girl with a cat

Pierre Auguste Renoir "Woman with a Cat".

Robin Freedenfeld


Lutsenko Olga. Diet No. 2

Valentin Gubarev ozhidanie zvonka1 Sivenkov N. S. Ksenia Vodopyanova, Idyll

Violetta Basaliy Nurse Aunt Sonya

Krivenchenko Sergey

Edwin Longsden Long (1829-1891).

Fattah Galla.

Galla Fattah

Galla Fattah

Galla Fattah

woman and cat, author: Lady Liu

https://dreamworlds.ru/intersnosti/9643-zhenshhiny-i-koshki.html https://blogs.mail.ru/list/popular/

What kind of water to give your cat

The health and life expectancy of a cat largely depends on the quality of drinking water. The best option for an animal is soft natural water from drinking sources. This water contains beneficial microelements for the body.

Alternatively, you can give your cat filtered or frozen water. Do not give your domestic cat water from the tap. As a rule, it is not of good quality. In addition, it may contain impurities that are dangerous to the cat’s body.


The cat is given drinking water in a clean ceramic or glass bowl. The container must be washed daily.


Do not give your pet too cold or hot water. The liquid should be at room temperature.


Some owners add various additives to their cat’s water to improve the taste or quality of the drinking composition.

Water additives:

  • fluorine, iodine (quality improves);
  • tuna juice, anchovies (cats are attracted by the smell);
  • nettle infusion (for medicinal purposes);
  • special nutritional drink for cats.

The tip of their tail twitches

If you carefully observe the cat's tail, you can easily understand what mood the cat is in. If the tail sticks out like a pipe and is fluffed, then this indicates that the animal is scared or has just had a fight with someone. However, if the tail is straightened and only the tip is twitching, then this is a kind of way to show you how much the animal adores you. Believe me, at this moment they experience only positive emotions.

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