The cat is breathing with its mouth open: what is the reason and what can be done

Why does a cat breathe like a dog?

In general, such breathing is unusual for cats. They usually breathe through their nose. They are less likely than dogs to have moments when they breathe intermittently with their mouths open. However, there are reasons why a cat can breathe with its mouth open, and they are not always a sign of pathology.

In most cases, these are physiological reasons characteristic of dogs. When should you not worry? It is necessary to discard anxiety if such breathing is caused by physiological reasons.

Why does a cat breathe like a dog?

  • The female is preparing to become a mother. Before giving birth, the animal can indeed open its mouth wide and stick out its tongue.
  • Increased room temperature. That is, during the heat, the animal can also inhale with its mouth wide open and intermittently. In this case, bring the animal home from the street, or, conversely, take it for a walk. Take care to cool the cat's area. Remember that animals, like people, can suffer from heatstroke. Therefore, an increase in temperature for a long period of time can harm the animal.
  • Active games. If your animal frolicked, had fun, ran, rode on curtains, then such breathing is not surprising. The animal has expended a lot of energy, so a lot of oxygen is required to restore the body’s functioning. Therefore, the animal inhales by opening its mouth and sticking out its tongue.
  • Stress. If the animal is frightened or uninvited guests come to your house, then such breathing is quite understandable. Try to calm the animal, pet it, pick it up. Let him jump onto a high sideboard and hide there.

Cute cat

Providing emergency assistance to an animal

If you notice that your cat is breathing heavily and incorrectly, is lethargic, does not eat, and is constantly lying down, this may be a sign of an emergency. In order to provide emergency assistance in this case, it will be necessary to first establish the cause of this condition. For this purpose, examine the animal, check it for wounds, fractures and other damage. If the animal vomits, examine the vomit for blood and mucus.

Be sure to look at what the animal ate. Sometimes cats swallow various tablets, granules and other chemical residues that can cause poisoning in them. The sooner you determine what exactly your cat has eaten, the greater the chance of providing her with quality medical care.

Many veterinary clinics provide free consultations over the phone.

In any case, a sick pet should not be disturbed; it should be limited in food and drink and immediately call a veterinarian. Many veterinary clinics provide free consultations over the phone on how to provide emergency care to an animal in a particular case. Use these tips and immediately take the patient to the nearest veterinary clinic, since in most cases only emergency care can save your pet’s life.

If we take specific cases, then one of the most common reasons for a sharp change in breathing in cats is the entry of foreign objects into the nasopharynx. Here you can try to remove them yourself with your fingers or tweezers, while pulling out the animal’s tongue. If a foreign object gets into the trachea, lift the cat by the hind legs and sharply squeeze the stomach slightly behind the diaphragm. Usually this is enough for the foreign object to come out and your pet to be able to breathe normally.

You can pull out a foreign object using tweezers

The cat opens its mouth and breathes like a dog: reasons

There are also pathological reasons that require doctor's intervention.

The cat opens its mouth and breathes like a dog, reasons:

  • If you notice that your cat's rapid breathing with an open mouth and protruding tongue is in no way associated with stress or increased ambient temperature, observe how long this happens.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. These may include vomiting, nausea, loss of coordination, and wheezing. In most cases, cats inhale this way when foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract.
  • It could be wool or food debris. This often happens if a pet eats very quickly and tries to get enough quickly.


Pulmonary edema in a cat

Pulmonary edema is a condition in which the level of fluid in the lungs is higher than normal. Blood plasma leaves the vessel and fills the intercellular pulmonary space. The lungs increase in size, but can no longer fully perform their direct function.

The reason for oxygen starvation during edema is that with each breath, the accumulated liquid tends to foam. From one milliliter of such liquid, about 15 milliliters of foam are obtained.

As it accumulates, it fills the airways and significantly increases the load on the respiratory muscles. The oxygen that enters the lungs simply does not reach the alveoli, mixing with foam bubbles. As a result, respiratory failure progresses.

Specifics of diseases of purebred cats

In some purebred animals, as well as their mixed breeds, edema can be caused by heart failure. If we talk about breeds, the most predisposed are Scottish Fold, Oriental and Abyssinian cats, Sphynxes, Cornish Rexes and Maine Coons.

Symptoms of pulmonary edema in cats and kittens

Video about the symptoms of pulmonary edema in cats and dogs

As for clinical symptoms and manifestations, at first there is lethargy, complete or partial loss of appetite, and decreased activity of the cat. Over time, anxiety, shortness of breath (the cat breathes through its mouth), and tachycardia appear. Lack of oxygen causes cyanosis of the mucous membranes.

More severe conditions are accompanied by wheezing, initially dry, then wet. White foam appears from the nose and mouth, sometimes mixed with blood. Coordination and heart rhythm are impaired. The outcome of respiratory failure can be a hypoxemic coma, as a result of the death of brain cells due to lack of oxygen and the death of the animal, if it does not occur earlier due to the severity of the condition.

Frequent, difficult breathing through the mouth and cyanosis (blue color of the oral mucosa) require urgent treatment at the hospital for examination by a veterinarian. Since the reason that caused this condition can threaten health and even life.

Why does a cat stick out its tongue and breathe frequently?

Frequent breathing with an open mouth can be caused by hair getting into the respiratory tract.

Why does a cat stick out its tongue and breathe quickly?

  • Cats can lick and preen themselves for a long period of time, so the hairs get into the respiratory tract.
  • In this case, the animal may begin to cough and vomit.
  • In most cases, nature provides that the pet simply gets rid of some of the fur from the respiratory tract and intestines by vomiting.


Comfort zone

A cat that has become a mother should feel safe, so it is better to place it away from drafts in a separate warm room, where strangers and small children will not enter. At first, the pet takes any approach with hostility: it strives to protect its offspring, so it can hiss at everyone who approaches it. Try not to disturb the cat during the first days: place the tray and bowls in the same room so that the animal does not have to go far from the kids.

Give the mother and offspring a large box, lay out fresh diapers made of smooth fabric, and if necessary, give the kittens an electric heating pad. If your cat is meowing and fussing around the box, one of the kittens may have fallen out of the nest or become tangled in the diaper and will need your help.

Why does a cat breathe through its mouth like a dog?

Your pet may have a brain disorder. There is indeed a center in the brain that is responsible for the breathing of the animal.

Why does a cat breathe through its mouth like a dog?

  • Therefore, when it is damaged, breathing may be impaired. This usually occurs as a result of benign or malignant tumors in the head, or after strokes.
  • Therefore, if your pet recently jumped from a cabinet, fell, or hit its head, then it is quite possible that breathing problems were caused by a head injury. This requires doctor's consultation and treatment.
  • A cat may inhale with its mouth open due to infestation with worms. Some parasites live in the lungs, releasing large amounts of toxins and poisoning the animal's body. Therefore, the pet tries to cough up toxins.


There may be mastitis after childbirth

No matter how you care for your cat after giving birth, without kittens there is a high probability of pathologies occurring, such as milk stagnation and mastitis. If a mother cat does not nurse her babies, ask your doctor to prescribe a preventive medication to suppress lactation.

Examples of such drugs: “Galastop”, “Lactostop”, “Mastometrin”. When mastitis has already developed, additional antibacterial therapy is used, and in some cases surgery is required.

Attention! Do not bandage your cat's belly or express milk to reduce lactation. This may have the opposite effect and increase the risk of complications.

The cat is breathing with its tongue hanging out - what to do?

Heavy breathing with a protruding tongue is often observed if the cat has broken ribs. Perhaps this happened during an active walk, or pampering. Cats, despite their plasticity, can also fall and break ribs.

The cat is breathing with its tongue hanging out, what to do:

  • In this case, take a closer look at the deformation of the chest and the presence of other injuries. However, there may be more serious symptoms, which are indicated by heavy breathing with an open mouth.
  • If your pet has a cold, mucous may accumulate in his nose. That is why breathing through the nasal passages is impossible, so the cat inhales through the mouth.
  • It is necessary to treat a cold in an animal. The infection can spread from the upper respiratory tract to the lower. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of bronchitis or pneumonia.

The kitten is tired

Why does a cat breathe frequently during heat?

Often the cause of an open mouth can be estrus, or sexual heat. At this time, hormones are raging in females and males, a huge amount of them is released into the blood, which can increase blood pressure and increase breathing. So don't be surprised if your cat is in heat and breathes through her mouth with her tongue hanging out.

Why does a cat breathe frequently during heat:

  • But there can also be very serious reasons for a cat breathing through its mouth. Among them are oncological diseases. There may be a cough with mucous, purulent and bloody discharge. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.
  • Scientists have proven that obese cats can also breathe with their mouths open. Just as fat people experience shortness of breath and heavy breathing due to obesity, the same thing happens in cats. It is difficult for them to perform even the simplest physical activities, which in turn leads to heavy breathing, the cat is forced to open its mouth and stick out its tongue.
  • With some diseases of the liver, kidneys, and excretory system, there may be breathing with an open mouth. This is usually observed with pyelonephritis, or severe liver dysfunction.

If you notice that your pet is breathing with its mouth open, but there are no other symptoms, and heavy breathing is associated with physical activity, there is no reason to worry. However, if the animal breathes for several hours or even days with its mouth open and tongue hanging out, this is a reason to urgently contact a veterinarian. Perhaps, if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, you will be able to save your pet from imminent death.

Causes of cat anxiety

There are several main reasons why a cat meows after giving birth.


  • Not all kittens have been born yet. This happens during long-term mating, when fertilization occurred twice at different times, and therefore the time of birth of the babies is different. One cat can give birth several times.
  • If the afterbirth does not come out. This is a serious complication of childbirth that can lead to inflammation of the uterus or infection.
  • One of the kittens has fallen out of the box, so the mother cat tries to get the owner's attention to return the kitten to its place.

In any case, the animal now needs especially careful care; it is important for the owner to surround it with love and care, not to scold, but also not to pay excessive attention to the offspring. It is necessary to give your pet something to eat and drink so that she can regain her strength.

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