A spayed cat has discharge from the uterus. White discharge from a cat

Reasons for appearance

Normally, bloody discharge appears in a cat for the following reasons:

  1. Estrus. The discharge indicates that the cat is ready to mate and bear offspring; its duration is several days. At the same time, the secretion does not have an unpleasant odor, and when the animal licks itself, it does not leave marks on surrounding objects. It is important to remember that spotting during estrus is typical for untied cats. After the first birth they will always be transparent.
  2. During pregnancy. Normally, during the entire period when a cat is bearing offspring, she should not be bothered by discharge. Ichor may be released during contractions.
  3. After the birth of kittens. The animal’s body is recovering, so during the first three weeks after birth, the presence of spotting is considered normal. In this case, the pet should feel well, eat as usual and carefully care for the offspring. If the discharge continues for more than the specified period, and the cat becomes lethargic, then it needs to be shown to a veterinarian.

A small amount of blood from the uterus can be released in cats only for the reasons described above. If the secretion is copious, foul-smelling, or includes particles, then this may be a symptom of many diseases of the genitourinary system or a sign of uterine bleeding.

What it is?

of osteodystrophy : juvenile , which affects young animals (usually large and giant breeds), senile , which affects older pets due to age-related changes in their metabolism, and also nutritional . The second name for the disease is “skeletal scurvy.” Leads to severe lameness, pain, and usually affects the hind legs. The causes of juvenile dystrophy have not yet been studied; senile dystrophy develops against the background of deterioration of water-salt metabolism due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland and other pathologies characteristic of older animals.

As for the juvenile type of pathology, it is usually detected in puppies aged three to six months . As we have already noted, representatives of large and giant breeds . Males are most often affected; in females, the disease occurs several times less frequently. There is no specific breed predisposition; representatives of all giant varieties are at risk. What is especially interesting is that no hereditary connection has been identified - the offspring of sick parents get sick no more often than their peers obtained by crossing healthy individuals.

The third type of osteodystrophy is nutritional (feed). Appears in those animals whose diet is extremely inadequate, poor in calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, and other macro- and microelements .
It is extremely difficult to encounter this type of pathology in domestic pets, since normally fed cats and dogs receive a sufficient amount of all necessary substances with food.

Dangerous diseases

Cats may experience atypical bloody discharge, which is a symptom of the following diseases:

  • endometritis and pyometra are infectious diseases in which the uterine mucosa becomes inflamed and begins to bleed;
  • inflammatory processes in the genital organs - their causes are varied, ranging from stress to infection, often ending in cystitis;
  • phlegmon - under the influence of unfavorable factors, the cat experiences swelling of the genitals and the formation of ulcers;
  • vaginitis - inflammation of the vagina caused by infections or injuries after unsuccessful medical procedures;
  • tumor process in the uterus - as a rule, it is malignant in nature, the animal experiences destruction of soft tissues;
  • placenta in the uterus - if not all placenta came out during childbirth, this leads to an inflammatory process in the uterus;
  • various injuries to the genital organs - most often the cause is a poorly performed operation, which leads to bleeding.

The diseases described above have many similar symptoms:

  • the animal becomes lethargic and drowsy;
  • the cat tries to hide from its owners and other pets and shows no interest in playing;
  • food refusal is observed, the animal may not drink well;
  • a secretion is released from the genital organs, which, depending on the pathology, can be foul-smelling, with traces of pus and particles of mucous membrane;
  • blood loss continues for a long time without a tendency to stop;
  • The animal's temperature rises and does not subside.

To find out what exactly your pet is sick with, you need to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. Independent attempts to find out what exactly is happening with the cat will not only not lead to success, but will also lead to the loss of precious time.

Physiological causes of discharge

Discharge appears after and during estrus, after pregnancy, and also in the first few days after sterilization. If the nature and color of the discharge corresponds to the physiological period, then there is no reason to worry. However, it is recommended that the assessment be carried out by a specialist.

  • During sexual heat, the discharge changes its color, depending on the period of the cycle: a pink-red hue turns into transparent mucus. After estrus, yellow discharge that lasts more than 2-3 days is already a reason to take the cat to the veterinarian. The symptom may be a sign of some gynecological disease.
  • In a pregnant cat, yellow discharge cannot be normal. During a normal pregnancy, the cervix is ​​closed and there can be no discharge.
  • The end of labor may also be accompanied by a certain amount of reddish discharge, turning yellowish. Within a week after giving birth, there is no cause for concern if the cat’s general condition does not deteriorate. 1-3 days before birth, yellowish discharge may indicate that the body is preparing for the process of giving birth to kittens. The receding mucous plug usually looks the same color, but in most cases the cat immediately licks the perineum and the owners do not notice anything at all.
  • A sterilized cat may have a certain amount of yellowish-mucous discharge in the first few days after surgery, but without any foreign odor and in the normal general condition of the animal. If a lot of time has passed after the operation, and discharge appears or does not stop, then the most common causes are cultitis (inflammation of the stump at the site of removal of the uterus), stump cyst or inflammation of the uterus, when not complete sterilization was performed, but only oophorectomy (the ovaries were removed, but the uterus was removed). left).


Before starting to treat the animal, the doctor finds out the root cause of the discharge. This will require the following examinations:

  • initial examination of the animal, careful palpation of the abdominal area;
  • general and biochemical blood test, laboratory urine test;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • examination of the uterus using a colposcope;
  • study of secretions;
  • bacterial culture to identify the pathogen;
  • biopsy of the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Based on the research results, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes the necessary medications and procedures.

Depending on the reason for the bleeding, the cat is prescribed the following treatment:

  1. Anti-shock therapy is carried out using painkillers.
  2. If your cat is bleeding heavily, a blood transfusion may be required.
  3. If the bleeding is caused by low blood clotting, then corrective therapy is prescribed.
  4. For pathologies such as tumors or endometritis, surgery followed by chemotherapy is indicated to reduce the risk of relapse.
  5. The animal is prescribed antibiotics when the disease is caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

All medications and their dosage can be prescribed and adjusted only by a veterinarian. Self-medication will not only not bring a positive result, but can also lead to the premature death of your pet.

How is the treatment carried out?


When cutaneous horn appears in cats, you should immediately see a veterinarian, who will conduct examinations and select therapeutic measures. In the early stages, papillomas can be treated with medication. Treatment involves the use of a number of drugs indicated in the table:

Drug groupName
Immunostimulating agents"Kanina"
Ointments and solutions with antiseptic action"Chlorhexidine"
Hydrogen peroxide

Novocaine solution is often used to eliminate formations in an animal.
Often, Novocain is injected into a vein to treat benign growths on a cat’s skin. A solution of 0.5-1% is suitable for therapy, with the dosage calculated at 1 ml per 1 kg of cat. The medicine is administered three times, maintaining an interval between injections of 2-3 days. It is also possible to inject Novocaine under the papilloma itself.

Surgical removal: when is it required?

Veterinarians advise that owners remove warts from cats surgically, which is more effective, and after this method of treatment there is less recurrence. Removal is performed in several ways:

  • use of liquid nitrogen at low temperatures;
  • laser cauterization;
  • radiation.

For a speedy recovery of cats after removal of papillomas, it is recommended to give them immunostimulant vitamins and mineral supplements.

The effectiveness of folk remedies

If the virus has just begun to spread throughout the animal’s body, then the first growths can be treated with garlic juice.
In the early stages, it is possible to cope with papillomatosis in cats at home, using natural ingredients. Papillomas are treated with iodine and other folk remedies are used, such as:

  • fresh celandine juice;
  • spurge;
  • garlic juice;
  • a drop of acetic acid;
  • rowan berries.

Care, maintenance and treatment of your pet

In order for treatment measures to bring positive results more quickly, owners need to provide the cat with proper care:

  1. Provide a secluded place for the animal, put a disposable sheet on the bed and change it regularly when it gets dirty.
  2. The room where the sick cat is located must be warm and free of drafts, and it must be ventilated regularly.
  3. During treatment, it is forbidden to let your pet go outside; its communication with other pets should be limited.
  4. The cat must have constant access to drinking water. If the animal refuses to drink or is too weak, you need to give it water yourself using a syringe, after removing the needle.
  5. During the illness, the animal should receive nutritious and easily digestible food. These can be meat broths, to which chopped meat, fermented milk products, cereals and vegetables are added in small quantities. On the advice of a veterinarian, you can purchase special medicated food so that the animal gains strength faster.

To protect your pet from diseases that lead to bleeding, you must adhere to the following preventive measures:

  1. If the cat is not intended for breeding, it makes sense to sterilize the pet. This will protect her from many diseases that occur in the genitourinary system. After the procedure, the cat should be regularly shown to the veterinarian for an ultrasound, this will help to better monitor the animal’s health.
  2. Get all necessary vaccinations and antihelminthic treatment in a timely manner to maintain the body's defenses.
  3. For mating, choose a healthy male cat; the owners of the male must document this.
  4. When giving birth to a cat, use sterile consumables and thoroughly treat your hands with antiseptics.
  5. If any unusual discharge occurs, you should take your cat to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

The measures described above will help not only prevent the development of the disease, but also, if necessary, show the cat to a specialist as soon as possible without wasting time.

Bloody discharge accompanied by a significant deterioration in the animal’s condition is a formidable sign indicating the development of severe pathology. There is no need to try to find the cause on your own, but take the cat to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible for examination and treatment.

Symptoms and diagnosis

We described the symptoms of oral papillomas above. As for the formation of plaques on the body, they generally do not cause any discomfort to cats. Sometimes itching may occur when scratching; if the tumor is accidentally opened, the cat can lose a lot of blood. Therefore, when grooming, you should inspect the skin of your ward.

The veterinarian conducts a visual examination and, at the slightest suspicion of oncology, prescribes appropriate tests.

In this case, the veterinarian uses:

  • histological examination;
  • electron microscopy;
  • polymerase chain reaction method.
  • Danger for cats and people

Often people who keep animals at home wonder whether these formations are dangerous for humans. We answer: definitely not. Due to the fact that the virus is highly specific and spreads only among members of the cat family, it is safe even for other animals in the house. Therefore, there is no reason to panic, just as there is no need to isolate the animal. The main requirement: timely contact a specialist on this issue.

Causes of bloody impurities in urine

A number of reasons can provoke inappropriate impurities:

  • Bacterial infections;
  • Helminthic infestations affecting the kidneys and bladder;
  • Organ damage due to trauma;
  • Poisoning;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Oncology;

Of course, in all unclear situations when it comes to a pet and its health, it is better to immediately consult a specialist. But there are times when it is simply not physically possible to quickly deliver a patient to a veterinary clinic. So what should you do if there is blood in your cat’s urine?

  1. Provide the animal with a quiet stay in a cozy, dry place where no one will disturb or tug at it.
  2. Place clean water nearby so that the cat does not have to walk far to quench its thirst.
  3. Feed with liquid food.
  4. To disinfect the urinary tract, give your pet decoctions of parsley or bearberry.
  5. To eliminate inflammatory processes, decoctions of horsetail and juniper will help well.
  6. Under no circumstances should you start giving your animal antibiotics or other medications before consulting with a specialist.
  7. If bleeding is heavy, ice should be used as a cold compress on the lower abdomen or sacrum.

Growth on a cat's skin

Antlers are usually associated with cows...or deer, buffalo and "other antelope". But what would you say if your cat grew a horn? And not on the forehead, but on the leg (for example)? No, we are not talking about some fairy-tale characters, but about a rather unusual pathology. It is called "cutaneous horn". In cats, the disease does not occur very often, but cases are still recorded regularly.

What it is?

This is the name given to the horn-like growths of keratin on the skin. As a rule, such “horns” grow on the paw pads, but there are times when they appear... near the anus and in other “hidden” places. “Horns” on the nose and even eyelids have also been described.

What are the causes of cutaneous horn in cats? Some experts believe that excessive keratin formation is an individual characteristic of certain animals.

But most veterinarians are inclined to believe that the true nature of the pathology is viral. In particular, there are suggestions that the development of “horns” is indirectly affected by leukemia.

It is also assumed that pathological growths develop under the influence of various papillomaviruses.

There are dozens of them, and it can be very difficult to identify a specific pathogen in a given case. However, this question is rarely asked at all, since many experts adhere to the idiopathic theory of the occurrence of cat “horns”.


As a rule, there are no particular difficulties in making a diagnosis. If the veterinarian sees “horns” on the nose, ears, eyelids, genitals or paw pads, then everything is more or less obvious.

But the problem here is that sometimes it may not be about the cutaneous horn. For example, some cases of basal and squamous cell carcinoma give similar symptoms.

By the way, the same viruses that we wrote about above may well lead to the development of these forms of oncology.

So in all doubtful situations it is necessary to do a biopsy. The resulting pathological material is examined under a microscope. In this case, pronounced epidermal hyperplasia is revealed. It should be taken into account that if the disease is viral in nature, many keratinocytes (skin cells) will be deformed and will have several nuclei.

Immunohistochemical staining can be used to confirm or refute the viral nature of the disease. In particular, this method helps to determine whether there is a causative agent of leukemia in the cat’s body.

Treatment of cutaneous horn

The simplest operation is most often used. In more “exotic” cases, they resort to cryotherapy or laser treatment. Note that none of these methods guarantees that the “horns” will not grow back after a few months.

In Europe, veterinarians widely prescribe synthetic retinoids. In some Moscow clinics, this method was considered useful in cases of extensive hyperkeratotic “warts” in cats. Etretinate, prescribed at a dose of 1 mg per kilogram of live weight, has proven itself especially well.

But this medicine should be used with extreme caution, since in human medicine there have been cases of its cumulative accumulation in the body, which greatly complicates the correct dosage.

Much better is the drug Acitretin, which has a shorter half-life and is eliminated from the cat’s body much faster.

But all these remedies only eliminate skin keratinization (within certain limits), but they have no effect at all on viruses, which are often the primary cause of pathology. Fortunately, there are effective and inexpensive medications to solve this problem, including Azithromycin.

It is prescribed orally at a dose of 10 mg/kg live weight of the cat. The animal is given the medicine once a day, the course of treatment can take from ten days to two weeks. Oddly enough, the mechanism of action of this drug on cutaneous horns has not yet been clarified, but for the animal and its owner this is not particularly important: the main thing is that the drug works, and works quite effectively.

Other drug treatments

Aldara cream (Imiquimod) has proven itself quite well. It is reported that good results were obtained with external use of the ointment three times within a week.

Alas, in 75% of cases the drug cannot prevent the development of new horns near the primary formations.

In addition, in at least 31% of cases, severe responses from the hematopoietic system and liver were observed, so this medicine should definitely not be recommended for mass use in cases of excessive keratin formation.

Source: https://dolojparazitov.ru/medicina/narost-u-koshki-na-kozhe-rostov.html

Uterine bleeding in a cat

If your cat is bleeding from the uterus, there may be several reasons for this:

  • Injuries and mechanical damage;
  • Neoplasms, including malignant ones, in the uterus;
  • Inflammatory processes of various etiologies;
  • Delay of placenta during the birth process;
  • Hormonal imbalance;

If the bleeding is not profuse, but consists of a few drops, then the cat immediately licks them off, leaving no trace. If it is quite strong, then the blood can flow in a small stream, leaving marks or puddles in the places where the cat lays down to rest.

Bleeding may not be accompanied by any visible changes in the condition or behavior of the mustachioed creature, or it may be accompanied by convulsive efforts if the placenta is delayed during the birth process. If a large amount of blood has been lost, the cat’s behavior will be characterized by lethargy, lack of appetite, but strong thirst.

When a cat is bleeding from the uterus, you can give it warmed milk or broth. It is advisable to call a veterinarian at home or transport the animal to a veterinary clinic for examination and diagnosis.

You can help your pet yourself by applying a towel soaked in cold water or an ice compress to the lower part of the peritoneum. These manipulations should help stop bleeding as quickly as possible.

Depending on the extent of damage to the animal's genitals, stitches and antibiotic therapy may be necessary.

Timely provision of first aid can save your pet’s life and save her from inflammation and the formation of abscesses.

However, we should not forget that self-treatment can have the opposite effect. Therefore, having provided primary support to a small creature, it is necessary to show it to a professional as soon as possible.

In some cases, owners do not suspect that the cat has problems with the reproductive organs. A signal about painful processes in the body of a pet is white, yellow or bloody discharge from the vagina. In the article I will describe their types and the diseases that cause them. I’ll tell you what needs to be done, whether it can be treated and what first aid to provide to the animal.

Lipomas in cats

If a cat has a soft lump on its neck that easily rolls under your fingers and does not cause discomfort to the pet, a lipoma or wen is a possible cause.

The reason for the appearance of such seals is the peculiarity of the functioning of the animal’s sebaceous glands. The formation of lipomas is often associated with endocrine disorders and obesity in older animals.

Wen themselves are not dangerous, but must be removed, especially if they are located on the pet’s neck or head. The fact is that a benign lipoma can begin to degenerate into cancer with age, so veterinarians recommend removing lipomas in a timely manner.

What kind of discharge in cats is considered unhealthy?


  1. Inflammatory process in the genitals, white discharge from the loop. It is a consequence of hypothermia or infection. The cat licks under its tail. Frequent urination. When pathogenic bacteria reach the bladder, cystitis develops. Walking your pet and being in drafts is prohibited. Self-medication is ineffective. It is possible to prescribe the necessary medications only with a urine test.
  2. Serous vaginitis is an inflammation of the vaginal walls. Typical of organ injuries received during lambing. Possible as a complication of previous diseases. This occurs after taking antibiotics due to a disturbance in the microflora.

White vaginal discharge may indicate serous vaginitis


  1. Cancer of the genital and reproductive organs. The cat is losing weight for no reason and is indifferent to food. Fluid regularly accumulates under the tail. The pet stops taking care of herself. Looks sloppy.
  2. Catarrhal-purulent vaginitis. Inflammation of the vaginal walls, complicated by an abscess. A viscous and cloudy exudate is observed.
  3. Vaginal phlegmon. Swelling of the vulva and pubis, accompanied by abscesses. Pus and mucus come out.
  4. Pyometra is a purulent inflammation of the uterine mucosa. It occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance, provoked both by the consumption of drugs that reduce sexual activity, and by advanced endometritis. The individual is not active and looks depressed. The most dangerous is the closed form. No pus is released. The state of health deteriorates sharply, which is why failure to see a doctor can lead to death.

Any purulent discharge has an unpleasant odor.


Blood tests may indicate cancer or damage to internal organs

  1. Oncology of urogenital organs. Accompanied by the discharge of pus when the general condition worsens.
  2. Decomposition of the placenta with incomplete delivery of the placenta. The cat feels unwell, feels weak, does not eat, and may bleed from the anterior passage. Body temperature rises. Delay is fraught with peritonitis. The patient needs urgent surgery (cleaning) in a clinical setting.
  3. Damage to the uterus associated with careless surgery, especially in neutered cats. Blood flows from under the tail. The victim needs to create the most comfortable conditions possible: arrange a resting place in a room where no one will disturb the peace. It is not possible to determine harm on your own. Improper transportation is life-threatening. It is necessary to call a veterinarian to your home to examine and take appropriate rescue measures.
  4. Endometritis is inflammation of the lining of the uterus. It is provoked by infections, as well as by taking medications that suppress attraction to the opposite sex. The discharge is strong and spotting.
  5. Threat of miscarriage. Bleeds between the fourth and eighth weeks.
  6. Blood clotting disorder. Leads to the release of characteristic bloody clots and red liquid.

Why does my cat leak fluid from her anus?

The main reason that provokes discharge from the anus in a cat is inflammation of the paraanal glands.

It has been noted that long-haired pets are more susceptible to this disease than their short-haired relatives. The inflamed area on the butt gradually increases in size, and pathological exudate accumulates inside the gland. If therapy is not started in a timely manner, a bacterial infection occurs, which threatens suppuration and the development of sepsis.

Other causes of inflammation of the anal area in cats

This symptom occurs in an animal due to the presence of parasites.

  • Injuries. If a kitten or an adult cat has an injured anus, after using the toilet, or rather, each act of defecation, the wound bleeds. If the damage is not eliminated, the risk of bacterial infection and progression of inflammation increases.
  • Worm infestation. Parasites lay their eggs on the outer skin of the anus. This causes itching in the animal, which the pet tries to relieve by any means. As a result, delicate skin becomes irritated and can become inflamed.
  • Obesity. Disruption of metabolic processes in the body contributes to the development of various diseases of the digestive system, including the intestines. Improper digestion of food leads to constipation, which is often accompanied by the release of mucus during and after bowel movements. In a sterilized cat, obesity is a common problem that is important to begin to combat in a timely manner.
  • Incorrect feeding. If an animal eats dry food, but does not consume enough liquid, the feces become dense and, when passing through the intestines, injure it, causing inflammation and the appearance of pathological discharge.
  • Congenital disorders. In a newborn kitten, bloody ichor from under the tail may be a sign of congenital anomalies in the development of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Oncology. Restlessness during bowel movements, mucus and heavy bleeding from the anus, loss of appetite, sudden weight loss - all these are signs indicating the development of a tumor in the large or small intestine.

Causes of hematuria

A reddish tint to urine is not always a sign of a dangerous disease. Urine can acquire this color after a cat eats vegetables containing the plant pigment carotene (carrots, beets). Once the pigment is removed from the body, the urine will return to normal color. Physiological causes of hematuria also include factors related to the reproductive function of a cat (namely a cat, not a cat):

  • Heat.
    Urine acquires a pinkish color due to the mixing with it of bloody vaginal discharge, which is often observed during estrus.
  • Postpartum period.
    Within a few days after the kittens are born, the cat's uterus clears out, and bloody leucorrhoea or even blood clots that come out of it fall into the litter box and mix with the urine. You should be concerned if this phenomenon continues for more than a week.

In cats, after sterilization surgery, the activity of hormones decreases gradually, and for 1.5 - 2 months these substances may still be present in the animal’s blood, causing the appearance of spotting. This phenomenon is temporary and does not require treatment. It is much more dangerous if hematuria is observed in a castrated cat: after defertilization surgery in cats, the ureter narrows, which can lead to exacerbation of urolithiasis or its development.

Conditions that can cause hematuria in a cat include:

  • Pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract.
    Damage to organ tissue and capillary bleeding are often accompanied by pyelonephritis, chronic renal failure (CRF), cystitis, urethritis, and urolithiasis.
  • Injuries.
    Free-ranging animals are most susceptible to the risk of post-traumatic hematuria.
  • Neoplasms localized in the genitourinary system.
    Painful urination and blood in the urine can be caused by an overgrown tumor, both benign and malignant.
  • Systemic diseases
    . Liver diseases, infectious diseases, and heart failure can provoke the development of hematuria in a cat.
  • Endoparasites.
    Bacteria, helminths, and some types of arthropods can be found in any organ of the cat, including the kidneys and bladder. The result of damage to organ tissue is capillary bleeding and blood entering the urine.

Physiological reasons

Physiological are considered reasons that cause discharge due to the characteristics of the body. Before giving birth, the female will have a plug, which is also a hard clot of mucus that comes out before giving birth. It does not bode well: it is necessary to “remove” everything unnecessary from the surface of the labia and prevent the occurrence of infections as a result of the introduction of harmful bacteria during childbirth.

After your cat gives birth, she may continue to have mucus coming from her vaginal opening and anus for some time. Color – reddish or dark brown interspersed with greenish color. The norm is 3 weeks after birth. Due to the fact that during childbirth the discharge is red (the cat has bloody discharge), after the birth of the kittens the mucus will also have a reddish tint, which will gradually turn into a brown tint and disappear.

Reference! True, during pregnancy, yellow mucus sometimes comes out - amniotic fluid.

But not everything is as simple as it seems. There are much more dangerous secretions that indicate the presence of health problems. If they are not related to pregnancy, then they are not difficult to recognize. The next step is to determine the type, cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Dangerous diseases arise as a result of infections that enter the body through the external environment, contact with other animals and sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of hematuria

Blood in a cat's urine can be detected by the color of the urine, which takes on an unnatural brownish or pinkish tint. If hematuria is not of physiological origin, it is accompanied by symptoms of the underlying disease:

  • general weakness, apathy,
  • poor appetite
  • pain during urination (the cat often sits in the tray, but has difficulty finding a comfortable position),
  • blanching of mucous membranes,
  • digestive disorders,
  • elevated temperature.


If blood is detected in a cat's urine, the diagnosis is made based on the history provided by the owner and data from laboratory tests of urine and blood. The presence of purulent exudate, pathogenic microflora, and indicators of the level of erythrocytes and leukocytes are determined.

Urine sampling is carried out in the morning, no earlier than 3-4 hours before submitting the sample for analysis. Before this, it is not recommended to feed the cat for 12 hours.

To make an accurate diagnosis, in addition to laboratory tests, your pet may undergo an X-ray and/or ultrasound examination of the urinary system.

Diagnosis and treatment of neoplasms

Diagnosis is carried out when any neoplasm appears. After a thorough examination, the doctor determines the level of danger of the resulting compaction and selects the appropriate therapy.

In addition to a clinical examination and history taking, it is necessary to check the functionality of the heart, study a general analysis of urine and blood, and also do a bacteriological analysis of the contents of the lump-vesicle. Using ultrasound and x-rays, the doctor determines the depth, exact location and size of the tumor. At an early stage, cancer is often asymptomatic, so biopsy and endoscopy are used to detect it.

The location of oncology development directly depends on the sex of the animal. Cancer in cats most often affects the testes, and in cats - milk bags. If the disease is detected at an early stage, therapy is reduced to taking special medications and gives positive results. At later stages the prognosis is negative. The patient is given painkillers and euthanized.

Table of primary and additional therapy

Drug or surgical therapy depends on the diagnosis, the state of immunity and the stage of development of the disease. Recommended treatment methods can be found in the example table.

Type of pathologyTherapy
LipomaSurgical excision of large lumpsLipomas located near the spinal column or neck are not recommended to be touched. Intervention is allowed only if the lipoma is growing steadily
HemangiomaNon-interference and surveillanceComplete surgical removal on an individual basis
AdenomaSubcutaneous and intramuscular injections of antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal drugsSurgery for increasing size
MastitisThe animal is given a novocaine blockade, physiotherapy, a course of antibiotics and compresses are prescribed.In advanced forms, surgical intervention is used
CancerIn addition to special medications, the doctor prescribes radiation or chemotherapy followed by removal of the tumorIn later stages, pain management is used and euthanasia is recommended.
AbscessAn autopsy is performed and pus is removed using antiseptics. The treated area is isolated with a sterile bandage. Any remaining infection is treated with a course of antibiotics. Long-term use of antibiotics is dangerous for the developing organism of kittens. If the animal is less than 1 year old, the veterinarian tries to reduce the recommended duration of antibiotic therapy as much as possible.
CystFor small formations, observation is recommended; for large ones, removalSometimes parasites are found in the growths. In this case, surgery is necessary even for a small cyst
HerniaTo remove a hernial lump, massage sessions are prescribed, the prolapsed organ is put back in placeFor large formations, the doctor performs surgery to stitch the diverging ring
Inflammation of the paraanal glandsThe accumulated fluid is squeezed out, facilitating the production of secretionsIf pain occurs, the animal is injected with novocaine. If a predisposition to inflammation is identified, the cat will have to be taken for the procedure several times a year.
Eosinophilic granulomaBased on the cause of the pathology, the cat is prescribed antibiotics, antihistamines or steroids.A large weeping wound is usually excised to preserve the appearance of the affected area
LymphadenitisThe disease is not independent and occurs against the background of another pathology. Painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are used for treatment A large number of inflamed lymph nodes indicates leukemia. This pathology is not fatal, but requires long-term drug treatment

Syringoepithelioma is not considered dangerous to health, so treatment is not provided. Hematomas resulting from minor injuries usually go away on their own or are eliminated with healing ointments.

In addition to traditional scalpel work, surgeons use laser excision, electric shock, or freezing at low temperatures with liquid nitrogen. Young and healthy animals with strong immunity often heal on their own. In this case, they receive immunity, eliminating subsequent relapses.

After surgery, the animal is prescribed a course of immunomodulators that stimulate the functioning of immune cells. The remaining wound is treated with healing ointments. Bandages can be changed yourself or at a veterinary clinic. Be sure to consult a doctor if pus continues to leak from the bandage after surgery. Some tumors found in cats are dangerous not only for animals, but also for humans.

What to do with purulent and bleeding seals?

The appearance of bleeding and purulent discharge is a symptom of cancer. Immediately upon discovering a problem, take your pet to see a veterinarian.

Before visiting a doctor, it is prohibited to treat wounds with alcohol-containing solutions, squeeze out or puncture the lump. It is also not allowed to use any ointments without prior consultation. Even plain water can make the situation worse, so do not try to rinse or wet the swelling.

If the seal breaks on its own, provide first aid to the animal. To do this, you need to treat the wound with an alcohol-free antiseptic and apply a sterile bandage. All these actions do not exclude a veterinary examination.


The veterinarian prescribes the course of treatment based on the results of diagnostic examinations. Therapy for hematuria is aimed at eliminating its cause and relieving symptoms.

If blood in a cat’s urine appears against the background of a catarrhal process in the kidneys or urinary system, medications are prescribed to relieve pain, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic. If necessary, means can be used to correct the acid-base balance and restore daily diuresis if it has been disturbed.

If hematuria occurs as a result of infectious diseases, the cat is prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy; depending on the type of pathogen, broad-spectrum antibiotics, penicillin or cephalosporin drugs are prescribed.

In addition to drug therapy, the doctor may prescribe your pet a therapeutic diet that excludes the use of dry food, as well as foods that are difficult to digest. The diet and feeding regimen of a sick cat is agreed upon with the attending physician. A prerequisite is the animal's constant access to fresh water.

Prevention measures

Pathologies that can cause the appearance of blood in a cat’s urine can be prevented by following a few simple rules:

  • do not let the cat outside unattended;
  • regularly deworm your pet and treat it against ectoparasites;
  • Bring your cat to the veterinarian for a preventive examination on time.

It is best to feed your cat natural food, but if you prefer canned cat food, choose premium food that does not contain additives, preservatives or flavors harmful to the animal’s body.

The appearance of bloody discharge from the cat’s vaginal area is not always a sign of a pathological condition. Physiologically normal is a small amount of bloody discharge from a cat’s loop during estrus, during pregnancy, and also after the birth of kittens for 2-3 weeks.

A large amount of blood released from the genital organs of a cat indicates serious pathological changes in the genitourinary system. Self-treatment can only aggravate the situation, since it is not possible to accurately determine the cause of bleeding without special studies.

If you notice that your pet has a lot of bloody discharge or constant bloody streaks from the vagina, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible for advice and help.

What is considered a physiological norm?

It is completely natural for a cat to have discharge during heat or estrus. The color of the discharge during this period is transparent, and the consistency is uniform without an unpleasant odor. The heat does not stop for several days, and the cat arches her back, exposes her hindquarters, and shows excessive playfulness and affection.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Discharge during pregnancy may appear in a cat up to the third week. This is due to the fact that a mucus plug forms in the cervix, the excess of which flows out . This is usually clear or stringy mucus that is difficult to notice because it comes out along with urine. Until the 6th week, yellowish discharge is very rarely observed in small quantities - excess amniotic fluid.

And only a day or two before birth does the mucous plug come off (at 9 weeks). This is a small clot of yellow or greenish tint.

During contractions and pushing in a cat, the presence of brown and bloody discharge from the uterus is normal. For some time after childbirth, liquid greenish discharge appears, gradually becoming lighter, and then completely disappearing.

Reasons for appearance

If you notice blood from the cat’s vagina, you should not hesitate, hoping for an independent cure for the pathology. As a rule, bleeding from the genital organs of an animal is associated with pathological changes. Common causes of bloody discharge from the loop are:

  1. Inflammatory processes - endometritis and pyometra, as well as other pathologies of the reproductive system characterized by inflammation. Pathological changes in the endometrium lead to anxiety in the animal, accompanied by aggression and constant licking of the genitals.
  2. Violation of the integrity of the walls of the uterus. The reproductive organ in cats has a special structure - in the form of horns. The walls of the uterus are unusually supplied with blood, and with even minor damage, severe bleeding is observed, affecting the condition of the animal. Providing assistance in these cases must be immediate, since in a short period of time the animal can simply bleed to death.
  3. Malignant neoplasms in the genital organs. Oncology of internal organs does not make itself felt for a long time, but with the growth of a cancerous tumor, irreversible degenerative processes begin in healthy cells of the body. With cancer of the uterus, ovaries or other structures of the reproductive system in cats, discharge with blood and pus is observed, characterized by an unpleasant odor, which is associated with the growth and subsequent destruction of tumor cells.
  4. Unseparated placenta or placenta. After giving birth to a cat, it is recommended to visit a veterinary clinic and conduct an ultrasound examination of the reproductive organs. This is due to the fact that parts of the placenta can remain inside, rotting and causing inflammation. As a result of the placenta decomposing inside the uterus, purulent vaginal discharge mixed with blood appears. As a rule, treatment involves abdominal surgery followed by removal of the uterus.
  5. Blood after sterilization . Sterilization of a cat is carried out not only to stop the production of offspring, but also to prevent sexual heat in cats. Often, cat owners decide to undergo surgery in the clinic in order to prevent dangerous diseases of the reproductive system in cats (endometritis, ovarian cancer, pyometra). In some cases, with neoplasms in the area of ​​the adrenal glands or milk bags, blood may be released from the vagina. If hysterotomy (removal of the uterus) was not performed during surgery, the appearance of cystic neoplasms in the uterine cavity can also cause bloody discharge in the operated animal. The causes of bleeding in a sterilized animal may also be associated with the presence of germ cells in other organs of the animal. This pathological phenomenon is rarely diagnosed, but in some cases it still happens.

A cat has a lump on its neck: causes and treatment

For thousands of years, cats have lived side by side with people as pets.
The owners take care of them: feed them, bathe them, comb them and pet them. And sometimes a person may discover that a cat has a lump on its neck, despite the fact that there was none just a few days ago.

Most owners immediately panic and take the cat to the veterinarian, where they will find out what could have caused it.


It is absolutely clear that without any special reason, a lump does not appear on a cat’s neck under the jaw.

However, some cat owners, having discovered such a formation in their pet, are in no hurry to show it to a specialist and do not take any action to treat it.

In rare cases, a lump on a cat’s neck may disappear on its own without treatment, but you should not let the development of such a formation take its course and you should consult a specialist as soon as possible.

The formation of any compaction or tumor is a consequence of a certain pathological process occurring in the animal’s body. Such a compaction can be either benign or malignant. However, even a harmless formation under the influence of certain factors can develop into a cancerous tumor.

Externally, the lump looks like a round or oval compaction that stands out from the rest of the skin with a reddish tint. It is easily detected by palpation. The density of a lump on a cat’s neck depends on its location:

  1. If the seal is between the muscles and the skin, it will be soft and mobile.
  2. The lump located in the muscle layers will be harder and more immobile.

According to medical terminology, such growths or lumps are called lipomas. Those of them that are close to the skin can be eliminated very simply through surgery.

However, if the lipoma is deeper and develops very actively, then its treatment will be more difficult.

There is no point in delaying therapy, because such a lump can very quickly degenerate into a malignant one - liposarcoma, which can metastasize to nearby organs.

It is impossible to determine the nature of the seal by its appearance, since it may be a common wart.

Such formations can be quite large in size, however, the cat often does not experience pain.

Without timely treatment, the lump develops very quickly and begins to interfere with the animal, and its attempts to independently get rid of the interfering seal can only worsen the situation.


Lipoma is a benign formation that can appear on any part of the animal's body. It is capable of growing, reaching impressive sizes, but does not cause pain to the cat and does not metastasize to other organs.

The lipoma is soft to the touch and has clear boundaries. Symptoms depend entirely on its location and the mechanical pressure on the surrounding tissues.

Despite the fact that a lipoma is practically harmless, when it forms on the limbs, it can cause lameness, and if located on the carotid artery, it can lead to the death of a cat from suffocation.

The condition of an animal that has developed a lipoma is usually normal and does not cause discomfort.


In the vast majority of cases, a lump on a cat’s neck occurs in old age. Most veterinarians attribute this to the aging process of the animal's body.

However, there are cases when owners discovered a large lump on the neck of a cat whose age did not exceed 5 years. The reasons for this can be very different.

The main prerequisites for the occurrence of a pathological neoplasm include:

  • bad ecology;
  • eating low-quality products;
  • predisposition at the genetic level;
  • injuries or severe bruises;
  • the presence of subcutaneous mites in the body.

Signs of lipoma

A lump on a cat's neck forms between the muscle layer and the skin layer. There the formation of nodules or capsules occurs. Most often, the contents of such capsules have a liquid consistency. It can be “doughy” and mobile, not causing discomfort to the animal, or it can be denser and cause pain. Subcutaneous formations may also include degenerated tissue.

The temperature of the soft cone most often corresponds to the cat's body temperature. Dense buds are usually hotter. If an initially soft formation has become compacted, the temperature of the animal’s entire body may rise and signs of intoxication of the body may appear. These signs include the following: the cat becomes weaker, refuses to eat, and becomes irritable.

Particular attention should be paid to buds that grow quickly.

Risk group

As stated above, older cats are most likely to develop lumps on their necks. At the same time, there are the following risk factors that can cause the development of such formation in younger individuals:

  • the presence of endocrine disorders;
  • the presence of parasites in the body;
  • excess body weight.

Only a veterinarian can accurately determine the cause of the development of a lump under a cat’s neck. He also prescribes a treatment regimen, since it is strictly forbidden to independently treat any formations on the animal’s body.


Also, in a cat, a lump on the neck under the skin may be an abscess. In this case, the lump will be filled with pus. Most often, an abscess appears at the site of a wound or injury. It can also be the result of exposure to parasites that irritate the animal's skin.

Main symptoms of an abscess:

  • the formation has a homogeneous structure;
  • the temperature rises and the skin surrounding the affected area turns red;
  • pressing on the formation causes pain to the cat.

Due to the fact that such a bump causes discomfort to the cat, he always tries to scratch it. If he cannot reach with his paws, he rubs the sore spot on the furniture.

By its nature, an abscess is a purulent inflammation, so as a result of its development, the pet begins to feel worse. The cat becomes either lethargic or too irritable, refusing to contact the person.


If a tumor appears in your cat's neck, you should immediately visit a veterinarian, since after a certain point it may rupture. In addition, if the lump reaches a large size, it can lead to suffocation.

After conducting a professional examination and certain studies, the veterinarian will be able to determine the nature of the formation and prescribe a course of treatment.

As research, radiography and puncture biopsy of the contents of the lump are often performed. X-rays can reveal the presence of metastases, and a biopsy helps determine the nature of the compaction.

The further treatment of the cat depends on the results of these two procedures.

A biopsy is performed by removing pathological materials from the formation. Before pumping out part of the contents of the lump, the cat is given local anesthesia. The sample taken is sent to the laboratory for cytological examination. Based on the results of this study, the doctor makes a diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribes surgery to excise or completely remove the formation.

Treatment of a benign lump

Doctors often recommend complete removal of the lump. For this, surgery is performed. In cases where the formation is benign, there are practically no complications, since there are no metastases. If the lump is small, does not tend to grow and does not cause discomfort to the cat, its removal may not be necessary.

Treatment of abscesses

Before the lump on the cat's neck bursts, you should immediately begin treatment. In this case, only a veterinarian can help.

There is no preliminary treatment for such an abscess. After the examination, the cat is immediately sent to the surgeon. He opens the seal with a scalpel and cleans the cavity of pus. After this, antiseptic treatment of the wound is carried out. If necessary, the cat is given stitches and prescribed antibiotics to prevent the re-development of inflammation.

If left untreated, the abscess can open on its own. However, this is very dangerous for the animal, since it can lick the pus flowing from the wound. In addition, there is a high risk of infection.

Treatment of cancer

If, as a result of a biopsy, it was revealed that the lump is malignant, then its treatment includes the following steps:

  • carrying out a complete diagnosis;
  • stage of preparatory procedures;
  • surgical removal;
  • undergoing a course of chemotherapy.

A lump on a cat's neck can be very dangerous. You should not delay treatment, since its nature can be very different: from a harmless lump to a tumor with metastases.

Source: https://FB.ru/article/414726/u-kota-na-shee-shishka-prichinyi-poyavleniya-i-lechenie

Dangerous diseases

Dangerous pathologies that threaten the life of an animal associated with the genital organs of cats are characterized by the presence of various symptoms, including the appearance of discharge mixed with blood. The most common causes of bleeding are pyometra and endometritis. Pyometra is diagnosed in cats with elevated levels of progesterone in the bloodstream.

The risk of developing pyometra is higher in cats that have never given birth, as well as in cats that are constantly receiving drugs to suppress sexual estrus. When pyometra develops in an animal, signs such as depression in the general condition of the animal, refusal of food, pain are noted, and pus mixed with blood flows from the area of ​​the loop.

It is worth noting that there are two types of pyometra - closed and open. Streaks will be noticeable from the vagina only in the open form of the disease, since the cervix, which does not tightly close the entrance, will allow discharge to pass through. This form of the disease is considered less dangerous, since the purulent contents in the uterine cavity are gradually released.

The closed form of pyometra threatens the animal with death if diagnosis and surgery are not performed in a timely manner. Pus with blood accumulated inside breaks through the walls and enters the abdominal cavity, causing sepsis and other life-threatening conditions of the animal.

Endometritis is an inflammatory process on the uterine mucosa that develops under the influence of infectious agents. The cause of the development of endometritis may be hormonal imbalances as a result of taking drugs that suppress sexual desire, an unbalanced diet, difficult childbirth, or violation of sanitary standards for keeping the animal.

Inflammation of the uterine mucosa occurs in acute or chronic form. With a sluggish form of endometritis, the cat’s discharge is barely noticeable, due to which the blood released from the vagina in cats is practically invisible.

The particular danger of this type of disease is its rapid transition to a purulent form. In the acute form of endometritis, the discharge is abundant and it is quite difficult not to notice it.

Uterine bleeding is a dangerous pathology characterized by a hidden course and gradually increasing symptoms. It is quite difficult to notice that a cat is bleeding from the vagina, since most bleeding in the internal organs is not characterized by outward flow. The development of bleeding in the uterine cavity can occur from several days to several weeks, therefore, if vomiting, upset stool in a cat, or blood fractions in the excreted portion of urine occur, this is a reason to urgently consult a veterinarian.

Sores on the neck of cats in Rostov

What should an owner do if a cat has sores on its neck? How to treat this condition, because every day it only gets worse. Making a diagnosis begins with a series of tests.

It is by learning the true cause that you can understand how to treat the animal.

If miliary dermatitis is a consequence of a food allergy, then the rash will persist as long as the pet receives one or another product.

To diagnose dermatitis, you need to put your cat on a special diet. It usually includes components that she has never received before. If the symptoms disappear, then the cause has been found.

Now the components of the old diet are being introduced into food one by one. As soon as the first symptoms appear, the cause is discovered.

Diagnostic feeding can last up to 12 weeks and is accompanied by veterinary supervision.

Several scrapings will be taken from the cat to determine the presence of skin parasites. Three types of mites can cause skin lesions:

  • Cheyletiella is often called wandering dandruff. White, moving parasites resemble flakes of dandruff. They live in the top layer of the skin.
  • The second species, Otodectes cynotis, is an ear mite that also causes miliary dermatitis on the head and neck.
  • Finally, the third pathogen is demodex.

Causes of the phenomenon

The most common reason that an animal bites into its own rump is flea bites. In this case, you need to rid your pet of annoying insects as soon as possible.

Ear mite parasitism leads to severe itching in the auricle. The animal tries to bury its hind paw deeply and scratches the auricle. It rubs its head against pieces of furniture and shakes it, as if trying to shake something out of its ear.

In addition, the owner may notice an unpleasant odor from the animal’s ear, discharge of a brown substrate, and hearing impairment. With otitis (inflammation of the ear in a cat), the symptoms will be approximately the same.

When trying to scratch its ear, the cat may meow pitifully.

When a cat's skin is parasitized by a lice-eater mite, the animal's hair deteriorates and falls out. The skin is very itchy, the animal scratches the skin vigorously, and crusts appear on it. The waste products of parasitic insects are found in the wool.

Sarcoptic mange is a parasitic disease caused by mites that burrow into the deep layers of the skin. At the initial stage, sarcoptic mange is asymptomatic. Its main symptom is frequent scratching of the animal. Then redness appears on the skin.

As the disease develops, quickly bursting blisters appear on the animal’s face and near the ears. The itching at this time is very strong, the animal actively itches, spreading parasites throughout the body. The skin in the affected area dries and becomes bald.

Deep wounds appear on the animal's tail and paws, oozing ichor.

Notoedrosis, or cat scabies, is another tick-borne infection. It manifests itself as severe itching. The first signs of this disease are loss of hair around the cat's ears and very severe itching in this area.

Soon the ticks “settle” in the animal’s abdomen, perhaps moving from the muzzle while the animal sleeps, curled up in a ball. The fur on the animal's belly falls out, the skin thickens, becomes covered with pustules and scabs.

The cat constantly licks and scratches the affected areas. Demodectic mange and cheyletiellosis cause similar symptoms.

Pyoderma, fungal infections, and autoimmune diseases lead to the appearance of various rash elements on the animal’s skin (vesicles, pustules, scabs, ulcers, erosions) and severe itching.

Hormonal imbalances can lead to itching and the appearance of a brown scab on the animal's tail and croup area.

Intestinal diseases or helminth infections in severe cases also cause severe itching. But, in addition to the fact that the cat is itching, the owner may notice a deterioration in her mood, a decrease in appetite and stool disorders. And sometimes vomiting.

Allergies are one of the most common reasons that cause a cat to actively scratch, scratching the skin.

Sometimes the cat itches a lot, but he doesn’t have any fleas or infections, and he doesn’t suffer from allergies. In this case, the itching may be psychogenic. As a result of stress, a cat may lose its fur, combing it out in clumps.

Cats: advice from a veterinarian

The “Veterinarian Advice” section was created to help cat lovers and owners. Here you can ask any question you are interested in about your pet and receive a qualified answer from a specialist.

Veterinarian Inna Vladimirovna Glushkova, editor of the website www.veterinar.ru, answers questions

House call in Moscow by phone: 8-926-852-40-20E-mail for contact

Source: https://pim7.info/boljachki-na-shee-u-koshek-v-rostove/

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