Digestive tract disorders are common in pets, including cats.
How to remove crusts on a cat's nose? A cat's nose is one of the main indicators
Description It is absolutely clear that for no particular reason, the cat has a lump on his neck
The health status of an adult cat is determined by various criteria - from the animal’s behavior to quality
Factors contributing to inflammation How does inflammation of the anal sacs manifest in a cat? Treatment of the inflammatory process of the paraanal
Skin diseases are a common occurrence in domestic and farm animals. Pathologies manifest themselves in different ways: loss
What is vomiting The gag reflex is a protective reaction of the human body. For diseases of the digestive tract
Among the numerous diseases that attack furry pets, fatal ones are rare. With timely treatment, most ailments
Features of the solution The drug contains chloride, which maintains the acid-base balance and takes part in
10156Pavel If your kitten is lethargic and constantly sleeps, you don’t always need to panic. Healthy pet first