The cat's back began to roll off its fur, as if it were stuck together and greasy and had dandruff.



The cat is a common animal that lives in many houses and apartments. When a pet is healthy, its well-groomed appearance pleases the eyes of the owner and household members. But sometimes the animal’s health fails and its appearance changes for the worse. For example, a cat may develop greasy hair, which many owners initially mistake for normal dirt. It is especially visible in white fluffy cats with long hair.

To get rid of the problem, the owners are trying to buy out the mustachioed inhabitant of the home. This method really helps if the pet is simply dirty. But if after some time the hair becomes greasy again, this most often indicates oily hair (tail) syndrome.

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The appearance of oily hair on the animal's tail

When a cat suddenly develops greasy hair on its tail, the owners may immediately have the first thought that their pet has smeared itself on something greasy.
This fur is especially noticeable on white cats with luxurious fluffy hair. First of all, owners try to eliminate a cause of this nature by putting the mustachioed dog in the bath and soaping it completely or just one tail separately. Washing the animal will help if it actually gets dirty in something greasy. However, if after some time the animal again has oily hair on its tail, and then this problem appears again and again, then in this case we should say that the cat has fatty tail syndrome.

When a cat suddenly develops greasy hair on its tail, the owners may immediately have the first thought that their pet has smeared itself on something greasy. This fur is especially noticeable on white cats with luxurious fluffy hair.

Vitamin A deficiency

This disease is rare in animals forced to eat plant foods. Symptoms include:

  • photophobia, disorders (on examination, retinal degeneration is detected);
  • weakness of the hind legs;
  • reproductive system disorders;
  • poor coat quality and flaking skin.

To solve the problem, just add it to your diet. Artificial supplementation of vitamin A is not recommended due to possible toxic effects. An overdose of retinol is no less dangerous than its deficiency.

Symptoms of the disease

A disease such as “greasy tail syndrome” has the following symptoms:

  1. The appearance of greasy hair at the base of the animal's tail.
  2. Clumping of fur into tangles.
  3. Accumulation on the skin of an animal of a waxy mass of brown color, giving off a rancid odor,
  4. Redness and inflammation of the skin underneath the oily hair on the tail.
  5. Inflammation of the hair follicles and the appearance in their place of small pustules in huge numbers.
  6. Hair loss is common.
  7. The appearance of scabs.

If the disease becomes chronic, the tail of a pet may completely lose hair and become bald. And the appearance of scabs on the tail, in turn, can lead to the formation of eczema in the poor animal.

High greasiness of the coat is a disease that most often affects unneutered cats. True, it can also appear in pets that have been castrated, but much less frequently. The main cause of oily fur on a cat's back, tail, or other parts of a fluffy's body is a pathology called perianal gland hyperplasia. Sebaceous secretions accumulate on the skin in excess. From there it gets onto the animal's fur, severely polluting it.

The symptoms of greasy coat syndrome are as follows:

  • Oily hair appears at the base of the cat's tail, back or sides;
  • the pet’s “fur coat” becomes dull and sticks together into tangles;
  • on the pet’s skin a wax-like composition that has a brownish color and exudes a rancid odor;
  • the skin in those areas where there is greasy hair becomes inflamed and red;
  • often weakened and matted hair falls out;
  • Scabs appear on the surface of the skin;
  • the hair follicles become inflamed, and then many small pimples appear in their place.

If the disease becomes chronic, the area of ​​the body with damaged hair may become completely bald. The appearance of scabs on the skin leads to the unfortunate cat developing eczema.

Bald areas of the tail are not only an aesthetic issue. Usually this phenomenon is caused by disruption of the internal glands. Most often, the disease goes away on its own, but bald patches greatly worsen the appearance of the animal. The veterinarian will help you choose a drug option that will speed up recovery.

But in some cases, a shabby tail becomes a big problem, since the exposed skin becomes very irritated and inflamed. Bacteria actively develop on bald spots. And over time, the cat begins to experience severe discomfort and scratches its inflamed skin.

How to help an animal? The main principle of treatment is the removal of excess fat from the skin and fur, as well as antibacterial treatment of the affected area. If you carry out all the measures prescribed by your doctor correctly, over time you can reduce the problem to a minimum. You definitely need to find out why excess fat and bald spots appeared.

During the treatment period, you need to use cat shampoos that contain oatmeal and natural salicylic acid. A good effect is achieved by wiping the bald area with a swab lightly moistened with alcohol. Alcohol should be used carefully, as it can only worsen the condition of the skin.

One of the symptoms of a complex disease is ulcers on the tail of a pet. The skin in this place becomes wet, rots, and the affected area increases. If at first the ulcer only appears under the tail, then rotting areas may appear on the entire tail and back.

You don’t need to treat ulcerated areas yourself, because a variety of infections can cause rotting. Is it possible to go to a veterinary clinic soon? You can clean the wound that is rotting from the liquid yourself and treat it with an antiseptic intended specifically for cats. Then ointment is applied to the wound and a bandage is applied on top.

To prevent the cat from scratching the wound, which is already bleeding or simply rotting, you need to put a special cone-shaped protective circle on it. This design is removed during feeding.

Ulcers occur more often in representatives of short-haired breeds. A small wound can subsequently lead to necrosis of the tissues and vertebrae of this part of the animal’s body. Among the most dangerous complications are also gangrene caused by poor circulation and blood poisoning. An ulcer cannot be ignored, relying on the cat’s ability to self-medicate.

If injuries or tumors are difficult to prevent, then owners can protect their pet from problems due to excess oil on the skin. You should constantly care for the animal’s fur, not only when bald areas appear. An excellent remedy is fish oil; it should be added to the food.

After a cat is injured, it is important to monitor its health - take it to a doctor for examination, and get an x-ray of the affected organs. Immediately after injury, you can carefully palpate the cat’s tail and pay attention to painful areas. If there is an open wound, you need to act immediately. You can apply ice to the sore tail, it will relieve the pain a little and allow you to get to the veterinary clinic.

A balanced diet allows you to avoid a lack of calcium in the diet, but this deficiency is the cause of the development of bone caries.

It is believed that cats are more susceptible to this disease than others, but it can also occur in cats. Moreover, some breeds are more at risk than others of developing such an unpleasant and difficult-to-treat disease. For example, the Scottish Fold cat is often noted to have a hard tail, while according to breed standards its mobility is especially valued. With such a disorder, a “greasy tail” may also occur.

But the Persian cat is more susceptible to acne, which causes her not just discomfort, but can cause a serious illness. In addition, representatives of any breed, and even outbred cats, can have a fat tail.

In short-haired or “hairless” breeds, it is much easier to detect such a defect, but it is much more difficult to detect it in an animal with a luxurious, bushy tail. Most often, it is discovered by chance, when the process has already started and done its dirty deed.

Greasy tail syndrome is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. The fur at the base of the tail becomes very greasy, covered with thick secretions, which are very difficult or impossible to wash off using simple methods, at least from the first approach.
  2. On the skin at the base of the hairs you can see tubercles, which can be inflamed, covered with rough scales, and a purulent crust.
  3. When the disease is advanced, a whole scattering of inflamed pimples or scars from scratching may be found on the skin.
  4. When the fur suffers from greasy hair, it can break off at the base, leaving the affected area exposed or looking as if the hair has been clipped or pulled out.
  5. When the anal glands are inflamed, the animal tries to get rid of their excess contents by crawling with its backside on the floor, and sometimes on the carpet.
  6. With acne, a greasy yellowish spot first appears on a cat's fur, then a “black dot”, and in the absence of care and treatment, a hard crust forms, under which there may be an inflamed or abscessing acne.

We invite you to read: Wolf Spitz: features of the breed, characteristics of the Keeshond (photo)

Skin diseases

  • Skin mites. A skin lesion that is very unpleasant for an animal, causing discomfort with severe itching, rashes, and inflammatory phenomena that appear in areas of the skin affected by mites. You can recognize the disease by the first symptoms, which appear in the form of dull fur and bald spots on the face, ears and front legs.
  • Fungal diseases (ringworm, mycosis). Having discovered the first signs of such lesions, you cannot take any measures on your own; immediately contact a veterinary clinic. We must remember that they are very dangerous for people. A sign of a fungal disease is that the hair falls out in round bald spots, which then form entire lesions. Inside them, scaly formations on the skin are noticeable. After diagnosis, the veterinarian will prescribe treatment, which must be strictly followed.
  • Flea dermatitis. Flea saliva can cause an allergic reaction in cats. In addition to extensive hair loss, it can lead to severe redness and itching of the skin. With this disease, most often cats may lose hair on their back.
  • Allergic dermatitis. Cats can react to irritants such as household chemicals, pollen, dust, etc. All these substances can cause quite severe allergies, which, in addition to hair loss, causes discomfort to the pet in the form of itching, redness of the skin, and the cat develops sores in areas where it is scratched.
  • Psychological reaction to external factors. The sensitivity of cats to external stimuli is not new. Any phenomenon that causes stress in an animal can make the cat not only timid and even aggressive, but also encourage him to pull out his fur with his teeth in those areas where he can reach. This includes the stomach, the back, and the paws. At the same time, bleeding wounds and ulcers appear on bald skin, which can become a gateway for various infections.
  • Seborrhea. This skin disease is characterized by particularly severe hair loss on any part of the body. The skin becomes inflamed, oily, and foul-smelling.

Features and symptoms of the disease

According to statistics, such a disease most often occurs in uncastrated cats; in their castrated counterparts it occurs much less frequently.

Hyperplasia of the perianal gland leads to the fact that a huge amount of secretion accumulates in excess on the cat’s skin, which gets onto the whiskered fur and contaminates it, giving it, in turn, a very greasy appearance.

In non-castrated animals, this disease also occurs in representatives of non-furry breeds, but fluffy-tailed ones are more susceptible to it.

Hyperplasia of the perianal gland leads to the fact that a huge amount of secretion accumulates in excess on the cat’s skin, which gets onto the whiskered fur and contaminates it, giving it, in turn, a very greasy appearance.

Does pathology depend on age?

Often the fur becomes oily in kittens, old animals and teenage cats. Babies look untidy because they cannot fully take care of themselves, especially if they were taken away from their mother early.

Old cats can be weakened and have many chronic diseases that lead to greasy fur.

As the kitten grows up, it changes not only in appearance, but also in its hormonal levels.

Often, at the age of one, the hormones of a young male have not yet returned to normal; their quantity is off the charts. This leads to increased work of the glands, the fur becomes oily and hangs in icicles.

After about six months, this problem disappears (it is important to monitor the condition of the skin under the greasy areas of the coat). If the cat is castrated, the pathology will go away on its own, and the greasy area at the base of the tail will disappear.

Treatment: basic methods

A kitten's oily fur requires an individual therapeutic approach, which is selected by a veterinarian after a comprehensive examination and clarification of the cause of the disorder. Various medications are used to remove sebum. If the pathology is associated with an infectious focus or other diseases, then the underlying pathology is treated.

Antiseptics are used to treat problem areas. The main local medicine is Chlorhexidine, which is used three times a day. A cat's greasy tail can also be wiped with hydrogen peroxide. Also, if there is a problem, other veterinary remedies presented in the table are used.

Medication groupName
Shampoos with keratolytic effects"Lactaderm"
"Doctor Zoo"
Topical glucocorticoids"Kortavance"

Sometimes soaping an animal's tail once may not be enough.

Antibacterial drugs are used with caution, since oily hair on the tail will worsen even more and dangerous consequences will arise, including deviations from the gastrointestinal tract. When using shampoos, you need to rinse the fatty tail several times, and sometimes the manipulation needs to be repeated 2 times a day.

When a cat has shiny fur and a sore tail, you can use natural ingredients. Dirt and grease can be washed off with the help of decoctions, tinctures and other folk medicines that can be made at home. According to practicing dermatovenereologist V.V. Makarchuk, it is better to use sunflower, castor oil, iodine and other products in the form of compresses that are applied to the damaged tail for 6 hours or more.

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Treatment for a cat with “greasy tail” will most likely be lengthy and not the most pleasant for both the owner and the animal itself. If your beloved Scotsie or other breed just doesn't want to bathe, he'll need to be bathed regularly using a shampoo like Lactaderma, which contains lactic acid.

It promotes good washing of fur and skin without drying it out, and also helps to gently exfoliate keratin accumulations. After such care, even the laziest cat’s fur will stop getting greasy and become beautiful and fluffy.

If the problem is caused by high hormonal levels, the doctor will recommend castration or other procedures. If the anal glands are to blame, they can be washed or emptied manually. If the disease recurs regularly, the veterinarian will train cat owners to do this at home. If the disease is chronic or severe, surgery to remove the glands may be recommended.

As a general tonic, the veterinarian can give recommendations on the use of special vitamins, as well as change the usual diet.

In the presence of acne, increased keratinization, and blackheads on the skin, special shampoos are used. From a large list of such products, we can name Dermilen and Meladerm. They are aimed at treating oily seborrhea and can prevent the spread of the disease, prevent the infection from “settling” and the development of chronic eczema.

Treatment of a cat's tail can be complex and lengthy, but it must be done, since without proper attention to the problem, irreparable changes can develop, in particular, the cat can be left with a hairless tail, like a rat's.

Wool is the main decoration of any cat. Smooth, beautiful, fluffy and shiny, it just makes you want to pet the animal. But it also happens that the owner, stroking his pet, discovers that the cat’s fur is too oily. This effect is especially often observed in the tail area. Sometimes it is also accompanied by the appearance of brown or dark yellow spots. What it is? Is it dangerous? And what could be the possible causes of oily fur in a cat?

What caused the violation: the main reasons

Veterinarians are inclined to believe that the main source of the problem in cats is impaired function of the sebaceous glands; this is due to the influence of external and internal factors.

With various pathological changes in the organs, different formations are possible on the skin of the cat’s tail, which are brown or black. When a pet’s skin rots and the coat becomes oily, this may signal the following internal problems:

  • Inflammation of the paraanal glands. The structures provide the animal with a painless process of bowel movement, and if their function is impaired, tail fat and other unpleasant symptoms are likely.
  • Infection. Skin irritation is a consequence of the active proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, a wound appears that rots and emits a bad smell.
  • Disturbed balance of hormones. Such failures occur more often in cats that have not been sterilized.

It is difficult for an overweight animal to care for this part of the body, which is why this symptom appears.
A cat's greasy tail does not always require serious treatment; sometimes it is enough to make adjustments to the pet's lifestyle. Sometimes a plaque that appears on the skin in this area occurs due to an unbalanced diet of a pet. The problem often affects individuals who are fed low-quality foods or eat a lot of fried and spicy foods, which causes the sebaceous glands to work more intensely. Also, a greasy and dirty tail is a consequence of insufficient hygiene. Overweight cats are more susceptible to this disorder because they are unable to clean their tail on their own. If the owners do not notice the problem in time, then wounds may appear and suppurate.

Additional symptoms

When dirty fur is observed at the base of the cat's tail or it becomes greasy, it is worth taking your pet to the veterinarian in order to diagnose the problem in time and avoid unpleasant consequences. If dirty skin and coat are associated with pathology, then the following additional symptoms may be recorded in the pet:

The animal may have a bald patch in the problem area.

  • tuberosity and peeling of damaged epithelium;
  • the appearance of a thin crust on the tail, which consists of purulent fluid;
  • pathological shine of the fur in the area where it joins the body;
  • discharge that cannot be washed off with hygiene products;
  • scratching and red rashes;
  • severe itching;
  • pain syndrome;
  • hair loss on the tail;
  • inflammatory reaction in the anal area.

As the disease progresses, the owner may notice a brown spot on the cat, which festers and can subsequently lead to infection and complications.

Why does my cat have oily fur and brown spots?

Oily hair on a cat's tail may be a symptom of malfunctioning sebaceous glands.

Its cause, in turn, can be infection, hormone release, and much more.

If you are the happy owner of an unneutered cat, and you notice he has oily fur and strange spots in the tail area, then there may be no reason to worry.

During puberty, an animal's body may produce more fat than usual as hormones activate the sebaceous glands. This excess remains on the fur, giving it an unkempt appearance.

During puberty, a cat's body produces large amounts of fat.

Prevention of dandruff

To prevent dandruff, you should follow some rules:

  • daily hygiene procedures (cleaning and combing wool);
  • proper and balanced nutrition;
  • minimizing excessive thermal influence on the animal;
  • humidification of indoor air (especially during the heating season);
  • selection of high-quality shampoos for bathing;
  • preventing possible stress with sedatives;
  • control of parasites in wool.

In the video, a veterinarian explains why cats get dandruff and how to deal with it.

This aesthetic ailment can be caused by a number of reasons, both internal and external.

Ulcers - disease diagnosis, treatment

Only a veterinarian can specifically establish the clinical picture of a cat’s illness. For this purpose, a preventive appointment will be carried out with a full examination of the pet and, if necessary, a number of tests will be prescribed.

In this case, the cat should be shown not only to a veterinarian - as a specialist in general diseases, but it is also worth going to an appointment with a highly specialized doctor - a dermatologist.

Only a veterinarian can specifically establish the clinical picture of a cat’s illness. For this purpose, a preventive appointment will be carried out with a full examination of the pet and, if necessary, a number of tests will be prescribed.

sebaceous gland cancer in a cat

I couldn’t make up my mind for more than 2 weeks. Tomorrow we are going to another clinic for tests. Please tell me, if your cat was given anesthesia 2 times 2 years ago (fell from the 5th floor), does the risk of “not waking up” increase with another anesthesia?

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Pay special attention to the document: Symptoms of animal diseases. Perhaps in your situation you cannot expect an answer on the forum, but you need to urgently call a doctor or take the animal to a veterinary clinic!

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Attention! Pay special attention to the document “Symptoms of Animal Diseases”. Perhaps in your situation you cannot expect an answer on the forum, but you need to urgently call a doctor or take the animal to a veterinary clinic!

Why does a cat's fur become oily?

The appearance of oily fur in a domestic cat is often due to the following reasons:

  1. The animal may get dirty with something greasy, and in this case the owner simply has to bathe it;
  2. Cat fur can be contaminated by children while playing with the animal (after all, kids love to cuddle, stroke and carry furry pets in their arms);
  3. A disease that provokes increased activity of the perianal glands (in this case, the problem is due to the fact that the cat has oily hair on its tail, and the pet itself constantly rubs its butt against rough surfaces (for example, a carpet), trying to free the glands from accumulated secretions);
  4. Violation of keratinization processes or oily seborrhea can become a provoking factor leading to increased greasiness of the coat.

A glaring case or a pattern?

Lucky is the owner who has never encountered problems with hair loss in purebred pets, even the owners of Sphynxes are no exception, because they come in velor. Cats of “noble” breeds have stronger immunity, but if maintenance standards are violated or they come into contact with other individuals, they can get sick like everyone else. Next, we’ll look point by point at one of the problems that every fifth cat owner faces.

Important! If you look at the basics, there can be only two reasons - skin problems or a general disease, so hair loss is a symptom, not an independent disease.

Ulcers - disease diagnosis, treatment

Short-haired cats often suffer from ulcers that form on their tails. These ulcers can be located throughout the tail, including at the root of the tail, which can cause necrosis of the vertebrae of the caudal process.

This disease is specific and requires strict pharmacological treatment, as well as special recommendations to the owner for treating the cat at home. The process of treating a tail ulcer also includes cleaning it of dirt and, if formed, a crust. After this procedure, the affected area of ​​the tail should be treated with antiseptic powder and lubricated with a special product prescribed by the veterinarian.

All this time, you need to periodically comb the fur in areas located near the affected area to prevent itching. During the procedures, it is better to protect yourself with the help of a protective circle or a “plant pot” type muzzle.

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If this disease is neglected, your pet may develop gangrene. Therefore, when you first suspect the appearance of an ulcer, you need to take the necessary measures without delay. Otherwise, a situation may arise in which there is no other choice but to amputate the tail.

Lack of B vitamins

B vitamins are water-soluble compounds, each of which performs important functions in the body. A deficiency of a particular vitamin can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Long-term treatment.
  2. Feeding raw eggs (causes biotin deficiency - B7).
  3. Lack of protein and meat products in the diet with a high content of cereals (deficiency of riboflavin - B2 and niacin - B3).
  4. Diseases of the digestive system, kidneys.

Signs of vitamin deficiency:

  • A lack of biotin causes baldness in the area around the eyes and the formation of crusts throughout the body, apathy and diarrhea occur.
  • A lack of riboflavin manifests itself as seborrhea on the abdomen and around the eyes.
  • A lack of nicotinic acid threatens ulceration of all mucous membranes and the disease “pellagra”: this is severe dermatitis, damage to the nervous and digestive systems.

As a treatment, it is recommended to give your cat high quality commercial food. In severe cases, a course of injections of B vitamins is given. An overdose of water-soluble vitamins is unlikely, so it is recommended to give additional brewer's yeast to cats receiving home food.

Diagnostic measures

Only a veterinarian can accurately answer the question of why the cat’s fur has become fat and what to do to restore it to its former beauty and healthy shine. Diagnosis of a suspected disease involves a preventive examination by a veterinarian. During this procedure, a specialist examines the pet and, if necessary, recommends passing appropriate tests. If, in addition to greasy fur, the cat's skin is flaky and itchy, or dandruff appears, he should also be shown to a dermatologist.


It is estimated that about 90 percent of cats over 12 years of age have radiographic evidence of arthritis. These are kitties with potentially stiff, inflamed joints!

We suggest you familiarize yourself with: Dry food for feeding kittens

A stiff elbow or shoulder prevents the animal from using the paw-style “face cloth” for cleaning. But more than that, an arthritic neck or spine makes it difficult for them to turn around to straighten themselves out.

Have you ever noticed how older cats tend to have mats on their sides and buttocks? This is due to arthritis in the spine.

However, there is a licensed medication that can be prescribed by your veterinarian to help relieve the discomfort of arthritis and improve your pet's overall quality of life. Plus, brushing them once a day reduces their workload, so they have a better chance of staying clean and beautiful.

Tail hair loss

The following signs indicate that your pet may be experiencing tail baldness:

  • in the upper part of the tail, the cat’s hair is greasy and matted;
  • a soft bald spot appears on the tail;
  • Brown oily discharge forms under the fur on the skin.

The cause of tail baldness can be a disruption of the normal function of the glands that produce fat in cats. Even when your pet's skin is dry and smooth to the touch, oil on its surface still constantly appears. The main gland that produces fat is located in the upper part of the tail, in the place where its root meets the body.

Cats, when licking themselves, spread this oil over all surfaces of the skin, thereby providing the necessary lubrication for the fur and for the skin itself. But if some kind of disturbance occurs in the functioning of the cat’s body, then the tail gland begins to produce more fat, resulting in the formation of the fatty spot mentioned above, and the tail begins to go bald over time.

Treatment for tail baldness involves removing excess fat, as well as antibacterial treatment of the affected area, which is necessary to prevent infection. In addition, it is necessary to understand the reasons causing the formation of excess fat and eliminate them. Regular pet shampoos are not always able to wash away heavy fat, so it is preferable to use enhanced degreasers that contain chemicals such as benzene peroxide, tea tree oil, oatmeal or natural salicylic acid.

In more severe cases, it is recommended to wipe the balding area with a swab pre-soaked in alcohol. But you need to be very careful: frequent use of alcohol can irritate your pet's skin. And one more thing: you need to make sure that the cat does not start licking itself before the alcohol dries.

We must remember to take care of the quality of your cat’s skin not only during illness, but also for the purpose of prevention. Fish oil will help you with this. To keep your animal's skin healthy, it needs two types of fatty acids. These are omega-3 and -6. To provide your cat with them, veterinarians recommend introducing into the diet the Omega-derm liquid supplement, sold in veterinary pharmacies.

Lack of fatty acids

Essential fatty acids (vitamin F) should make up about 2% of the total calorie intake. The optimal ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids is important. At the same time, cats require both linoleic and arachidonic acids from Omega-6. Their deficiency in the body is considered a rare disease and is observed mainly in cats and kittens on vegetarian diets.


  • generalized flaking, dull coat;
  • oily seborrhea and with increased formation of earwax;
  • accession, development of yeast fungi;
  • areas of weeping eczema;
  • poor wound healing;
  • dysfunction.

Feeding balanced foods with added fatty acids prevents such problems.

How to treat pathology?

Treatment for excessive oily fur in cats is developed by a veterinarian and depends on what caused the pathology.

  • Dirt. If a cat’s oily hair appears once, after contamination, then there is no need to treat the animal. The pet should only be washed well.
  • Oily coat syndrome. In the case when the furry suffers from the syndrome of greasy fur and dry, irritated skin, the owner should take him to an appointment with a veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe a series of tests to determine the causes of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.
  • Vitamin deficiency. The first priority for a cat with dull and greasy fur is to saturate its body with vitamins. The animal is prescribed a course of vitamin therapy, which helps normalize the functioning of the pet’s perianal and sebaceous glands. The drug Hokamix-30 gives a good effect.
  • Cleaning the glands. Treatment of fatty fur in cats also involves freeing the perianal glands from excess secretion. The procedure is performed by an experienced veterinarian who squeezes out the accumulated contents. If the glands become inflamed frequently, the specialist suggests surgery to remove them. As an option, you can consider periodically washing the glands under anesthesia (but this method ultimately harms the cat’s internal organs).
  • Improper keratinization or oily seborrhea. To eliminate the problem, it is advisable to use special shampoos such as Dermilena or Meladerm. Lactaderm shampoo also gives a good effect. It helps to temporarily cope with the problem of greasy fur in a cat, cleanse it of secretions and remove bad odors.

Cat hair represents the health of your pet. If it is smooth and shiny, then everything is fine with your pet. Conversely, dull fur with signs of increased oiliness signals that the mustachioed inhabitant of the house is sick. Probably, some kind of malfunction occurred in his body, and the animal needs the help of a veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe medication, and your pet will quickly recover and again delight its owners with a healthy appearance.

A complete and balanced diet is the most important condition for healthy skin and coat in cats. In adult animals, a deficiency of certain substances is rarely observed during chronic starvation or improper feeding. But during the growing period, kittens may be vulnerable to other nutrients. , developed for different physiological groups of animals - a good and simple solution. If owners prepare their pet’s food themselves, they should take into account the special needs of the cat’s body.

Excess fatty acids

This rare condition is called pansteatitis. It occurs with excessive consumption of unsaturated fatty acids in food. Typically these are diets based on fatty fish (sardines, tuna).

Rancidity products (reactive peroxides) accumulate in the subcutaneous fat, and the fat changes color from white to yellow. “Yellow fat disease” affects young obese cats.

General signs:

  • animals are not able to jump or move quickly;
  • loss of appetite;
  • depression, oppression.

Skin lesions:

  • Severe pain when trying to lift the animal, caused by inflammation of the subcutaneous fatty tissue.
  • Nodular subcutaneous fat deposits and tissue fibrosis, most commonly in the groin and lower abdomen.
  • The surface of the skin appears undamaged.

When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude infectious causes of nodular skin diseases. Information about the type of food is important. If necessary, a biopsy is taken, then the fat samples have a characteristic brown/orange color.

With such a problem, it is not enough to adjust the diet. It is necessary to force the cat to eat new, unusual and less appetizing food. Sometimes veterinarians are forced to prescribe special appetite stimulants or use force feeding. In addition, food is enriched with alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) 20-50 mg per day. This antioxidant is given for another month after clinical signs disappear.

Tail injuries and their consequences

Tail injuries are the most common disease

The most common problems with cat tails are injuries, namely dislocations and fractures, etc. Fractures can be closed or with open wounds. In the place where the tail is broken, broken or bruised, in most cases a tumor forms, in the place of which the animal experiences pain when touched.

If it happens that you find an open wound, then be sure to go to the veterinarian, not forgetting to first treat the wound with any antiseptic, for example, hydrogen peroxide. This will help avoid infection. If the tail is severely bruised, or you suspect a closed fracture, an ice compress should be applied to the injured area, which can be done using a heating pad or a regular cloth.

In cats, much more often than in cats, the development of such a pathological condition as hyperplasia of the subcaudal glands is observed. When the first signs of a greasy tail appear in a cat, treatment should begin immediately, since only through this can a high-quality result be achieved.

In some cases, pet owners may consider that a cat's greasy tail is a seasonal problem, so they do not attach much importance to it. The thing is that often the appearance of excessive greasy tail in a cat occurs during the spring molting period, and the unattractive appearance of this part of the animal can persist throughout the summer.

A plaque appears on the animal’s skin, which can become a breeding ground for various types of pathogenic bacteria. In case of an unfavorable course, which in most cases forces the owners of the animal to consult a veterinarian, there is a blockage of the sebaceous glands with their contents, the appearance of inflammatory processes and the formation of boils that are life-threatening to the cat.

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With mild forms of hyperplasia of the subcaudal sebaceous glands, eliminating the problem is much easier than with severe ones. The main reason for the appearance of such a cosmetic and sometimes veterinary problem is a violation of the animal’s hormonal levels, as well as disruptions in metabolic processes, so treatment should be aimed at eliminating all unfavorable factors that contribute to an increase in the level of subcutaneous sebum production in the cat.

The cause of disruption of the glands may be improper selection of food. As practice shows, hyperplasia is more often observed in cats that consume food high in fat. To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to balance the pet’s diet.

If the problem of tail grease is not too acute, treatment is carried out exclusively with means for external use. Typically, special shampoos with a keratolytic effect are used for this purpose, which can be purchased at any store that sells pet supplies.

When the problem of a greasy tail in an animal is very acute and there are already signs of an inflammatory process, it is no longer possible to do without the help of a veterinarian. First of all, the doctor must remove the plugs blocking the sebaceous ducts. Next, antibiotics and antifungal agents are selected depending on the characteristics of the pathogenic microflora that provokes the development of suppuration.

In especially severe cases, the use of steroid drugs is also required, which help to gently eliminate inflammatory processes. If the therapy did not produce a significant result, the use of local topical agents, including retinoids, chlorhexine and mupirocin, may be indicated.

The prognosis of treatment largely depends on the characteristics of the breed and the animal’s medical history. Typically, non-neutered cats recover faster, and their risk of relapse is quite low. Animals that have undergone castration or sterilization usually suffer from recurrent hyperplasia of the subcaudal sebaceous glands.

The use of modern shampoos and medications allows you to quickly cope with the problem of a greasy cat's tail. With adequate therapy, it is possible to achieve pronounced and long-term remission without causing complications.

If a cat falls from a height or accidentally gets run over by a car or even a person's feet with its tail, injury to this organ can lead to serious consequences.

At the slightest suspicion of injury in a kitten or an adult whose tail has darkened after a blow, you need to give the animal an x-ray, because with a severe fracture, tissue necrosis can begin, which cannot be cured with simple medications. The doctor may prescribe wearing a splint or plaster cast. After treatment, a re-examination with x-rays is carried out.

Products, cosmetics and methods for care

If a cat's eyes are the mirror of her cat's soul, then fur and skin are the mirror of the cat's health. Throughout the year, domestic cats are subject to seasonal shedding. Unlike street cats, in warm apartments and houses, the molting period is extended, but still at the end of spring and at the end of autumn the cat loses its old fur and grows new hair.

It is no secret that when licking fur, part of it ends up inside the animal’s digestive tract. And then, in the same undigested form, it leaves the cat’s body. And this process is typical for all cats, but if there is an excess of hair that gets inside, intestinal blockages can occur, especially during the molting season. Pamper your cat with green cat grass; it’s not difficult to grow on a windowsill.

It is important to brush your cat as often as possible. Choose a brush that matches your coat type and slowly comb out your kitty. This will protect long-haired cats from tangles and will help identify skin problems in cats with any coat. You need to comb in the direction of hair growth. To avoid stress, it is advisable to teach brushing from the first months of a kitten’s life in the house. Brushing the fur is also another opportunity to communicate with the kitty and establish contact with it.

The presence of parasites on a cat negatively affects the coat

Category: Pets

Beautiful shiny fur gives the cat an exquisite charm. What should an owner do to keep a pet’s fur coat in the best possible condition? The pet’s appearance will please the eye and will be proof of its health if all the rules of care are followed. Seasonal shedding does not affect the cat's health; it is a natural process of hair renewal and adaptation to changing conditions (heat and cold).

The reasons why wool loses its chic and shine may be: Many diseases (infections and disorders of internal organs) Allergies (to food, flea bites, etc.) Unbalanced diet Stress Poor condition of the body after a serious illness Postpartum period Extreme old age

Skin diseases cannot but affect the condition of the coat. If an animal pays a lot of attention to any part of the body, you should not expect it to go away on its own. You need to show your cat to a veterinarian as soon as possible, and carefully follow the prescribed recommendations. Fungal infections of the skin and hair cannot be cured without special tests and individually selected medications.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance after sterilization or the use of corticosteroids provoke baldness. A consultation with a veterinarian is required to adjust the treatment of the underlying disease.

A cat needs high-protein food: hair consists of proteins, an unbalanced diet will inevitably lead to a deterioration in the condition of the coat.

Licking for self-soothing is a normal behavior for a cat. However, stress can manifest itself in continuous licking of certain areas of the skin, even to the point of bleeding wounds. There are many reasons for stress: from boredom to not feeling well for a long time. It is difficult for the owner of the animal to determine that stress is the cause of the poor condition of the coat. Only a veterinarian can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

After a serious illness or childbirth, the cat’s body is severely depleted. The pet needs enhanced high-protein nutrition, with mineral and vitamin supplements. The new fur will take several months to grow.

In addition to illness, immobility and tooth loss, old age can cause a cat to become bald. You can introduce a complex of vitamins and minerals into the diet, improve nutrition, but time in this case works against the animal.

Shiny, thick fur is the first sign of a cat’s health. Most animals do not require serious care: just brush once a week. It is not recommended to wash your cat frequently (except in special cases: the pet is dirty or has picked up fleas). Only Sphynx pets need regular washing. And representatives of long-haired breeds need daily combing and a thorough examination for tangles and fleas.

Wool is the main decoration of any cat. Smooth, beautiful, fluffy and shiny, it just makes you want to pet the animal. But it also happens that the owner, stroking his pet, discovers that the cat’s fur is too oily. This effect is especially often observed in the tail area. Sometimes it is also accompanied by the appearance of brown or dark yellow spots. What it is? Is it dangerous? And what could be the possible causes of oily fur in a cat?

A greasy tail is not aesthetically pleasing and can lead to unpleasant consequences. Regular cleansing of fur and skin from secretions improves their condition. The following are suitable for treating problem areas:

  1. Special pastes based on degreasers.
  2. Shampoo from a veterinary pharmacy.
  3. Food starch.
  4. Cosmetic toning products.
  1. Baby powders.
  2. Household chemicals.
  3. Human shampoos.
  4. Any creams.

Pastes give a long-term effect. It is better to choose a product from a professional line of trusted brands that is suitable for coons. They are carefully applied with a brush to the base, after 5-10 minutes they are thoroughly washed off with warm water. Pastes are used before soaping with shampoo. White Maine Coons need tinting agents, because wool of this color fades even after treatment.

A comb with wide metal teeth is an indispensable assistant in caring for fairly thick hair. The tail of a purebred animal cannot peel off due to this, unless there are other reasons.

Nutritional needs of cats

  • Cats need much more protein than dogs. The diet of kittens should contain 35% protein, and that of an adult animal – 30%. It is important that the protein is complete, that is, it contains all the necessary amino acids. The taurine content is especially important.
  • The cat's body is not able to convert linoleic fatty acid to arachidonic acid. Therefore, the diet must contain ready-made arachidonic acid, which is found in animal tissues.
  • Cats cannot, like humans, convert beta-carotene found in plants into vitamin A and must obtain it in a prepared form through their diet.
  • Cats have a high need for vitamin B3 and niacin. However, they are not able to synthesize it independently from tryptophan (an amino acid).
  • These animals also strongly need pyridoxine - vitamin B6.

Diet and wool

You won’t be able to achieve a good, beautiful coat if you feed the animal without taking into account its natural needs. Domestic cats are predators, but they are very small, which means they can handle small prey. At home, a portion of food should not greatly exceed the size of a mouse or a small bird, but it must be fed several times a day. Therefore, you cannot do without selecting a diet and selecting a portion.

If your cat receives only , select from the line of food the one that improves coat health and feed the animal according to the instructions. As a rule, no additional additives are needed.

With natural feeding, you will have to go to a veterinary pharmacy for vitamins and minerals for cat fur. And the presence of vitamins A and group B, zinc, copper, biotin, and polyunsaturated fatty acids is important for it.

Symptoms of the disease

Fat tails are much more common in male cats than in male cats. As noted above, animals with short fur are at risk, which complicates the diagnostic process. Let's try to find out what signs clearly demonstrate this disease:

  1. The epithelium at the base of the fur becomes lumpy, it flakes off and becomes covered with a thin crust of pus.
  2. The tail, most often at the junction with the body, is thickly covered with fat, which makes the fur begin to shine. The discharge cannot be washed off with shampoo or soap.
  3. If the disease progresses, the skin at the site of localization will be combed and covered with red pimples. This is how the animal tries to relieve the itching, but only spreads the infection through the skin.
  4. The area of ​​“greasy” fur becomes exposed over time. This is due to the fact that the hairs gradually break off at their base.
  5. A symptom that the anus is inflamed may be uncharacteristic behavior when the cat crawls with its butt on the carpet, trying to release excess contents.
  6. Over time, brown spots may appear on your pet's tail; if left untreated, they will develop into a hard crust, tearing which the cat will injure itself.

Owners who notice that their animal has developed “greasy tail” syndrome should under no circumstances dismiss this problem, attributing it to seasonality or simply the cat’s untidiness. Most often, the true cause lies precisely in a serious illness that has just begun to manifest itself. If you react promptly, it will save a lot of hassle for both the owners and the cat.

Treating a cat's fatty tail is a long and tedious process. You need to start with a trip to the veterinarian, who will determine exactly what caused the disease and how to eliminate it as quickly as possible. Treatment, as a rule, is based on the fact that the pet begins to take baths more often. To do this, you need to buy special shampoos containing lactic acid. This will perfectly exfoliate harmful keratin accumulations and cleanse the skin, which will create the basis for subsequent therapy.

If the veterinarian determines that the greasy tail is caused by a hormonal disorder, then castration of the pet or medication to stop the production of sex hormones will be required. Excessive production of anal secretions is treated with rinsing. The specialist will clearly explain to the owners how this is done. If the disease recurs regularly, the anal glands can be completely removed surgically.

If the causes are caused by external irritants, then a complex of vitamins and a special diet are prescribed to strengthen the immune system. All this will help the cat become beautiful again, and its owner - calmer. If you ignore the fact that your pet’s tail becomes fat, then in the future this can lead to complete baldness, which will make the animal completely unsightly.

Fat tail on a cat treatment

Too much wool

Sometimes the animal simply gets tired of the endless need for licking. This is especially true for long-haired people or those who sweat a lot and simply do not have time to wash themselves. If the fallen fur remains on the cat, it quickly grows together and forms tangles.

Brush your cat every day. However, in practice, the animal may become offended when it is cleaned, because the places where the tangles accumulate hurt when you pull them. If this is the case, seek the help of a groomer or veterinarian to get rid of the excess, and then brush your pet periodically.

But above all, don't turn a blind eye to your cat's fur. Instead, think about the deeper reasons why your cat's fur is matted and help her.

Causes and symptoms

This phenomenon is called "breeding cat tail" because it is common in unspayed males. Females sometimes have excess fat, but this is considered an exception. The glands of the coon actively work under the influence of testosterone. For the same reason, acne appears on the chin of animals. The hormone is produced with the onset of puberty and provokes the release of the substance almost throughout life.

A tail with greasy fur is normal for an adult or teenage cat. In other breeds the situation is similar, but in Sphynxes the symptoms are less pronounced. If you properly care for the cover and skin, then problems should not arise.

However, veterinarians are faced with other causes of the phenomenon in Maine Coons:

  1. Allergies to food, flowers, medications, cosmetics.
  2. Blockage of the anal glands.
  3. Insufficient care.
  4. Various diseases of internal organs, including the endocrine system.

All of the above points are grounds for strengthening the work of the glands. Peak activity occurs between 9 months and 3 years. The cat's tail becomes less pleasant to the touch; the hairs stick together not only at the base, but also on a small area of ​​the back.

When the Maine Coon's skin under the fur is clean, without signs of inflammation, there is no need to worry about the pet's health.

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