How to get rid of a cat (cat or kittens) humanely if necessary

Domestic cat

The situation when a domestic cat, everyone’s favorite, has fed kittens is quite common. The best option is timely sterilization of the cat. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford such a service, so we begin to rack our brains about what to do with its offspring. There are two options, and both of them are humane. The first is to make an agreement in advance at an animal shelter (and there are such in every city today), and then take the grown-up kittens there.

The second option is a little more troublesome, but very humane. After lambing, let the kittens grow up a little, photograph them to their advantage, and post the photo on social networks with the caption: “Fluffy pet is looking for caring owners.” This option works in 98% of cases. The remaining two percent then return to the first option.

There is another situation in which it is urgently necessary to get rid of a domestic cat (cat, kittens) - someone close to you has discovered an allergy to cat fur. This often happens when a baby is born and the cat has lived with you for quite a long time. There are a little more options here than in the first case. Firstly, you can give your pet to relatives, friends, and acquaintances. Secondly, social networks will come to the rescue again. Well, the third option is an animal shelter.

How to discourage

Do cats shit in the entrance? Use chemicals. They are presented in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies in a large assortment. The owner can choose the remedy himself, after consulting with the seller, since in each individual case certain devices may be effective. They are available in the form of a spray, which must be constantly treated with the entrance.

Effective means, according to customer reviews, are liquids that are used in hospitals. They are designed to eliminate the odor of urine, vomit and feces, but they are quite expensive.

Carpet deep cleaning products are also popular among people facing this problem. They can be purchased at household chemical stores.

Yard, stray cats and male cats

The situation with pets is much easier to solve than getting rid of barn or stray cats, cats or kittens. Unfortunately, the population of such stray animals is constantly growing, and often we ourselves are to blame for this. Someone simply threw a domestic cat (cat) into the street. And someone, out of their kindness, constantly takes leftover food outside to feed these animals. As a result, it turns out that animals breed and multiply without any control, and we also feed them because we feel sorry for them!

But here, too, there are different options when you need to get rid of such animals.

First: A cat (cat or kittens) has chosen your entrance to the house. It’s a little easier to get rid of here. First, you need to completely remove all food sources from your entryway. Talk to your neighbors, explain the situation to them, and let each of them keep an eye on it. Secondly, it is necessary to remove cozy shelters for these animals. Cover nooks and crannies, remove soft cloths from under doors, treat all nooks and crannies with special repellents.

Many people often use bleach as such repellents. It’s enough to just occasionally wash the floors in the entrance with water with the addition of banal “Whiteness”. But the bad thing is that gradually the animals get used to this frightening and unpleasant smell for them and stop reacting to it. It is best to use a natural repellent, which is sold in pet stores or veterinary pharmacies. This repellent is created on the basis of dog pheromones, and for a cat (cat or kittens) it will be associated with their enemy - the dog.

These two techniques will help you quickly get rid of stray cats of any gender, and for a long time, if not forever!

Second: You have a private house with a yard where strange cats wander in. This option is much more difficult, you won’t fill the entire yard with dog repellent!
This is especially troubling for those owners who have their own yard cat, and the neighbor’s cats constantly come to visit her. Simply getting rid of your cat is not a solution to the problem; shooting a rogue cat is also not an option. But you don’t want to then adopt the kittens that your cat will have!

Problems in a summer cottage from neighbors' cats

Sharpening their claws on trees

One of the favorite activities of a normal cat is sharpening its claws. Wood is the best choice for this activity. Although the tree-claw itself has a hard time. Young trees with delicate bark especially suffer from cat manicure.

Marking territory

Staking out your territory with a “fragrant” mark is a matter of honor for every adult cat. Not only urine is used, but also a special secretion that literally burns the plants. As they say, let the cat into the garden, and lo and behold... The “fragrant” marks are eaten away so that they cannot be removed.

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Hunting birds

The cat is a hunter by nature and will hunt anything that moves. It's good if they're mice. But birds, which gardeners diligently attract to their plots to combat pests, also become objects of hunting. And for an adult cat it is possible to twist even a small poultry.

Chickens and chicks of other domestic birds often become victims of mustachioed hunters.

Trample and eat plants

What purr doesn’t love to bask in the sun, soak up a fluffy garden bed or flowerbed, taste young greenery, or just play with flowers. This is how flower beds and beds suffer.

Setting up unauthorized toilets in garden beds

In the spring, during this activity, cats who like to bury their “creations” simply dig up seeds and seedlings. And in the summer, the owners, digging up the carrots fertilized by their pet, experience far from tender feelings for their own and their neighbors Vaskas and Murkas. In addition, “cat manure” is not a fertilizer, but a possible source of infection with toxoplasmosis, a dangerous disease for people (especially for pregnant women).

You can become infected with helminths from cats: it is enough not to properly wash the crops from the garden.

Method number one

You don’t have cats of your own, but other cats have taken a liking to your yard. Getting rid of them is quite simple. First, treat the “main penetration points” with the same repellent. Most often these are holes in the fence, the top of the same fence, an opening under a gate or gate. Of course, such treatment is quite expensive, but in this way you can get rid of an extraneous cat (cat or kittens) almost forever. There is an alternative and cheaper processing option.

If one of your friends has a dog, you can agree that the owner will take you for a walk with it a couple of times. Stock up on gloves, a scoop and a bucket, which you won’t mind throwing away later. During a morning or evening walk, the dog urinates from 3 to 7 times - you need to collect soil in a bucket with a shovel in the places where it urinated. Then scatter this earth in those very places of “penetration” - not a single cat will overcome such an obstacle!

Cat antics on the site

If your neighbor's cats have taken a fancy to your summer cottage, it will be very difficult to keep them away. It would seem, why drive them away? After all, they are so beautiful, and they also catch mice. All this is true, but in the countryside a cat can do quite a bit of mischief. Here are just a few of their most common pranks:

  • If small kittens go to the toilet not far from the house, then adult animals use neighboring plots for this, mercilessly destroying beds and flower beds.
  • To secure a certain territory, cats are accustomed to marking it with urine or a special secretion. If it gets on vegetables or flowers, it can burn them. This alone is enough to make you think about how to keep other people’s cats away from your property.
  • Another problem is that animals love to rest somewhere in the middle of a flowerbed or bed, imposingly basking in the sun. The fact that flowers or vegetables suffer from this, of course, does not bother them at all.
  • Cats enthusiastically sharpen their claws not only on any furniture they like, but also on the bark of trees.
  • Although cats catch mice, they love to hunt birds just as much. This also causes a lot of grief for summer residents who deliberately lure birds into their garden.

Therefore, with the onset of the summer season, the question of how to keep cats away from the property becomes more pressing.

Method number two

You can get rid of animals coming into your yard using Pavlov’s method. Since school, we know that Pavlov founded a theory (absolutely correct) about the stability of reflexes. It is on this theory that our method of deliverance is based, and it works one hundred percent! You need to leave food in a certain place for several days, in sufficient quantities - this will teach the animals to come there constantly. Then, when all the incoming cats are there, throw a small firecracker into this place (or next to it). The sound of the explosion will frighten the animals so much that they will scatter in all directions. And for the next few days, periodically throw firecrackers there. Your yard, at the level of reflexes, will become a real “minefield” for them, where they will be afraid to enter!

It is especially difficult, of course, not even to get rid of, but not to tame kittens. These cute creatures are so hilarious, you feel so sorry for them that you constantly want to feed them, pet them, and play with them. But do not forget that the babies then grow up, begin to bear fruit and multiply, increasing the population of stray animals. The best thing to do when you find a homeless and cute kitten is to simply take it to an animal shelter!

Alternative Methods

To understand how to stop a cat from shitting in the entrance, you need to use alternative chemical and folk remedies. The animal will definitely react to at least one of the proposed options:

  1. Essential oil. It is best to rub the door with it; cats really don’t like this smell. The oil treatment should be generous, but it is better to inhale this aroma than the pungent smell of ammonia.
  2. Citrus. Place lemon, orange or tangerine peels on washed surfaces (with water with a few drops of citrus oil);
  3. Needles. Is similar to citrus processing.
  4. Cinnamon, cloves (add to water and sprinkle on the floor).
  5. Garlic water.
  6. Soda with vinegar (all places marked by cats are treated with a solution of water with these ingredients).
  7. Turpentine.

Get rid of cats in the yard

Green spaces will help reduce the number of cats in the yard - there are plants that cats dislike, and they need to be planted and cultivated.

Lavender, mint, rue - these plants need to be planted in flower beds, and a hedge made of rue should be made. Cats will avoid where they grow.

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If you are tired of impudent cats, there are special repellent sprays on sale. But you will have to buy with a reserve - you will have to spray the habitats regularly until the cats get tired of checking if the smell has disappeared.

How to get rid of fleas in the house

We'll have to take the matter seriously.

  • Vacuum every day, including any upholstered furniture, any cracks in the floors and along baseboards. After this, replace the dust container or wash the dust container with warm soapy water.
  • Wash or replace your cat's bedding and even your own bedding if your cat sleeps on your bed.
  • Steam clean your carpets.
  • Comb your pet's fur with a flea comb and use a special product.
  • At home, spray with an indoor flea spray.

Folk remedies

Everyone knows that some plants, for example, valerian, are particularly attractive to cats. But not everyone knows the substances that animals cannot tolerate.

These include any essential oils, such as eucalyptus or clove. Make an agreement with the cleaner who is cleaning your entrance and give her the product. Just add a few drops to a bucket of water.

Another effective way to get rid of cat family is to use ground black pepper. Sprinkle the animal's resting areas with spice, and for added effect, spray pepper tincture from the bottle. If it gets on the tongue, it will cause a burning sensation and discomfort.

In order to get rid of the pungent cat odor, you do not need to wash the floors with bleach. The effect will be the opposite. It has the ability to enhance odors, and the cats will come to mark the territory again.

To completely eliminate the stench, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is useful. After treating the marked area with this product, even homeless animals themselves will not be able to find it.

Why fight cats in the hallway?

The first thing to do is to immediately cut off all sources of food for stray cats in the entrance.

Talk to compassionate pensioners and politely explain the situation to them, as well as give specific arguments.

  1. The fact is that it is in nature for animals to consider the feeding area as their property. If you feed the cat once, he will definitely come back again, and then he will mark your door or wall and will do this every time he passes by.
  2. In addition to the terrible stench, homeless animals can be carriers of dangerous diseases: lichen, salmonellosis, hepatitis and many others. If children live in the entrance, this is a direct danger for them, because it is difficult for a child to pass by a cute cat without petting it or at least touching it.
  3. Animals living in the entrance can no longer be called pets. Wild instincts awoke in them, and with them the unpredictable behavior characteristic of their larger brothers.
  4. With cat feces, complete unsanitary conditions will reign in the entrance: excrement on every corner, disgusting smell, pathogenic bacteria.
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