Australian record holder: the longest cat in the world reaches his paws to the table without jumping

The Maine Coon is a breed of large domestic cats, superior to their relatives not only in size and weight, but also in intelligence, kindness and tenderness. It is these qualities that make Maine Coons wonderful companions. At the same time, despite their rather large dimensions, among these cats there are real giants and giants, striking with their size everyone who sees them.

Top 10 largest domestic cat breeds

1SavannahA breed created by crossing a wild serval with a domestic shorthair cat. Representatives of this breed have an elongated body, high paws, an elongated neck, and large ears. The coat is thick, the color is brown, chocolate, gray, golden shades with dark spots. Males - up to 20 kg, females - up to 7 kg
2Maine CoonCats with a strong, well-built body, strong paws, tufts on the tips of the ears, thick long hair of various colors, except chocolate, cinnamon, lilac, caramel and any combinations thereof.Males - up to 15 kg, females - up to 7 kg
3RagdollSemi-longhaired cats with wide-set oval blue eyes, a wedge-shaped head, an upturned nose and small triangular ears. The coat is soft, the undercoat is small, the most popular color is color-point. Males - 7 - 9 kg, females - 4.5 - 6.8 kg
4British catThe coat is soft, short and thick, the color can be monochrome or mixed. The eyes are usually orange, but other colors are acceptable. The body is strong, the muscles are well developed, the neck is short, the ears are small and set wide apart. Males - 5 - 10 kg, females - 5 - 7 kg
5Siberian catCats that have formed in natural conditions and have a semi-long, waterproof, almost hypoallergenic coat with a thick undercoat and a fluffy tail. They have a medium build, well-developed muscles, rounded ears with small tufts. The muzzle is trapezoidal, the eyes are slanted. Males - 6 - 9 kg, females - 4.5 - 6 kg
6Turkish vanThey have an elongated, muscular body, a wedge-shaped head, straight-set ears with inner feathering. Eyes are amber, copper or blue, heterochromia is possible. The coat is of medium length, the undercoat is weak. The color is most often red and white, but black and white, tortoiseshell and white or solid white are possible. Males - 6 - 9 kg, females - 4.5 - 6 kg
7Norwegian Forest CatCats, recognized since 1977, have a strong build and long limbs. Semi-long fluffy coat that repels water and has a triple structure: wool, undercoat, long hair on the tail and along the spine. The color is different. Males - 5 - 9.5 kg, females - 3.5 - 7 kg
8PixiebobThe breed is the result of the work of breeders seeking to produce domestic cats that are as similar as possible to the red lynx. They have a pear-shaped head, wide ears, slightly tilted forward, with rounded tips. The eyes are golden, brown or green, the nose is convex with a slight hump. The body is muscular, medium to large. The coat is long or short, the color is all shades of brown and gray with a spotted pattern. Males - 5.4 -7.7 kg, females - 3.6 - 7 kg
9ChartreuseLarge, strong, muscular, short-haired cats, named after the city of Chartres, where their breeding began. These are smart cats that respond to their name and can learn to bring different things to their owner. Males - 6 - 7 kg, females 4 - 5 kg
10Kurilian BobtailCats that look like a lynx. This breed arose as a result of natural selection. They have a short upturned nose, expressive yellowish-green eyes, a strong muscular body, a slightly arched back, the forelimbs are shorter than the hind limbs, and the claws do not retract. The head is small, trapezoidal, wide cheekbones, rounded ears, with tufts at the ends, slightly tilted forward. The coat is long or medium length, the undercoat is weakly expressed, the color is varied. Males - up to 6.8 kg, females 3.6 - 5 kg

Exterior of the Maine Coon breed

Maine coon is an animal with developed bones and strong muscles. It is adapted to life in the cold climate of the northeastern United States.

Felinologists give the following description of breed standards:

  • elongated body with a wide chest;
  • strong neck with a pronounced fur “collar”;
  • long fluffy tail, wide at the base and tapering towards the tip (beaver);
  • round, stable paws with hard hair between the toes;
  • the head is shaped like a square;
  • high-set ears with tufts at the ends;
  • the distance between the ears is equal to their width at the base;
  • special “straight” eye position;
  • the fur lengthens as it approaches the tail;
  • thick waterproof undercoat.

Slanted eyes, a narrow chin, a short tail and close-set ears are considered a defect, while the chocolate color and the presence of white medallions on the coat are a sign of mixed origin. If the coat is cotton-like or has an even length throughout the body, then show judges will definitely deduct points for conformation.

Felinologists and breeders have not yet decided whether to consider polydact individuals as culls or carriers of the dominant gene of their ancestors. These “cats in mittens” are New England natives. The presence of an extra toe makes them skilled, dexterous hunters and allows them to easily run through deep snow without falling through.

European breeding specialists do not recognize multi-toed kittens as purebred and do not issue certificates with a pedigree. Americans, on the contrary, consider this uniqueness to be genetically determined and open elite nurseries in which “all-wheel drive polydacts” are bred.

Loyalty to others and an affectionate disposition are considered an integral feature of the breed. Therefore, aggressive, scratching animals are disqualified from exhibitions.

Guinness Record

The Guinness World Record belongs to a Maine Coon named Omar, who lives in Melbourne, Australia. Its weight is 14 kg and its length is 120 cm. When purchasing a kitten of this breed, Stephanie Hurst, of course, knew that Maine Coons are large cats, but she could not even imagine that her pet would become a record holder. As a kitten, Omar was no different from his peers, but by the time he was a year old he weighed 10 kg.

Below is a close-up photo of him.

Popularity and worldwide fame fell on the cat after his owner Stephanie decided to create an Instagram account for him, registering him under the name omar_mainecoon.
More than 120 thousand people have already subscribed to Omar’s profile. According to Stephanie, the cat does not handle the attention that has fallen on him very well - due to the close interest of journalists and other people who want to take pictures with him, Omar has become sad and lethargic.

Leopard or Asherah cat

Cats of this breed appeared relatively recently, they were bred by American geneticists led by the British entrepreneur Simon Brodie. The long-legged African Serval, which is the name given to the wild cat, and the Asian leopard predator were crossed.

As a result, biotechnologists got a cat - a leopard. She bears the name of the goddess Asherah. The goal of geneticists was to breed an animal that could be considered a perfect creature in all respects.

The leopard cat differs from other species of the cat family by its impressive size, menacing appearance, powerful paws, predatory grin and exotic appearance.

At the same time, Asher cats have typical habits of domestic pets and an easy-going and affectionate character. They, just like other individuals, love to play, cuddle and “sing” songs - they purr. These unpretentious creatures love to play and frolic with children. At the same time, they are careful and try not to scratch anyone.

Simon Brodie's employees developed hypoallergenic cats several years ago. This achievement will help many people have a furry, affectionate and beloved friend in their home. True, this desire can be expensive. A small Usher can cost around $22,000, but more often than not the amount is much higher.

If you buy a hypoallergenic cat, then you need to add about six thousand more to this amount.

By purchasing this pet, you get:

  • complete vaccination of the individual;
  • annual health insurance;
  • identifier – a microchip implanted into the body of an individual;
  • hygiene kit;
  • special toys made from safe material;
  • food that can be called not only dietary, but also elite;
  • claw attachments made of vinyl included in the set;
  • as well as a consultation with veterinarian Ronald Tripp for 10 years.

It is this luminary of veterinary science who is a recognized expert on cats; he knows better than others how to properly care for them.

Asher cats are recognized as the largest, but this fact is already disputed by the creators of the Savannah breed. The scandalous fame of the dispute is fueled by legal showdowns, during which DNA tests are even carried out.

The largest in the world

The largest cat in the world was also a representative of the Maine Coon breed. When he appeared at the exhibition, he surprised everyone present, including the judges, who admitted that they had never seen such large representatives of the breed. In 2013, the giant cat Rupert was only 3 years old, and his weight was as much as 9 kg.

Rupert is not overweight and is not overfed at all; his large weight is due to his strong bones and muscles.

Other giant cats

In addition to Omar, other giant purrs are also known. For example, the record for the largest Maine Coon in the world belongs to New York resident Samson, who weighs 13 kilograms. The large size of the animal requires impressive nutrition. At one time, the giant is able to eat 5-6 cans of canned food for cats. In addition to his large size, Samson also has high intelligence: he enjoys moving a lot and actively, playing with his owner and bringing him a variety of objects.

The largest domestic cat in the world is a cross between a tigress and a lion, Hercules. The pet weighs 408 kilograms, the length of the animal’s body is 3.6 meters. Hercules is very attached to his master Bhagavan and follows him around like a dog.

The longest

Maine - Stewie's coon (Mymains Stuart Giligan).

He lived in Reno, Nevada, and was included in the Guinness Book of Records due to his impressive length.

At the time of registration of the record, the length of the cat from nose to tailbone was 123.19 cm, and the total length was 132.2 cm.

Perhaps for many such dimensions of a pet would be burdensome, but Stewie's owners say that he was very affectionate and kind, and it was impossible not to love him.

Stewie was diagnosed with cancer, his condition worsened after a course of chemotherapy, and the cat died at age 8.

How to grow the most gigantic?

Being the owner of a record-breaking cat is not only prestigious, but also financially profitable.

After registering a record, the pet becomes famous in some circles, and most cat owners will strive to breed their pet with him.

At the time of purchasing a kitten, it is impossible to know in advance how it will grow up. This largely depends on genetics - small parents are unlikely to give birth to large kittens. At the same time, all owners of record-breaking cats claim that the outstanding size of their pets is a surprise to them.

You just need to create all the conditions for harmonious growth and development for the cat, provide him with proper physical activity and a balanced diet rich in vitamins and microelements. Based on the experience of other owners of large cats, you can spend more time feeding your pet, give up industrial food and switch to a natural diet that allows you to take into account and satisfy all the desires and needs of the animal as much as possible.

It should be remembered that feeding a cat from a common table is unacceptable, since salty and fatty food can lead to obesity and other pathologies.

A suitable menu should be varied and contain:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • bird;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • porridge.

You cannot resort to untested methods, exercises and nutritional systems in an effort to raise a giant cat - this will not only not bring results, but can also have a negative impact on the pet’s health.

Secrets of raising a Maine Coon large

Raising a giant cat and receiving the title “biggest” is the cherished desire of the owners. This is not just a champion ribbon. This is the love and interest of social networks, journalists, breeders and the opportunity to make money on your pet through advertising.

The size and weight of cats are determined by their pedigree. Therefore, the queue for mating with giants is scheduled for years in advance.

If you get a kitten from standard-sized parents, you shouldn't expect it to become the size of a lynx. But if the father or mother were unusual in this regard, then options are possible.

Maine Coon kittens have an unusual development: they alternately stretch in length and gain weight. The secret is that it is necessary to feed it intensively with raw meat during the growth phase. But this does not mean that you can ignore other products.

The Maine Coon's diet should include fish, boiled eggs, chicken, cereals, vegetables and vitamin supplements.

During the weight gain phase, experienced breeders recommend increasing physical activity: games, walks in the fresh air. This speeds up the animal's metabolism and reduces the risk of obesity. Domestic individuals who do not have access to free range are prone to it.

How not to ruin your health in the process

In pursuit of size, many owners overfeed their pets.

A curious incident occurred in Austria. There, thieves stole a coon named Cupid, but a month later they returned it to the owner because they realized that they could not feed him. This esthete ignored canned cat food and ate only raw meat, shrimp and squid, and in huge quantities.

If he didn’t get what he wanted, he would torment everyone with his purring (cats of this breed make sounds more like a short “meow!” than the usual meow).

There are several rules for raising healthy animals:

  • do not feed food from your table (salty and spicy foods lead to obesity);
  • if there is no time and opportunity to cook the cat separately, then use balanced factory-made food;
  • Change the water in the drinking bowl 2 times a day;
  • if an animal eats dry food, then the amount of water drunk should be 3 times the volume of food.

Nutrient calculations are based on the live weight of the cat. The daily requirement is 60 kcal and 10 grams of protein per 1 kg. The total weight of food should not exceed 500 grams for an adult animal. The fiber content in the daily menu should be at least 3%.

Kittens eat 5-6 times a day until they are six months old, then the number of feedings gradually decreases. One-year-old cats eat 3 times. Adults - 2 times a day.

Raw meat must be scalded with boiling water, and it is advisable to add vitamin complexes to fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir). Sprouted cereal grains are good for health, especially in winter.

Remember that cheap food contains a lot of flavoring additives that act like a drug on the animal. Experienced breeders prefer to use elite food with a minimum content of flavor enhancers.

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