The drug Stomorgyl: an effective remedy in the fight against bacterial infections in veterinary medicine

Composition and properties

Instructions for use present the pharmaceutical drug "Stomorgyl" as a broad-spectrum antibiotic, which is available in the form of tablets for oral administration.
The medicine contains 2 main substances: metronidazole and spiramycin. Both components have a strong antibacterial effect, which consists in suppressing protein synthesis in the cells of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, the bacterium stops androgenesis, growth and after a while it dies. After oral administration, the components of Stomorgil are quickly absorbed into the digestive system and, entering the general bloodstream, spread throughout the cat’s body.
The antibiotic penetrates not only into tissue structures, but also into biological fluids, in particular saliva. The content of the active substance in the cat’s blood reaches its maximum value 60 minutes after taking the dose of Stomorgil.

Reviews about the veterinary drug

Stomorgyl is produced by the French pharmaceutical company. This drug belongs to the category of combined antibiotics and is widely used by domestic veterinarians in the treatment of cats. The product is sold from the shelves of veterinary pharmacies and pet stores without a prescription. It can also be purchased in specialized online stores.

Stomorgyl for cats - a combined over-the-counter antibiotic

Stomorgyl is available in the form of orange oral tablets. On sale you can find three varieties of this antibiotic, which differ from each other in the quantitative composition of active and auxiliary substances:

  • Stomorgil 2;
  • Stomorgil 10;
  • Stomorgil 20.

Tablets in quantities of 10 pieces are packaged in blisters. Blisters, together with instructions for use, are placed in cardboard packaging.

Dosage form of the antibiotic Stomorgyl - oral tablets

The content of two antibiotics in the drug determines its wide spectrum of action against a large number of bacteria. Spiramycin is a natural antibiotic that disrupts protein synthesis in the cells of harmful microorganisms. This remedy has been successfully used in the fight against:

  • streptococcus;
  • staphylococcus;
  • meningococcus;
  • bordetella;
  • corynebacterium;
  • listeria;
  • clostridia;
  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydia;
  • Leptospira;
  • taxoplasma.

We suggest you read: Causes of enteritis in cats and methods of treatment

Metronidazole inhibits respiration processes in the cell, which causes the death of the following bacteria:

  • clostridium;
  • eubacteria;
  • Helicobacter;
  • Trichomonas protozoa;
  • gram-negative bacteroids;
  • fusobacteria.

When administered orally, almost 100% of the antibiotic is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and its maximum concentration in the pet’s blood and saliva is observed after 1.5–3 hours. The drug is excreted unchanged from the body naturally along with urine and feces.

In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Stomorgil is classified as a low-hazard product (third hazard class), therefore, when used correctly, it does not have a negative effect on the cat’s body.

The drug Stomorgyl effectively copes with gum disease.

Cat owners note the rapid effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of oral diseases. However, some reviews indicate the likelihood of adverse reactions. Salivation especially often increases in cats after taking the drug.

Catherine. My cat (4 years old) was diagnosed with gum disease. The veterinarian prescribed Stomorgyl 10. She gave the animal half a tablet. Divided in half according to risk. Used for ten days. I'm happy with the result - my beloved cat's gum problems are gone.

Svetlana. The cat had an unpleasant odor from the mouth. After the consultation, the veterinarian prescribed the removal of baby teeth, which had not all fallen out on their own, and cleaning of the gums. However, the doctor said that the infection was severe and prescribed Stomorgil. She gave Barsik the medicine once a day for five days.

Thus, Stomorgil is considered a unique drug, which contains two antibiotics. That is why treatment is almost always effective.


Stomorgil has no complete analogues. But veterinarians may recommend the combination antibiotic Intramycin instead.

It is available in the form of an injection suspension. Some people find this dosage form more acceptable, because tablets are difficult to give to dogs. But not every owner has the special skills to inject a pet.

Intramycin is cheaper than Stomorgil - about 600 rubles. per bottle of 100 ml.

Stomorgyl is an effective veterinary remedy. The only downside is the high price. But the result of therapy justifies the means. It is not recommended to use the medicine without consulting a doctor.

Drugs with similar effects - table

NameRelease formActive componentsIndicationsContraindicationsCan it be used to treat pregnant cats?Can it be used to treat kittens?Price
StomadexPillsChlorhexidine acetateInfectious and inflammatory lesions of the gumsIndividual intoleranceCarefullyNoFrom 300 rub.
IntramycinSuspension for injection
  • benzylpenicillin procaine salt;
  • Dihydrostreptomycin sulfate.
Bacterial infections of the respiratory tract, soft tissues, gums and internal organs.Kidney failureNot recommendedNoFrom 550 rub.

How to calculate dosage

In addition to the main components, Stomorgyl contains additional components. These are dextrin, aluminum hydroxide, starch. The product is produced in blisters and in the form of tablets.

Stormogyl is most often prescribed for oral infections. These are gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis. Manufacturers and veterinarians recommend giving middle-aged individuals no more than one tablet per day, which corresponds to the permissible dose in mg.

Separate types of Stomorgil are available for different ages of cats. For small and young animals, the “2” series is intended, for adults and the elderly, the “20” line, which is suitable, including for individuals weighing over 10 kg.

When taking Stormogyl, it is important to consider some recommendations:

  • Stomorgyl cannot be given to a cat with other medications. This applies to antibacterial mixtures and macrolides. Neglecting such a restriction is fraught with complications and toxicity of the body.
  • Veterinarians prohibit the use of Stomorgyl tablets for productive livestock. But at the same time, this is a safe medicine for pregnant cats if you follow the dosage.
  • Consultation with a doctor becomes mandatory. Before prescribing and developing a treatment program, the veterinarian will examine the condition of the body and check the animal for the presence of diseases of the internal organs. Antihistamines are used as an alternative to Stomorgyl.
  • Compliance with storage conditions is the key to the cat’s safety. The shelf life is 3 years. The temperature range should not vary from + 5 to 25 degrees.


Storage conditions and price

The medicine should be stored in a place away from direct sunlight and with air humidity of no more than 50%, at a temperature range of 4 to 25 degrees, in intact packaging. The drug should be out of reach of children and pets; contact with food and feed should be avoided.
The shelf life is no more than 3 years, subject to all the above conditions. After the expiration date, the medicine should not be used. Unused drug must be disposed of in accordance with the requirements of regulations on the destruction of drugs and medicines.

On average, the price of the drug is 500-1500 rubles and depends on the dose of the drug.

How to give medicine correctly

Taking Stomorgyl is not an easy procedure. The pet prevents and counteracts this in every possible way. Therefore, the first thing to do is to calm down yourself and only then start calming the animal. By the way, no matter how strange it may seem, this can be done with the help of an affectionate conversation.

The correct way to take medicine for a cat involves a number of rules:

It is better to treat together. Firstly, it’s easier to restrain the cat, and secondly, it will speed up the process and scare the cat less. One person holds the animal, the other administers the drug. To properly dispense Stomorgyl for cats, it is better to tilt your pet's head slightly back. This will ensure rapid penetration of the substance inside. If the cat has closed its mouth and does not want to open it, you should pull back the skin on the head

This will provoke a reflex reaction and the fangs will unclench. It is important to prepare the antibiotic in advance. The pill will pass faster and better if you lubricate the pill with vegetable oil

Otherwise, the tablet may stick to the roof of the mouth, and this is a threat that the animal will choke. If you place the pill on the root of the tongue, the animal will swallow the medicine on its own. You won’t have to put in extra effort and torment the animal, which will certainly begin to worry. At the same time as taking the tablet, you can moisten your tongue with water. A syringe or bulb is suitable for this. The liquid will save your pet from painful swallowing.


Not all cats are calm and submissive to their owners. Even devoted animals become aggressive during an unexpected “execution” and are afraid to escape from the hands of the owner.

You can trust the use of Stomorgil to professionals. Veterinary clinics will perform the “operation” quickly and painlessly. In addition, the required dose of medicine is already in the hands of the doctor.

Another solution is to use the services of visiting veterinarians. At the appointed time, a specialist will come to the house and give the animal a predetermined amount of Stomorgyl.

Doses and method of administration

Stomorgyl is prescribed to dogs as part of complex therapy for diseases of the oral cavity:

  • with gingivitis;
  • with stomatitis;
  • with periodontitis;
  • with pyorrhea, etc.

It can also be used in the treatment of diseases caused by bacteria, protozoa and fungi that are sensitive to spiramycin and metronidazole. Usually the drug is prescribed for acute or subacute course of the pathology.

The dosage of the drug is calculated taking into account the concentration of active components and the weight of the animal. Please note the following:

  • 1 tablet of Stomorgil 2 is designed for 2 kg of weight;
  • 1 tablet of Stomorgil 10 – per 10 kg;
  • 1 tablet of Stomorgil 20, respectively, per 20 kg.

The medicine should be taken once a day. Tablets can be given hidden in the food. For these purposes, it is better to choose the animal’s favorite treat. Although there is a high probability that the pet will refuse the “treat”, so the medicine will have to be given forcibly. You can do it like this:

  1. Open the animal's mouth.
  2. Place a tablet on the root of your tongue.
  3. Close your mouth but keep your head up.
  4. Stroke the neck to encourage swallowing movements.

It is not recommended to crush the tablets and add them in powder form to the animal’s food. Due to the strong bitter taste, the dog will refuse the offered treat, and if it eats it, it will salivate heavily. Tablets can only be divided according to the notches provided by the manufacturer.

The course of treatment lasts from 5 to 10 days, depending on the complexity and stage of the disease, and the characteristics of its course. The duration of treatment and dose should be determined by the doctor. It is not recommended to take the medicine for less than 5 days, since bacteria can survive and adapt to new conditions. Taking the medicine in this case will be useless.

It is advisable not to miss taking the drug on time, as this may lead to decreased effectiveness. If this does happen, you can take the medicine as soon as possible at the prescribed dose, and then return to the previously used treatment regimen.

Stomorgyl tablets are taken orally. Crushing tablets is not recommended.

Stomorgyl 10 is used once a day at a dose of 1 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight.

Stomorgyl 20 is used once a day at a dose of 1 tablet per 20 kg of animal weight.

Stomorgyl tablets are administered to animals orally once a day at the rate of 75,000 IU of spiramycin and 12.5 mg of metronidazole per 1 kg of animal weight, which corresponds to one Stomorgyl 2 tablet per 2 kg of animal weight, one Stomorgyl 10 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight and one tablet Stomorgila 20 per 20 kg of animal weight. The duration of the course of treatment is 5–10 days, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the nature of the course of the disease.

Side effects and contraindications

In most cases, cats tolerate the effects of the drug well, but this varies from person to person. Some pets experience an allergic reaction, diarrhea, vomiting, and increased saliva production. Stomorgyl is prescribed to cats without additional examinations, but if the pet suffered from stomach disorders and suffered serious illnesses, this should not be kept silent from the veterinarian.

Constant health monitoring and hygiene will help keep your pet safe. Oral infections occur due to poor food, dirty environment, and weak immunity. You can avoid the costs of preventing chronic diseases if you provide your animal with healthy food made using natural meat and a full range of vitamins.

Stomorgyl is strictly prohibited for cats that suffer from liver and kidney failure, problems with the cardiovascular system.

Cases of antibiotic prescription for cats

Stomorgyl is prescribed to animals for the treatment of infectious diseases of bacterial etiology. Most often, the medicine is used when the disease occurs in an acute or subacute form.

Stomorgyl is used in the case of such pathologies, only when the causative agents are pathogenic bacteria.

Stomorgyl is prescribed for diseases caused by bacteria.

Stomorgyl is prescribed to cats for the complex treatment of bacterial diseases of the oral cavity:

  • gingivitis (gum inflammation);

    For inflammation of the gums in cats (gingivitis), veterinarians prescribe antibacterial therapy with Stomorgyl.

  • stomatitis (ulcerative lesions of the oral cavity);
  • pyorrhea (gum disease, which leads to damage to the membrane surrounding the tooth roots; this disease is fraught with tooth loss);
  • periodontitis (inflammation of the tooth root and nearby soft tissues).

The use of Stomorgil is advisable at the initial stage of development of the disease or at the stage of its progression.

Features of the therapeutic course

Instructions for use

It is worth noting that the manufacturer produces the antibiotic in three versions, “Stomorgyl” 2, 10 and 20. These numbers indicate the concentration of active components in the composition, and only the least concentrated version is suitable for cats. The cat should be placed on the back of his tongue and forced to swallow. You cannot crush the pill and add it to food, because the medicine is too bitter and the taste may cause your pet to foam at the mouth or start vomiting. Before giving your cat an antibiotic, you need to consult a veterinarian so that he can calculate the required dosage and determine the duration of the treatment course.

It is extremely important to adhere to the veterinarian’s prescriptions and not miss an appointment, otherwise the effectiveness of Stomorgil will not be sufficient

The duration of treatment for animals can be up to one and a half weeks.

The dosage for cats is usually 1 tablet. for every 2 kg of animal weight. Cats should take the antibiotic for at least 5 days, even if the signs of the disease have disappeared and their condition has returned to normal. This is necessary so that the bacteria cannot survive and develop immunity to Stomorgil, because then it will be much more difficult to overcome them. If necessary, treatment can last up to 10 days, but the duration of the course is determined solely by the veterinarian, taking into account the diagnosis, accompanying symptoms, the cat’s well-being and other factors.

Restrictions on use and unwanted effects

During the process of scientific research, as well as in accordance with the instructions supplied by the manufacturer with the antibiotic, it was determined that it should not be given to purrs if they have a personal intolerance to any component of the composition. Veterinarians do not recommend drinking Stomorgyl to animals with weakened bodies, allergic reactions of unknown etiology, severe heart pathologies and impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver. The antibacterial drug is not prohibited for pregnant and lactating females.

If the owner does not give the drug to the animal according to the prescribed schedule, then it may produce a lot of saliva.

Correct use of the drug guarantees high effectiveness and excellent tolerability. By violating the therapeutic regimen or neglecting contraindications, the owner exposes the pet to the development of negative phenomena. The cat may experience itching, rash, redness of the dermis, severe diarrhea, vomiting and increased salivation. Observing the listed negative effects, you need to stop taking Stomorgil and give the purr symptomatic therapy including antihistamines.

Existing restrictions

According to the instructions for use, Stomorgyl should not be given to cats if they are hypersensitive to the components. It is possible that the following symptoms may occur:

  • allergies in the form of skin reactions (itching, rash, redness);
  • vomiting or severe diarrhea;
  • increased salivation.

If the listed symptoms are noticed, further use of the drug is discontinued. The animal is given an anti-allergenic agent and medications are prescribed to eliminate symptoms.

Pregnancy and lactation are not listed as contraindications in the instructions. If you plan to use an antibiotic on a pregnant or lactating cat, be sure to consult your doctor as the active ingredients will also affect kittens. For pathologies of the heart and kidneys, antibiotics can only be used under the supervision of a doctor.

In case of overdose, the following symptoms may appear:

  • vomiting, upset stomach and other disorders of the digestive system;
  • depression and apathy;
  • increased saliva production.

If the dose of the drug is exceeded, the animal is given enterosorbents to speed up the removal of active components from the body.

Note! If you have hypersensitivity and a tendency to allergies, it is advisable to avoid direct contact with the drug. You should use medical gloves to prevent negative reactions from the body.

Contraindications and side effects of Stomorgyl

When using Stomorgil according to its instructions, there are usually no complications or side effects.

A contraindication to treatment with Stomorgyl is individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, including those previously identified.

For cats with decompensated liver, kidney and cardiac function, Stomorgyl therapy is carried out under the supervision of the treating veterinarian.

If the dosage regimen is violated, an overdose may occur, the symptoms of which are:

  • oppression;
  • salivation;
  • indigestion.

If an allergy to the drug occurs, treatment with Stomorgyl is interrupted, symptomatic therapy is used, as well as an antihistamine (Pipolfen, Tavegil).

Stomorgyl can be prescribed to a pregnant cat for health reasons

Action of the medication

The effectiveness of the drug is due to the simultaneous effect of two components on pathogenic microflora. The antibiotic binds to the ribosome of the microorganism's cell, leading to irreversible changes, as a result of which protein synthesis is disrupted and the bacterium dies.

The antiprotozoal component affects protozoa, suppressing their reproduction. If the dosage is chosen correctly, then by the end of the course of treatment it is possible to completely eliminate the pathogenic microflora. Like all antibiotics, this drug has a systemic effect on the body, quickly being absorbed through the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract into the blood.

The active components are metabolized in the liver and then evacuated along with feces and urine from the animal’s body.

Stomorgyl Merial Merial

General provisionsStomorgyl tablets are an antibacterial drug, which is a combination of two antibiotics - spiramycin and metronidazole. The drug is produced in the form of tablets containing 2, 10 and 20 mg. The tablets are packaged in a blister of 10 pieces, which is placed in a cardboard box. The box with the drug "Stomorgyl 2" includes 2 blisters, "Stomorgyl 10" - 2 blisters, "Stomorgyl 20" - 1 blister

Each blister and box is marked with a label indicating the name of the manufacturer and its trademark, the purpose and composition of the drug, batch number, date of manufacture, expiration date, storage conditions, the inscription: “For animals” and is provided with temporary instructions for use. The drug is stored with caution (list B), at a temperature of 0 to 25 ° C in a dry, dark place. The shelf life of the drug (subject to storage conditions) is 3 years from the date of manufacture. Pharmacological properties Spiramycin is an antibiotic from the macrolide group with bacteriostatic properties against a wide range of gram-positive bacteria and mycoplasmas

Metronidazole is active against gram-positive and gram-negative anaerobic microorganisms (in particular representatives of Bacteroides, Fusobacterium). The drug is intended for the treatment of infections such as diseases of the oral cavity, in particular periodontal disease, as well as stomatitis, gingivitis, pyorrhea caused by microorganisms sensitive to spiramycin and metronidazole. after oral administration of Stomorgid, the maximum concentration of spiramycin in plasma is observed after 4-8 hours. The concentration of the antibiotic in saliva is almost 3 times higher than its concentration in plasma. Maximum concentrations of metronidazole are achieved more quickly in saliva (after 1 hour) and are identical to concentrations in plasma. In recommended doses, the drug does not have a sensitizing, theriotoxic, embryotoxic effect, is not toxic and does not accumulate in the body. Directions for use: Application and dosage: the drug is administered orally, at a dose of 75,000 IU of spiramycin and 12.5 mg of metronidazole per 1 kg of body weight per day, i.e. 1 table. Stomorgil 2 per 2 kg body weight, 1 tablet. Stomorgyl 10 per 10 kg body weight and 1 tablet. Stomorgyl 20 per 20 kg body weight once a day for 5-10 days.

In recommended doses, Stomorgyl tablets do not cause complications in animals and have no side effects. Pregnancy and lactation are not contraindications to the use of the drug

No incompatibility with other medicinal products has been identified. Precautionary measures When working with the drug, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for working with veterinary medicinal products. . Read/leave a review about the veterinary drug Stomorgyl

Read/leave a review about the veterinary drug Stomorgyl

Directions for use and dosage

You can learn how to give the drug to cats by reading the official instructions for using the product.

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Depending on the dose of the medicine, the medicine is prescribed to animals as follows:

  • Stomorgyl 2 is used one tablet at a time if the cat’s body weight reaches 2 kg.
  • Stomorgyl 10 is used half a tablet if the animal weighs 5 kg, and one tablet if the cat weighs 10 kg.
  • Cats weighing about 15 kg are given half a 1200 mg tablet. In the case of a mass of 20 kg, such a tablet is given whole.

The drug is given once a day.

The duration of treatment is from five to ten days. The course of therapy depends on the degree of the disease and the characteristics of the animal’s body.

When storing medication, you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. The medicine should be stored in a dry place protected from sunlight.
  2. The air temperature should be from 0 to 25˚С.
  3. The medication should be kept out of the reach of children and animals, away from feed and food products.

If the shelf life of the drug has expired, it must be disposed of in accordance with the law. Do not use medicine packaging for household purposes. In addition, you must follow safety precautions when working with the medication:

  1. Wash your hands with soap after contact.
  2. Sensitive people should use rubber gloves.
  3. If ingested, consult a doctor.
  4. If you experience a rash or other allergic reactions, go to a medical facility.

Approximate cost and existing analogues

There are no direct analogues of the drug Stomorgyl containing similar active ingredients yet. Comparison with a combination of medications is possible.

Table: comparison of the drug Stomorgyl with the combination of Spiramycin and Metronidazole

A drugCompoundIndicationsContraindicationsPrice, rub
StomorgilSpiramycin, metronidazole
  • Treatment of infections caused by microflora sensitive to the action of the components of the product;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity: stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis
Hypersensitivity to drug components
  • Stomorgyl 2 (20 tablets) - 886;
  • Stomorgyl 10 (20 tablets) - 1361;
  • Stomorgyl 20 (10 tablets) – 1335
Combination Spiramycin + MetronidazoleSpiramycinBronchitis, pneumonia, infections of the ENT organs, bones, joints, reproductive system, urinary tract infectionsHypersensitivity to the components of the product
  • from 219 (tablets of 3 million IU No. 10) - Spiramycin-Vero, Russia;
  • from 998 (tablets of 1.5 million IU No. 16) - Rovamycin, France
MetronidazoleDiarrhea of ​​various origins, ulcerative gingivitis, giardiasis, dysentery, mastitis, skin infections
  • Pregnancy in the first third;
  • Individual hypersensitivity to metronidazole
from 10

When comparing the characteristics of the drugs, attention is drawn to the inconvenient dosage for cats of both the Russian Spiramycin-Vero and the original French Rovamycin, in which it corresponds to the content of spiramycin in Stomorgyl 20. Depending on the weight of the cat, there may be some economic advantage from such a replacement, but it will not be possible to accurately dose human medications for cats

Indications for use

Stomorgyl is prescribed to cats for:

  • treatment of oral pathology: periodontal diseases;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • pyorrhea - a purulent complication of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  • treatment of infections caused by bacteria and protozoa that are sensitive to metronidazole and spiramycin.
  • Considering the spectrum of action of the drug, Stomorgyl can be used for:

    • infections of the skin and soft tissues;
    • infectious diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
    • infectious lesions of the reproductive system;
    • arthritis;
    • mastitis.

    Stomorgyl is most often prescribed by veterinarians for inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

    general description

    Stomorgyl is an antibacterial agent in tablet form. The small tablets are yellow in color. In addition, each tablet has a groove that allows it to be divided into two equal parts. Its presence is especially important for owners of small cats, since antibiotic doses are calculated based on weight. Blisters are used to package tablets.

    Depending on the concentration of the active components, the drug is produced in three versions - Stomorgyl 2, 10 and 20. For cats, the medicine with the lowest concentration is usually used. This makes it easier to calculate the correct dose and prevent an overdose, the consequences of which will negatively affect the animal’s well-being and general health. For large cats and cats, Stomorgyl 10 is sometimes used.

    Note! The drug Stomorgyl 20 is intended for large dogs; it is prohibited for use in cats. It is not possible to calculate the correct dose

    No special conditions need to be observed during storage. Without fear that the drug will lose its pharmacological properties, it can be placed in a veterinary medicine cabinet or placed on the top shelf of a cabinet. The main thing is that it is away from the sun's rays, and the air temperature is positive, but does not exceed 25 degrees Celsius.


    When purchasing Stomorgil for cats, please note that the price of the drug depends on the concentration of the active ingredients. A package of 20 Stomorgyl 2 tablets costs 850-950 rubles, and the same number of Stomorgyl 10 tablets costs 1150-1250 rubles, depending on the region and pharmacy. The medicine is sold in almost all veterinary pharmacies, so purchase difficulties usually do not arise.

    You can now view the current price of the drug and buy it right here:

    Owner reviews

    Alexey, dachshund owner:

    “Our dog doesn’t really like solid food, but we had no idea what consequences this could have. Due to the lack of mechanical cleaning, which occurs when eating solid foods, tartar appears and gingivitis develops. To treat it, the doctor prescribed a gel and antibiotic tablets. The drug is effective. Improvement was visible within a few days. After a 10-day course, we completely got rid of the problem.”

    Victoria, the owner of the mongrel:

    “We picked up a cute dog on the street. She could barely stand on her feet. At home I tried to fatten her up, but she refused to eat. I noticed a putrid odor from my mouth. When I looked into the oral cavity, I saw a terrible picture - the gums were black. The doctor prescribed Stomorgyl and spray. The tablets turned out to be very effective. Already on the third day the dog began to eat food. We really only eat minced meat and porridge, since we have practically no teeth, but our mongrel is on the mend.”

    Marina, terrier owner:

    “Our dog has a serious problem - inflammation of the oral cavity periodically occurs. Doctors cannot determine the cause, but exacerbation of the disease turns into real agony. Only the antibiotic Stomorgyl saves us. Expensive, but effective. The dog is recovering quickly. Does not cause any side effects."

    Reviews from owners and veterinarians

    In my long experience working with animals, I have encountered various infectious diseases. I undoubtedly think Stomorgyl is the best drug. It acts very quickly and effectively on bacteria without harming the health of the animal. I recommend it to all owners of furry patients.

    Vladislav, veterinarian from Moscow

    Our cat Murka caught the infection during her next walk outside. I lost my appetite, my general health worsened, and my temperature rose. The decision was made to immediately go to the vet. He prescribed us Stomorgyl - an excellent drug that instantly eased the suffering of our pet. Within five days, Murka made a complete recovery without experiencing a single side effect.

    Zinaida, owner of a Siberian cat

    Dosage form

    • It comes out in the form of tablets with different dosages, intended for puppies and all kinds of dog breeds.
    • The minimum (2 mg) contains spiromycin - 150,000 IU, metronidazole - 25 mg.
    • Average (10) – 750,000/125.
    • Large (20) – 1500.000/250.
    • Additionally, each tablet includes sorbitol, magnesium, aluminum hydroxide, gelatin, starch. Has a yellowish color.
    • Packed in blister packs of 10 pieces. Two plates are in boxes with instructions.

    Composition and properties

    The main active ingredients belong to different classes. Spiramycin is an antibiotic of the macrolide group. Blocks the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria.

    Has the property of destroying mycoplasmas. After administration, after 5-6 hours, maximum accumulation occurs not only in the blood, but also in saliva.

    Metronidazole is an antiprotozoal. Capable of influencing protozoan microorganisms (giardia, amoeba, trichomonas) that cause infectious diseases.

    After 45 minutes it is absorbed in the small intestine and reaches the desired concentration. It is excreted in urine, and in lactating animals, partially in milk.


    1. Used in veterinary medicine to treat infections caused by microorganisms, microbes sensitive to the active substance during an acute course.
    2. Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity - stomatitis, gingivitis, pyorrhea.


    Prohibited for dogs with an allergic reaction to the drug. It should be used with great caution in animals with heart, liver, and kidney problems. The veterinarian must monitor the patient's condition.

    Side effects

    Considered low toxic. With the correct dosage, it does not cause harmful effects on the dog's body.

    Before use, you should consult a veterinarian. In rare cases, it causes diarrhea, vomiting, and an allergic reaction.


    Calculated by weight, amount of active substance. The minimum quantity (2) is provided for 2 kg. Used for small breeds, puppies. Portion 10/10. Tablet 20/20 kg weight.

    It is given once a day in its entirety. It is not recommended to sprinkle it into food by grinding it. It is bitter and the pet will refuse to eat. May cause excessive salivation.

    The best way is to put the tablet on the base of the tongue, close your mouth, and lift your head up. With the other hand, stroke the throat, evoke a reflex, force you to swallow the drug.

    Divide the tablet strictly along the notch to avoid giving an extra dose. The duration of the course is prescribed by the veterinarian.

    Usually this is 5-10 days depending on the severity of the disease. Treatment should not be reduced if there is a clear improvement in the condition. Therapy carried out for less than 5 days may cause a relapse.

    All bacteria do not die, but adapt to the drug and begin to multiply again, but the drug will no longer work.

    Take at the same time. Skipping is not recommended. This will lead to reduced efficiency.

    Exceeding the norm

    The instructions presuppose a clear dosage; if the dog is given an extra pill, violating the doctor’s orders, it leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, vomiting), excessive salivation, and loss of consciousness.


    The tablets should be kept in the dark. Keep indoors from 0 to +25 degrees. Use within three years from the date of manufacture.


    • Buy veterinary medication at an animal pharmacy. Each package has a description and instruction manual.
    • The cost of the drug depends on the dosage. Minimum – 750-860 rubles per package.
    • Ten – 1300-1450. For 20 pieces.
    • Large - for ten tablets - 1170-1280.


    There are no drugs with the same composition. It can be replaced with identical ones - Metronidazole, spiromycin, which are included in the drug.

    Your veterinarian may also recommend other antibiotics that are sensitive to these infections.


    Marina 40

    My dog ​​Buttons has problems with her teeth. Inflammation of the gums often appears, she does not eat anything. We were prescribed an antibiotic and gel. On the third day we saw improvement.

    I was given pills for a week, as the doctor said. At first it was hard to give, but then they got used to it, and Button realized that she was being treated and swallowed them quickly. No matter how much the drug was taken, there were no consequences.

    Anton 32

    I love dogs. I feel sorry for them all. I picked up a small dog on the street, very emaciated. I thought I would feed it and leave it in my yard. But she refused to eat.

    When I saw her gums, I was horrified. They were black and bleeding. A veterinarian I know prescribed a French antibiotic and spray. The result appeared on the fourth day.

    Strelka began to eat little by little. They gave us thin porridge and minced meat. The treatment lasted for two weeks. The use of this medicine gave excellent results.

    Dmitry, veterinarian

    In my practice, I often prescribe a French antibiotic. It is almost impossible to find a replacement for it. Its double action gives quick and positive results.

    There are very few complaints about side effects. Dogs experience diarrhea or excessive salivation. It goes away quickly without additional treatment.

    Reviews of the effectiveness of Stomorgil

    A little background. Among my flock of strays, a Persian cat Masha lived for four years. About a month ago, we decided that since the cat was domesticated, we need to take her for a medical examination and, if possible, give her the required vaccinations. After another treatment for fleas and worms, a couple of weeks later we went to the veterinary clinic. There Masha received a bunch of compliments, allowed her temperature to be taken and willingly opened her mouth for inspection. But the vaccination is being postponed... It turned out that the oral cavity is not at all safe: periodontitis and gingivitis... It needs to be treated. The complex composition of Stomorgil (two antibiotics) provides an effect on a wide range of pathological pathogens. Intended specifically for the treatment of oral infections in animals. Three available dosages allow, without resorting to crushing tablets, to select the required dose depending on the weight of the animal. In general, from the point of view of feasibility and expected effect, everything is in order. But the implementation of the idea is very bad. Why aren't such expensive pills made with furry patients in mind? This person can swallow a bitter pill because “the doctor ordered it.” Most likely, it is possible to come to an agreement with trusting dogs who understand everything. But not with a cat! In general, dear owners of felines, if your pet is offered a similar treatment, agree to the injections immediately, and I do not recommend buying Stomorgil tablets.

    Alina 55

    Two weeks ago my cat got sick. Moreover, we did not know what was wrong with him. We visited several clinics and everywhere they said that the cat was healthy and the veterinarian couldn’t see anything. He is so unusual here, he loves having his lips scratched. Smile And one evening he started growling at me when I touched his lower jaw. I immediately suspected that something was wrong. We went to doctors for a week, no one could say anything. This week his condition has deteriorated greatly. In this review I want to tell you about Stomorgyl tablets, this is the main thing that has helped us at all! Well, I want to share my experience, maybe it will be useful for someone. After two days of treatment, the cat began to eat normally, though for now, wet food (he simply adores it, although before that he couldn’t even eat it). Three days later he became happier and began pestering his friend the cat Big smile. And after nine days of treatment, he became happy and playful, ate everything like a black hole, absorbed everything that was given to him! Big smile He began to sleep well, before that he had trouble sleeping and was just dozing.


    Good day. Today I would like to talk about a wonderful tool that helped us in a very short time. My cat Kuzi has chronic gum disease. It has been with him since childhood (thanks, street past!) and, according to several veterinarians, it will not be completely cured. And Stomorgil, of course, became a faithful assistant in our fight. To Stomorgil’s credit, I want to say that as a medicine it is more than effective. The result is already on the third or fourth day, and by the end of therapy the condition of the oral cavity is simply excellent. And the effect lasts for a very long time. The downside is that it is bitter and, unfortunately, expensive. But, on the other hand, the therapeutic effect justifies every penny of the costs. Stomorgil earns his money one hundred percent.


    The drug Stomorgyl is an antibacterial agent that is prescribed for a number of diseases of infectious etiology in cats and other animals. If you use the drug according to the doctor’s recommendations, your pet will quickly recover. It is highly not recommended to self-medicate and use certain dosages without first consulting a veterinarian.

    Antibacterial therapy is often an integral part of the treatment of our pets. Stomorgyl is one of the imported antibiotics that is widely used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity in cats. Many breeders and owners of furry pets often have questions about the advisability and rules of using this drug.

    When to use

    Stomorgyl is used at the rate of 75,000 IU of spiramycin and 12.5 mg of metronidazole per 1 kg of pet weight:

    • 1 tablet of Stomorgil 2 is designed for 2 kg of cat weight;
    • 1 tablet of Stomorgil 5 is designed for 5 kg of cat weight;
    • 1 tablet of Stomorgil 20 is designed for 20 kg of the weight of a very large cat.

    The tablet cannot be crushed; only dividing according to the existing risk is permissible. An attempt to split the tablet in another way will result in a violation of the dosage and loss of the therapeutic effect.

    The drug is given to the cat once a day; the connection with food intake is not noted in the manufacturer’s instructions, but it is better to take Stomorgyl after meals to reduce nausea caused by the metronidazole contained in the composition. The average duration of therapy is 5–10 days. The duration of the course, as well as the dosage of the drug, can be increased on the recommendation of the treating veterinarian.

    No specific therapeutic effects were noted either during the initial administration of the drug or upon completion of therapy. You should avoid skipping the next dose of the drug, as this may result in a loss of therapeutic effectiveness; If a dose is missed, it should be resumed as soon as possible, without changing either the treatment regimen or the prescribed dosage of the drug.

    When treating with antibacterial drugs of the macrolide group, it is very important not to skip doses, since the effect of macrolides in the usual dosage is bacteriostatic; they disrupt the functions of the bacterial cell, but do not kill it directly. The death of bacterial cells occurs due to functions disrupted by the antibiotic.

    If you skip taking the drug, the bacteria will not only survive and recover, they can become resistant to the effects of antibacterial drugs, including cross-resistance, when the bacteria becomes resistant to several groups of antibiotics at once. Therefore, compliance with the dosage and duration of treatment with antibiotics allows not only to cure the disease, but also to prevent the formation of bacterial strains that are resistant to antibiotics.

    You need to take the medicine for at least 5 days, even if the symptoms of the disease have weakened or become almost invisible. Otherwise, the bacteria will survive and become immune to the drug. Getting rid of untreated pathology will be much more difficult. Treatment with an antibacterial agent can last up to 10 days, but the duration of the course should only be determined by a doctor. It necessarily takes into account the degree of the disease, existing symptoms, general health and other factors.

    The tablets have a bitter taste, so they must be given forcibly - placed on the root of the tongue. The tablets can only be divided along the groove, but they cannot be crushed. Due to the bitter taste, when using the medicine in crushed form, the animal may foam at the mouth, vomit and other unpleasant symptoms. Cats cannot tolerate bitter tastes. For this reason, you should not try to mix the drug with food or dilute it in water.

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