How can you tell if your cat is in heat? How long does a cat's heat last?
What is estrus in a cat? Estrus, estrus, heat - the names of the condition when the body
Cat after castration: behavior, rehabilitation, care
Care after castration: does the cat hurt, condition on the first day
Almost every cat owner once faces the question of castration of their pet. It is believed that
Do cats mark after castration? Pros and cons of castration. Why castrate a cat?
Why do cats continue to mark even after surgery? What to do if your cat continues to mark his territory
The importance of caring for your cat after sterilization
How to care for a cat after sterilization day by day: recovery from anesthesia, treatment of sutures and other nuances
If you are about to have your cat sterilized, remember: your doctor should tell you about care after the operation.
The cat asks for the cat
How many months does a cat bear kittens? Signs and stages of pregnancy
13044Administration If your cat has a planned or accidental mating, it is important to
Everything about sterilization of cats: is it necessary to perform the operation, preparation and stages of the procedure, care for the animal in the postoperative period
The cat is one of the most beloved pets, which in the human mind is associated with
what does catnip look like?
What is catnip and how does it affect cats?
What catnip looks like: photo and description. The plant has a purple flower and green leaves.
Obesity in a cat.jpg
Castration of an adult cat: everything the owner needs to know
7044Administration Veterinarians recommend sterilizing cats between the ages of eight months and one year, because
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