How can you tell if your cat is in heat? How long does a cat's heat last?

What is estrus in a cat?

Estrus, estrus, heat are the names of the state when the female’s body is ready for mating, bearing, and giving birth to offspring. The body undergoes natural endocrine changes caused by the maturation of follicles in the ovaries. The external manifestations, duration, and frequency of this condition are difficult to predict; they depend on various factors. But understanding your pet’s condition will bring undoubted benefits.

Signs and symptoms

Although the symptoms of this process manifest themselves differently in each Murka, you must definitely learn to identify them. The onset is determined by the following characteristic features:

  • enlargement of the genitals;
  • the appearance of special bloodless discharge;
  • increased frequency of urination;
  • an increase in the number of licks;
  • decreased appetite;
  • more affectionate or aggressive behavior;
  • frequent attempts to go for a walk;
  • characteristic unpleasant sounds.

Whether all symptoms appear simultaneously or only some depends on the individual characteristics of the animal. The pet can roll on the floor, wriggle, throw its tail to the side, howl deep in its throat, make screams, i.e. do everything possible to attract a male and begin reproducing offspring.

For her, this is completely natural behavior, which seems strange and illogical to the owner. There are other manifestations: screaming, constantly meowing, marking territory, walking past the toilet, ignoring the litter tray, eating poorly, not eating anything, sleeping a lot, losing weight, peeing on the bed.

How does the furry beauty feel?

Changes in the endocrine background cause changes in emotions. The condition of the reproductive organs changes. The brain receives signals that significantly change the pet’s behavior. The situation becomes unusual and stressful. The cat begins to worry and feels the need for affection. An increase in stress levels provokes instinctively aggressive behavior, furious meowing. When Murka's puberty proceeds normally, the baby is not in pain, but her anxiety increases noticeably, and she may lose weight due to nervousness.

How often does estrus occur?

Breeders note that the frequency of cycles depends on the breed, more often in temperamental ones, less often in calm ones. The first include the Siamese and Persians, the second - the British and Scots. There are other factors: time of year, childbirth, age, hormonal changes, health status. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each individual. In cats of the same breed and age, periods of arousal differ markedly.

How long does it last

The duration of estrus is individual for each individual. Usually it lasts only a few days, sometimes it lasts two weeks, twenty days. Felinologists recommend carefully monitoring the process, recording the duration of each rut, and marking the dates on the calendar. Sudden changes in timing indicate trouble. Prolonged sexual activity is a characteristic symptom of problems with the ovaries: cysts, tumors, inflammation. A reduction in the timing of the rut occurs with hormonal problems, expressed in thyroid pathologies, abnormal development of the ovaries.

Seasonality of the reproductive cycle

The time of year affects the frequency of heat in cats. In spring, summer, and autumn, the desire to mate increases, in winter it decreases. It is necessary to take into account the conditions of detention; permanent residence in a warm house blurs the lines between seasons; the female is ready to mate regardless of the season. This is an individual moment. One Murka expresses a desire to mate at the very beginning of spring, the other - closer to the beginning of summer. With age, the seasonality of the reproductive cycle changes. If Murka is healthy, there is no need to worry.

Frequency of estrus

How many times and exactly when the process starts depends on:

  • childbirth and feeding, after which half a year or less may pass until the next active phase;
  • death of kittens or early weaning after birth, which reduces the break until the next active phase;
  • age, the desire to mate becomes less as the female ages.

One heat cycle every three months, i.e. four per year is considered the average norm. There are cats that are ready to mate every month or more often; for some, one date with a male every six months is enough.

If there has been mating, the desired pregnancy has occurred, estrus will stop for the duration of gestation, i.e. for two months or a little more. The next active phase occurs 3-5 months after birth or earlier if the offspring was stillborn.


You can determine when your pet is in heat by the following symptoms:

  1. The animal's behavior changes . The cat becomes affectionate, rubs against pieces of furniture or the owner’s legs, and purrs. Or, on the contrary, the pet becomes very aggressive, and at any slightest contact with a person, it can scratch or bite.
  2. These days, your pet can roll on the floor, squirm or meow pitifully, and make strange uterine sounds, as if she is experiencing severe pain. But this, of course, is not true. This behavior in a cat can be observed not only during the day, but also at night.
  3. The female urinates more often , and she goes to the litter box more and more often.
  4. Appetite changes. The animal may partially or completely refuse to eat. Try to feed your cat small portions. And remember: clean, fresh water should always be present in the animal’s bowl.
  5. Your pet's genitals become slightly swollen. Transparent discharge appears from them . Therefore, the cat begins to lick its genitals frequently.
  6. The gait becomes strange and unnatural . The animal moves on half-bent legs.
  7. When stroking the back, the cat falls on its front paws, puts its tail to the side, and tramples with its hind paws.
  8. The pet can leave marks . This brings a lot of trouble to the owners. But you shouldn’t scold her for this, otherwise you will only make the situation worse.

Attention! If the animal is exhausted or, on the contrary, is obese, then the process of sexual activity can proceed completely unnoticed.

During this period, the cat may try to escape outside to the cats through a slightly open window or door, so watch your pet more closely.

Cat's first heat

This is a special time. The pet's body changes, sensations appear that she has not experienced before, Murka needs care and attention. It is difficult to accurately calculate the beginning of a special time. When your pet turns six months old, it is necessary to carefully “try on” changes in behavior for signs of maturation in order to identify the onset of natural maturation processes and recognize early symptoms of possible diseases.

When does the first heat start?

The time of onset of the first estrus in a cat varies widely: from six to sixteen months. There are “early” babies who mature by four months, although such early estrus indicates the presence of a developmental pathology, the onset of the disease. If a one-and-a-half-year-old beauty does not experience estrus, a veterinarian’s consultation is necessary. A long process of puberty is a sign of developing problems that cannot be ignored.

Features of the first rut

The optimal age for the first rut is approximately 10 months; mating at this time will allow the mustachioed beauty to have offspring by a year or a little later. The body is already mature enough to withstand the stress associated with childbirth. It is important to have a general idea: when the cat’s first sexual estrus began and how it proceeded. During early rutting, probable pathologies are identified and treatment is begun. The decision to sterilize is also made at this stage.

Age at first heat

Many people are interested in when cats go into heat. Unfortunately, there is no unanimous answer to this question. Each animal body is unique, and physiological processes occur differently. The onset of estrus can be influenced by several factors:

  • breed;
  • character;
  • presence or absence of chronic diseases;
  • sizes, etc.

However, on average, veterinarians agree that cats go into heat when the animal is between 8 and 11 months old. It is considered normal for a cat to not come into heat until she is 12 months old. However, if the purr still does not show the first symptoms before the age of 18 months, it is advisable to take the cat to the veterinarian - there is a risk of disease or hormonal imbalance.

You should not think that if an animal is in heat, the cat is ready to mate and give birth to kittens. The body can develop for several more months. Therefore, it is necessary to breed the animal after the first few heats.

What is happening to Murka at this time?

Experts divide the rut into four main periods. It is difficult to see clear boundaries between them, but knowing how to understand when your pet is having sexual activity will be useful. The owners will better understand the feelings of the pet and will be able to choose the optimal time for mating. This will increase the cat's chances of starting pregnancy at the right time. The defining moment is the exact determination of the first day of the cycle.


The initial stage lasts from a day to four, often lasting two days. The pet eats less, there is slight discharge and swelling of the genitals. The cat becomes affectionate, reacts aggressively to the cat or remains indifferent. The process has just begun, the pet is not ready for mating. It is worth assessing what color the discharge is during the rut. They should be scanty, transparent, odorless.


This is the active phase, suitable for mating, and lasts five to ten days. Now it becomes clear what this process looks like in a cat. Now characterized by increased hormonal levels and heavy discharge. The cat's behavior acquires a pronounced desire to mate. She arches, rolls on the floor, wriggles, throws her tail, and makes unusual body movements. The pet does not purr, but rather screams.

The inability to release sexual energy during mating can cause mustachioed beauties extremely unpleasant physical sensations, which is why they scream. Any disciplinary measures will increase stress; neither persuasion nor punishment will change the endocrine background of the pet. If estrus is asymptomatic, behavior remains calm, and there is a high probability of problems in the gynecological area.


It is called post-estrus or metestrus. Depending on whether there was mating, here are the options for the development of events:

  • fertilization has occurred, pregnancy has occurred, kittens will appear in ten weeks;
  • after mating, fertilization did not occur, a false pregnancy occurred, lasting thirty to forty days, then the next rutting period will begin;
  • there was no mating, arousal will gradually decrease over a period of two days to two weeks.

In this phase, the manifestation of aggression towards the male is considered natural. New hormonal changes associated with a return to normal or the development of pregnancy again affect the animal's behavior. The pet begins to calm down and does not let the cat near.


The resting phase from metestrus to the next estrus. In cats that are regularly bred after pregnancy or childbirth, this period may be longer than in a pet that has gone through an empty heat. Aneestrus lasts several weeks or months. Felinologists note that numerous rutting periods that do not end with fertilization do not bring benefit to the cat. The likelihood of developing a number of diseases increases. It is necessary to decide now how to stop or interrupt the next hunt.

Signs of the onset of estrus

There are no special physical signs of the onset of estrus in cats. Only behavior changes. Depending on the breed and temperament of the animal, this can occur with varying degrees of intensity.

Some cats begin to fawn and howl. Others become aggressive, bite, and due to an excess of sex hormones they cannot find a place for themselves. Some cats stop relieving themselves in the litter box and do it in different parts of the apartment (“marking their territory”). The main signs of the onset of estrus are as follows:

  • anxiety;
  • the desire to sneak out of the house;
  • lack of appetite;
  • characteristic long “howl”;
  • a constant desire to rub against furniture and the owners’ feet;
  • compulsive licking of the genitals due to discharge;
  • a characteristic pose of “invitation to mating”: the cat presses itself to the floor and sticks its butt up.

If the owners have no intention of breeding kittens, the animal should be kept at home and not allowed to go outside. Not only doors, but also windows can be a route to escape.

Owners living on the upper floors of high-rise buildings should be especially attentive. During heat, pets do not always control the degree of danger and can be injured by jumping from a balcony or window.

How to behave as an owner

Mating is a natural step for a current female, but it is not always possible. It's a bad idea to breed a female cat during her first heat. Simple methods and techniques will help ease the baby’s suffering:

  • distract with favorite or new toys;
  • pick up, stroke, massage, soothe with gentle words;
  • feed frequently in smaller portions;
  • reduce room lighting;
  • use sedatives recommended by your veterinarian;
  • invite an active neutered male for mating.

Some owners independently stimulate the cat to help the pet get through a difficult period if the cat does not want the cat or is unavailable. First you need to put a glove on your hand and prepare a clean cotton swab. You need to stroke the cat, which is in a state of rutting, on the back, and gently grab it by the withers.

The vulva is then gently stroked until the vagina begins to pulsate and the tail is pulled to the side. Now you can slowly insert a cotton swab or other suitable object inside. Stimulation is carried out until discharge occurs. The procedure is repeated several times.

If there are cats in the house, and mating is not planned, the current female must be isolated and harmless folk remedies used to calm her down. The bed should be placed next to a radiator or other heat source, and a warm heating pad should be placed. Frequent bathing helps relieve tension. You need to wash your pet carefully. If Murka does not like water, the irritation will not subside, but will intensify. Sometimes catnip or decoctions of soothing herbs: lemon balm, chamomile give results.

There are herbal soothing drops and tablets to stop Murka from screaming:

  • Stop Stress;
  • Cat Baiyun;
  • Anti-stress.

They have a mild effect and do not affect the hormonal state of the animal. There are relatively safe means in the first aid kit to calm Murka down. Suprastin is given at the rate of a quarter of a tablet per five kilograms of weight, once a day towards night, for three days.

Suprastin suppresses the psyche of fluffies; it cannot be considered as a replacement for hormonal therapy or sterilization. The medicine is prescribed as a temporary measure after childbirth to delay the onset of a new pregnancy.

On specialized forums there are reviews, photos, prices for medicines, recommendations on what else can be used for a pet during estrus. If she starts peeing anywhere, marking her territory, she needs to use special underpants.

How to calm a cat during heat

Every owner who is faced with a cat in heat thinks about how to help their pet and alleviate her condition. Although, unlike illness, estrus is a normal physiological process, the furry beauty experiences severe stress. These days, be affectionate with your pet and give it enough attention. Try to pick her up, stroke her, and talk to her more often. These actions will not eliminate the symptoms of estrus, but the cat will feel calmer.

Outdoor games will help to sublimate energy. Buy your cat a new toy that will distract her from sexual hunting. Even the simplest items will do - toy mice, tassels and bows. Plus, an exhausted cat is more likely to sleep at night rather than meow. For the same reason, do not let your pet sleep for a long time during the day.

Since appetite decreases during heat, reduce food portions but increase the frequency of feedings. Nutrition should be balanced.

During estrus, some owners are willing to give the cat the opportunity to mate with a male cat. When letting your pet out of the house to hunt, you need to be prepared for the appearance of kittens. If breeding is not part of your plans, a neutered cat will do, and 2 weeks after the heat, sterilize the animal.


On the advice of a veterinarian, you can buy special medications to calm your cat (Cat Bayun, Anti-Stress, Stop-Stress, Fitex). These should be sedatives, not hormones. Herbal preparations relieve emotional stress, and estrus goes easier. The medicines are gentle and non-addictive. The choice of a specific brand and dosage is made by a veterinarian after consultation with a description of all symptoms. Each cat reacts to sedative drops in its own way, as is the case with valerian.

Hormonal drugs

It is possible to interrupt estrus by giving the cat hormonal drugs, but this is an extreme measure, which can be used a maximum of 2 times a year. Moreover, experts generally do not recommend using drugs with an “anti-sex” effect due to a number of side effects. Hormonal disruptions caused by drops can provoke inflammatory processes in the genital organs, cysts, malignant tumors, diabetes and dysfunction of the adrenal glands. Don't resort to heavy artillery without good reason.

In 70% of cases, regular and long-term use of hormonal drugs that interrupt estrus leads to castration of the cat for medical reasons in adulthood. Even if the cat has excellent health, you should not risk it.

What not to do

  • Do not scold or punish the animal for unwanted behavior - meowing, intrusiveness and leaving marks. The cat does all this not out of harm, so nature takes its toll. The fluffy purr herself would be happy to curl up and sleep.
  • Some sources advise bathing your cat or dousing it with water, but in reality these actions will only cause additional stress for your pet. The next half hour of licking isn't worth it.
  • Another stereotype is that if you lock a purr in a dark room, the heat will pass faster. This is due to the effect that the sun's rays have on the hormonal system. But we must not forget that being in a dark, enclosed space will make the cat nervous, even to the point of developing mental disorders.

Deviations from the norm

The owner needs to carefully monitor the seasonality, duration, and nature of estrus in order to record anomalies. A long absence of the active phase, its frequent occurrence, pain, sluggish response to treatment, yellowish discharge with an unpleasant odor, bloody inclusions indicate endocrine disruption and more serious health problems. If the first rut does not occur for too long, when estrus lasts longer than two weeks, consultation with a veterinarian is required. Signs of ill health must be combated with means recommended by specialists.

Prolonged heat

In this state, the duration of the physiological phases of the process increases. The continuous rut ​​lasts more than two weeks, causing discomfort to the pet. A characteristic feature is the continued appearance of mucous discharge, accompanied by manifestations of aggression towards the male. Mating does not occur, fertilization does not occur, the mustachioed beauty remains excited. Prolonged stress makes the situation worse.


This is the name for the condition of a fluffy beauty who is of childbearing age, but does not show any signs of sexual desire. Anaphrodisia (acyclia) is a characteristic sign of delayed puberty. If the female is not intended for breeding purebred offspring, she may not need treatment. The veterinarian examines the animal to rule out hyperfunction of the thyroid gland or adenohypophysis. If pregnancy is necessary, combination therapy with follicle-stimulating hormones is carried out: choriogonadotropin, folliculin, estrone.

False pregnancy

Only a veterinarian can accurately diagnose this condition. It is characterized by the same symptoms as for normal pregnancy:

  • increased appetite;
  • increased thirst;
  • finding a secluded place;
  • increased attention to small soft objects;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • increase in abdominal size.

The problem is considered psychological and is seen as the result of prolonged stress. The sad result is purulent mastitis and similar diseases. Sphynx cats have an innate tendency to show signs of false pregnancy.

Empty heat

Lack of fertilization is not considered a normal condition. If your pet does not become pregnant, the body experiences unwanted hormonal stress. The situation is complicated by the substances that caring owners give to calm the cat at this time. In the future, there is a high probability of developing dangerous diseases: mastitis, hyperplasia, cancer, ovarian cysts, polycystic disease, endometritis, purulent inflammation, etc. If you do not plan to get offspring from a cat, timely sterilization will be a choice in favor of her health.

Frequent heats

The average norm is two to four rutting periods per year, although much depends on temperament, breed, and genetic characteristics. It happens that the re-rut occurs too often, literally every week or two. This dangerous condition cannot be ignored. If mating is not planned, you need to show the animal to a veterinarian. Perhaps this is a manifestation of a serious gynecological disease, for example, polycystic disease. Treatment with hormones can be effective. If the problem is not resolved, castration is the next appropriate step.

Bloody issues

The appearance of blood in mucous secretions indicates the presence of a serious pathology. It is impossible to determine the cause “by eye”; a serious examination by an experienced veterinarian is necessary: ​​standard tests, histology, cytology, ultrasound, studies, the decision of which is made by a specialist. Some diseases develop rapidly. If you have bloody discharge, the most sensible step is to visit the clinic immediately.

Stages of estrus

The duration of the stages is individual for each cat. Signs may overlap each other. And therefore, it is sometimes difficult to determine the timing of mating with a cat.

Estrus is divided into four stages:

  1. Proestrus is the very first stage. It lasts from 1 to 5 days. At this time, the animal begins to require increased attention. Colorless discharge appears from the vagina. But, during this stage, the female is not yet ready for mating and fertilization, and therefore does not allow the male to approach her.
  2. Estrus is the second stage of estrus. It lasts 6-7 days. It all depends on the characteristics of your pet’s body. During the period of estrus, the animal meows loudly day and night, frightening its owners. When stroking, it raises the back of the body and moves the tail to the side. At this time, days 3-5 are considered the most favorable days for fertilization.
  3. Metestrus is the third stage of estrus, during which all signs of sexual activity begin to disappear. The cat is no longer interested in the cat. She only shows aggression towards him. This lasts for 7-8 days. It is possible that fertilization has occurred. At this time, embryos begin to develop. If this does not happen, then in 2-3 weeks the heat will appear again.
  4. Anestrus is the final stage of estrus. At this time, the pet becomes calm, all signs of sexual activity disappear.

Reasons for lack of estrus

Among the reasons for a long-term lack of desire to mate are:

  • predisposition caused by genetic breed characteristics;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • endocrine shift;
  • pathological condition of the ovaries;
  • hermaphroditism, etc.

There are emotional factors that cause sexual dysfunction. Lack of hunting is observed in individuals that are kept indoors, do not have contact with other representatives of their species, and do not observe normal sexual behavior.

Purebred females over one and a half years old who are involved in breeding require treatment to restore the normal functioning of the reproductive organs. Pets kept for pleasure do not need such treatment. The veterinarian will examine the pet; if other pathologies do not appear, treatment is not necessary. Periodic preventive examinations will be required.

Mating cats

For breeders of purebred cats, the question remains relevant: when to carry out the first mating? Veterinarians advise not to do this earlier than 10–15 months of life. By this time, the female’s body is fully formed, which makes it possible to obtain healthy offspring without defects. It is better to skip the first two heats. It is especially important to follow this rule if the female is small in size.

Mating is planned no earlier than the third heat.

Contact with the cat is planned approximately on the third day after the first symptoms of heat appear. The pet is ready for coitus if she tries to excite her partner and caresses him.

It happens that during mating, which takes place on the cat’s territory, signs of estrus disappear. This also happens due to stress. Once the cat gets used to it, the process will return to normal.

Mating in cats

Sexual desire in a sterilized cat

The surgical procedure used to prevent pregnancy is commonly called sterilization. In practice, the animal undergoes one of three operations:

  • tubal occlusion: tubal ligation;
  • oophorectomy - removal of the ovaries;
  • Ovariohysterectomy - simultaneous removal of the uterus and ovaries.

Tubal ligation does not stop the maturation of the follicles, creating an obstacle to the fertilized egg entering the uterus. The hormonal background does not undergo changes, the occurrence of heat in a pet that has been sterilized by tubal ligation is the norm. The cessation of sexual activity occurs as a result of oophorectomy or ovariohysterectomy. These two procedures protect the pet well from inflammation of the uterus, ovarian cancer, polycystic disease, and similar diseases.

Is it possible to sterilize a cat at this time?

Sterilization during the rutting period is strictly prohibited. A gross change in the development of hormonal processes will negatively affect the health of any animal. The procedure is recommended two weeks before or two weeks after the active phase.

Kittens predisposed to the development of mammary gland cancer are sterilized before the first heat, the permissible age is six months or a little more, weight is more than three kilograms. The rest are sterilized after the first heat. The signs are not always obvious; there is a danger of missing the deadline and performing the operation when the pet is in a state of activity, which is strictly contraindicated.

How to make your cat go into heat easier?

How to help a cat during heat?
The best cure for obvious signs of estrus is mating the animal. After sexual intercourse, the cat stops freaking out and comes to its senses. However, cat owners' plans do not always include breeding kittens. What to do in this case?

In order to make it at least a little easier for a cat to go through such a difficult period in her life , it is necessary to surround her with as much care and affection as possible. It is advisable to stroke her more often and talk to her in a gentle voice. Under no circumstances should you lock your cat in a closed, dark space (closet).

To avoid midnight chants, owners should try not to let their pet sleep during the day - it is better to play with her at this time. This way, the pussy will be exhausted and will rest at night.

Also, the best option would be to feed her a hearty dinner in the evening before bed.

Veterinary pharmacies sell a large number of drugs that help to subside estrus.

These medications must be taken with a prescription and under the strict supervision of a veterinarian. This is especially true for hormonal drugs. While herbal remedies are less harmful, those that contain hormones can cause a severe blow to the cat’s genitourinary system and overall health.

If the owners do not intend to breed kittens, then it is better for them to simply sterilize the cat. This will ease the suffering of their pet and themselves.

Use of hormone-based medications

Mustachioed pets cope with this difficult time in different ways. Some need a little affection and attention to survive this period, while others suffer from unsatisfied desire, despite the efforts of their owners. If the usual methods of calming down are powerless, you will have to turn to special means, tablets, drops, options that help relieve tension. When mating is not planned, sterilization is the right option.

The principle of operation of drugs of this type

Only hormones, natural or synthesized, can effectively influence the onset of sexual heat. Progesterone enters the body during pregnancy. A dose of progestin preparations administered during the rest period suppresses the effect of follicle-stimulating hormone. Estrogen, which provokes sexual desire, does not enter the blood, and the period of sexual desire is blocked. If hormonal medications are used incorrectly, your pet may die.

Types of drugs

Hormonal preparations of this type are available in tablet form, as drops for internal use or application to the withers. An effective, high-quality product contains a complex of hormones. Veterinarians often prescribe the following:

  • “Stop-intim”, drops based on megestrol acetate, a synthetic analogue of progesterol, given orally with a treat, sugar or forcibly;
  • “Contrasex”, drops, tablets containing synthetic hormones acetomepregenol, ethinyl estradiol;
  • “Gestrenol” is a complex biohormonal preparation in the form of drops and tablets;
  • “Sex barrier” - mepregenol acetate plus ethinyl estradiol, liquid, tablets;
  • “Ovostop” is a complex of megestrol, proroxan, melatonin, drops on the withers.

Such drugs cannot be considered harmless drugs. Before starting use, you must carefully read the instructions.

Features of application

For health and safety reasons, it is best to consult your veterinarian first. Hormones are prescribed only to healthy animals; they are administered in strict accordance with the instructions. Progestins have many contraindications; a non-specialist cannot determine them by eye. You should not skip a dose or increase the dose to compensate for the missed dose of medication.

Non-extended-release medications must be taken for the entire prescribed period. Determining the dosage is the task of the veterinarian. Spontaneous use of hormonal contraceptives is unacceptable. It is forbidden to use progestin preparations during sexual heat, this is after the end of the active phase.

Hormones do not replace the sterilization procedure; their purpose is:

  • delay the onset of the active phase if pregnancy is contraindicated for your pet for some time, after recent childbirth, cesarean section, gynecological problems;
  • adjust the mating time, for example, until a suitable male is found;
  • prevent pregnancy if immediate sterilization is contraindicated.

Within 24 hours after an unwanted mating, progestins can prevent unplanned pregnancy.

How to determine the right day

Taking hormonal drugs in the active phase will be a disaster for the cat. The third day of the period is considered critical; the process enters the active phase. Many females experience a quiet, mild estrus, which begins almost asymptomatically.

An inexperienced owner may not pay attention to the signs: Murka becomes thoughtful and affectionate. An important point is the behavior when stroking the sacrum. The pet characteristically arches, throws back its tail, sexual activity is in full swing, progestins cannot be given. When there is no such reaction, the use of the medicine is acceptable.

Hormonal injections

The veterinarian sometimes recommends a hormone injection using a long-acting drug. Usually it is Covinan or Depo-Provera. The first is based on proligestone (synthetic progesterone), a steroid that inhibits the processes in the animal’s body that cause sexual desire, reducing the concentration of luteinizing hormone.

After discontinuation of the drug, fertility is restored. Injections are given according to a strict schedule to minimize side effects. If diarrhea, vomiting, or undesirable effects occur, the drug is discontinued.

Depo-Provera was originally developed as a female contraceptive, but has found use in veterinary medicine. The basis of the drug is medroxyprogesterone, a synthetic substance that can suppress ovulation. Available in the form of suspension and tablets. These medications should absolutely not be used during estrus. At the end of use, the ability to produce offspring is restored.

Cat sexual maturity

Sexual maturity is the ability of an animal to produce offspring. Puberty in cats is characterized by the formation of eggs in the ovaries and the manifestation of sexual cycles. With the onset of puberty, oogenesis in a cat continues throughout the animal's reproductive life.

During puberty, a complex morpho-functional restructuring occurs in the cat’s body, leading to a new physiological state. Under the influence of sex hormones, a cat develops not only the reproductive system, but also the mammary gland.

Puberty in a cat always appears earlier than the main growth and development of the animal ends. Therefore, the onset of puberty does not yet indicate the cat’s body is ready to reproduce.

Puberty, depending on the conditions of detention, feeding, breed, climatic conditions, occurs at 6-8 months; in large and long-haired breeds (Persians, Maine Coons), maturation begins at the age of 9-12 months.

Cat owners need to keep in mind that after puberty, the cat is not yet ready for full reproduction of offspring. If you breed your cat during her first heat, when the cat's body is not yet ready to bear kittens, this will cause a number of problems with her health.

Physiological maturity in a cat usually occurs at the age of 14-15 months.

Therefore, cats that have reached physiological maturity should be used for reproduction. During this time, cats usually experience two empty nests. It is recommended to carry out mating in the second or third space. Cat owners need to keep in mind that delaying the insemination of a cat after the onset of maturity is harmful, as this leads to disruption of neurohumoral regulation, obesity (modern problems of obesity in pets, diagnosis of obesity), decreased sexual function, and sometimes to infertility.

Sterilization is the right choice

This is the most humane choice for a furry beauty who is no longer involved in breeding. It is recommended to sterilize a Murka taken into a home for love before her first heat. Cats are not people. They do not have the choice “to give birth or not to give birth.” Cat reality: “give birth or suffer.”

Empty estrus and thoughtless use of hormonal drugs lead to painful diseases that require expensive treatment. If your pet survives after medical procedures, sterilization is still inevitable.

Modern sterilization is a gentle procedure performed using laparoscopic equipment. The cost is moderate. One or more small cuts will be required. After a short recovery period, the pet will continue to live a full life, bringing joy to the home.

Sterilization increases the life expectancy of a pet by five to ten years. Murka will be able to calmly walk everywhere, and the owners will no longer worry about unwanted kittens.

Estrus after sterilization

This phenomenon occurs infrequently. The main reasons are:

  • Reminent ovarian syndrome is a pathology in which ovarian cells settle in the wrong place during the intrauterine formation of the fetus. During surgery, the tissue may not be noticed: it is difficult to detect.
  • A tumor of internal organs (adrenal glands, breast, cyst on the uterus) that produces hormones.
  • The adrenal glands have taken over the tasks of the gonads.
  • Activity of pituitary hormones.
  • Long-term attenuation of hormonal levels, especially if sterilization was carried out during the period of estrus.
  • Preserved ovarian tissue, or ovarioreminant syndrome, which develops if not all cells of these reproductive organs are removed from the body.

If your cat is in heat after sterilization, you should contact your veterinarian. He will diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment. In some cases, repeated surgery is indicated.

Mistakes of owners in methods of calming down

The pet behaves unusually at this time, the owner needs to react correctly. You cannot respond to aggression with punishment or try to silence it with a shout. It is better to leave an irritated animal alone and give it time to recover.

Murka must have her own place, it is necessary to provide her with the opportunity to retire, especially if there is a dog or other pets in the house. You need to react in a similar way to any changes in behavior, for example, if she shits anywhere. Gradually, the body will return to normal, the correct habits will be restored.

Some people mistakenly consider valerian to be a sedative, but for fluffies it is a stimulant that increases sexual desire. Contact with valerian is undesirable during the rest period; during the active phase, the pathogen will cause harm; the drug must be removed out of reach.

You should not try to use Corvalol, Valocordin, glycine, motherwort, or “human” medications to calm the baby, without a veterinarian’s prescription; special feline homeopathy is preferable.

Catnip is used as a sedative, but it is a pathogen that acts much more mildly than valerian. Suitable for correcting the behavior of cats; use the product carefully during sexual activity. Sometimes there is a need to vaccinate, i.e. vaccinate or worm the cat during estrus. There are no significant contraindications for this, but permission from a veterinarian is required.

A terrible mistake would be uncontrolled, too long-term use of hormonal drugs. Using alternative sedatives is a temporary measure. Even if it is possible to relieve the symptoms, complications from empty heats are almost inevitable. The cat must be regularly mated with a male cat or sterilized.

Medicines against estrus

Manufacturers of veterinary drugs have developed a number of products that affect sexual heat in cats.

Hormonal veterinary medications are used to interrupt sexual heat.

Attention! Veterinarians warn that none of these drugs are completely safe. To one degree or another, they harm the animal.

  • Covinan . The medicine is produced by the Dutch company Intervet International BV. The formula is based on an artificially created analogue of progesterone - the substance prolygestone. It reduces the production of gonadotropic hormones, thereby preventing the development of estrus. If the drug is used during the anestrus phase, a contraceptive effect is achieved. The product is available in the form of a solution for subcutaneous injection. The recommended dosage is 1-1.5 ml (depending on the size of the cat) once or repeatedly, depending on the desired result. Before using the product, you should consult a veterinarian. The drug does not exhibit androgenic effects and is indicated for animals over 5 years of age.


  • CounterSex Neo. The active ingredients of the product are acetobumedone and ethinyl estradiol. The drug works similar to Covinan, but is available in tablet form. They begin to give it at the first symptoms of excitement. Dosage: 1 tablet for 3–5 days.

CounterSex Neo

  • Stop-Intim drops 2 . Due to the content of megestrol acetate, estrogen production is inhibited, which prevents morphological and psychophysical changes in cats. Stop-Intim is a low-hazard substance and does not produce a mutagenic effect. It is given during the period between heats or to interrupt sexual heat.

Stop-Intim drops 2

  • Suprastin . The direct purpose of the drug is the treatment of allergies in people. However, it is also used to calm a cat during sexual arousal. Dosage - ¼ tablet for every 5 kg of weight. However, when using Suprastin, extreme caution should be used: even the slightest overdose will cause the death of the pet. The drug is hormonal and also leads to disturbances in the body. Veterinarians do not recommend the use of human treatments for pets.


Attention! The constant use of hormonal drugs to interrupt sexual heat in cats causes serious diseases of the genitourinary system - pyometritis, ovarian cysts, endometritis, cancer and others.

Signs and symptoms of estrus

Determining the beginning of this delicate period in a pet is quite simple. The main thing is to pay attention to the characteristic signs of the condition and the corresponding symptoms:

  • the external genitalia of the animal increase in size, characteristic discharge appears, which the pet can inherit (there is no blood in them);
  • the number of urinations increases, the cat becomes more clean, licks itself more often;
  • often owners notice a lack of appetite;
  • the pet becomes more affectionate, constantly rubs against the owners’ legs and pieces of furniture, wriggles on the floor (there are individuals who become aggressive while the heat lasts);
  • the cat is increasingly trying to sneak out of the house, using every opportunity;
  • when calling males, she makes loud, drawn-out sounds, which are likely to be unpleasant to the owner’s hearing;
  • the pet bends on the floor, throwing its tail to the side and actively moving its hind limbs.

Having noticed similar behavior in your pet, you can accurately determine the start time of estrus. You should be gentle with the animal during this period, help and calm it down if you are not planning to mate with an active cat.

Stages of heat

Physical maturity occurs at approximately six months. As soon as this period begins, the pet can already produce offspring by becoming pregnant. It continues until the animal is old - about 8-9 years. Estrus occurs in four phases:


Duration is 1-4 days. This is the preparatory stage. Restlessness is the main characteristic of this time. The cat won't let the cat near her and is a little aggressive and doesn't eat well.


Duration on average is 7-12 days. The pet's behavior changes, sex hormones raging in the body force it to quickly identify the male and carry out planned or spontaneous mating with him.


The final stage lasts about a week. This is a period characterized by pregnancy or non-occurrence and relative rest. Sometimes false gestation of kittens can develop if conception does not occur during estrus. A cat can react aggressively to a cat, even one that has undergone castration.


This is a time of peace. In healthy cats, this period takes about three months and usually occurs during the winter and summer months. At this moment, the animal is calm and leads its usual lifestyle.

Maximum sexual activity is observed in early spring, usually February-March. If during this time the desired pregnancy does not occur, estrus occurs every couple of weeks.

Frequency of estrus

As a rule, an animal's estrus ends with the onset of pregnancy. The gestation period lasts about 2−2.5 months. At this time, the animal is not in heat. They begin after the kittens are born, 3-3.5 months later. If the offspring is stillborn, then estrus begins earlier.

If a cat does not become pregnant, then the intervals between estrus range from 1 to 3 weeks. In some animals they begin earlier, in others later. When cats come into heat and how long it will last depends on a number of factors:

  • physiological characteristics;
  • time of year (sexual activity in cats increases with the onset of spring);
  • features of living conditions;
  • breed (it occurs more often in Siamese and Persian individuals than in Scottish pets or representatives of the British breed).

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