How many days do Scottish Fold cats stay pregnant?

Today, many people buy British and Scottish cats. They are beautiful, good-natured and affectionate, which is why they have gained popularity not only in the United Kingdom, but throughout the world. Some people use animals for breeding, making a profit from selling kittens. Indeed, a small kitten can cost a lot, especially if we are talking about a Scottish Fold. However, if the owner brings a cat to a cat for the first time, he has a reasonable question about how long it takes to bear offspring and when to expect the birth. Today we’ll talk about how long pregnant cats in general and Scottish Folds in particular walk.

At what age can you knit tartan?

The first heat in Scottish cats, like in other cats, should be expected at 8 months. However, the body has not yet finished growing, and early pregnancy can undermine the health of the pet. And the offspring of a precocious mother will not be in good health.

Scots are considered large pets, so they are ready for the first mating later than cats of smaller breeds. The optimal age for the first pregnancy is one and a half years.

A partner for the Scottish female should be looked for several months before the intended mating, preferably not far from home, in order to have time to connect the couple on the 2nd or 3rd day of estrus.

How long do cats of different breeds bear offspring?

The specific duration of pregnancy may vary slightly. This should always be taken into account when determining the approximate due date. Let's look at the most popular varieties of such pets.

Gestation period for primiparous cats:

  • How long do pregnant cats walk for the first time? Their pregnancy lasts 65 days (divergence is 4 - 5 days).
  • How long do pregnant cats take for the first time in the UK? They carry kittens for 63 - 70 days. The fewer kittens are in the tummy, the longer the period.
  • How long do pregnant Scottish (straight-eared) cats walk for the first time? From the moment of fertilization to birth in such cats it usually takes 62 - 67 days. A delay of 5 days is not a big deal; it’s much worse if the cat gives birth before 60 days. The offspring most likely will not survive.
  • How long do pregnant cats last for the first time? Scottish women are pregnant for 60 - 65 days, sometimes they give birth after 72 days or after 58 days (the latter is extremely undesirable).
  • How many offspring do Persian cats carry? Their first pregnancy lasts from 63 to 68 days.
  • How many days do Siamese breeds bear babies? From 63 to 66 days. But if the number of children in the litter is large (4 - 7), then they can be born 4 - 7 days earlier (it is dangerous if this happens before 58 days).

On a note! Typically, a cat bears offspring for as long as its mother. The factor of heredity plays a big role in this matter!

Signs of pregnancy in Scottish cats

After mating, the cat calms down and becomes imposing. If the pet does not have contact with other animals at this time and eats according to its needs, the onset of pregnancy proceeds without problems. The first signs of pregnancy are observed 2-3 weeks after conception. The cat, as well as the woman, experiences attacks of morning sickness, characteristic of toxicosis of pregnancy.

The pet's nipples begin to turn pink, and the hair around them gradually falls out. However, such changes are individual and ultrasound is a reliable test for pregnancy. The first examination is usually carried out 3 weeks after mating.

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Even an inexperienced owner can determine that the cat is pregnant in the sixth week of gestation.
By this time, her belly is rounded, her nipples swell, and her mammary glands enlarge.

Signs of labor

Before giving birth, the cat becomes even more excited. Most often, she follows the owner and demands attention, and may call him to the nest. You should not ignore your pet’s requests - during this period she needs help.

If an excited cat begins to actively lick itself, it means that labor will soon occur. If you measure the animal's body temperature, it will be 37 degrees or lower, which is normal for this condition.

The onset of labor may take several hours. This is normal and there is no need to worry. If the cat has not given birth to her first kitten within 24 hours after the onset of labor, you should immediately call a veterinarian.

The pregnancy of a Scottish Fold cat is a real miracle. This period needs to be made as comfortable as possible for the expectant mother and all the necessary conditions for the birth of kittens must be provided. It is also worth remembering that love and attention are just as important for a cat as a tasty diet and a cozy nest.

Behavior of a pregnant fold cat

A pregnant cat changes its behavior. Hormonal surges change behavior. The cat alternately pets and looks irritated. Fetal development increases food requirements during the fourth week of pregnancy. At that time, the feed portion can be increased by 10-15%. In subsequent weeks, the animal is no longer restricted in food, but in order to avoid overeating, it is fed in small portions, but often.

The best option is to switch to ad libitum feeding with dry granules. The fifth week of pregnancy has only just begun, and the Scotswoman is already beginning to nest: she is looking for a secluded place. If the owners are planning to purchase a cat house, then this time is most suitable for the implementation of the intention.

During the seventh week, the cat may lose its appetite for a while. The embryos begin to grow fur and the cat hibernates at this time. The body is rebuilt, some of the nutrients are redirected into the formation of fruits to prepare the mammary glands for lactation. This process requires calmness, so the cat becomes drowsy.

In the last weeks before lambing, the Scotch cow becomes active again, once again walking around the property in search of a more convenient nest. It's time to satisfy your curiosity and repeat the ultrasound. You can determine the number of fruits and observe their movements. However, someone may be undetected and the actual number of kittens turns out to be greater than expected.

How to care for a pregnant cat?

The future cat mother does not require special care. You need to pay more attention to her diet. There is no need to overfeed your cat, but its diet should be balanced. You can include more milk and meat in the menu. If she eats dry food, it should have a high content of vitamins and beneficial microelements.

What to feed a pregnant Scottish Fold cat

No special food has been developed for pregnant and lactating cats. Manufacturers of ready-made food believe that the nutritional needs of a mother cat are the same as those of kittens. Therefore, it is recommended to switch a pregnant pet to baby food from the moment pregnancy is considered established.

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That is, if on the 25th day after mating an ultrasound showed the presence of embryos, the pet begins to gradually replace the previous food with a new one. This should be done gradually over a week to prevent feeding stress, which will negatively affect the fruit.

If an ultrasound was not performed for some reason, the transition to a new food begins when pregnancy is established based on other signs.

Malyshovsky food is as close as possible to milk in terms of energy and protein concentration, therefore it contains a lot of fat. For this reason, it should not be given immediately after mating, since Scottish females are prone to obesity.

The best option is universal holistic food such as Acana or Orijen, or specialized food Royal Canin Mother & Babycat. Adherents of natural food should create a diet that is not inferior in nutritional value to the indicated ready-made food.

What can affect the length of pregnancy?

The duration of gestation of kittens may vary depending on the following factors:

  • Kitty weights. If she is obese or underweight, she may carry offspring a little longer or shorter than standard terms.
  • Age. First-time cats that become pregnant before 10 months often experience difficulty giving birth. They sometimes experience pathologies during pregnancy.
  • Hormonal background.
  • The presence of infectious diseases. If the expectant mother has an infection, the babies may be premature and there is a high risk of miscarriage.
  • Weather conditions.

How to help a Scottish woman during childbirth

The first aid before lambing is preparing the den. The simplest option is a cardboard box with holes cut for ventilation, lined with paper and covered with a soft cloth. The future house for kittens is placed in a secluded place. The nesting cat is picked up and placed in a prepared place. If the cat shows willfulness and lambs in another place. She, along with her offspring, is placed in a prepared den, from which she will never leave.

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Miscarriage in a cat: symptoms, reasons, what to do, why kittens are born dead

It is good if a veterinarian is present during the birth, but most owners can provide assistance on their own. Most often, the cat copes on its own.

Labor begins with the release of amniotic fluid. The kitten is born in the amniotic sac, which bursts and the cat gnaws the umbilical cord. If she did not do this, you need to cut the cord with sterile scissors and treat the stump with tincture of iodine. The mother usually eats the placenta. This is normal, but you should not allow more than two placentas to be eaten. When the cat has the intention of eating another afterbirth, food is added to it.

If the bubble does not open on its own, it is broken with your fingers. The kitten is shaken, the liquid is removed from the mouth with a baby syringe and placed on the mother.

The normal interval between the births of kittens is considered to be a quarter of an hour. All afterbirths come out within half a day after the birth of the last kitten. If labor is difficult, call a veterinarian.

Preparing for childbirth

What to prepare for the birth of a cat

The owner must remember the estimated date of future birth. It is also necessary to understand that they may occur ahead of schedule, so the first aid kit should be prepared in advance:

  • scissors with blunt ends for cutting the umbilical cord;
  • disinfectants;
  • diapers to dry babies if necessary;
  • a small enema to clear the kittens' airways of fluid;
  • clean bedding to move the cat family onto after giving birth;
  • Doctor's phone number. It is worth pre-arranging with the veterinarian the date when he may need to come to your home.

As mentioned above, the cat needs to be provided with a corner where she can give birth to kittens. This could be a clean box or basket. You need to place it in a quiet place without drafts. The bedding should be warm and pleasant to the touch. For the birth itself, it is worth using unnecessary material, since after the process is completed it will no longer be suitable.

Prepare the place for childbirth

If a cat carries kittens for more than 68 days, you need to contact a veterinarian to check the health of the expectant mother.

How to calculate calving date

Provided that the date of insemination is precisely known, you can use a special formula:

D = (D1+10)/(No.m-3)


  • D – date of calving;
  • D₁ – date of fertilization;
  • №m – number of the month in which insemination occurred.

Here's an example:

Insemination date is June 6th. Then the approximate due date is March 16th.

D = (6+10)/(6-3) = 16 day / 3 month.

The table of insemination and calving of cows will allow you to determine the due date with an accuracy of up to 95%.

Signs of imminent calving

By the behavior of a pregnant heifer, you can easily determine the imminent delivery.

It is worth paying attention to the following signs:

  • timidity of the animal;
  • decreased appetite;
  • enlargement of genital organs;
  • colostrum secretion;
  • relaxation of the pelvic ligaments;
  • Burenka's desire for privacy;
  • long drawn-out moo;
  • sacral prolapse;
  • shifting from foot to foot.

If a cow lies on her side, labor is most likely about to begin. You should immediately prepare the birth place and the necessary items: warm liquid, soap, manganese solution, iodine, scissors and a towel. The position of the fetus before calving is shown in the figure.

How to give birth to a cow

First, the amniotic sac will become visible, which normally bursts without intervention. The calf should walk feet first. If the attempts are weak and the bubble does not burst, you need to carefully cut it. Labor usually lasts about one hour if the cow is giving birth for the first time. They resort to the help of a veterinarian in case of prolonged pushing, lasting more than half an hour.

You need to take the calf very carefully and place it on a soft towel, clear the breathing passages, tie and cut the umbilical cord, and treat its end with iodine. After this, the calf is brought to the mother's face so that she licks it.

Every cattle owner needs to know how long a cow’s pregnancy lasts in order to prepare for calving in a timely manner and, if necessary, have time to invite a veterinarian.

Nuances and possible complications of different types of pregnancy in cats

Unfortunately, not every pregnancy goes smoothly and calmly. There are a number of pathologies, as well as interesting points.

Sometimes a cat is attracted to a male during pregnancy. It is better to prevent mating as conception may occur. Then the cat will bear two offspring , and this is very difficult for the body. The second litter may not survive, or it may develop safely, and the cat will have a second birth. But it will be difficult not only physically, but also in the future, since it will be difficult to feed all the kittens.

Cats may have a so-called false pregnancy , when mating has occurred, but conception has not occurred, but signs of it appear. Symptoms can last forty to fifty days, severely affecting the cat's mental state. “Spoon” happens due to hormonal imbalance. In addition, due to this pathology, a cat may develop ascites , which is very dangerous for the body. Ascites is formed due to a violation of protein metabolism as a result of hormone disruption and fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity.

The cat looks pregnant, but there is no fetus on ultrasound

False pregnancy most often occurs in breeds such as Orientals, Rexes, and Sphynxes.

Sphynx cats are more susceptible to diseases

The exact details of the dysfunction of the body can be found out on an ultrasound. Unfortunately, the disease is incurable.

One of the unpleasant pathologies is frozen pregnancy , which involves stopping the development of kittens and their death. It happens due to infections entering the body, stress, hormonal imbalances, neoplasms, and injuries.

An ectopic pregnancy is dangerous for an animal . With this pathology, the embryo develops in the wrong place and can lead to uterine rupture, which leads to internal bleeding. In this case, it is necessary to perform urgent surgery.

Unpleasant discharge, changes in body temperature, and a painful condition may indicate a miscarriage . Embryos can die early and be resorbed in the body, or remain in the womb until the end of pregnancy. This condition is difficult to predict.

The following pathologies may also occur: uterine hernia, placental abruption, polyhydramnios.

All diseases are dangerous and require medical intervention

If a cat suffers from these diseases, then after treatment it is best to sterilize the pet.

Early pregnancy can cause unhealthy or dead offspring . Since in young cats the body is not fully formed. It is best to give birth to a cat after a year.

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