Atchoum is the furriest cat from Canada. New photos from the handsome man’s Instagram

Meet Chausie kitten!

The hero of our story belongs to the rarest cat breeds in the world, sharing the pedestal with such rare cats as the domestic Serval and Savannah

Chausie cats are so rare and unique that the cost of a kitten ranges from 12 to 23 thousand dollars.

The look of a predator, wild coloring and tassels on the ears - a real lynx, only domestic.

This Chausie is one of the rarest domestic cat breeds in the world.

What is striking about the breed is that in appearance Chausie is no different from its wild parent, but has the habits of the most ordinary domestic cat.

The Chausie owes its origin to the Abyssinian cat and the half-breed jungle cat (Felis Chaus).

The jungle cat is strong and very vicious.

Not a single dog wants to get involved with an angry, ferociously snorting cat, and other predators avoid the feisty one. Therefore, the Hausa have no direct enemies.

The Chausie breed of domestic cat is good-natured, loyal, intelligent and gentle, but retains a strong resemblance to its wild ancestor.

This is a stately cat, tall, with a royal bearing and the muscles of an agile hunter.

The person who sees him for the first time is simply amazed by the homemade Chausie!

An animal that has a completely wild appearance - an agile and very plastic body, a “wild” coloring, a predatory look, lynx tufts on its ears - will pounce and bite at any moment - it turns out that it has a good disposition and a desire to cuddle at your feet.

At the same time, the cat is also purring, like an ordinary domestic kitty - how can you resist here?!

The Chausie cat breed received recognition in felinology relatively recently, in 2003.

However, many believe that such cats lived next to humans many thousands of years ago.

Even in Ancient Egypt, jungle cats and the fruits of their accidental love with domesticated cats lived next to people, caught mice and warmed themselves by firesides. So, it is possible that it is chausie that is depicted on the priceless exhibits of many museums around the world.

It is no coincidence that the photo of the Chausie cat is so reminiscent of the image of the goddess Bastet.

Body type

“Elite” purrs can boast not only of origin and rarity, but also truly unusual parameters and a memorable appearance.

The following photo of a Chausie cat shows us a large animal, similar in “dimensions” to a Maine Coon.

The average height of a chausie at the withers is about 40 centimeters, and its length is twice that of an ordinary mustachioed “noblewoman”. Cats are much more respectable than cats.

A real, “dear” Chausie cat, the photo of which, willy-nilly, reminds of a good share of the blood of a wild reed ancestor, weighs almost a pound - about 15 kilograms.

The strength and confidence of a wild predator is felt in the entire appearance of the chausie.

A muscular body with a well-developed chest, long and large athletic legs, a strong ballast tail, which, according to the standard, should be equal to ¾ of the length of the animal.

Portrait of Chausie cats

Such an aristocratic cat has no right to be ugly.

A neat head, a muscular neck, wide, erect, high-set ears, pronounced cheekbones and chin and, of course, very beautiful cat eyes - this is what a Chausie cat looks like.

The photo, however, is unable to convey the feeling you get from the beauty’s gaze.

The large, slightly slanted amber or slightly greenish eyes of these cats burn with a fire that is unusual for ordinary domestic kitties.

Special signs

The pride of these mini-pumas are their large ears. The tassels decorating them, like the tip of the tail, can only be black.

On the back of the ears there are spots called deceptive eyes: in the wild, this is a signal to enemies: “I have everything under control.”

The pattern on the head, paws and tail should be clear, and not placed in the form of a necklace on the neck.

This big cat has a surprisingly quiet voice. She even purrs quietly, although she does it with pleasure.


The short, thick and elastic coat of the Chausie, like that of all “savages,” has excellent water-repellent properties.

At the same time, it shines and shimmers like silk. Each guard hair is at least twice unevenly colored (ticked).


In the photo of a Chausie cat you can see only three colors: black, ticked tabby or ticked silver.

Amazingly, just like its wild beech ancestor, Chausie is extremely sociable. This domestic cat strives to capture your attention, surround you with affection and keep you company wherever you are.

However, there is no escape from Chausie’s wild blood - she will just as willingly overcome high obstacles as her ancestors did in their free life.

Cats love to climb higher - onto high cabinets, ceiling shelves, bookcases - and from there watch what is happening in the room, as they are very curious.

They need human communication, love to be played and talked to, jump well, and are not afraid of anything.

They love water, swimming in it and catching fish.

The usual kitten thieving tricks are also not alien to them: chausies can steal something from the table and from other places. In order to steal tasty things, they even learn to open the buffet and doors. Supplies are made from stolen food.

Wild and beautiful descendants of Bastet know their worth; their character is not so simple.


The combination of incongruous things is the nature of the Chausie cat. On the one hand, she is peaceful and affectionate to people - otherwise she would never have become a pet.

On the other hand, wild blood flows in it, so a person cannot completely subjugate such an animal to his will.

A Chausie cat that receives enough attention from the owner and has extensive “domains” to give vent to its restless energy is likely to show its best qualities.

This is poise, nobility and amorousness. Moreover, not only a person can become the object of his attention.


Chausie cat: a mustachioed psychic.

People who have had the chance to live side by side with a Chausie invariably have the idea of ​​their pets’ superpowers. They seem to read a person’s thoughts, guessing his desires and intentions.

In fact, this is also an “echo” of wild genes. Jungle cats are naturally very observant and intelligent.

Communication skills

It is the sociability that Chausie cats are distinguished by that has become one of the reasons for human attention.

Like all very active, intelligent and curious animals, they strive to communicate with other living beings - no matter how many legs they have.


Chausies can be called independent in the sense that you should not demand from them what they absolutely do not want to do. And the owner still won’t be able to prohibit them from doing something that is inherent in nature - for example, stocking up on food - even if he feeds the cat to death.

But at the same time, these pets are not capable of living alone - they can no longer be driven back into the reeds.


The pet will obey and even, as we have already said, predict the wishes of its owner if he “feels” his dear friend in every sense.

Testing the patience of such a mustachioed man and “breaking” his character is like playing with fire.

In this case, “fire” cannot be avoided...


A description of the Chausie cat breed cannot do without mentioning its “super-mega activity.” These beauties need to run, jump, climb, walk and explore every corner of the house.

An owner who has not “resettled” a chausie into an enclosure must be prepared for the fact that the cat will know the home much better than he does.

At the same time, the “researcher” will be happy to invite other inhabitants of the house into the company.

In short, no one will be bored.


Of course, Chausies love to play. The owner needs to provide his cat not only with space to play, but also with more variety of fun and good company.

If there are no other animals in the house, you will have to frolic with the chausie yourself.

Cossack robbers!

Need for communication

Like many “semi-wild” exotic whiskered pets, Chausie cats are in great need of attention and communication.

If the owner of the animal is too busy to devote several hours every day to the pet, then there is no need to experiment - it is better to pay attention to a “simpler” kitty.

Relationship with the owner

Chausies are said to fall in love with their owners. With all the purely feline manifestations of this tender feeling. They caress and rub against their legs, purr and try to sit closer.

Moreover, their feelings are so deep that they may simply not survive “betrayal”. It is believed that it is simply impossible to give such an animal into other hands.

Relationships with children

Such a nimble, lively and inquisitive cat will, of course, be glad to have a little playmate.

But all fun must take place under the mandatory supervision of adults - the risk of an unforeseen situation provoked by a loud cry or sudden movement of the baby remains, even if the chausie has been living in the house for many years.

Attitude towards strangers

Usually these curious “tails” are friendly towards guests of the house, if, of course, they are warmly received by the owners themselves. But, again, you shouldn’t leave strangers and exotic cats alone.

Even the most tactful visitor cannot resist showing sympathy for such a handsome man. But how the object of admiration himself will perceive this is a big question.

Attitude towards other animals

For all their friendliness and intelligence, chausies “take seriously” only fairly large four-legged companions - well, at least the size of an ordinary cat.

The rest, unfortunately, already look too much like a hunting object. So, it is better to keep the “tailed little things” away from the teeth and claws of wild aristocrats.

Health and pet care

Despite the excellent genes of their wild ancestors, the health of Chausie cats cannot be called impeccable. Specific features relate to both the nutrition and breeding of these cats - Chausie cats are not capable of reproducing up to the third generation.

Content requirements

Large space, a place for swimming, a special diet, a lot of love and attention. We have already said that the Chausie is an expensive pet in every sense.


Chausie cats will not refuse frequent brushing. And not because their short and elastic coat needs special care.

They just like tactile contact with a person, and a massage that stimulates blood circulation will benefit the mustachioed.

Stress resistance

Probably, Chausie is not one of those cats with nerves of iron. Their strong attachment to their owner makes them vulnerable, and the genes of their wild ancestors make them temperamental.


Not the easiest thing about keeping mini cougars. An insatiable appetite and a sensitive digestive system come into conflict, which can become a real headache for the owner.

Due to intolerance to grains, Chausie is not recommended to be fed even the highest quality food. Pork is also strictly prohibited.

So, you need to be prepared for the fact that your pet will only eat dietary meat, and in large quantities.

Hunting instinct

How can someone who was born a hunter relate to hunting?

If the owner has the opportunity to pamper his pet with live rodents, there is no better entertainment and treat for the cat.


The bigger, the better. Chausie will be grateful to the owner for a walk on a leash.

But if the opportunity arises to truly frolic in nature, happiness will know no bounds.

Relation to water

Chausies love water, like most mustachioed “savages.”

Provide your cat with a place to swim - water treatments will be both useful and enjoyable for her.

Disadvantages of the Chausie breed

Chausie is like honey, which, according to one wise bear, is a very strange “object” - it seems to be there, but it doesn’t seem to be there.

Such cats are very rare not only in Russia, but throughout the world. They are very difficult to breed... And, of course, keeping such an elite cat is not cheap.

Because of this, the price of such pets is extremely high and amounts to thousands and thousands of dollars. With our money, in some cases we are talking about millions of rubles.






Atchoum is the furriest cat from Canada. New photos from the handsome man’s Instagram

Atchum was born with hypertrichosis (a rare disease that causes excess hair growth)
With his owner:

Atchum at 9 months:

Small excerpts from an interview with the cat's owner Nathalie Côté:

— How and when did you meet Atchum? — We were introduced by a colleague from a veterinary clinic, where I work part-time as a groomer. I volunteered to foster the cat at my house over the weekend because he had just had his claws removed, which were deformed as a result of his illness. And over the weekend that I looked after him, I became so attached to him that I practically fell in love. And I decided that I needed to keep it. He was then only eight weeks old.

with an older cat:

-What does his name mean? How did it come about? — Atchum (accent on the second syllable) is the French sound that we make when sneezing (Apchhi).

— At what point did the media pay attention to Atchum? When did his Instagram account become famous? “It all started when I asked the children to post his photos online. I think he was very sweet and handsome! But the family thought I was crazy: he, of course, was a very cute kitten, but to call him beautiful is, as they say, “in taste and color...” Some people consider him a little scary guy - because of those orange eyes and sticking out in all sides of the wool, but I want to show them that beauty is on the inside. And Atchum is the best illustration of this idea, that’s what makes him unique. We started a Facebook page for him, and the kids thought it was unlikely to get more than a hundred likes. But history has shown that Atchum easily took this line and quickly left it far behind. In January 2014, someone posted a photo of Atchum to the Cats, Beavers & Ducks website, which led to articles in Buzzfeed, Mashable, The Daily Mail and People Magazine. These, in turn, generated an avalanche of international media attention. This took us by surprise. On January 5th, we opened an Instagram account for Atchum, and within a week he had the same number of subscribers as he had on Facebook.

— Some people find Atchum's appearance intimidating. What is he like? - Well, his appearance doesn’t fit with his character. Atchum is a clown on four legs. Walking around the house, he “coos” like a dove. And he is very affectionate - but only with me. If his character could be “shared” on social networks in the same way as photographs, he would already have a million fans! He's a charmer!

Atchum in dynamics:

- You have three more cats - do they realize Atchum’s fame? What's special about them compared to him?

— All my cats are equally important to me. I am very attentive to their needs. My children love them all and care for each one. To describe them briefly, four-year-old Babin is a real alpha male who loves to have a fun fight with his sister Wee Wee. Wee Wee is also four years old and very affectionate. And five-year-old Sesu is the head of the family, she is the oldest and wisest of all. She was the first to accept Atchum into the house.

Furry family:

— Does hypertrichosis somehow affect his daily life? — Caring for Atchum is problematic because he needs to be brushed several times a day. But I've been a groomer for twenty years, so Atchum is just another daily customer. Now, soon he will need to have his teeth cleaned, because with hypertrichosis, the teeth become “porous” and get dirty much faster.

— What are the weekly care procedures for him? “I often joke that Atchoum weighs nine pounds: eight pounds of cat and one pound of wool (1 pound = 450g). And all this wool requires careful care. I comb his hair in the mornings and evenings, comb the corners of his eyes three times a day with a small comb, wash his eyes in the morning and evening, and I have to comb his face four times a day. He is my most difficult client!

— How does Atchum inspire you?

— In modern society, beauty is the most important value. Atchum doesn't fit into the usual standards because he looks different. But I think its uniqueness is what makes it beautiful.


— What new can we expect from Atchum?

“A children’s book with his participation is already on the way, and we hope to donate part of the royalties to some shelter or charity.

Atchum with a book:

Good mood everyone:3

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