Learning to hug from cats. Do cats like to hug? Kittens kiss and hug

How did your morning start today - the morning of Valentine's Day? If love lives in your heart, then surely with the kiss of your loved one! Just like this sweet couple, who reaches out to each other in the rays of the morning sun. What, you haven't kissed your soulmate yet? Urgently look at the photos of cats in love and correct the problem!

And our next lovers are still just kids, but they, too, have apparently already been visited by Cupid. Well, all ages are submissive to love! Moreover, among people there are couples who have been together since kindergarten. The rest can only be envious.

And here a mature passion appears before our eyes. This is clearly not the first day that this couple has been together. But how dearly a cat loves a cat - the photo clearly demonstrates this! And Murka is clearly crazy about her fiery lover in every sense! Love me Love! This is clearly about them...

Our next hero is not yet sure of the reciprocity of his chosen one. He is ready to admit his feelings, but is clearly timid and embarrassed. Be brave, my friend! Such a charmer will definitely not get turned away!

Do cats like to cuddle?

Some cats don't like to be hugged and cuddled, but there are also those who are ready to enjoy human affection for hours. These cats are easy to recognize: they constantly try to take a place on a person's arms or lap, and some try to lie on his neck or chest.

Some cats love to cuddle and play with children

My cat rubs against my hands every evening until I start cuddling her. When she gets her way, she begins to purr loudly and closes her eyes. She falls asleep only by burying her nose in my shoulder or burying her head in my hair.

But even if a cat really loves affection from a person, you should not always follow her lead.

Cats hugging toys

Other images that, for example, show cats hugging a toy can also be misinterpreted.

Typically what they do is grab a toy with their front paws and scoop it up with their back legs in a "bunny" style, something that cats instinctively do either when playing or when they are involved in a fight with another cat.

They do this to cause as much damage as possible to their opponent, which you will know if the cat mistakes your hand for their opponent!

Why cats shouldn't be kissed or hugged

There are various reasons why you shouldn’t show affection to cats. It all depends on whether you are superstitious, whether the cat is vaccinated and healthy, and what its character is.

Mystical reasons are based on superstitions, psychological reasons are based on the cat’s character traits, and medical reasons are associated with the risk of contracting certain diseases, for example:

  • staphylococcus, salmonella, bacteria, other microorganisms;
  • deprive;
  • fungal infections;
  • bartonellosis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • various types of fevers.

Mystical reasons

At all times, people believed that cats represent magic, witchcraft and the transmigration of souls. The roots of these beliefs go back to the times of Ancient Egypt; even before our era, the image of a cat was associated with mysticism.

The ancient Egyptians believed that this animal sees both worlds and protects the human world from spirits. That is why cats were considered sacred animals. Pharaohs and other rulers could order the execution of anyone who encroached on the life of a cat.

Some still believe in the mystical connection of cats with a parallel world

During the Inquisition, cats were burned at the stake along with their witch owners. Europeans believed that cats helped witches and sorcerers. In addition, people believed that witches themselves could turn (or transmigrate) into cats. At the same time, in Eastern mythology there was a myth that a brownie could inhabit a cat, so that it would later convey some information to the owner.

According to legend, a brownie can send messages to people through cats.

In other countries there were also many different myths associated with cats and otherworldly forces. All this led to the emergence of various superstitions and prejudices that are still alive today.

Remember the sign about the black cat. Many people believe that if a black cat crosses the road, bad luck will surely come. According to the eastern horoscope, one of my talismans is a black cat. If I meet such an animal on the way, I am sincerely happy, hoping that the meeting will bring me good luck. By the way, it worked every time. There was a case when a black stray cat crossed the road for me and several other students. I did well in the exam that day. The rest were not so lucky.

Black cats play a significant negative role in Russian superstitions

There is also a sign that if you kiss a cat on the face, the person will become its slave. After that, he unquestioningly fulfills all the whims of the cat and lives only for her sake. Such people do not have a family (or the family is destroyed). Moreover, in addition to the kissed cat, this person may have other pets.

In every city there are people (usually elderly) who have more than one cat. Avid cat lovers may be left without friends and relatives and face old age alone. An impressionable person, having learned about the fate of this cat lover, may believe in such a superstition.

However, all these signs can be called prejudices or superstitions. No one is obliged to believe in them.

Psychological reasons

A person who adores his mustachioed pet thinks that the cat reciprocates his feelings. He can consider himself its master, breadwinner, owner, guardian, etc. A psychological connection is always formed between an animal and a person.

But a cat does not always perceive a person as an owner or friend (even if it is grateful for the care).

Cats are a symbol of home and comfort

A person may misinterpret some of the cat’s actions, for example, the cat’s habit of “massaging” with its front paws using its claws comes from childhood: kittens always “knead” the nurse’s belly when they suck milk. However, the owner may think that the pet is showing aggression and will push the cat away, and this, naturally, will be unpleasant for the cat.

The cat does not compete with humans for food or shelter. This means that he is not perceived by the pet as a fellow cat (this is in contrast to the competitive relationship that arises between two cats). But the cat trusts its human very much.

We can remember any moment when we push a cat away. For example, for massaging with claws or tightening clothes. We may do this thoughtlessly and impulsively. My cat then goes to the floor and sits down. She stops purring and just looks guilty. Perhaps she doesn't understand why she was rejected.

The character of the pet is very important: many cats can adore hugs and affection from a person and beg for it, while others, depending on their temperament, will either meekly tolerate manifestations of your feelings that are unpleasant to them, or show aggression. Also, before pestering your pet with caresses, think about whether you have chosen the right moment: maybe now the cat is hungry or wants to go to the toilet. Your pet will be most likely to cuddle when he is relaxed and well-fed.

Many cats love to cuddle with humans.

In addition, the cat may simply be dissatisfied with the person’s behavior. If a person kisses a four-legged friend against his will, the animal may take revenge. This will be expressed in damaged things, furniture, etc.

Medical reasons

From a medical point of view, there are risks of contracting serious diseases from tactile contact with cats. First of all, helminthiasis. Worm larvae can remain on a pet's fur, and by hugging and kissing a cat, a person can become infected.

The risk of getting sick increases if you do not follow basic hygiene rules.

Hugging a cat can lead to health problems

I have a domestic cat, but starting in the spring we go to the dacha with her. She walks a lot, children play with her. The youngest developed worms. The child was cured, but suspicions remained that the worms came from the cat.

Samashkina, owner of a domestic cat


Ticks that cats can carry carry diseases that are dangerous to humans.

Also, people can get lichen (microsporia), which is especially dangerous for children or those whose immunity is weakened. This disease manifests itself in the form of dermatitis: if a cat or person’s hair begins to fall out, forming visible bald spots, then it is lichen. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and also disinfect the living space.

My cat was diagnosed with microsporia, the cat is healthy during treatment, and I have 2 spots on my smooth skin.

Vikky, owner of a cat with microsporia


There are small bald patches on the outer sides of the ears - these are signs of lichen

In addition, there is a danger of contracting toxoplasmosis and chlamydia from a sick animal. After visiting the toilet, the cat licks itself, and such partial washing leads to the fact that the causative agents of these diseases remain on the fur.

If a cat catches mice, then another danger appears - tularemia. Almost all rodents are carriers of this disease; it is caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis, and the cat acts as an intermediary. You can become infected orally (through the mouth) or through the skin. When a person becomes infected, their temperature rises and their lymph nodes become enlarged. The disease can lead to catastrophic consequences (disorders of the lymph nodes, the formation of ulcers, conjunctivitis, gangrene, etc.).

Most often, a person becomes infected due to contact with a kitten. The temptation to cuddle the affectionate little ball is too great, but kittens usually have weak immunity. Therefore, it is necessary to limit tactile communication between children and kittens.

The risk of contracting various diseases increases when in contact with street, stray cats, because they are not vaccinated. In any case, in order to avoid further health problems, you need to take some precautions. Sometimes it is undesirable to approach the animal’s face with your face, even if the animal is healthy: on purpose or accidentally, the cat can hit you with its paw, releasing its claws. Such a display of emotions can result in an eye injury, a scar on the face, etc.

We got a cat this fall, and from the very beginning she constantly had black discharge near her eyes, dirty ears, and blood in her stool. We examined her for a long time at the veterinary clinic near the house, but they reassured us all the time, they said that there was a slight enteritis, we just needed to change the food, they also injected us with immunomodulators, after which the ears cleared up on their own. A couple of days after the cat appeared in the house, my child and I woke up with discharge near the eyes, similar to conjunctivitis.

Marina Ivanova, cat owner


Video: why you can’t kiss a cat

Precautionary measures

It is important to remember and follow a few simple rules for communicating with animals in the future.

There is no need to touch a stray cat if you are not going to help it (free it from captivity, feed it, etc.). If you decide to take the animal home, do it carefully, because the cat is scared. It’s better not to wash your new pet with anti-flea shampoos: firstly, washing is stressful, and secondly, the animal may suffer from lichen, which after washing will spread throughout the body. If there are fleas, use special drops or spray. You need to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible, a specialist will check the animal for diseases and give vaccinations. If necessary, deworming can be done.

If you adopted an animal from the street, be sure to take it to the veterinarian and get all the necessary vaccinations.

Do not provoke the animal into aggression. If the cat is sleeping, there is no need to disturb it. This will avoid bites, scratches and other injuries.

In addition, you need to handle the toilet carefully: change the filler regularly.

After changing the filler, you need to thoroughly wash your hands (you can use thick rubber gloves). And each owner also has his own tricks and devices: self-cleaning trays, scoops, bags for excrement, etc.

My cat's litter box originally had a grate. I bought wood filler because it held the odor best and was easy to replace. When the cat grew older, she began to pick at the edge of the mesh with her claws, trying to pull it out of the tray. She also threw sawdust in different directions. The pet store suggested that the cat might be too “small.” I bought a tray for large breeds (the mesh was immediately pulled out). Now I use clay filler, since pebbles made of natural material are heavier than others and fly out less. I used clay for the first time, and then I realized that it stuck to the bottom. Later I adapted to this: I put cling film on the bottom of the tray, wrap the edges under the rim of the tray and secure it with thin tape. When replacing, I simply lift the film, turning its edges inward. All that remains is to rinse the tray.

The next rule: you need to exclude raw animal products from the cat’s menu: meat, fish, eggs, etc. And also the cat should not eat from human dishes and vice versa. There is no need to feed your pet from the mouth (cats may insistently ask if they smell the treat).

Cats love raw meat and fish, but don't indulge them.

In addition, in any situation, you need to follow basic hygiene rules: regular and general cleaning of the house, washing your hands after contact with an animal, etc. It is better not to let a domestic cat outside.

And if you do let him out, then after the walk you need to wash your pet with a special antibacterial shampoo. But all these are just general rules. For the most correct treatment of an animal, you need to know the characteristics of your cat. Attentive owners carefully monitor the health of their pet and know for sure whether it is possible to hug and kiss it.

After walking outside, wash your cat with shampoo

There are several types of reasons why cats should not be kissed or hugged - medical, psychological and mystical. Psychological reasons are associated with the character of the cat, mystical ones - with signs and prejudices. The most important are medical reasons - the possibility of contracting various diseases. To prevent tactile communication with a cat from leading to tragic consequences, you need to follow a number of rules and remember to vaccinate your pet on time.

Why can't you hug and cuddle cats? It would seem that the answer is clear by default, at least when it comes to stray animals that have acquired infections and are infected with worms. But a domestic cat can suffer from exactly the same diseases. Moreover, according to statistics, only 70% of owners regularly consult with veterinarians, and even fewer remember annual vaccinations - only a third of owners.

If we put aside the issue of hygiene and the medical component, before cuddling with cats, it doesn’t hurt to monitor the animal’s behavior. A domestic cat does not guarantee an easy-going and gentle character; some felines cannot stand it when people touch them and restrict their freedom even from those close to them.

What you need to remember when hugging an animal, and why a cat shows aggression

  1. It is easier to hold a kitten in your hands, although it can also scratch quite a bit. Therefore, when you come to visit with your child, do not allow him to violate the personal space of the growing purr.
  2. Choosing the right time is an important factor; if the cat is in a good mood and relaxed, ready to communicate, she will respond with a bang to gentle stroking of the fur and tickling behind the ear. What most furries don't tolerate is sudden intrusion. Your movements should be slow, otherwise hugs may be perceived by many cats as aggression from which you need to protect yourself.
  3. Sometimes it is necessary to establish preliminary contact. Talk to the cat, play with toys, feed it treats. When the animal gets used to it, ask the owner for permission if you can hug the cat, ask how the animal reacts to manifestations of feelings. Remember, a pet will not scratch and bite just like that - this is a response to unreasonable human behavior.
  4. Do not press the purr too hard, otherwise you may injure its fragile body. The response to the pain caused will be a plaintive meow or scratches on your body. Tenderness and careful care have never harmed weak charges.

Before naming a whole list of ailments that a cat is a carrier of, you should remember that a sick animal is the negligence of an irresponsible owner, so there is nothing to blame for the “fluffy” one. The list of diseases that are transmitted from a cat to a person when the latter likes to cuddle with felines is as follows:

How did your morning start today - the morning of Valentine's Day? If love lives in your heart, then surely with the kiss of your loved one! Just like this sweet couple, who reaches out to each other in the rays of the morning sun. What, you haven't kissed your soulmate yet? Urgently look at the photos of cats in love and correct the problem!

And our next lovers are still just kids, but they, too, have apparently already been visited by Cupid. Well, all ages are submissive to love! Moreover, among people there are couples who have been together since kindergarten. The rest can only be envious.

And here a mature passion appears before our eyes. This is clearly not the first day that this couple has been together. But how dearly a cat loves a cat - the photo clearly demonstrates this! And Murka is clearly crazy about her fiery lover in every sense! Love me Love! This is clearly about them...

Our next hero is not yet sure of the reciprocity of his chosen one. He is ready to admit his feelings, but is clearly timid and embarrassed. Be brave, my friend! Such a charmer will definitely not get turned away!

Heart cats

Here is another mustachioed one who is simply doomed to be loved! The goddess of love herself, probably playing a shawl, drew a lovely heart on his chest. Well, we're already in love!

And this baby has a heart drawn on a less romantic part of his body. However, this is not so important - after all, he is also marked with love!

And another “hearty” kitty! She had clearly heard more than one declaration of love in her life. At least her face says she knows how good she is. The main thing is that this beauty’s heart is not prone to betrayal.

And some people love even in their dreams. If you gently hug your loved one with soft paws and lean your cheek against him, then you will definitely have the sweetest and most romantic dream!

How to hug a cat

First, it is important to understand your cat's individual requirements for physical contact.

If he reacts neutrally or tries to break free and run away, do not touch him.

If you have a cat that likes to cuddle with you, wait until she interacts with you first before you cuddle.

Always be gentle, limit the amount of time you cuddle, watch your pet's body language, any signs of anxiety, and always stop if your cat starts to struggle.

Cat Love: A Classic of the Genre

Well, this is a classic of the genre - a photo of loving cats on the roof! She is blonde and clearly an aristocrat, and he is of ordinary blood, but so good! The frame is suitable for the happy ending of a Hollywood melodrama, everything about it is so perfect!

It’s still too early for these two to be in cinema, but they are quite established as fashion models. The couple clearly decided to do a photo shoot on Valentine’s Day, and the photographer commands: “Okay, press your cheeks together!” Eyes raised to the sky! More romance! This photo will definitely take its place on the shelf by the fireplace.

And this, apparently, is a photograph of the ubiquitous paparazzi. The lens captured a moment of forbidden passion. I wonder what happened to the photographer after he was noticed?

These purrs clearly have no need to hide their feelings. They reverently get used to each other and draw a heart with their tails. So what if someone is laughing in the background? Lovers don't notice anything!

Another example of tactless interference in someone else's personal life! Well, why climb into someone else's bed with a camera? And then they complain again - either the lens was broken, or the photographer was beaten...

Cats hugging people

Cats are not born knowing how to interact with people, they need to learn how to be pets.

So, why do cats stand on their hind legs while their front paws reach out to their owners as if wanting to hug them?

Supposedly this is an instinctive behavior, something that some cats have learned to do because they know it will lead to pleasant consequences, such as affection or a tasty gift.

Moreover, they are probably doing this in response to a signal we have given them, either consciously or unconsciously!

Some scientists have even suggested that cats deliberately spread their scent to their owners through secretions secreted from the skin glands around their cheeks and ears, and this may be the reason why some cats also wrap their paws around their owners' necks.

Owners in love

And love can be like that too—uncontrollably suffocating! What to do - you have to pay for everything in life, and for the happiness of being loved too. And in general, it is better to die in the arms of passion than to die alone.

Another example of an all-encompassing feeling. No wonder they say: in love like a cat. Don't go, stay with me! Not only women, but also mustachioed beauties are ready not to let their loved ones out of their clutches even for a minute.

And this is the opposite situation. Jealous Othello is ready to hide his elegant girlfriend even from prying eyes. She remains emotionless. But many people dream of just such love.

How can you not want to hug cats? These affectionate, cute, fluffy creatures evoke the most tender and positive emotions. But sometimes cuddling with animals has consequences. Find out why you shouldn't hug cats and the dangers of such manifestations of feelings. There are no categorical prohibitions on cat affection, but there are a number of factors that every owner and cat lover should know.

Cuddling kittens

One of the images I came across while searching for cuddling kittens shows two felines, one standing upright with his front paws wide open and looking at the other kitten across from him, who appears to be sitting nonchalantly.

You might think that a kitten standing upright really wants to hug its furry friend. In fact, a kitten standing on its hind legs is using the other as hunting practice, while a sitting kitten is preparing to defend itself.

While this obviously seems like a joke, it perfectly illustrates the very human perception of cat behavior.

Should cats be hugged?

Even those who have never kept cats in their home have probably seen more than once how these animals love to be petted. They often rub against their owners' legs, jump onto their laps with pleasure, and purr when they are stroked and scratched. Should “fluffies” be hugged and do they like it?

Undoubtedly, they like hugs and are able to return love to love. But unlike dogs, cats are very capricious and prefer to receive portions of affection only when they please. In response to unexpected squeezing and attempts to hug, the cat may react aggressively: bite or scratch.

You should never approach a cat with your face and hug it at the same time - there is a chance of getting an eye injury or damaging the skin with a deep scratch.

You should be more attentive to your pet, hug him and bestow your affections only when he happily accepts them. It is not difficult to see this - a cat that does not want “hugs” wags its tail hysterically, does not purr, and tries to free itself and move away.

Particular care should be taken when petting a kitten. Trying to hug and not calculating your strength, you can easily damage his fragile bones and internal organs.

Of course, we are talking about domestic cats here. You shouldn’t approach street people at all, and even more so, you shouldn’t hug them. It is impossible to predict the reaction of a stray animal.

No one forbids loving and caressing your charges, you just need to be careful


Cats hugging each other

Cats look like they are hugging when they curl up together. Yes, cats can find themselves in very strange positions to get as close to each other as possible. But in reality, cats huddle together to stay warm and stay warm, even if it's hot in your home.

So, what may look like a cat hug is a random position they've fallen into to keep warm.

It's clear that we humans are very social, we can enjoy physical contact (especially hugging furry, cute animals).

We love our cats and want them to love us and show it in ways we are used to seeing, but we may unintentionally attribute human behavior to them. Of course cats are clearly capable of showing a lot of physical affection, it's just that our interpretation of a hug may be different from theirs, and that's something to keep in mind!

Why can't you hug cats?

Unfortunately, those who feel the urge to hug their cat can receive not only blows from paws with sharp claws and bites from teeth, but also some diseases. Even if the pet is indoors and does not go outside, it may well become infected through the dirt that the owners bring into the house on their shoes or through food (raw meat, fish, offal).

Taking a cat from the street and wanting to hug it, a person exposes himself to great risk. There are many diseases that cats can transmit to people. Experts strongly advise not to cuddle an animal picked up on the street until it has been examined by a veterinarian.

Let's look at what you can get infected by hugging a cat.


Worms are the most common infection among cats and dogs. Almost 90% of stray animals are infected with helminths. Pets often have worms.

  • tapeworms;
  • roundworms;
  • flukes.

Some of them can live not only in the intestines, but also in other organs, gradually destroying the body.

For any type of helminthiasis in a cat, the symptoms are similar


  • the animal looks thin, although it eats well;
  • irregular stool (constipation may alternate with diarrhea);
  • the cat is not too active, sleeps a lot;
  • sometimes the pet vomits for no apparent reason;
  • the cat scratches its butt, crawling on the floor.

If you observe such signs, you should contact your four-legged friend as little as possible, do not hug him and urgently undergo diagnostics. If helminths are detected, not only the pussy, but the whole family will have to undergo treatment.

Fungal infections

Another reason why you can’t hug cats is fungal diseases. Mycoses are especially common in kittens and cats older than 7-8 years.

A “furry friend” can reward its owners with fungal diseases such as


  • Ringworm (settles on the hairy areas of the human body and on the body of animals).
  • Candidiasis (affects the skin, mucous membranes, intestines).
  • Malassezia (starts mainly in the ears).
  • Sporotrichosis (deep cutaneous mycosis).
  • Blastomycosis (the most dangerous fungus, it develops in the lungs and can affect bones, brain, and other organs).

The most common fungal disease among cats is ringworm. The infection develops on the skin, and where it is localized, the hair falls out completely. Very often, children who love to hug their pets become infected with this lichen.

Fungal diseases are treated with antimycotic drugs for external and internal use.

Bacterial infections

People who enjoy cuddling cats should be aware that they risk contracting bacterial infections. Such diseases are characterized by an acute course and are difficult to miss. But every disease has an incubation period when it does not yet manifest itself.

Bacterial infections transmitted from cats by hugging them


  • Salmonellosis
    . Kittens and other young animals 1-8 months of age are most susceptible to this disease due to their immature immunity. Cats become infected with the disease through poor quality and spoiled food. The infection manifests itself as poisoning. Symptoms observed (in both humans and cats): diarrhea, vomiting, high temperature, fever. If the disease becomes chronic, it can affect the lungs over time.
  • Staphylococcus
    . The bacterial disease is transmitted not only by contact, but also by airborne droplets. The infection manifests itself in the form of abscesses in various organs, the formation of purulent boils on the surface of the skin. The infection is accompanied by high fever, fever, and loss of appetite.
  • Tuberculosis
    . The disease has several forms: pulmonary, intestinal, skin. The progression of any form has such general symptoms as fever, deterioration of general condition. In the pulmonary form there is a cough, in the intestinal form there is stool disorder, and in the skin form there is inflammation of areas of the epidermis.

If you hug and cuddle cats, you can get such severe bacterial infections as tetanus, tularemia, and plague. But they are extremely rare and mainly occur in wild animals.

Diseases caused by bacteria are treated with antibiotics



Symptoms of toxoplasmosis are very similar to a cold and manifest themselves in the form of fever, coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, and upset bowel movements. Acute symptoms quickly pass and the disease becomes chronic.

A strong immune system can suppress toxoplasmosis and prevent it from progressing, but a person or cat will forever remain its carrier.

Rabies is a viral disease that is rare in modern times. It affects wild and stray animals. Scientists have not yet found a cure for this dangerous disease. The advantage is that animals infected with it are inadequate and no normal person would want to hug them.

Veterinarians and doctors agree that hugging and kissing animals is dangerous. Sometimes you can hear objections like “I cuddle with my kitten all the time and there are no problems.” Show as much affection as you like if this is a domestic cat that is regularly examined at the veterinary clinic and has the necessary vaccinations.

Not every owner knows that an affectionate domestic cat can pose a danger not only to health, but also to human life. Today we will tell you why you should not hug cats.

Almost every home has a pet: a hamster, guinea pig, chinchilla, parrot, dog or cat. It is representatives of the cat family, despite their wayward disposition, that are able to respond with love to love. Have you ever noticed how a small kitten or an adult cat purrs and rubs against its legs, trying to attract the attention of its owner? In this way, the animal shows its sympathy and love for humans.

Many novice “cat breeders” are interested in whether cats like it when they start hugging, squeezing and kissing them. To answer this question, you need to remember how the animal reacts to the affection and attention of the owner: the pet purrs loudly, closes its eyes, puts its head up and nuzzles its nose into the hand.

However, do not forget about the wayward temperament of the animal. The behavior of an affectionate and kind cat often changes in an instant. Tired of tight hugs and increased attention, the animal may bite or claw. For this reason, it is not recommended to get your face too close to the cat. The scratch itself is not as dangerous as the possible consequences if a claw gets into the eye.

Do not forget to monitor children who show a lot of attention to pets living in the house. Due to his age, a small child does not know how to correctly calculate his own strength; often gentle hugs turn into suffocation. You need to be able to love, only then will both the animal and the person receive true pleasure from each other’s company.

Why does a cat hug a kitten?

When human mothers give birth, a hormone called oxytocin is released, which gives them a feeling of intense connection with their baby.

This same hormone is released when cats give birth, and it also helps them fall in love with their kittens.

It's wonderful to watch a mother cat care for her kittens, feed them, protect them, provide them with the warmth they need, and teach them how to hunt!

But is this a hug in our human understanding?

Not really. Although the mother cat does not know that she is hugging the kitten, she is showing an element of maternal protection and affection towards her kitten, she is warming it up in what looks like a hug.

How to show affection to your pet correctly

You need to hug and cuddle your cat correctly and on time. So, if an animal is in a hurry to go to the toilet to relieve its physiological needs, it is unlikely that it now wants to kiss or hug. A cat waiting for a tasty lunch or dinner can behave no less aggressively.

The optimal time to hug a domestic cat, pet it, scratch it behind the ear or under the neck is a relaxed, calm and, of course, well-fed state. A well-fed and sleepy cat accepts the attention shown to him with great pleasure and a loud purr.

You cannot suddenly grab a cat and start squeezing it. Sudden loud sounds frighten pets, and tight hugs, reminiscent of a vice, cause pain and often cause injuries and fractures.

You should not expect love and complaisance from a cat who leads a street lifestyle. Unlike a domestic pet, a street cat has a freedom-loving and restive character, so you can hug and pet such a pet only with his permission.

Guided by such simple rules, every owner will learn to understand their pet and show signs of attention at the right time.

How dangerous contact can be

According to experts in the field of felinology and practicing psychologists, feline therapy, or cat therapy, can help a person get rid of a bad mood, gather strength and perk up, and recover from certain diseases. Every day feline therapy expands the boundaries of its effectiveness and gains more and more fans.

Despite the enormous benefits and incredible pleasure that a person experiences from communicating with a pet, cuddling with a cat can often have harmful consequences. So, let's figure out whether it's possible to kiss a cat.

Kissing representatives of the cat family, as well as any other animal, is strictly prohibited. Do you want to kiss someone? Show tenderness and attention to your spouse, child, parents, but not to your pet.

Let us now tell you why hugging a cat can pose a danger to human health and life.

Not only street cats, but also domestic cats are often carriers of the following diseases:

  • helminthiasis;
  • leptospirosis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • bartonellosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • giardiasis;
  • felinosis;
  • trichophytosis;
  • microsporia;
  • staphylococcus;
  • tuberculosis;
  • rabies.

As for fungal diseases, a family pet can “make its owner happy” with candidiasis, sporotrichosis, blastomycosis, malassezia and ringworm.

At an early stage, most of the above diseases are asymptomatic; a person in close contact with a cat at first does not even suspect that he or she is infected.

Personal safety measures

When you bring a pet into your home, do not forget that the responsibility for its health and well-being falls on your shoulders. Vaccination, according to the calendar approved by experts, and scheduled visits to the veterinarian will help protect not only the pet, but also its owner from many dangerous ailments.

Hygiene is one of the most important aspects of caring for a pet. Keep your cat's eyes, nose, mouth and ears clean. Bathe as needed, using a special antibacterial shampoo for cats. Wash water and food bowls thoroughly, and keep your cat's litter box clean. It is better to wear gloves when removing feces from the tray. This issue is especially important for women in an interesting situation who do not have immunity to toxoplasmosis.

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