How to remove the smell of cat urine from shoes: good industrial products and folk tricks

Odor Elimination Methods

To ensure that your shoes are free from the smell of cat urine, you need to act quickly and deliberately. To solve the problem, water alone will not be enough; additional means will have to be used. For example, iodine will save products made of dark leather and leatherette, and a vinegar solution is suitable for light leather shoes. When processing suede boots, you should be careful, as the material is easily deformed. Only non-aggressive means can correct the situation: glycerin-based soap, a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

It is much easier to process textile shoes. Regular laundry soap and washing on a delicate cycle will help eliminate the smell of urine. If a cat has marked a fur item, it is better to give preference to a specialized product. In extreme cases, citric acid, manganese, and vinegar solution are suitable. Difficulties in removing the smell of cat urine from shoes are due to the composition of the biological fluid, which includes:

  • urea (carbamide) – makes urine sticky after drying;
  • urochromes - give a characteristic color;
  • Uric acid is responsible for the foul odor.

The crystals that make up the acid do not dissolve in water and do not react with ethanol. The only thing that destroys them is alkali and sulfuric acid. If the shoes smell of urine even after repeated treatments, it means that the substance has become thoroughly ingrained. This is why it is very difficult to get rid of old cat marks.

Iodine will save products made of dark leather and leatherette

Vinegar solution is suitable for light leather shoes

For suede shoes, use non-aggressive products: glycerin-based soap, a weak solution of potassium permanganate


The problem can be solved simply if the cat has worn textile shoes to relieve itself. The first step is to rub the dirty areas with laundry soap and leave for a while. After which the slippers, moccasins or sneakers are loaded into the washing machine. It is recommended to set the delicate mode, as intense speeds and hot water can ruin the appearance of the product. To ensure that cat urine is removed, the procedure should be repeated several times in a row. It is advisable to dry your shoes in the fresh air.

Treating washed items with alcohol will discourage your cat from using them as a litter box.

Rub dirty areas with laundry soap and leave for a while

Wash several times on delicate cycle

Cleaning with special products

There are special products on the pet supply market that help get rid of urine odor. Most of them come in the form of sprays. They differ from each other not only in price, but also in composition. Chemicals are considered more effective, but quite dangerous. Care must be taken when working with them. Natural ingredients are usually harmless, but do not always give the desired effect.

Old stains are almost impossible to remove with improvised means. To combat these, it is better to choose factory-made drugs. They not only remove the smell of urine, but also dissolve already ingrained uric acid crystals. The main thing is to follow the instructions for use.

Using Neutralizing Home Remedies

When the problem takes you by surprise, you can remove the smell of cat urine from your shoes using folk remedies:

  • lemon juice or acid diluted with water;
  • soap with a high alkali content;
  • iodine solution;
  • vodka without additives or ethyl alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • camphor and boric alcohol;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • baking soda;
  • vinegar.

Any of them is available for use at home. All the pros and cons should be taken into account so as not to aggravate the unpleasant situation. Thus, treatment with iodine will inevitably cause stains on light-colored shoes. And concentrated lemon juice can corrode suede shoes. Nevertheless, you can remove cat urine from any surface, the main thing is to take action in time.

Citric acid diluted with water

High Alkaline Soap

Iodine solution


Hydrogen peroxide

Camphor and boric alcohol

Potassium permangantsovka

Caustic substances in cat urine

Keep the tray clean. Clean it regularly.

Be sure to keep your cat's litter box clean. Often, it is because of this that cats begin to mark shoes and furniture.

The fact is that cat urine contains caustic substances , which acetic acid has a destructive effect on.

Getting rid of urine smell with baking soda

Moisten the baking soda and apply for 10-15 minutes

If these steps do not help, you can apply moistened baking soda powder to the shoes and after 10-15 minutes remove it with a damp cloth, then wash the shoes again with soapy water and dry.

Cat urine forms urea crystals that are resistant to water, and baking soda breaks them down. However, this method only helps if you discover the “gift” right away.

Preparing for cleaning

Before using any cleaning product, remove as much urine as possible from your shoes. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to get rid of the cat smell. It is optimal to use toilet paper or paper napkins, which absorb moisture well. If the stain is located inside, you should sprinkle it with salt or soda for a few minutes. The procedure must be repeated until the crystals stop changing color.

Drying with a hairdryer can cause your shoes to become very deformed.

When the shoes are ready for treatment, it is advisable to test the selected product on an inconspicuous area. This is especially important for items made of leather and fur. A change in color or the appearance of streaks should be a reason to look for an alternative method. When using chemicals to remove urine odor from shoes, you must avoid direct contact of the product with the skin and mucous membranes.

Remove as much urine as possible from shoes

Sprinkle salt or baking soda on the stain until the crystals no longer change color.

Test the selected product on an inconspicuous area

Effective folk remedies

Before using one of the popular methods for removing cat urine from shoes, you need to consider several factors. The same product cannot be used for all types of materials. In one case it will help get rid of stains and smells, but in another it will completely ruin the item.


Action must be taken immediately. If the cat has made a mark on the boots, it becomes difficult to get rid of the smell after the urine dries. Provided they are not made from suede, one of the most effective options is lemon. The procedure for using it is simple.

  1. Squeeze juice from fresh lemon or prepare a solution of citric acid - 4 g of powder per 100 ml of water.
  2. Wet the cloth generously and treat the cat urine stain, no matter where it is located.
  3. After a few minutes, wipe the damaged area with a damp sponge.
  4. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.

Pure juice and citric acid diluted in water give an equivalent effect. The main thing is to adhere to the recommended proportions. It is allowed to combine lemon with other remedies.

Squeeze juice from fresh lemon

Dampen a cloth and treat the stain

Wipe the damaged area with a damp sponge

Laundry soap

This product is rightfully considered one of the most affordable and effective methods of combating the smell of urine on shoes. Great for leather and textile items. It is convenient to use in a solid state. The damaged area of ​​​​the fabric should initially be slightly moistened and then rubbed with soap. Indoor slippers and other rag shoes can be soaked in a soap solution, the latter is prepared from grated soap and a small amount of warm water.

Lightly moisten the damaged area of ​​fabric

Rub with soap

Soak indoor slippers and rag shoes in soapy water

Alcohol or vodka

This is another simple way to remove the smell of cat urine from shoes, available for all types of materials, including leather and leather substitutes. Alcohol and regular vodka are suitable for treating the internal and external surfaces. It is enough to moisten a napkin in the liquid and leave it in the shoes for 2-3 hours. Don't be afraid of the strong smell; it dissipates quickly.

Soak a napkin in liquid

Leave in shoes for several hours


If a cat shits in dark-colored shoes, you can get rid of the disgusting smell with the help of iodine. It is strictly not recommended to use the solution to treat light-colored materials, even if the concentration of the substance is low. A few drops of iodine must be dissolved in water and the product treated with the finished mixture. You can even wash cat urine off leather shoes this way.

Hydrogen peroxide

Unlike other home remedies, hydrogen peroxide can only be used inside shoes. On any material, liquid can leave whitish stains that cannot be removed. The application procedure consists of three stages.

  1. Moisten the insole with a small amount of the preparation.
  2. Remove any foam formed on the surface with a napkin.
  3. Leave the treated item in the fresh air until completely dry.

There is no point in diluting peroxide with water - treating with such a solution will not bring the desired effect. The drug can be combined with other drugs, but not at the same time.

Moisten the insole with a small amount of the drug

Remove foam with a napkin

Leave in fresh air until completely dry

Boric alcohol

Urine quickly eats into the fabric, so it stinks even after drying. The slightest contact with moisture will create a feeling of a fresh mark. To combat such stains, it is optimal to use boric alcohol. It is poured directly into shoes or wiped on the surface. There is no need to rinse off the product before or after drying. This method is suitable for all types of shoes, even suede.

Pour directly into shoes or wipe the surface

Camphor alcohol

The principle of action of camphor alcohol is identical to boron alcohol. It is worth using if the cat has marked your shoes for a long time. It is not recommended to use the product in its pure form; it is better to first dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 2. You can remove stains and foul odors in this way from any product.

Camphor alcohol can provoke an allergic reaction, so it is advisable to use gloves when handling the product.


Baking soda is an abrasive substance, so it should not be used on smooth, colored or glossy surfaces. Small scratches may go unnoticed, but will cause your shoes to quickly become dirty. This method will be appropriate when processing fresh tags. Sprinkle baking soda on the wet spot and leave for a while. After removing the product, the product is washed with soapy water and dried in fresh air.

Sprinkle baking soda on the wet stain and leave for a while.

Wash with soapy water

Dry in fresh air.


After using vinegar, the question of how to remove the smell of cat urine will no longer be relevant. Acetic acid destroys the components of biological fluid, so it does not mask the problem, but eliminates it. The product gives the best results when treating fresh stains on any surface. Immediately before use, the essence is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2, and then applied to the surface of the shoe using a sponge.

Potassium permangantsovka

There is no need to think about how to remove the smell of cat urine when you have potassium permanganate on hand. This is the most suitable remedy for combating marks on suede shoes. The lighter the skin tone, the weaker the solution should be. A dirty surface is treated with a few drops of liquid. After completing the procedure, the suede must be wiped dry. To lift the pile, it is best to use a rubber brush.

Treat the surface of the shoes

Wipe dry

Use a rubber brush to lift the pile

Protest: why the cat marks shoes

If a cat just shits in your shoe, you can remove the smell in 99% of cases. If an animal marks its territory in this way, then you will have to try hard! The substances with which the animal shows the boundaries of its possessions are very persistent and sharp, as it is designed by nature!

Do not rush to scold your pet, he always has reasons to shit in his shoes, and very serious ones. Well-bred and healthy cats do not go past the litter box, because they are one of the cleanest animals. How to explain a cat protest:

  1. If a cat marks your shoes, then in this way he shows that he loves you, and you are his territory.
  2. Sometimes this behavior is explained by the presence of other animals in the house and the capricious nature of the cat, his resentment towards you.
  3. Cat surprises in the wrong place can signal health problems. This is how the animal is trying to convey to you that it needs help. Old cats often start walking by.
  4. The cat has an uncomfortable or dirty litter box, be careful, it's only your fault.
  5. You just couldn't toilet train your pet. Be patient and start over.

Do cats mark their territory after neutering? If you are late with the procedure, the pet may remember its behavior and continue to crap for some time. Don't delay castration. If the animal continues to mark its boots more than 6 months after castration, take it to the veterinarian - it may be hormonal imbalances.

It is important to immediately clean your shoes from cat urine, otherwise the situation will repeat itself and become a habit for the cat. And even if the smell is not completely removed, your pet will be tempted to pee in your slippers again. Take cleaning seriously.


Many of those who know how to get rid of the smell of cat urine in shoes using folk remedies still choose professional products. They are more expensive, but work faster and more efficiently.

Name Advantages Flaws
OdorGoneIt is considered a universal odor absorber. Acts quickly and leaves no traces. The composition contains safe ingredients. It differs from most analogues in its high price.
DezosanDestroys urine components at the molecular level. Convenient to use. Provides a pleasant aroma. May cause irritation if in contact with skin or eyes.
Urine-off Multi-PetIt even copes with old marks, eliminates odors and removes stains. Does not contain potentially hazardous components. None
ZooSanSuitable for processing any surfaces. Endowed with hypoallergenic properties. Virtually odorless. Not effective enough to remove old stains



Urine-off Multi-Pet


Common Mistakes

When choosing a suitable product that can eliminate urine odor, it is important not to make a mistake:

  1. Bleach and other products containing bleach are useless and dangerous. The pungent smell will attract the cat and cause a fresh puddle. In addition, boots or slippers treated with chlorine will be irrevocably damaged.
  2. Ammonia contains ammonia, a substance that is also present in urine. It won't cover up the cat's smell and won't stop the cat from marking the shoes again.
  3. Air fresheners and other products with strong odors will only mask the urine temporarily. The cause of the stench will not go away and will remind you of itself every time you come into contact with moisture.
  4. Essential oils also do not bring any benefit; on the contrary, they can significantly increase the unpleasant odor.

First of all, you need to clean your shoes using effective methods. And only after removing the stubborn elements of urine, the use of various flavored products is allowed. In this case, a lasting result is guaranteed.

Products containing bleach are useless and dangerous

Ammonia will not eliminate the cat's odor and will not prevent the cat from marking the shoes again.

Products with a strong odor will only mask urine temporarily.

Essential oils increase unpleasant odors

How to prevent the problem

It is much easier to prevent a problem rather than deal with its unpleasant consequences. A cat will never make a puddle in a place that smells of coffee, citrus fruits, lavender, cinnamon, mint and rosemary. It is not necessary to use fresh grains or only plucked branches. It is enough to leave a cotton wool soaked in essential oil. There is no point in using these substances if a cat's mark remains on the shoe, because the reasons for the persistent smell of urine lie in its composition.

There are many special products on the pet supply market designed to repel cats. Most of them not only protect against unwanted puddles, but also clean the surface if any exist. Along with their use, it is necessary to find out why the cat got into the habit of relieving itself past the tray. Both physical and psychological factors can precede this behavior. If you eliminate them, the likelihood of new marks appearing will be reduced to a minimum.

Leave cotton wool soaked in essential oil in your shoes

Buy cat repellents


The most common reason is improper care of shoes, be they winter, leather, rubber or suede boots. Often, the stench appears after wet shoes have been left overnight in a closet or other place with poor ventilation. In a humid environment, microorganisms begin to actively multiply, which leads to the appearance of a specific “odor.”

This result may be caused by excessive sweating, a fungal infection, or poor foot hygiene. Wearing boots that are smaller than the required size can cause unpleasant consequences, as sweating increases in tight spaces. Wearing socks or tights made of synthetics interferes with the exchange of air, which also leads to odor.

Note! If you have a cat, then perhaps it was he who caused the unpleasant odor to appear. As you know, cats love to relieve themselves in shoes.

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