Symptoms and treatment of chlamydia in cats, danger to humans

Chlamydia in cats is completely different in its clinical picture and mode of transmission from a similar sexually transmitted disease in humans. The intracellular microorganism that causes this pathology in animals is infectious in nature. The virus is not only extremely dangerous, but also threatens serious complications, as well as death, if you do not start treating your pet in time.

The causative agent of chlamydia in cats

Microorganisms that cause zooanthroponotic (common to humans and animals) chlamydia in cats are called chlamydia. These are small intracellular parasites that are something between a bacterium and a virus. This is due to the peculiarities of their structure and complex life cycle:

  1. Outside the cells, microbes are in the state of an elementary body. They have a spherical membrane with genetic information located inside. This is necessary for the spread of infection within the body.
  2. Reticular bodies formed when the parasite enters develop and divide. The pathogen does not show increased activity, so it goes undetected by the immune system for some time.
  3. Intermediate bodies acquire the characteristic features of elementary and reticular viral parasites.

There are different types of these pathogens; for cats, the most dangerous forms are chlamydophila felis, which reproduce by division within the body.

Peak activity of chlamydia in cats is demonstrated by inflammatory conjunctivitis. And if the immune system is severely weakened, then there will be a high risk of developing complications in the form of respiratory ailments. There is no urogenital subtype of the virus for cats, but bacteria can often be found in the urinary system or intestines.

Various studies by scientists have found that about 30-60% of domestic animals are carriers of a pathogenic microorganism throughout their lives, but only a few get sick. In most cases, we can talk about an asymptomatic form. However, the absence of any signs of illness does not mean that the animal is safe.

Chlamydia in cats is not dangerous for people. A similar disease in humans is caused by another type of parasite – chlamydia trachomatis, which is transmitted exclusively through sexual contact. This form has nothing to do with the pathogen in cats. And myths about infertility or miscarriages caused by infection from a mustachioed friend are pseudo-scientific horror stories. The only trouble with this disease for a person is conjunctivitis, which can disappear without a trace in a week.

How dangerous is chlamydia?

It has been established that most cats with chlamydial conjunctivitis also have urogenital pathologies. The most dangerous is infertility. When mating, when one of the animals is infected, fertilization does not occur.

For humans, chlamydia poses a serious health threat. An asymptomatic course leads to complications, manifested in the form of inflammation of the internal genital organs and infertility. People infected with chlamydia are more likely to develop cancer.

Methods of infection

Most often, pets that come into contact with stray animals become infected. Chlamydia can live for up to two days outside the host's body in a dark, warm, damp environment. In the sun they quickly die. High-risk areas include veterinary hospitals, exhibitions, shows, homeless shelters, nurseries, basements, and public places.

Cats become infected as follows:

  • through the soles of shoes, outer clothing, or the hands of a person who has had contact with the carrier animal;
  • from tear fluid, excrement of a sick individual;
  • through bedding, wool or grass on which an infected person walked some time ago;
  • by airborne droplets from direct contact;
  • sexual transmission, not confirmed by scientific research.

Cats become infected by hunting birds, mice, or through contact with feces, saliva and urine of an infected rodent or bird. In laboratory conditions, it has been established that from the moment the pathogenic microorganism penetrates the conjunctiva until the first symptoms of illness appear, 3 to 5 days pass.

In the natural outdoor environment, the incubation period for feline chlamydia increases on average to two weeks. The virus lives in the external environment for about a day and a half. Pathogens die in a couple of minutes if they get into boiling water.

The following can also destroy a harmful pathogen:

  • exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • chloramine;
  • phenol.

Penetrating into the body, feline chlamydia enters the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, bladder, oral cavity, pharynx, and conjunctiva. There it begins to destroy organ protection and multiplies rapidly. This occurs due to binary fission. Young, elderly or immunocompromised animals get sick much more quickly.

The parasite spreads to the reproductive system only in a third of cases. If a pregnant female with feline chlamydia gives birth during the acute period, the offspring may be infected. This form is called neonatal. Infection occurs at the moment when the fetus moves through the birth canal. The first day the babies look healthy, but their eyes do not open for some time. After a couple of days, it becomes clear that the eyelids are glued together with purulent discharge appearing from the corners of the eyes.

Neonatal chlamydia in a kitten causes a severe respiratory complication, but it most often goes away within a week after adequate treatment. The lack of drug therapy, even if the cubs survive, entails lifelong blindness. That is why breeding individuals are tested before each mating for the presence of feline chlamydia in the body of the future parents.

Asymptomatic course

This infection is typical for adult cats.
The owners become suspicious of the disease after the birth of non-viable kittens. It is also difficult to detect this disease in cats if there are no signs of damage to the urinary system. A cat can become infected with chlamydia from a cat during mating. A sick female has a permanent reservoir of chlamydia in the form of an infected cervical canal, through which males become infected. And in the latter, the pathogen settles in the testes and comes out with sperm. Sometimes a pet, after mating with a sick cat, can be depressed, be capricious in food, and chlamydia in the eyes of cats manifests itself. The cat is not treated throughout the pregnancy due to mild symptoms, and the birth ends with the birth of dead kittens, or they die after a couple of days. And if the offspring still live, then they noticeably lag behind their peers in development and growth.

Females who have their first pregnancy experience the greatest number of stillbirths, abortions and other pathologies of fruiting. Abortion most often occurs in the second half of pregnancy, when there are only a few days left before birth.

Forms of chlamydia in cats

The manifestation of the disease does not begin from the very first day after infection, but after 5-10 days. Veterinarians distinguish acute and chronic forms of chlamydia in cats. Periods of exacerbation, or relapse, and attenuation, or remission, are also recorded.

Latent species

Good immunity helps the animal to vigorously fight the microbe. Therefore, the disease can occur in a hidden or, in other words, latent form. Initially, there is a fever that lasts 2-3 days. In general, the pet's condition is satisfactory. Appetite remains normal, activity does not decrease. If the eyes are a little watery, the owner will most likely think of a cold.

The first two weeks, conjunctivitis appears in one eye, then the inflammation spreads to the second organ of vision. The mucous membrane of the eyelids swells and turns red. This can last from several days to a couple of months.

Pneumonia with this type of chlamydia in cats is extremely difficult to diagnose because small peripheral areas of the lungs become inflamed. In this case, breathing is almost not affected. Only a histological examination performed in a veterinary clinic will help determine a pulmonary disease.

The reproductive system is also subject to pathology: cervicitis develops, that is, inflammation of the cervix, urethritis, and miscarriages occur in pregnant females. Males experience orchitis, or inflammation of the testes, as well as balanoposthitis of the glans penis.

Acute and chronic types

With chronic manifestations of chlamydia in cats, the listed signs are invisible, so it is very difficult to guess about the disease. Due to the lack of a clear clinical picture, the pet will be a carrier, and no one will guess about it.

In the acute form, the manifestations of feline chlamydia are much more noticeable. Unfortunately, not all owners attach importance to this. Over time, complete attenuation occurs, and then transition to the chronic type.

How can a cat become infected?

Chlamydia is transmitted among cats in several ways:

  • fecal-oral;
  • airborne;
  • sexual.

That is, a pet can become infected through any biomaterial of a sick animal. Also, the infection can spread transplacentally during pregnancy and childbirth, and first appears during the occurrence of severe stress (when taken away from the mother, the diet is changed, etc.).

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the symptoms and treatment of cat diseases such as toxocariasis, epilepsy, peritonitis, conjunctivitis, gingivitis, otitis media, pyometra, mastitis, demodicosis, lichen, epiphora, aspergillosis and urolithiasis.

Infectious diseases include feline diseases such as leukemia, hemobartonellosis, mycoplasmosis, pyometra, otitis, peritonitis, aspergillosis of the upper respiratory tract, and calcivirosis.

Symptoms of chlamydia in a cat

When chlamydia enters the body, it causes conjunctivitis, that is, suppuration of the mucous membrane of the front and inner part of the eyes. They begin to behave like intracellular parasites.

Eye inflammation

The pathogen penetrates the epithelial cells of the conjunctiva. It develops, destroying tissue, and purulent discharge appears. Clinical signs can be diagnosed only after 5-6 days. First one eye is affected, after 2 days both are affected.

The symptoms are severe: in addition to pain and discomfort, involuntary contraction of the eyelid appears. The mustachioed friend can hardly open his eyes, and there is severe swelling. Often the third eyelid swells so much that it bulges out.

Other symptoms:

  • severe sneezing;
  • cough;
  • labored breathing;
  • runny nose.

Thick yellow-green discharge flows from the nose and eyes. They dry quickly, forming a crust that is not recommended to be touched. Wanting to help, the owner risks damaging the soft tissues of these organs.

Respiratory view

This manifestation of chlamydia in cats is not considered typical, and it is rare. Veterinarians often misidentify it as bacterial pneumonia. Indeed, the clinical picture of chlamydial pneumonia is almost no different from ordinary pneumonia.

Signs may be the following:

  • apathy;
  • refusal to eat;
  • high body temperature;
  • cough.

The cough is initially hard and barking. Over time, it softens, it seems that something is gurgling in the chest. In the absence of timely treatment, sepsis develops. In such cases, the body temperature decreases, then the cat falls into a coma.

Chlamydial arthritis

The first reported case of such arthritis was described in 1999. Therefore, the pathogen has not yet been fully studied. Kittens and young animals are most at risk of becoming infected. However, cases of the disease have been identified regardless of age and breed.

Gastrointestinal disorders

With this type of infection, problems with the gastrointestinal tract rarely occur, although the accumulation and growth of harmful microorganisms occurs there. The main problem of gastrointestinal chlamydia is its asymptomatic course. In almost all cases, the appetite of infected animals is preserved, and the stool has a normal consistency. In this case, only laboratory tests can detect the disease.

Genitourinary disorders

Sexual chlamydia also does not have pronounced symptoms, although in approximately 30% of infected cats, chlamydia affects the reproductive and urinary systems. In some cases, owners note a pinkish discharge from the cat’s vagina; in males, the symptoms are more difficult to notice. The maximum that you can pay attention to is the constant licking of the genitals.

In unsanitary conditions, living in crowded conditions, in poorly ventilated areas, the spread of the virus occurs very quickly. So, as soon as a healthy person is in a cage or room with a sick fellow, from whose eyes purulent exudate flows, he can be considered infected.

Direct contact is not necessary for cats to become infected with chlamydia. The main factor of spread is humans. In nurseries, chlamydia can spread on the soles of shoes of staff and visitors. The microbe travels through shared bowls, trays, and hygiene items.

Description of the pathogen

Chlamydia are extremely interesting organisms in terms of biology.
Their small size, about 300 nanometers, as well as the dependence of reproduction on the host cell, coupled with intracytoplasmic localization, allowed researchers to mistakenly classify them as viruses. But the presence of a certain similarity with gram-negative microbes and sensitivity to some antibiotics have allowed them today to be considered obligate intracellular parasites of high specialization. Chlamydia tolerates low temperatures well, but is sensitive to high temperatures. So, heating to 80 degrees Celsius kills them within 10 minutes. They are destroyed with a half percent solution of phenol, a two percent solution of sodium hydroxide and a solution of chloramine.

Different strains and types of chlamydia can cause a number of diseases, sometimes quite severe, in both animals and humans. Human trachoma, inclusion conjunctivitis, and some sexually transmitted diseases are caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia pneumoniae is responsible for some pneumonia in animals and humans. Psittacosis, also known as psittacosis, is a serious disease in humans and an eye disease in animals, caused by Chlamydia psittaci. Its variety, Chlamydia cati, affects the mucous membranes of the eyes of cats.

Diagnosis of chlamydia in a cat

The similarity of the symptoms of the onset of the disease with a common cold or conjunctivitis leads to the fact that the owners of infected people do not always seek help from a veterinary clinic. They prefer to help their pet on their own and watch for further manifestations of the disease. Unfortunately, this practice significantly worsens the patient’s condition, and then causes a transition to a latent type with a chronic course.

It has been precisely established that a sick animal with a latent course becomes a dangerous carrier for humans. Chlamydia can be spread through saliva, stool, and eye discharge. Therefore, at the first signs of chlamydia in a cat, you should promptly show it to a specialist.

At the veterinary center, he will be carefully examined and the existing symptoms will be compared with the characteristic signs of manifestations of the pathogenic microorganism. If infection is suspected, the veterinarian will prescribe a full examination:

  • general blood analysis;
  • swab from the nose and eyes to determine the pathogen;
  • polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis;
  • x-ray for difficulty breathing;
  • enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).

For PCR, the laboratory examines any biological material: feces, urine, mucus, fluid from the eyes. This helps to detect even a single pathogenic cell. An ELISA test determines the presence of antibodies in the body. There is also a technique for staining a smear, which is taken from the conjunctival cavity. Most doctors consider this method to be quite subjective, because the mucous membrane may contain other microbes that interfere with the correct recognition of the disease.

To collect material for analysis, use a sterile cotton swab, as well as a special medical probe. The veterinarian examines the entire conjunctiva, places the sample in a special container and sends it for examination. Also, the patient's owner should be told in detail about possible methods of infection. This will help the specialist get a complete picture and quickly prescribe the necessary treatment.

Diagnosis and treatment

Some signs of chlamydia resemble those of other diseases. Not only with conjunctivitis, but also with rhinotracheitis, the cat coughs and redness of the eyes is observed. Pneumonia occurs in an animal both with a cold and with chlamydia infection. To accurately determine the pathology of a pet, various methods are used - from clinical methods to laboratory tests.

What tests will the veterinarian prescribe?

At the appointment, the veterinarian will ask the owner to take a blood test. In addition, they will take a swab or scraping from the cat’s throat, which helps determine the presence of inclusions of infectious agents. An enzyme immunoassay test is performed to detect antigens to harmful microorganisms and confirm infection with chlamydia. Using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, the type of chlamydia is determined.

If damage to the respiratory organs is suspected, an x-ray of the cat's chest is taken.

Treatment regimen

Means to eliminate infection and fight chlamydia are prescribed by a veterinarian based on the results of tests and a visual examination of the cat. In the absence of complicated pneumonia, the pet is left at home and given medications prescribed by the doctor, being sure to follow the dosage suggested by the specialist. Treatment without medications is impossible.

Attention! If there are several kittens in the house, antibiotics for chlamydia are prescribed to all.

The treatment regimen includes the following types of drugs.

Group of medicinesPrinciple of action and type of drugName of drugs
Antibacterial drugsDestruction of chlamydia, antibacterial therapy lasts 1 month.
Tablets, intramuscular injections.
Erythromycin, Doxycycline or flutoquinolone antibiotics.
Anti-inflammatory drugsElimination of conjunctivitis and purulent formations on the eyelids.Wash solutions: chamomile decoction, sage infusion.
Drops: Levomycetin, Decta-2.

Ointments: tetracycline ointment.

Anesthetic Bars

ImmunomodulatorsStrengthening weakened immunity.
Course of use – 1 month Capsules, injections.
Gamavit (three times a day)

Fosprenil (injections are prescribed for 3 days)

Saline solution with glucoseRestoring water balance in pets.
Use only as prescribed by a doctor. Drip administration (for the entire course of antibiotics)
ProbioticsRestoration of intestinal microflora during long-term use of antibiotics.
When feeding or with water

Probability of recovery

If the owner of a sick cat treats it strictly according to the regimen drawn up by the veterinarian, without skipping pills and injections, chlamydia will recede. The initial form of the disease can be successfully treated.

Important! The immunity of a pet that has suffered a pathology is greatly weakened, and the animal can become infected again.

Treatment of chlamydia in cats

In order not to distort the signs of the disease, you should not use medications before visiting the clinic. Routine eye rinsing helps. The same procedure is carried out before applying the ointment during therapy:

  1. The gauze swab is moistened generously with warm boiled water, furatsilin solution or saline solution.
  2. Gently wipe the eyelids, leaving smudges.
  3. Soaked crusts are very carefully removed with a clean cotton swab towards the inner corner. Do not press or try to tear off dried pus.
  4. Use a dry swab to gently blot the wet fur around the eyes.
  5. At least 12 hours before visiting the clinic, you are allowed to instill Bars, Iris, Dekta-2.

After receiving the results of all laboratory tests and confirming the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a treatment regimen. Typically used to treat feline chlamydia:

  • antibacterial agents;
  • antibiotics;
  • eye drops;
  • immunostimulants.

Each drug is used strictly individually. The dosage and frequency of administration depends entirely on the complexity of the disease, age and even breed of the patient. A very severe clinical picture is observed in kittens due to unformed immunity and the rapid spread of the microbe throughout the body. Only a veterinarian can prescribe medications and adjust their use for each individual furry patient.

The prognosis may be favorable if the following conditions are met:

  • timely visit to the veterinary clinic;
  • lack of self-medication, self-prescription of medications, especially antibiotics;
  • Completed the course of therapy within 3-4 weeks;
  • quarantine for contact with other household members;
  • During a course of antibiotics, be sure to use probiotics;
  • Chlamydia test at the end of treatment.

To effectively treat chlamydia in cats, veterinarians use tetracycline medications, such as doxycycline. The course of the drug lasts 4 weeks, it is given once a day. To completely cope with the intracellular microbe, it is important not to stop taking it. Often, the doctor will recommend continuing to give the antibiotic for at least 14 days. This will help stop the carriage of a dangerous strain.

For drug therapy in kittens, Clamoxil, Sinulox or amoxicillin are used. Doxycycline is not prescribed due to its negative effect on the development of the nail plate and teeth, and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. If several cats live in one apartment or house, the doctor prescribes a course of infection for all residents.

Eye drops or ointments can help relieve the symptoms of chlamydia in cats. Their main component is ciprofloxacin, tetracycline. These external remedies cannot lead to a final recovery, but simply transfer the disease into a latent form. Treatment of mucous membranes is carried out 3-4 times a day.

Possible complications

If the symptoms are blurred, for example, a cough, runny nose, lacrimation, then subsides or returns; chlamydia can develop into a chronic form and be asymptomatic in the cat’s body. In this case, the animal becomes dangerous for humans if you delay going to the veterinary clinic and do not follow basic hygiene rules.

The danger of chlamydia is that the blood of an animal can spread the infection throughout the body. As a result (if left untreated), organs and tissues suffer from multiple lesions against a background of weakened immunity.

In advanced cases and severe cases of the disease, the animal cannot be saved.

Caring for a sick animal

First of all, infected animals are completely isolated from contact with other animals, and contact with people is limited as much as possible. This does not mean that the poor fellow should be left alone without affection and support. It is enough for only one family member to take care of the patient: it is necessary to wear gloves when processing the conjunctival mucosa, so as not to further harm the pet and not to catch an infection.

Due to the use of antibiotics, dysbacteriosis may develop, so during the recovery period, yoghurts and low-fat fermented milk products, which contain lactobacilli, should be added to the diet. Chicken broth or wet food recommended by your veterinarian will help ease the digestion process. It is easier to add powdered tablets to these products.

The room intended for keeping an infected pet must be treated with special disinfectant solutions. Hygiene must be at a high level. The litter box is cleaned more often than before.

When contacting a mustachioed friend, family members should remove outer clothing and clean outdoor shoes to prevent transmission of the parasite. After interacting with the patient, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and then wipe with an antibacterial solution to completely destroy germs. It is unacceptable to release an animal into the street, where it can infect its relatives.


The immune system of the cat’s body gives a strong rebuff to the “enemy”. Cells begin to be produced that recognize the parasite and mark the location of the enemy. Then comes the time of killer cells, which destroy the infectious agent, and after them come the cleaner cells, which absorb the remains of the parasite. At the same time, a second front opens: macrophages and neutrophilic leukocytes. They help with the absorption of chlamydia and create an inflammatory response when the animal's body temperature rises. It has a detrimental effect on the infection. Unfortunately, not all chlamydia die. Some of them adapt to the immune system.

Prevention of infection

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely protect cats from infection with chlamydia. They do not have the necessary set of antibodies in the body that can cope with the harmful microbe. However, following simple preventive measures will significantly reduce the risk.

What veterinarians advise:

  1. Examine your pet annually in veterinary clinics, this is especially important in the case of mating or participation in championships and exhibitions.
  2. Limit communication, games with stray brothers, and prevent the capture of rodents.
  3. Monitor the sanitary and hygienic conditions of keeping your mustachioed friend.
  4. When returning home, a person needs to wash their hands and keep their outerwear or shoes clean.
  5. Offer your pet a proper, balanced diet. It must be appropriate for age, size and breed characteristics.
  6. Use vitamin and mineral complexes to develop and maintain a strong immune system.
  7. Carry out regular deworming against intestinal parasites. This will keep your health in good condition.

Additionally, you need to remember about your relationship with your pet. Constant shouting, spanking, and rudeness cause him to become stressed, which weakens his overall well-being, making him more susceptible to infections.

Homeless shelters rarely allow pets to be separated into separate groups, although this is a necessary condition for safe cohabitation. The owners of such places try to breed vaccinated cats and individuals with obvious manifestations of the disease in different enclosures.

On the territory of nurseries for breeding purebred representatives of the cat family, only vaccinated, completely healthy individuals should be kept, and each newcomer is accommodated in a separate room for 3-4 weeks for quarantine.

Neonatal form

Chlamydia can also occur in kittens.
They have this disease called chlamydia neonatal conjunctivitis. A kitten becomes infected either through the placenta (transplacentally), or during childbirth, when it passes through the birth canal of a sick mother. Chlamydia penetrates into any open cavity of the fetus and causes infectious pathology. Signs of the disease in newborn kittens appear only when their eyes open. Bilateral or unilateral conjunctivitis is detected: the eyes are squinted, the conjunctiva is dark pink, swollen, the eyelids are stained with purulent-catarrhal or catarrhal discharge. Often, catarrhal discharge also comes from the nose, which hardens and forms crusts on the upper jaw. Kittens experience coughing and sneezing. At the beginning of the disease, they still suckle their mother and eat food, but as the infection progresses, the kittens become weaker and weaker and can no longer hold the nipple in their mouth and cannot chew. It soon becomes noticeable how difficult it is for them to move their jaw. The submandibular and other lymph nodes of the head increase in size, and the kittens soon die. Surviving animals suffer from sluggish rhinitis and conjunctivitis for years and release parasites into the environment all this time.

Preventive vaccination

Currently, several vaccines are used in veterinary practice to help prevent the development of a dangerous strain. There is a foreign, proven vaccine, Katavac Chlamydia. The Russian analogue drug is the biologically created drug ChlamiKon. Both drugs belong to the group of monovaccines and are called prophylactic.

Multivalent (multifunctional) preventive agents include Multifel-4, which protects against a complex of bacteria: tracheitis, calcivirus, chlamydia. The drug was produced in Russia and received many positive reviews from veterinarians. Its foreign analogue is Felovax-4, produced in the United States of America, and Purevax RCPCh, produced in France.

A prerequisite for successful vaccination is preliminary deworming, as well as good health. Therefore, before routine vaccination, the veterinarian is obliged to examine the pet for the presence of viruses and bacteria.

Preventive actions

The following steps will help protect your pet from becoming infected with chlamydia:

  • regular visits to the veterinarian;
  • avoiding contact with street animals;
  • healthy eating;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Vaccination against feline chlamydia is recommended in cases where outbreaks of chlamydial infection are regularly recorded in the area of ​​residence. When a cat shows characteristic signs of the disease, others will need to avoid close contact with it to prevent the pathogen from entering the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and organs of vision. A prerequisite for effective prevention will be constant adherence to basic hygiene measures (washing hands after touching an animal, cleaning its litter, dishes and bedding, daily wet cleaning of the premises).

Transmission of bacteria to humans

The bacterium is dangerous not only for representatives of the cat family, but also for all family members. A person becomes infected while caring for a patient in any phase of recovery if simple rules of personal hygiene are not followed. The disease begins to manifest itself in the form of conjunctivitis of the eyes. Infection of young children, elderly and sick family members with weakened immune systems is especially undesirable. Therefore, it is better to completely protect them from close communication with the carrier.

The greatest danger to the owner and other household members is the chronic course of chlamydia in cats. In this case, it is asymptomatic, because of this it is impossible to guess in time about the presence of a dangerous infection.

Chlamydia is characterized by respiratory manifestations and the development of viral conjunctivitis. A laboratory test at a veterinary clinic helps determine the presence of the parasite. Drug therapy takes a long time and under the strict supervision of a veterinarian. In addition to the usual preventive measures, vaccines are used to prevent infection of household members.

The article is for informational purposes only. Contact your veterinarian!

How to vaccinate yourself

Vaccination at a veterinary clinic has one significant advantage: obtaining a veterinary passport. If you don't need it, you can vaccinate yourself. This saves you from the need to go to the clinic and pay for veterinarian services, and the cat from unnecessary stress and the danger of catching an infection in the clinic. Recommendations on how to give an injection to a cat are very simple:

  • Pay attention to the choice of vaccine. Domestic drugs are much cheaper than imported ones, but animals tolerate them less well. Therefore, it is better to slightly increase the vaccination budget and buy one of the proven drugs: Nobivak, Merial or other foreign-made vaccines. The packaging always indicates which infections the vaccine is effective against. Be sure to inspect the packaging and find out the expiration date of the vaccine;
  • For successful vaccination, the animal must be absolutely healthy and eat well. Just as in the case of vaccination in a clinic, before the procedure, the cat needs to be given anthelmintics 10-14 days before the procedure;
  • when vaccinating with two drugs, two syringes should be used; insulin syringes with thin needles are best (if the amount of drug administered is less than 1 ml);
  • Before the procedure, you should wash your hands, prepare everything you need and do not worry too much - your pet will quickly pick up on the excitement;
  • It's easy to give an injection. Draw the drug into the syringe, then release excess air and part of the drug, holding the syringe with the needle up. The remaining vaccine volume must exactly correspond to the recommendations in the drug instructions;
  • then secure the cat. It is more convenient if someone else holds the animal, although many cats quite calmly give injections;
  • pull up the skin between the shoulder blades and inject into the subcutaneous space;
  • The needle must be inserted quite smoothly, without jerking, but quickly. As soon as the needle is in the desired position, the resistance disappears, and you will clearly feel the right moment. The injection itself is not carried out with one press of the piston; introduce the drug gradually;
  • Rub the injection site a little.

If the owner is not too nervous, the procedure is quick and almost painless. Therefore, the main thing is to calm down, and only then pick up the syringe.

Most animals tolerate vaccination calmly, but it is necessary to carefully monitor the cat’s behavior after vaccination to exclude the possibility of complications. Warning signs are:

  • repeated vomiting and diarrhea;
  • very high temperature;
  • Lethargy after vaccination is normal. But if the animal refuses to eat and behaves apathetically for more than a day after the procedure, you should consult a doctor.

But most often, vaccination is easy, just provide the animal with a few hours of rest and access to food and water. If the cat is used to walking, it is better not to let it go outside during the first day. Otherwise, the animal will quickly recover from stress and return to its previous lifestyle.

If you are unsure of which vaccinations to get or doubt your ability to get a shot, it is best to contact your veterinarian. A professional doctor will give all the necessary recommendations and carry out the procedure as safely as possible for your pet, providing it with protection from life-threatening and health-threatening infections.

Dead vaccines

  • Felovax (Fel-0-Vax) - vaccine against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and chlamydia; The vaccine contains inactivated feline panleukopenia virus, two strains of feline calicivirus, inactivated feline rhinotracheitis virus and the causative agent of feline chlamydia (Chlamydia psittaci). Contains thimerosal, neomycin, polymyxin B and amphotericin B as preservatives. Manufacturer Fort Dodge Animal Health, USA.
  • Felovax LV-K (Fel-O-Vax Lv-K) is a vaccine against viral leukemia. Manufacturer: Fort Dodge Animal Health, USA.
  • Multifel is a vaccine against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and chlamydia; The vaccine contains inactivated feline panleukopenia virus, two strains of feline calicivirus, inactivated feline rhinotracheitis virus and the causative agent of feline chlamydia (Chlamydia psittaci). , Russia.
  • ChlamyKon is a vaccine against feline chlamydia (strain K-1). Inactivated vaccine. Produced by JSC Vetzverotsentr, Russia.
  • Nobivac rabies Vaccine against rabies, contains an inactivated culture of the rabies virus. Manufacturer: Intervet Schering-Plough Animal Health, Netherlands.
  • Rabizin - vaccine against rabies; contains an inactivated strain of rabies virus GS-57 WISTAR. Manufacturer: Merial S.A.S. (Merial SAS), France.
  • Leukocell 2 (Leukocell 2) Vaccine against viral leukemia; contains inactivated feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and FOCMA antigen. Manufacturer: Pfizer Animal Health, USA.

Live vaccines:

  • Leukorifelin is a vaccine against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis; contains attenuated feline panleukopenia virus, a solution of the glycoprotein fraction of feline herpesvirus and purified feline calicivirus antigen.
  • Quadricat is a vaccine against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and rabies; contains attenuated feline panleukopenia virus, a solution of the glycoprotein fraction of feline herpesvirus, purified feline calicivirus antigen and inactivated rabies virus. Manufacturer: Merial S.A.S. (Merial SAS), France.
  • Nobivac Tricat - vaccine against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis; contains attenuated feline panleukopenia virus (Bristol strain), a solution of the glycoprotein fraction of feline herpesvirus (strain G 2620) and purified feline calicivirus antigen (strain F9). Manufacturer: Intervet Schering-Plough Animal Health, Netherlands.
  • Nobivac FORCAT - vaccine against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and chlamydia; The vaccine contains inactivated feline panleukopenia virus strain MW-1, feline calicivirus strain F9, feline rhinotracheitis virus strain G 2620A and chlamydia strain Baker. Manufacturer: Intervet Schering-Plough Animal Health, Netherlands.
  • Felocell CVR (Felocell CVR) - vaccine against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis; contains live attenuated strains of infectious rhinotracheitis virus, calicivirus and feline panleukopenia virus. Manufacturer: Pfizer Animal Health, USA.
  • Purevax Manufacturer Merial S.A.S. (Merial SAS), France. Purevax RCP - vaccine against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis; contains attenuated feline rhinotracheitis herpesvirus, inactivated feline calicivirus antigens and attenuated feline panleukopenia virus; Purevax RCPCh - vaccine against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and chlamydia: contains attenuated feline rhinotracheitis herpesvirus, inactivated feline calicivirus antigens and attenuated feline panleukopenia virus, as well as attenuated feline chlamydophila (the causative agent of feline chlamydia).
  • Purevax FeLV - vaccine against viral leukemia; contains a recombinant canarypox virus in the genome of which the FeLV gene is expressed using genetic engineering. Manufacturer: Merial S.A.S. (Merial SAS), France.
  • Primucell FIP - vaccine against infectious peritonitis: contains attenuated coronavirus. The vaccine is administered through the nose. First used in 1990. Manufacturer: Pfizer Animal Health, USA.
  • Katavac Chlamydia is a vaccine against feline chlamydia. Manufacturer: Fort Dodge Animal Health, USA.

All companies that produce these drugs recommend revaccination with the same drug as the primary vaccination.

The effectiveness of vaccination can be significantly reduced due to the use of immunoglobulins, sulfonamides and antibiotics a few days before the vaccine is administered and a month and a half after.

Special conditions are required for transportation and storage of vaccines. Vaccination with a spoiled vaccine can cause severe illness and even death of the animal. Therefore, vaccines should never be dropped from hands or on the market.

Vaccinations completed are recorded in the veterinary passport. This passport is necessary for participation in exhibitions, when traveling abroad, as well as for proper vaccination throughout the life of the animal.

Vaccines for the treatment and prevention of lichen (trichophytosis and microsporia):

Microderm, Polivac TM for cats, Vakderm - F for cats.

These vaccines create immunity of short duration (2-3 weeks). In addition, there is a high probability that a healthy animal will get shingles after vaccination - the vaccines are live. It should also be kept in mind that shingles is not fatal. It is easily treated and can be avoided by following basic hygiene and pet care rules. Therefore, these vaccines are used mainly for TREATMENT, not PREVENTION, of lichen.

MisterCat recommends: kitten treatment

Treatment for chlamydial infection in kittens differs from that for adults. This is due to the characteristics of a young body. Tetracycline antibiotics in kittens cause tooth decay, damage to the gastric mucosa, and lead to improper formation of the nail plates. The drugs of choice in this case are:

  • Clavil;
  • Sinulox;
  • Amoxicillin.

The further treatment algorithm is the same as for adults. Eye ointments, drops and immunostimulants are used.

Sick kittens are isolated, and the cat is taken to a veterinary clinic for diagnosis and treatment for chlamydial infection. In addition, it is necessary to examine a cat that has had sexual contact with a sick female.

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