10 Signs of Cancer in Cats You Shouldn't Miss

The cat is constantly hiding

Cats love a good hiding place, but if you notice that your pet is spending more time under the bed or in hard-to-reach places, there may be something wrong with him. “Owners often tell me that they notice when their cat is sick. If animals are social but spend more time looking for new hiding places or stop coming out during feeding time, then you should be wary,” says Jake Seidel, founder of . The veterinarian runs an animal hospital in upstate New York and is also a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

“A cat hiding too often is a common sign that something is wrong with it, but it may not necessarily indicate cancer. Therefore, a visit to the veterinarian is a good idea, says the specialist. “Know that your pet is trying to secretly tell you something.”

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Cat tumor symptoms

There are 2 types of tumors: benign and malignant. The former are characterized by relatively slow growth, the presence of a capsule, and the absence of direct negative effects. They do not grow into neighboring tissues, but as they increase in size they are able to compress them, causing disturbances due to mechanical action (impaired patency, ischemia).

With malignant tumors in cats, symptoms appear faster and are severe. These neoplasms do not have a capsule and grow quickly, capable of germinating into neighboring tissues and organs, spreading the pathological process.

Due to rapid growth and the constant release of toxic compounds from decaying tissues, symptoms of intoxication come to the fore - weight loss (even cachexia), an increase in neurological symptoms, and blood changes. Malignant tumors can metastasize - spread to other organs (even distant ones). Often, doctors first find metastases and only after that begin to search for the primary site of the tumor.

Weight loss

Weight loss is a very clear symptom of cancer in a cat. Dr. Seidel says this sign is evidence of a gastrointestinal tumor.

“When cats are offered food during feeding hours but turn away from the bowl or refuse food, this should not go unnoticed,” he says. “Cancer can also cause a cat to lose weight but still retain her appetite. If you notice your cat is losing weight, it's time to make an appointment with your veterinarian."


If cancer is suspected, a comprehensive examination is carried out (biochemical analysis of blood, urine, x-ray, ultrasound). To determine the location and size of the tumor, X-rays and ultrasound are used, but the conclusion “cancer” is confirmed only by macroscopic examination of tissues.

To do this, a biopsy is performed (surgical removal of a small piece from the affected tissue or a smear of cells). .

X-ray diagnosis of cancer in cats

X-ray of a cat, 13 years old, prominent

multiple metastatic foci of cancer

mammary gland in the lungs

X-ray diagnostics is one of the main methods for diagnosing tumors. An X-ray examination of the chest and skeleton (primary tumor, metastases), as well as hollow organs, blood vessels (angiography) and lymphatic vessels (lymphography) is performed. An X-ray examination of the breast is called mammography.

Ultrasound method for studying cancer in cats

For the ultrasound method, tumors located no deeper than 10-12 cm are available. Under ultrasound control, tumor puncture and biopsy can be performed, which dramatically increases the accuracy of the research.

Biopsy as a method for studying cancer in cats

A biopsy is performed to determine the histological, in some cases enzymatic-chemical or immuno-histological nature of the tumor in the form of excision or taking material with a special needle.

Urgent (during surgery) histological examination of biopsy material is often used. Chemical testing of tumor tissue can be performed for steroid receptors (breast tumors).

The accuracy of a puncture biopsy increases if it is performed under the guidance of ultrasound or computed tomography. .

Surgical biopsy as a method for studying cancer in cats

A surgical biopsy involves opening the abdomen and removing pieces of tissue for analysis.

Pros: maximum access to the abdominal organs, taking a high-quality (reliable) sample of the affected tissue, complete information about the spread of the tumor and the presence of metastases.

Cons: invasive. Requires general anesthesia and hospitalization. In addition, chemotherapy should be delayed until the wound has healed.

Endoscopic biopsy as a method for studying cancer in cats

Research is carried out using an endoscope, the technical options of which allow for pinch biopsy, brush cytology, loop excision and aspiration biopsy. Endoscopes are inserted through natural openings (mouth, anus).

Aspiration biopsy using a thin needle under endoscopic ultrasound control allows you to take a biopsy from subepithelial lesions, as well as objects located outside the gastrointestinal tract (lymph nodes, pancreatic tumors).

Pros: the ability to carry out the procedure without hospitalization.

Disadvantages: does not always provide high-quality samples, so several are required.

Since most types of carcinomas begin in a cat in old age, it is imperative to conduct a complete examination of the body - a general blood test (often with cancer it gives an increase in the number of leukocytes and atypical cells), biochemistry (liver enzymes - alkaline phosphatase, ALT and AST may be elevated), and also an ECG to evaluate heart function.

The main method for diagnosing carcinoma is cytological examination of a biopsy specimen. For diseases of internal organs and mammary glands, diagnostic laparotomy methods are used. In addition to a biopsy of the affected areas or formations, material must be collected from neighboring lymph nodes.

Abdominal ultrasound and plain radiography are also performed. The lungs are necessarily removed in two projections - anterior and lateral. These methods will help not only to detect the tumor, but also to assess its size, as well as the presence of metastases.

If the results of previous diagnostic methods and a more thorough examination are questionable, I use CT or MRI.

It is also recommended to conduct a serological blood test for immunodeficiency virus and leukopenia. These diseases do not affect the course of the disease, but can complicate the outcome and course of the operation.

Before the examination begins, a standard procedure is carried out to ask the cat owner about the life of the pet, the manifestation of symptoms, changes in behavior and appearance, and other information.

After collecting an anamnesis, the patient is examined and standard procedures are prescribed: blood and urine sampling for tests, x-rays (in the case of lung cancer, a chest x-ray is taken), ultrasound examination, and it is also possible to collect tumor material to examine its nature.

Only after a specialist makes an accurate diagnosis can treatment begin, which can also only be prescribed by a veterinarian.

The presence of certain symptoms may raise suspicion of the development of cancer, so the pet is given a comprehensive examination (blood test for biochemistry, urine test, ultrasound and x-ray).

In order to calculate the size and location of the tumor, ultrasound and x-rays are used, but a conclusion is made only after a microscopic examination of tissue from the source of pathology.

To do this, you need to perform a biopsy (sampling a small piece of tissue from the tumor (biopsy) or a smear of cells for microscopic examination).

X-ray diagnostics. This method of diagnosing cancer is one of the most basic. The cat is prescribed an examination of the chest and the entire skeleton to determine the location of the primary tumor and metastases. To examine the mammary glands, a specific procedure is used - mammography.

Ultrasound. All tumors that are located no deeper than 10-12 centimeters are accessible to the ultrasound sensor. During an ultrasound, a biopsy can be taken for analysis, as this greatly increases the accuracy of diagnosis.

Biopsy. The analysis is needed to highlight the histological, enzymatic-chemical or immuno-histological nature of the tumor. The material is taken by excision (operatively) or puncture through a needle.

If you suspect that your cat's symptoms are due to cancer, you should contact your veterinarian. However, it should be understood that clinical symptoms, as well as the results of a veterinary examination, cannot be a sufficient basis to reliably diagnose cancer in a cat.

To determine the location and/or size of the tumor, additional tests are often necessary - radiography or ultrasound, but an accurate diagnosis of cancer can only be made after microscopic examination of the tissue by an experienced pathologist.

In some cases, the diagnosis can be made using “fine needle aspiration” (when a thin needle inserted into the tumor “sucks out” a few tissue cells, which are then examined), or “puncture biopsy” (when a large hollow needle is taken from the tumor for analysis). "nuclei" of the affected tissue).

In addition to those listed, other techniques are used to obtain tissue samples with abnormal cells for the purpose of diagnosing cancer. A blood test, for example, is standard procedure when a cat is suspected of having cancer - partly to detect any indirect effects of the cancer, partly to detect any other diseases.

Oral lesions

Ulcers, growths, bleeding gums or changes in their color can be a sign of cancer in a cat, especially in an adult. These signs in cats often go undetected for too long. “We usually detect visible oral tumors too late because people don't look at their pet's mouth,” Seidel says. “Many oral growths can be really devastating because people don’t notice them until they are large.” Your veterinarian also suggests brushing your pet's teeth on a regular basis.

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"It's good to observe when your pet yawns or eats," advises Timothy Rocha, DVM, an oncology specialist in New York City.


While your cat's cancer diagnosis is bad news, it isn't necessarily a death sentence. A specific concept has been developed for each disease and the methods that are used in our time can not only alleviate, but also significantly prolong the life of the animal.

Some of them are available in general medical practices, and some are only available in specialized cancer centers. .

There are three main forms of cancer therapy:

  • Surgery.
  • Radiation (radiation) therapy.
  • Chemotherapy.

Which treatment is used (or suggested) in each case will depend on factors such as:

  • Type of cancer.
  • Site of cancer (where in the body).
  • Presence of metastases (removed tumor, tumor spread).
  • What's right for your cat.
  • What is available to you.

Surgery for cats with cancer

Surgery for cats and cats with cancer is the most common form of cancer treatment and is curative in most cases. However, complete removal of the tumor by surgery is not always possible due to spread to surrounding tissues and other organs (metastases).

The method of “surgical edges” when removing a tumor is generally accepted in oncology surgery. The reason is that there are abnormal cells in the healthy tissue around the tumor that can create a problem in the future if not removed as much as possible.

Therefore, early diagnosis of the disease at an early stage significantly improves long-term prognosis. .

In addition to “radical surgery” (an attempt to completely remove the tumor), chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used to improve quality and length of life.

Radiation therapy (radiotherapy) for cats and cats with cancer

For carcinoma, there is only surgical treatment. It is especially effective in the initial stages when the affected area is small and there is no metastasis. If the lymph nodes are affected, the prognosis becomes unfavorable, with little chance of cure.

The tumor must be completely removed, followed by a histology check - the edges of the tumor should contain only healthy tissue.

Small lesions of squamous cell carcinoma can be cauterized with a laser or using cryotherapy. Systemic therapy is less effective, so drugs are injected directly into the lesion. Commonly used are cisplatin, carboplatin, and 5-fluorouracil.

The more differentiated the tumor cells, the greater the likelihood of complete recovery. After treatment, the animal must not be exposed to strong ultraviolet radiation, especially from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Oral tumors are usually removed in the area of ​​the jaw and adjacent lymph nodes. Typically, doctors try to preserve as much tissue as possible to avoid a decrease in quality of life.

It is possible to perform longitudinal removal of half of the jaw bone. If the formation is located in the area of ​​the tonsils and tongue, then the operation is not performed.

Cancer is one of the diseases that does not tolerate self-medication or the use of traditional medicine. Therapy largely depends on the type of formation, the stage of development, and how advanced the process is.

To stop the proliferation of malignant cells in the initial stages of the disease, surgical intervention with complete excision of pathological tissue may be immediately required, and sometimes pharmacological correction, chemotherapy, and radiation also help - everything is very individual.

It is especially difficult to choose a treatment regimen at the last stage of the disease, when the animal is quite weak and is on the verge between life and death. The owners' demand to remove the tumor is not always justified, and the main goal of the veterinary specialist is no longer to cure the animal, but to alleviate its general condition so that the cat does not suffer or suffer.

Sometimes in such situations it is necessary to take extreme measures, euthanizing the animal, giving it the opportunity to be freed from suffering.

You can detect skin cancer in cats yourself, based on many photos of samples of diseased skin areas. The course of treatment depends not only on the stage of cancer, but also on the general condition of the cat or dog.

In the initial stages, chemotherapy and radiation are performed. In severe cases, surgical intervention is prescribed.

Chemotherapy and radiation procedures have a very strong effect on the entire body of a pet. Most likely, his health will be poor.

Don't be alarmed, this is a side effect of serious treatment. There are many drugs and remedies that alleviate the serious condition of the animal.

There is no need to hesitate to consult a doctor in this matter. In any case, it should be borne in mind that the animal will need special care and attention.

Skin cancer in the early stages can be treated without surgery. But at any stage, treatment brings a noticeable improvement in the patient’s well-being.

To prevent the disease from progressing, you need to carefully monitor your pet’s condition and contact a specialist at the first suspicion. You can consult with several doctors in parallel to choose the most optimal treatment option.

To prevent melanoma and skin cancer, the animal should be protected from direct sunlight during peak solar activity hours. As a rule, this is the period from 10 to 15 hours.

Cancer is a terrible disease, so it is very important to strictly follow the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor. For accurate results, it is recommended to contact several specialists.

.gif" data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://catshere.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/udalenie-opuholi-u-koshki-300×166.jpg" alt =”Removal of a tumor in a cat” width=”300″ height=”166″ srcset=”” data-srcset=”https://catshere.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/udalenie-opuholi-u- koshki-300×166.jpg 300w, https://catshere.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/udalenie-opuholi-u-koshki-768×426.jpg 768w, https://catshere.ru/ wp-content/uploads/2017/02/udalenie-opuholi-u-koshki.jpg 850w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" />It’s immediately worth noting that cancer treatment in cats is impossible at home Therefore, it is necessary to refrain from various traditional medicines. So, one of these remedies is garlic. Among people, garlic is often used to curb the development of cancer. Garlic contains beneficial substances that block the proliferation of abnormal cells, but garlic is absolutely not suitable for animals. Garlic also contains substances that are toxic to cats. A cat can die from home treatment.

For mild cases of the disease, chemotherapy, pharmacological correction of the disease, surgical excision of infected tissue and other procedures are carried out, prescribed individually in each individual case.

At advanced stages, when the cat dies, being in a very serious condition, there is practically no point in using many procedures. In such cases, veterinarians recommend euthanizing the animal so that it does not suffer.

For those cats who have been diagnosed with cancer, it is difficult to predict how long the pet will be able to live, since it all depends on the severity of each individual case and on how much the owner is willing to devote himself to treating the cat.

In any case, cancer is not the end. Modern veterinary medicine can boast of happy recovery stories.

No specialist can give any guarantees regarding the outcome of the disease, especially during the diagnostic stage. Each organism reacts differently to the effects of treatment, the main thing is that the animal has a strong immune system, and this prevents rapid metastasis.

Many veterinarians suggest euthanizing a pet, since the disease can become severe and the animal will suffer, but such diagnoses are not a death sentence, and it is worth fighting for the life of your furry friend.

Therapeutic measures aimed at fighting cancer consist of traditional methods:

Surgical intervention. You need to discuss with your doctor the possibility of removing the tumor through surgery.

This is one of the most common treatment methods with high rates of effectiveness. Contraindications are the large size of the formation, the removal of which will cause more harm than good.

Oncology in cats can involve damage to many healthy tissues, and during surgery, doctors can remove parts of healthy organs. In addition, there is a high risk of recurrence, because if the surgeon misses the slightest area of ​​malignant cells, they will eventually form a new tumor.

Chemotherapy. In the case of cats, chemotherapy drugs are not used for treatment, but to slow down the growth of malignant cells and get rid of symptoms. Chemotherapy is advisable in situations where surgery is impossible and the tumor metastasizes.

Irradiation. The essence of this therapy method is the use of X-rays to fight cancer cells. Radiation therapy is often given in combination with chemotherapy, or after surgery if the tumor has been partially removed.

Many owners can use old folk recipes to treat oncology, which are based on treatment with herbs (herbal medicine), soda, ASD, tinctures from various plants, etc.

The cat has diarrhea

"In some cases, stomach upset is not a sign of cancer in the animal," says Dr. Rocha. "But if it persists or gets worse, take your cat to the vet." According to the specialist, excessive use of a box with sand by a cat, difficulty urinating, and the presence of blood in the urine or feces are potential signs of cancer.

“Don’t ignore vomiting. A simple urge and an upset stomach are also signs of a tumor,” says Dr. Seidel.

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Disease Prevention

There are several effective preventive measures that will protect your pet from developing cancer:

  1. Sterilization. This measure will protect the cat from developing mammary cancer almost 100%, and it is advisable to carry out the operation either before the first heat or immediately after it.
  2. Isolate chemicals from your pet. There is an opinion that the development of oncology can be caused by prolonged exposure to chemicals on a cat. Therefore, it is necessary to keep fertilizers, detergents and other substances out of reach of the animal.
  3. Regular vaccination. This procedure will protect your pet from such serious illnesses as the immunodeficiency virus and coronavirus infection.
  4. Balanced diet. It is very important to pay attention to the preparation of your pet’s diet. It is better to give preference to industrial feed of at least super-premium class. Such nutrition will protect the cat from developing pathologies such as diabetes, obesity, etc.
  5. Removal from breeding of animals whose ancestors suffered from cancer. There is an opinion that a predisposition to cancer is inherited, so you should not get offspring from cats that have had sick pets in their family.

Oncology is not always a death sentence.

In the early stages, this disease can be treated, but for this it is necessary to contact a veterinarian at the first signs of cancer. If your pet begins to lose weight, refuses to eat, has a fever, or is limping, immediately take your pet to a doctor.

If the veterinarian has diagnosed late-stage cancer, you need to assess the cat's quality of life and consider humane euthanasia if she is in severe pain.

Presence of seizures

“Seizures can be a sign of a brain tumor in cats, which is most common in older cats,” says Dr. Seidel. “If you begin to notice sudden and uncontrollable bursts of activity, such as chopping and chewing food, leg twitching, or foaming at the mouth, you should visit your veterinarian immediately.”

Cats may also suffer from atypical seizures, which are classic seizures and manifest as bouts of strange behavior such as sudden rage or hysteria, excessive licking, chewing or scratching, and biting their owner.

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Cancerous degeneration of the mammary glands

Let's start with the most terrible diagnosis. How can you avoid a sad outcome? It has long been known: if you detect trouble at the very beginning!

Breast cancer is recognized by this sign: the tumor grows quickly, and there is usually more than one of it, because “trouble never comes alone”: the number of smaller swellings also increases quickly, and the localization sites at first are near the nipples closer to the groin.

These warning signs are a reason to run to the vet!

Then the bumps become dense, bleeding, painful, with a purple-pink tint. The photo shows a severe case, but don’t worry, it can be eliminated:

Since at the beginning of the disease the cat’s health is normal, as the disease progresses, it will begin to lose weight and lose appetite, and this is the second threatening “marker”! Therefore, in order not to start a tumor, to successfully get rid of it and thereby save the life (!) of your pet, you need to examine and feel its body more often in order to see a doctor early.

The photo shows the view after a successful operation:

Treatment, even in an advanced form, sometimes (but not always!) helps to prolong life by several months and reduce discomfort in this condition.

At risk are older and unsterilized animals (who are given “Sex Barrier” and all other anti-estrus drugs, the instructions for which always (!) contain a warning about the danger of oncology, even from several uses - from 1 to 3 times!).

Veterinarian advice: you need to sterilize your ward at 11-12 months, when the genitourinary system has formed, or between the first and second estrus, first having received the necessary vaccinations, and from the age of 6 - regular examination in the form of medical examination for early diagnosis of cancer, if it decides to start in your tail!

Skin changes

“Every sign of skin change should be checked,” says Dr. Seidel. “It can be benign or malignant, but it is always easier to treat in the early stages. If you notice something, do not delay in visiting your veterinarian, as there is no way to distinguish the nature of the tumor without taking a special sample. Also pay attention to any wounds that do not heal, itch and constantly hurt.”

What is oncology

By nature of origin, cancer is an autoimmune process that develops as a result of disruption of the immune system, as well as molecules of the genetic code. Pathological tumors are formed from a small number of cellular structures that have changed their DNA. Over time, the neoplasm increases in size due to the multiplication of modified structures.

Regular examination by a veterinarian is the key to a healthy cat.

As the oncological process develops, modified cells rupture the primary tumor and spread throughout the body through the bloodstream and lymph, affecting once healthy tissue. This form of the disease is called metastatic.

Note! Lung cancer in cats overwhelmingly contributes to the development of bone cancer.

At first, the body’s protective functions are able to suppress and cope with toxic substances released as a result of the activity of atypical cells, but as the cat’s tumor develops, the immune system stops fighting and coping.

The life expectancy of a domestic cat diagnosed with cancer depends on the initial health of the animal, the type and stage of development of the disease, as well as the treatment methods used.

Molecular structure of atypical cellular structures


Or a synovial cyst is a swelling of tissue with saturation with serous fluid.

It looks like a painless swelling with fluid inside, but if an infection joins it, ulcerations and discharge appear. And when it grows to a large size, it can interfere and hurt when moving.

The veterinarian may prescribe removal of the contents of the cyst and the introduction of anti-inflammatory drugs in its place, but surgery is rare.

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