A kitten's eyes are watering: what to do, reasons, norm and pathology, characteristics of different breeds

Causes: Why do cats have watery eyes?

So, your pet is constantly “crying”.

Copious clear tears or an incomprehensible cloudy liquid flows from the cat’s eyes. There are many reasons for this condition - from debris and minor injuries to serious illnesses.

Under no circumstances should you let things take their course and think that everything will go away on its own. The health of your pet depends on your decisive, timely actions. First of all, you need to determine the reasons that caused watery eyes.

And then, if necessary, immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

The most common causes of pathology:

  1. 1 . Children's age of the pet. Excessive production of tears is typical for small kittens. Especially for babies whose eyes have just opened. Usually the mother cat takes care of the kittens herself, licking them and cleaning their eyes. If the kitten has already been separated from its mother, then there is no need to sound the alarm. As a rule, with age, the flow of tears in kittens stops. If the fluid is discharged profusely and the eyes become sticky, help your pet. Wipe your eyes with a cotton pad moistened with boiled water. This must be done carefully and carefully. You can put special drops into the kitten's eyes. They are sold in veterinary pharmacies;
  2. Features of the breed. From time to time, the eyes of cats of different breeds, including outbred cats, become watery. However, in Persian and Scottish cats, British cats, and Sphynx cats, this disease is observed much more often. The reason for this is the anatomical features of the structure of the eyes and skull. Cats of these breeds require more careful care and attention. You will learn more about why the eyes of purebred Scots, Britons, Persians and other representatives of the cat elite become watery by reading this article to the end;
  3. Weak immunity. At an early age, as well as in older cats, the general immunity of the body may be weakened. They are susceptible to various diseases, including colds. The cat often sneezes, coughs, and his eyes water. In this case, when the animal recovers, it is necessary to vaccinate it against viral infections. And also provide the pet with adequate nutrition and care, then the cat’s sneezing and watery eyes will stop;
  4. Allergic reaction. Allergies in cats are the same as in people. This could be a reaction to food, household chemicals, pollen, mold, or strong odors. Cats' eyes may water when poplar trees emit fluff. It is not uncommon to be allergic even to your own fur getting into your eyes. Blood-sucking parasites, such as fleas, cause itching and excessive production of tears. Naturally, you need to find and eliminate the cause of the problem;
  5. Conjunctivitis. Various pathogenic bacteria and viruses can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes in your pet. In this case, the pet's eyes have an inflamed, swollen appearance. He constantly rubs his eyes and squints. Conjunctivitis is characterized by the discharge of purulent fluid. In particularly severe cases, the temperature may rise and one or both eyes may close completely. The animal loses its appetite, does not play, and constantly lies down. In addition to bacterial or viral infection, conjunctivitis can be caused by eye injuries and foreign bodies;
  6. Infectious diseases. The eyes water with the following infections: calcevirosis, chlamydia, rhinotracheid and other diseases. Many of them are extremely dangerous not only for the furry pet, but also for its owner. The best option to avoid serious diseases is timely vaccination. A deadly disease such as rabies deserves special attention. It is accompanied by excessive production of tears and saliva, fear of hydrophobia, and aggressive or depressed behavior. Unfortunately, an animal with rabies cannot be cured. Therefore, if you live in an area where cases of this disease have been reported, be sure to vaccinate your cats and dogs against rabies;
  7. Eye diseases. Eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma also occur in cats. Cataract is clouding of the lens of the eye. The disease is very difficult to treat and can lead to complete blindness. The disease occurs due to metabolic disorders. It is quite difficult to notice the disease at an early stage. At a later stage, vision deterioration is observed, the pet squints, and tears are released. The most striking symptom is clouding of the animal's eyes. The cause of the development of cataracts can be: eye and head injuries, exhaustion and chronic diseases, diabetes;

Glaucoma in cats occurs due to increased intraocular pressure and impaired outflow of intraocular fluid. The disease is characterized by lacrimation and photophobia. The eye or both affected organs are red and the pupil is dilated. The condition of the four-legged patient is depressed;

  1. Worms. When an animal is infected with helminths, along with symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite, profuse lacrimation may occur. The cat has a disheveled, unkempt appearance and a depressed mood;
  2. Eye damage. As cats are known, cats are much less likely to be susceptible to eye injuries due to their constant desire to fight with rivals. Damage can range from minor to very serious. If you notice that your pet is shedding tears and signs of struggle are visible on its face: scratches and blood, assess the extent of the damage. In case of minor injuries, carefully treat the area around the eyes with a cotton pad moistened with a weak solution of furatsilin. Under no circumstances should you smear your eyes with iodine or brilliant green! If the wound is serious, you should consult a veterinarian.

Features of some breeds

The flow of tears from the eyes, which is often found in purebred cats, is not at all the norm for them. Due to their physiological characteristics, Persians, Scots, Britons and cats of some other breeds suffer from teary eyes more often. However, with proper care for your four-legged friend, his eyes will be clean and clear, like all healthy cats.

Why do Scottish cats have watery eyes?

Scottish Fold cats have a specific skull structure. They have a short, snub-nosed muzzle. The tear ducts are very short. Therefore, whenever there is any irritation, tears flow easily from the eyes. If the discharge is clear and not very abundant, you should treat it as a breed characteristic and regularly care for your pet’s eyes.

Persian cats have watery eyes because they have large, bulging eyes with a very short muzzle. This makes it easier for debris, dust and infection to enter. Long, very fluffy fur also “helps” the cat.

It should be noted that British cats are less susceptible to teary eyes than their other short-faced counterparts. The British have a more massive skull, well-developed cheekbones, and are not as snub-nosed.

But tearfulness still occurs in this breed, especially in small kittens.

It is necessary to take care of the eyes of babies. Wipe them daily with a swab moistened with boiled water.

When should you go to the doctor?

Examine your animal carefully. If the discharge is clean, clear, and does not contain blood or pus, there is no need to worry. Your adult pet or small kitten behaves playfully and eats well - this is also a good sign. No treatment is required here, only proper care is required.

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Help is needed if the following signs are observed:

  • the cat sneezes, scratches and rubs his eyes all the time;
  • doesn't eat;
  • discharge from the eyes is cloudy, purulent;
  • eyes have changed color or become cloudy;
  • the animal is lethargic or, conversely, too excited;
  • serious injuries, deep scratches, cuts are visible.

In this case, immediately take your pet to a veterinary clinic.

Remember that your pet's health is in your hands.

  • the cat sneezes, scratches and rubs his eyes all the time;
  • doesn't eat;
  • discharge from the eyes is cloudy, purulent;
  • eyes have changed color or become cloudy;
  • the animal is lethargic or, conversely, too excited;
  • serious injuries, deep scratches, cuts are visible.

Kitten's nose is stuffy

To eliminate the possibility of diseases in your pet, kittens need to be vaccinated at an early age. This will help protect your pet until the animal’s body becomes stronger and can resist the effects of pathogens on its own.

Further prevention consists of ensuring a balanced diet, preventing contact with bacteria carriers and maintaining proper care.

Nasal congestion in a kitten can be caused by hypothermia, allergies, severe helminthic infestation, and the presence of foreign objects in the nasopharynx and nasal passages.

Also, breathing complications are caused by dirt in the nose and foreign objects. When the cat breathes through its mouth, without a nose, you can examine its olfactory organ for contamination.

Kittens can have watery eyes for the following reasons:

  • Physiological. In small kittens, the lacrimal glands work quite actively, but babies do not yet know how to “wash themselves”. Therefore, in the morning, clear transparent tears may appear in their eyes, which dry quickly without leaving crusts. This phenomenon occurs quite often and does not require treatment.
  • Colds. Until 2-3 months of age, the kitten’s immune system is not yet sufficiently developed, and therefore it catches colds easily. In addition to increased lacrimation, signs of rhinitis are observed during a cold: snot, sneezing.
  • Traumatic eye injury. A kitten can damage its eyes while playing; sand or debris can get under its eyelid.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis. Every fifth kitten suffers from this disease. It can be triggered by plant pollen or vapors released from household chemicals. Sensitization can also be caused by foods containing dyes, fragrances or flavoring additives.

If your kitten has very watery eyes and snot only during or immediately after eating, these are most likely signs of a food allergy - intolerance to a given type of food.

Inflammatory eye diseases (keratitis, blepharitis).

  • Helminthiasis. Some types of helminthic infestations cause symptoms such as serous discharge from the nose and eyes.
  • Breed predisposition. Tearing in kittens can be explained by the genetic characteristics of the breed. For example, in Persians, Scottish and British cats, due to the special shape of the skull, the tear ducts are somewhat narrowed. After the skull bones are fully formed, by about 2 years of age, lacrimation disappears. Kittens of the Rex and Sphynx breeds often suffer from lacrimation; they often have partial eyelid inversion, so their eyes are more often injured.

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Why do cats have watery eyes: causes and treatment

Owners of domestic cats sometimes notice that their pet's eyes are watery. The reason for this is various irritants, both external and internal. Of course, the wisest thing to do to make a diagnosis is to consult a veterinarian. Only a doctor will be able to understand why a kitten or an adult cat’s eyes are watering, make a diagnosis and help the animal. But having information will not hurt any cat owner. What causes tearing? What should a pet owner do if their pet is bothered by wet eyes? When should you be concerned and when should you not?

What to pay attention to

The symptoms of rhinitis directly depend on the cause that caused it. Basically the following can be observed:

  • the snot itself is of varying consistency and color (watery, slimy or thick; transparent, yellowish-gray or green), and a change in the shade of mucus flowing from the nose (green or yellow-green) is almost always a sign of a bacterial infection;
  • lacrimation and sourness of the eyes (the nasal cavities are connected to the lacrimal canals, so very often tears are associated with a runny nose);
  • the mucous membrane of the nasal passages swells and turns red, this makes breathing difficult and wheezing appears;
  • the pet sneezes (snorts) and periodically rubs its face with its paws;
  • in the presence of tumors, the muzzle may become asymmetrical, various curvatures may appear;
  • nasal congestion is manifested by mouth breathing - this is clearly visible in the swelling of the cheeks;
  • of the general symptoms of malaise: the temperature may rise, lethargy, apathy may appear, appetite decreases or disappears.

In addition to the main symptoms, for a more accurate diagnosis, you should prepare the following information for the veterinarian:

  1. Nature of discharge: constantly or exclusively in the evenings/mornings/after increased activity, in what body position.
  2. Flow abundantly or scanty and smeared.
  3. Do they dry out, forming crusts, or is the nose constantly wet?
  4. Both nostrils or one are involved in the process.
  5. When an animal sleeps, its mouth is open or closed.
  6. Is the cat bothered by a runny nose, or does he not pay attention to the condition?

Causes of tearing

clean eyes . Any deviations from the norm may indicate pathology. Health problems are indicated by the animal’s desire to constantly rub its face with its paw, tears, frequent blinking, and avoidance of light.

There are several factors that lead to increased lacrimation in cats:

  1. Predisposition in some breeds. British, Persian and other cat breeds are prone to excessive tear production. Normally, the phenomenon goes away when the kitten is one year old.
  2. Mechanical injuries and ingress of foreign objects. Cats can get into fights with other animals or get injured when they bump into a sharp object. In this case, the cat needs to be treated in a clinic.
  3. Allergic reaction to household irritants, building materials, medications.
  4. Burns of a chemical or thermal nature lead to irritation of the ocular mucosa and increase lacrimation.
  5. Damage by parasites . Worms and fleas cause a tearing reaction.
  6. Conjunctivitis of any etiology is characterized by symptoms of lacrimation. In addition to conjunctivitis, a cat may have other eye diseases: blepharitis, keratitis, tumor, narrowing of the tear ducts, glaucoma, cataracts. All of them may be accompanied by lacrimation and redness.
  7. Viral infections and colds lead to lacrimation. Cats suffer from chlamydia, herpesvirosis, mycoplasmosis, which are complicated by excessive lacrimation.

The kitten may not have the necessary hygiene skills, and therefore the eyes become watery. As soon as the kitten grows up, the problem solves itself. In addition, adult cats experience increased lacrimation when walking in windy weather; these symptoms are not a cause for concern.


Since a runny nose often becomes only an indicator of a viral infection or other inflammation in the body, it will be necessary to treat not so much it as the root cause. It is not always possible to independently find out the true source of the disease. Therefore, it is very important to consult a veterinarian, conduct a diagnosis and follow the treatment plan.

It will be very difficult to cure a stray cat from a runny nose if he is not provided with comfortable conditions: warmth, food, vitamins and scheduled medications.

Useful video on how to put drops in a cat's nose:

Colds and rhinitis

If your cat's cold cannot be treated at home, then you need to seek help from a veterinarian. The clinic will examine the cat and prescribe the necessary medications. It is not recommended to use medications without a prescription from a specialist. Typically treatment includes:

  • Taking antipyretics if the temperature persists.
  • Expectorants.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Vitamins.
  • Droppers (to avoid dehydration).

Drugs used:

  1. Maxidin. Drop into the nose to stimulate the immune system.
  2. Anandin. Antiviral and immune system stimulant.
  3. Naphthyzin together with Dioxidine. Nasal rinsing.
  4. Galazolin. Drops to ease breathing.

One drop of the drug is instilled into each nostril. The course is from five days to a week. You can rinse your nose with zinc sulfate (2%), boric acid (3%), a mixture of Methanol and fish oil.

Other means: “Maksidin”, “Derinat”.

Important! Never use “human” drops, they can aggravate the situation and cause irritation of the mucous membrane.

Allergic runny nose

Irritation in animals is caused by food and non-food allergens. The most common of them:

  1. Beef or pork.
  2. Chicken, chicken eggs.
  3. Cow's milk.
  4. Corn, wheat (other cereal grains).
  5. Potato.
  6. Carrot.
  7. Dust.
  8. Mold.
  9. Hygiene products, household chemicals.
  10. Irritant from a flea collar.

To cure an allergy, you need to accurately and in detail describe the symptoms to the doctor; it is advisable to note what exactly the cat reacts to and for how long. They do a blood test and scraping. Antihistamines and corticosteroids are most often used for treatment.

The house needs to be treated with insecticides, and the animal must be isolated from the allergen that causes the reaction. If you cannot immediately find out what exactly is causing the disorder, you must remove as much as possible all household chemicals, medications, cosmetics, etc. The room must be cleaned and ventilated frequently.

If the allergy is accompanied by itching, the doctor will prescribe a special ointment, shampoo or gel. Sometimes steroid hormones and immunotherapy are prescribed (a small amount of the allergen is injected into the blood so that the body gets used to it).

If you have an eating disorder, you need to follow a diet. For example, use hypoallergenic food. When the symptoms go away, the previous foods are returned to the diet, checking the animal’s reaction. If the runny nose recurs, food allergens should be categorically removed from the animal’s food forever.

Viral runny nose

Among viral infections, rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia and other infections cause a runny nose. And although they differ, the treatment regimen is approximately the same for everyone. The main thing is to contact specialists in time. You cannot cure a viral infection on your own; only a veterinarian can prescribe the exact dosage and duration.

Serum or globulin is used to create immunity - the drug VITAFEL, vitamins and probiotics, replacement therapy.


  • Roncoleukin.
  • Derinat.
  • Neovir.
  • Gamavit.

Antibiotics are required. They are drunk for at least five days, most often from a week to ten days, one to three times a day.

  • Macropen.
  • Baytril.
  • Neopen.
  • Cefazolin.
  • and others.

Treatment at home

For treatment at home, nasal drops are used, for example, children's nasal drops - one in each nostril daily. You can rinse your nose with a hypotonic solution: a teaspoon of sea salt in warm water (half a glass). The mucous membrane is also washed with a solution of tannin (0.5%), soda (1% solution). Streptocide powder is blown into the nasal cavity or two drops of ecmonovocillin are dripped into each nostril (it is diluted with saline 1:2).

From folk remedies, rinsing with beet juice is suitable: 1 part juice to 3 parts water. Aloe juice from the cut is collected into a pipette and dripped for three days. To rinse, you can use boric acid (draw the liquid into a syringe without a needle, drop it into the nostril).

You can do inhalation: take a bowl of hot water, drop eucalyptus or other oil into it, and place the container near the animal.

When to worry

Often, increased lacrimation requires contacting a specialist. Symptoms that should alert the owner:

  • The cat's lacrimation does not stop , there is moisture around the eyelids, the face is damp from tears.
  • A foreign object got into the eyes . You should not try to remove a foreign body yourself; this can lead to dangerous consequences for the cat.
  • Watery eyes are noted along with red, swollen eyelids, discharge from the eyes smells unpleasant, causes suffering to the animal, itching, and causes anxiety for the pet.
  • The animal does not feel well, lacrimation is accompanied by high fever , refusal to eat, and weakness.

All these signs may indicate infectious diseases or ophthalmological diseases, so you should not postpone a visit to the veterinarian; you need to treat your cat on time.

A doctor must treat the animal. Treatment for watery eyes is determined by its cause. If an allergy has led to the pathological condition, the doctor will recommend avoiding contact with the allergen and prescribe antiallergic drugs .

If your cat has become infected with an infectious disease, your doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe antiviral or antibacterial medications.

Tearing from one eye most likely indicates the non-infectious nature of the pathology. Perhaps this is a foreign object that is removed only in the clinic.

To treat ophthalmological diseases, doctors prescribe antibacterial ointments and drops after washing the eyes with a solution of furatsilin. The most common medications prescribed by veterinarians:

  • gentamicin drops;
  • levomecithin drops;
  • Colbiocin;
  • Ciprobid.

It is not advisable to use Albucid, as it causes a strong burning sensation. For wound healing, Solcoseryl (Actovegin) ointment is used, as well as tetracycline and erythromycin. The veterinarian may prescribe the antibiotic Cefazolin orally in the form of intramuscular injections. The antibiotic is combined with antihistamines to avoid an allergic reaction. Any medications must be prescribed by a veterinarian; giving medications to a cat without consulting a doctor can be dangerous.

What not to do when treating a runny nose in a cat

To treat your cat, it is recommended to use the treatment prescribed by your veterinarian. It is not recommended to use the following methods without his approval:

  • give antibiotics without prescription;
  • use herbal preparations if you have allergies;
  • give drugs that are intended for people, but not animals (some drugs are only suitable for humans);
  • walk your pet if it has an elevated body temperature;
  • often give an antipyretic, body temperature may drop below the minimum level, which will lead to a drop in blood pressure, a sharp loss of strength, and fainting;
  • give hormonal substances;
  • Treat the animal yourself if only 1 of the signs of illness appears, that is, the cat could sneeze, but this does not necessarily mean the appearance of a runny nose or cold.

Many medications require veterinarian approval. If the pet owner neglects this rule, he may get complications. For example, when treating a viral disease with antibiotics, a fungal infection and disruption of the intestinal microflora may gradually develop.

Rhinitis is often complicated by conjunctivitis

Traditional methods of treatment and prevention

If the animal’s condition does not pose a threat to its health and life, you can use traditional medicine methods. Chamomile decoction and strong black tea are considered effective remedies You can also wash your eyes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. With purulent discharge from the eyes, inflammation can be treated with decoctions of herbs such as calendula, St. John's wort, and sage. The prepared solution is wiped over the eyes using cotton pads.

Of course, traditional methods of treatment cannot be the only ones. As a rule, they complement the therapeutic tactics prescribed by the doctor. And do not forget that any remedy, including folk remedies, has contraindications, which should be discussed with a doctor.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to examine the cat’s eyes daily , as well as perform simple hygiene measures that will help prevent the development of infection.

Some breeds of cats need to use special products for daily grooming. Hygienic measures are carried out as follows:

  • instill 1-2 drops of the product into each eye;
  • the animal's eyelids are gently massaged;
  • the drug is removed with a cotton pad.

This procedure is done twice a day.

To care for the mucous membranes of the eyes use:

  • “Diamond Eyes” drops;
  • Tsiprovet;
  • lotion "Bars"

To prevent the development of eye diseases, you need to follow the recommendations of veterinarians:

  1. You should not use cotton wool to care for your cat's eyes; cotton swabs or pads are better.
  2. You can’t wash your cat’s eyes with water, as this disrupts the microflora.
  3. For eye care, you need to use medications recommended by your doctor.
  4. If therapy has already begun, do not interrupt it.
  5. You should regularly examine your cat's eyes so as not to miss any pathologies.

If any problems with the eyes are detected, you should consult a doctor, since the absence of treatment can lead to the animal’s blindness, complete or partial.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to examine the cat’s eyes daily , as well as perform simple hygiene measures that will help prevent the development of infection.

How are cat eye diseases treated?

Despite the severity of infectious and inflammatory diseases (redness, suppuration, swelling), they are treated quickly. Taking antibiotics and using anti-inflammatory, decongestant drops will put

cat on its feet in 6-10 days. To boost immunity, your cat may be prescribed vitamins.

The situation is much more complicated with the treatment of glaucoma and cataracts. Diseases can only be eliminated surgically. But at a timely identified initial stage, the development of pathology can be stopped. The tumor, depending on its etymology, is treated conservatively (medically) or operatively (surgically).

If parasites are detected, the animal is prescribed medications. Together with the pet, the owners should also take anthelmintics. People are prescribed medications by a doctor.

To prevent lacrimation, the cat should be fed properly, maintain hygiene, and undergo regular checkups with a veterinarian.

Causes and associated symptoms

Cats, if they are healthy, generally do not have excessive tearfulness or discharge from the eyes. There may be several reasons why a cat's eyes are watery:

  • Perhaps dirt or debris has gotten into them, in this case it will be enough to wash them carefully and the problem will disappear.
  • Tears can often be observed in small animals. It is imperative to find out why kittens have watery eyes. This may be normal, because the baby does not yet know how to take care of himself, especially if he has already been torn away from his mother cat. But sometimes the cause may be weakened immunity by various viruses.
  • Sometimes, if a cat has increased tearfulness, the cause may be an allergic reaction of the animal to dust, pollen, flowers, household chemicals, food, wool, or a drug taken. Only a veterinarian can determine the exact allergen; he must be informed if any medication was given to the pet.
  • Trauma may also be the cause, especially if the cat has water in one eye. She could have injured him with a branch, a toy, or while playing or fighting with other animals. In this case, you should contact a veterinary clinic as soon as possible. If your cat's eye is watering and won't open it, don't try to do it yourself to prevent complications.
  • Often, if a cat has a watery eye or both eyes at once, this is a symptom of an infectious disease. For small, weak pets, infection can be very dangerous. One of the common diseases is conjunctivitis, which causes the eyes to become very red and swollen, and blood vessels may protrude. It is important to start treatment on time so that the infection does not spread to other organs.
  • Infection can also be caused by parasites, the presence of which is determined after examination and testing.
  • Sometimes a cat's tearfulness occurs due to a cold, in which case he may also experience symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing and even coughing. The animal will be lethargic, refuses to eat, and prefers drinking and sleeping. If your pet goes outside, then in nature he can independently find plants for himself to alleviate his condition.
  • Eye diseases may also be the cause of a cat's watery eyes. This may be an inflammation of the cornea, in which a thin film appears on the eye. If the lens of the pupil turns white, then it is possible that the cat has a cataract.
  • The cause may also be increased pressure, both arterial, eye or cranial. In this case, if you do not contact a specialist in time, the cats’ vision can deteriorate greatly.
  • In cats, the presence of watery eyes is sometimes considered a characteristic feature of the breed. This can be observed in cats that have a depressed muzzle - their nasolacrimal duct is deformed due to their flattened nose. Such symptoms can be observed in breeds such as Persians, Exotics, Britons or Rex.

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What else to pay attention to

In addition to tearfulness, the owner may observe swelling in his pet's eyes, discharge from them, or dried crusts. The animal may be lethargic and hide from the light. If it is tormented, it rubs its eyes with its paws, which can injure them even more. The owner should also be alert to dullness of the eyes, changes in their color, excessive bulging or, conversely, hollowness. It is recommended to show the animal to a veterinarian at the first symptoms in order to begin treatment on time and avoid serious complications.


Diseases of cats that cause eye damage and symptoms such as lacrimation:

  • Infectious conjunctivitis (caused by viruses or bacteria).
  • Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea).
  • Iridocyclitis (disease of the eye vessels).
  • Blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids).
  • Glaucoma.
  • Cataract.
  • Tumors.
  • Parasitic infestations.

The following symptoms indicate the disease:

  • The animal’s behavior has changed (it eats poorly, sleeps a lot, or, conversely, sleeps little, activity has decreased).
  • Diarrhea, vomiting, restlessness.
  • There are changes in the coat (falls out, becomes dull).
  • There is swelling of the eyelids and redness.
  • Photophobia (the pet squints in good lighting).
  • The cat's eyes water, brown, white, green, yellow, with mucus.
  • The animal's nose is dry and hot.
  • Changes occur in the iris (it becomes cloudy, dim).
  • The pupil's reaction to light is not normal.
  • The cat tries to relieve the discomfort with its paws.

Observing such manifestations, in no case should you self-medicate. Even an experienced veterinarian will not be able to determine the exact cause of the disease during a routine examination. Diagnosis and testing are required.

Diagnosis and treatment

What to do if a kitten has watery eyes, how to treat it? As soon as the owner notices increased tearfulness in his pet, he can rinse his eyes with boiled water or tea. The veterinarian can find out the reason for this phenomenon by talking with the owner and based on the results of some tests. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is sometimes necessary to take a swab from the conjunctival sac for analysis. If worms are suspected, an animal's stool sample is taken for examination.

If a kitten has watery eyes and conjunctivitis is detected, you can rinse with a weak solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate, or chamomile decoction. It should be taken into account that it is necessary to rinse not only the diseased eye, but also the healthy one, to prevent the disease. There should be a separate cotton swab for washing for each eye. For the bacterial form of the disease, you can use medicinal ointments, which are applied up to 3 times a day.

If the eye is injured, before contacting a doctor, the owner can rinse the pet with saline solution and then treat it with 1% tetracycline ointment. If the eye is swollen or increased in size after an injury, the cornea should not be allowed to dry out. To do this, you need to drip clean warm water into it every 5 minutes. If a foreign body has entered the organ, the doctor injects the animal with an anesthetic before removing it. Then the eyelid is turned outward and the procedure is performed using tweezers.

If the cause of increased tearing is a disease such as ulcerative blepharitis, then some areas of the eyelids will need to be cauterized, after which they will be lubricated with antibiotic ointment. Entropion of the eyelids will have to be treated surgically; to prevent suppuration, the eyelids are treated with an antiseptic.

If worms are detected, the doctor, after determining the type of parasite, prescribes antiparasitic drugs to the patient. During the treatment of allergies, hormonal medications may be prescribed. For many diseases, the doctor prescribes vitamin therapy to strengthen the cat’s immune system.


Animals' immune systems respond to potential allergens. They can be: dust, low-quality litter, certain types of food, chemicals, etc. Tearing due to allergies in cats can be accompanied by sneezing, loss of appetite, lethargy, and changes in stool. The eyelids turn red and become swollen. The discharge does not contain impurities, it is transparent but abundant.

What to do?

Antihistamines and eye drops are prescribed to relieve symptoms. In home treatment, an infusion of herb or celandine is used to wash the eyes (3-4 times a day). It is necessary to identify the source of the allergy and remove it. Otherwise, you will not be able to get rid of the allergy. The animal will suffer and symptoms may worsen.

Preventive actions

To prevent your pet from experiencing increased tearfulness in one eye or two at once, the owner can worry about this by carrying out simple preventive measures. From an early age, little kittens need help and daily care for their eyes. You can wash them simply with boiled water or tea, or use the special “Diamond Eyes” preparation. This remedy should be instilled twice a day, 2 drops in each eye. In order for the eyes to be as open as possible, the kitten must be held by the scruff of the neck with its head raised up. After instillation, be sure to lightly wipe the eyes with a clean cotton pad so that the kitten does not scratch them.

It is useful for a healthy kitten or adult cat to wipe their eyes once a day with a clean cloth soaked in water. This will relieve them from souring and dry crusts that may appear after sleep. Wiping should be done carefully, without pressing, from the outer corner to the inner. Decoctions of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile, calendula, sage or St. John's wort, are also good for this procedure.

Daily care for your pet's eyes should be carried out before each use of medications prescribed by a doctor. If washing and prescribed treatment for several days does not give a visible positive effect, you must contact the veterinary clinic again.

The doctor will tell you how to treat the animal, the dosage and duration of medication use in each individual case. The owner can only provide first aid to his pet to alleviate his suffering. You must be attentive to the health of your pet.

If worms are detected, the doctor, after determining the type of parasite, prescribes antiparasitic drugs to the patient. During the treatment of allergies, hormonal medications may be prescribed. For many diseases, the doctor prescribes vitamin therapy to strengthen the cat’s immune system.

Tears in a cat are a natural physiological norm

There are breeds of cats whose anatomical structure of the skull and tear ducts provokes increased production of tears. These breeds include:

  • Persians. Due to the curved tear duct and bulging eyes, their cornea is constantly irritated and the release of fluid becomes a natural reaction.
  • Scottish Fold. This breed has a very short and wide tear duct.
  • British. Tearing is their genetic feature.

The production of tears in the listed breeds is considered normal if:

  1. The eyes remain clear.
  2. The conjunctiva retains its natural pigmentation.
  3. There is no edema or swelling.
  4. The cat's pupil reacts adequately to light.
  5. Tears are transparent, without any admixture of pus or blood.
  6. The pet does not show discomfort (does not rub its face with its paws, does not squint).

To reduce discharge and prevent inflammation, cats of the listed breeds are recommended to wash their eyes. Saline solution, Furacilin or herbal infusion (chamomile, calendula, oak bark, black tea) are suitable for this. Use a cotton swab dipped in the solution to wipe your eyes in the morning and evening.

Individual, species and breed characteristics

Let's look at the main reasons why cats may have watery eyes directly during and after eating:

  • Congenital structural features of the facial skeleton. For example, in Scottish straight cats (Scottish Straight cats), when chewing, a kind of “countercurrent” occurs in the lacrimal glands due to the specific location of the muscles. Therefore, during and after eating, such pets often “cry” as if a kilogram of onions had been placed in their bowl.
  • Tearing is also a “trademark” of British cats. These animals initially have a problem with the structure of the tear ducts, and therefore lacrimation after eating is a common occurrence for them. In cases where the “British” feels well, has an excellent appetite and the general body temperature is not elevated, you can not pay attention to this at all.
  • Other breeds initially have a high tendency to get injured (including while eating). These, in particular, include sphinxes. Due to the peculiarities of their skin folds, it often happens that pets manage to get injured while eating.
  • Finally, cats have a feature characteristic of animals of this particular species: they experience lacrimation in cases of inflammatory diseases of the stomach. What exactly this is connected with is not yet known for certain. Therefore, if a cat that looks completely healthy from time to time “roars” after eating, it makes sense to show it to a veterinary gastroenterologist.

My nose can't breathe, what should I do?

Individuals of the cat family, due to their species characteristics, are not subject to the usual symptoms, and the presence of a runny nose and nasal congestion is a consequence of more serious pathologies. Moreover, these diseases may have nothing to do with respiratory origin. The presence of green nasal discharge, accompanied by profuse lacrimation, may mean that the cat has developed feline herpes - rhinotracheitis.

Rhinotracheitis is an infectious disease.

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I am a veterinarian in one of the clinics in the city of Gomel (Belarus). I myself am an experienced cat lover, I have two Don Sphynxes. I love these animals very much and they love me back. These are charming cats – Marfa and Petrovna.

The causative agent of feline herpes is the FHV-1 virus.

, which subsequently causes severe pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. It also provokes the development of conjunctivitis and ulcerative manifestations in the cornea.

The disease is caused by the FHV-1 virus.

Cats become infected with the virus through direct contact with infected secretions - nasal secretions, saliva, tears. Also, if there is more than one pet in the house, and they share a tray, bowl, or they often lick each other. There is also intrauterine infection. If the mother is sick, then with a high degree of probability the disease is transmitted to the kittens.

In some cases, rhinotracheitis occurs without visible symptoms, but the sick animal still poses a danger to others because it releases saliva, tears, nasal discharge, and excrement into the external environment, which ends up on the grass, soil, and puddles.

A sick cat can infect another animal through nasal discharge.

Pathological causes of lacrimation after eating

Alas, all of the above are the easiest and partly “physiological” causes of lacrimation after eating. There are much more severe cases:

  • Compression of the ducts of the salivary and/or lacrimal glands by tumors , stones, parasites, and other types of foreign bodies.
  • It happens that problems with the outflow of tear fluid occur due to injuries , as a result of which the duct is pinched by scar ties.
  • The standard and most common reason is food allergies or individual intolerance to some food components. Considering that over time, a “harmless” allergy may well “backfire” with anaphylactic shock, in this case, the pet’s diet needs to be changed to a more suitable one as quickly as possible.
  • Infection affecting the tear duct. This happens in cases where a cat has serious inflammatory periodontal diseases. In this case, the infection can easily “get into” the lacrimal glands. In these cases, lacrimation after eating is explained by “overstraining” of the tear ducts after chewing, due to tension in the corresponding muscle groups.
  • Pain. For example, with diseases of the oral cavity, the pet may experience severe pain while eating. A distinctive feature should be considered eating food in small portions, after which the cat abruptly moves away from the bowl. Tears in this case are a sign of a strong, sudden pain reaction. In addition, the animal in such a situation may meow strainedly and pitifully.

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Causes of watery eyes

This problem is very common among all pets, so don’t panic if you suddenly notice that your British kitten’s eyes are watering. First, let's try to find out the cause of this symptom.


The first thing veterinarians do when they are contacted because of tears in a British cat is to prescribe anti-worm medications to furry patients, even when it has not yet been established why the cat’s eyes began to leak. This measure helps in many cases, in addition, this therapy cannot harm if the cause of the Briton’s illness is different.

Blocked tear ducts

When asked why your British cat's eyes are watery, you may be told: your British cat has clogged tear ducts . This feature is characteristic of this breed, as well as of the Scottish cat. The special shape of the muzzle with a narrowing at the bridge of the nose can provoke the effect of watery eyes.

If the problem is serious, you should seek help from a veterinarian as soon as possible. Tearing may become more difficult as the tissue begins to fester. This problem is much more serious than just when a Briton’s eyes water after sleep.

Allergic reaction

The reasons why British people have watery eyes can actually be different, and one of them is allergies. Allergies are often caused by food. Remember on what day your kitten's eyes began to water, and this will help you determine the cause of the allergy.

Poor nutrition

The British are true aristocrats, so their body is very sensitive to poor care, including poor nutrition. If you decide to get a kitten of this particular breed, ask the breeder or veterinarian what to feed your British pet.

In what cases should you contact a veterinarian?

Thus, lacrimation after eating can be both a physiological and a pathological phenomenon.

Accordingly, in some cases nothing needs to be done. But in other situations you should immediately contact your veterinarian:

  • With an increase in overall body temperature.
  • In cases where a cat begins to eat, and then abruptly throws food, and at the same time tears run down her face. This, as we have already written, indicates severe periodontal pathologies.
  • Gradual exhaustion, accompanied by a progressive deterioration of appetite.
  • Coughing, sneezing, discharge of exudate from the nasal passages. All these signs in many cases “signal” the presence of a viral or bacterial infection. Watery eyes are just one of many symptoms.
  • Lacrimation can be “imaginary”, i.e. It is not tears that are released, but serous exudate. After a day or a day and a half, depending on the disease, the serous fluid is replaced by pus. Purulent conjunctivitis is a serious reason to contact a veterinarian.
  • The animal has severe photophobia. If the pet avoids any source of light, this also indicates serious inflammatory phenomena.

And the conclusions are simple: if lacrimation does not cause any inconvenience to the cat, it looks good and behaves normally, there is no reason to worry. Otherwise, the owner needs to show the pet to the veterinarian, and as soon as possible.

  • Tearing is also a “trademark” of British cats. These animals initially have a problem with the structure of the tear ducts, and therefore lacrimation after eating is a common occurrence for them. In cases where the “British” feels well, has an excellent appetite and the general body temperature is not elevated, you can not pay attention to this at all.
  • Other breeds initially have a high tendency to get injured (including while eating). These, in particular, include sphinxes. Due to the peculiarities of their skin folds, it often happens that pets manage to get injured while eating.
  • Finally, cats have a feature characteristic of animals of this particular species: they experience lacrimation in cases of inflammatory diseases of the stomach. What exactly this is connected with is not yet known for certain. Therefore, if a cat that looks completely healthy from time to time “roars” after eating, it makes sense to show it to a veterinary gastroenterologist.

What you can do yourself

You can independently identify the viral nature of the disease by the following symptoms:

  • a sharp deterioration in health, prolonged sleep is not typical;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased body temperature;
  • snoring in sleep, bad breathing;
  • nasal congestion, clear or mucous exudate may flow from it;
  • the eyes begin to water, often the condition is complicated by conjunctivitis;
  • Due to the movement of snot along the respiratory tract, a cough occurs.

If the above symptoms are supplemented by an elevated body temperature for more than 3 days and the presence of green snot, this indicates a bacterial infection.

With allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, the animal constantly sneezes and coughs, and its eyes water. The condition can last for many months with constant contact with the allergen.

READ Why are my cat's back legs shaking?

Important! You can only suspect a pathological process on your own, but in order to confirm it and get the right treatment, it is better to consult a doctor who will conduct instrumental and laboratory tests.

If your pet's eyes water mainly after sleep, this is most likely a physiological phenomenon. It will be enough to carry out a hygienic eye cleaning procedure every day. You can wash your kitten's eyes with infusion of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, a solution of furatsilin or boric acid. There are special veterinary products for daily eye care - “Diamond Eyes”, “Bars”, “Beaphar Oftal”, “Clean Eye”. These products are hypoallergenic and do not cause burning.

The procedure for cleaning the eyes is carried out with a cotton sponge and a piece of gauze; it is not recommended to use cotton wool, as its fibers can remain under the eyelid and cause irritation.

Movements when cleaning the eyes should be very gentle, and directed from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. So that the kitten does not resist when such a manipulation is performed on him, and his eyes are wide open, he needs to be placed on his knees and, holding the skin on the back of his head, raise his head.

Sneezing is rarely considered as a separate symptom of a particular disease.

Watery eyes

Watery eyes and sneezing are most often typical signs of an allergic reaction or various types of viral conjunctivitis, sometimes with rhinitis complicated by sinusitis. A more accurate diagnosis is made in a veterinary clinic based on laboratory tests.

Festering eyes

Sneezing and the flow of pus from the eyes more often indicates bacterial conjunctivitis, less often – the entry of a foreign body into the eyes or nasal passages. Antibacterial treatment.

Rhinitis, adenoviral infection, sinusitis, foreign bodies often cause nasal discharge and sneezing as their symptoms, since the discharge irritates the mucous membrane.


Coughing accompanied by sneezing is caused by any inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, as well as when foreign bodies - dust, fluff, feathers, etc. - get into the throat.

If an animal that sneezes frequently does not show any other external symptoms, you should consult a veterinarian for prevention.

What to do if a cat has watery eyes: causes and methods of treatment?

First, you should decide what discharge from the eyes is considered normal for a cat? Until one year, almost all kittens produce tears in small quantities - this is the norm.

When a cat grows up, such discharge appears only after sleep and in small quantities.

If the cat begins to rub its eyes with its paw or excessive tears appear from the animal’s eyes for no apparent reason.

Then you should seek help from a veterinarian, because this is the main signal that an inflammatory process is occurring in the mucous membrane of the eye.

How to determine the cause of a runny nose in cats by the appearance of discharge

Before starting treatment for snot in a kitten, you should find out the nature of its occurrence. With different syndromes, the nature of nasal mucus differs significantly.

Diarrhea in a kitten: what to do and how to treat it at home

Allergic rhinitis is manifested by copious liquid discharge. With a cold, the exudate is clear, but is usually accompanied by fever, lethargy, and loss of appetite.

With infections caused by pathogenic bacteria, the kitten's snot is green in color with a foul odor. The nasal passages are clogged, the cat breathes through its mouth.

Viral diseases are accompanied by copious liquid discharge from the nose. A runny nose is not the only symptom. The disease is accompanied by high fever, the animal's nose becomes dry and hot. Conjunctivitis, lacrimation, and inflammation of the cornea occur. Malaise and loss of appetite are typical.

Important! Viral diseases - calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia cannot be treated independently; consultation with a specialist is required.

Causes of lacrimation in cats

A cat's eyes water for many reasons. It could be an external irritant or a problem with the eyeball.

Symptoms may vary depending on the disease. Sometimes lacrimation is accompanied by hair loss around the eye, a change in the thickness of the tears, and the intensity and abundance of discharge.

Causes of lacrimation in an animal:

  • Conjunctivitis. This is a complication that is accompanied by excessive tearing in the animal. Occurs as a result of inflammatory processes in the body.
  • If an animal has parasites in the intestines, then the eyes may constantly become sour, and as a result, watery profusely.
  • Allergies to external and internal irritants that are present in the animal’s life.
  • Colds suffered by cats often cause eye problems.
  • Mechanical damage and irritants. This is easy to determine, since in this case, often only one eye starts to water, and over time the second one begins to become irritated.
  • Other diseases associated with infection of the eyeball and surrounding tissues.

First, the cat begins to squint, and only then tears flow profusely. Therefore, owners often cannot accurately determine the exact cause, which often complicates the diagnostic procedure.

Causes of nasal congestion in cats

The nose of cats is a unique analyzer.
The sense of smell of the family members is 15 times stronger than that of humans. An excellent sense of smell helps animals navigate space, find food, determine its temperature, and recognize danger. Therefore, any disruptions in the functioning of the respiratory tract organs seriously complicate the life and existence of furry pets. On forums, owners of furry purrs very often ask questions: “Why does a cat or kitten have a stuffy nose?”, “What to do if a cat has snot, a runny nose, or a very stuffy nose?”

Very often, a cat’s nose is clogged with calcivirosis, canine distemper, peritonitis, panleukopenia, viral pneumonia, leukemia, chlamydia, and other bacterial and viral infections. Feline herpes virus, purulent conjunctivitis, otitis media of various etiologies can also cause stuffy nose and rhinitis in cats.

Hypothermia of the body, prolonged exposure to cold, frosty air, and eating cold food also leads to the development of rhinitis, and as a result, nasal congestion.

Cats, especially high-breed cats, are very prone to allergies. If the cat breathes through the mouth, profuse discharge is noticeable from the nose, the pet constantly sneezes, allergens may be the cause. Inhaling toxic fumes, hot air, particles of household chemicals, getting pollen and chemicals into the nose can also cause nasal congestion in cats and kittens.

The mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract can infect various pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, which manifest their activity under favorable conditions. For example, chronic sluggish rhinitis is noted with a decrease in immune potential, resistance, as well as with exacerbation of chronic diseases of viral etiology.

  • Therapy includes the use of antibiotics and immunomodulators. It is recommended to use anti-inflammatory drugs and antipyretics. Expectorant medications are also prescribed. Complex vitamin preparations are administered intramuscularly.
  • Nasal and ophthalmic drops and sprays are used to disinfect the oral cavity. Treatment of ulcers with ointments is also recommended. The treatment course should be at least a week. As a parallel treatment, feeding the kitten should be dietary - lukewarm liquid porridge, not containing a single gram of fat, warm boiled water.
  • A sick animal should be isolated in a dry, warm room without drafts. The previous habitat should be disinfected: treatment with vapors of a phenol solution, formaldehyde. The recovered cat remains a carrier of the virus for about a year and is dangerous for other pets.

Nasal drops are used for treatment.

Pets, particularly cats, are susceptible to many infectious diseases; they can catch colds due to a draft or resting on a cold floor. Diseases can be infectious or respiratory. If a cat sniffles through its nose, the reasons may be related specifically to the disease, the onset of an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane.

Rhinitis, rhinotracheitis, and the presence of feline herpes can be diagnosed by a veterinarian. He will tell you how to clean a cat’s nose to make breathing easier, and he will tell you how to treat the disease.

If a runny nose accompanies nasal congestion, chronic sluggish rhinitis is most likely due to a decrease in immune potential.

If a cat does not breathe through its nose, it may have a severe allergy to hot steam, household chemicals, pollen, and chemicals. Allergic reactions are typical for purebred cats, but they can be an individual feature of even a domestic animal. At the same time, the cat may have noticeable discharge, like a runny nose, the pet sneezes and snorts.

How to deal with suppuration of the eyes?

The discharge of cat “tears” from the eyes is a normal phenomenon, but suppuration is a reason to consult a doctor.

When the eye festers, brown or green tears are released. Sometimes an unpleasant odor appears.

Only a veterinarian can install medications and solutions for treating the visual organs of animals. Otherwise, your pet's vision may deteriorate or the infection may develop into a chronic disease.

Types of discharge and secondary symptomsPossible causes of suppurationPossible treatment
One eye is swollen, but the eyelid itself does not openMechanical damage or presence of a foreign body on the mucous membraneRinse the visual organ with clean, slightly warm water. You can buy a special solution
The eye is very festering. Brown highlight An infection that affects the mucous membrane of the organ of visionRemove crusts that form on and around the eyelid. Instill with special drops, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
The eye is red and practically does not open. The discharge is thick and cloudy Chemical influences, contact with alkaline-based chemicals on the shellWashing and instillation with special solutions for a long time
The eye is closed and swollen. A cloudy greenish substance with an unpleasant odor is released An infectious disease caused by chronic diseases of the bodyThe animal should be given special medications that will help in the fight against the underlying disease. At the same time, instill drops and solutions to restore vision

Main problems

There are many conditions characterized by sneezing and watery eyes, but some are diagnosed more often than others. It is worth considering them separately. If other significant symptoms are present, pathology can be identified and treated.

How to tell if your cat has a cold

The cause of the disease is hypothermia of the pet. This is facilitated by a sharp temperature change. To do this, your pet just needs to play actively and then go outside during the cold season.

Swimming in cold water, jumping in the snow, and staying in the rain also contribute to the development of colds.

Characteristic features:

  • cough;
  • lethargy;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • temperature increase, but insignificant;
  • lack of interest in food;
  • snot.

Important! Cold symptoms are in many ways similar to other more serious pathologies, and if in doubt, you should visit a veterinarian and clarify the diagnosis.

To recover, you need to provide your pet with peace, warmth and rest. It is recommended to periodically wash your eyes and nose with a cotton swab dipped in clean water at a comfortable temperature.

If the provoking factor is reduced immunity, then it is recommended to use vitamins and immunomodulators as agreed by the veterinarian. A cold goes away within 5-7 days.

Symptoms of laryngitis

The disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and larynx.

The cause of development is hypothermia of the throat

The cause of development is hypothermia of the throat as a result of eating cold food from the refrigerator or water, as well as after a long stay outside in winter or exposure to acrid smoke.


  • dry, hysterical cough, gradually turning into a wet one;
  • swelling of the oral mucosa;
  • foamy discharge from the mouth after a prolonged cough;
  • restless sleep;
  • wheezing.

To treat laryngitis, various medications are used depending on the cause of development. Only a veterinarian will prescribe an adequate course of therapy.

Attention! Laryngitis can be a sign of deadly viruses such as rabies, so you should see a doctor if these symptoms appear.

Rhinitis in cats

Rhinitis in cats
The pathological process develops against the background of hypothermia, allergies, parasites and various infections. At the same time, the cat has difficulty breathing and constantly opens his mouth.

Additional symptoms:

  • inflamed lymph nodes under the jaw;
  • sniffling;
  • snore;
  • dyspnea;
  • snort;
  • decreased activity;
  • lack of appetite.

It is impossible to try to treat rhinitis without knowing the cause of its occurrence. This threatens to significantly complicate the situation and deteriorate the pet’s well-being. To prescribe therapy, consultation with a veterinarian is necessary.

Be sure to read:

A cat sniffles through its nose: reasons, what to do when it is normal, sniffling is a sign of disease

Sinusitis in cats

Development is caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Sinusitis appears against the background of sinusitis. Mucus accumulates in the maxillary sinuses, and when infection occurs, suppuration occurs.

First signs:

  • rubbing the nose with a paw;
  • purulent mucus from the nose with an unpleasant odor;
  • food preferences change (the cat prefers liquid and warm food);
  • mouth breathing;
  • the temperature rises by 1-3 degrees.

If sinusitis is suspected, the animal must be taken to a veterinarian and a series of tests must be carried out to confirm the disease.

Treatment is carried out with antibiotics, and in advanced cases, trepanation is used with washing the sinuses with disinfectant solutions.


Sneezing and watery eyes may be an allergic reaction . Allergy triggers are often pollen, industrial feed, animal care products, dust, etc.

Sneezing and watery eyes may be an allergic reaction

It is important that the owner can track why the cat developed unpleasant symptoms. This will prevent contact with the allergen.

In the advanced form, additional symptoms appear in the form of:

  • vomiting;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • skin itching;
  • scratching the nose with a paw.

For treatment, antihistamines are used, which are administered orally or intramuscularly.

Polyp formation

Polyps in a cat can be either congenital or acquired due to an untreated allergy or infection. Symptoms may not appear immediately, but as the tumor grows, the pet begins to experience discomfort.

Additional signs:

  • snore;
  • mouth breathing;
  • weight loss;
  • head shaking;
  • discharge from the ear;
  • lack of coordination;
  • depressed state.

Polyps are removed surgically. Then a course of antibiotics and corticosteroids is prescribed to prevent the inflammatory process.


The suspected cause of asthma is allergies. The disease can be recognized by a paroxysmal dry cough and shortness of breath.

The appearance of unpleasant symptoms can also be caused by other pathologies. But only an experienced specialist can make an accurate diagnosis.

Priority treatment drugs are hormonal agents in the form of tablets, injections, and sprays. Additionally, bronchodilators are prescribed, used during attacks to expand the patency of the bronchi.

Other possible causes of runny nose and sneezing

The appearance of unpleasant symptoms can also be caused by other pathologies. But only an experienced specialist can make an accurate diagnosis.

Other provoking factors:

  • foreign object;
  • chlamydia;
  • viral leukemia;
  • immunodeficiency virus
  • dental diseases.

What to do if your cat is sneezing and has a runny nose?

If your pet sneezes frequently and this process is accompanied by tearing, then we are talking about an eye infection. If the animal also coughs, this is a sign of inflammation in the body.

In this case, other problems besides tears may arise: snot, drooling, general malaise.

As a result of such manifestations, the pet will become lethargic and sometimes even aggressive.

What to do in this case:

  • Rinse your eyes and, if possible, nose with a weak solution of chamomile.
  • Often the nose can become blocked as a result of foreign objects getting into it. They should be removed immediately.
  • If a runny nose is accompanied by wheezing and copious mucus secretion, it may be an allergy that can be treated with antihistamines.
  • Oncological diseases or mechanical damage to the nasal passages are accompanied by the release of blood during sneezing.

Only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis. Self-medication can lead to aggravation of the situation.

Eye watering while eating

Eye watering while eating

3fon » Mar 21, 2013, 07:50 pm

Please tell me what can be done!

A 9-year-old cat, a couple of weeks ago, the food and its quantity were changed as necessary. We switched to wet RK 3-4 packets per day. Previously, we ate German wet food, about 2 bags per day. About a week ago I started noticing watery eyes right above the bowl. Mostly from the right eye, less often from both. This only happens if at least 40 grams are eaten at a time. If less, then there are no tears. Today I fed him the same food, tears also flowed :-( The cat is not particularly bothered by this, he knows that his eyes will get wet, but if they don’t get wet, he wipes them with his paw.

What does it look like? Thank you!

Re: Eye watering while eating

Ophthalmologist O.Yu. Fedotova » March 26, 2013, 17:09

I would like to know what breed your cat is, what daily amount of RK food he eats and for what reason did you change the food? Did you start giving more food after changing the brand of food? Were there any injuries to the nose or head? It is advisable to show the cat to a doctor to check the patency of the nasolacrimal duct, get tested for infections and measure intraocular pressure. There can be many reasons for lacrimation and most likely they have little to do with food.

We recommend reading: Cat Yells at Night What to Do

Best regards, O.Yu. Fedotova

Re: Eye watering while eating

3fon » Mar 27, 2013, 01:51 pm

Thanks for the answer! I want to share some good news :-) Over the past week, the problem with tearing has almost gone away. Occasionally a stingy tear appears, and does not drip as before. And our Siberian cat did not leave the house, there were no injuries, the fundus was examined in winter. The food was changed to RK, because the previous one began to eat very poorly, about 200g. RK eats the norm, 340g. He probably likes it, because... eats it greedily.

Maybe the kitten’s body has already gotten used to so much food in one go, and has stopped reacting with tears? I was worried that it might be something allergic. But now I see that he probably ate “to his nose,” which is why there were tears. Thank you!

Re: Eye watering while eating

by clair54 » Mar 30, 2013 1:21 pm

Who's at the conference now?

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Please tell me what can be done!

Rules for caring for cats: British, Scottish and Persian

Each breed requires specific care, especially when it comes to purebred pets.

The most common are the British, Persians and some breeds of Scottish Fold:

  1. The British breed does not need to be looked after too actively. You only need to brush the coat once a week and bathe it about once a month.
  2. The Persian cat requires more specific care. This is especially true for nutrition, as it directly affects the quality of wool.

What matters is what she eats. If the diet contains the wrong foods, diarrhea may occur.

  • The Scots, like the British, do not require special care from birth, other than the usual procedures that need to be carried out with pets.
  • British and Scots can be straight-eared or fold-eared - this does not make much difference in grooming. In addition, a one-month-old kitten should be checked after eating to avoid tummy problems.

    If the animal itches, then you should use special flea collars and buy a cat.

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