Globfel-4: prevention of dangerous pet diseases

Indications for use of serum

Globfel 4 for cats is a globulin that provides rapid immune protection. Sometimes this drug is mistakenly called Globorel for cats.

Globfel prevents the occurrence of 4 dangerous diseases.

Panleukopenia (distemper)

One of the most dangerous viral infections in cats. The causative agent is the Feline Panleukopenia virus from the genus Parvovirus. Deadly for small kittens, elderly and weakened cats. About 80% of those infected die.

Globfel 4 - globulin against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and chlamydia in cats

Panleukopenia affects the gastrointestinal tract, bone marrow, respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Symptoms: vomiting and diarrhea with blood and mucus, high temperature, fever, weakness, lethargy, lack of coordination, bluish discoloration of mucous membranes, tachycardia, frequent shallow breathing, convulsions.

A cat can become infected through contact with sick relatives, with carriers of the infection, through objects touched by a sick cat, or even through the bite of a flea that drank the blood of an infected animal.


A viral infection that affects the respiratory and nervous systems of a cat. The causative agent is the Feline Calicivirus virus. Main symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, fever, runny nose, discharge from the eyes, mouth ulcers, diarrhea, apathy.

Important! In severe cases, pneumonia occurs, followed by pulmonary edema and death.


A viral infection that affects the vision and respiratory system. The causative agent is the Feline Alphaherpesvirus virus from the genus of herpes viruses.

Symptoms: purulent discharge from the eyes, high fever, runny nose, vomiting, swelling of the pharynx and larynx, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. Rhinotracheitis often leads to blindness: pus affects the eyeball, then one or both eyes have to be completely removed surgically. Other dangerous complications are bronchitis and pneumonia.


A bacterial infection that causes a cat to cough, runny nose, refuse to eat, purulent conjunctivitis, and pulmonary edema. The causative agent of the disease is bacteria of the genus Chlamydia.

Globfel 4 helps the body develop passive immunity against these 4 diseases. Immunity lasts for 2 weeks. Then the cats need to be vaccinated, which will create active immunity.

Globfel 4 protects cats from panleukopenia, calicivirus, rhinotracheitis and chlamydia

How it works

Immunizing serum contains antigens against viruses produced by other organisms. The cat receives someone else's ready-made immunity. This gives her temporary protection. In turn, the vaccine makes the immune system work, so the cat’s body itself produces antibodies against viruses. In addition, only healthy animals need to be vaccinated, and the serum can be administered to sick and weakened animals. This is how Globfel serum differs from the vaccine.

Globfel 4 is used for the prevention and treatment of these diseases. This drug gives maximum effect in the incubation and prodromal periods of the disease: when infection occurs or the first symptoms of illness appear. Globfel 4 cannot be used in the terminal stages of diseases.

This drug can be administered to cats that have been in contact with sick relatives. If a person picks up a cat on the street that is visually healthy, then first it is tested for viruses and immediately injected with Globfel 4 serum to create temporary immunity during the quarantine period.

When Globfel is used in the initial stages of diseases, their symptoms do not worsen and the animal’s condition does not worsen.

It is not at all difficult to administer globulin for cats to your pets: the instructions will tell you what dose and how to inject.

Additional Information! Globfel 4 is useful not only for domestic cats, but also for all other representatives of the cat family.

Globfel 4 saved many lives

Composition and biological properties

Globfel basis,

used for cats to protect against dangerous infectious diseases, are gamma and beta globulin fractions of blood serum, which are taken from horses and goats after they have been specifically infected with viral infections. When the drug is administered to an animal, ready-made antibodies enter its body. As a result, passive immunity against these diseases is formed. It retains its effect for 2 weeks. To ensure further protection of a cat from infectious pathologies that are transmitted not only from pet to pet, but also through household items and people's shoes, vaccination is necessary.

The serum has healing properties. Its use is considered most effective during the incubation period and at the initial stage of the disease, but in case of severe pathology it can aggravate the situation. In any case, Globfel should not be used without consulting a doctor.

Composition of the drug and its properties

Drontal for cats: instructions for use

Globulin for cats is a clear liquid for injection with a small sediment at the bottom. Most often, sediment forms during long-term storage. To eliminate it, you need to shake the bottle a little. The liquid is odorless and may be yellowish or colorless.

The drug Globfel 4 is produced in the form of 1 ml bottles for 1 dose. The bottles are hermetically sealed and sealed. They are packaged in blisters or packages and contain instructions for use. The shelf life of the medicine is 2 years.

Globfel 4 for cats is made from blood serum of oxen, goats or horses. The main active ingredients are beta and gamma globulin fractions produced from animal blood serum. To these substances are added antigens of viruses that cause fatal diseases in cats: panleukopenia, calcivirosis and rhinotracheitis, as well as chlamydia antigens.

Globfel 4 is available in the form of injection ampoules

What is Globfel-4

Globfel-4 (Globfel-4) is a drug intended for the prevention and treatment of rhinotracheitis, calcivirosis, chlamydia and plague (panleukopenia). The manufacturer of the serum is Russian.

International nonproprietary name of the drug: globulin against panleukopenia, infectious rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and chlamydia in cats

In what form is the drug available?

Globfel-4 is available in the form of an injection solution. Externally, it is a transparent or opalescent (with a pearlescent tint when exposed to light) liquid; it can be colorless or yellowish. A precipitate may appear in the solution, but upon shaking it disappears (usually this phenomenon occurs during long-term storage).

The serum is poured into glass bottles, closed with a rubber stopper and rolled with a metal ring with the ability to bend. Each vial contains a commercial dose of 1 ml. The bottles are packed in boxes made of transparent polyethylene or cardboard, 10 pieces each. Each package contains instructions for use.

In a pharmacy near my house, a bottle of Globefel-4 costs 380 rubles, but if you order through online stores, you can find it for 340 rubles. At the pharmacy they told me that only veterinarians buy packages, since the drug is not cheap, and besides, it can spoil.

Before purchasing serum, pay attention to the production date and expiration date.

Composition of the drug Globfel-4

The serum contains horse blood globulins, which are active against the viruses of panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calcivirus infection and chlamydia.

Some people confuse the concepts of “vaccine” and “serum”, although there is a serious difference between them. Thus, a vaccine consists of strains of viruses and infectious agents that, after entering an animal’s body, cause a mild form of the disease, resulting in immunity against these same strains. And the serum does not contain strains; these are ready-made antibodies, which can have a weaker and milder effect on the immune system, but the animal is not exposed to the disease itself during use.

How to properly store whey

The instructions indicate that Globfel-4 should be stored and transported under the following conditions:

  • in a dry, dark place;
  • at temperatures from 2 °C to 8 °C;
  • in places inaccessible to children;
  • during two years.

It is convenient to store the serum in the refrigerator in a medicine cabinet with other medications. It is more difficult to transport it. A cooler bag is ideal for this, but it’s inconvenient to take it for one bottle. I usually carry these medications in my purse. I put a small bottle with ice at the bottom (I freeze it in advance). To prevent the medicine from freezing, I place a napkin or towel on the bottle. This method is especially convenient in summer.

If the drug has changed color, the sediment does not dissolve, mold or other signs of unsuitability have appeared, the bottle must be discarded.

If you store Globfel-4 in the refrigerator, then you need to allocate a separate place for this so that the drug does not come into contact with food

Selection of dosage and treatment regimen

Kanikvantel for cats: instructions for use

10–15 minutes before using Globfel, 4 cats must be given an antihistamine. This is necessary in order to prevent allergic reactions.

Globfel 4 injections are administered subcutaneously. For cats weighing up to 10 kg, a dose of 1 ml is prescribed. The dose for cats weighing more than 10 kg is 2 ml. The injection is given at the withers, and in exceptional cases, at the crease of the knee.

To prevent disease, the serum is administered once. To treat diseases in the initial stages, cats are given 2–4 injections at intervals of 12–24 hours. The number of injections and intervals depend on the severity of the cat's condition. Violation of the treatment regimen can negatively affect the pet’s well-being. The sooner the serum is administered to the cat, the faster it will recover. Globfel 4 is suitable for complex therapy together with antibiotics, probiotics, vitamins and other medications.

The injection is made into the withers subcutaneously

Instructions for use

Vitafel S can be used with equal success for any representatives of the cat family - including, of course, pets. Serum injections are made only subcutaneously, preferably in the withers area.

The use of a veterinary drug does not require any special safety measures. But this does not cancel the usual rules of personal hygiene in such cases:

  • wash your hands before and after working with Vitafel S;
  • do not smoke, eat or drink during the procedure;
  • If the serum gets on the skin or mucous membranes, rinse it thoroughly with running water.

Wash your hands thoroughly when handling serum

Selection of dosage

In the vast majority of cases, the Vitafel S dosage is calculated according to a very simple principle: one ampoule - one injection. But this only applies to those animals whose weight is less than ten kilograms. For especially large cats weighing more than ten kilograms, this dose may not be enough, so it is recommended to double it - administer one ampoule twice at daily intervals.

Vitafel S is used for therapeutic purposes in the same dosages as preventively.

Treatment regimens

If your goal is to prevent viral infection of your pet, then usually one injection of Vitafel S is enough. When the animal is already sick, the doctor prescribes treatment with a course of three or four injections, the interval between which should be from twelve hours to one day. A veterinarian will recommend a more precise regimen for your specific situation, and he will also determine other drugs for the complex treatment of an infectious disease.

Subcutaneous injections are given in the withers or femoral fold

The sooner you start treatment, the more convincing the result will be. The best effect from using Vitafel S is achieved when using the serum in the initial stages of the disease.

Upon completion of the course of injections, passive immunity resulting from the use of the serum is established in the cat’s body for two weeks. Taking this into account, it is necessary to vaccinate the animal 14 days after the therapy so that active immunity is formed to replace the passive one, which will henceforth provide natural protection against infection.

Features of use in pregnant cats and kittens

One of the undoubted advantages of Vitafel S is the versatility of its use. There are no age or breed restrictions for the serum; it can be used both during pregnancy and lactation of cats, and for very young kittens. This is especially important in cases where newborn babies are born in unfavorable conditions, where there is a high risk of infection with pathogenic viruses.

Vitafel S will help support the immunity of kittens and their mothers

Interaction with other drugs

Vitafel S does not lose its properties when used in various complex drug treatment regimens prescribed by a veterinarian. The serum can be administered to cats while using other drugs:

  • antibiotics;
  • symptomatic remedies;
  • vitamins;
  • probiotics

Contraindications and side effects

The only, but quite serious, contraindication for Vitafel S may be an individual allergic reaction to this drug. Due to serum intolerance, dangerous consequences for the animal can occur, including the development of anaphylaxis, which can even lead to death. This hypersensitivity cannot be treated and does not go away on its own. Therefore, if allergy symptoms appear when using Vitafel S, you should not use the serum next time.

To relieve mild allergic manifestations, antihistamines are sufficient; for more serious symptoms, urgent delivery to a veterinary clinic is necessary. In general, the first injection of Vitafel S is best done under medical supervision in order to carefully monitor the animal’s reactions to the administration of the serum.

Use Vitafel S under medical supervision

In addition, you can carry out a simple test first: lightly scratch your pet’s skin on the inside of the thigh and rub a small dose of serum there. If after half an hour or an hour the scratch does not become inflamed, you can use the drug without fear. There is another option on how to reduce the risks of allergies - in parallel with the Vitafel S injection, an antihistamine is given, for example, Suprastin (half a tablet per five kilograms of animal weight).

Fractional administration of Vitafel S is also allowed, which is also a kind of testing of the drug. To begin with, the cat is injected with 0.25 ml of the drug and then its well-being is monitored for at least half an hour - if it remains normal, then the remaining dose is administered.

Among cats, many animals are very sensitive and react sharply to pain. For such individuals, minor pain during the administration of the serum may constitute a psychological problem. Sometimes doctors recommend giving the cat sedatives or even painkillers before the procedure, but practice shows that it is quite possible to do without them. If the cat trusts its owner, and he acts confidently but carefully, then the animal will not experience any pain or stress from the injection.

Video: how to properly give a cat a subcutaneous injection

Contraindications and side effects

With strict adherence to the treatment regimen and hygiene rules, no side effects are observed in cats. But sometimes after using Globfel the temperature rises slightly. The only danger is an allergy to the drug, but its occurrence can be prevented with the help of antihistamines.

Polivak-TM for cats: instructions for use

There are practically no contraindications to the use of Globfel 4 serum. It should not be injected into cats that have previously been allergic to this medicine. For such animals, Globfel must be replaced with another globulin with a similar effect.

The drug Globfel 4 cannot be injected into animals that suffer from other diseases (for example, leukemia, immunodeficiency, mycoplasmosis, hemobartenellosis, etc.). This serum will not help weakened cats suffering from exhaustion, dehydration, helminthic infestations, consequences of injuries and other diseases. Globulin is intended for the prevention of only 4 diseases: panleukopenia, calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis and chlamydia. It will not help at the terminal stage of the disease.

Important! An injection of an antihistamine must be given before administering Globfel 4. An allergy to the serum can lead to a serious deterioration in the cat’s condition, anaphylactic shock and even death.

Globfel 4 is intended for the prevention of dangerous diseases and their treatment in the initial stages

Limitations in use

Globfel-4 cannot be administered to weak and sick cats if the symptoms are caused by other pathologies (this is the only contraindication). The instructions indicate that the serum does not cause side effects, but cat owners say the opposite.

Possible side effects

Side effects include a possible slight increase in temperature and allergies. Additionally, the injection itself can be very painful. Therefore, before administering the drug, it is recommended to use an antihistamine (Tavegil, Suprastin, etc.). This will help avoid unwanted events.

My friends had a case where a adopted kitten was immediately taken to a veterinary clinic. Initially, the new owners wanted to make sure that the baby was healthy and did not pose a danger to other pets. The veterinarian will immediately recommend injecting Globfel-4 (for prevention). The dose was the usual - 1 ml (the veterinarian said that a single dose cannot be divided into several parts). The kitten was not given any other medications. A few hours later the cat vomited and lay down on his side. Friends called the clinic, but they said that this was a normal reaction to globulin. By the morning the baby had died, and the owners still do not know the cause of death (allergy to the drug, acclimatization, poisoning or something else). Now, when using any serums, they also insist on antihistamines.

Special instructions and precautions

The most important precaution is to pre-administer antihistamines that can prevent allergic reactions.

The veterinarian or pet owner injecting a cat with Globfel must wear rubber gloves and sterile protective clothing (a special gown). If the serum gets on your skin, wash it off immediately with plenty of clean water.

If a cat licks or swallows Globfel 4, you should immediately take it to the veterinarian and begin special treatment.

If sediment occurs, you need to shake the ampoule

Precautionary measures

It is forbidden to use Globfel-4 after the expiration date, if the packaging is damaged, the color of the substance has changed, or a large amount of sediment has formed. The product must not be frozen. When working with the drug, you should strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions: use only disposable syringes and gloves, do not allow the substance to come into contact with the skin, wear special clothing.

Limitations in use

The drug should not be mixed in a syringe with other medications. Before use, you should consult a veterinarian. If a specialist has questions about the cat’s condition, he may order additional tests before Globfel-4 vaccination.

Possible side effects

If the recommendations, doses and instructions were followed, no dangerous side effects were found. To exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction, antihistamines are administered. The most common options are Fexofenadine, Cetirizine, Hydroxyzine.

When treating diseases, antibiotics, probiotics and vitamins are prescribed together with Globfel-4. Under no circumstances should you mix medications into one injection.

Storage conditions

Globfel 4 must be stored in a dry, dark place at a positive temperature of 2–8 °C. The storage location must be inaccessible to children and pets. After the expiration of the shelf life (2 years), the drug cannot be used.

If the drug turns out to be defective, the ampoule must first be boiled for 15 minutes and then thrown into the trash. This is done in several cases:

  • A foreign substance was found in the medicine.
  • The bottle or substance is moldy.
  • The sediment does not break up when shaken.
  • The color of the medicine has changed.
  • The drug's shelf life has expired.
  • There are no labels on the bottle.
  • The vial has been frozen (below +2°C) or overheated (above +8°C).
  • The seal of the bottle was broken.
  • The drug was opened but not used.

Whey should be stored separately from food and feed. The best place to store Globfel 4 would be a closed shelf in a closet or a general first aid kit with other medications. Whey cannot be frozen, so it has no place in the refrigerator.

Before administering Globfel, the cat is injected with an antihistamine.

Description of the drug Vitafel S

Most cats have strong natural immunity, but, unfortunately, it is not always able to protect the animal from many viral infections that can become deadly. Such diseases are easier to prevent than to cure, and Vitafel S veterinary serum is used successfully both for specific prevention and in complex drug treatment of cats for viral diseases. This is not a vaccine, but a serum - an opportunity for an animal to obtain temporary immunity.

Vitafel S injection will help protect your pet from infection

The developer of this effective Russian drug is the Moscow enterprise Levita PLUS LLC, its production and wholesale distribution is carried out by BiAgro Trading House LLC.

Composition and release form

The basis for the manufacture of the drug is natural immunoglobulins, obtained according to a special scheme from the blood of donor cats. To do this, a group of specially selected healthy animals are pre-infected with weakened strains of viruses that cause diseases. After a certain time, under constant medical supervision, the immune system of cats begins to cope with aggressor viruses and for this purpose produces antibodies to them.

At this stage, blood is taken from cats to make a medicine based on it. Vitafel is produced in the same way for horses, small and large livestock, and other farm animals. Each of these drugs can only be used targeted, that is, serum for cats cannot be replaced with any other type of Vitafel.

Vitafel S is made from the blood of donor cats

That is, Vitafel S is essentially homologous, specially processed and purified cat blood serum, which has undergone hyperimmunization with antigens of dangerous viruses. In terms of composition, this is an absolutely natural drug; preservatives and other synthetic components hazardous to health are not used in its production.

Vitafel S is packaged in standard glass ampoules with a volume of 1 milliliter. The serum is a clear liquid, colorless or slightly reddish. During storage, a small sediment may form on the bottom of the ampoule, but with vigorous shaking, the uniformity of the liquid is restored. Ampoules are sold both individually and in plastic packages of ten pieces.

In addition to Vitafel C serum, the manufacturer offers under the same name a drug with a similar effect - Vitafel globulin, which is distinguished by the presence of other proteins and globulins in its composition; According to some reviews, it acts more gently and is easier to tolerate by the cat’s body. These medications are equivalent in effectiveness, and only a veterinarian is competent to choose between them in each specific case.

Storage conditions

Vitafel C serum ampoules can be stored for no longer than two years in a dry, dark place, out of reach of animals and small children. The temperature range must be no less than 2 °C and no more than 18 °C. The contents of the ampoule must be used on the day it is opened. Expired serum cannot be used, nor can its remains be stored in an opened ampoule.

When purchasing, pay attention to the labeling of the ampoules and the date of manufacture of the drug.

Failure to comply with storage rules usually disrupts the homogeneity of the serum: turbidity, flakes, mold, etc. appear. Such phenomena should be a reason for immediate disposal of the ampoule with a questionable drug.

Indications for use

The scope of action of the drug Vitafel S is the prevention and treatment of severe infections leading to dangerous consequences; these include the following diseases:

  • panleukopenia (feline distemper);
  • chlamydia;
  • infectious rhinotracheitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • calcivirus

The clinically proven clear focus of the drug on combating viral infections does not mean that the drug can be used to treat your pet at your own discretion. Vitafel C is prescribed to cats only by a veterinarian after examination and an accurate diagnosis.

Large crowds of animals increase the risk of infection

The two-week passive immunity that is established after the administration of Vitafel S allows the effective use of this serum for unvaccinated animals at risk:

  • those in situations where there is likely contact with sick or infected animals;
  • those preparing for sale and moving to a new place of residence (both kittens and adults);
  • participating in mass public events, for example, exhibitions or breeding inspections;
  • on the eve of mating - to both producers and sometimes during lactation - to a nursing cat, in order to increase colostral immunity in kittens.

Prophylactic use of Vitafel S for the same two weeks protects animals from possible infection in various conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Globfel 4 has a number of advantages over other drugs. An unvaccinated and untested animal from the street cannot be vaccinated, but it can be treated with a serum that will give it immunity. Also, cats should not be vaccinated immediately after contact with infected relatives. They can be given Globfel 4 serum instead.

Advantages of Globfel 4:

  • provides reliable protection against diseases;
  • effective in treatment;
  • valid for 2 weeks;
  • provides immunity to cats that, for various reasons, cannot be vaccinated temporarily;
  • For prevention, 1 injection is enough.


  • prevents only 4 diseases;
  • allergies may occur.

Globfel 4 provides passive immunity for 2 weeks

To whom is it assigned?

The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of a dangerous disease in pets – chlamydia.
In the course of numerous studies regarding the pharmaceutical drug "Globfel-4", it was found that its therapeutic activity extends to the following infectious diseases:

  • Chlamydia. It is a bacterial infection that, after entering the cat’s body, provokes a rise in body temperature, coughing, discharge from the nasal cavity and organ of vision, and also causes the pet to refuse to eat.
  • Rhinotracheitis. An illness caused by the herpes virus and causing difficulty breathing, rhinitis, impaired bowel movements, swelling of the pharynx and high body temperature.
  • Calcivirosis. An infectious lesion of the cat's respiratory system, which is characterized by a febrile state of the animal, shortness of breath, apathy, diarrhea, ulcerations on the tongue and nose.
  • Panleukopenia. Infection of an animal with the FPV paravirus, resulting in the pet vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy and experiencing poor coordination.

Table: analogues of veterinary drugs

Faced with an allergy to this serum, owners are looking for something to replace Globfel 4 for cats. Among the globulins that can protect the immune system of cats, there are no less effective analogues - Vitafel and Immunovet.

Comparative characteristics of immunizing globulins for cats:

NamePropertiesRelease formAdvantagesFlaws
Vitafel globulin, Vitafel-SComplete analogue of Globfel. Serum from the blood of donor cats. Maintains immunity for 2 weeks. Solution for injection in ampoules (1 ml)Protects against panleukopenia, calcivirus, rhinotracheitis, chlamydia. Used for prevention and treatment Possible allergies
Immunovet 1-INProtects against panleukopenia. Maintains immunity for 15 days. Solution for injection in ampoules (2 ml) or vials (2 ml, 6 ml, 10 ml)Useful for prevention and treatment in the initial stagesProtects against only 1 virus. Give 2 injections: first inject 0.5 ml, and after half an hour the remaining dose

Vitafel is a complete analogue of Globfel

The immunizing serum has saved many cats' lives. It will help in cases where the cat urgently needs strong immunity. Globulin will give her reliable temporary protection.

Analogues of Globfel-4

Analogs of globulin Globfel-4 include:

  • Nobivak (Ducat, Tricat trio, etc.);
  • Vitafel (Vitafel, Vitafel C and Vitafel Glob);
  • Purevax (RCP and RCPCh).

Table: characteristics of whey analogues

NameActive substanceRelease formCan it be used by pregnant and lactating females?Use for kittensPrecautionary measuresContraindicationsPrice
Nobivac Ducat
  • feline rhinotracheitis virus (strain G 2620A);
  • PFU of feline calicivirus (strain F9).
Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injectionNoFrom 6 monthsPersons participating in vaccination must be protected by personal protective equipmentDoesn't haveFrom 400 rubles per 1 dose
VitafelGamma- and beta-globulin fractions of blood serum of hyperimmunized catsSolution for subcutaneous injections and instillation into the eyes or noseCanFrom 3 monthsUse in combination with antihistaminesAllergies with previous administrationFrom 190 rubles per 1 dose
Purevax RCPCh
  • rhinotracheitis virus (strain FHV F2);
  • calcivirus (strains FCV 431 and G1);
  • panleukopenia virus (PLI IV);
  • chlamydia (strain 905).
Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injectionNoFrom 2 monthsWhen vaccinating, it is necessary to follow the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.
  • weakness;
  • diseases with obvious clinical signs.
From 500 rubles per 1 dose

Photo gallery: serum analogues Globfel-4

Vitafel is produced by Russian

Nobivak is more expensive than most analogues, but veterinarians use it most often

Purevax is produced by the French company Merial, so the price for this vaccine is the highest


You understand that practically no medicine is without side effects and contraindications. In this case, there is no need to be afraid of severe intoxication if the dose is chosen incorrectly.

  • Milbemax for cats: instructions for use and reviews of the product (video + 75 photos)
  • Cestal for cats - instructions for use and reviews from veterinarians on dosage selection (130 photos)
  • Leopard drops for cats: instructions for use, composition and recommendations from experts (115 photos)

Moreover, even the condition and course of the disease should not worsen. True, in the first hours after the injection, a rise in body temperature is possible, but there is nothing to worry about - any inflammatory process, which includes the fight against the virus, cannot be done without it.

In some cases, chronic intolerance to the drug may occur, but this is very rare.

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