Two cats in the house: is it worth getting, pros and cons

Any fan of these stunning and almost extraterrestrial creatures (it was not for nothing that the ancient Egyptians considered them to be deities, and mourning for them lasted 70 days) knows that cats can be wonderful pets.
And if you have never had such a pet in your home, then this information is definitely for you. Remember that an affectionate and loving cat (or cat) can change your life for the better in many ways. So, what super benefits will felines bring you?


Improved mental health

Cats are wonderful companions for people who live alone. They are able to dispel sadness and sadness with their affection and gentle purring.

Agree, when someone rubs their head against your arm or leg in a friendly and devoted manner, your mood instantly improves.

Take a cat into your home if you want to smile more often - it will definitely bring light and joy into your life.

Two cats in one house: pros and cons

If you are still at the decision-making stage, then first weigh the pros and cons. Let's start with the positive aspects:

  • Two cats mean a “double portion” of purring, affection and rumbling, especially if the pets are affectionate and sociable.
  • If the pets get along, it will be interesting and fun for them together, which will partially free the owners from the need to devote attention and free time to their pets. They will be fine without you.
  • Watching two cats communicate is interesting, exciting and funny: they will communicate in their own special language, play, organize competitions, warm up to each other and even sometimes help and support in difficult situations.


  • Additional expenses. You will most likely have to purchase two litter boxes, two food bowls, twice as much food, toys for each pet, and much more. If your financial situation leaves much to be desired, then you should think about it.
  • Twice as much wool and spoiled things. Wool in the house, provided there are cats in it, is inevitable, unless, of course, you decide to have two sphinxes. You can deal with shedding by regularly using special brushes, but this will not help solve the problem completely.
  • If cats don't get along, they will fight, and some breeds are aggressive and can cause serious injury to their opponents.

More active child development

Research has shown that children with autism interact with their pets easily and naturally, which can make it easier for them to interact with people later on.

Children also often admit that they talk to their furry friend when something bothers them. A cat is an excellent therapist for an anxious or frightened child.


If the animals have not seen each other before, then they should be introduced gradually, especially if the territory has already been captured by one cat and belongs to him (at least, he definitely thinks so). At first it is better to leave a distance between the animals. But if you see that they are interested in each other, let them get closer. It is better for a newcomer to allocate a separate room so that the old-timer does not think that his property is being encroached upon. If aggression comes from one, protect him from contact with the other until both get used to the changes.

Tip: if initially the pets were separated by a solid door, then later you can replace it with a mesh or partition so that the animals can establish eye contact and get used to each other’s smells.

Cats have highly developed intuition.

If you have a cat, it means you have a friend who supports you when you are not feeling well.

Many cats have a special feeling that warns them that something is wrong with their owner (with whom they develop a strong relationship). The cat will sit or lie next to you to calm you down and even heal you.

Human attitude and existing stereotypes

Often the choice of a pet by gender depends on the personal preferences of the future owner. It has been noticed that independent people who have achieved a lot with their work have pets to match themselves.

Usually the boy is chosen by the person who does not want to be tied to a mustachioed friend. The male does not require increased attention, which means he will not claim the owner’s free time.

Owners of girls, on the contrary, want to give their love and affection, receiving positive emotions in return. Such people prefer to spend a lot of time at home. They create comfort and are ready to make concessions so that everything around them and in the family is calm and good. It’s not for nothing that they say that a pet is similar to its owner not only in appearance, but also in character.

Of course, there are many exceptions to the general rules - there are wayward and independent females who do not like affection, and there are also super-affectionate males who do not want to leave the hands of the owner under any pretext. In addition, a lot depends on upbringing - in one family animals of both sexes are calm and tame, while in others they are too independent.

Therefore, it is difficult to say something unambiguously about who is better: a cat or a female cat. It is important to note that both representatives have both positive and negative sides. The task of the future owner is, based on known data, to make the right choice so that the fluffy is loved and kept in comfortable conditions for him.

Cats are independent

If you have a cat, you can safely go on vacation or a business trip without worrying about her having an anxiety attack or panic attack. Although, I must admit, some cat breeds experience depression when the owner leaves.

You can have peace of mind by asking a friend to feed your pet while you're away, as cats are quite loyal or indifferent to most people.

They are absolutely independent and self-sufficient - and, basically, they just need someone to give them food while their owner is away.

Disadvantages of keeping a cat in an apartment and how to get around them

When it comes to keeping their cat, most owners come to the conclusion that it is most profitable, both from the point of view of the owners and from the point of view of benefits for the pet itself, to keep it in a limited space without walking it outside.

If walking is allowed, then only on a leash or harness and under the control of the owner. This method of keeping minimizes or even eliminates the threats that can lurk for a cat on the street and provides it with much greater safety.

Pick up your cat, talk to it, or just watch it.

“Apartment” cats get sick much less, are almost not susceptible to injury, almost never become victims of accidents and live almost twice as long as their “walking” counterparts.

But at the same time, with all the advantages of closed housing, it often comes into conflict with the individual needs of the pet. Below you can find some problems that a pet owner may encounter.

Obesity in a cat

Since the cat does not go anywhere, she does not need to walk around the territory every day, checking its integrity, she does not climb trees and does not hunt anyone, in a word, her motor activity is noticeably less than that of cats that go outside the house.

There is no specific criterion for determining the ideal weight of cats of all breeds.

In addition, due to a passive lifestyle, she has weaker muscles. All this can also lead to problems with excess weight. However, the matter is not limited to fat deposits alone, since they very often lead to various serious diseases, such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Fear of changes in external conditions and lifestyle

Very often, indoor cats become overly sensitive to any changes in their lives that they encounter. No matter what new happens on the territory, they are very often unable to get used to the new object, regardless of whether it is smells, objects or people. Because of this, trying to get another pet may face a number of problems.

The graceful plasticity of a cat does not contain pretentious poses or incorrect movements.

Moreover, sometimes even a guest who enters the house becomes an object of rage or fear of the animal. If the apartment is large enough, the cat can hide, but if there is nowhere to escape, the owner may have to listen to the cat's screams for a long time.

Too much dependence on the owner

When a cat lives alone in a confined space and sees almost no one except her owner, she gets used to the fact that he is the only one she can count on, since only he provides her with food, care, games, communication and entertainment.

eared friends surprise every day and cause affection.

Damage to home or furniture

Diligent sharpening of claws often leads to damage to carpets and furniture. In addition, this is not all, because cats, wanting to throw out the energy that has accumulated while locked up, sometimes begin to drop everything they can on the floor, rushing around the house like catechumens.

Not every city cat has encountered mice in her life and knows how to catch them.

Cleaning trays

This is not the most terrible, but routine duty that the owner will have to become familiar with if his pet does not leave the apartment.

Rules for keeping a cat in an apartment

Whether the owner likes it or not, once a cat appears in the house, he will have to develop a whole list of rules of behavior that apply not only to the pet, but also to himself. For example, windows and doors in the house should always be closed, or equipped with strong protective metal nets (mosquito nets are not suitable because they cannot hold back a truly active cat onslaught).

A cat in an apartment can also become a psychotherapist for your household.

If there are children in the house, you will have to explain these rules to them too. In addition, there are a lot of rules that will have to be followed regularly regardless of whether the cat goes outside or not: brushing, feeding by the hour, checking eyes, ears, brushing teeth, etc.

Dangers of “domestic” origin

The fact that a cat is domestic and does not explore the surrounding area does not mean that it has completely lost its spirit of exploration. In fact, if she is at least a little active (and a good owner should make sure that the animal maintains this quality), then she will definitely examine every corner, every crack that a walking cat might not pay attention to at all.

Before getting a pet, make sure you are ready for this.

In general, curiosity combined with boredom is a rather dangerous mixture. Unstable shelving, exposed wires, various holes, cleaning and medicine products, toilets and washing machines are a very real threat to the life and health of a curious pet.

A healthy, affectionate cat will make your life warmer and kinder if you love the cat and do not disturb it.

In addition, cats very often strive to chew plant leaves and grass while walking along the street. And if they do not have the opportunity to walk, then it is quite possible that they will begin to absorb parts of domestic plants, among which poisonous plants of varying degrees of toxicity are very often found. Based on this, we can say that the greatest danger to a cat living in the house is the following:

  • hazardous cleaning products or medications;
  • poisonous houseplants;
  • places that pose a potential danger for adult cats and especially kittens.

Just say “thank you” to your cat.


Since cats living indoors have no experience of orientation and survival in conditions close to natural, when they find themselves outside, they may simply lose orientation in space. Such a cat can get lost for a long time or completely. In addition, finding herself on the street, in an unfamiliar environment, she may be (and most likely will be) subjected to severe stress.

The cat is beautiful and that's undeniable!

If the cat happens to encounter another animal or an aggressive person, the cat may hide in some corner from which it will not soon get out, or climb a tree from which it cannot get down. If this happens in cold weather, then this situation can lead to serious consequences for the cat’s health (injury, frostbite, etc.) and even death.

Demonstration of natural instincts

One of the main problems that owners of cats living in captivity face is that their pet does not have the opportunity to fulfill its natural needs. A cat, regardless of gender and age, is a born hunter and, once in a confined space, can simply fall into apathy or depression.

The cat in the house is a doctor.

To prevent your cat from wasting away, add variety to your pet’s life not only with treats, but also with various games and toys.

For example, both adult cats and kittens really like houses made from newspapers, paper bags, and cardboard boxes. Even if there are no playgrounds for cats in the house, using these tools you can convince your pet to have fun. Of course, if the owner takes care of the presence of a climbing frame, balls or a fishing rod, this will definitely benefit the cat.


When a cat lives in an enclosed space, it can become a victim of psychological problems that are associated with the fact that it does not have the opportunity to express its instinctual needs in a natural way.

Cats know how and teach us to live for today.

Why not adopt two cats at once?

If the owner immediately decided that he would keep his cat at home, it is better for him to take not one kitten, but two at once. Thanks to this, each of them will receive a playmate and more. The owner will get rid of a lot of problems, and at the same time from the feeling of guilt in front of his pets. He can calmly go to work without fear that his cats will be bored.

Measured purring warms the soul and soothes.

In addition, he will no longer have to adjust his schedule to the need to play with the cat, since one of the kittens can always “insure” him.

What to do?

Before purchasing a kitten, you need to make sure that strangers regularly enter the house, and the pet’s life will not be too monotonous. Kittens very quickly get used to any conditions, therefore, if their entire life is limited to the owner’s face and two rooms, it is advisable to take care in advance that new objects, animals and people regularly enter this world.

The result of introducing a cat and a dog into a home is almost impossible to predict.

Since young animals can cause damage to things and furniture, you should prepare for this in advance so that you don’t have to worry too much later. You should also remove in advance to a safe place all more or less valuable objects that your pet might push onto the floor.

The cat will purr quietly, expressing sympathy for you; next to her you will understand that you are not so lonely and not at all so weak.

Since cats need “claw” activity, which they carry out on the street, sharpening their weapons on trees, fences, etc., then in the house you need to immediately acquire at least one, or better yet several, scratching posts, so that you don’t have to later see how the cat makes a scratching post out of leather sofa

Lazy pets need to be forced to move more, or they will become obese and go to their feline forefathers prematurely.

Plant different varieties of cat grass in a shallow container. This will not only distract the animal from dangerous indoor plants (the most poisonous of which should be removed altogether), but will also improve the functioning of its digestion.

Living with cats in an apartment is much more interesting and fun.

Care should be taken to ensure that the pet is completely safe, since kittens driven by curiosity can penetrate even the smallest holes. You should also take care of good screens/grills for windows and convince your household to close their doors. If there is such an opportunity, you can set up a fenced enclosure on the street, in which the cat could enjoy relative freedom without encountering other animals.

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Cats do not require high maintenance costs

A cat is a pet that even people on a limited budget can afford. You will not have to spend a lot of money on her food, on a trainer and on a groomer, since these animals are excellent at taking care of themselves and are very independent in everyday life.

You'll also save money on toys, as cats keep themselves entertained and can play with bags and string for hours.


Are they fighting or grinding?

Don't confuse fighting with building a hierarchy. Accept that one of your cats will be alpha. The older member of the pack can growl at the younger one, hit him with his paw, demonstrate his superiority in every possible way, and this is not a conflict, but a form of communication.

Don't get involved in cat fights unless they are threatening. When a kitten appears in the house, the older cat accepts it almost immediately. You may not know this because the alpha will act very strict and distant. The kitten will pester the cat, bother her and eventually receive a well-deserved slap with her paw. In most cases, an older cat will not even use her claws because she needs a reason to use force.

If you see that there is going to be a fight, you can do the following:

  • Stomp or clap loudly - fear changes priorities.
  • Throwing a towel towards the cats is a sudden switch of attention.
  • Throw a blanket over both cats - when a cat suddenly finds itself in the dark, it instinctively presses itself to the floor.
  • Throwing water at cats is a distraction factor.

There is another method that owners do not use due to ignorance. Seeing that cats are going into conflict, freeze, stare at the aggressor and start hissing. Make sounds that are as close as possible to the hissing of your pets, usually a combination of “kh” and low “y” sounds, do not hesitate, growl and even scream like a cat.

What will you achieve? First, you will show who the main “cat” is in this house, and this is important. Secondly, even if the demonstration of your feline importance seems unconvincing to your pets, they will definitely be surprised by the screams. Take advantage of the surprise and stupor to isolate the new cat. This method should not be used on hybrid breeds, since the cat may become confused and attack you.

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